Theory PAC_Polynomials_Operations

theory PAC_Polynomials_Operations
  imports PAC_Polynomials_Term PAC_Checker_Specification

subsection ‹Addition›

text ‹In this section, we refine the polynomials to list. These lists will be used in our checker
to represent the polynomials and execute operations.

There is one ‹key› difference between the list representation and the usual representation: in the
former, coefficients can be zero and monomials can appear several times. This makes it easier to
reason on intermediate representation where this has not yet been sanitized.

fun add_poly_l' :: llist_polynomial × llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial where
  add_poly_l' (p, []) = p |
  add_poly_l' ([], q) = q |
  add_poly_l' ((xs, n) # p, (ys, m) # q) =
            (if xs = ys then if n + m = 0 then add_poly_l' (p, q) else
                 let pq = add_poly_l' (p, q) in
                 ((xs, n + m) # pq)
            else if (xs, ys)  term_order_rel
                 let pq = add_poly_l' (p, (ys, m) # q) in
                 ((xs, n) # pq)
                 let pq = add_poly_l' ((xs, n) # p, q) in
                 ((ys, m) # pq)

definition add_poly_l :: llist_polynomial × llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial nres where
  add_poly_l = RECT
      (λadd_poly_l (p, q).
        case (p,q) of
          (p, [])  RETURN p
        | ([], q)  RETURN q
        | ((xs, n) # p, (ys, m) # q) 
            (if xs = ys then if n + m = 0 then add_poly_l (p, q) else
               do {
                 pq  add_poly_l (p, q);
                 RETURN ((xs, n + m) # pq)
            else if (xs, ys)  term_order_rel
              then do {
                 pq  add_poly_l (p, (ys, m) # q);
                 RETURN ((xs, n) # pq)
            else do {
                 pq  add_poly_l ((xs, n) # p, q);
                 RETURN ((ys, m) # pq)

definition nonzero_coeffs where
  nonzero_coeffs a  0 ∉# snd `# a

lemma nonzero_coeffs_simps[simp]:
  nonzero_coeffs {#}
  nonzero_coeffs (add_mset (xs, n) a)  nonzero_coeffs a  n  0
  by (auto simp: nonzero_coeffs_def)

lemma nonzero_coeffsD:
  nonzero_coeffs a  (x, n) ∈# a  n  0
  by (auto simp: nonzero_coeffs_def)

lemma sorted_poly_list_rel_ConsD:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  sorted_poly_list_rel S  (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  sorted_poly_list_rel S 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  (x  set p. S ys (fst x))  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) ys 
    distinct ys  ys  set (map fst p)  n  0  nonzero_coeffs a
  unfolding sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def mem_Collect_eq
  apply (clarsimp)
  apply (subst (asm) list.rel_sel)
  apply (intro conjI)
  apply (rename_tac y, rule_tac b = tl y in relcompI)
  apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
    list.tl_def term_poly_list_rel_def nonzero_coeffs_def split: list.splits)

lemma sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  sorted_poly_list_rel S  (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  sorted_poly_list_rel S 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  (x  set p. S ys (fst x))  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) ys 
    distinct ys  ys  set (map fst p)  n  0  nonzero_coeffs a
  apply (rule iffI)
    by (auto dest!: sorted_poly_list_rel_ConsD)
    unfolding sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def mem_Collect_eq
    apply (clarsimp)
    apply (intro conjI)
    apply (rename_tac y; rule_tac b = (mset ys, n) # y in relcompI)
    by (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
        term_poly_list_rel_def add_mset_eq_add_mset eq_commute[of _ mset _]
      dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_ConsD:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel S  (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel S 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  (x  set p. S ys (fst x))  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) ys 
    distinct ys  n  0  nonzero_coeffs a
  unfolding sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def mem_Collect_eq
  apply (clarsimp)
  apply (subst (asm) list.rel_sel)
  apply (intro conjI)
  apply (rename_tac y, rule_tac b = tl y in relcompI)
  apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
    list.tl_def term_poly_list_rel_def nonzero_coeffs_def split: list.splits)

lemma sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel S  (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel S 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  (x  set p. S ys (fst x))  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) ys 
    distinct ys  n  0  nonzero_coeffs a
  apply (rule iffI)
    by (auto dest!: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_ConsD)
    unfolding sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def mem_Collect_eq
    apply (clarsimp)
    apply (intro conjI)
    apply (rename_tac y, rule_tac b = (mset ys, n) # y in relcompI)
    by (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
        term_poly_list_rel_def add_mset_eq_add_mset eq_commute[of _ mset _]
      dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma add_poly_p_add_mset_sum_0:
   n + m = 0 add_poly_p** (A, Aa, {#}) ({#}, {#}, r) 
            (add_mset (mset ys, n) A, add_mset (mset ys, m) Aa, {#})
            ({#}, {#}, r)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (rule add_poly_p.add_new_coeff_r)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (rule add_poly_p.add_same_coeff_l)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (auto intro: add_poly_p.rem_0_coeff)

lemma monoms_add_poly_l'D:
  (aa, ba)  set (add_poly_l' x)  aa  fst ` set (fst x)  aa  fst ` set (snd x)
  by (induction x rule: add_poly_l'.induct)
    (auto split: if_splits)

