Theory Unwinding_fin

section ‹Unwinding Proof Method for Finitary Relative Security›

text ‹ This theory formalizes the notion of unwinding for finitary relative security, 
and proves its soundness.  ›

theory Unwinding_fin
imports Relative_Security

subsection ‹ The types and operators underlying unwinding: status, matching operators, etc.  ›

context Rel_Sec

(* Observation status *)
datatype status = Eq | Diff 

fun newStat :: "status  bool × 'a  bool × 'a  status" where 
 "newStat Eq (True,a) (True,a') = (if a = a' then Eq else Diff)"
|"newStat stat _ _ = stat"

definition "sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 = newStat statO (isIntV sv1, getObsV sv1) (isIntV sv2, getObsV sv2)"
definition "sstatA' statA s1 s2 = newStat statA (isIntO s1, getObsO s1) (isIntO s2, getObsO s2)"

definition initCond :: 
"(enat  'stateO  'stateO  status  'stateV  'stateV  status  bool)  bool" where 
"initCond Δ  s1 s2. 
   istateO s1  istateO s2
   (sv1 sv2. istateV sv1  istateV sv2  corrState sv1 s1  corrState sv2 s2 
             Δ  s1 s2 Eq sv1 sv2 Eq)"

(* *)

definition "match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv1'. validTransV (sv1,sv1')         
    Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1' sv2 statO"

definition "match1_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv1' sv2'. 
    let statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 in 
    validTransV (sv1,sv1')  
    validTransV (sv2,sv2')       
    Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1' sv2' statO'"

definition "match1 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  ¬ isIntO s1  
   (s1'. validTransO (s1,s1') 
      (¬ isSecO s1  Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
      (eqSec sv1 s1  ¬ isIntV sv1  match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
      (eqSec sv1 s1  ¬ isSecV sv2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2  match1_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO))"

lemmas match1_defs = match1_def match1_1_def match1_12_def

lemma match1_1_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match1_1 Δ' s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match1_1_def by auto

lemma match1_12_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match1_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match1_12 Δ' s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match1_12_def by fastforce

lemma match1_mono: 
assumes "Δ  Δ'" 
shows "match1 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match1 Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding match1_def apply clarify subgoal for s1' apply(erule allE[of _ s1'])
using match1_1_mono[OF assms, of s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO] 
      match1_12_mono[OF assms, of s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO] 
      assms[unfolded le_fun_def, rule_format, of _ s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO]
by auto .

(*  *)

definition "match2_1 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv2'. validTransV (sv2,sv2')    
        Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1 sv2' statO"

definition "match2_12 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv1' sv2'.   
    let statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 in 
    validTransV (sv1,sv1')  
    validTransV (sv2,sv2')          
    Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1' sv2' statO'"

definition "match2 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  ¬ isIntO s2 
  (s2'. validTransO (s2,s2') 
     (¬ isSecO s2  Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
     (eqSec sv2 s2  ¬ isIntV sv2  match2_1 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO) 
     (¬ isSecV sv1  eqSec sv2 s2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2  match2_12 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO))"

lemmas match2_defs = match2_def match2_1_def match2_12_def

lemma match2_1_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match2_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match2_1 Δ' s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match2_1_def by auto

lemma match2_12_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match2_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match2_12 Δ' s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match2_12_def by fastforce

lemma match2_mono: 
assumes "Δ  Δ'" 
shows "match2 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match2 Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding match2_def apply clarify subgoal for s2' apply(erule allE[of _ s2'])
using match2_1_mono[OF assms, of s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO] 
      match2_12_mono[OF assms, of s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO] 
      assms[unfolded le_fun_def, rule_format, of _ s1 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO]
by auto .

(* *)

definition "match12_1 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv1'. validTransV (sv1,sv1')    
        Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1' sv2 statO"

definition "match12_2 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv2'. validTransV (sv2,sv2')   
        Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2' statO"

definition "match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
  sv1' sv2'.  
    let statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 in 
    validTransV (sv1,sv1')    
    validTransV (sv2,sv2')   
    (statA' = Diff  statO' = Diff)        
    Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1' sv2' statO'"

definition "match12 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
s1' s2'. 
   let statA' = sstatA' statA s1 s2 in
   validTransO (s1,s1')  
   validTransO (s2,s2')  
   Opt.eqAct s1 s2  
   isIntO s1  isIntO s2
   (¬ isSecO s1  ¬ isSecO s2  (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)
   (¬ isSecO s2  eqSec sv1 s1  ¬ isIntV sv1  
    (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  
    match12_1 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)  
   (¬ isSecO s1  eqSec sv2 s2  ¬ isIntV sv2  
    (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  
    match12_2 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)  
   (eqSec sv1 s1  eqSec sv2 s2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2    
    match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)"

lemmas match12_defs = match12_def match12_1_def match12_2_def match12_12_def

(* A sufficient critetion for match12, removing the asymmetric conditions 
and the isInt assumptions: *)
lemma match12_simpleI: 
assumes "s1' s2' statA'. 
   statA' = sstatA' statA s1 s2  
   validTransO (s1,s1')  
   validTransO (s2,s2') 
   Opt.eqAct s1 s2  
   (¬ isSecO s1  ¬ isSecO s2  (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)
   (eqSec sv1 s1  eqSec sv2 s2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2    
    match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)"
shows "match12 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
using assms unfolding match12_def Let_def by blast

lemma match12_1_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match12_1 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  match12_1 Δ' s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match12_1_def by auto

lemma match12_2_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match12_2 Δ s1 s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  match12_2 Δ' s1 s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match12_2_def by auto

lemma match12_12_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  match12_12 Δ' s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def match12_12_def by fastforce

lemma match12_mono: 
assumes "Δ  Δ'" 
shows "match12 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  match12 Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding match12_def apply clarify subgoal for s1' s2' apply(erule allE[of _ s1']) apply(erule allE[of _ s2'])
using match12_1_mono[OF assms, of s1' s2' _ sv1 sv2 statO] 
      match12_2_mono[OF assms, of s1' s2' _ sv1 sv2 statO] 
      match12_12_mono[OF assms, of s1' s2' _ sv1 sv2 statO]
      assms[unfolded le_fun_def, rule_format, of _ s1' s2' 
       "sstatA' statA s1 s2" sv1 sv2 statO] 
by simp metis .

