Theory HOL-Library.IArray

(*  Title:      HOL/Library/IArray.thy
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen
    Author:     Jose Divasón <jose.divasonm at>
    Author:     Jesús Aransay <jesus-maria.aransay at>

section ‹Immutable Arrays with Code Generation›

theory IArray
imports Main

subsection ‹Fundamental operations›

text ‹Immutable arrays are lists wrapped up in an additional constructor.
There are no update operations. Hence code generation can safely implement
this type by efficient target language arrays.  Currently only SML is
provided. Could be extended to other target languages and more operations.›


datatype 'a iarray = IArray "'a list"

qualified primrec list_of :: "'a iarray  'a list" where
"list_of (IArray xs) = xs"

qualified definition of_fun :: "(nat  'a)  nat  'a iarray" where
[simp]: "of_fun f n = IArray (map f [0..<n])"

qualified definition sub :: "'a iarray  nat  'a" (infixl !! 100) where
[simp]: "as !! n = IArray.list_of as ! n"

qualified definition length :: "'a iarray  nat" where
[simp]: "length as = List.length (IArray.list_of as)"

qualified definition all :: "('a  bool)  'a iarray  bool" where
[simp]: "all p as  (a  set (list_of as). p a)"

qualified definition exists :: "('a  bool)  'a iarray  bool" where
[simp]: "exists p as  (a  set (list_of as). p a)"

lemma of_fun_nth:
"IArray.of_fun f n !! i = f i" if "i < n"
using that by (simp add: map_nth)


subsection ‹Generic code equations›

lemma [code]:
  "size (as :: 'a iarray) = Suc (IArray.length as)"
  by (cases as) simp

lemma [code]:
  "size_iarray f as = Suc (size_list f (IArray.list_of as))"
  by (cases as) simp

lemma [code]:
  "rec_iarray f as = f (IArray.list_of as)"
  by (cases as) simp

lemma [code]:
  "case_iarray f as = f (IArray.list_of as)"
  by (cases as) simp

lemma [code]:
  "set_iarray as = set (IArray.list_of as)"
  by (cases as) auto

lemma [code]:
  "map_iarray f as = IArray (map f (IArray.list_of as))"
  by (cases as) auto

lemma [code]:
  "rel_iarray r as bs = list_all2 r (IArray.list_of as) (IArray.list_of bs)"
  by (cases as, cases bs) auto

lemma list_of_code [code]:
  "IArray.list_of as = map (λn. as !! n) [0 ..< IArray.length as]"
  by (cases as) (simp add: map_nth)

lemma [code]:
  "HOL.equal as bs  HOL.equal (IArray.list_of as) (IArray.list_of bs)"
  by (cases as, cases bs) (simp add: equal)

lemma [code]:
  "IArray.all p = Not  IArray.exists (Not  p)"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)

  includes term_syntax

lemma [code]:
  "Code_Evaluation.term_of (as :: 'a::typerep iarray) =
    Code_Evaluation.Const (STR ''IArray.iarray.IArray'') (TYPEREP('a list  'a iarray)) <⋅> (Code_Evaluation.term_of (IArray.list_of as))"
  by (subst term_of_anything) rule


subsection ‹Auxiliary operations for code generation›


qualified primrec tabulate :: "integer × (integer  'a)  'a iarray" where
  "tabulate (n, f) = IArray (map (f  integer_of_nat) [0..<nat_of_integer n])"

lemma [code]:
  "IArray.of_fun f n = IArray.tabulate (integer_of_nat n, f  nat_of_integer)"
  by simp

qualified primrec sub' :: "'a iarray × integer  'a" where
  "sub' (as, n) = as !! nat_of_integer n"

lemma [code]:
  "IArray.sub' (IArray as, n) = as ! nat_of_integer n"
  by simp

lemma [code]:
  "as !! n = IArray.sub' (as, integer_of_nat n)"
  by simp

qualified definition length' :: "'a iarray  integer" where
  [simp]: "length' as = integer_of_nat (List.length (IArray.list_of as))"