lemma add_poly_p_add_to_result:
  add_poly_p** (A, B, r) (A', B', r') 
        (A, B, p + r) (A', B', p + r')
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct[of add_poly_p (_, _, _) (_, _, _), split_format(complete), of for r])
  subgoal by auto
  by (elim add_poly_pE)
   (metis (no_types, lifting) Pair_inject add_poly_p.intros rtranclp.simps union_mset_add_mset_right)+

lemma add_poly_p_add_mset_comb:
  add_poly_p** (A, Aa, {#}) ({#}, {#}, r) 
        (add_mset (xs, n) A, Aa, {#})
        ({#}, {#}, add_mset (xs, n) r)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (rule add_poly_p.add_new_coeff_l)
  using add_poly_p_add_to_result[of A Aa {#} {#} {#} r {#(xs, n)#}]
  by auto

lemma add_poly_p_add_mset_comb2:
  add_poly_p** (A, Aa, {#}) ({#}, {#}, r) 
        (add_mset (ys, n) A, add_mset (ys, m) Aa, {#})
        ({#}, {#}, add_mset (ys, n + m) r)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (rule add_poly_p.add_new_coeff_r)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (rule add_poly_p.add_same_coeff_l)
  using add_poly_p_add_to_result[of A Aa {#} {#} {#} r {#(ys, n+m)#}]
  by auto

lemma add_poly_p_add_mset_comb3:
  add_poly_p** (A, Aa, {#}) ({#}, {#}, r) 
        (A, add_mset (ys, m) Aa, {#})
        ({#}, {#}, add_mset (ys, m) r)
  apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
  apply (rule add_poly_p.add_new_coeff_r)
  using add_poly_p_add_to_result[of A Aa {#} {#} {#} r {#(ys, m)#}]
  by auto

lemma total_on_lexord:
  Relation.total_on UNIV R  Relation.total_on UNIV (lexord R)
  apply (auto simp: Relation.total_on_def)
  by (meson lexord_linear)

lemma antisym_lexord:
  antisym R  irrefl R  antisym (lexord R)
  by (auto simp: antisym_def lexord_def irrefl_def
    elim!: list_match_lel_lel)

lemma less_than_char_linear:
  (a, b)  less_than_char 
           a = b  (b, a)  less_than_char
  by (auto simp: less_than_char_def)

lemma total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear:
  xs  ys  (xs, ys)  lexord (lexord less_than_char) 
       (ys, xs)  lexord (lexord less_than_char)
   using lexord_linear[of lexord less_than_char xs ys]
   using lexord_linear[of less_than_char] less_than_char_linear
   using lexord_irrefl[OF irrefl_less_than_char]
     antisym_lexord[OF antisym_lexord[OF antisym_less_than_char irrefl_less_than_char]]
   apply (auto simp: antisym_def Relation.total_on_def)

lemma sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD:
  (p, r)  sorted_poly_list_rel term_order 
       nonzero_coeffs (r)
  (p, r)  sorted_poly_list_rel (rel2p (lexord (lexord less_than_char))) 
       nonzero_coeffs (r)
  by (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def nonzero_coeffs_def)

lemma add_poly_l'_add_poly_p:
  assumes (pq, pq')  sorted_poly_rel ×r sorted_poly_rel
  shows r. (add_poly_l' pq, r)  sorted_poly_rel 
                        add_poly_p** (fst pq', snd pq', {#}) ({#}, {#}, r)
  supply [[goals_limit=1]]
  using assms
  apply (induction pq arbitrary: pq' rule: add_poly_l'.induct)
  subgoal for p pq'
    using add_poly_p_empty_l[of fst pq' {#} {#}]
    by (cases pq') (auto intro!: exI[of _ fst pq'])
  subgoal for x p pq'
    using add_poly_p_empty_r[of  {#} snd pq' {#}]
    by (cases pq')  (auto intro!: exI[of _ snd pq'])
  subgoal premises p for xs n p ys m q pq'
    apply (cases pq') ― ‹Isabelle does a completely stupid case distinction here›
    apply (cases xs = ys)
      apply (cases n + m = 0)
        using p(1)[of (remove1_mset (mset xs, n) (fst pq'), remove1_mset (mset ys, m)  (snd pq'))] p(5-)
        apply (auto dest!: sorted_poly_list_rel_ConsD multi_member_split
      using add_poly_p_add_mset_sum_0 by blast
        using p(2)[of (remove1_mset (mset xs, n) (fst pq'), remove1_mset (mset ys, m)  (snd pq'))] p(5-)
        apply (auto dest!: sorted_poly_list_rel_ConsD multi_member_split)
        apply (rule_tac x = add_mset (mset ys, n + m) r in exI)
        apply (fastforce dest!: monoms_add_poly_l'D simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def
           sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD var_order_rel_def
          intro: add_poly_p_add_mset_comb2)
      apply (cases (xs, ys)  term_order_rel)
        using p(3)[of (remove1_mset (mset xs, n) (fst pq'), (snd pq'))] p(5-)
        apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def)
        apply (rule_tac x = add_mset (mset xs, n) r in exI)
        apply (auto dest!: monoms_add_poly_l'D)
        apply (auto intro: lexord_trans add_poly_p_add_mset_comb simp: lexord_transI var_order_rel_def)
        apply (rule lexord_trans)
        apply assumption
        apply (auto intro: lexord_trans add_poly_p_add_mset_comb simp: lexord_transI
          sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD var_order_rel_def)
        using total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear by fastforce

