Theory Examples_QR_IArrays_Symbolic

    Title:      Examples_QR_IArrays_Symbolic.thy
    Author:     Jose Divasón <jose.divasonm at>
    Author:     Jesús Aransay <jesus-maria.aransay at>

section‹Examples of execution using symbolic computation and iarrays›

theory Examples_QR_IArrays_Symbolic

subsection‹Execution of the QR decomposition using symbolic computation and iarrays›

definition "show_vec_real_iarrays v = IArray.of_fun (λi. show_real (v !! i)) (IArray.length v)"

lemma vec_to_iarray_show_vec_real[code_unfold]: "vec_to_iarray (show_vec_real v) 
  = show_vec_real_iarrays (vec_to_iarray v)"
  unfolding show_vec_real_def show_vec_real_iarrays_def vec_to_iarray_def by auto

text‹The following function is used to print elements of type vec as lists of characters; 
  useful for printing vectors in the output panel.›

definition "print_vec = IArray.list_of  show_vec_real_iarrays  vec_to_iarray"

definition "show_matrix_real_iarrays A = IArray.of_fun (λi. show_vec_real_iarrays (A !! i)) (IArray.length A)"

lemma matrix_to_iarray_show_matrix_real[code_unfold]: "matrix_to_iarray (show_matrix_real v) 
  = show_matrix_real_iarrays (matrix_to_iarray v)"
  unfolding show_matrix_real_iarrays_def show_matrix_real_def
  unfolding matrix_to_iarray_def 
  by (simp add: vec_to_iarray_show_vec_real)

text‹The following functions are useful to print matrices as lists of lists of characters; 
  useful for printing in the output panel.›

definition "print_vec_mat = IArray.list_of  show_vec_real_iarrays"

definition "print_mat_aux A = IArray.of_fun (λi. print_vec_mat (A !! i)) (IArray.length A)"

definition "print_mat = IArray.list_of  print_mat_aux  matrix_to_iarray"


value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,4],[9,4,5],[0,0,0]]::real^3^3 in 
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (matrix_to_iarray (show_matrix_real (divide_by_norm A)))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,4],[9,4,5],[0,0,4]]::real^3^3 in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (matrix_to_iarray (show_matrix_real (fst (QR_decomposition A))))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,4],[9,4,5],[0,0,4]]::real^3^3 in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (matrix_to_iarray (show_matrix_real (snd (QR_decomposition A))))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,4],[9,4,5],[0,0,4]]::real^3^3 in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (matrix_to_iarray 
    (show_matrix_real ((fst (QR_decomposition A)) ** (snd (QR_decomposition A)))))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4 in rank A = ncols A"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4 in
  print_result_solve (solve A b)"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4
  vec_to_list (show_vec_real (the (inverse_matrix (snd (QR_decomposition A))) ** transpose (fst (QR_decomposition A)) *v b))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real ((snd (QR_decomposition A))))"

text‹least squares solution›

definition "A  list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,3/5,3],[9,4,5/3],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4"
definition "b  list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4"

value "let Q = fst (QR_decomposition A); R = snd (QR_decomposition A)
  in print_vec ((the (inverse_matrix R) ** transpose Q *v b))"

text‹A times least squares solution›

value "let Q = fst (QR_decomposition A); R = snd (QR_decomposition A)
  in print_vec (A *v (the (inverse_matrix R) ** transpose Q *v b))"

text‹The matrix Q›

value "print_mat (fst (QR_decomposition A))"

text‹The matrix R›

value "print_mat (snd (QR_decomposition A))"

text‹The inverse of matrix R›

value "let R = snd (QR_decomposition A) in print_mat (the (inverse_matrix R))"

text‹The least squares solution is in the left null space of A›

value "let Q = fst (QR_decomposition A); R = snd (QR_decomposition A);
           b2 = (A *v (the (inverse_matrix R) ** transpose Q *v b))
       in print_vec ((b - b2)v* A)"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,4],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[3,5,4]]::real^3^4 in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (matrix_to_iarray 
    (show_matrix_real ((fst (QR_decomposition A)) ** (snd (QR_decomposition A)))))"

value "let A = IArray[IArray[1,2,4],IArray[9,4,5::real],IArray[0,0,0]] in 
   iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real_iarrays (divide_by_norm_iarray A))"  

value "let A = IArray[IArray[1,2,4],IArray[9,4,5],IArray[0,0,4]] in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real_iarrays (fst (QR_decomposition_iarrays A)))"
value "let A = IArray[IArray[1,2,4],IArray[9,4,5],IArray[0,0,4]] in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real_iarrays (snd (QR_decomposition_iarrays A)))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4 in rank A = ncols A"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4 in
  print_result_solve (solve A b)"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4
  vec_to_list (show_vec_real (the (inverse_matrix (snd (QR_decomposition A))) ** transpose (fst (QR_decomposition A)) *v b))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4
  in matrix_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real ((snd (QR_decomposition A))))"

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,2,3],[9,4,5],[0,0,4],[1,2,3]]::real^3^4; 
  b = list_to_vec [1,2,3,4]::real^4;
  b2 = (A *v (the (inverse_matrix (snd (QR_decomposition A))) ** transpose (fst (QR_decomposition A)) *v b))
  vec_to_list (show_vec_real ((b - b2)v* A))"

value "let A = IArray[IArray[1,2,4],IArray[9,4,5],IArray[0,0,4]] in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real_iarrays 
    ((fst (QR_decomposition_iarrays A)) **i (snd (QR_decomposition_iarrays A))))"
value "let A = IArray[IArray[1,2,4],IArray[9,4,5],IArray[0,0,4],IArray[3,5,4]]in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real_iarrays 
    ((fst (QR_decomposition_iarrays A)) **i (snd (QR_decomposition_iarrays A))))"

text‹The following example is presented in Chapter 1 of the book
Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing› by Dahlquist and Bjorck›

value "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix 
  b = list_to_vec [0.3704,0.5,0.6211,0.8333,0.9804]::real^5;
  QR = (QR_decomposition A);
  Q = fst QR;
  R = snd QR
  in print_vec (the (inverse_matrix R) ** transpose Q *v b)"

  Limitation: if the input matrix has irrational numbers, then we won't be working in the same
  field extension so the computation will fail.

value[code] "let A = list_of_list_to_matrix [[1,sqrt 2,4],[sqrt 5,4,5],[0,sqrt 7,4]]::real^3^3 in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (matrix_to_iarray (show_matrix_real ((fst (QR_decomposition A)))))"

definition "example = (let A = IArray[IArray[1,2,4],IArray[9,4,5],IArray[0,0,4],IArray[3,5,4]]in
  iarray_of_iarray_to_list_of_list (show_matrix_real_iarrays 
    ((fst (QR_decomposition_iarrays A)) **i (snd (QR_decomposition_iarrays A)))))"

export_code example in SML module_name QR
