Theory Difference_Bound_Matrices.Paths_Cycles

theory Paths_Cycles
  imports Floyd_Warshall.Floyd_Warshall

chapter ‹Library for Paths, Arcs and Lengths›

lemma length_eq_distinct:
  assumes "set xs = set ys" "distinct xs" "length xs = length ys"
  shows "distinct ys"
using assms card_distinct distinct_card by fastforce

section ‹Arcs›

fun arcs :: "nat  nat  nat list  (nat * nat) list" where
  "arcs a b [] = [(a,b)]" |
  "arcs a b (x # xs) = (a, x) # arcs x b xs"

definition arcs' :: "nat list  (nat * nat) set" where
  "arcs' xs = set (arcs (hd xs) (last xs) (butlast (tl xs)))"

lemma arcs'_decomp:
  "length xs > 1  (i, j)  arcs' xs   zs ys. xs = zs @ i # j # ys"
proof (induction xs)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  then have "length xs > 0" by auto
  then obtain y ys where xs: "xs = y # ys" by (metis Suc_length_conv less_imp_Suc_add)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "(i, j) = (x, y)")
    case True
    with xs have "x # xs = [] @ i # j # ys" by simp
    then show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    then show ?thesis
    proof (cases "length ys > 0", goal_cases)
      case 2
      then have "ys = []" by auto
      then have "arcs' (x#xs) = {(x,y)}" using xs by (auto simp add: arcs'_def)
      with Cons.prems(2) 2(1) show ?case by auto
      case True
      with xs Cons.prems(2) False have "(i, j)  arcs' xs" by (auto simp add: arcs'_def)
      with Cons.IH[OF _ this] True xs obtain zs ys where "xs = zs @ i # j # ys" by auto
      then have "x # xs = (x # zs) @ i # j # ys" by simp
      then show ?thesis by blast

lemma arcs_decomp_tail:
  "arcs j l (ys @ [i]) = arcs j i ys @ [(i, l)]"
by (induction ys arbitrary: j) auto

lemma arcs_decomp: "xs = ys @ y # zs  arcs x z xs = arcs x y ys @ arcs y z zs"
by (induction ys arbitrary: x xs) simp+

lemma distinct_arcs_ex:
  "distinct xs  i  set xs  xs  []   a b. a  x  (a,b)  set (arcs i j xs)"
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: i)
   apply simp
  subgoal for a xs i
    apply (cases xs)
     apply (simp, metis)
    by auto

lemma cycle_rotate_2_aux:
  "(i, j)  set (arcs a b (xs @ [c]))  (i,j)  (c,b)  (i, j)  set (arcs a c xs)"
by (induction xs arbitrary: a) auto

lemma arcs_set_elem1:
  assumes "j  k" "k  set (i # xs)"
  shows " l. (k, l)  set (arcs i j xs)" using assms
by (induction xs arbitrary: i) auto

lemma arcs_set_elem2:
  assumes "i  k" "k  set (j # xs)"
  shows " l. (l, k)  set (arcs i j xs)" using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i)
  case Nil then show ?case by simp
  case (Cons x xs)
  then show ?case by (cases "k = x") auto

section ‹Length of Paths›

lemmas (in linordered_ab_monoid_add) comm = add.commute

lemma len_add:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  shows "len M i j xs + len M i j xs = len (λi j. M i j + M i j) i j xs"
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i j)
  case Nil thus ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  have "M i x + len M x j xs + (M i x + len M x j xs) = M i x + (len M x j xs + M i x) + len M x j xs"
    by (simp add: add.assoc)
  also have " = M i x + (M i x + len M x j xs) + len M x j xs" by (simp add: comm)
  also have " = (M i x + M i x) + (len M x j xs + len M x j xs)" by (simp add: add.assoc)
  finally have "M i x + len M x j xs + (M i x + len M x j xs)
                = (M i x + M i x) + len (λi j. M i j + M i j) x j xs"
  using Cons by simp
  thus ?case by simp

section ‹Cycle Rotation›

lemma cycle_rotate:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
  shows " ys zs. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)  xs = zs @ i # j # ys" using assms
proof -
  assume A: "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
  from arcs'_decomp[OF this] obtain ys zs where xs: "xs = zs @ i # j # ys" by blast
  from len_decomp[OF this, of M a a]
  have "len M a a xs = len M a i zs + len M i a (j # ys)" .
  also have " = len M i a (j # ys) + len M a i zs" by (simp add: comm)
  also from len_comp[of M i i "j # ys" a zs] have " = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)" by auto
  finally show ?thesis using xs by auto

lemma cycle_rotate_2:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "xs  []" "(i, j)  set (arcs a a xs)"
  shows " ys. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys)  set ys  set (a # xs)  length ys < length xs"
using assms proof -
  assume A:"xs  []" "(i, j)  set (arcs a a xs)"
  { fix ys assume A:"a = i" "xs = j # ys"
    then have ?thesis by auto
  } note * = this
  { fix b ys assume A: "a = j" "xs = ys @ [i]"
    have "len M j j (ys @ [i]) = M i j + len M j i ys"
      using len_decomp[of "ys @ [i]" ys i "[]" M j j] by (auto simp: comm)
    with A have ?thesis
      by auto
  } note ** = this
  { assume "length xs = 1"
    then obtain b where xs: "xs = [b]" by (metis One_nat_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
    with A(2) have "a = i  b = j  a = j  b = i" by auto
    then have ?thesis using * ** xs by auto
  } note *** = this
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "length xs = 0")
    case True with A show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "length xs = 1", goal_cases)
      case True with *** show ?thesis by auto
      case 2
      hence "length xs > 1" by linarith
      then obtain b c ys where ys:"xs = b # ys @ [c]"
      by (metis One_nat_def assms(1) 2(2) length_0_conv length_Cons list.exhaust rev_exhaust)
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "(i,j) = (a,b)", goal_cases)
        case True
        with ys * show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "(i,j) = (c,a)", goal_cases)
          case True
          with ys ** show ?thesis by auto
          case 2
          with A(2) ys have "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
          using cycle_rotate_2_aux by (auto simp: arcs'_def) (* slow *)
          from cycle_rotate[OF length xs > 1 this, of M a] show ?thesis by auto