        using p(4)[of (fst pq', remove1_mset (mset ys, m) (snd pq'))] p(5-)
        apply (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def
        apply (rule_tac x = add_mset (mset ys, m) r in exI)
        apply (auto dest!: monoms_add_poly_l'D
          simp: total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear)
        apply (auto intro: lexord_trans add_poly_p_add_mset_comb  simp: lexord_transI
          total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear var_order_rel_def)
        apply (rule lexord_trans)
        apply assumption
        apply (auto intro: lexord_trans add_poly_p_add_mset_comb3 simp: lexord_transI
          sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD var_order_rel_def)
        using total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear by fastforce

lemma add_poly_l_add_poly:
  add_poly_l x = RETURN (add_poly_l' x)
  unfolding add_poly_l_def
  by (induction x rule: add_poly_l'.induct)
    (solves subst RECT_unfold, refine_mono, simp split: list.split)+

lemma add_poly_l_spec:
  (add_poly_l, uncurry (λp q. SPEC(λr. add_poly_p** (p, q, {#}) ({#}, {#}, r)))) 
    sorted_poly_rel ×r sorted_poly_rel f sorted_poly_relnres_rel
  unfolding add_poly_l_add_poly
  apply (intro nres_relI frefI)
  apply (drule add_poly_l'_add_poly_p)
  apply (auto simp: conc_fun_RES)

definition sort_poly_spec :: llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial nres where
sort_poly_spec p =
  SPEC(λp'. mset p = mset p'  sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  term_order_rel)) (map fst p'))

lemma sort_poly_spec_id:
  assumes (p, p')  unsorted_poly_rel
  shows sort_poly_spec p   (sorted_repeat_poly_rel) (RETURN p')
proof -
  obtain y where
    py: (p, y)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel and
    p'_y: p' = mset y and
    zero: 0 ∉# snd `# p'
    using assms
    unfolding sort_poly_spec_def poly_list_rel_def sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
    by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def br_def)
  then have [simp]: length y = length p
    by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)
  have H: (x, p')
         term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel
     if px: mset p = mset x and sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  lexord var_order_rel)) (map fst x)
     for x :: llist_polynomial
  proof -
    from px have length x = length p
      by (metis size_mset)
    from px have mset x = mset p
      by simp 
    then obtain f where f permutes {..<length p} permute_list f p = x
      by (rule mset_eq_permutation)
    with length x = length p have f: bij_betw f {..<length x} {..<length p}
      by (simp add: permutes_imp_bij)      
    from f permutes {..<length p} permute_list f p = x [symmetric] 
    have [simp]: i. i < length x  x ! i = p ! (f i)
      by (simp add: permute_list_nth)
    let ?y = map (λi. y ! f i) [0 ..< length x]
    have i < length y  (p ! f i, y ! f i)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rel for i
      using list_all2_nthD[of _ p y
         f i, OF py[unfolded list_rel_def mem_Collect_eq]]
         mset_eq_length[OF px] f
      by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth bij_betw_def)
    then have (x, ?y)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel and
      xy: length x = length y
      using py list_all2_nthD[of rel2p (term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rel) p y
         f i for i, simplified] mset_eq_length[OF px]
      by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)
    moreover {
      have f: mset_set {0..<length x} = f `# mset_set {0..<length x}
        using f mset_eq_length[OF px]
        by (auto simp: bij_betw_def lessThan_atLeast0 image_mset_mset_set)
      have mset y = {#y ! f x. x ∈# mset_set {0..<length x}#}
        by (subst drop_0[symmetric], subst mset_drop_upto, subst xy[symmetric], subst f)
      then have (?y, p')  list_mset_rel
        by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def br_def p'_y)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto intro!: relcompI[of _ ?y])
  show ?thesis
    using zero
    unfolding sort_poly_spec_def poly_list_rel_def sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
    by refine_rcg (auto intro: H)

subsection ‹Multiplication›

fun mult_monoms :: term_poly_list  term_poly_list  term_poly_list where
  mult_monoms p [] = p |
  mult_monoms [] p = p |
  mult_monoms (x # p) (y # q) =
    (if x = y then x # mult_monoms p q
     else if (x, y)  var_order_rel then x # mult_monoms p (y # q)
      else y # mult_monoms (x # p) q)

lemma term_poly_list_rel_empty_iff[simp]:
  ([], q')  term_poly_list_rel  q' = {#}
  by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)

lemma mset_eqD_set_mset: mset xs = A  set xs = set_mset A
  by auto

lemma term_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff:
  (y # p, p')  term_poly_list_rel 
    (p, remove1_mset y p')  term_poly_list_rel 
    y ∈# p'  y  set p  y ∉# remove1_mset y p' 
  (x∈#mset p. (y, x)  var_order_rel)
  by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def rel2p_def dest!: multi_member_split mset_eqD_set_mset)

lemma var_order_rel_antisym[simp]:
  (y, y)  var_order_rel
  by (simp add: less_than_char_def lexord_irreflexive var_order_rel_def)

lemma term_poly_list_rel_remdups_mset:
  (p, p')  term_poly_list_rel 
    (p, remdups_mset p')  term_poly_list_rel
  by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def distinct_mset_remdups_mset_id simp flip: distinct_mset_mset_distinct)

