Theory PromelaDatastructures

section "Data structures as used in Promela"
theory PromelaDatastructures

subsection ‹Abstract Syntax Tree \emph{after} preprocessing›

text ‹
  From the plain AST stemming from the parser, we'd like to have one containing more information while also removing duplicated constructs. This is achieved in the preprocessing step.

  The additional information contains:
    \item variable type (including whether it represents a channel or not)
    \item global vs local variable

  Also certain constructs are expanded (like for-loops) or different nodes in the
  AST are collapsed into one parametrized node (e.g.\ the different send-operations).

  This preprocessing phase also tries to detect certain static errors and will bail out with an exception if such is encountered.

datatype binOp = BinOpAdd
               | BinOpSub
               | BinOpMul
               | BinOpDiv
               | BinOpMod
               | BinOpGr
               | BinOpLe
               | BinOpGEq
               | BinOpLEq
               | BinOpEq
               | BinOpNEq
               | BinOpAnd
               | BinOpOr

datatype unOp = UnOpMinus
              | UnOpNeg

datatype expr = ExprBinOp binOp (*left*) expr (*right*) expr
              | ExprUnOp unOp expr
              | ExprCond (*cond*) expr (*exprTrue*) expr (*exprFalse*) expr
              | ExprLen chanRef
              | ExprVarRef varRef
              | ExprConst integer
              | ExprMConst integer String.literal (* MType replaced by constant *)
              | ExprTimeOut
              | ExprFull chanRef
              | ExprEmpty chanRef
              | ExprPoll chanRef "recvArg list" bool (* sorted *)

   and varRef = VarRef (*global*) bool 
                       (*name*) String.literal 
                       (*index*) "expr option"
   and chanRef = ChanRef varRef ― ‹explicit type for channels›
   and recvArg = RecvArgVar varRef
               | RecvArgEval expr
               | RecvArgConst integer
               | RecvArgMConst integer String.literal

datatype varType = VTBounded integer integer
                 | VTChan

text ‹Variable declarations at the beginning of a proctype or at global level.›
datatype varDecl = VarDeclNum (*bounds*) integer integer
                              (*name*) String.literal
                              (*size*) "integer option"
                              (*init*) "expr option"
                 | VarDeclChan (*name*) String.literal
                               (*size*) "integer option"
                               (*capacityTypes*) "(integer * varType list) option"

text ‹Variable declarations during a proctype.›
datatype procVarDecl = ProcVarDeclNum  (*bounds*) integer integer
                                       (*name*) String.literal
                                       (*size*) "integer option"
                                       (*init*) "expr option"
                     | ProcVarDeclChan (*name*) String.literal
                                       (*size*) "integer option"

datatype procArg = ProcArg varType String.literal

datatype stmnt = StmntIf "(step list) list"
               | StmntDo "(step list) list"
               | StmntAtomic "step list"
               | StmntSeq "step list"
               | StmntSend chanRef "expr list" bool (*sorted*)
               | StmntRecv chanRef "recvArg list" bool (*sorted*) bool (*remove?*)
               | StmntAssign varRef expr
               | StmntElse
               | StmntBreak
               | StmntSkip
               | StmntGoTo String.literal
               | StmntLabeled String.literal stmnt
               | StmntRun (*name*) String.literal
                          (*args*) "expr list"
               | StmntCond expr
               | StmntAssert expr
  and step = StepStmnt stmnt (*unless*) "stmnt option"
           | StepDecl "procVarDecl list"
           | StepSkip

datatype proc = ProcType (*active*) "(integer option) option"
                           (*name*)   String.literal
                           (*args*)  "procArg list"
                           (*decls*) "varDecl list"
                           (*seq*)    "step list"
              | Init "varDecl list" "step list"

type_synonym ltl = "― ‹name:› String.literal × ― ‹formula:› String.literal"
type_synonym promela = "varDecl list × proc list × ltl list"

subsection ‹Preprocess the AST of the parser into our variant›

text ‹We setup some functionality for printing warning or even errors.

All those constants are logically @{term undefined}, but replaced by the parser
for something meaningful.›
  warn :: "String.literal  unit"

abbreviation "with_warn msg e  let _ = warn msg in e"
abbreviation "the_warn opt msg  case opt of None  () | _  warn msg"

text usc›: "Unsupported Construct"›
definition [code del]: "usc (c :: String.literal)  undefined"

definition  [code del]: "err (e :: String.literal) = undefined"
abbreviation "errv e v  err (e + v)"

definition [simp, code del]: "abort (msg :: String.literal) f = f ()"
abbreviation "abortv msg v f  abort (msg + v) f"

  code_module PromelaUtils  (SML) ‹
    structure PromelaUtils = struct
      exception UnsupportedConstruct of string
      exception StaticError of string
      exception RuntimeError of string
      fun warn msg = TextIO.print ("Warning: " ^ msg ^ "\n")
      fun usc  c   = raise (UnsupportedConstruct c)
      fun err  e   = raise (StaticError e)
      fun abort msg _ = raise (RuntimeError msg)
| constant warn  (SML) "PromelaUtils.warn"
| constant usc  (SML) "PromelaUtils.usc"
| constant err  (SML) "PromelaUtils.err"
| constant abort  (SML) "PromelaUtils.abort"
code_reserved (SML) PromelaUtils

ML_val @{code hd} (* Test code-printing setup. If this fails, the setup is skewed. *)

text ‹The preprocessing is done for each type on its own.›

primrec ppBinOp :: "AST.binOp  binOp"
  "ppBinOp AST.BinOpAdd = BinOpAdd"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpSub = BinOpSub"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpMul = BinOpMul"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpDiv = BinOpDiv"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpMod = BinOpMod"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpGr = BinOpGr"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpLe = BinOpLe"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpGEq = BinOpGEq"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpLEq = BinOpLEq"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpEq = BinOpEq"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpNEq = BinOpNEq"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpAnd = BinOpAnd"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpOr = BinOpOr"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpBitAnd = usc STR ''BinOpBitAnd''"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpBitXor = usc STR ''BinOpBitXor''"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpBitOr = usc STR ''BinOpBitOr''"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpShiftL = usc STR ''BinOpShiftL''"
| "ppBinOp AST.BinOpShiftR = usc STR ''BinOpShiftR''"

primrec ppUnOp :: "AST.unOp  unOp"
  "ppUnOp AST.UnOpMinus = UnOpMinus"
| "ppUnOp AST.UnOpNeg = UnOpNeg"
| "ppUnOp AST.UnOpComp = usc STR ''UnOpComp''"

text ‹The data structure holding all information on variables we found so far.›
type_synonym var_data = "
     (String.literal, (integer option × bool)) lm ― ‹channels›
     × (String.literal, (integer option × bool)) lm ― ‹variables›
     × (String.literal, integer) lm ― ‹mtypes›
     × (String.literal, varRef) lm ― ‹aliases (used for inlines)›"

definition dealWithVar 
  :: "var_data  String.literal
       (String.literal  integer option × bool  expr option  'a) 
       (String.literal  integer option × bool  expr option  'a) 
       (integer  'a)  'a"
  "dealWithVar cvm n fC fV fM  ( 
    let (c,v,m,a) = cvm in
    let (n, idx) = case lm.lookup n a of 
                     None  (n, None) 
                   | Some (VarRef _ name idx)  (name, idx) 
    case lm.lookup n m of 
      Some i  (case idx of None  fM i 
                           | _  err STR ''Array subscript used on MType (via alias).'')
    | None  (case lm.lookup n v of
               Some g  fV n g idx
             | None  (case lm.lookup n c of
                   Some g  fC n g idx
                 | None  err (STR ''Unknown variable referenced: '' + n))))"

primrec enforceChan :: "varRef + chanRef  chanRef" where
  "enforceChan (Inl _) = err STR ''Channel expected. Got normal variable.''"
| "enforceChan (Inr c) = c"

fun liftChan :: "varRef + chanRef  varRef" where
  "liftChan (Inl v) = v"
| "liftChan (Inr (ChanRef v)) = v"

fun resolveIdx :: "expr option  expr option  expr option"
  "resolveIdx None None = None"
| "resolveIdx idx  None = idx"
| "resolveIdx None aliasIdx = aliasIdx"
| "resolveIdx _   _     = err STR ''Array subscript used twice (via alias).''"

