Theory Examples
section ‹Examples›
theory Examples
imports Poincare_Bendixson
subsection ‹Simple›
text ‹coordinate functions›
definition "cx x y = -y + x * (1 - x^2 - y^2)"
definition "cy x y = x + y * (1 - x^2 - y^2)"
lemmas c_defs = cx_def cy_def
text ‹partial derivatives›
definition C11::"real⇒real⇒real" where "C11 x y = 1 - 3 * x^2 - y^2"
definition C12::"real⇒real⇒real" where "C12 x y = -1 - 2 * x * y"
definition C21::"real⇒real⇒real" where "C21 x y = 1 - 2 * x * y"
definition C22::"real⇒real⇒real" where "C22 x y = 1 - x^2 - 3 * y^2"
lemmas C_partials = C11_def C12_def C21_def C22_def
text ‹Jacobian as linear map›
definition C :: "real ⇒ real ⇒ (real × real) ⇒⇩L (real × real)" where
"C x y = blinfun_of_matrix
((λ_ _. 0)
((1,0) := (λ_. 0)((1, 0):=C11 x y, (0, 1):=C12 x y),
(0, 1):= (λ_. 0)((1, 0):=C21 x y, (0, 1):=C22 x y)))"
lemma C_simp[simp]: "blinfun_apply (C x y) (dx, dy) =
(dx * C11 x y + dy * C12 x y,
dx * C21 x y + dy * C22 x y)"
by (auto simp: C_def blinfun_of_matrix_apply Basis_prod_def)
lemma C_continuous[continuous_intros]:
"continuous_on S (λx. local.C (f x) (g x))"
if "continuous_on S f" "continuous_on S g"
unfolding C_def
by (auto intro!: continuous_on_blinfun_of_matrix continuous_intros that
simp: Basis_prod_def C_partials)
interpretation c: c1_on_open_R2 "λ(x::real, y::real). (cx x y, cy x y)::real*real"
"λ(x, y). C x y" UNIV
by unfold_locales
(auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros ext continuous_intros simp: split_beta algebra_simps
c_defs C_partials power2_eq_square)
definition "trapC = cball (0::real,0::real) 2 - ball (0::real,0::real) (1/2)"
lemma trapC_eq:
shows "trapC = {p. (fst p)^2 + (snd p)^2 - 4 ≤ 0} ∩ {p. 1/4 - ((fst p)^2 + (snd p)^2) ≤ 0}"
unfolding trapC_def
apply (auto simp add: dist_Pair_Pair)
using real_sqrt_le_iff apply fastforce
apply (smt four_x_squared one_le_power real_sqrt_ge_0_iff real_sqrt_pow2)
using real_sqrt_le_mono apply fastforce
proof -
fix a :: real and b :: real
assume a1: "sqrt (a⇧2 + b⇧2) * 2 < 1"
assume a2: "1 ≤ a⇧2 * 4 + b⇧2 * 4"
have "∀r. 1 ≤ sqrt r ∨ ¬ 1 ≤ r"
by simp
then show False
using a2 a1 by (metis (no_types) Groups.mult_ac(2) distrib_left linorder_not_le real_sqrt_four real_sqrt_mult)
lemma x_in_trapC:
shows "(2,0) ∈ trapC"
unfolding trapC_def
by (auto simp add: dist_Pair_Pair)
lemma compact_trapC:
shows "compact trapC"
unfolding trapC_def
using compact_cball compact_diff by blast
lemma nonempty_trapC:
shows "trapC ≠ {}"
using x_in_trapC by auto
lemma origin_fixpoint:
assumes "(λ(x, y). (cx x y, cy x y)) (a,b) = 0"
shows "a = (0::real)" "b = (0::real)"
using assms unfolding cx_def cy_def zero_prod_def apply auto
apply (sos "((((A<0 * R<1) + (([28859/65536*a + 5089/8192*b + ~1/2] * A=0) + (([~5089/8192*a + 17219/65536*b + ~1/2] * A=1) + (R<1 * ((R<11853/65536 * [~16384/11853*a^2 + ~11585/11853*b^2 + 302/1317*a*b + a + 1940/3951*b]^2) + ((R<73630271/776798208 * [a^2 + 64177444/73630271*b^2 + 44531712/73630271*a*b + ~131061126/73630271*b]^2) + ((R<70211653911/4825433440256 * [~77895776116/70211653911*b^2 + 5825642465/10030236273*a*b + b]^2) + ((R<48375415273/657341564387328 * [~36776393918/48375415273*b^2 + a*b]^2) + (R<18852430195/11096159253659648 * [b^2]^2)))))))))) & (((A<0 * (A<0 * R<1)) + (([b] * A=0) + (([~1*a] * A=1) + (R<1 * (R<1 * [b]^2)))))))")