lemma var_notin_notin_mult_monomsD:
  y  set (mult_monoms p q)  y  set p  y  set q
  by (induction p q arbitrary: p' q' rule: mult_monoms.induct) (auto split: if_splits)

lemma term_poly_list_rel_set_mset:
  (p, q)  term_poly_list_rel  set p = set_mset q
  by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)

lemma mult_monoms_spec:
  (mult_monoms, (λa b. remdups_mset (a + b)))  term_poly_list_rel  term_poly_list_rel  term_poly_list_rel
proof -
  have [dest]: remdups_mset (A + Aa) = add_mset y Ab  y ∉# A 
       y ∉# Aa 
       False for Aa Ab y A
    by (metis set_mset_remdups_mset union_iff union_single_eq_member)
  show ?thesis
  apply (intro fun_relI)
  apply (rename_tac p p' q q')
  subgoal for p p' q q'
    apply (induction p q arbitrary: p' q' rule: mult_monoms.induct)
    subgoal by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def term_poly_list_rel_remdups_mset)
    subgoal for x p p' q'
      by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def term_poly_list_rel_remdups_mset
      dest!: multi_member_split[of _ q'])
    subgoal premises p for x p y q p' q'
      apply (cases x = y)
        using p(1)[of remove1_mset y p' remove1_mset y q'] p(4-)
        by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def
          dest!: var_notin_notin_mult_monomsD
          dest!: multi_member_split)
     apply (cases (x, y)  var_order_rel)
        using p(2)[of remove1_mset x p' q'] p(4-)
        apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff
            term_poly_list_rel_set_mset rel2p_def var_order_rel_def
          dest!: multi_member_split[of _ p'] multi_member_split[of _ q']
          split: if_splits)
       apply (meson lexord_cons_cons list.inject total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear)
       apply (meson lexord_cons_cons list.inject total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear)
       apply (meson lexord_cons_cons list.inject total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear)
       using lexord_trans trans_less_than_char var_order_rel_antisym
       unfolding var_order_rel_def apply blast+
        using p(3)[of p' remove1_mset y q'] p(4-)
        apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff rel2p_def
            term_poly_list_rel_set_mset rel2p_def var_order_rel_antisym
          dest!: multi_member_split[of _ p'] multi_member_split[of _ q']
          split: if_splits)
       using lexord_trans trans_less_than_char var_order_rel_antisym
       unfolding var_order_rel_def apply blast
       apply (meson lexord_cons_cons list.inject total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear)
       by (meson less_than_char_linear lexord_linear lexord_trans trans_less_than_char)

definition mult_monomials :: term_poly_list × int  term_poly_list × int  term_poly_list × int where
  mult_monomials = (λ(x, a) (y, b). (mult_monoms x y, a * b))

definition mult_poly_raw :: llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial where
  mult_poly_raw p q = foldl (λb x. map (mult_monomials x) q @ b) [] p

fun map_append where
  map_append f b [] = b |
  map_append f b (x # xs) = f x # map_append f b xs

lemma map_append_alt_def:
  map_append f b xs = map f xs @ b
  by (induction f b xs rule: map_append.induct)

lemma foldl_append_empty:
  NO_MATCH [] xs  foldl (λb x. f x @ b) xs p = foldl (λb x. f x @ b) [] p @ xs
  apply (induction p arbitrary: xs)
   apply simp
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) NO_MATCH_def append.assoc append_self_conv foldl_Cons)

lemma poly_list_rel_empty_iff[simp]:
  ([], r)  poly_list_rel R  r = {#}
  by (auto simp: poly_list_rel_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)

lemma mult_poly_raw_simp[simp]:
  mult_poly_raw [] q = []
  mult_poly_raw (x # p) q = mult_poly_raw p q @ map (mult_monomials x) q
  subgoal by (auto simp: mult_poly_raw_def)
  subgoal by (induction p) (auto simp: mult_poly_raw_def foldl_append_empty)

lemma sorted_poly_list_relD:
  (q, q')  sorted_poly_list_rel R  q' = (λ(a, b). (mset a, b)) `# mset q
  apply (induction q arbitrary: q')
  apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
  apply (subst (asm)(2) term_poly_list_rel_def)
  apply (simp add: relcomp.relcompI)

lemma list_all2_in_set_ExD:
  list_all2 R p q  x  set p  y  set q. R x y
  by (induction p q rule: list_all2_induct)

inductive_cases mult_poly_p_elim: mult_poly_p q (A, r) (B, r')

lemma mult_poly_p_add_mset_same:
  (mult_poly_p q')** (A, r) (B, r')  (mult_poly_p q')** (add_mset x A, r) (add_mset x B, r')
  apply (induction rule: rtranclp_induct[of mult_poly_p q' (_, r) (p', q'') for p' q'', split_format(complete)])
  subgoal by simp
  apply (rule rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
   apply assumption
  by (auto elim!: mult_poly_p_elim intro: mult_poly_p.intros
      intro: rtranclp.rtrancl_into_rtrancl simp: add_mset_commute[of x])