(* *)

definition "react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match1 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 match2 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 match12 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"

lemmas react_defs = match1_def match2_def match12_def
lemmas match_deep_defs = match1_defs match2_defs match12_defs

lemma match_mono: 
assumes "Δ  Δ'" 
shows "react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  react Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding react_def using match1_mono[OF assms] match2_mono[OF assms] match12_mono[OF assms] by auto    

(* *)

definition "move_1 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 sv1'. validTransV (sv1,sv1')   
   Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1' sv2 statO"

definition "move_2 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 sv2'. validTransV (sv2,sv2')     
   Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2' statO"

definition "move_12 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 sv1' sv2'.  
   let statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 in 
   validTransV (sv1,sv1')  validTransV (sv2,sv2')      
   Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1' sv2' statO'" 

definition "proact Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 (¬ isSecV sv1  ¬ isIntV sv1  move_1 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO) 
 (¬ isSecV sv2  ¬ isIntV sv2  move_2 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO) 
 (¬ isSecV sv1  ¬ isSecV sv2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2  move_12 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)"

lemmas proact_defs = proact_def move_1_def move_2_def move_12_def

lemma move_1_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  move_1 Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  move_1 Δ' meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def move_1_def by auto

lemma move_2_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  move_2 Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  move_2 Δ' meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def move_2_def by auto

lemma move_12_mono: 
"Δ  Δ'  move_12 Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  move_12 Δ' meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding le_fun_def move_12_def by fastforce

lemma proact_mono: 
assumes "Δ  Δ'" 
shows "proact Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  proact Δ' meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding proact_def using move_1_mono[OF assms] move_2_mono[OF assms] move_12_mono[OF assms] by auto

subsection ‹ The definition of unwinding ›

definition unwindCond :: 
"(enat  'stateO  'stateO  status  'stateV  'stateV  status  bool)  bool" 
"unwindCond Δ  w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (finalO s1  finalO s2)  (finalV sv1  finalO s1)  (finalV sv2  finalO s2) 
 (statA = Eq  (isIntO s1  isIntO s2))
 ((v < w. proact Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO) 
  react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO

(* *)

(* A sufficient criterion for unwindCond, removing the proact part: *)
lemma unwindCond_simpleI:
 "w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (finalO s1  finalO s2)  (finalV sv1  finalO s1)  (finalV sv2  finalO s2)"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  statA = Eq 
 isIntO s1  isIntO s2"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
shows "unwindCond Δ"
using assms unfolding unwindCond_def by auto

subsection ‹ The soundness of unwinding ›

definition "ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 statO sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2  
  trv1  []  trv2  []  
  Van.validFromS sv1 trv1  
  Van.validFromS sv2 trv2  
  (finalV (lastt sv1 trv1)  finalO (lastt s1 tr1))  (finalV (lastt sv2 trv2)  finalO (lastt s2 tr2))  
  Van.S trv1 = Opt.S tr1  Van.S trv2 = Opt.S tr2  
  Van.A trv1 = Van.A trv2  
  (statO = Eq  Opt.O tr1  Opt.O tr2  Van.O trv1  Van.O trv2)"

lemma ψ_completedFrom: "completedFromO s1 tr1  completedFromO s2 tr2  
  ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 statO sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2 
   completedFromV sv1 trv1  completedFromV sv2 trv2"
unfolding ψ_def Opt.completedFrom_def Van.completedFrom_def lastt_def
by presburger

lemma completedFromO_lastt: "completedFromO s1 tr1  finalO (lastt s1 tr1)"
unfolding Opt.completedFrom_def lastt_def by auto

(* A sufficient criterion that prepares the way for incremental (unwinding) proof
of relative security: *)

lemma rsecure_strong:
"s1 tr1 s2 tr2.
   istateO s1  Opt.validFromS s1 tr1  completedFromO s1 tr1  
   istateO s2  Opt.validFromS s2 tr2  completedFromO s2 tr2  
   Opt.A tr1 = Opt.A tr2  (isIntO s1  isIntO s2  getActO s1 = getActO s2)
   sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2. 
     istateV sv1  istateV sv2  corrState sv1 s1  corrState sv2 s2  
     ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 Eq sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2" 
shows rsecure
  unfolding rsecure_def3 apply clarify
  subgoal for s1 tr1 s2 tr2
    using assms[of s1 tr1 s2 tr2] 
    using ψ_completedFrom ψ_def completedFromO_lastt by (metis (full_types))

