Theory TAO_99_SanityTests

theory TAO_99_SanityTests
imports TAO_7_Axioms

section‹Sanity Tests›

locale SanityTests
  interpretation MetaSolver.
  interpretation Semantics.


  lemma "True"
    nitpick[expect=genuine, user_axioms, satisfy]
    by auto


  lemma "[(λy. (q  ¬q)) = (λy. (p  ¬p)) in v]"
    unfolding identity_Π1_def conn_defs
    apply (rule Eq1I) apply (simp add: meta_defs)
    nitpick[expect = genuine, user_axioms=true, card i = 2,
            card j = 2, card ω = 1, card σ = 1,
            sat_solver = MiniSat, verbose, show_all]
    oops ― ‹Countermodel by Nitpick›
  lemma "[(λy. (p  q)) = (λy. (q  p)) in v]"
    unfolding identity_Π1_def
    apply (rule Eq1I) apply (simp add: meta_defs)
    nitpick[expect = genuine, user_axioms=true,
            sat_solver = MiniSat, card i = 2,
            card j = 2, card σ = 1, card ω = 1,
            card υ = 2, verbose, show_all]
    oops ― ‹Countermodel by Nitpick›

subsection‹Concreteness coindices with Object Domains›

  lemma OrdCheck:
    "[λ x . ¬(¬E!, xP), x in v] 
     (proper x)  (case (rep x) of ων y  True | _  False)"
    using OrdinaryObjectsPossiblyConcreteAxiom
    apply (simp add: meta_defs meta_aux split: ν.split υ.split)
    using νυ_ων_is_ωυ by fastforce
  lemma AbsCheck:
    "[λ x . (¬E!, xP), x in v] 
     (proper x)  (case (rep x) of αν y  True | _  False)"
    using OrdinaryObjectsPossiblyConcreteAxiom
    apply (simp add: meta_defs meta_aux split: ν.split υ.split)
    using no_αω by blast

subsection‹Justification for Meta-Logical Axioms›

  OrdinaryObjectsPossiblyConcreteAxiom is equivalent to "all ordinary objects are
   possibly concrete".
  lemma OrdAxiomCheck:
      ( x. ([λ x . ¬(¬E!, xP), xP in v]
        (case x of ων y  True | _  False)))"
    unfolding Concrete_def
    apply (simp add: meta_defs meta_aux split: ν.split υ.split)
    using νυ_ων_is_ωυ by fastforce

  OrdinaryObjectsPossiblyConcreteAxiom is equivalent to "all abstract objects are
  necessarily not concrete".

  lemma AbsAxiomCheck:
      ( x. ([λ x . (¬E!, xP), xP in v]
        (case x of αν y  True | _  False)))"
    apply (simp add: meta_defs meta_aux split: ν.split υ.split)
    using νυ_ων_is_ωυ no_αω by fastforce
  PossiblyContingentObjectExistsAxiom is equivalent to the corresponding statement
  in the embedded logic.

  lemma PossiblyContingentObjectExistsCheck:
    "PossiblyContingentObjectExists  [¬(( x. E!,xP  E!,xP)) in v]"
     apply (simp add: meta_defs forall_ν_def meta_aux split: ν.split υ.split)
     by (metis ν.simps(5) νυ_def υ.simps(1) no_σω υ.exhaust)

  PossiblyNoContingentObjectExistsAxiom is equivalent to the corresponding statement
  in the embedded logic.

  lemma PossiblyNoContingentObjectExistsCheck:
    "PossiblyNoContingentObjectExists  [¬((¬( x. E!,xP  E!,xP))) in v]"
    apply (simp add: meta_defs forall_ν_def meta_aux split: ν.split υ.split)
    using νυ_ων_is_ωυ by blast

subsection‹Relations in the Meta-Logic›

  Material equality in the embedded logic corresponds to
  equality in the actual state in the meta-logic.