fun ppExpr :: "var_data  AST.expr  expr"
and ppVarRef :: "var_data  AST.varRef  varRef + chanRef"
and ppRecvArg :: "var_data  AST.recvArg  recvArg"
  "ppVarRef cvm (AST.VarRef name idx None) = dealWithVar cvm name
                    (λname (_,g) aIdx. let idx = map_option (ppExpr cvm) idx in 
                         Inr (ChanRef (VarRef g name (resolveIdx idx aIdx))))
                    (λname (_,g) aIdx. let idx = map_option (ppExpr cvm) idx in 
                         Inl (VarRef g name (resolveIdx idx aIdx)))
                    (λ_. err STR ''Variable expected. Got MType.'')"
| "ppVarRef cvm (AST.VarRef _ _ (Some _)) = 
     usc STR ''next operation on variables''"

| "ppExpr cvm AST.ExprTimeOut = ExprTimeOut"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprConst c) = ExprConst c"

| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprBinOp bo l r) = 
     ExprBinOp (ppBinOp bo) (ppExpr cvm l) (ppExpr cvm r)"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprUnOp uo e) = 
     ExprUnOp (ppUnOp uo) (ppExpr cvm e)"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprCond c t f) = 
     ExprCond (ppExpr cvm c) (ppExpr cvm t) (ppExpr cvm f)"

| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprLen v) = 
     ExprLen (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v))"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprFull v) = 
     ExprFull (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v))"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprEmpty v) = 
     ExprEmpty (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v))"
(* the following two are special constructs in Promela for helping Partial Order Reductions
   we don't have such things (yet), so use simple negation *)
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprNFull v) = 
     ExprUnOp UnOpNeg (ExprFull (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)))"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprNEmpty v) = 
     ExprUnOp UnOpNeg (ExprEmpty (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)))"

| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprVarRef v) = (
          let to_exp = λ_. ExprVarRef (liftChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) in
          case v of 
              AST.VarRef name None None  
                 dealWithVar cvm name 
                     (λ_ _ _. to_exp())
                     (λ_ _ _. to_exp())
                     (λi. ExprMConst i name)
             | _  to_exp())"

| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprPoll v es) = 
     ExprPoll (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) (map (ppRecvArg cvm) es) False"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprRndPoll v es) = 
     ExprPoll (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) (map (ppRecvArg cvm) es) True"

| "ppExpr cvm AST.ExprNP = usc STR ''ExprNP''"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprEnabled _) = usc STR ''ExprEnabled''"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprPC _) = usc STR ''ExprPC''"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprRemoteRef _ _ _) = usc STR ''ExprRemoteRef''"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprGetPrio _) = usc STR ''ExprGetPrio''"
| "ppExpr cvm (AST.ExprSetPrio _ _) = usc STR ''ExprSetPrio''"

| "ppRecvArg cvm (AST.RecvArgVar v) = (
          let to_ra = λ_. RecvArgVar (liftChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) in
          case v of 
              AST.VarRef name None None  
                 dealWithVar cvm name 
                     (λ_ _ _. to_ra())
                     (λ_ _ _. to_ra())
                     (λi. RecvArgMConst i name)
             | _  to_ra())"
| "ppRecvArg cvm (AST.RecvArgEval e) = RecvArgEval (ppExpr cvm e)"
| "ppRecvArg cvm (AST.RecvArgConst c) = RecvArgConst c"

primrec ppVarType :: "AST.varType  varType" where
  "ppVarType AST.VarTypeBit = VTBounded 0 1"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeBool = VTBounded 0 1"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeByte = VTBounded 0 255"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypePid = VTBounded 0 255"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeShort = VTBounded (-(2^15)) ((2^15) - 1)"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeInt = VTBounded (-(2^31)) ((2^31) - 1)"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeMType = VTBounded 1 255"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeChan = VTChan"
| "ppVarType AST.VarTypeUnsigned = usc STR ''VarTypeUnsigned''"
| "ppVarType (AST.VarTypeCustom _) = usc STR ''VarTypeCustom''"

fun ppVarDecl 
  :: "var_data  varType  bool  AST.varDecl  var_data × varDecl" 
  "ppVarDecl (c,v,m,a) (VTBounded l h) g 
                       (AST.VarDeclNum name sze init) = (
     case lm.lookup name v of 
        Some _  errv STR ''Duplicate variable '' name
       | _  (case lm.lookup name a of 
               Some _  errv
                         STR ''Variable name clashes with alias: '' name
               | _  ((c, lm.update name (sze,g) v, m, a), 
                        VarDeclNum l h name sze 
                          (map_option (ppExpr (c,v,m,a)) init))))"
| "ppVarDecl _ _ g (AST.VarDeclNum name sze init) = 
     err STR ''Assiging num to non-num''"

| "ppVarDecl (c,v,m,a) VTChan g 
                       (AST.VarDeclChan name sze cap) = (
     let cap' = map_option (apsnd (map ppVarType)) cap in
     case lm.lookup name c of 
        Some _  errv STR ''Duplicate variable '' name
       | _  (case lm.lookup name a of 
               Some _  errv 
                         STR ''Variable name clashes with alias: '' name
              | _  ((lm.update name (sze, g) c, v, m, a), 
                     VarDeclChan name sze cap')))"
| "ppVarDecl _ _ g (AST.VarDeclChan name sze init) = 
     err STR ''Assiging chan to non-chan''"

| "ppVarDecl (c,v,m,a) (VTBounded l h) g 
                       (AST.VarDeclMType name sze init) = (
     let init = map_option (λmty. 
     case lm.lookup mty m of 
        None  errv STR ''Unknown MType '' mty
      | Some mval  ExprMConst mval mty) init in
            case lm.lookup name c of 
              Some _  errv STR ''Duplicate variable '' name
             | _  (case lm.lookup name a of Some _ 
                        errv STR ''Variable name clashes with alias: '' name
             | _  ((c, lm.update name (sze,g) v, m, a), 
                    VarDeclNum l h name sze init)))"

| "ppVarDecl _ _ g (AST.VarDeclMType name sze init) = 
     err STR ''Assiging num to non-num''"

| "ppVarDecl _ _ _ (AST.VarDeclUnsigned _ _ _) = 
     usc STR ''VarDeclUnsigned''"

definition ppProcVarDecl 
  :: "var_data  varType  bool  AST.varDecl  var_data × procVarDecl"
  "ppProcVarDecl cvm ty g v = (case ppVarDecl cvm ty g v of
       (cvm, VarDeclNum l h name sze init)  (cvm, ProcVarDeclNum l h name sze init)
     | (cvm, VarDeclChan name sze None)  (cvm, ProcVarDeclChan name sze)
     | _  err STR ''Channel initilizations only allowed at the beginning of proctypes.'')"