proposition unwindCond_ex_ψ:
assumes unwind: "unwindCond Δ"
and Δ: "Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO" and stat: "(statA = Diff  statO = Diff)" 
and v: "Opt.validFromS s1 tr1" "Opt.completedFrom s1 tr1" "Opt.validFromS s2 tr2" "Opt.completedFrom s2 tr2"
and tr14: "Opt.A tr1 = Opt.A tr2" 
and r: "reachO s1" "reachO s2" "reachV sv1" "reachV sv2"
shows "trv1 trv2. ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 statO sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2"
using assms(2-)  
proof(induction "length tr1 + length tr2" w
   arbitrary: s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO tr1 tr2 rule: less2_induct')
  case (less w tr1 tr2 s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)
  note ok = `statA = Diff  statO = Diff` 
  note Δ = `Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO`
  note A34 = `Opt.A tr1 = Opt.A tr2`
  note r34 = less.prems(8,9) note r12 = less.prems(10,11)
  note r = r34 r12 
  note r3 = r34(1) note r4 = r34(2) note r1 = r12(1) note r2 = r12(2)

  have i34: "statA = Eq  isIntO s1 = isIntO s2"
  and f34: "finalO s1 = finalO s2  finalV sv1 = finalO s1  finalV sv2 = finalO s2"
    using Δ unwind[unfolded unwindCond_def] r by auto