lemma cycle_rotate_len_arcs:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
  shows " ys zs. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)
                 set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))  xs = zs @ i # j # ys"
using assms
proof -
  assume A: "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
  from arcs'_decomp[OF this] obtain ys zs where xs: "xs = zs @ i # j # ys" by blast
  from len_decomp[OF this, of M a a]
  have "len M a a xs = len M a i zs + len M i a (j # ys)" .
  also have " = len M i a (j # ys) + len M a i zs" by (simp add: comm)
  also from len_comp[of M i i "j # ys" a zs] have " = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)" by auto
  finally show ?thesis
  using xs arcs_decomp[OF xs, of a a] arcs_decomp[of "j # ys @ a # zs" "j # ys" a zs i i] by force

lemma cycle_rotate_2':
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "xs  []" "(i, j)  set (arcs a a xs)"
  shows " ys. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys)  set (i # j # ys) = set (a # xs)
              1 + length ys = length xs  set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys))"
proof -
  note A = assms
  { fix ys assume A:"a = i" "xs = j # ys"
    then have ?thesis by auto
  } note * = this
  { fix b ys assume A:"a = j" "xs = ys @ [i]"
    have "len M j j (ys @ [i]) = M i j + len M j i ys"
      using len_decomp[of "ys @ [i]" ys i "[]" M j j] by (auto simp: comm)
    moreover have "arcs j j (ys @ [i]) = arcs j i ys @ [(i, j)]" using arcs_decomp_tail by auto
    ultimately have ?thesis using A by auto
  } note ** = this
  { assume "length xs = 1"
    then obtain b where xs: "xs = [b]" by (metis One_nat_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
    with A(2) have "a = i  b = j  a = j  b = i" by auto
    then have ?thesis using * ** xs by auto
  } note *** = this
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "length xs = 0")
    case True with A show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "length xs = 1", goal_cases)
      case True with *** show ?thesis by auto
      case 2
      hence "length xs > 1" by linarith
      then obtain b c ys where ys:"xs = b # ys @ [c]"
      by (metis One_nat_def assms(1) 2(2) length_0_conv length_Cons list.exhaust rev_exhaust)
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "(i,j) = (a,b)")
        case True
        with ys * show ?thesis by blast
        case False
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "(i,j) = (c,a)", goal_cases)
          case True
          with ys ** show ?thesis by force
          case 2
          with A(2) ys have "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
          using cycle_rotate_2_aux by (auto simp add: arcs'_def) (* slow *)
          from cycle_rotate_len_arcs[OF length xs > 1 this, of M a] show ?thesis by auto

section ‹More on Cycle-Freeness›

lemma cyc_free_diag_dest:
  assumes "cyc_free M n" "i  n" "set xs  {0..n}"
  shows "len M i i xs  0"
using assms by auto

lemma cycle_free_0_0:
  fixes M :: "('a::linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "cycle_free M n"
  shows "M 0 0  0"
using cyc_free_diag_dest[OF cycle_free_diag_dest[OF assms], of 0 "[]"] by auto

section ‹Helper Lemmas for Bouyer's Theorem on Approximation›

lemma aux1: "i  n  j  n  set xs  {0..n}  (a,b)  set (arcs i j xs)  a  n  b  n"
by (induction xs arbitrary: i) auto

lemma arcs_distinct1:
  "i  set xs  j  set xs  distinct xs  xs  []  (a,b)  set (arcs i j xs)  a  b"
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: i)
   apply fastforce
  subgoal for a' xs i
    by (cases xs) auto

lemma arcs_distinct2:
  "i  set xs  j  set xs  distinct xs  i  j  (a,b)  set (arcs i j xs)  a  b"
by (induction xs arbitrary: i) auto

lemma arcs_distinct3: "distinct (a # b # c # xs)  (i,j)  set (arcs a b xs)  i  c  j  c"
by (induction xs arbitrary: a) force+

lemma arcs_elem:
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" shows "a  set (i # xs)" "b  set (j # xs)"
using assms by (induction xs arbitrary: i) auto

lemma arcs_distinct_dest1:
  "distinct (i # a # zs)  (b,c)  set (arcs a j zs)  b  i"
using arcs_elem by fastforce

lemma arcs_distinct_fix:
  "distinct (a # x # xs @ [b])  (a,c)  set (arcs a b (x # xs))  c = x"
using arcs_elem(1) by fastforce

lemma disjE3: "A  B  C  (A  G)  (B  G)  (C  G)  G"
by auto

lemma arcs_predecessor:
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "a  i"
  shows " c. (c, a)  set (arcs i j xs)" using assms
by (induction xs arbitrary: i) auto

lemma arcs_successor:
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "b  j"
  shows " c. (b,c)  set (arcs i j xs)" using assms
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: i)
   apply simp
  subgoal for aa xs i
    by (cases xs) auto

lemma arcs_predecessor':
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j (x # xs))" "(a,b)  (i, x)"
  shows " c. (c, a)  set (arcs i j (x # xs))" using assms
by (induction xs arbitrary: i x) auto