  lemma mat_eq_is_eq_dj:
    "[ x . (F,xP  G,xP) in v] 
     ((λ x . (evalΠ1 F) x dj) = (λ x . (evalΠ1 G) x dj))"
    assume 1: "[x. (F,xP  G,xP) in v]"
      fix v
      fix y
      obtain x where y_def: "y = νυ x"
        by (meson νυ_surj surj_def)
      have "(r o1. Some r = d1 F  Some o1 = dκ (xP)  o1  ex1 r v) =
            (r o1. Some r = d1 G  Some o1 = dκ (xP)  o1  ex1 r v)"
            using 1 apply - by meta_solver
      moreover obtain r where r_def: "Some r = d1 F"
        unfolding d1_def by auto
      moreover obtain s where s_def: "Some s = d1 G"
        unfolding d1_def by auto
      moreover have "Some x = dκ (xP)"
        using dκ_proper by simp
      ultimately have "(x  ex1 r v) = (x  ex1 s v)"
        by (metis option.inject)
      hence "(evalΠ1 F) y dj v = (evalΠ1 G) y dj v"
        using r_def s_def y_def by (simp add: d1.rep_eq ex1_def)
    thus "(λx. evalΠ1 F x dj) = (λx. evalΠ1 G x dj)"
      by auto
    assume 1: "(λx. evalΠ1 F x dj) = (λx. evalΠ1 G x dj)"
      fix y v
      obtain x where x_def: "x = νυ y"
        by simp
      hence "evalΠ1 F x dj = evalΠ1 G x dj"
        using 1 by metis
      moreover obtain r where r_def: "Some r = d1 F"
        unfolding d1_def by auto
      moreover obtain s where s_def: "Some s = d1 G"
        unfolding d1_def by auto
      ultimately have "(y  ex1 r v) = (y  ex1 s v)"
        by (simp add: d1.rep_eq ex1_def νυ_surj x_def)
      hence "[F,yP  G,yP in v]"
        apply - apply meta_solver
        using r_def s_def by (metis Semantics.dκ_proper option.inject)
    thus "[x. (F,xP  G,xP) in v]"
      using T6 T8 by fast

  Materially equivalent relations are equal in the embedded logic
  if and only if they also coincide in all other states.

  lemma mat_eq_is_eq_if_eq_forall_j:
    assumes "[ x . (F,xP  G,xP) in v]"
    shows "[F = G in v] 
           ( s . s  dj  ( x . (evalΠ1 F) x s = (evalΠ1 G) x s))"
      interpret MetaSolver .
      assume "[F = G in v]"
      hence "F = G"
        apply - unfolding identity_Π1_def by meta_solver
      thus "s. s  dj  (x. evalΠ1 F x s = evalΠ1 G x s)"
        by auto
      interpret MetaSolver .
      assume "s. s  dj  (x. evalΠ1 F x s = evalΠ1 G x s)"
      moreover have "((λ x . (evalΠ1 F) x dj) = (λ x . (evalΠ1 G) x dj))"
        using assms mat_eq_is_eq_dj by auto
      ultimately have "s x. evalΠ1 F x s = evalΠ1 G x s"
        by metis
      hence "evalΠ1 F = evalΠ1 G"
        by blast
      hence "F = G"
        by (metis evalΠ1_inverse)
      thus "[F = G in v]"
        unfolding identity_Π1_def using Eq1I by auto

  Under the assumption that all properties behave in all states like in the actual state
  the defined equality degenerates to material equality.

  lemma assumes " F x s . (evalΠ1 F) x s = (evalΠ1 F) x dj"
    shows "[ x . (F,xP  G,xP) in v]  [F = G in v]"
    by (metis (no_types) MetaSolver.Eq1S assms identity_Π1_def
                         mat_eq_is_eq_dj mat_eq_is_eq_if_eq_forall_j)

subsection‹Lambda Expressions›

  lemma lambda_interpret_1:
  assumes "[a = b in v]"
  shows "(λx. R,xP,a) = (λx . R,xP, b)"
  proof -
    have "a = b"
      using MetaSolver.EqκS Semantics.dκ_inject assms
            identity_κ_def by auto
    thus ?thesis by simp

  lemma lambda_interpret_2:
  assumes "[a = (ιy. G,yP) in v]"
  shows "(λx. R,xP,a) = (λx . R,xP, ιy. G,yP)"
  proof -
    have "a = (ιy. G,yP)"
      using MetaSolver.EqκS Semantics.dκ_inject assms
            identity_κ_def by auto
    thus ?thesis by simp