proof -
assume a1: "a * (1 - a⇧2 - b⇧2) = b"
assume a2: "a + b * (1 - a⇧2 - b⇧2) = 0"
have f3: "∀r ra. - (ra::real) * r = ra * - r"
by simp
have "- b * (1 - a⇧2 - b⇧2) = a"
using a2 by simp
then have "∃r ra. b * b - ra * (r * (ra * - r)) = 0"
using f3 a1 by (metis (no_types) c.vec_simps(15) right_minus_eq)
then have "∃r. b * b - r * - r = 0"
using f3 by (metis (no_types) c.vec_simps(14))
then show "b = 0"
by simp
lemma origin_not_trapC:
shows "0 ∉ trapC"
unfolding trapC_def zero_prod_def
by auto
lemma regular_trapC:
shows "0 ∉ (λ(x, y). (cx x y, cy x y)) ` trapC"
using origin_fixpoint origin_not_trapC
by (smt UNIV_I UNIV_I UNIV_def case_prodE2 imageE c.flow_initial_time_if
c.rev.flow_initial_time_if mem_Collect_eq zero_prod_def)
lemma positively_invariant_outer:
shows "c.positively_invariant {p. (λp. (fst p)⇧2 + (snd p)⇧2 - 4) p ≤ 0}"
apply (rule c.positively_invariant_le[of "λp.-2*((fst p)^2+(snd p)^2)" _ "λx p. 2 * fst x * fst p + 2 * snd x * snd p" ])
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
unfolding cx_def cy_def
by (sos "(((A<0 * R<1) + (R<1 * ((R<6 * [a]^2) + (R<6 * [b]^2)))))")
lemma positively_invariant_inner:
shows "c.positively_invariant {p. (λp. 1/4 - ((fst p)⇧2 + (snd p)⇧2)) p ≤ 0}"
apply (rule c.positively_invariant_le[of "λp.-2*((fst p)^2+(snd p)^2)" _ "λx p. - 2 * fst x * fst p - 2 * snd x * snd p"])
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
unfolding cx_def cy_def
by (sos "(((A<0 * R<1) + (R<1 * ((R<3/2 * [a]^2) + (R<3/2 * [b]^2)))))")
lemma positively_invariant_trapC:
shows "c.positively_invariant trapC"
unfolding trapC_eq
apply (rule c.positively_invariant_conj)
using positively_invariant_outer
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_cong case_prodE case_prodI2 case_prod_conv)
using positively_invariant_inner
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Collect_cong case_prodE case_prodI2 case_prod_conv)
theorem c_has_periodic_orbit:
obtains y where "c.periodic_orbit y" "c.flow0 y ` UNIV ⊆ trapC"
proof -
from c.poincare_bendixson_applied[OF compact_trapC _ nonempty_trapC positively_invariant_trapC regular_trapC]
show ?thesis using that by blast
text ‹Real-Arithmetic›
schematic_goal c_fas:
"[-(-(X!1) + (X!0) * (1 - (X!0)^2 - (X!1)^2)), -((X!0) + (X!1) * (1 - (X!0)^2 - (X!1)^2))] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
by (reify_floatariths)
concrete_definition c_fas uses c_fas
interpretation crev: ode_interpretation true_form UNIV c_fas
"-(λ(x, y). (cx x y, cy x y)::real*real)"
"d::2" for d
by unfold_locales (auto simp: c_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
cx_def cy_def eval_nat_numeral
mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square intro!: isFDERIV_I)
lemma crev: "t ∈ {1/8 .. 1/8} ⟶ (x, y) ∈ {(2, 0) .. (2, 0)} ⟶
t ∈ c.rev.existence_ivl0 (x, y) ∧ c.rev.flow0 (x, y) t ∈ {(5.15, -0.651)..(5.18, -0.647)}"
by (tactic ‹ode_bnds_tac @{thms c_fas_def} 30 20 7 12 [(0, 1, "0x000000")] "" @{context} 1›)
theorem c_has_limit_cycle:
obtains y where "c.limit_cycle y" "range (c.flow0 y) ⊆ trapC"