fun ppProcArg 
  :: "var_data  varType  bool  AST.varDecl  var_data × procArg"
  "ppProcArg (c,v,m,a) (VTBounded l h) g 
                       (AST.VarDeclNum name None None) = (
     case lm.lookup name v of 
        Some _  errv STR ''Duplicate variable '' name
      | _  (case lm.lookup name a of 
               Some _  errv 
                          STR ''Variable name clashes with alias: '' name
             | _  ((c, lm.update name (None, g) v, m, a), 
                    ProcArg (VTBounded l h) name)))"
| "ppProcArg _ _ _ (AST.VarDeclNum _ _ _) = 
     err STR ''Invalid proctype arguments''"

| "ppProcArg (c,v,m,a) VTChan g 
                       (AST.VarDeclChan name None None) = (
     case lm.lookup name c of 
        Some _  errv STR ''Duplicate variable '' name
      | _  (case lm.lookup name a of 
               Some _  errv
                          STR ''Variable name clashes with alias: '' name
             | _  ((lm.update name (None, g) c, v, m, a), ProcArg VTChan name)))"
| "ppProcArg _ _ _ (AST.VarDeclChan _ _ _) = 
     err STR ''Invalid proctype arguments''"

| "ppProcArg (c,v,m,a) (VTBounded l h) g 
                       (AST.VarDeclMType name None None) = (
     case lm.lookup name v of 
        Some _  errv STR ''Duplicate variable '' name
       | _  (case lm.lookup name a of 
               Some _  errv
                          STR ''Variable name clashes with alias: '' name
              | _  ((c, lm.update name (None, g) v, m, a), 
                     ProcArg (VTBounded l h) name)))"
| "ppProcArg _ _ _ (AST.VarDeclMType _ _ _) = 
     err STR ''Invalid proctype arguments''"

| "ppProcArg _ _ _ (AST.VarDeclUnsigned _ _ _) = usc STR ''VarDeclUnsigned''"

text ‹Some preprocessing functions enrich the @{typ var_data} argument and hence return
a new updated one. When chaining multiple calls to such functions after another, we need to make
sure, the @{typ var_data} is passed accordingly. @{term cvm_fold} does exactly that for such a
function @{term g} and a list of nodes @{term ss}.›

definition cvm_fold where
  "cvm_fold g cvm ss = foldl (λ(cvm,ss) s. apsnd (λs'. ss@[s']) (g cvm s)) 
                             (cvm, []) ss"

lemma cvm_fold_cong[fundef_cong]:
  assumes "cvm = cvm'"
  and "stepss = stepss'"
  and "x d. x  set stepss  g d x = g' d x"
  shows "cvm_fold g cvm stepss = cvm_fold g' cvm' stepss'"
unfolding cvm_fold_def 
using assms
by (fastforce intro: foldl_cong split: prod.split)

fun liftDecl where
  "liftDecl f g cvm (AST.Decl vis t decls) = (
     let _ = the_warn vis STR ''Visibility in declarations not supported. Ignored.'' in
     let t = ppVarType t in
     cvm_fold (λcvm. f cvm t g) cvm decls)"

definition ppDecl 
  :: "bool  var_data  AST.decl  var_data × varDecl list" 
  "ppDecl = liftDecl ppVarDecl"

definition ppDeclProc 
  :: "var_data  AST.decl  var_data × procVarDecl list"
  "ppDeclProc = liftDecl ppProcVarDecl False"

definition ppDeclProcArg 
  :: "var_data  AST.decl  var_data × procArg list"
  "ppDeclProcArg = liftDecl ppProcArg False"

(* increment *)
definition incr :: "varRef  stmnt" where
  "incr v = StmntAssign v (ExprBinOp BinOpAdd (ExprVarRef v) (ExprConst 1))"

(* decrement *)
definition decr :: "varRef  stmnt" where
  "decr v = StmntAssign v (ExprBinOp BinOpSub (ExprVarRef v) (ExprConst 1))"

text ‹
     \verb+for (i : lb .. ub) steps+
\begin{verbatim} {
   i = lb;
     :: i =< ub -> steps; i++
     :: else -> break
} \end{verbatim}
definition forFromTo :: "varRef  expr  expr  step list  stmnt" where
  "forFromTo i lb ub steps = (
        ― ‹i = lb›
        loop_pre = StepStmnt (StmntAssign i lb) None;
        ― ‹i ≤ ub›
        loop_cond = StepStmnt (StmntCond 
                                  (ExprBinOp BinOpLEq (ExprVarRef i) ub))
        ― ‹i++›
        loop_incr = StepStmnt (incr i) None;
        ― ‹i ≤ ub -> ...; i++›
        loop_body = loop_cond # steps @ [loop_incr];
        ― ‹else -> break›
        loop_abort = [StepStmnt StmntElse None, StepStmnt StmntBreak None];
        ― ‹do :: i ≤ ub -> ... :: else -> break od›
        loop = StepStmnt (StmntDo [loop_body, loop_abort]) None
        StmntSeq [loop_pre, loop])"

text ‹
   Transforms (where @{term a} is an array with @{term N} entries)
     \verb+for (i in a) steps+
   i = 0;
     :: i < N -> steps; i++
     :: else -> break
definition forInArray :: "varRef  integer  step list  stmnt" where
  "forInArray i N steps = (
        ― ‹i = 0›
        loop_pre = StepStmnt (StmntAssign i (ExprConst 0)) None;
        ― ‹i < N›
        loop_cond = StepStmnt (StmntCond 
                                 (ExprBinOp BinOpLe (ExprVarRef i) 
                                    (ExprConst N))) 
        ― ‹i++›
        loop_incr = StepStmnt (incr i) None;
        ― ‹i < N -> ...; i++›
        loop_body = loop_cond # steps @ [loop_incr];
        ― ‹else -> break›
        loop_abort = [StepStmnt StmntElse None, StepStmnt StmntBreak None];
        ― ‹do :: i < N -> ... :: else -> break od›
        loop = StepStmnt (StmntDo [loop_body, loop_abort]) None
        StmntSeq [loop_pre, loop])"

text ‹
   Transforms (where @{term c} is a channel)
     \verb+for (msg in c) steps+
   byte :tmp: = 0;
     :: :tmp: < len(c) -> 
          c?msg; c!msg;
     :: else -> break
definition forInChan :: "varRef  chanRef  step list  stmnt" where
  "forInChan msg c steps = (
        ― ‹byte :tmp: = 0›
        tmpStr = STR '':tmp:'';
        loop_pre = StepDecl 
                    [ProcVarDeclNum 0 255 tmpStr None (Some (ExprConst 0))];
        tmp = VarRef False tmpStr None; 
        ― ‹:tmp: < len(c)›
        loop_cond = StepStmnt (StmntCond 
                                 (ExprBinOp BinOpLe (ExprVarRef tmp) 
                                    (ExprLen c))) 
        ― ‹:tmp:++›
        loop_incr = StepStmnt (incr tmp) None;
        ― ‹c?msg›
        recv = StepStmnt (StmntRecv c [RecvArgVar msg] False True) None;
        ― ‹c!msg›
        send = StepStmnt (StmntSend c [ExprVarRef msg] False) None;
        ― ‹:tmp: < len(c) -> c?msg; c!msg; ...; :tmp:++›
        loop_body = [loop_cond, recv, send] @ steps @ [loop_incr];
        ― ‹else -> break›
        loop_abort = [StepStmnt StmntElse None, StepStmnt StmntBreak None];
        ― ‹do :: :tmp: < len(c) -> ... :: else -> break od›
        loop = StepStmnt (StmntDo [loop_body, loop_abort]) None
        StmntSeq [loop_pre, loop])"