lemma mult_poly_raw_mult_poly_p:
  assumes (p, p')  sorted_poly_rel and (q, q')  sorted_poly_rel
  shows r. (mult_poly_raw p q, r)  unsorted_poly_rel  (mult_poly_p q')** (p', {#}) ({#}, r)
proof -
  have H: (q, q')  sorted_poly_list_rel term_order  n < length q 
    distinct aa  sorted_wrt var_order aa 
    (mult_monoms aa (fst (q ! n)),
           mset (mult_monoms aa (fst (q ! n))))
           term_poly_list_rel for aa n
    using mult_monoms_spec[unfolded fun_rel_def, simplified] apply -
    apply (drule bspec[of _ _ (aa, (mset aa))])
     apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)[]
    unfolding sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
    apply clarsimp
    subgoal for y
      apply (drule bspec[of _ _ (fst (q ! n), mset (fst (q ! n)))])
      apply (cases q ! n; cases y ! n)
      using param_nth[of n y n q term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rel]
      by (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length term_poly_list_rel_def)

  have H': (q, q')  sorted_poly_list_rel term_order 
    distinct aa  sorted_wrt var_order aa 
     (ab, ba)  set q 
       remdups_mset (mset aa + mset ab) = mset (mult_monoms aa ab) for aa n ab ba
    using mult_monoms_spec[unfolded fun_rel_def, simplified] apply -
    apply (drule bspec[of _ _ (aa, (mset aa))])
    apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)[]
    unfolding sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
    apply clarsimp
    subgoal for y
      apply (drule bspec[of _ _ (ab, mset ab)])
      apply (auto simp: list_rel_imp_same_length term_poly_list_rel_def list_rel_def
        dest: list_all2_in_set_ExD)

  have  H: (q, q')  sorted_poly_list_rel term_order 
       a = (aa, b) 
       (pq, r)  unsorted_poly_rel 
       p' = add_mset (mset aa, b) A 
       xset p. term_order aa (fst x) 
       sorted_wrt var_order aa 
       distinct aa  b 0 
       (aaa. (aaa, 0) ∉# q') 
       (pq @
        map (mult_monomials (aa, b)) q,
        {#case x of (ys, n)  (remdups_mset (mset aa + ys), n * b)
        . x ∈# q'#} +
        unsorted_poly_rel for a p p' pq aa b r
   apply (auto simp: poly_list_rel_def)
   apply (rule_tac b = y @ map (λ(a,b). (mset a, b)) (map (mult_monomials (aa, b)) q) in relcompI)
   apply (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_append list_all2_lengthD H
     list_mset_rel_def br_def mult_monomials_def case_prod_beta intro!: list_all2_all_nthI
     simp: sorted_poly_list_relD)
     apply (subst sorted_poly_list_relD[of q q' term_order])
     apply (auto simp: case_prod_beta H' intro!: image_mset_cong)

  show ?thesis
    using assms
    apply (induction p arbitrary: p')
      by auto
    subgoal premises p for a p p'
      using p(1)[of remove1_mset (mset (fst a), snd a) p'] p(2-)
      apply (cases a)
      apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff
        dest!: multi_member_split)
      apply (rule_tac x = (λ(ys, n). (remdups_mset (mset (fst a) + ys), n * snd a)) `# q' + r in exI)
      apply (auto 5 3 intro: mult_poly_p.intros simp: intro!: H
        dest: sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD nonzero_coeffsD)
      apply (rule rtranclp_trans)
      apply (rule mult_poly_p_add_mset_same)
      apply assumption
      apply (rule converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
      apply (auto intro!: mult_poly_p.intros simp: ac_simps)

fun merge_coeffs :: llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial where
  merge_coeffs [] = [] |
  merge_coeffs [(xs, n)] = [(xs, n)] |
  merge_coeffs ((xs, n) # (ys, m) # p) =
    (if xs = ys
    then if n + m  0 then merge_coeffs ((xs, n + m) # p) else merge_coeffs p
    else (xs, n) # merge_coeffs ((ys, m) # p))

abbreviation  (in -)mononoms :: llist_polynomial  term_poly_list set where
  mononoms p  fst `set p

lemma fst_normalize_polynomial_subset:
  mononoms (merge_coeffs p)  mononoms p
  by (induction p rule: merge_coeffs.induct)  auto

lemma fst_normalize_polynomial_subsetD:
  (a, b)  set (merge_coeffs p)  a  mononoms p
  apply (induction p rule: merge_coeffs.induct)
    by auto
    by auto
    by (auto split: if_splits)

lemma distinct_merge_coeffs:
  assumes sorted_wrt R (map fst xs) and transp R antisymp R
  shows distinct (map fst (merge_coeffs xs))
  using assms
  by (induction xs rule: merge_coeffs.induct)
    (auto 5 4 dest: antisympD dest!: fst_normalize_polynomial_subsetD)

lemma in_set_merge_coeffsD:
  (a, b)  set (merge_coeffs p) b. (a, b)  set p
  by  (auto dest!: fst_normalize_polynomial_subsetD)

lemma rtranclp_normalize_poly_add_mset:
  normalize_poly_p** A r  normalize_poly_p** (add_mset x A) (add_mset x r)
  by (induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
    (auto dest: normalize_poly_p.keep_coeff[of _ _ x])

lemma nonzero_coeffs_diff:
  nonzero_coeffs A  nonzero_coeffs (A - B)
  by (auto simp: nonzero_coeffs_def dest: in_diffD)