proof -
define E where "E = {(5.15, -0.651)..(5.18, -0.647)::real*real}"
from crev have "c.rev.flow0 (2, 0) (1/8) ∈ E"
by (auto simp: E_def)
have "E ∩ trapC = {}"
proof -
have "norm x > 2" if "x ∈ E" for x
using that
apply (auto simp: norm_prod_def less_eq_prod_def E_def)
by (smt power2_less_eq_zero_iff real_less_rsqrt zero_compare_simps(9))
moreover have "norm x ≤ 2" if "x ∈ trapC" for x
using that
by (auto simp: trapC_def dist_prod_def norm_prod_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by force
ultimately have "c.rev.flow0 (2, 0) (1 / 8) ∉ trapC" by blast
from c.poincare_bendixson_limit_cycle[OF compact_trapC subset_UNIV x_in_trapC positively_invariant_trapC regular_trapC this] that
show ?thesis by blast
subsection ‹Glycolysis›
text ‹Strogatz, Example 7.3.2›
text ‹coordinate functions›
definition "gx x y = -x + 0.08 * y + x⇧2 * y"
definition "gy x y = 0.6 - 0.08 * y - x⇧2 * y"
lemmas g_defs = gx_def gy_def
text ‹partial derivatives›
definition A11::"real⇒real⇒real" where "A11 x y = -1 + 2 * x * y"
definition A12::"real⇒real⇒real" where "A12 x y = (0.08 + x⇧2)"
definition A21::"real⇒real⇒real" where "A21 x y = -2*x*y"
definition A22::"real⇒real⇒real" where "A22 x y = -(0.08 + x⇧2)"
lemmas A_partials = A11_def A12_def A21_def A22_def
text ‹Jacobian as linear map›
definition A :: "real ⇒ real ⇒ (real × real) ⇒⇩L (real × real)" where
"A x y = blinfun_of_matrix
((λ_ _. 0)
((1,0) := (λ_. 0)((1, 0):=A11 x y, (0, 1):=A12 x y),
(0, 1):= (λ_. 0)((1, 0):=A21 x y, (0, 1):=A22 x y)))"
lemma A_simp[simp]: "blinfun_apply (A x y) (dx, dy) =
(dx * A11 x y + dy * A12 x y,
dx * A21 x y + dy * A22 x y)"
by (auto simp: A_def blinfun_of_matrix_apply Basis_prod_def)
lemma A_continuous[continuous_intros]:
"continuous_on S (λx. local.A (f x) (g x))"
if "continuous_on S f" "continuous_on S g"
unfolding A_def
by (auto intro!: continuous_on_blinfun_of_matrix continuous_intros that
simp: Basis_prod_def A_partials)
interpretation g: c1_on_open_R2 "λ(x::real, y::real). (gx x y, gy x y)::real*real"
"λ(x, y). A x y" UNIV
by unfold_locales
(auto intro!: derivative_eq_intros ext continuous_intros simp: split_beta algebra_simps
g_defs A_partials)
definition "(pos_quad::(real × real) set) = {p . - snd p ≤ 0} ∩ {p . - fst p ≤ 0}"
definition "(trapG1::(real × real) set) = pos_quad ∩ ({p. (snd p) - 751/100 ≤ 0} ∩ {p. (fst p) + (snd p) - 812/100 ≤ 0})"
lemma positively_invariant_y:
shows "g.positively_invariant {p . - snd p ≤ 0}"
apply (rule g.positively_invariant_le[of "λp. -(0.08 + (fst p)^2)" _ "λx p. - snd p"])
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
unfolding gy_def
by (sos "()")
lemma positively_invariant_pos_quad:
shows "g.positively_invariant pos_quad"
unfolding pos_quad_def
apply (rule g.positively_invariant_le_domain[OF positively_invariant_y, of "λp. fst p * snd p -1"])
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
unfolding gx_def
by (sos "(((A<0 * R<1) + (((A<0 * R<1) * (R<11/14 * [1]^2)) + ((A<=0 * R<1) * (R<1/7 * [1]^2)))))")
lemma positively_invariant_y_upper:
shows "g.positively_invariant {p. (snd p) - 751/100 ≤ 0}"
apply (rule g.positively_invariant_barrier)