  have proact_match: "(v<w. proact Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)  react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
    using Δ unwind[unfolded unwindCond_def] r by auto
  show ?case using proact_match proof safe
    fix v assume v: "v < w"
    assume "proact Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
    thus ?thesis unfolding proact_def proof safe
      assume sv1: "¬ isSecV sv1" "¬ isIntV sv1" and "move_1 Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
      then obtain sv1'
      where 0: "validTransV (sv1,sv1')" 
      and Δ: "Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1' sv2 statO"  
      unfolding move_1_def by auto
      have r1': "reachV sv1'" using r1 0 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
      obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 statO sv1' trv1 sv2 trv2"  
      using less(2)[OF v, of tr1 tr2 s1 s2 statA sv1' sv2 statO, simplified, OF Δ ok _ _ _ _ _ r34 r1' r2] 
      using A34 less.prems(3-6) by blast
      show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ trv2])
      using ψ ok 0 sv1 unfolding ψ_def Van.completedFrom_def by auto
      assume sv2: "¬ isSecV sv2" "¬ isIntV sv2" and "move_2 Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
      then obtain sv2'
      where 0: "validTransV (sv2,sv2')"  
      and Δ: "Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2' statO"  
      unfolding move_2_def by auto
      have r2': "reachV sv2'" using r2 0 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
      obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 statO sv1 trv1 sv2' trv2"  
      using less(2)[OF v, of tr1 tr2 s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2' statO, simplified, OF Δ ok _ _ _ _ _ r34 r1 r2']  
      using A34 less.prems(3-6) by blast
      show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ trv1]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
      using ψ ok 0 sv2 unfolding ψ_def Van.completedFrom_def by auto 
      assume sv12: "¬ isSecV sv1" "¬ isSecV sv2" "Van.eqAct sv1 sv2" 
      and "move_12 Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
      then obtain sv1' sv2' statO'
      where 0: "statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2" 
      "validTransV (sv1,sv1') " "¬ isSecV sv1"
      "validTransV (sv2,sv2')" "¬ isSecV sv2"  
      "Van.eqAct sv1 sv2"  
      and Δ: "Δ v s1 s2 statA sv1' sv2' statO'"  
      unfolding move_12_def by auto
      have r12': "reachV sv1'" "reachV sv2'" using r1 r2 0 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)+
      have ok': "statA = Diff  statO' = Diff" using ok 0 unfolding sstatO'_def by (cases statO, auto) 
      obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1 s2 tr2 statO' sv1' trv1 sv2' trv2" 
      using less(2)[OF v, of tr1 tr2 s1 s2 statA sv1' sv2' statO', simplified, OF Δ ok' _ _ _ _ _ r34 r12']   
      using A34 less.prems(3-6) by blast
      show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
      using ψ ok' 0 sv12 unfolding ψ_def sstatO'_def Van.completedFrom_def
      using Van.A.Cons_unfold Van.eqAct_def completedFromO_lastt less.prems(4) 
      less.prems(6) by auto 
    assume m: "react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
    show ?thesis
    proof(cases "length tr1  Suc 0") 
      case True note tr1 = True
      hence "tr1 = []  tr1 = [s1]"  
      by (metis Opt.validFromS_Cons_iff le_0_eq le_SucE length_0_conv length_Suc_conv less.prems(3))
      hence "finalO s1" using less(3-6)  
        using Opt.completed_Cons Opt.completed_Nil by blast
      hence f4: "finalO s2" using f34 by blast
      hence tr2: "tr2 = []  tr2 = [s2]"  
        by (metis Opt.final_def Simple_Transition_System.validFromS_Cons_iff less.prems(5) neq_Nil_conv) 
      show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "[sv1]"], rule exI[of _ "[sv2]"]) using tr1 tr2 
      using f4 f34  
      using completedFromO_lastt less.prems(4) 
      by (auto simp add: lastt_def ψ_def)
      case False 
      then obtain s13 tr1' where tr1: "tr1 = s13 # tr1'" and tr1'NE: "tr1'  []"
        by (cases tr1, auto) 
      have s13[simp]: "s13 = s1" using `Opt.validFromS s1 tr1`  
          by (simp add: Opt.validFromS_Cons_iff tr1)
      obtain s1' where
      trn3: "validTransO (s1,s1')" and 
      tr1': "Opt.validFromS s1' tr1'" using `Opt.validFromS s1 tr1` 
      unfolding tr1 s13 by (metis tr1'NE Simple_Transition_System.validFromS_Cons_iff)
      have r3': "reachO s1'" using r3 trn3 by (metis Opt.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
      have f3: "¬ finalO s1" using Opt.final_def trn3 by blast
      hence f4: "¬ finalO s2" using f34 by blast
      hence tr2: "¬ length tr2  Suc 0" 
      by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Opt.completed_Cons Opt.completed_Nil 
      Simple_Transition_System.validFromS_Cons_iff Suc_n_not_le_n bot_nat_0.extremum le_Suc_eq length_Cons less.prems(5) less.prems(6) list.exhaust order_antisym_conv)
      then obtain s24 tr2' where tr2: "tr2 = s24 # tr2'" and tr2'NE: "tr2'  []"
      by (cases tr2, auto)  
      have s24[simp]: "s24 = s2" using `Opt.validFromS s2 tr2`  
      by (simp add: Opt.validFromS_Cons_iff tr2)
      obtain s2' where
      trn4: "validTransO (s2,s2')  (s2 = s2'  tr2' = [])" and 
      tr2': "Opt.validFromS s2' tr2'" using `Opt.validFromS s2 tr2` 
      unfolding tr2 s24 using Opt.validFromS_Cons_iff by auto
      have r34': "reachO s1'" "reachO s2'" 
      using r3 trn3 r4 trn4 by (metis Opt.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)+
      note r3' = r34'(1)  note r4' = r34'(2)
      define statA' where statA': "statA' = sstatA' statA s1 s2"         
      have "¬ isIntO s1  ¬ isIntO s2  (isIntO s1  isIntO s2)"
      by auto
      thus ?thesis
      proof safe
        assume isAO3: "¬ isIntO s1"  
        have O33': "Opt.O tr1 = Opt.O tr1'" "Opt.A tr1 = Opt.A tr1'" 
        using isAO3 unfolding tr1 by auto  
        have A34': "Opt.A tr1' = Opt.A tr2"  
        using A34 O33'(2) by auto 
        have m: "match1 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO" using m unfolding react_def by auto
        have "(¬ isSecO s1  Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
              (eqSec sv1 s1  ¬ isIntV sv1  match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
              (eqSec sv1 s1  ¬ isSecV sv2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2  match1_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)" 
        using m isAO3 trn3 ok unfolding match1_def by auto  
        thus ?thesis 
        proof safe 
          assume "¬ isSecO s1" and Δ: "Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
          hence S3: "Opt.S tr1' = Opt.S tr1" unfolding tr1 by auto            
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1' s2 tr2 statO sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2, OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r3' r4 r12, unfolded O33', simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' ok A34' f3 f4 unfolding tr1 Opt.completedFrom_def
          by (auto split: if_splits simp: ψ_def lastt_def)
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ trv1]) apply(rule exI[of _ trv2])
          using ψ O33' S3 unfolding ψ_def 
          using completedFromO_lastt less.prems(4) 
          by (auto simp add: tr1 tr1'NE)
          assume trn13: "eqSec sv1 s1" and
          Atrn1: "¬ isIntV sv1" and "match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
          then obtain sv1' where  
          trn1: "validTransV (sv1,sv1') " and              
          Δ: "Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1' sv2 statO"
          unfolding match1_1_def by auto 
          have r1': "reachV sv1'"using r1 trn1 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1' s2 tr2 statO sv1' trv1 sv2 trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2, OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r3' r4 r1' r2, unfolded O33', simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' ok A34' f3 f4 unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def 
          by (auto simp: ψ_def lastt_def split: if_splits)
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ trv2])
          using ψ O33' unfolding tr1 tr2  Van.completedFrom_def
          using Van.validFromS_Cons trn1 tr1'NE tr2'NE
          using isAO3 ok Atrn1 eqSec_S_Cons trn13  
          unfolding ψ_def using completedFromO_lastt less.prems(4) tr1 by auto        
          assume sv2: "¬ isSecV sv2" and trn13: "eqSec sv1 s1" and
          Atrn12: "Van.eqAct sv1 sv2" and "match1_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
          then obtain sv1' sv2' statO' where
          statO': "statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2" and  
          trn1: "validTransV (sv1,sv1') " and 
          trn2: "validTransV (sv2,sv2')" and 
          Δ: "Δ  s1' s2 statA sv1' sv2' statO'"
          unfolding match1_12_def by auto 
          have r12': "reachV sv1'" "reachV sv2'" 
          using r1 trn1 r2 trn2 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)+
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1' tr1' s2 tr2 statO' sv1' trv1 sv2' trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2, OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r3' r4 r12', unfolded O33', simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' ok A34' f3 f4 unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def statO' sstatO'_def
          by auto presburger+
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
          using ψ O33' tr1'NE tr2'NE sv2 
          using Van.validFromS_Cons trn1 trn2 
          using isAO3 ok Atrn12 eqSec_S_Cons trn13 f3 f34 s13
          unfolding ψ_def tr1 Van.completedFrom_def Van.eqAct_def statO' sstatO'_def
          using Van.A.Cons_unfold tr1' trn3 by auto
        assume isAO4: "¬ isIntO s2"  
        have O44': "Opt.O tr2 = Opt.O tr2'" "Opt.A tr2 = Opt.A tr2'" 
        using isAO4 unfolding tr2 by auto  
        have A34': "Opt.A tr1 = Opt.A tr2'"  
        using A34 O44'(2) by auto 