text ‹
     \verb+select (i : lb .. ub)+
   i = lb;
     :: i < ub -> i++
     :: break
definition select :: "varRef  expr  expr  stmnt" where
  "select i lb ub = (
        ― ‹i = lb›
        pre = StepStmnt (StmntAssign i lb) None;
        ― ‹i < ub›
        cond = StepStmnt (StmntCond (ExprBinOp BinOpLe (ExprVarRef i) ub)) 
        ― ‹i++›
        incr = StepStmnt (incr i) None;
        ― ‹i < ub -> i++›
        loop_body = [cond, incr];
        ― ‹break›
        loop_abort = [StepStmnt StmntBreak None];
        ― ‹do :: i < ub -> ... :: break od›
        loop = StepStmnt (StmntDo [loop_body, loop_abort]) None
        StmntSeq [pre, loop])"

type_synonym inlines = 
  "(String.literal, String.literal list × (var_data  var_data × step list)) lm"
type_synonym stmnt_data = 
  " bool × varDecl list × inlines × var_data"

fun ppStep :: "stmnt_data  AST.step  stmnt_data * step"
and ppStmnt :: "stmnt_data  AST.stmnt  stmnt_data * stmnt"
  "ppStep cvm (AST.StepStmnt s u) = (
     let (cvm', s') = ppStmnt cvm s in
     case u of None  (cvm', StepStmnt s' None) 
             | Some u  let (cvm'',u') = ppStmnt cvm' u in
                            (cvm'', StepStmnt s' (Some u')))"
| "ppStep (False, ps, i, cvm) (AST.StepDecl d) = 
     map_prod (λcvm. (False, ps, i, cvm)) StepDecl (ppDeclProc cvm d)"
| "ppStep (True, ps, i, cvm) (AST.StepDecl d) = (
             let (cvm', ps') = ppDecl False cvm d 
             in ((True, ps@ps', i, cvm'), StepSkip))"
| "ppStep (_,cvm) (AST.StepXR _) = 
     with_warn STR ''StepXR not supported. Ignored.'' ((False,cvm), StepSkip)"
| "ppStep (_,cvm) (AST.StepXS _) = 
     with_warn STR ''StepXS not supported. Ignored.'' ((False,cvm), StepSkip)"

| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntBreak) = ((False,cvm), StmntBreak)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntElse) = ((False,cvm), StmntElse)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntGoTo l) = ((False,cvm), StmntGoTo l)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntLabeled l s) = 
     apsnd (StmntLabeled l) (ppStmnt (False,cvm) s)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntCond e) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntCond (ppExpr cvm e))"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntAssert e) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntAssert (ppExpr cvm e))"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntAssign v e) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntAssign (liftChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) (ppExpr cvm e))"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntSend v es) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntSend (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) 
                                  (map (ppExpr cvm) es) False)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntSortSend v es) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntSend (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) 
                                  (map (ppExpr cvm) es) True)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntRecv v rs) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntRecv (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) 
                                  (map (ppRecvArg cvm) rs) False True)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntRecvX v rs) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntRecv (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) 
                                  (map (ppRecvArg cvm) rs) False False)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntRndRecv v rs) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntRecv (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) 
                                  (map (ppRecvArg cvm) rs) True True)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntRndRecvX v rs) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntRecv (enforceChan (ppVarRef cvm v)) 
                                  (map (ppRecvArg cvm) rs) True False)"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntRun n es p) = ( 
     let _ = the_warn p STR ''Priorities for 'run' not supported. Ignored.'' in
    ((False,ps,i,cvm), StmntRun n (map (ppExpr cvm) es)))"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntSeq ss) = 
     apsnd StmntSeq (cvm_fold ppStep (False,cvm) ss)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntAtomic ss) = 
     apsnd StmntAtomic (cvm_fold ppStep (False,cvm) ss)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntIf sss) = 
     apsnd StmntIf (cvm_fold (cvm_fold ppStep) (False,cvm) sss)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntDo sss) = 
     apsnd StmntDo (cvm_fold (cvm_fold ppStep) (False,cvm) sss)"

(* Replace i++ and i-- by i = i + 1 / i = i - 1 *)
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntIncr v) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), incr (liftChan (ppVarRef cvm v)))"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,i,cvm) (AST.StmntDecr v) = 
     ((False,ps,i,cvm), decr (liftChan (ppVarRef cvm v)))"

| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntPrintF _ _) = 
     with_warn STR ''PrintF ignored'' ((False,cvm), StmntSkip)"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntPrintM _) = 
     with_warn STR ''PrintM ignored'' ((False,cvm), StmntSkip)"

| "ppStmnt (_,ps,inl,cvm) (AST.StmntFor 
                              (AST.RangeFromTo i lb ub) 
                              steps) = (
       i = liftChan (ppVarRef cvm i);
       (lb,ub) = (ppExpr cvm lb, ppExpr cvm ub)
       apsnd (forFromTo i lb ub) (cvm_fold ppStep (False,ps,inl,cvm) steps))"
| "ppStmnt (_,ps,inl,cvm) (AST.StmntFor 
                              (AST.RangeIn i v) 
                              steps) = (
        i = liftChan (ppVarRef cvm i);
        (cvm',steps) = cvm_fold ppStep (False,ps,inl,cvm) steps
        case ppVarRef cvm v of
         Inr c  (cvm', forInChan i c steps)
       | Inl (VarRef _ _ (Some _))  err STR ''Iterating over array-member.''
       | Inl (VarRef _ name None)  (
             let (_,v,_) = cvm in
             case fst (the (lm.lookup name v)) of
              None  err STR ''Iterating over non-array variable.''
            | Some N  (cvm', forInArray i N steps)))"

| "ppStmnt (_,ps,inl,cvm) (AST.StmntSelect 
                              (AST.RangeFromTo i lb ub)) = (
       i = liftChan (ppVarRef cvm i);
       (lb, ub) = (ppExpr cvm lb, ppExpr cvm ub)
       ((False,ps,inl,cvm), select i lb ub))"
| "ppStmnt (_,cvm) (AST.StmntSelect (AST.RangeIn _ _)) = 
     err STR ''\"in\" not allowed in select''"

| "ppStmnt (_,ps,inl,cvm) (AST.StmntCall macro args) = (
       args = map (liftChan  ppVarRef cvm) args;
       (c,v,m,a) = cvm
       case lm.lookup macro inl of
        None  errv STR ''Calling unknown macro '' macro
      | Some (names,sF) 
          if length names  length args then 
             (err STR ''Called macro with wrong number of arguments.'') 
             let a' = foldl (λa (k,v). lm.update k v a) a (zip names args) in
             let ((c,v,m,_),steps) = sF (c,v,m,a') in
             ((False,ps,inl,c,v,m,a), StmntSeq steps))"
| "ppStmnt cvm (AST.StmntDStep _) = usc STR ''StmntDStep''"

