Theory Crypt
section "Definition of rsacrypt"
theory Crypt
imports Main Mod
text ‹
This theory defines the rsacrypt function which implements RSA using fast
exponentiation. An proof, that this function calculates RSA is also given
definition rsa_crypt :: "nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ nat"
cryptcorrect: "rsa_crypt M e n = M ^ e mod n"
lemma rsa_crypt_code [code]:
"rsa_crypt M e n = (if e = 0 then 1 mod n
else if even e then rsa_crypt M (e div 2) n ^ 2 mod n
else (M * rsa_crypt M (e div 2) n ^ 2 mod n) mod n)"
proof -
{ fix m
have "(M ^ m mod n)⇧2 mod n = (M ^ m)⇧2 mod n"
by (simp add: power_mod)
then have "(M mod n) * ((M ^ m mod n)⇧2 mod n) = (M mod n) * ((M ^ m)⇧2 mod n)"
by simp
have "M * (M ^ m mod n)⇧2 mod n = M * (M ^ m)⇧2 mod n"
by (metis mod_mult_right_eq power_mod)
then show ?thesis
by (auto simp add: cryptcorrect power_even_eq remainderexp elim!: evenE oddE)