        have m: "match2 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO" using m unfolding react_def by auto 
        have "(¬ isSecO s2  Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
              (eqSec sv2 s2  ¬ isIntV sv2  match2_1 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO)  
              (¬ isSecV sv1  eqSec sv2 s2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2  match2_12 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO)" 
        using m isAO4 trn4 ok tr2'NE  unfolding match2_def by auto 
        thus ?thesis 
        proof safe 
          assume "¬ isSecO s2" and Δ: "Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO"
          hence S4: "Opt.S tr2' = Opt.S tr2" unfolding tr2 by auto            
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1 s2' tr2' statO sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1 tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r3 r4', simplified]
          using less.prems tr2' ok A34' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def by (cases "isIntO s2", auto)  
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ trv1]) apply(rule exI[of _ trv2])
          using ψ O44' S4 unfolding ψ_def 
          using completedFromO_lastt less.prems(6)  
          unfolding Opt.completedFrom_def using tr2 tr2'NE by auto
          assume trn24: "eqSec sv2 s2" and
          Atrn2: "¬ isIntV sv2" and "match2_1 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO"
          then obtain sv2' where trn2: "validTransV (sv2,sv2')" and              
          Δ: "Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1 sv2' statO"
          unfolding match2_1_def by auto 
          have r2': "reachV sv2'" using r2 trn2 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1 s2' tr2' statO sv1 trv1 sv2' trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1 tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r3 r4' r1 r2', simplified]
          using less.prems tr2' ok A34' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def by (cases "isIntO s2", auto)   
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ trv1]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
          using ψ tr1'NE tr2'NE 
          using Van.validFromS_Cons trn2 
          using isAO4 ok Atrn2 eqSec_S_Cons trn24  
          unfolding ψ_def tr1 tr2 s13 s24 Van.completedFrom_def lastt_def by auto
          assume sv1: "¬ isSecV sv1" and trn24: "eqSec sv2 s2" and
          Atrn12: "Van.eqAct sv1 sv2" and  "match2_12 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO"
          then obtain sv1' sv2' statO' where
          statO': "statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2" and 
          trn1: "validTransV (sv1,sv1')" and               
          trn2: "validTransV (sv2,sv2')" and               
          Δ: "Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1' sv2' statO'"
          unfolding match2_12_def by auto  
          have r12': "reachV sv1'" "reachV sv2'" 
          using r1 trn1 r2 trn2 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)+
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1 tr1 s2' tr2' statO' sv1' trv1 sv2' trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1 tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r3 r4' r12', simplified]
          using less.prems tr2' ok A34' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def statO' sstatO'_def
          by (cases "isIntO s2", auto) 
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
          using ψ O44' tr1'NE tr2'NE sv1
          using Van.validFromS_Cons trn1 trn2 
          using isAO4 ok Atrn12 eqSec_S_Cons trn24 
          unfolding ψ_def tr2 tr1'NE Van.completedFrom_def Van.eqAct_def 
          statO' sstatO'_def
          using Van.A.Cons_unfold tr2' trn4 by auto
        assume isAO34: "isIntO s1" "isIntO s2"
        have A34': "getActO s1 = getActO s2" "Opt.A tr1' = Opt.A tr2'"  
        using A34 isAO34  tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 by auto 
        have O33': "Opt.O tr1 = getObsO s1 # Opt.O tr1'" and 
             O44': "Opt.O tr2 = getObsO s2 # Opt.O tr2'"  
        using isAO34 tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 s13 tr2 s24 by auto     
        have m: "match12 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO" using m unfolding statA' react_def by auto
        have trn34: "getObsO s1 = getObsO s2  statA' = Diff"
        using isAO34 unfolding statA' sstatA'_def by (cases statA,auto)  
        have "(¬ isSecO s1  ¬ isSecO s2  (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO) 
              (¬ isSecO s2  eqSec sv1 s1  ¬ isIntV sv1 
               (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  
               match12_1 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)  
              (¬ isSecO s1  eqSec sv2 s2  ¬ isIntV sv2  
               (statA = statA'  statO = Diff)  
               match12_2 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)  
              (eqSec sv1 s1  eqSec sv2 s2  Van.eqAct sv1 sv2  
               match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO)"
        (is "?K1  ?K2  ?K3  ?K4")
        using m[unfolded match12_def, rule_format, of s1' s2'] 
        isAO34 A34' trn3 trn4 tr1'NE tr2'NE 
        unfolding s13 s24 trn34 statA' Opt.eqAct_def sstatA'_def by auto
        thus ?thesis proof (elim disjE)
          assume K1: "?K1" hence Δ: "Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO" by simp
          have ok': "(statA' = Diff  statO = Diff)" 
          using ok K1 unfolding statA' using isAO34 by auto
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1' tr1' s2' tr2' statO sv1 trv1 sv2 trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r34' r12, simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' tr2' ok' A34' isAO34 tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def by auto
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ trv1]) apply(rule exI[of _ trv2])
          using ψ trn34 O33' O44' K1 ok unfolding ψ_def tr1 tr2 
          using completedFromO_lastt less.prems(4,6) 
          unfolding Opt.completedFrom_def using tr1 tr2 tr1'NE tr2'NE by auto
          assume K2: "?K2" 
          then obtain sv1' where  
          trn1: "validTransV (sv1,sv1') " and 
          trn13: "eqSec sv1 s1" and
          Atrn1: "¬ isIntV sv1" and  ok': "(statA' = statA  statO = Diff)" and 
          Δ: "Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1' sv2 statO"
          unfolding match12_1_def by auto 
          have r1': "reachV sv1'" using r1 trn1 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1' tr1' s2' tr2' statO sv1' trv1 sv2 trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r34' r1' r2,  simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' tr2' ok' A34' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def by auto 
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ trv2])
          using ψ O33' O44' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2  
          using Van.validFromS_Cons trn1 ok
          using K2 ok' Atrn1 eqSec_S_Cons trn13 trn34 
          unfolding statA' Van.completedFrom_def eqSec_def 
          using s13 tr1 tr1' tr2' trn3 trn4   
          by simp (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Opt.S.simps(2) Simple_Transition_System.lastt_Cons 
          Van.A.Cons_unfold Van.O.Cons_unfold ψ_def list.simps(3) status.simps(1))
          assume K3: "?K3" 
          then obtain sv2' where  
          trn2: "validTransV (sv2,sv2')" and 
          trn24: "eqSec sv2 s2" and
          Atrn2: "¬ isIntV sv2" and  ok': "(statA' = statA  statO = Diff)" and 
          Δ: "Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2' statO"
          unfolding match12_2_def by auto 
          have r2': "reachV sv2'" using r2 trn2 by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1' tr1' s2' tr2' statO sv1 trv1 sv2' trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r34' r1 r2', simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' tr2' ok' A34' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def by auto   
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ trv1]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
          using ψ O33' O44' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding ψ_def tr1 tr2  
          using Van.validFromS_Cons trn2 ok
          using K3 ok' Atrn2 eqSec_S_Cons trn24 trn34 
          unfolding statA' Van.completedFrom_def 
          by simp (metis last.simps lastt_def list.simps(3) status.distinct(2))
          assume K4: "?K4"
          then obtain sv1' sv2' statO' where 0: 
            "statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2"
            "validTransV (sv1,sv1') "
            "eqSec sv1 s1"
            "validTransV (sv2,sv2')"
            "eqSec sv2 s2"
            "Van.eqAct sv1 sv2"
            and ok': "statA' = Diff  statO' = Diff" and Δ: "Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1' sv2' statO'"
          unfolding match12_12_def by auto
          have r12': "reachV sv1'" "reachV sv2'" using r1 r2 0 
          by (metis Van.reach.Step fst_conv snd_conv)+
          obtain trv1 trv2 where ψ: "ψ s1' tr1' s2' tr2' statO' sv1' trv1 sv2' trv2"
          using less(1)[of tr1' tr2', OF _ Δ _ _ _ _ _ _ r34' r12', simplified]
          using less.prems tr1' tr2' ok' A34' tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding tr1 tr2 Opt.completedFrom_def by auto                    
          show ?thesis apply(rule exI[of _ "sv1 # trv1"]) apply(rule exI[of _ "sv2 # trv2"])
          using trn34 
          using ψ O33' O44' isAO34 tr1'NE tr2'NE unfolding ψ_def tr1 tr2  
          using Van.validFromS_Cons 0 
          using K4 eqSec_S_Cons 
          unfolding statA' Van.eqAct_def Van.completedFrom_def match12_12_def sstatO'_def  
          by (smt (z3) Simple_Transition_System.lastt_Cons Van.A.Cons_unfold Van.O.Cons_unfold 
           completedFromO_lastt f3 f34 lastt_Nil less.prems(4) less.prems(6) list.inject s13 
           s24 status.simps(1) tr1 tr1' tr2 tr2' trn3 trn4 newStat.simps(1) newStat.simps(3))   