lemma arcs_cases:
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "xs  []"
  shows "( ys. xs = b # ys  a = i)  ( ys. xs = ys @ [a]  b = j)
        ( c d ys. (a,b)  set (arcs c d ys)  xs = c # ys @ [d])"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i)
  case Nil then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "(a, b) = (i, x)")
    case True
    with Cons.prems show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    note F = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "xs = []")
      case True
      with F Cons.prems show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      from F Cons.prems have "(a, b)  set (arcs x j xs)" by auto
      from Cons.IH[OF this False] have
        "(ys. xs = b # ys  a = x)  (ys. xs = ys @ [a]  b = j)
          (c d ys. (a, b)  set (arcs c d ys)  xs = c # ys @ [d])"
      then show ?thesis
      proof (rule disjE3, goal_cases)
        case 1
        from 1 obtain ys where *: "xs = b # ys  a = x" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "ys = []")
          case True
          with * show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          then obtain z zs where zs: "ys = zs @ [z]" by (metis append_butlast_last_id)
          with * show ?thesis by auto
        case 2 then show ?case by auto
        case 3 with False show ?case by auto

lemma arcs_cases':
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "xs  []"
  shows "( ys. xs = b # ys  a = i)  ( ys. xs = ys @ [a]  b = j)  ( ys zs. xs = ys @ a # b # zs)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i)
  case Nil then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "(a, b) = (i, x)")
    case True
    with Cons.prems show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    note F = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "xs = []")
      case True
      with F Cons.prems show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      from F Cons.prems have "(a, b)  set (arcs x j xs)" by auto
      from Cons.IH[OF this False] have
        "(ys. xs = b # ys  a = x)  (ys. xs = ys @ [a]  b = j)
          (ys zs. xs = ys @ a # b # zs)"
      then show ?thesis
      proof (rule disjE3, goal_cases)
        case 1
        from 1 obtain ys where *: "xs = b # ys  a = x" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "ys = []")
          case True
          with * show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          then obtain z zs where zs: "ys = zs @ [z]" by (metis append_butlast_last_id)
          with * show ?thesis by auto
        case 2 then show ?case by auto
        case 3
        then obtain ys zs where "xs = ys @ a # b # zs" by auto
        then have "x # xs = (x # ys) @ a # b # zs" by auto
        then show ?thesis by blast

lemma arcs_successor':
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "b  j"
  shows " c. xs = [b]  a = i  ( ys. xs = b # c # ys  a = i)  ( ys. xs = ys @ [a,b]  c = j)
        ( ys zs. xs = ys @ a # b # c # zs)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i)
  case Nil then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "(a, b) = (i, x)")
    case True
    with Cons.prems show ?thesis by (cases xs) auto
    case False
    note F = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "xs = []")
      case True
      with F Cons.prems show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      from F Cons.prems have "(a, b)  set (arcs x j xs)" by auto
      from Cons.IH[OF this b  j] obtain c where c:
        "xs = [b]  a = x  (ys. xs = b # c # ys  a = x)  (ys. xs = ys @ [a, b]  c = j)
          (ys zs. xs = ys @ a # b # c # zs)"
      then show ?thesis
      proof (standard, goal_cases)
        case 1 with Cons.prems show ?case by auto
        case 2
        then show ?thesis
        proof (rule disjE3, goal_cases)
          case 1
          from 1 obtain ys where *: "xs = b # ys  a = x" by auto
          show ?thesis
          proof (cases "ys = []")
            case True
            with * show ?thesis by auto
            case False
            then obtain z zs where zs: "ys = z # zs" by (cases ys) auto
            with * show ?thesis by fastforce
          case 2 then show ?case by auto
          case 3
          then obtain ys zs where "xs = ys @ a # b # c # zs" by auto
          then have "x # xs = (x # ys) @ a # b # c # zs" by auto
          then show ?thesis by blast

lemma list_last:
  "xs = []  ( y ys. xs = ys @ [y])"
by (induction xs) auto

lemma arcs_predecessor'':
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "a  i"
 shows " c. xs = [a]  ( ys. xs = a # b # ys)  ( ys. xs = ys @ [c,a]  b = j)
        ( ys zs. xs = ys @ c # a # b # zs)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i)
  case Nil then show ?case by auto
  case (Cons x xs)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "(a, b) = (i, x)")
    case True
    with Cons.prems show ?thesis by (cases xs) auto
    case False
    note F = this
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "xs = []")
      case True
      with F Cons.prems show ?thesis by auto
      case False
      from F Cons.prems have *: "(a, b)  set (arcs x j xs)" by auto
      from False obtain y ys where xs: "xs = y # ys" by (cases xs) auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "(a,b) = (x,y)")
        case True with * xs show ?thesis by auto
        case False
        with * xs have **: "(a, b)  set (arcs y j ys)" by auto
        show ?thesis
        proof (cases "ys = []")
          case True with ** xs show ?thesis by force
          case False
          from arcs_cases'[OF ** this] obtain ws zs where ***:
            "ys = b # ws  a = y  ys = ws @ [a]  b = j  ys = ws @ a # b # zs"
          by auto
          then show ?thesis
          proof (elim disjE, goal_cases)
            case 1
            then show ?case using xs by blast
            case 2
            then have "y ys. ws = ys @ [y]" if "ws  []"
              using list_last[of ws] that by fastforce
            with 2 show ?case
              using xs by (cases "ws = []") auto
            case 3
            then have "x # xs = [x] @ y # a # b # zs" if "ws = []"
              using that by (simp add: xs)
            with 3 show ?case
              apply (cases "ws = []")
                apply blast
              by (metis append.left_neutral append_Cons append_assoc list_last xs)

lemma arcs_ex_middle:
  " b. (a, b)  set (arcs i j (ys @ a # xs))"
by (induction xs arbitrary: i ys) (auto simp: arcs_decomp)

lemma arcs_ex_head:
  " b. (i, b)  set (arcs i j xs)"
by (cases xs) auto

subsection ‹Successive›

fun successive where
  "successive _ [] = True" |
  "successive P [_] = True" |
  "successive P (x # y # xs)  ¬ P y  successive P xs  ¬ P x  successive P (y # xs)"

