Theory Closedness

(* Model Existence Theorem *)

(* Formalization adapted from: 
   Fabián Fernando Serrano Suárez, "Formalización en Isar de la
   Meta-Lógica de Primer Orden." PhD thesis, 
   Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial,
   Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, 2012.  In Spanish  *)

theory Closedness
imports SyntaxAndSemantics UniformNotation

definition consistenceP :: "'b formula set set  bool" where
  "consistenceP 𝒞 = 
     (S. S  𝒞  (P. ¬ (atom P  S  (¬.atom P)  S)) 
     FF  S  (¬.TT)  S 
     (F. (¬.¬.F)  S  S  {F}   𝒞) 
     (F. ((FormulaAlfa F)  FS)  (S{Comp1 F, Comp2 F})  𝒞) 
     (F. ((FormulaBeta F)  FS)  (S{Comp1 F}𝒞)  (S{Comp2 F}𝒞)))"     

definition subset_closed :: "'a set set  bool" where
  "subset_closed 𝒞 = (S  𝒞. S'. S'  S  S'  𝒞)"

definition closure_subset :: "'a set set  'a set set" (‹_[1000] 1000) where
  "𝒞 = {S. S'  𝒞. S  S'}"

lemma closed_subset: "𝒞  𝒞"
proof -
  { fix S
    assume "S  𝒞" 
    have "S  S" by simp
    have "S  𝒞"
      by (unfold closure_subset_def, auto) }
  thus ?thesis by auto

lemma closed_closed: "subset_closed (𝒞)"
proof -
 { fix S T
   assume "S  𝒞" and "T  S"
   obtain S1 where "S1  𝒞" and "S  S1" using `S  𝒞` 
     by (unfold closure_subset_def, auto)
   have "T  S1" using `T  S` and `S  S1`  by simp
   hence "T  𝒞" using `S1  𝒞` 
     by (unfold closure_subset_def, auto)}
 thus ?thesis by (unfold subset_closed_def, auto) 

lemma cond_consistP1:
  assumes "consistenceP 𝒞" and "T  𝒞" and "S  T"  
  shows "(P. ¬(atom P  S  (¬.atom P)  S))"
proof (rule allI)+  
  fix P 
  show "¬(atom P   S  (¬.atom P)  S)"
  proof -
    have "¬(atom P  T  (¬.atom P)  T)" 
      using `consistenceP 𝒞` and `T  𝒞`
      by(simp add: consistenceP_def)
    thus "¬(atom P  S  (¬.atom P)  S)" using `S  T` by auto

lemma cond_consistP2:
  assumes "consistenceP 𝒞" and "T  𝒞" and "S  T"   
  shows "FF  S  (¬.TT) S"
proof -
  have "FF  T  (¬.TT) T" 
    using `consistenceP 𝒞` and `T  𝒞` 
    by(simp add: consistenceP_def)
  thus "FF  S  (¬.TT) S" using `S  T` by auto

lemma cond_consistP3:
  assumes "consistenceP 𝒞" and "T  𝒞" and "S  T"   
  shows "F. (¬.¬.F)  S  S  {F}  𝒞"
proof(rule allI) 
  fix F
  show "(¬.¬.F)  S   S  {F}  𝒞"
  proof (rule impI)
    assume "(¬.¬.F)  S"
    hence "(¬.¬.F)  T" using `S  T` by auto   
    hence "T  {F}  𝒞" using `consistenceP 𝒞` and `T  𝒞` 
      by(simp add: consistenceP_def)
    have "S  {F}   T  {F}" using `S  T` by auto
    show "S  {F}  𝒞"
      by (auto simp add: closure_subset_def)

lemma cond_consistP4:
  assumes "consistenceP 𝒞" and "T  𝒞" and "S  T" 
  shows "F. ((FormulaAlfa F)  F  S)  (S  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F})  𝒞"
proof (rule allI) 
  fix F 
  show "((FormulaAlfa F)  F  S)  S  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F}  𝒞"
  proof (rule impI)
    assume "((FormulaAlfa F)  F  S)"
    hence "FormulaAlfa F" and  "F  T" using `S  T` by auto 
    hence  "T  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F}  𝒞" 
      using `consistenceP 𝒞` and `FormulaAlfa F` and `T  𝒞` 
      by (auto simp add: consistenceP_def)
    have "S  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F}  T  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F}" 
      using `S  T` by auto
    show  "S  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F}  𝒞" 
      by (auto simp add: closure_subset_def)
text‹ ›
lemma cond_consistP5:
  assumes "consistenceP 𝒞" and "T  𝒞" and "S  T" 
  shows "(F. ((FormulaBeta F)  F  S)  
              (S  {Comp1 F}  𝒞)  (S  {Comp2 F}  𝒞))" 
proof (rule allI) 
  fix F 
  show "((FormulaBeta F)  F  S)  S  {Comp1 F}  𝒞  S  {Comp2 F}  𝒞" 
  proof (rule impI)
    assume "(FormulaBeta F)  F  S"
    hence "FormulaBeta F" and "F  T" using `S  T` by auto 
    hence "T  {Comp1 F}  𝒞  T  {Comp2 F}  𝒞" 
      using `consistenceP 𝒞` and `FormulaBeta F` and `T  𝒞` 
      by(simp add: consistenceP_def)
    have "S  {Comp1 F}  T  {Comp1 F}" and "S  {Comp2 F}  T  {Comp2 F}" 
      using `S  T` by auto
    show "S  {Comp1 F}  𝒞  S  {Comp2 F}  𝒞"
      by(auto simp add: closure_subset_def)

theorem closed_consistenceP:
  assumes hip1: "consistenceP 𝒞"
  shows "consistenceP (𝒞)"
proof -
  { fix S
    assume "S  𝒞" 
    hence "T𝒞. S  T" by(simp add: closure_subset_def)
    then obtain T where hip2: "T  𝒞" and hip3: "S  T" by auto
    have "(P. ¬ (atom P  S  (¬.atom P)  S)) 
               FF  S  (¬.TT)  S 
               (F. (¬.¬.F)  S  S  {F}  𝒞) 
               (F. ((FormulaAlfa F)  F  S)  
                    (S  {Comp1 F, Comp2 F})  𝒞) 
               (F. ((FormulaBeta F)  F  S)  
                    (S  {Comp1 F}  𝒞)  (S  {Comp2 F}  𝒞))"
        cond_consistP1[OF hip1 hip2 hip3]  cond_consistP2[OF hip1 hip2 hip3]
        cond_consistP3[OF hip1 hip2 hip3]  cond_consistP4[OF hip1 hip2 hip3]
        cond_consistP5[OF hip1 hip2 hip3] 
      by blast}
  thus ?thesis by (simp add: consistenceP_def)