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
unfolding gy_def
by (sos "((R<1 + ((R<1 * (R<18775/2 * [a]^2)) + ((A<=0 * R<1) * (R<1250 * [1]^2)))))")
lemma arith2:
shows "(y::real) ≤ 751/100 ∧ x + (y::real) = 812/100 ⟹ 3/5 - (x::real) < 0"
by linarith
lemma positively_invariant_trapG1:
shows "g.positively_invariant trapG1"
unfolding trapG1_def
apply (rule g.positively_invariant_conj[OF positively_invariant_pos_quad])
apply (rule g.positively_invariant_barrier_domain[OF positively_invariant_y_upper])
apply (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
unfolding gx_def gy_def by auto
definition "p1 (x::real) (y::real) = -(21/34) - (69*x)/38 + (19*x^2)/15 - (9*x^3)/28 - (6*x^4)/43 + ( 14*y)/29 + (31*x*y)/21 + (182*x^2*y)/47 - (35*x^3*y)/16 - ( 3*y^2)/17 - (2*x*y^2)/9 - (31*x^2*y^2)/20 +y^3/102 + (x*y^3)/59"
definition "p1d x xa = 38 * (fst xa * fst x) / 15 - 69 * fst xa / 38 -
27 * (fst xa * (fst x)⇧2) / 28 -
24 * (fst xa * fst x ^ 3) / 43 +
14 * snd xa / 29 +
(651 * (fst x * snd xa) +
651 * (fst xa * snd x)) /
441 +
(8554 * ((fst x)⇧2 * snd xa) +
17108 * (fst xa * (fst x * snd x))) /
2209 -
(560 * (fst x ^ 3 * snd xa) +
1680 * (fst xa * ((fst x)⇧2 * snd x))) /
256 -
6 * (snd xa * snd x) / 17 -
(36 * (fst x * (snd xa * snd x)) +
18 * (fst xa * (snd x)⇧2)) /
81 -
(1240 * ((fst x)⇧2 * (snd xa * snd x)) +
1240 * (fst xa * (fst x * (snd x)⇧2))) /
400 +
snd xa * (snd x)⇧2 / 34 +
(177 * (fst x * (snd xa * (snd x)⇧2)) +
fst xa * snd x ^ 3 * 59) /
lemma p1_has_derivative:
shows "((λx. p1 (fst x) (snd x)) has_derivative p1d x) (at x)"
unfolding p1_def p1d_def
by (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros)
lemma p1_not_equil:
shows " p1 x y ≤ 0 ⟹ gx x y ≠ 0 ∨ gy x y ≠ 0"
unfolding gx_def gy_def p1_def
by (sos "()")
definition "trapG = trapG1 ∩ {p. p1 (fst p) (snd p) ≤ 0}"
text ‹Real-Arithmetic›
definition "g_arith a b = (- (27 / 25) - a⇧2 + 2 * a * b) * p1 a b - p1d (a, b) (gx a b, gy a b)"
schematic_goal g_arith_fas:
"[g_arith (X!0) (X!1)] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
unfolding g_arith_def p1_def p1d_def gx_def gy_def fst_conv snd_conv
by (reify_floatariths)
concrete_definition g_arith_fas uses g_arith_fas
lemma list_interval2: "list_interval [a, b] [c, d] = {[x, y] | x y. x ∈ {a .. c} ∧ y ∈ {b .. d}}"
apply (auto simp: list_interval_def)
subgoal for x
apply (cases x)
apply auto
subgoal for y zs
apply (cases zs)
by auto
lemma g_arith_nonneg: "g_arith a b ≥ 0"
if a: "0 ≤ a" "a ≤ 8.24" and b: "0 ≤ b" "b ≤ 7.51"
proof -
have "prove_nonneg [(0, 1, ''0x000000'')] 1000000 30 (slp_of_fas [hd g_arith_fas]) [aforms_of_ivls [0, 0]
[float_divr 30 824 100, float_divr 30 751 100]]"
by eval
from prove_nonneg[OF this]
have "0 ≤ interpret_floatarith (hd g_arith_fas) [a, b]"
apply (auto simp: g_arith_fas)
apply (subst (asm) Joints_aforms_of_ivls)
apply (auto )
apply (smt divide_nonneg_nonneg float_divr float_numeral rel_simps(27))
apply (smt divide_nonneg_nonneg float_divr float_numeral rel_simps(27))
apply (subst (asm) list_interval2)
apply auto
apply (drule spec[where x="[a, b]"])
using a b
apply auto
subgoal by (rule order_trans[OF _ float_divr]) simp
subgoal by (rule order_trans[OF _ float_divr]) simp
