Theory Wordarith
section "Extensions to the Word theory required for PSS"
theory Wordarith
imports WordOperations "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Primes"
nat_to_bv_length :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ bv" where
"nat_to_bv_length n l = (if length(nat_to_bv n) ≤ l then bv_extend l 𝟬 (nat_to_bv n) else [])"
lemma length_nat_to_bv_length:
"nat_to_bv_length x y ≠ [] ⟹ length (nat_to_bv_length x y) = y"
unfolding nat_to_bv_length by auto
lemma bv_to_nat_nat_to_bv_length:
"nat_to_bv_length x y ≠ [] ⟹ bv_to_nat (nat_to_bv_length x y) = x"
unfolding nat_to_bv_length by auto
roundup :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat" where
roundup: "roundup x y = (if (x mod y = 0) then (x div y) else (x div y) + 1)"
lemma rnddvd: "b dvd a ⟹ roundup a b * b = a"
by (auto simp add: roundup dvd_eq_mod_eq_0)
lemma bv_to_nat_zero_prepend: "bv_to_nat a = bv_to_nat (𝟬#a)"
by auto
primrec remzero:: "bv ⇒ bv" where
"remzero [] = []"
| "remzero (a#b) = (if a = 𝟭 then (a#b) else remzero b)"
lemma remzeroeq: "bv_to_nat a = bv_to_nat (remzero a)"
proof (induct a)
show "bv_to_nat [] = bv_to_nat (remzero [])"
by simp
case (Cons a1 a2)
show "bv_to_nat a2 = bv_to_nat (remzero a2) ⟹
bv_to_nat (a1 # a2) = bv_to_nat (remzero (a1 # a2))"
proof (cases a1)
assume a: "a1=𝟬" then have "bv_to_nat (a1#a2) = bv_to_nat a2"
using bv_to_nat_zero_prepend by simp
moreover have "remzero (a1 # a2) = remzero a2" using a by simp
ultimately show ?thesis using Cons by simp
assume "a1=𝟭" then show ?thesis by simp
lemma len_nat_to_bv_pos: assumes x: "1 < a" shows "0< length (nat_to_bv a)"
proof (auto)
assume b: "nat_to_bv a = []"
have a: "bv_to_nat [] = 0" by simp
have c: "bv_to_nat (nat_to_bv a) = 0" using a and b by simp
from x have d: "bv_to_nat (nat_to_bv a) = a" by simp
from d and c have "a=0" by simp
then show False using x by simp
lemma remzero_replicate: "remzero ((replicate n 𝟬)@l) = remzero l"
by (induct n, auto)
lemma length_bvxor_bound: "a <= length l ⟹ a <= length (bvxor l l2)"
proof (induct a)
case 0
then show ?case by simp
case (Suc a)
have a: "Suc a ≤ length l" by fact
with Suc.hyps have b: "a ≤ length (bvxor l l2)" by simp
show "Suc a ≤ length (bvxor l l2)"
proof cases
assume c: "a = length (bvxor l l2)"
show "Suc a ≤ length (bvxor l l2)"
proof (simp add: bvxor)
have "length l <= max (length l) (length l2)" by simp
then show "Suc a ≤ max (length l) (length l2)" using a by simp
assume "a ≠ length (bvxor l l2)"
then have "a < length (bvxor l l2)" using b by simp
then show ?thesis by simp
lemma nat_to_bv_helper_legacy_induct:
"(⋀n. n ≠ (0::nat) ⟶ P (n div 2) ⟹ P n) ⟹ P x"
unfolding atomize_imp[symmetric]
by (induction_schema, simp, lexicographic_order)
lemma len_lower_bound:
assumes "0 < n"
shows "2^(length (nat_to_bv n) - Suc 0) ≤ n"
proof (cases "1<n")
assume l1: "1<n"
then show ?thesis
proof (simp add: nat_to_bv_def, induct n rule: nat_to_bv_helper_legacy_induct, auto)
fix n
assume a: "Suc 0 < (n::nat)" and b: "~Suc 0<n div 2"
then have "n=2 ∨ n=3"
proof (cases "n<=3")
assume "n<=3" and "Suc 0<n"
then show "n=2 ∨ n=3" by auto
assume "~n<=3" then have "3<n" by simp
then have "1 < n div 2" by arith
then show "n=2 ∨ n=3" using b by simp
then show "2 ^ (length (nat_to_bv_helper n []) - Suc 0) ≤ n"
proof (cases "n=2")
assume a: "n=2" then have "nat_to_bv_helper n [] = [𝟭, 𝟬]"
proof -
have "nat_to_bv_helper n [] = nat_to_bv n" using b by (simp add: nat_to_bv_def)
then show ?thesis using a by (simp add: nat_to_bv_non0)
then show "2 ^ (length (nat_to_bv_helper n []) - Suc 0) ≤ n" using a by simp
assume "n=2 ∨ n=3" and "n~=2"