lemma "¬ successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0, Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0, 0, Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "¬ successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0, 0, Suc 0, Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "¬ successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0, 0, 0, Suc 0, Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0, 0, Suc 0, 0, Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "¬ successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [Suc 0, Suc 0, 0, Suc 0]" by simp
lemma "successive (λ x. x > (0 :: nat)) [0, 0, Suc 0, 0]" by simp

lemma successive_step: "successive P (x # xs)  ¬ P x  successive P xs"
  apply (cases xs)
   apply simp
  subgoal for y ys
    by (cases ys) auto

lemma successive_step_2: "successive P (x # y # xs)  ¬ P y  successive P xs"
  apply (cases xs)
   apply simp
  subgoal for z zs
    by (cases zs) auto

lemma successive_stepI:
  "successive P xs  ¬ P x  successive P (x # xs)"
by (cases xs) auto

lemmas list_two_induct[case_names Nil Single Cons] = induct_list012

lemma successive_end_1:
  "successive P xs  ¬ P x  successive P (xs @ [x])"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) auto

lemma successive_ends_1:
  "successive P xs  ¬ P x  successive P ys  successive P (xs @ x # ys)"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) (fastforce intro: successive_stepI)+

lemma successive_ends_1':
  "successive P xs  ¬ P x  P y  ¬ P z  successive P ys  successive P (xs @ x # y # z # ys)"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) (fastforce intro: successive_stepI)+

lemma successive_end_2:
  "successive P xs  ¬ P x  successive P (xs @ [x,y])"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) auto

lemma successive_end_2':
  "successive P (xs @ [x])  ¬ P x  successive P (xs @ [x,y])"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) auto

lemma successive_end_3:
  "successive P (xs @ [x])  ¬ P x  P y  ¬ P z  successive P (xs @ [x,y,z])"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) auto

lemma successive_step_rev:
  "successive P (xs @ [x])  ¬ P x  successive P xs"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) auto

lemma successive_glue:
  "successive P (zs @ [z])  successive P (x # xs)  ¬ P z  ¬ P x  successive P (zs @ [z] @ x # xs)"
proof goal_cases
  case A: 1
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "P x")
    case False
    with A(1,2) successive_ends_1 successive_step show ?thesis by fastforce
    case True
    with A(1,3) successive_step_rev have "¬ P z" "successive P zs" by fastforce+
    with A(2) successive_ends_1 show ?thesis by fastforce

lemma successive_glue':
  "successive P (zs @ [y])  ¬ P z  successive P zs  ¬ P y
   successive P (x # xs)  ¬ P w  successive P xs  ¬ P x
   ¬ P z  ¬ P w  successive P (zs @ y # z # w # x # xs)"
by (metis append_Cons append_Nil successive.simps(3) successive_ends_1 successive_glue successive_stepI)

lemma successive_dest_head:
  "xs = w # x # ys  successive P xs  successive P (x # xs)  ¬ P w  successive P xs  ¬ P x"
by auto

lemma successive_dest_tail:
  "xs = zs @ [y,z]  successive P xs
   successive P (zs @ [y])  ¬ P z  successive P zs  ¬ P y"
  apply (induction _ xs arbitrary: zs rule: list_two_induct)
    apply simp+
  subgoal for _ _ _ zs
    apply (cases zs)
     apply simp
    subgoal for _ ws
      by (cases ws) auto

lemma successive_split:
  "xs = ys @ zs  successive P xs  successive P ys  successive P zs"
  apply (induction _ xs arbitrary: ys rule: list_two_induct)
    apply simp
  subgoal for _ ys
    by (cases ys; simp)
  subgoal for _ _ _ ys
    apply (cases ys; simp)
    subgoal for list
      by (cases list) (auto intro: successive_stepI)

lemma successive_decomp:
  "xs = x # ys @ zs @ [z]  successive P xs  ¬ P x  ¬ P z  successive P (zs @ [z] @ (x # ys))"
by (metis Cons_eq_appendI successive_glue successive_split)

lemma successive_predecessor:
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "a  i" "successive P (arcs i j xs)" "P (a,b)" "xs  []"
 shows " c. (xs = [a]  c = i  ( ys. xs = a # b # ys  c = i)  ( ys. xs = ys @ [c,a]  b = j)
        ( ys zs. xs = ys @ c # a # b # zs))  ¬ P (c,a)"
proof -
  from arcs_predecessor''[OF assms(1,2)] obtain c where c:
    "xs = [a]  (ys. xs = a # b # ys)  (ys. xs = ys @ [c, a]  b = j)
     (ys zs. xs = ys @ c # a # b # zs)"
  by auto
  then show ?thesis
  proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case 1
    with assms have "arcs i j xs = [(i, a), (a, j)]" by auto
    with assms have "¬ P (i, a)" by auto
    with 1 show ?case by simp
    case 2
    with assms have "¬ P (i, a)" by fastforce
    with 2 show ?case by auto
    case 3
    with assms have "¬ P (c, a)" using arcs_decomp successive_dest_tail by fastforce
    with 3 show ?case by auto
    case 4
    with assms(3,4) have "¬ P (c, a)" using arcs_decomp successive_split by fastforce
    with 4 show ?case by auto