lemma merge_coeffs_is_normalize_poly_p:
  (xs, ys)  sorted_repeat_poly_rel  r. (merge_coeffs xs, r)  sorted_poly_rel  normalize_poly_p** ys r
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: ys rule: merge_coeffs.induct)
  subgoal by (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def)
    by (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def)
  subgoal premises p for xs n ys m p ysa
    apply (cases xs = ys, cases m+n  0)
      using p(1)[of add_mset (mset ys, m+n) ysa - {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#}] p(4-)
      apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
        remove1_mset_add_mset_If nonzero_coeffs_diff sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
      apply (rule_tac x = r in exI)
      using normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff[of ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} mset ys m n]
      by (auto dest!: multi_member_split simp del: normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff
        simp: add_mset_commute
        intro: converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp)
      using p(2)[of ysa - {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#}] p(4-)
      apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
        remove1_mset_add_mset_If nonzero_coeffs_diff sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
      apply (rule_tac x = r in exI)
      using normalize_poly_p.rem_0_coeff[of add_mset (mset ys, m +n) ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} add_mset (mset ys, m +n) ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} mset ys]
      using normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff[of ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} mset ys m n]
      by (force intro: add_mset_commute[of (mset ys, n) (mset ys, -n)]
        dest!: multi_member_split
        simp del: normalize_poly_p.rem_0_coeff
        simp: add_eq_0_iff2
        intro: normalize_poly_p.rem_0_coeff)
      using p(3)[of add_mset (mset ys, m) ysa - {#(mset xs, n), (mset ys, m)#}] p(4-)
    apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
      remove1_mset_add_mset_If sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
    apply (rule_tac x = add_mset (mset xs, n) r in exI)
    apply (auto dest!: in_set_merge_coeffsD)
    apply (auto intro: normalize_poly_p.intros rtranclp_normalize_poly_add_mset
      simp: rel2p_def var_order_rel_def
      dest!: multi_member_split
      dest: sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD)
     using total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear apply fastforce
     using total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear apply fastforce

subsection ‹Normalisation›

definition normalize_poly where
  normalize_poly p = do {
     p  sort_poly_spec p;
     RETURN (merge_coeffs p)
definition sort_coeff :: string list  string list nres where
sort_coeff ys = SPEC(λxs. mset xs = mset ys  sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)) xs)

lemma distinct_var_order_Id_var_order:
  distinct a  sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)) a 
          sorted_wrt var_order a
  by (induction a) (auto simp: rel2p_def)

definition sort_all_coeffs :: llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial nres where
sort_all_coeffs xs = monadic_nfoldli xs (λ_. RETURN True) (λ(a, n) b. do {a  sort_coeff a; RETURN ((a, n) # b)}) []

lemma sort_all_coeffs_gen:
  assumes (xs  mononoms xs'. sorted_wrt (rel2p (var_order_rel)) xs) and
    x  mononoms (xs @ xs'). distinct x
  shows monadic_nfoldli xs (λ_. RETURN True) (λ(a, n) b. do {a  sort_coeff a; RETURN ((a, n) # b)}) xs' 
     Id (SPEC(λys. map (λ(a,b). (mset a, b)) (rev xs @ xs') = map (λ(a,b). (mset a, b)) (ys) 
     (xs  mononoms ys. sorted_wrt (rel2p (var_order_rel)) xs)))
proof -
  have H: xset xs'. sorted_wrt var_order (fst x) 
       sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)) x 
       (aaa, ba)  set xs' 
       sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)) aaa for xs  xs' ba aa b x aaa
    by (metis UnCI fst_eqD rel2p_def sorted_wrt_mono_rel)
  show ?thesis
    using assms
    unfolding sort_all_coeffs_def sort_coeff_def
    apply (induction xs arbitrary: xs')
      using assms
      by auto
    subgoal premises p for a xs
      using p(2-)
      apply (cases a, simp only: monadic_nfoldli_simp bind_to_let_conv Let_def if_True Refine_Basic.nres_monad3
      by (auto 5 3 simp: intro_spec_refine_iff image_Un
        dest: same_mset_distinct_iff
        intro!: p(1)[THEN order_trans] distinct_var_order_Id_var_order
        simp: H)

definition shuffle_coefficients where
  shuffle_coefficients xs = (SPEC(λys. map (λ(a,b). (mset a, b)) (rev xs) = map (λ(a,b). (mset a, b)) ys 
     (xs  mononoms ys. sorted_wrt (rel2p (var_order_rel)) xs)))

lemma sort_all_coeffs:
  x  mononoms xs. distinct x 
  sort_all_coeffs xs   Id (shuffle_coefficients xs)
  unfolding sort_all_coeffs_def shuffle_coefficients_def
  by (rule sort_all_coeffs_gen[THEN order_trans])

lemma unsorted_term_poly_list_rel_mset:
  (ys, aa)  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel  mset ys = aa
  by (auto simp: unsorted_term_poly_list_rel_def)

lemma RETURN_map_alt_def:
  RETURN o (map f) =
    RECT (λg xs.
      case xs of
        []  RETURN []
      | x # xs  do {xs  g xs; RETURN (f x # xs)})
  unfolding comp_def
  apply (subst eq_commute)
  apply (intro ext)
  apply (induct_tac x)
    apply (subst RECT_unfold)
    apply refine_mono
    apply auto
    apply (subst RECT_unfold)
    apply refine_mono
    apply auto

