Theory Relation_Algebra_Tests

(* Title:      Relation Algebra
   Author:     Alasdair Armstrong, Simon Foster, Georg Struth, Tjark Weber
   Maintainer: Georg Struth <g.struth at>
               Tjark Weber < at>

section ‹Tests›

theory Relation_Algebra_Tests
  imports Relation_Algebra

subsection ‹Tests›

text ‹Tests or subidentities provide another way of modelling sets. Once more
we prove the basic properties, most of which stem from Maddux's book.›

context relation_algebra

definition is_test :: "'a  bool"
  where "is_test x  x  1'"

lemma test_conv: "is_test x  is_test (x)"
by (metis conv_e conv_iso is_test_def)

lemma test_conv_var: "is_test x  x  1'"
by (metis test_conv is_test_def)

lemma test_eq_conv [simp]: "is_test x  x = x"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  assume hyp: "is_test x"
  hence "x  x ; (1'  x ; 1')"
    by (metis inf.commute inf_absorb2 inf_le2 modular_1' mult.right_neutral is_test_def)
  thus "x  x"
    by (metis comp_unitr conv_contrav conv_invol order.eq_iff hyp inf_absorb2 mult_subdistl test_conv_var)
  thus "x  x"
    by (metis conv_invol conv_times le_iff_inf)

lemma test_sum: "is_test x; is_test y  is_test (x + y)"
by (simp add: is_test_def)

lemma test_prod: "is_test x; is_test y  is_test (x  y)"
by (metis le_infI2 is_test_def)

lemma test_comp: "is_test x; is_test y  is_test (x ; y)"
by (metis mult_isol comp_unitr order_trans is_test_def)

lemma test_comp_eq_mult:
  assumes "is_test x"
    and "is_test y"
  shows "x ; y = x  y"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  show "x ; y  x  y"
    by (metis assms comp_unitr inf_absorb2 le_inf_iff mult_onel mult_subdistl mult_subdistr is_test_def)
  have "x  y  x ; (1'  x ; y)"
    by (metis comp_unitr modular_1_var)
  thus "x  y  x ; y"
    by (metis assms(1) inf_absorb2 le_infI2 mult.left_neutral mult_isol mult_subdistr order_trans test_eq_conv is_test_def)

lemma test_1 [simp]: "is_test x  x ; 1  y = x ; y"
by (metis inf.commute inf.idem inf_absorb2 mult.left_neutral one_conv ra_1 test_comp_eq_mult test_eq_conv is_test_def)

lemma maddux_32 [simp]: "is_test x  -(x ; 1)  1' = -x  1'"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  assume "is_test x"
  show "-(x ; 1)  1'  -x  1'"
    by (metis maddux_20 comp_anti inf.commute meet_isor)
  assume "is_test x"
  have one: "x ; 1  (-x  1')  x ; x ; (-x  1')"
    by (metis maddux_16 inf_top_left mult.assoc)
  hence two: "x ; 1  (-x  1')  -x"
    by (metis inf.commute inf_le1 le_infE)
  hence "x ; 1  (-x  1')  x"
    by (metis one inf.commute le_infE meet_iso one_conv is_test x order.eq_iff test_1 test_eq_conv)
  hence "x ; 1  (-x  1') = 0"
    by (metis two galois_aux2 le_iff_inf)
  thus "-x  1'  -(x ; 1)  1'"
    by (metis double_compl galois_aux2 inf.commute inf_le1 le_inf_iff)

lemma test_distr_1 :
  assumes "is_test x"
    and "is_test y"
  shows "x ; z  y ; z = (x  y) ; z"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  have "x ; z  y ; z  x ; 1  y ; z"
    by (metis inf_top_left meet_iso mult_subdistl)
  also have " = x ; y ; z"
    by (metis assms(1) mult.assoc test_1)
  finally show "x ; z  y ; z  (x  y) ; z"
    by (metis assms test_comp_eq_mult)
  show "(x  y) ; z  x ; z  y ; z"
    by (metis mult_subdistr_var)

lemma maddux_35: "is_test x  x ; y  -z = x ; y  -(x ; z)"
proof (rule order.antisym)
  assume "is_test x"
  show "x ; y  -z  x ; y  -(x ; z)"
    by (metis is_test x comp_anti mult_isor mult_onel is_test_def inf.commute inf_le2 le_infI le_infI1)
  have one: "x ; y  -(x ; z)  x ; (y  -z)"
    by (metis order.eq_iff le_infE maddux_23)
  hence two: "x ; y  -(x ; z)  x ; y"
    by (metis inf_le1)
  have "x ; y  -(x ; z)   x ; -z"
    using one
    by (metis galois_1 le_iff_sup distrib_left sup_compl_top sup_top_right)
  hence "x ; y  -(x ; z)  -z"
    by (metis is_test x mult_isor mult_onel is_test_def order_trans)
  thus "x ; y  -(x ; z)  x ; y  -z"
    using two
    by (metis le_inf_iff)

subsection ‹Test Complements›

text ‹Text complements are complements of elements that are ``pushed below''
the multiplicative unit.›

definition tc :: "'a  'a" 
  where "tc x = 1'  -x"

lemma test_compl_1 [simp]: "is_test x  x + tc x = 1'"
  by (metis is_test_def local.aux4 local.inf.absorb_iff1 local.inf_commute tc_def)

lemma test_compl_2 [simp]: "is_test x  x  tc x = 0"
  by (metis galois_aux inf.commute inf_le2 tc_def)

lemma test_test_compl: "is_test x  is_test (tc x)"
  by (simp add: is_test_def tc_def)

lemma test_compl_de_morgan_1: "tc (x + y) = tc x  tc y"
  by (metis compl_sup inf.left_commute inf.left_idem meet_assoc tc_def)

lemma test_compl_de_morgan_2: "tc (x  y) = tc x + tc y"
  by (metis compl_inf inf_sup_distrib1 tc_def)

lemma test_compl_three [simp]: "tc (tc (tc x)) = tc x"
  by (metis aux4 aux6 de_morgan_3 inf.commute inf_sup_absorb tc_def)

lemma test_compl_double [simp]: "is_test x  tc (tc x) = x"
  by (metis aux6_var compl_inf double_compl inf.commute le_iff_inf tc_def is_test_def)

end (* relation_algebra *)