lemma successive_successor:
  assumes "(a, b)  set (arcs i j xs)" "b  j" "successive P (arcs i j xs)" "P (a,b)" "xs  []"
 shows " c. (xs = [b]  c = j  ( ys. xs = b # c # ys)  ( ys. xs = ys @ [a,b]  c = j)
        ( ys zs. xs = ys @ a # b # c # zs))  ¬ P (b,c)"
proof -
  from arcs_successor'[OF assms(1,2)] obtain c where c:
    "xs = [b]  a = i  (ys. xs = b # c # ys  a = i)  (ys. xs = ys @ [a, b]  c = j)
      (ys zs. xs = ys @ a # b # c # zs)"
  then show ?thesis
  proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case 1
    with assms(1,2) have "arcs i j xs = [(a,b), (b,j)]" by auto
    with assms have "¬ P (b,j)" by auto
    with 1 show ?case by simp
    case 2
    with assms have "¬ P (b, c)" by fastforce
    with 2 show ?case by auto
    case 3
    with assms have "¬ P (b, c)" using arcs_decomp successive_dest_tail by fastforce
    with 3 show ?case by auto
    case 4
    with assms(3,4) have "¬ P (b, c)" using arcs_decomp successive_split by fastforce
    with 4 show ?case by auto

lemmas add_mono_right = add_mono[OF order_refl]
lemmas add_mono_left  = add_mono[OF _ order_refl]

subsubsection ‹Obtaining successive and distinct paths›

lemma canonical_successive:
  fixes A B
  defines "M  λ i j. min (A i j) (B i j)"
  assumes "canonical A n"
  assumes "set xs  {0..n}"
  assumes "i  n" "j  n"
  shows " ys. len M i j ys  len M i j xs  set ys  {0..n}
                successive (λ (a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs i j ys)"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i rule: list_two_induct)
  case Nil show ?case by fastforce
  case 2: (Single x i)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "M i x = A i x  M x j = A x j")
    case False
    then have "successive (λ(a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs i j [x])" by auto
    with 2 show ?thesis by blast
    case True
    with 2 have "M i j  M i x + M x j" unfolding min_def by fastforce
    with 2(3-) show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule exI[where x = "[]"]) by auto
  case 3: (Cons x y xs i)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "M i y  M i x + M x y", goal_cases)
    case 1
    from 3 obtain ys where
      "len M i j ys  len M i j (y # xs)  set ys  {0..n}
        successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs i j ys)"
    by fastforce
    moreover from 1 have "len M i j (y # xs)  len M i j (x # y # xs)"
    using add_mono by (auto simp: add.assoc[symmetric])
    ultimately show ?case by force
    case False
    { assume "M i x = A i x" "M x y = A x y"
      with 3(3-) have "A i y  M i x + M x y" by auto
      then have "M i y  M i x + M x y" unfolding M_def min_def by auto
    } note * = this
    with False have "M i x  A i x  M x y  A x y" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (standard, goal_cases)
      case 1
      from 3 obtain ys where ys:
        "len M x j ys  len M x j (y # xs)" "set ys  {0..n}"
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs x j ys)"
      by force+
      from 1 successive_stepI[OF ys(3), of "(i, x)"] have
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs i j (x # ys))"
      by auto
      moreover have "len M i j (x # ys)  len M i j (x # y # xs)" using add_mono_right[OF ys(1)]
      by auto
      ultimately show ?case using 3(5) ys(2) by fastforce
      case 2
      from 3 obtain ys where ys:
        "len M y j ys  len M y j xs" "set ys  {0..n}"
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs y j ys)"
      by force+
      from this(3) 2 have
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs i j (x # y # ys))"
      by simp
      moreover from add_mono_right[OF ys(1)] have
        "len M i j (x # y # ys)  len M i j (x # y # xs)"
      by (auto simp: add.assoc[symmetric])
      ultimately show ?thesis using ys(2) 3(5) by fastforce

lemma canonical_successive_distinct:
  fixes A B
  defines "M  λ i j. min (A i j) (B i j)"
  assumes "canonical A n"
  assumes "set xs  {0..n}"
  assumes "i  n" "j  n"
  assumes "distinct xs" "i  set xs" "j  set xs"
  shows " ys. len M i j ys  len M i j xs  set ys  set xs
                successive (λ (a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs i j ys)
                distinct ys  i  set ys  j  set ys"
using assms
proof (induction xs arbitrary: i rule: list_two_induct)
  case Nil show ?case by fastforce
  case 2: (Single x i)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "M i x = A i x  M x j = A x j")
    case False
    then have "successive (λ(a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs i j [x])" by auto
    with 2 show ?thesis by blast
    case True
    with 2 have "M i j  M i x + M x j" unfolding min_def by fastforce
    with 2(3-) show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule exI[where x = "[]"]) by auto
  case 3: (Cons x y xs i)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "M i y  M i x + M x y")
    case 1: True
    from 3(2)[OF 3(3,4)] 3(5-10) obtain ys where ys:
      "len M i j ys  len M i j (y # xs)" "set ys  set (x # y # xs)"
       "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs i j ys)"
       "distinct ys  i  set ys  j  set ys"
    by fastforce
    moreover from 1 have "len M i j (y # xs)  len M i j (x # y # xs)"
    using add_mono by (auto simp: add.assoc[symmetric])
    ultimately have "len M i j ys  len M i j (x # y # xs)" by auto
    then show ?thesis using ys(2-) by blast
    case False
    { assume "M i x = A i x" "M x y = A x y"
      with 3(3-) have "A i y  M i x + M x y" by auto
      then have "M i y  M i x + M x y" unfolding M_def min_def by auto
    } note * = this
    with False have "M i x  A i x  M x y  A x y" by auto
    then show ?thesis
    proof (standard, goal_cases)
      case 1
      from 3(2)[OF 3(3,4)] 3(5-10) obtain ys where ys:
        "len M x j ys  len M x j (y # xs)" "set ys  set (y # xs)"
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs x j ys)"
        "distinct ys" "i  set ys" "x  set ys" "j  set ys"
      by fastforce
      from 1 successive_stepI[OF ys(3), of "(i, x)"] have
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs i j (x # ys))"
      by auto
      moreover have "len M i j (x # ys)  len M i j (x # y # xs)" using add_mono_right[OF ys(1)]
      by auto
      moreover have "distinct (x # ys)" "i  set (x # ys)" "j  set (x # ys)" using ys(4-) 3(8-)
      by auto
      moreover from ys(2) have "set (x # ys)  set (x # y # xs)" by auto
      ultimately show ?case by fastforce
      case 2
      from 3(1)[OF 3(3,4)] 3(5-) obtain ys where ys:
        "len M y j ys  len M y j xs" "set ys  set xs"
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs y j ys)"
        "distinct ys" "j  set ys" "y  set ys" "i  set ys" "x  set ys"
      by fastforce
      from this(3) 2 have
        "successive (λa. case a of (a, b)  M a b = A a b) (arcs i j (x # y # ys))"
      by simp
      moreover from add_mono_right[OF ys(1)] have
        "len M i j (x # y # ys)  len M i j (x # y # xs)"
      by (auto simp: add.assoc[symmetric])
      moreover have "distinct (x # y # ys)" "i  set (x # y # ys)" "j  set (x # y # ys)"
      using ys(4-) 3(8-) by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis using ys(2) by fastforce