theorem unwind_rsecure: 
  assumes init: "initCond Δ"
    and unwind: "unwindCond Δ"
  shows rsecure
  apply (rule rsecure_strong)
  apply (elim conjE)
  subgoal for s1 tr1 s2 tr2
    using init unfolding initCond_def 
    apply (erule_tac allE[of _ s1])    
    apply (elim allE[of _ s2] conjE)
    apply (elim impE[of istateO s1  istateO s2] exE conjE)
    subgoal by clarify
    subgoal for sv1 sv2
      using unwind apply (drule_tac unwindCond_ex_ψ, blast+)
      subgoal by (rule Transition_System.reach.Istate)
      subgoal by (rule Transition_System.reach.Istate)
      subgoal by (rule Transition_System.reach.Istate)
      subgoal by (rule Transition_System.reach.Istate)
      apply (elim exE)
      subgoal for trv1 trv2 
        apply (rule exI[of _ sv1], rule exI[of _ trv1], rule exI[of _ sv2], rule exI[of _ trv2])
        by clarify

subsection ‹ Compositional unwinding ›

text ‹ We allow networks of unwinding relations that unwind into each other, 
which offer a compositional alternative to monolithic unwinding. ›

definition unwindIntoCond :: 
"(enat  'stateO  'stateO  status  'stateV  'stateV  status  bool)   
 (enat  'stateO  'stateO  status  'stateV  'stateV  status  bool)
"unwindIntoCond Δ Δ'  w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 (finalO s1  finalO s2)  (finalV sv1  finalO s1)  (finalV sv2  finalO s2) 
 (statA = Eq  (isIntO s1  isIntO s2))
 ((v<w. proact Δ' v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)   
  react Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)"

(* A sufficient criterion for unwindIntoCond, removing the proact part: *)
lemma unwindIntoCond_simpleI:
 "w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (finalO s1  finalO s2)  (finalV sv1  finalO s1)  (finalV sv2  finalO s2)"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 statA = Eq 
 isIntO s1  isIntO s2"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 react Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
shows "unwindIntoCond Δ Δ'"
using assms unfolding unwindIntoCond_def by auto

lemma unwindIntoCond_simpleI2:
 "w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (finalO s1  finalO s2)  (finalV sv1  finalO s1)  (finalV sv2  finalO s2)"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 statA = Eq 
 isIntO s1  isIntO s2"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (v<w. proact Δ' v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)"
shows "unwindIntoCond Δ Δ'"
using assms unfolding unwindIntoCond_def by auto

lemma unwindIntoCond_simpleIB:
 "w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (finalO s1  finalO s2)  (finalV sv1  finalO s1)  (finalV sv2  finalO s2)"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 statA = Eq 
 isIntO s1  isIntO s2"
"w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
 reachO s1  reachO s2  reachV sv1  reachV sv2  
 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO 
 (v<w. proact Δ' v s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)  react Δ' s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
shows "unwindIntoCond Δ Δ'"
  using assms unfolding unwindIntoCond_def by auto