also have "… = g_arith a b"
by (auto simp: g_arith_fas_def g_arith_def p1_def p1d_def gx_def gy_def)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma trap_arithmetic:
"p1d (a, b) (gx a b, gy a b) ≤ (- (27 / 25) - a⇧2 + 2 * a * b) * p1 a b" if "(a, b) ∈ trapG1"
proof -
from that
have b: "0 ≤ b" "b ≤ 7.51"
and a: "0 ≤ a" "a ≤ 8.24"
by (auto simp: trapG1_def pos_quad_def)
from g_arith_nonneg[OF a b] show ?thesis
by (simp add: g_arith_def)
lemma positively_invariant_trapG:
shows "g.positively_invariant trapG"
unfolding trapG_def
apply (rule g.positively_invariant_le_domain[OF positively_invariant_trapG1 _ p1_has_derivative,
of "λp. -1.08 - (fst p)^2 + 2 * fst p * snd p"])
subgoal by (auto intro!: continuous_intros derivative_eq_intros simp add: pos_quad_def)
apply auto
by (rule trap_arithmetic)
lemma regular_trapG:
shows "0 ∉ (λ(x, y). (gx x y, gy x y)) ` trapG"
unfolding trapG_def apply auto using p1_not_equil
by force
lemma arith:
"⋀a b::real. 0 ≤ b ⟹
0 ≤ a ⟹
b * 100 ≤ 751 ⟹
a * 25 + b * 25 ≤ 203 ⟹ norm a + norm b ≤ 20"
by auto
lemma trapG1_subset:
shows "trapG1 ⊆ cball (0::real × real) 20"
unfolding trapG1_def pos_quad_def
apply auto
using arith norm_Pair_le
by smt
lemma compact_subset_closed:
assumes "compact S" "closed T"
assumes "T ⊆ S"
shows "compact T"
using compact_Int_closed[OF assms(1-2)] assms(3)
by (simp add: inf_absorb2)
lemma compact_trapG1:
shows "compact trapG1"
apply (auto intro!: compact_subset_closed[OF _ _ trapG1_subset])
unfolding trapG1_def pos_quad_def
by (auto intro!: closed_Collect_le continuous_intros)
lemma compact_trapG:
shows "compact trapG"
unfolding trapG_def
by (auto intro!: compact_Int_closed compact_trapG1 closed_Collect_le continuous_intros simp add: p1_def)
lemma x_in_trapG:
shows "(1,0) ∈ trapG"
unfolding trapG_def trapG1_def pos_quad_def p1_def
by (auto simp add: dist_Pair_Pair)
schematic_goal g_fas:
"[- (- (X!0) + 8 / 100 * (X!1) + (X!0)^2 * (X!1)),-( 6 / 10 - 8 / 100 * (X!1) - (X!0)^2 * (X!1))] = interpret_floatariths ?fas X"
by (reify_floatariths)
concrete_definition g_fas uses g_fas
interpretation grev: ode_interpretation true_form UNIV g_fas
"-(λ(x, y). (gx x y, gy x y)::real*real)"
"d::2" for d
by unfold_locales (auto simp: g_fas_def less_Suc_eq_0_disj nth_Basis_list_prod Basis_list_real_def
gx_def gy_def eval_nat_numeral
mk_ode_ops_def eucl_of_list_prod power2_eq_square intro!: isFDERIV_I)
lemma grev: "t ∈ {1/8 .. 1/8} ⟶ (x, y) ∈ {(1, 0) .. (1, 0)} ⟶
t ∈ g.rev.existence_ivl0 (x, y) ∧ g.rev.flow0 (x, y) t ∈
{(1.1, -0.09) .. (1.2, -0.08)}"
by (tactic ‹ode_bnds_tac @{thms g_fas_def} 30 20 7 12 [(0, 1, "0x000000")] "" @{context} 1›)
theorem g_has_limit_cycle:
obtains y where "g.limit_cycle y" "range (g.flow0 y) ⊆ trapG"
proof -
define E::"(real*real) set" where "E = {(1.1, -0.09) .. (1.2, -0.08)}"
from grev have "g.rev.flow0 (1, 0) (1/8) ∈ E"
by (auto simp: E_def)
have "E ∩ trapG = {}"
by (auto simp: trapG_def E_def trapG1_def pos_quad_def)
ultimately have "g.rev.flow0 (1, 0) (1 / 8) ∉ trapG" by blast
from g.poincare_bendixson_limit_cycle[OF compact_trapG subset_UNIV x_in_trapG positively_invariant_trapG regular_trapG this] that
show ?thesis by blast