lemma successive_snd_last: "successive P (xs @ [x, y])  P y  ¬ P x"
by (induction _ xs rule: list_two_induct) auto

lemma canonical_shorten_rotate_neg_cycle:
  fixes A B
  defines "M  λ i j. min (A i j) (B i j)"
  assumes "canonical A n"
  assumes "set xs  {0..n}"
  assumes "i  n"
  assumes "len M i i xs < 0"
  shows " j ys. len M j j ys < 0  set (j # ys)  set (i # xs)
                successive (λ (a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs j j ys)
                distinct ys  j  set ys 
               (ys  []  M j (hd ys)  A j (hd ys)  M (last ys) j  A (last ys) j)"
using assms
proof -
  note A = assms
  from negative_len_shortest[OF _ A(5)] obtain j ys where ys:
    "distinct (j # ys)" "len M j j ys < 0" "j  set (i # xs)" "set ys  set xs"
  by blast
  from this(1,3) canonical_successive_distinct[OF A(2) subset_trans[OF this(4) A(3)], of j j B] A(3,4)
  obtain zs where zs:
    "len M j j zs  len M j j ys"
    "set zs  set ys" "successive (λ(a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs j j zs)"
    "distinct zs" "j  set zs"
  by (force simp: M_def)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "zs = []")
    assume "zs  []"
    then obtain w ws where ws: "zs = w # ws" by (cases zs) auto
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases "ws = []")
      case False
      then obtain u us where us: "ws = us @ [u]" by (induction ws) auto
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "M j w = A j w  M u j = A u j")
        case True
        have "u  n" "j  n" "w  n" using us ws zs(2) ys(3,4) A(3,4) by auto
        with A(2) True have "M u w  M u j + M j w" unfolding M_def min_def by fastforce
        then have
          "len M u u (w # us)  len M j j zs"
        using ws us by (simp add: len_comp comm) (auto intro: add_mono simp: add.assoc[symmetric])
        moreover have "set (u # w # us)  set (i # xs)" using ws us zs(2) ys(3,4) by auto
        moreover have "distinct (w # us)" "u  set (w # us)" using ws us zs(4) by auto
        moreover have "successive (λ(a, b). M a b = A a b) (arcs u u (w # us))"
        proof (cases us)
          case Nil
          with zs(3) ws us True show ?thesis by auto
          case (Cons v vs)
          with zs(3) ws us True have "M w v  A w v" by auto
          with ws us Cons zs(3) True arcs_decomp_tail successive_split show ?thesis by (simp, blast)
        moreover have "M (last (w # us)) u  A (last (w # us)) u"
        proof (cases "us = []")
          case T: True
          with zs(3) ws us True show ?thesis by auto
          case False
          then obtain v vs where vs: "us = vs @ [v]" by (induction us) auto
          with ws us have "arcs j j zs = arcs j v (w # vs) @ [(v, u), (u,j)]" by (simp add: arcs_decomp)
          with zs(3) True have "M v u  A v u"
          using successive_snd_last[of "λ(a, b). M a b = A a b" "arcs j v (w # vs)"] by auto
          with vs show ?thesis by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using zs(1) ys(2)
        by (intro exI[where x = u], intro exI[where x = "w # us"]) fastforce
        case False
        with zs ws us ys show ?thesis by (intro exI[where x = j], intro exI[where x = "zs"]) auto
      case True
      with True ws zs ys show ?thesis by (intro exI[where x = j], intro exI[where x = "zs"]) fastforce
    case True
    with ys zs show ?thesis by (intro exI[where x = j], intro exI[where x = "zs"]) fastforce

(* Generated by sledgehammer/z3 *)
lemma successive_arcs_extend_last:
  "successive P (arcs i j xs)  ¬ P (i, hd xs)  ¬ P (last xs, j)  xs  []
   successive P (arcs i j xs @ [(i, hd xs)])"
proof -
  assume a1: "¬ P (i, hd xs)  ¬ P (last xs, j)"
  assume a2: "successive P (arcs i j xs)"
  assume a3: "xs  []"
  then have f4: "¬ P (last xs, j)  successive P (arcs i (last xs) (butlast xs))"
    using a2 by (metis (no_types) append_butlast_last_id arcs_decomp_tail successive_step_rev)
  have f5: "arcs i j xs = arcs i (last xs) (butlast xs) @ [(last xs, j)]"
    using a3 by (metis (no_types) append_butlast_last_id arcs_decomp_tail)
  have "([] @ arcs i j xs @ [(i, hd xs)]) @ [(i, hd xs)] = arcs i j xs @ [(i, hd xs), (i, hd xs)]"
    by simp
  then have "P (last xs, j)  successive P (arcs i j xs @ [(i, hd xs)])"
    using a2 a1 by (metis (no_types) self_append_conv2 successive_end_2 successive_step_rev)
  then show ?thesis
    using f5 f4 successive_end_2 by fastforce

