Theory Boolean_functions

theory Boolean_functions

section‹Boolean functions›

text‹Definition of monotonicity›

text‹We consider (monotone) Boolean
  functions over vectors of length $n$, so that we can later
  prove that those are isomorphic to
  simplicial complexes of dimension $n$ (in $n$ vertexes).›

locale boolean_functions
  = fixes n::"nat"

definition bool_fun_dim_n :: "(bool vec => bool) set"
  where "bool_fun_dim_n = {f. f  carrier_vec n  (UNIV::bool set)}"

definition monotone_bool_fun :: "(bool vec => bool) => bool"
  where "monotone_bool_fun  (mono_on (carrier_vec n))"

definition monotone_bool_fun_set :: "(bool vec => bool) set"
  where "monotone_bool_fun_set = (Collect monotone_bool_fun)"

text‹Some examples of Boolean functions›

definition bool_fun_top :: "bool vec => bool"
  where "bool_fun_top f = True"

definition bool_fun_bot :: "bool vec => bool"
  where "bool_fun_bot f = False"


section‹Threshold function›

definition count_true :: "bool vec => nat"
  where "count_true v = sum (λi. if vec_index v i then 1 else 0::nat) {0..<dim_vec v}"

lemma "vec_index (vec (5::nat) (λi. False)) 2 = False"
  by simp

lemma "vec_index (vec (5::nat) (λi. True)) 3 = True"
  by simp

lemma "count_true (vec (1::nat) (λi. True)) = 1"
  unfolding count_true_def by simp

lemma "count_true (vec (2::nat) (λi. True)) = 2"
  unfolding count_true_def by simp

lemma "count_true (vec (5::nat) (λi. True)) = 5"
  unfolding count_true_def by simp

text‹The threshold function is a Boolean function
  which also satisfies the condition of being \emph{evasive}.
  We follow the definition by Scoville~cite‹Problem 6.5› in "SC19".›

definition bool_fun_threshold :: "nat => (bool vec => bool)"
  where "bool_fun_threshold i = (λv. if i  count_true v then True else False)"

context boolean_functions

lemma "mono_on UNIV bool_fun_top"
  by (simp add: bool_fun_top_def mono_onI monotone_bool_fun_def)

lemma "monotone_bool_fun bool_fun_top"
  by (simp add: bool_fun_top_def mono_onI monotone_bool_fun_def)

lemma "mono_on UNIV bool_fun_bot"
  by (simp add: bool_fun_bot_def mono_onI monotone_bool_fun_def)

lemma "monotone_bool_fun bool_fun_bot"
  by (simp add: bool_fun_bot_def mono_onI monotone_bool_fun_def)

  assumes ulev: "(u::bool vec)  v"
  shows "count_true u  count_true v"
  unfolding count_true_def
  using Groups_Big.ordered_comm_monoid_add_class.sum_mono
    [of "{0..<dim_vec u}"
      "(λi. if vec_index u i then 1 else 0)"
      "(λi. if vec_index v i then 1 else 0)"]
  using ulev
  unfolding Matrix.less_eq_vec_def
  by fastforce

text‹The threshold function is monotone.›

  assumes ulev: "(u::bool vec)  v"
  shows "bool_fun_threshold n u  bool_fun_threshold n v"
  unfolding bool_fun_threshold_def
  using monotone_count_true [OF ulev] by simp

  assumes "(u::bool vec)  v"
  and "n < dim_vec u"
  shows "bool_fun_threshold n u  bool_fun_threshold n v"
  using monotone_threshold [OF assms(1)] .

lemma "mono_on UNIV (bool_fun_threshold n)"
  by (meson mono_onI monotone_bool_fun_def monotone_threshold)

lemma "monotone_bool_fun (bool_fun_threshold n)"
  unfolding monotone_bool_fun_def
  by (meson boolean_functions.monotone_threshold mono_onI)