then have a: "n=3" by simp
then have "nat_to_bv_helper n [] = [𝟭, 𝟭]"
proof -
have "nat_to_bv_helper n [] = nat_to_bv n" using a by (simp add: nat_to_bv_def)
then show ?thesis using a by (simp add: nat_to_bv_non0)
then show "2^(length (nat_to_bv_helper n []) - Suc 0) <=n" using a by simp
fix n
assume a: "Suc 0<n" and
b: "2 ^ (length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) - Suc 0) ≤ n div 2"
have "(2::nat) ^ (length (nat_to_bv_helper n []) - Suc 0) =
2^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) + 1 - Suc 0)"
proof -
have "length (nat_to_bv n) = length (nat_to_bv (n div 2)) + 1"
using a by (simp add: nat_to_bv_non0)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: nat_to_bv_def)
moreover have "(2::nat)^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) + 1 - Suc 0) =
2^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) - Suc 0) * 2"
proof auto
have "(2::nat)^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) -Suc 0)*2 =
2^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) - Suc 0 + 1)" by simp
moreover have "(2::nat)^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) - Suc 0 + 1) =
2^(length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []))"
proof -
have "0<n div 2" using a by arith
then have "0<length (nat_to_bv (n div 2))" by (simp add: nat_to_bv_non0)
then have "0< length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) [])" using a by (simp add: nat_to_bv_def)
then show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show "(2::nat) ^ length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) =
2 ^ (length (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) - Suc 0) * 2" by simp
ultimately show "2 ^ (length (nat_to_bv_helper n []) - Suc 0) <= n"
using b by (simp add: nat_to_bv_def) arith
assume c: "~1<n"
show ?thesis
proof (cases "n=1")
assume a: "n=1" then have "nat_to_bv n = [𝟭]" by (simp add: nat_to_bv_non0)
then show "2^(length (nat_to_bv n) - Suc 0) <= n" using a by simp
assume "n~=1"
with ‹0 < n› show "2^(length (nat_to_bv n) - Suc 0) <= n" using c by simp
lemma length_lower: assumes a: "length a < length b" and b: "(hd b) ~= 𝟬" shows "bv_to_nat a < bv_to_nat b"
proof -
have ha: "bv_to_nat a < 2^length a" by (simp add: bv_to_nat_upper_range)
have "b ~= []" using a by auto
then have "b=(hd b)#(tl b)" by simp
then have "bv_to_nat b = bitval (hd b) * 2^(length (tl b)) + bv_to_nat (tl b)" using bv_to_nat_helper[of "hd b" "tl b"] by simp
moreover have "bitval (hd b) = 1"
proof (cases "hd b")
assume "hd b = 𝟬 "
then show "bitval (hd b) = 1" using b by simp
assume "hd b = 𝟭"
then show "bitval (hd b) = 1" by simp
ultimately have hb: "2^length (tl b) <= bv_to_nat b" by simp
have "2^(length a) <= (2::nat)^length (tl b)" using a by auto
then show ?thesis using hb and ha by arith
lemma nat_to_bv_non_empty: assumes a: "0<n" shows "nat_to_bv n ~= []"
proof -
from nat_to_bv_non0[of n] have "∃x. nat_to_bv n = x@[if n mod 2 = 0 then 𝟬 else 𝟭]" using a by simp
then show ?thesis by auto
lemma hd_append: "x ~= [] ⟹ hd (x @ xs) = hd x"
by (induct x) auto
lemma hd_one: "0<n ⟹ hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) = 𝟭"
proof (induct n rule: nat_to_bv_helper_legacy_induct)
fix n
assume *: "n ≠ 0 ⟶ 0 < n div 2 ⟶ hd (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) = 𝟭"
and "0 < n"
show "hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) = 𝟭"
proof (cases "1<n")
assume a: "1<n"
with * have b: "0 < n div 2 ⟶ hd (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) = 𝟭" by simp
from a have c: "0<n div 2" by arith
then have d: "hd (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) []) = 𝟭" using b by simp