lemma fully_unsorted_poly_rel_Cons_iff:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  fully_unsorted_poly_rel 
    (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  fully_unsorted_poly_rel 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  distinct ys
  apply (auto simp: poly_list_rel_def list_rel_split_right_iff list_mset_rel_def br_def
     nonzero_coeffs_def fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel_def dest!: multi_member_split)
  apply blast
  apply (rule_tac b = (mset ys, n) # y in relcompI)
  apply auto

lemma map_mset_unsorted_term_poly_list_rel:
  (a. a  mononoms s  distinct a)  x  mononoms s. distinct x 
    (xs  mononoms s. sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)) xs) 
    (s, map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s)
           term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel
  by (induction s) (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def

lemma list_rel_unsorted_term_poly_list_relD:
  (p, y)  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel 
   mset y = (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) `# mset p  (x  mononoms p. distinct x)
  by (induction p arbitrary: y)
   (auto simp: list_rel_split_right_iff

lemma shuffle_terms_distinct_iff:
  assumes map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) p = map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s
  shows (xset p. distinct (fst x))  (xset s. distinct (fst x))
proof -
  have  xset s. distinct (fst x)
    if m:  map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) p = map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s and
      dist: xset p. distinct (fst x)
    for s p
  proof standard+
    fix x
    assume x: x  set s
    obtain v n where [simp]: x = (v, n) by (cases x)
    then have (mset v, n)  set (map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) p)
      using x unfolding m by auto
    then obtain v' where
      (v', n)  set p and
      mset v' = mset v
      by (auto simp: image_iff)
    then show distinct (fst x)
      using dist by (metis x = (v, n) distinct_mset_mset_distinct fst_conv)
  from this[of p s] this[of s p]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding assms
    by blast

  (p, y)  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel 
       (a, b)  set p   distinct a
   using list_rel_unsorted_term_poly_list_relD by fastforce

lemma sort_all_coeffs_unsorted_poly_rel_with0:
  assumes (p, p')  fully_unsorted_poly_rel
  shows sort_all_coeffs p   (unsorted_poly_rel_with0) (RETURN p')
proof -
  have H: (map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) (rev p)) =
          map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s 
          (map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) p) =
          map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) (rev s) for s
    by (auto simp flip: rev_map simp: eq_commute[of rev (map _ _) map _ _])
  have 1: s y. (p, y)  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel 
           p' = mset y 
           map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) (rev p) = map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s 
           xset s. sorted_wrt var_order (fst x) 
           (s, map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s)
            term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel
    by (auto 4 4 simp: rel2p_def
        dest!: list_rel_unsorted_term_poly_list_relD
        dest: shuffle_terms_distinct_iff["THEN" iffD1]
        intro!: map_mset_unsorted_term_poly_list_rel
        sorted_wrt_mono_rel[of _ rel2p (var_order_rel) rel2p (Id  var_order_rel)])
  have 2: s y. (p, y)  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel 
           p' = mset y 
           map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) (rev p) = map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) s 
           xset s. sorted_wrt var_order (fst x) 
           mset y = {#case x of (a, x)  (mset a, x). x ∈# mset s#}
    by (metis (no_types, lifting) list_rel_unsorted_term_poly_list_relD mset_map mset_rev)
  show ?thesis
    apply (rule sort_all_coeffs[THEN order_trans])
    using assms
    by (auto simp: shuffle_coefficients_def poly_list_rel_def
        RETURN_def fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel_def list_mset_rel_def
        br_def dest: list_rel_unsorted_term_poly_list_relD
        intro!: RES_refine relcompI[of _  map (λ(a, y). (mset a, y)) (rev p)]
        1 2)

lemma sort_poly_spec_id':
  assumes (p, p')  unsorted_poly_rel_with0
  shows sort_poly_spec p   (sorted_repeat_poly_rel_with0) (RETURN p')
proof -
  obtain y where
    py: (p, y)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel and
    p'_y: p' = mset y
    using assms
    unfolding fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel_def poly_list_rel_def sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
    by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def br_def)
  then have [simp]: length y = length p
    by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)
  have H: (x, p')
         term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel O list_mset_rel
     if px: mset p = mset x and sorted_wrt (rel2p (Id  lexord var_order_rel)) (map fst x)
     for x :: llist_polynomial
  proof -
    from px have length x = length p
      by (metis size_mset)
    from px have mset x = mset p
      by simp 
    then obtain f where f permutes {..<length p} permute_list f p = x
      by (rule mset_eq_permutation)
    with length x = length p have f: bij_betw f {..<length x} {..<length p}
      by (simp add: permutes_imp_bij)      
    from f permutes {..<length p} permute_list f p = x [symmetric] 
    have [simp]: i. i < length x  x ! i = p ! (f i)
      by (simp add: permute_list_nth)
    let ?y = map (λi. y ! f i) [0 ..< length x]
    have i < length y  (p ! f i, y ! f i)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rel for i
      using list_all2_nthD[of _ p y
         f i, OF py[unfolded list_rel_def mem_Collect_eq]]
         mset_eq_length[OF px] f
      by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth bij_betw_def)
    then have (x, ?y)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel and
      xy: length x = length y
      using py list_all2_nthD[of rel2p (term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rel) p y
         f i for i, simplified] mset_eq_length[OF px]
      by (auto simp: list_rel_def list_all2_conv_all_nth)
    moreover {
      have f: mset_set {0..<length x} = f `# mset_set {0..<length x}
        using f mset_eq_length[OF px]
        by (auto simp: bij_betw_def lessThan_atLeast0 image_mset_mset_set)
      have mset y = {#y ! f x. x ∈# mset_set {0..<length x}#}
        by (subst drop_0[symmetric], subst mset_drop_upto, subst xy[symmetric], subst f)
      then have (?y, p')  list_mset_rel
        by (auto simp: list_mset_rel_def br_def p'_y)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto intro!: relcompI[of _ ?y])
  show ?thesis
    unfolding sort_poly_spec_def poly_list_rel_def sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_def
    by refine_rcg (auto intro: H)