lemma [code]:
  "IArray.length' (IArray as) = integer_of_nat (List.length as)"
  by simp

lemma [code]:
  "IArray.length as = nat_of_integer (IArray.length' as)"
  by simp

qualified definition exists_upto :: "('a  bool)  integer  'a iarray  bool" where
  [simp]: "exists_upto p k as  (l. 0  l  l < k  p (sub' (as, l)))"

lemma exists_upto_of_nat:
  "exists_upto p (of_nat n) as  (m<n. p (as !! m))"
  including integer.lifting by (simp, transfer)
    (metis nat_int nat_less_iff of_nat_0_le_iff)

lemma [code]:
  "exists_upto p k as  (if k  0 then False else
    let l = k - 1 in p (sub' (as, l))  exists_upto p l as)"
proof (cases "k  1")
  case False
  then have k  0
    including integer.lifting by transfer simp
  then show ?thesis
    by simp
  case True
  then have less: "k  0  False"
    by simp
  define n where "n = nat_of_integer (k - 1)"
  with True have k: "k - 1 = of_nat n" "k = of_nat (Suc n)"
    by simp_all
  show ?thesis unfolding less Let_def k(1) unfolding k(2) exists_upto_of_nat
    using less_Suc_eq by auto

lemma [code]:
  "IArray.exists p as  exists_upto p (length' as) as"
  including integer.lifting by (simp, transfer)
   (auto, metis in_set_conv_nth less_imp_of_nat_less nat_int of_nat_0_le_iff)


subsection ‹Code Generation for SML›

text ‹Note that arrays cannot be printed directly but only by turning them into
lists first. Arrays could be converted back into lists for printing if they
were wrapped up in an additional constructor.›

code_reserved SML Vector

  type_constructor iarray  (SML) "_ Vector.vector"
| constant IArray  (SML) "Vector.fromList"
| constant IArray.all  (SML) "Vector.all"
| constant IArray.exists  (SML) "Vector.exists"
| constant IArray.tabulate  (SML) "Vector.tabulate"
| constant IArray.sub'  (SML) "Vector.sub"
| constant IArray.length'  (SML) "Vector.length"

subsection ‹Code Generation for Haskell›

text ‹We map typ'a iarrays in Isabelle/HOL to Data.Array.IArray.array›
  in Haskell.  Performance mapping to Data.Array.Unboxed.Array› and
  Data.Array.Array› is similar.›

  code_module "IArray"  (Haskell) ‹
module IArray(IArray, tabulate, of_list, sub, length) where {

  import Prelude (Bool(True, False), not, Maybe(Nothing, Just),
    Integer, (+), (-), (<), fromInteger, toInteger, map, seq, (.));
  import qualified Prelude;
  import qualified Data.Array.IArray;
  import qualified Data.Array.Base;
  import qualified Data.Ix;

  newtype IArray e = IArray (Data.Array.IArray.Array Integer e);

  tabulate :: (Integer, (Integer -> e)) -> IArray e;
  tabulate (k, f) = IArray (Data.Array.IArray.array (0, k - 1) (map (\i -> let fi = f i in fi `seq` (i, fi)) [0..k - 1]));

  of_list :: [e] -> IArray e;
  of_list l = IArray (Data.Array.IArray.listArray (0, (toInteger . Prelude.length) l - 1) l);

  sub :: (IArray e, Integer) -> e;
  sub (IArray v, i) = v `Data.Array.Base.unsafeAt` fromInteger i;

  length :: IArray e -> Integer;
  length (IArray v) = toInteger (Data.Ix.rangeSize (Data.Array.IArray.bounds v));

}› for type_constructor iarray constant IArray IArray.tabulate IArray.sub' IArray.length'

code_reserved Haskell IArray_Impl

  type_constructor iarray  (Haskell) "IArray.IArray _"
| constant IArray  (Haskell) "IArray.of'_list"
| constant IArray.tabulate  (Haskell) "IArray.tabulate"
| constant IArray.sub'  (Haskell)  "IArray.sub"
| constant IArray.length'  (Haskell) "IArray.length"