fun ppModule 
  :: "var_data × inlines  AST.module 
       var_data × inlines × (varDecl list + proc + ltl)"
  "ppModule (cvm, inl) (AST.ProcType act name args prio prov steps) = (
        _ = the_warn prio STR ''Priorities for procs not supported. Ignored.'';
        _ = the_warn prov STR ''Priov (??) for procs not supported. Ignored.'';
        (cvm', args) = cvm_fold ppDeclProcArg cvm args;
        ((_, vars, _, _), steps) = cvm_fold ppStep (True,[],inl,cvm') steps
        (cvm, inl, Inr (Inl (ProcType act name (concat args) vars steps))))"

| "ppModule (cvm,inl) (AST.Init prio steps) = (
     let _ = the_warn prio STR ''Priorities for procs not supported. Ignored.'' in
     let ((_, vars, _, _), steps) = cvm_fold ppStep (True,[],inl,cvm) steps in
     (cvm, inl, Inr (Inl (Init vars steps))))"

| "ppModule (cvm,inl) (AST.Ltl name formula) = 
     (cvm, inl, Inr (Inr (name, formula)))"

| "ppModule (cvm,inl) (AST.ModuDecl decl) = 
     apsnd (λds. (inl,Inl ds)) (ppDecl True cvm decl)"

| "ppModule (cvm,inl) (AST.MType mtys) = (
     let (c,v,m,a) = cvm in
     let num = integer_of_nat (lm.size m) + 1 in
     let (m',_) = foldr (λmty (m,num). 
                    let m' = lm.update mty num m 
                    in (m',num+1)) mtys (m,num)
         ((c,v,m',a), inl, Inl []))"

| "ppModule (cvm,inl) (AST.Inline name args steps) = (
     let stepF = (λcvm. let ((_,_,_,cvm),steps) = 
                          cvm_fold ppStep (False,[],inl,cvm) steps 
                        in (cvm,steps))
     in let inl = lm.update name (args, stepF) inl
     in (cvm,inl, Inl[]))"

| "ppModule cvm (AST.DProcType _ _ _ _ _ _) = usc STR ''DProcType''"
| "ppModule cvm (AST.Never _) = usc STR ''Never''"
| "ppModule cvm (AST.Trace _) = usc STR ''Trace''"
| "ppModule cvm (AST.NoTrace _) = usc STR ''NoTrace''"
| "ppModule cvm (AST.TypeDef _ _) = usc STR ''TypeDef''"

definition preprocess :: "AST.module list  promela" where
  "preprocess ms = (
       dflt_vars = [(STR ''_pid'', (None, False)), 
                    (STR ''__assert__'', (None, True)), 
                    (STR ''_'', (None, True))];
       cvm = (lm.empty(), lm.to_map dflt_vars, lm.empty(), lm.empty());
       (_,_,pr) = (foldl (λ(cvm,inl,vs,ps,ls) m.
                            let (cvm', inl', m') = ppModule (cvm,inl) m in
                            case m' of
                              Inl v  (cvm',inl',vs@v,ps,ls)
                            | Inr (Inl p)  (cvm',inl',vs,ps@[p],ls)
                            | Inr (Inr l)  (cvm',inl',vs,ps,ls@[l])) 
                          (cvm, lm.empty(),[],[],[]) ms)

fun extractLTL
  :: "AST.module  ltl option"
  "extractLTL (AST.Ltl name formula) = Some (name, formula)"
| "extractLTL _ = None"

primrec extractLTLs
  :: "AST.module list  (String.literal, String.literal) lm"
  "extractLTLs [] = lm.empty()"
| "extractLTLs (m#ms) = (case extractLTL m of 
                           None  extractLTLs ms
                         | Some (n,f)  lm.update n f (extractLTLs ms))"

definition lookupLTL
  :: "AST.module list  String.literal  String.literal option"
  where "lookupLTL ast k = lm.lookup k (extractLTLs ast)"

subsection ‹The transition system›

text ‹
  The edges in our transition system consist of a condition (evaluated under the current environment) and an effect (modifying the current environment). 
  Further they may be atomic, \ie a whole row of such edges is taken before yielding a new state. 
  Additionally, they carry a priority: the edges are checked from highest to lowest priority, and if one edge on a higher level can be taken, the lower levels are ignored.

  The states of the system do not carry any information.

datatype edgeCond = ECElse 
                  | ECTrue
                  | ECFalse 
                  | ECExpr expr 
                  | ECRun String.literal 
                  | ECSend chanRef
                  | ECRecv chanRef "recvArg list" bool (* sorted *)

datatype edgeEffect = EEEnd 
                    | EEId 
                    | EEGoto
                    | EEAssert expr 
                    | EEAssign varRef expr 
                    | EEDecl procVarDecl
                    | EERun String.literal "expr list"
                    | EESend chanRef "expr list" bool (*sorted*)
                    | EERecv chanRef "recvArg list" bool (*sorted*) bool (*remove*)

datatype edgeIndex = Index nat | LabelJump String.literal "nat option"
datatype edgeAtomic = NonAtomic | Atomic | InAtomic

record edge = 
  cond   :: edgeCond
  effect :: edgeEffect
  target :: edgeIndex
  prio   :: integer
  atomic :: edgeAtomic

definition isAtomic :: "edge  bool" where
  "isAtomic e = (case atomic e of Atomic  True | _  False)"

definition inAtomic :: "edge  bool" where
  "inAtomic e = (case atomic e of NonAtomic  False | _  True)"

subsection ‹State›

datatype variable = Var varType integer
                  | VArray varType nat "integer iarray"

datatype channel = Channel integer "varType list" "integer list list"
                 | HSChannel "varType list" (* handshake channel *)
                 | InvChannel (* Invalid / closed channel *)

type_synonym var_dict = "(String.literal, variable) lm"
type_synonym labels   = "(String.literal, nat) lm"
type_synonym ltls     = "(String.literal, String.literal) lm"
type_synonym states   = "(― ‹prio:› integer × edge list) iarray"
type_synonym channels = "channel list"

type_synonym process  = 
  "nat ― ‹offset›
 × edgeIndex ― ‹start›
 × procArg list ― ‹args›
 × varDecl list ― ‹top decls›"

record program =
  processes :: "process iarray"
  labels :: "labels iarray"
  states :: "states iarray"
  proc_names :: "String.literal iarray"
  proc_data :: "(String.literal, nat) lm"

record pState = ― ‹State of a process›
  pid      :: nat             ― ‹Process identifier›
  vars     :: var_dict        ― ‹Dictionary of variables›
  pc       :: nat             ― ‹Program counter›
  channels :: "integer list"  ― ‹List of channels created in the process. Used to close them on finalization.›
  idx :: nat                  ― ‹Offset into the arrays of @{type program}

hide_const (open) idx

record gState = ― ‹Global state›
  vars      :: var_dict      ― ‹Global variables›
  channels  :: channels      ― ‹Channels are by construction part of the global state, even when created in a process.›
  timeout   :: bool          ― ‹Set to True if no process can take a transition.›
  procs     :: "pState list" ― ‹List of all running processes. A process is removed from it, when there is no running one
                                 with a higher index.›