theorem distrib_unwind_rsecure:
assumes m: "0 < m" and nxt: "i. i < (m::nat)  nxt i  {0..<m}" 
and init: "initCond (Δs 0)" 
and step: "i. i < m  
  unwindIntoCond (Δs i) (λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
     j  nxt i. Δs j w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO)"
shows rsecure
  define Δ where D: "Δ  λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. i < m. Δs i w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
  have i: "initCond Δ" 
    using init m unfolding initCond_def D by meson
  have c: "unwindCond Δ" unfolding unwindCond_def apply(intro allI impI allI)
  apply(subst (asm) D) apply (elim exE conjE)
    subgoal for w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO i 
      apply(frule step) unfolding unwindIntoCond_def
      apply(erule allE[of _ w])
      apply(erule allE[of _ s1]) apply(erule allE[of _ s2]) apply(erule allE[of _ statA])
      apply(erule allE[of _ sv1]) apply(erule allE[of _ sv2]) apply(erule allE[of _ statO])
      apply simp apply(elim conjE) 
      apply(erule disjE)
        subgoal apply(rule disjI1)
        subgoal apply(elim exE conjE) subgoal for v
        apply(rule exI[of _ v], simp) 
        apply(rule proact_mono[of "λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. jnxt i. Δs j w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"])
          subgoal unfolding le_fun_def D by simp (meson atLeastLessThan_iff nxt subsetD)
          subgoal . . . .
        subgoal apply(rule disjI2)
        apply(rule match_mono[of "λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. jnxt i. Δs j w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"])
          subgoal unfolding le_fun_def D by simp (meson atLeastLessThan_iff nxt subsetD)
          subgoal . . . .
  show ?thesis using unwind_rsecure[OF i c] .

corollary linear_unwind_rsecure:
assumes init: "initCond (Δs 0)"
and step: "(i. i < m  
  unwindIntoCond (Δs i) (λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
          Δs i w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
          Δs (Suc i) w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO))"
and finish: "unwindIntoCond (Δs m) (Δs m)"
shows rsecure
apply(rule distrib_unwind_rsecure[of "Suc m" "λi. if i<m then {i,Suc i} else {i}" Δs, OF _ _ init]) 
using step finish 
by (auto simp: less_Suc_eq_le)

(* *)

definition oor where 
"oor Δ Δ2  λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
  Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"

lemma oorI1: 
"Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor Δ Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor_def by simp

lemma oorI2: 
"Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor Δ Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor_def by simp

definition oor3 where 
"oor3 Δ Δ2 Δ3  λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
  Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"

lemma oor3I1: 
"Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor3 Δ Δ2 Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor3_def by simp

lemma oor3I2: 
"Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor3 Δ Δ2 Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor3_def by simp

lemma oor3I3: 
"Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor3 Δ Δ2 Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor3_def by simp

definition oor4 where 
"oor4 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4  λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
  Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"

lemma oor4I1: 
"Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor4 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor4_def by simp

lemma oor4I2: 
"Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor4 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor4_def by simp

lemma oor4I3: 
"Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor4 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor4_def by simp

lemma oor4I4: 
"Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor4 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
  unfolding oor4_def by simp

definition oor5 where 
"oor5 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5  λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
  Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"

lemma oor5I1: 
"Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor5 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor5_def by simp

lemma oor5I2: 
"Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor5 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor5_def by simp

lemma oor5I3: 
"Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor5 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor5_def by simp

lemma oor5I4: 
"Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor5 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor5_def by simp

lemma oor5I5: 
"Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor5 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
  unfolding oor5_def by simp

definition oor6 where 
"oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6  λw s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO. 
  Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"

lemma oor6I1: 
"Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor6_def by simp

lemma oor6I2: 
"Δ2 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor6_def by simp

lemma oor6I3: 
"Δ3 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor6_def by simp

lemma oor6I4: 
"Δ4 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor6_def by simp

lemma oor6I5: 
"Δ5 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor6_def by simp

lemma oor6I6: 
"Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  oor6 Δ Δ2 Δ3 Δ4 Δ5 Δ6 w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding oor6_def by simp

(* *)

lemma unwind_rsecure_foo:
  assumes init: "initCond Δ0" 
      and step0: "unwindIntoCond Δ0 ΔNN" 
      and stepNN: "unwindIntoCond ΔNN (oor5 ΔNN ΔSN ΔNS ΔSS Δnonspec)"
      and stepNS: "unwindIntoCond ΔNS (oor4 ΔNN ΔSN ΔNS ΔSS)"
      and stepSN: "unwindIntoCond ΔSN (oor4 ΔNN ΔSN ΔNS ΔSS)"
      and stepSS: "unwindIntoCond ΔSS (oor4 ΔNN ΔSN ΔNS ΔSS)"
      and stepNonspec: "unwindIntoCond Δnonspec Δnonspec" 
    shows rsecure
  define m where m: "m  (6::nat)"
  define Δs where Δs: "Δs  λi::nat. 
  if i = 0 then Δ0
  else if i = 1 then ΔNN  
  else if i = 2 then ΔSN 
  else if i = 3 then ΔNS 
  else if i = 4 then ΔSS
  else Δnonspec" 
  define nxt where nxt: "nxt  λi::nat. 
  if i = 0 then {1::nat}
  else if i = 1 then {1,2,3,4,5}  
  else if i = 2 then {1,2,3,4} 
  else if i = 3 then {1,2,3,4}  
  else if i = 4 then {1,2,3,4} 
  else {5}"
  show ?thesis apply(rule distrib_unwind_rsecure[of m nxt Δs])
    subgoal unfolding m by auto
    subgoal unfolding nxt m by auto
    subgoal using init unfolding Δs by auto
      unfolding m nxt Δs  
      using step0 stepNN stepNS stepSN stepSS stepNonspec
      unfolding oor4_def oor5_def by auto .