lemma cycle_rotate_arcs:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
  shows " ys zs. set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))  xs = zs @ i # j # ys" using assms
proof -
  assume A: "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
  from arcs'_decomp[OF this] obtain ys zs where xs: "xs = zs @ i # j # ys" by blast
  with arcs_decomp[OF this, of a a] arcs_decomp[of "j # ys @ a # zs" "j # ys" a zs i i]
  show ?thesis by force

lemma cycle_rotate_len_arcs_successive:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs" "successive P (arcs a a xs)" "¬ P (a, hd xs)  ¬ P (last xs, a)"
  shows " ys zs. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)
                 set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))  xs = zs @ i # j # ys
                 successive P (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))"
using assms
proof -
  note A = assms
  from arcs'_decomp[OF A(1,2)] obtain ys zs where xs: "xs = zs @ i # j # ys" by blast
  note arcs1 = arcs_decomp[OF xs, of a a]
  note arcs2 = arcs_decomp[of "j # ys @ a # zs" "j # ys" a zs i i]
  have *:"successive P (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))"
  proof (cases "ys = []")
    case True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases zs)
      case Nil
      with A(3,4) xs True show ?thesis by auto
      case (Cons z zs')
      with True arcs2 A(3,4) xs show ?thesis apply simp
      by (metis arcs.simps(1,2) arcs1 successive.simps(3) successive_split successive_step)
    case False
    then obtain y ys' where ys: "ys = ys' @ [y]" by (metis append_butlast_last_id)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases zs)
      case Nil
      with A(3,4) xs ys have
        "¬ P (a, i)  ¬ P (y, a)" "successive P (arcs a a (i # j # ys' @ [y]))"
      by simp+
      from successive_decomp[OF _ this(2,1)] show ?thesis using ys Nil arcs_decomp by fastforce
      case (Cons z zs')
      with A(3,4) xs ys have
        "¬ P (a, z)  ¬ P (y, a)" "successive P (arcs a a (z # zs' @ i # j # ys' @ [y]))"
      by simp+
      from successive_decomp[OF _ this(2,1)] show ?thesis using ys Cons arcs_decomp by fastforce
  from len_decomp[OF xs, of M a a] have "len M a a xs = len M a i zs + len M i a (j # ys)" .
  also have " = len M i a (j # ys) + len M a i zs" by (simp add: comm)
  also from len_comp[of M i i "j # ys" a zs] have " = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)" by auto
  finally show ?thesis
  using * xs arcs_decomp[OF xs, of a a] arcs_decomp[of "j # ys @ a # zs" "j # ys" a zs i i] by force

lemma successive_successors:
  "xs = ys @ a # b # c # zs  successive P (arcs i j xs)  ¬ P (a,b)  ¬ P (b, c)"
  apply (induction _ xs arbitrary: i ys rule: list_two_induct)
    apply fastforce
   apply fastforce
  subgoal for _ _ _ _ ys
    apply (cases ys)
     apply fastforce
    subgoal for _ list
      apply (cases list)
       apply fastforce+

lemma successive_successors':
  "xs = ys @ a # b # zs  successive P xs  ¬ P a  ¬ P b"
using successive_split by fastforce

lemma cycle_rotate_len_arcs_successive':
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "length xs > 1" "(i, j)  arcs' xs" "successive P (arcs a a xs)"
          "¬ P (a, hd xs)  ¬ P (last xs, a)"
  shows " ys zs. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)
                 set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))  xs = zs @ i # j # ys
                 successive P (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs) @ [(i,j)])"
using assms
proof -
  note A = assms
  from arcs'_decomp[OF A(1,2)] obtain ys zs where xs: "xs = zs @ i # j # ys" by blast
  note arcs1 = arcs_decomp[OF xs, of a a]
  note arcs2 = arcs_decomp[of "j # ys @ a # zs" "j # ys" a zs i i]
  have *:"successive P (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs) @ [(i,j)])"
  proof (cases "ys = []")
    case True
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases zs)
      case Nil
      with A(3,4) xs True show ?thesis by auto
      case (Cons z zs')
      with True arcs2 A(3,4) xs show ?thesis
        apply simp
        apply (cases "P (a, z)")
         apply (simp add: arcs_decomp)
        using successive_split[of "((a, z) # arcs z i zs') @ [(i, j), (j, a)]" _ "[(j, a)]" P]
         apply auto[]
        by (metis append_Cons arcs.simps(1,2) arcs1 successive.simps(1) successive_dest_tail
            successive_ends_1 successive_step)
    case False
    then obtain y ys' where ys: "ys = ys' @ [y]" by (metis append_butlast_last_id)
    show ?thesis
    proof (cases zs)
      case Nil
      with A(3,4) xs ys have *:
        "¬ P (a, i)  ¬ P (y, a)" "successive P (arcs a a (i # j # ys' @ [y]))"
      by simp+
      from successive_decomp[OF _ this(2,1)] ys Nil arcs_decomp have
        "successive P (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))"
      by fastforce
      moreover from * have "¬ P (a, i)  ¬ P (i, j)" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
      by (metis append_Cons last_snoc list.distinct(1) list.sel(1) Nil successive_arcs_extend_last)
      case (Cons z zs')
      with A(3,4) xs ys have *:
        "¬ P (a, z)  ¬ P (y, a)" "successive P (arcs a a (z # zs' @ i # j # ys' @ [y]))"
      by simp+
      from successive_decomp[OF _ this(2,1)] ys Cons arcs_decomp have **:
        "successive P (arcs i i (j # ys @ a # zs))"
      by fastforce
      from Cons have "zs  []" by auto
      then obtain w ws where ws: "zs = ws @ [w]" by (induction zs) auto
      with A(3,4) xs ys have *:
        "successive P (arcs a a (ws @ [w] @ i # j # ys' @ [y]))"
      by simp
      moreover from successive_successors[OF _ this] have "¬ P (w, i)  ¬ P (i, j)" by auto
      ultimately show ?thesis
      by (metis ** append_is_Nil_conv last.simps last_append list.distinct(2) list.sel(1)
                successive_arcs_extend_last ws)
  from len_decomp[OF xs, of M a a] have "len M a a xs = len M a i zs + len M i a (j # ys)" .
  also have " = len M i a (j # ys) + len M a i zs" by (simp add: comm)
  also from len_comp[of M i i "j # ys" a zs] have " = len M i i (j # ys @ a # zs)" by auto
  finally show ?thesis
  using * xs arcs_decomp[OF xs, of a a] arcs_decomp[of "j # ys @ a # zs" "j # ys" a zs i i] by force