record gStateI = gState + ― ‹Additional internal infos›
  handshake :: nat
  hsdata    :: "integer list " ― ‹Data transferred via a handshake.›
  exclusive :: nat     ― ‹Set to the PID of the process, which is in an exclusive (= atomic) state.›
  else      :: bool    ― ‹Set to True for each process, if it can not take a transition. Used before timeout.›

subsection ‹Printing›

primrec printBinOp :: "binOp  string" where
  "printBinOp BinOpAdd = ''+''"
| "printBinOp BinOpSub = ''-''"
| "printBinOp BinOpMul = ''*''"
| "printBinOp BinOpDiv = ''/''"
| "printBinOp BinOpMod = ''mod''"
| "printBinOp BinOpGr = ''>''"
| "printBinOp BinOpLe = ''<''"
| "printBinOp BinOpGEq = ''>=''"
| "printBinOp BinOpLEq = ''=<''"
| "printBinOp BinOpEq = ''==''"
| "printBinOp BinOpNEq = ''!=''"
| "printBinOp BinOpAnd = ''&&''"
| "printBinOp BinOpOr = ''||''"

primrec printUnOp :: "unOp  string" where
  "printUnOp UnOpMinus = ''-''"
| "printUnOp UnOpNeg = ''!''"

definition printList :: "('a  string)  'a list  string  string  string  string"
  "printList f xs l r sep = (
                     let f' = (λstr x. if str = [] then f x
                                       else str @ sep @ f x)
                     in l @ (foldl f' [] xs) @ r)"

lemma printList_cong [fundef_cong]:
  assumes "xs = xs'"
  and "l = l'"
  and "r = r'"
  and "sep = sep'"
  and "x. x  set xs  f x = f' x"
  shows "printList f xs l r sep = printList f' xs' l' r' sep'"
  unfolding printList_def
  using assms
  by (auto intro: foldl_cong)

fun printExpr :: "(integer  string)  expr  string"
and printFun ::  "(integer  string)  string  chanRef  string"
and printVarRef :: "(integer  string)  varRef  string"
and printChanRef :: "(integer  string)  chanRef  string"
and printRecvArg :: "(integer  string)  recvArg  string" where
  "printExpr f ExprTimeOut = ''timeout''"
| "printExpr f (ExprBinOp binOp left right) = 
     printExpr f left @ '' '' @ printBinOp binOp @ '' '' @ printExpr f right"
| "printExpr f (ExprUnOp unOp e) = printUnOp unOp @ printExpr f e"
| "printExpr f (ExprVarRef varRef) = printVarRef f varRef"
| "printExpr f (ExprConst i) = f i"
| "printExpr f (ExprMConst i m) = String.explode m"
| "printExpr f (ExprCond c l r) = 
     ''( (( '' @ printExpr f c @ '' )) -> '' 
     @ printExpr f l @ '' : '' 
     @ printExpr f r @ '' )''"
| "printExpr f (ExprLen chan) = printFun f ''len'' chan"
| "printExpr f (ExprEmpty chan) = printFun f ''empty'' chan"
| "printExpr f (ExprFull chan) = printFun f ''full'' chan"
| "printExpr f (ExprPoll chan es srt) = (
     let p = if srt then ''??'' else ''?'' in
     printChanRef f chan @ p 
     @ printList (printRecvArg f) es ''['' '']'' '', '')"

| "printVarRef _ (VarRef _ name None) = String.explode name"
| "printVarRef f (VarRef _ name (Some indx)) = 
     String.explode name @ ''['' @ printExpr f indx @ '']''"

| "printChanRef f (ChanRef v) = printVarRef f v"

| "printFun f fun var = fun @ ''('' @ printChanRef f var @ '')''"

| "printRecvArg f (RecvArgVar v) = printVarRef f v"
| "printRecvArg f (RecvArgConst c) = f c"
| "printRecvArg f (RecvArgMConst _ m) = String.explode m"
| "printRecvArg f (RecvArgEval e) = ''eval('' @ printExpr f e @ '')''"

fun printVarDecl :: "(integer  string)  procVarDecl  string" where
  "printVarDecl f (ProcVarDeclNum _ _ n None None) = 
    String.explode n @ '' = 0''"
| "printVarDecl f (ProcVarDeclNum _ _ n None (Some e)) = 
    String.explode n @ '' = '' @ printExpr f e"
| "printVarDecl f (ProcVarDeclNum _ _ n (Some i) None) = 
    String.explode n @ ''['' @ f i @ ''] = 0''"
| "printVarDecl f (ProcVarDeclNum _ _ n (Some i) (Some e)) = 
    String.explode n @ ''[''@ f i @ ''] = '' @ printExpr f e"
| "printVarDecl f (ProcVarDeclChan n None) = 
    ''chan '' @ String.explode n"
| "printVarDecl f (ProcVarDeclChan n (Some i)) = 
    ''chan '' @ String.explode n @ ''['' @ f i @ '']''"

primrec printCond :: "(integer  string)  edgeCond  string" where
  "printCond f ECElse = ''else''"
| "printCond f ECTrue = ''true''"
| "printCond f ECFalse = ''false''"
| "printCond f (ECRun n) = ''run '' @ String.explode n @ ''(...)''"
| "printCond f (ECExpr e) = printExpr f e"
| "printCond f (ECSend c) = printChanRef f c @ ''! ...''"
| "printCond f (ECRecv c _ _) = printChanRef f c @ ''? ...''"

primrec printEffect :: "(integer  string)  edgeEffect  string" where
  "printEffect f EEEnd = ''-- end --''"
| "printEffect f EEId = ''ID''"
| "printEffect f EEGoto = ''goto''"
| "printEffect f (EEAssert e) = ''assert('' @ printExpr f e @'')''"
| "printEffect f (EERun n _) = ''run '' @ String.explode n @ ''(...)''"
| "printEffect f (EEAssign v expr) = 
     printVarRef f v @ '' = '' @ printExpr f expr"
| "printEffect f (EEDecl d) = printVarDecl f d"
| "printEffect f (EESend v es srt) = (
     let s = if srt then ''!!'' else ''!'' in 
     printChanRef f v @ s @ printList (printExpr f) es ''('' '')'' '', '')"
| "printEffect f (EERecv v rs srt rem) = (
     let p = if srt then ''??'' else ''?'' in
     let (l,r) = if rem then (''('', '')'') else (''<'', ''>'') in
     printChanRef f v @ p @ printList (printRecvArg f) rs l r '', '')"

primrec printIndex :: "(integer  string)  edgeIndex  string" where
  "printIndex f (Index pos) = f (integer_of_nat pos)"
| "printIndex _ (LabelJump l _) = String.explode l"

definition printEdge :: "(integer  string)  nat  edge  string" where
  "printEdge f indx e = (
       tStr = printIndex f (target e);
       pStr = if prio e < 0 then '' Prio: '' @ f (prio e) else [];
       atom = if isAtomic e then λx. x @ '' {A}'' else id;
       pEff = λ_. atom (printEffect f (effect e));
       contStr = case (cond e) of 
                  ECTrue  pEff ()
                | ECFalse  pEff ()
                | ECSend _  pEff()
                | ECRecv _ _ _ pEff()
                | _   atom (''(( '' @ printCond f (cond e) @ '' ))'')
       f (integer_of_nat indx) @ '' ---> '' @ tStr @ '' => '' @ contStr @ pStr)"

definition printEdges :: "(integer  string)  states  string list" where
  "printEdges f es = concat (map (λn. map (printEdge f n) (snd (es !! n))) 
                                 (rev [0..<IArray.length es]))"

definition printLabels :: "(integer  string)  labels  string list" where
  "printLabels f ls = lm.iterate ls (λ(k,l) res. 
                                      (''Label '' @ String.explode k @ '': '' 
                                       @ f (integer_of_nat l)) # res) []"

fun printProcesses :: "(integer  string)  program  string list" where
  "printProcesses f prog = lm.iterate (proc_data prog) 
     (λ(k,idx) res.
            let (_,start,_,_) = processes prog !! idx in 
            [] # (''Process '' @ String.explode k) # [] # printEdges f (states prog !! idx)
            @ [''START ---> '' @ printIndex f start, []] 
            @ printLabels f (labels prog !! idx) @ res) []"