(* *)

lemma isIntO_match1: "isIntO s1  match1 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding match1_def by auto

lemma isIntO_match2: "isIntO s2  match2 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
unfolding match2_def by auto

(* *)

lemma match1_1_oorI1: 
"match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match1_1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match1_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match1_1_oorI2: 
"match1_1 Δ2 s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match1_1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match1_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match1_oorI1: 
"match1 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match1_oorI2: 
"match1 Δ2 s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

(* *)

lemma match2_1_oorI1: 
"match2_1 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match2_1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match2_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match2_1_oorI2: 
"match2_1 Δ2 s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match2_1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match2_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match2_oorI1: 
"match2 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match2 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match2_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match2_oorI2: 
"match2 Δ2 s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match2 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match2_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

(* *)

lemma match12_oorI1: 
"match12 Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_oorI2: 
"match12 Δ2 s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12 (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_1_oorI1: 
"match12_1 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12_1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_1_oorI2: 
"match12_1 Δ2 s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12_1 (oor Δ Δ2) s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_2_oorI1: 
"match12_2 Δ s2 s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12_2 (oor Δ Δ2) s2 s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_2_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_2_oorI2: 
"match12_2 Δ2 s2 s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12_2 (oor Δ Δ2) s2 s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_2_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_12_oorI1: 
"match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12_12 (oor Δ Δ2) s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_12_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match12_12_oorI2: 
"match12_12 Δ2 s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO  
 match12_12 (oor Δ Δ2) s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match12_12_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

(* *)

lemma match_oorI1: 
"react Δ s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 react (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma match_oorI2: 
"react Δ2 s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 react (oor Δ Δ2) s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule match_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

(* *)

lemma proact_oorI1: 
"proact Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 proact (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule proact_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma proact_oorI2: 
"proact Δ2 meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 proact (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule proact_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma move_1_oorI1: 
"move_1 Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 move_1 (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule move_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma move_1_oorI2: 
"move_1 Δ2 meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 move_1 (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule move_1_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma move_2_oorI1: 
"move_2 Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 move_2 (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule move_2_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma move_2_oorI2: 
"move_2 Δ2 meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 move_2 (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule move_2_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma move_12_oorI1: 
"move_12 Δ meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 move_12 (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule move_12_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

lemma move_12_oorI2: 
"move_12 Δ2 meas s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
 move_12 (oor Δ Δ2) meas  s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO"
apply(rule move_12_mono) unfolding le_fun_def oor_def by auto

end (* context Relative_Security *)

context Relative_Security_Determ

lemma match1_1_defD: "match1_1 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO          
    ¬ finalV sv1  Δ  s1' s2 statA (nextO sv1) sv2 statO"
unfolding match1_1_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemma match1_12_defD: "match1_12 Δ s1 s1' s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO   
  ¬ finalV sv1  ¬ finalV sv2      
  Δ  s1' s2 statA (nextO sv1) (nextO sv2) (sstatO' statO sv1 sv2)"
unfolding match1_12_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemmas match1_defsD = match1_def match1_1_defD match1_12_defD

(*  *)

lemma match2_1_defD: "match2_1 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  ¬ finalV sv2  Δ  s1 s2' statA sv1 (nextO sv2) statO"
unfolding match2_1_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemma match2_12_defD: "match2_12 Δ s1 s2 s2' statA sv1 sv2 statO  
  ¬ finalV sv1  ¬ finalV sv2  Δ  s1 s2' statA (nextO sv1) (nextO sv2) (sstatO' statO sv1 sv2)"
unfolding match2_12_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemmas match2_defsD = match2_def match2_1_defD match2_12_defD

(* *)

lemma match12_1_defD: "match12_1 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO   
 ¬ finalV sv1  Δ  s1' s2' statA' (nextO sv1) sv2 statO"
unfolding match12_1_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemma match12_2_defD: "match12_2 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO   
  ¬ finalV sv2  Δ  s1' s2' statA' sv1 (nextO sv2) statO"
unfolding match12_2_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemma match12_12_defD: "match12_12 Δ s1' s2' statA' sv1 sv2 statO   
    (let statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 in 
    ¬ finalV sv1  ¬ finalV sv2    
    (statA' = Diff  statO' = Diff)        
    Δ  s1' s2' statA' (nextO sv1) (nextO sv2) statO')"
unfolding match12_12_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemmas match12_defsD = match12_def match12_1_defD match12_2_defD match12_12_defD

lemmas match_deep_defsD = match1_defsD match2_defsD match12_defsD

(* *)

lemma move_1_defD: "move_1 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO  
   ¬ finalV sv1  Δ w s1 s2 statA (nextO sv1) sv2 statO"
unfolding move_1_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemma move_2_defD: "move_2 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO   
   ¬ finalV sv2  Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 (nextO sv2) statO"
unfolding move_2_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemma move_12_defD: "move_12 Δ w s1 s2 statA sv1 sv2 statO   
   (let statO' = sstatO' statO sv1 sv2 in 
   ¬ finalV sv1  ¬ finalV sv2      
   Δ w s1 s2 statA (nextO sv1) (nextO sv2) statO')" 
unfolding move_12_def validTrans_iff_next by simp

lemmas proact_defsD = proact_def move_1_defD move_2_defD move_12_defD

end (* context Relative_Security_Determ *)
