Theory NZM

(*  Title:       Executable multivariate polynomials
    Author:      Christian Sternagel <>
                 Rene Thiemann       <>
    Maintainer:  Christian Sternagel and Rene Thiemann
    License:     LGPL

Copyright 2009 Christian Sternagel, René Thiemann, Sarah Winkler, Harald Zankl

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section ‹Monotonicity criteria of Neurauter, Zankl, and Middeldorp›

theory NZM
imports "Abstract-Rewriting.SN_Order_Carrier" Polynomials

text ‹
We show that our check on monotonicity is strong enough to capture the 
exact criterion for polynomials of degree 2 that is presented in cite"NZM10":
\item $ax^2 + bx + c$ is monotone if $b + a > 0$ and $a \geq 0$
\item $ax^2 + bx + c$ is weakly monotone if $b + a \geq 0$ and $a \geq 0$

lemma var_monom_x_x [simp]: "var_monom x * var_monom x  1" 
  by (unfold eq_monom_sum_var, auto simp: sum_var_monom_mult sum_var_monom_var)

lemma monom_list_x_x[simp]: "monom_list (var_monom x * var_monom x) = [(x,2)]"
  by (transfer, auto simp: monom_mult_list.simps)

lemma assumes b: "b + a > 0" and a: "(a :: int)  0"
  shows "check_poly_strict_mono_discrete (>) (poly_of (PSum [PNum c, PMult [PNum b, PVar x], PMult [PNum a, PVar x, PVar x]])) x"
proof -
  note [simp] = poly_add.simps poly_mult.simps monom_mult_poly.simps zero_poly_def one_poly_def 
    extract_def check_poly_strict_mono_discrete_def poly_subst.simps monom_subst_def poly_power.simps
    check_poly_gt_def poly_split_def check_poly_ge.simps
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "a = 0")
    case True
    with b have b: "b > 0  b  0" by auto
    show ?thesis using b True by simp
    case False
    have [simp]: "2 = Suc (Suc 0)" by simp
    show ?thesis using False a b by simp

lemma assumes b: "b + a  0" and a: "(a :: int)  0" 
  shows "check_poly_weak_mono_discrete (poly_of (PSum [PNum c, PMult [PNum b, PVar x], PMult [PNum a, PVar x, PVar x]])) x"
proof -
  note [simp] = poly_add.simps poly_mult.simps monom_mult_poly.simps zero_poly_def one_poly_def 
    extract_def check_poly_weak_mono_discrete_def poly_subst.simps monom_subst_def poly_power.simps
    check_poly_gt_def poly_split_def check_poly_ge.simps
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "a = 0")
    case True
    with b have b: "0  b" by auto
    show ?thesis using b True by simp
    case False
    have [simp]: "2 = Suc (Suc 0)" by simp
    show ?thesis using False a b by simp