lemma cycle_rotate_3:
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "xs  []" "(i, j)  set (arcs a a xs)" "successive P (arcs a a xs)" "¬ P (a, hd xs)  ¬ P (last xs, a)"
  shows " ys. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys)  set (i # j # ys) = set (a # xs)  1 + length ys = length xs
              set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys))
              successive P (arcs i i (j # ys))"
proof -
  note A = assms
  { fix ys assume A:"a = i" "xs = j # ys"
    with assms(3) have ?thesis by auto
  } note * = this
  have **: ?thesis if A: "a = j" "xs = ys @ [i]" for ys using A
  proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case 1
    have "len M j j (ys @ [i]) = M i j + len M j i ys"
    using len_decomp[of "ys @ [i]" ys i "[]" M j j] by (auto simp: comm)
    moreover have "arcs j j (ys @ [i]) = arcs j i ys @ [(i, j)]" using arcs_decomp_tail by auto
    moreover with assms(3,4) A have "successive P ((i,j) # arcs j i ys)"
     apply simp
     apply (cases ys)
      apply simp
     by (simp, metis arcs.simps(2) calculation(2) 1(1) successive_split successive_step)
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  { assume "length xs = 1"
    then obtain b where xs: "xs = [b]" by (metis One_nat_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
    with A(2) have "a = i  b = j  a = j  b = i" by auto
    then have ?thesis using * ** xs by auto
  } note *** = this
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "length xs = 0")
    case True with A show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "length xs = 1", goal_cases)
      case True with *** show ?thesis by auto
      case 2
      hence "length xs > 1" by linarith
      then obtain b c ys where ys:"xs = b # ys @ [c]"
      by (metis One_nat_def assms(1) 2(2) length_0_conv length_Cons list.exhaust rev_exhaust)
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "(i,j) = (a,b)")
        case True
        with ys * show ?thesis by blast
        case False
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "(i,j) = (c,a)", goal_cases)
          case True
          with ys ** show ?thesis by force
          case 2
          with A(2) ys have "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
          using cycle_rotate_2_aux by (auto simp add: arcs'_def) (* slow *)
          from cycle_rotate_len_arcs_successive[OF length xs > 1 this A(3,4), of M] show ?thesis
          by auto

lemma cycle_rotate_3':
  fixes M :: "('a :: linordered_ab_monoid_add) mat"
  assumes "xs  []" "(i, j)  set (arcs a a xs)" "successive P (arcs a a xs)" "¬ P (a, hd xs)  ¬ P (last xs, a)"
  shows " ys. len M a a xs = len M i i (j # ys)  set (i # j # ys) = set (a # xs)  1 + length ys = length xs
              set (arcs a a xs) = set (arcs i i (j # ys))
              successive P (arcs i i (j # ys) @ [(i, j)])"
proof -
  note A = assms
  have *: ?thesis if "a = i" "xs = j # ys" for ys
  using that assms(3) successive_arcs_extend_last[OF assms(3,4)] by auto
  have **: ?thesis if A:"a = j" "xs = ys @ [i]" for ys
  using A proof (safe, goal_cases)
    case 1
    have "len M j j (ys @ [i]) = M i j + len M j i ys"
    using len_decomp[of "ys @ [i]" ys i "[]" M j j] by (auto simp: comm)
    moreover have "arcs j j (ys @ [i]) = arcs j i ys @ [(i, j)]" using arcs_decomp_tail by auto
    moreover with assms(3,4) A have "successive P ((i,j) # arcs j i ys @ [(i, j)])"
     apply simp
     apply (cases ys)
      apply simp
     by (simp, metis successive_step)
    ultimately show ?case by auto
  { assume "length xs = 1"
    then obtain b where xs: "xs = [b]" by (metis One_nat_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
    with A(2) have "a = i  b = j  a = j  b = i" by auto
    then have ?thesis using * ** xs by auto
  } note *** = this
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "length xs = 0")
    case True with A show ?thesis by auto
    case False
    thus ?thesis
    proof (cases "length xs = 1", goal_cases)
      case True with *** show ?thesis by auto
      case 2
      hence "length xs > 1" by linarith
      then obtain b c ys where ys:"xs = b # ys @ [c]"
      by (metis One_nat_def assms(1) 2(2) length_0_conv length_Cons list.exhaust rev_exhaust)
      thus ?thesis
      proof (cases "(i,j) = (a,b)")
        case True
        with ys * show ?thesis by blast
        case False
        then show ?thesis
        proof (cases "(i,j) = (c,a)", goal_cases)
          case True
          with ys ** show ?thesis by force
          case 2
          with A(2) ys have "(i, j)  arcs' xs"
          using cycle_rotate_2_aux by (auto simp add: arcs'_def) (* slow *)
          from cycle_rotate_len_arcs_successive'[OF length xs > 1 this A(3,4), of M] show ?thesis
          by auto