(*section {* Instantiations *}
text {* Here instantiations for classes @{class linorder} and @{class hashable} are given for our datatypes.
As we include other structures, which sometime also lack those instantiations, this is done here too. *}
subsection {* Others *}
text {* The following lemmas are needed to make our hashing and linorder sound.

NB: It cannot be proven that 
@{prop "Assoc_List.update k v (Assoc_List.update k2 v2 ls) = Assoc_List.update k2 v2 (Assoc_List.update k v ls)"}

Hence our implementation becomes unsound when order of insertion is not fix. *}*)

lemma AL_update_idem:
  assumes "Assoc_List.lookup ls k = Some v"
  shows "Assoc_List.update k v ls = ls"
proof -
  obtain lsl where lsl: "lsl = Assoc_List.impl_of ls" by blast

  with assms have "map_of lsl k = Some v" by (simp add: Assoc_List.lookup_def)
  hence "AList.update_with_aux v k (λ_. v) lsl = lsl" by (induct lsl) auto
  with lsl show ?thesis by (simp add: Assoc_List.update_def Assoc_List.update_with_def Assoc_List_impl_of)

lemma AL_update_update_idem:
  assumes "Assoc_List.lookup ls k = Some v"
  shows "Assoc_List.update k v (Assoc_List.update k v2 ls) = ls"
proof -
  obtain lsl where lsl: "lsl = Assoc_List.impl_of ls" by blast

  with assms have "map_of lsl k = Some v" by (simp add: Assoc_List.lookup_def)
  hence "AList.update_with_aux v k (λ_. v) (AList.update_with_aux v2 k (λ_. v2) lsl) = lsl" by (induct lsl) auto
  with lsl show ?thesis by (metis Assoc_List.update_def Assoc_List_impl_of impl_of_update_with) 

lemma AL_update_delete_idem:
  assumes "Assoc_List.lookup ls k = None"
  shows "Assoc_List.delete k (Assoc_List.update k v ls) = ls"
proof -
  obtain lsl where lsl: "lsl = Assoc_List.impl_of ls" by blast

  with assms have "map_of lsl k = None" by (simp add: Assoc_List.lookup_def)
  hence "AList.delete_aux k (AList.update_with_aux v k (λ_. v) lsl) = lsl" by (induct lsl) auto
  with lsl show ?thesis by (simp add: Assoc_List.delete_def Assoc_List.update_def assoc_list.impl_of_inverse impl_of_update_with)

instantiation assoc_list :: (hashable,hashable) hashable
  definition "def_hashmap_size (_::('a,'b) assoc_list itself)  (10 :: nat)"
  definition [simp]: "hashcode  hashcode  Assoc_List.impl_of"
    by standard (simp_all add: def_hashmap_size_assoc_list_def)

instantiation XXX :: (hashable_uint, hashable_uint) hashable
  definition hashcode_XXX :: "('a, 'b) XXX ⇒ nat" 
    where "hashcode_XXX ≡ hashcode_nat"

  definition bounded_hashcode_XXX :: "nat ⇒ ('a, 'b) XXX ⇒ nat" 
    where "bounded_hashcode_XXX = bounded_hashcode_nat"

  definition def_hashmap_size_XXX :: "('a, 'b) XXX itself ⇒ nat" 
    where "def_hashmap_size_XXX ≡ def_hashmap_size_uint"

    apply standard
    unfolding def_hashmap_size_XXX_def bounded_hashcode_XXX_def
    using hashable_from_hashable_uint by auto

instantiation assoc_list :: (linorder,linorder) linorder
  definition [simp]: "less_eq_assoc_list (a :: ('a,'b) assoc_list) (b :: ('a,'b) assoc_list)  lexlist (Assoc_List.impl_of a)  lexlist (Assoc_List.impl_of b)"
  definition [simp]: "less_assoc_list (a :: ('a,'b) assoc_list) (b :: ('a,'b) assoc_list)  lexlist (Assoc_List.impl_of a) < lexlist (Assoc_List.impl_of b)"

    apply standard 
    apply (auto)
    apply (metis assoc_list_ext lexlist_ext lexlist_def)

(* Other instantiations for types from Main *)
(*instantiation iarray :: (linorder) linorder
  definition [simp]: "less_eq_iarray (a :: 'a iarray) (b :: 'a iarray) ⟷ lexlist (IArray.list_of a) ≤ lexlist (IArray.list_of b)"
  definition [simp]: "less_iarray (a :: 'a iarray) (b :: 'a iarray) ⟷ lexlist (IArray.list_of a) < lexlist (IArray.list_of b)"

    apply standard 
    apply auto
    apply (metis iarray.exhaust list_of.simps lexlist_ext lexlist_def)
derive linorder iarray

instantiation lexlist :: (hashable) hashable
  definition "def_hashmap_size_lexlist = (λ_ :: 'a lexlist itself. 2 * def_hashmap_size TYPE('a))"

  definition "hashcode_lexlist = hashcode o unlex"
    from def_hashmap_size[where ?'a = "'a"]
    show "1 < def_hashmap_size TYPE('a lexlist)"
      by(simp add: def_hashmap_size_lexlist_def)

text ‹Instead of operating on the list representation of an @{const IArray}, we walk it directly,
using the indices.›

primrec walk_iarray' :: "('b  'a  'b)  'a iarray  'b  nat  nat  'b" where
  "walk_iarray' _ _ x 0 _ = x"
| "walk_iarray' f a x (Suc l) p = (let y = f x (a !! p)
                                  in walk_iarray' f a y l (p + 1))"

lemma walk_iarray'_Cons:
  "walk_iarray' f (IArray (a#xs)) x l (Suc p) = walk_iarray' f (IArray xs) x l p"
  by (induct l arbitrary: p x) simp_all

definition walk_iarray :: "('b  'a  'b)  'a iarray  'b  'b" where
 "walk_iarray f a x = walk_iarray' f a x (IArray.length a) 0"

lemma walk_iarray_Cons:
  "walk_iarray f (IArray (a#xs)) b = walk_iarray f (IArray xs) (f b a)"
  by (simp add: walk_iarray_def walk_iarray'_Cons)

lemma walk_iarray_append:
  "walk_iarray f (IArray (xs@[x])) b = f (walk_iarray f (IArray xs) b) x"
  by (induct xs arbitrary: b) (simp add: walk_iarray_def, simp add: walk_iarray_Cons)

lemma walk_iarray_foldl':
   "walk_iarray f (IArray xs) x = foldl f x xs"
  by (induction xs rule: rev_induct) (simp add: walk_iarray_def, simp add: walk_iarray_append)

lemma walk_iarray_foldl:
  "walk_iarray f a x = foldl f x (IArray.list_of a)"
by (cases a) (simp add: walk_iarray_foldl')

instantiation iarray :: (hashable) hashable
  definition [simp]: "hashcode a = foldl (λh v. h * 33 + hashcode v) 0 (IArray.list_of a)"
  definition "def_hashmap_size = (λ_ :: 'a iarray itself. 10)"
  instance by standard (simp_all add: def_hashmap_size_iarray_def)

  lemma [code]: "hashcode a = walk_iarray (λh v. h * 33 + hashcode v) a 0"
    by (simp add: walk_iarray_foldl)

