Theory Gen_Scheduler

section ‹Generic Scheduler›
theory Gen_Scheduler
imports Main
  "../Lib/LTS" "../Lib/SOS_Misc_Add"

  lemmas [simp del] = union_mset_add_mset_left union_mset_add_mset_right

  text ‹
    A generic scheduler, that is parameterized with local LTS and
    enabledness/effects of labels.

  record ('c,'ls) local_config =
    command :: 'c
    state :: 'ls

  record ('c,'ls,'gs) global_config =
    processes :: "('c,'ls) local_config multiset"  
    state :: 'gs

  locale Gen_Scheduler = cs: LTS cstep 
    for cstep :: "'c  'a+'b  'c  bool" +
    fixes en :: "('ls×'gs)  'a  bool"
    fixes ex :: "('ls×'gs)  'a  ('ls×'gs)"
    definition gstep_succ 
      :: "('c,'ls,'gs)global_config  ('c,'ls,'gs)global_config option set" 
      "gstep_succ gc  do {
        ― ‹ Select process ›
        let lcs = global_config.processes gc;
        (lc,lcs')  {(lc,lcs'). lcs = {#lc#} + lcs'};
        ― ‹ Focus state ›
        let gs = global_config.state gc;
        let ls = local_config.state lc;
        ― ‹ Select action ›
        let cmd = local_config.command lc;
        (a,cmd')  {(a,cmd'). cstep cmd a cmd'};
        case a of
          Inl a  (
            case en (ls,gs) a of
              None  {None} ― ‹ Error ›
            | Some False  {} ― ‹ Not enabled ›
            | Some True  {do { ― ‹ Enabled ›
                ― ‹ Execute ›
                (ls,gs)  ex (ls,gs) a;
                ― ‹ Unfocus state. ›
                  global_config.processes = {# 
                     local_config.command = cmd', local_config.state = ls 
                  #} + lcs',
                  global_config.state = gs  
        | Inr _  {None}
    definition gstep
      :: "(('c, 'ls, 'gs) global_config option × ('c, 'ls, 'gs) global_config option) set"
      where "gstep  {(Some c, c') |c c'. c'  gstep_succ c}"

    text ‹For the final step function, we apply stutter extension›
    definition "step  stutter_extend_edges UNIV gstep"

    lemma gstep_eq_pred_of_succ: "gstep = rel_of_succ (m2r_succ gstep_succ)"
      unfolding gstep_def by auto
    lemma gstep_eq_conv: "(c, c')  gstep  (cc. c=Some cc  c'gstep_succ cc)"
      unfolding gstep_def by auto

    lemma [simp]: "(x. aInr x)  (y. a=Inl y)"
      by (cases a) auto

    lemma [simp]: "¬(All Not)" by blast 

    lemma ne_Some_b_conv:
      "(aSome b)  (a=Some (¬b)  a=None)"
      by (cases a) auto

    lemma gstep_succE[cases set: gstep_succ, case_names fail_cfg fail_en fail_ex succ]: 
      assumes "gc'  gstep_succ gc"
        lc lcs c' b 
        "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
        "cstep (command lc) (Inr b) c'"
      | lc lcs c' a 
        "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
        "cstep (command lc) (Inl a) c'"
        "en (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = None"
        "gc' = None"
      | lc lcs c' a 
        "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
        "cstep (command lc) (Inl a) c'"
        "en (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = Some True"
        "ex (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = None"
        "gc' = None"
      | lc lcs c' a ls' gs'
        "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
        "cstep (command lc) (Inl a) c'"
        "en (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = Some True"
        "ex (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = Some (ls',gs')"
        "gc' = Some 
            = {# local_config.command = c', local_config.state = ls' #} + lcs,
            = gs'
      using assms
      unfolding gstep_succ_def
      apply (auto
        split: option.splits bool.splits Option.bind_splits sum.splits
        simp: all_conj_distrib 
        elim!: neq_Some_bool_cases)
      apply (case_tac aa)
      apply (auto simp: ne_Some_b_conv)

    lemma gstep_succ_fail_cmd:
      assumes "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
      assumes "cstep (command lc) (Inr b) c'"
      shows "None  gstep_succ gc"
      using assms unfolding gstep_succ_def
      by (fastforce)

    lemma gstep_succ_fail_en:
      assumes "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
      assumes "cstep (command lc) (Inl a) c'"
      assumes "en (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = None"
      shows "None  gstep_succ gc"
      using assms unfolding gstep_succ_def
      by (fastforce)
    lemma gstep_succ_fail_ex:
      assumes "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
      assumes "cstep (command lc) (Inl a) c'"
      assumes "en (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = Some True"
      assumes "ex (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = None"
      shows "None  gstep_succ gc"
      using assms unfolding gstep_succ_def
      by (fastforce)

    lemma gstep_succ_succ:
      assumes "processes gc = {#lc#} + lcs"
      assumes "cstep (command lc) (Inl a) c'"
      assumes "en (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = Some True"
      assumes "ex (local_config.state lc, global_config.state gc) a = Some (ls',gs')"
      shows "Some 
            = {# local_config.command = c', local_config.state = ls' #} + lcs,
            = gs'
          gstep_succ gc"
      using assms unfolding gstep_succ_def
      by (fastforce)


  locale Gen_Scheduler_linit = 
    Gen_Scheduler cstep en ex
    for cstep :: "'c  'a+'b  'c  bool"
    and en :: "('ls×'gs)  'a  bool"
    and ex :: "('ls×'gs)  'a  ('ls×'gs)" +
    fixes ginit :: "('c,'ls,'gs) global_config set"
    fixes glabel :: "('c,'ls,'gs) global_config  'l"

    definition init where "init  Some ` ginit"
    fun label where "label None = undefined" | "label (Some gc) = glabel gc"

    lemma init_conv: "gco  init  (gc. gco=Some gc  gc  ginit)"
      unfolding init_def by auto

    definition system_automaton' :: "(('c,'ls,'gs) global_config option, 'l) sa_rec"
      where "system_automaton'   g_V = UNIV, g_E = gstep, g_V0 = init, sa_L = label "

    lemma system_automaton'_simps[simp]:
      "g_V system_automaton' = UNIV"
      "g_E system_automaton' = gstep"
      "g_V0 system_automaton' = init"
      "sa_L system_automaton' = label"
      unfolding system_automaton'_def by simp+

    definition system_automaton :: "(('c,'ls,'gs) global_config option, 'l) sa_rec"
      where "system_automaton   g_V = UNIV, g_E = step, g_V0 = init, sa_L = label "

    lemma system_automaton_simps[simp]:
      "g_V system_automaton = UNIV"
      "g_E system_automaton = step"
      "g_V0 system_automaton = init"
      "sa_L system_automaton = label"
      unfolding system_automaton_def by simp+

    lemma system_automaton_alt_def: "system_automaton = stutter_extend system_automaton'"
      unfolding step_def system_automaton'_def system_automaton_def stutter_extend_def by simp

    sublocale sa': sa system_automaton' by unfold_locales auto
    sublocale sa: sa system_automaton unfolding system_automaton_alt_def by (rule sa'.stutter_extend_sa)