also from a have "0<n" by simp
then have "hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) =
hd (nat_to_bv (n div 2) @ [if n mod 2 = 0 then 𝟬 else 𝟭])"
using nat_to_bv_def and nat_to_bv_non0[of n] by auto
then have "hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) =
hd (nat_to_bv (n div 2))"
using nat_to_bv_non0[of "n div 2"] and c and
nat_to_bv_non_empty[of "n div 2"] and hd_append[of " nat_to_bv (n div 2)"] by auto
then have "hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) = hd (nat_to_bv_helper (n div 2) [])"
using nat_to_bv_def by simp
then show "hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) = 𝟭" using b and c by simp
assume "~1 < n" with ‹0<n› have c: "n=1" by simp
have "nat_to_bv_helper 1 [] = [𝟭]" by (simp add: nat_to_bv_helper.simps)
then show "hd (nat_to_bv_helper n []) = 𝟭" using c by simp
lemma prime_hd_non_zero:
fixes p::nat assumes a: "prime p" and b: "prime q" shows "hd (nat_to_bv (p*q)) ~= 𝟬"
proof -
have "0 < p*q"
by (metis a b mult_is_0 neq0_conv not_prime_0)
then show ?thesis using hd_one[of "p*q"] and nat_to_bv_def by auto
lemma primerew: fixes p::nat shows "⟦m dvd p; m~=1; m~=p⟧ ⟹ ~ prime p"
by (auto simp add: prime_nat_iff)
lemma two_dvd_exp: "0<x ⟹ (2::nat) dvd 2^x"
by (induct x) auto
lemma exp_prod1: "⟦1<b;2^x=2*(b::nat)⟧ ⟹ 2 dvd b"
proof -
assume a: "1<b" and b: "2^x=2*(b::nat)"
have s1: "1<x"
proof (cases "1<x")
assume "1<x" then show ?thesis by simp
assume x: "~1 < x" then have "2^x <= (2::nat)" using b
proof (cases "x=0")
assume "x=0" then show "2^x <= (2::nat)" by simp
assume "x~=0" then have "x=1" using x by simp
then show "2^x <= (2::nat)" by simp
then have "b<=1" using b by simp
then show ?thesis using a by simp
have s2: "2^(x-(1::nat)) = b"
proof -
from s1 b have "2^((x-Suc 0)+1) = 2*b" by simp
then have "2*2^(x-Suc 0) = 2*b" by simp
then show "2^(x-(1::nat)) = b" by simp
from s1 and s2 show ?thesis using two_dvd_exp[of "x-(1::nat)"] by simp
lemma exp_prod2: "⟦1<a; 2^x=a*2⟧ ⟹ (2::nat) dvd a"
proof -
assume "2^x=a*2"
then have "2^x=2*a" by simp
moreover assume "1<a"
ultimately show "2 dvd a" using exp_prod1 by simp
lemma odd_mul_odd: "⟦~(2::nat) dvd p; ~2 dvd q⟧ ⟹ ~2 dvd p*q"
by simp
lemma prime_equal: fixes p::nat shows "⟦prime p; prime q; 2^x=p*q⟧ ⟹ (p=q)"
proof -
assume a: "prime p" and b: "prime q" and c: "2^x=p*q"
from a have d: "1 < p" by (simp add: prime_nat_iff)
moreover from b have e: "1<q" by (simp add: prime_nat_iff)
show "p=q"
proof (cases "p=2")
assume p: "p=2" then have "2 dvd q" using c and exp_prod1[of q x] and e by simp
then have "2=q" using primerew[of 2 q] and b by auto
then show ?thesis using p by simp
assume p: "p~=2" show "p=q"
proof (cases "q=2")
assume q: "q=2" then have "2 dvd p" using c and exp_prod1[of p x] and d by simp
then have "2=p" using primerew[of 2 p] and a by auto
then show ?thesis using p by simp
assume q: "q~=2" show "p=q"
proof -
from p have "~ 2 dvd p" using primerew and a by auto
moreover from q have "~2 dvd q" using primerew and b by auto
ultimately have "~2 dvd p*q" by (simp add: odd_mul_odd)
then have "odd ((2 :: nat) ^ x)" by (simp only: c) simp
moreover have "(2::nat) dvd 2^x"
proof (cases "x=0")
assume "x=0" then have "(2::nat)^x=1" by simp
then show ?thesis using c and d and e by simp
assume "x~=0" then have "0<x" by simp
then show ?thesis using two_dvd_exp by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
lemma nat_to_bv_length_bv_to_nat:
"length xs = n ⟹ xs ≠ [] ⟹ nat_to_bv_length (bv_to_nat xs) n = xs"
apply (simp only: nat_to_bv_length)
apply (auto)
apply (simp add: bv_extend_norm_unsigned)