(* Other instantiations for types from Main *)
instantiation array :: (linorder) linorder

  definition [simp]: "less_eq_array (a :: 'a array) (b :: 'a array)  lexlist (list_of_array a)  lexlist (list_of_array b)"
  definition [simp]: "less_array (a :: 'a array) (b :: 'a array)  lexlist (list_of_array a) < lexlist (list_of_array b)"

    apply standard 
    apply auto
    apply (metis array.exhaust list_of_array.simps lexlist_ext lexlist_def)

text ‹Same for arrays from the ICF.›
primrec walk_array' :: "('b  'a  'b)  'a array  'b  nat  nat  'b" where
  "walk_array' _ _ x 0 _ = x"
| "walk_array' f a x (Suc l) p = (let y = f x (array_get a p)
                                  in walk_array' f a y l (p + 1))"

lemma walk_array'_Cons:
  "walk_array' f (Array (a#xs)) x l (Suc p) = walk_array' f (Array xs) x l p"
  by (induct l arbitrary: p x) simp_all

definition walk_array :: "('b  'a  'b)  'a array  'b  'b" where
 "walk_array f a x = walk_array' f a x (array_length a) 0"

lemma walk_array_Cons:
  "walk_array f (Array (a#xs)) b = walk_array f (Array xs) (f b a)"
  by (simp add: walk_array_def walk_array'_Cons)

lemma walk_array_append:
  "walk_array f (Array (xs@[x])) b = f (walk_array f (Array xs) b) x"
  by (induct xs arbitrary: b) (simp add: walk_array_def, simp add: walk_array_Cons)

lemma walk_array_foldl':
   "walk_array f (Array xs) x = foldl f x xs"
  by (induction xs rule: rev_induct) (simp add: walk_array_def, simp add: walk_array_append)

lemma walk_array_foldl:
  "walk_array f a x = foldl f x (list_of_array a)"
by (cases a) (simp add: walk_array_foldl')

(* TODO: Move to array.thy *)
instantiation array :: (hashable) hashable
  definition [simp]: "hashcode a = foldl (λh v. h * 33 + hashcode v) 0 (list_of_array a)"
  definition "def_hashmap_size = (λ_ :: 'a array itself. 10)"
  instance by standard (simp_all add: def_hashmap_size_array_def)

  lemma [code]: "hashcode a = walk_array (λh v. h * 33 + hashcode v) a 0"
    by (simp add: walk_array_foldl)

(*subsection {* Ours *}*)

derive linorder varType
derive linorder variable

instantiation varType :: hashable

  definition "def_hashmap_size_varType (_::varType itself)  (10::nat)"
  fun hashcode_varType where 
    "hashcode_varType (VTBounded i1 i2) = hashcode (i1,i2)" |
    "hashcode_varType VTChan = 23"

  instance by standard (simp add: def_hashmap_size_varType_def)

instantiation variable :: hashable
  definition "def_hashmap_size_variable (_::variable itself)  (10::nat)"

  fun hashcode_variable where 
    "hashcode_variable (Var i1 i2) = hashcode (i1,i2)" |
    "hashcode_variable (VArray i1 i2 ia) = hashcode (i1,i2,ia)"

  instance by standard (simp add: def_hashmap_size_variable_def)

fun channel_to_tuple where
  "channel_to_tuple (Channel io vs iss) = (3::nat,io,lexlist vs, lexlist (map lexlist iss))"
| "channel_to_tuple (HSChannel vs) = (2,0,lexlist vs, lexlist [])"
| "channel_to_tuple InvChannel = (1,0,lexlist [], lexlist [])"

instantiation channel :: linorder
  definition [simp]: "less_eq_channel xs ys  channel_to_tuple xs  channel_to_tuple ys"
  definition [simp]: "less_channel xs ys  channel_to_tuple xs < channel_to_tuple ys"

    apply standard
    apply (auto)
    apply (case_tac x)
    apply (case_tac [!] y)
    apply (auto dest!: map_inj_on 
                intro!: inj_onI lexlist_ext 
                simp: Lex_inject lexlist_def)

instantiation channel :: hashable
  definition "def_hashmap_size_channel (_::channel itself)  (10::nat)"

  fun hashcode_channel where 
    "hashcode_channel (Channel io vs iss) = hashcode (io, vs, iss)"
  | "hashcode_channel (HSChannel vs) = 42 * hashcode vs"
  | "hashcode_channel InvChannel = 4711"

  instance by standard (simp add: def_hashmap_size_channel_def)

function pState2HASH where
  "pState2HASH  pid = p, vars = v, pc = c, channels = ch, idx = s,  = m  = (p, v, c, lexlist ch, s, m)"
by (metis pState.surjective) force
termination by lexicographic_order

lemma pState2HASH_eq:
  "pState2HASH x = pState2HASH y  x = y"
by (cases x, cases y) (auto intro: lexlist_ext simp: lexlist_def)

instantiation pState_ext :: (linorder) linorder
  definition [simp]: "less_eq_pState_ext (a :: 'a pState_ext) (b :: 'a pState_ext)  pState2HASH a  pState2HASH b"
  definition [simp]: "less_pState_ext (a :: 'a pState_ext) (b :: 'a pState_ext)  pState2HASH a < pState2HASH b"

  instance by standard (auto simp: pState2HASH_eq)

instantiation pState_ext :: (hashable) hashable
  definition "def_hashmap_size_pState_ext (_::'a pState_ext itself)  (10::nat)"
  definition [simp]: "hashcode  hashcode  pState2HASH"

  instance by standard (simp_all add: def_hashmap_size_pState_ext_def)

function gState2HASH where
  "gState2HASH  gState.vars = v, channels = ch, timeout = t, procs = p,  = m  = (v, lexlist ch, t, lexlist p, m)"
by (metis gState.surjective) force
termination by lexicographic_order

lemma gState2HASH_eq:
  "gState2HASH x = gState2HASH y  x = y"
by (cases x, cases y) (auto intro: lexlist_ext simp: lexlist_def)

instantiation gState_ext :: (linorder) linorder
  definition [simp]: "less_eq_gState_ext (a :: 'a gState_ext) (b :: 'a gState_ext)  gState2HASH a  gState2HASH b"
  definition [simp]: "less_gState_ext (a :: 'a gState_ext) (b :: 'a gState_ext)  gState2HASH a < gState2HASH b"

  instance by standard (auto simp: gState2HASH_eq)

instantiation gState_ext :: (hashable) hashable
  definition "def_hashmap_size_gState_ext (_::'a gState_ext itself)  (10::nat)"
  definition [simp]: "hashcode  hashcode  gState2HASH"

  instance by standard (simp_all add: def_hashmap_size_gState_ext_def)