fun merge_coeffs0 :: llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial where
  merge_coeffs0 [] = [] |
  merge_coeffs0 [(xs, n)] = (if n = 0 then [] else [(xs, n)]) |
  merge_coeffs0 ((xs, n) # (ys, m) # p) =
    (if xs = ys
    then if n + m  0 then merge_coeffs0 ((xs, n + m) # p) else merge_coeffs0 p
    else if n = 0 then merge_coeffs0 ((ys, m) # p)
      else(xs, n) # merge_coeffs0 ((ys, m) # p))

lemma sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_ConsD:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt S term_poly_list_rel 
     (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt S term_poly_list_rel 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  (x  set p. S ys (fst x))  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) ys 
    distinct ys
  unfolding sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_def mem_Collect_eq
  apply (clarsimp)
  apply (subst (asm) list.rel_sel)
  apply (intro conjI)
  apply (rule_tac b = tl y in relcompI)
  apply (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)
  apply (case_tac lead_coeff y; case_tac y)
  apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)
  apply (case_tac lead_coeff y; case_tac y)
  apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)
  apply (case_tac lead_coeff y; case_tac y)
  apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)
  apply (case_tac lead_coeff y; case_tac y)
  apply (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)

lemma sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrtl_Cons_iff:
  ((ys, n) # p, a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt S term_poly_list_rel 
    (p, remove1_mset (mset ys, n) a)  sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt S term_poly_list_rel 
    (mset ys, n) ∈# a  (x  set p. S ys (fst x))  sorted_wrt (rel2p var_order_rel) ys 
    distinct ys
  apply (rule iffI)
    by (auto dest!: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_ConsD)
    unfolding sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def mem_Collect_eq
      list_rel_def sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_def
    apply (clarsimp)
    apply (rule_tac b = (mset ys, n) # y in relcompI)
    by (auto simp: sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
        term_poly_list_rel_def add_mset_eq_add_mset eq_commute[of _ mset _]
      dest!: multi_member_split)

lemma fst_normalize0_polynomial_subsetD:
  (a, b)  set (merge_coeffs0 p)  a  mononoms p
  apply (induction p rule: merge_coeffs0.induct)
    by auto
    by (auto split: if_splits)
    by (auto split: if_splits)

lemma in_set_merge_coeffs0D:
  (a, b)  set (merge_coeffs0 p) b. (a, b)  set p
  by  (auto dest!: fst_normalize0_polynomial_subsetD)

lemma merge_coeffs0_is_normalize_poly_p:
  (xs, ys)  sorted_repeat_poly_rel_with0  r. (merge_coeffs0 xs, r)  sorted_poly_rel  normalize_poly_p** ys r
  apply (induction xs arbitrary: ys rule: merge_coeffs0.induct)
  subgoal by (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
    sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def)
  subgoal for xs n ys
    by (force simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_wrt_def sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def
      sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
  subgoal premises p for xs n ys m p ysa
    apply (cases xs = ys, cases m+n  0)
      using p(1)[of add_mset (mset ys, m+n) ysa - {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#}] p(5-)
      apply (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrtl_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
        remove1_mset_add_mset_If nonzero_coeffs_diff sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
      apply (auto intro: normalize_poly_p.intros add_mset_commute add_mset_commute
         converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp dest!: multi_member_split
        simp del: normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff)
      apply (rule_tac x = r in exI)
      using normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff[of ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} mset ys m n]
      by (auto intro: normalize_poly_p.intros 
         converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp dest!: multi_member_split
         simp: add_mset_commute[of (mset ys, n) (mset ys, m)]
         simp del: normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff)
      using p(2)[of ysa - {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#}] p(5-)
      apply (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrtl_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
        remove1_mset_add_mset_If nonzero_coeffs_diff sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
      apply (rule_tac x = r in exI)
      using normalize_poly_p.rem_0_coeff[of add_mset (mset ys, m +n) ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} add_mset (mset ys, m +n) ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} mset ys]
      using normalize_poly_p.merge_dup_coeff[of ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} ysa -  {#(mset ys, m), (mset ys, n)#} mset ys m n]
      by (force intro: normalize_poly_p.intros converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp
          dest!: multi_member_split
        simp del: normalize_poly_p.rem_0_coeff
         simp: add_mset_commute[of (mset ys, n) (mset ys, m)])
   apply (cases n = 0)
      using p(3)[of add_mset (mset ys, m) ysa - {#(mset xs, n), (mset ys, m)#}] p(4-)
    apply (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrtl_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
      remove1_mset_add_mset_If sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
    apply (rule_tac x = r in exI)
    apply (auto dest!: in_set_merge_coeffsD)
    by (force intro: rtranclp_normalize_poly_add_mset converse_rtranclp_into_rtranclp
      simp: rel2p_def var_order_rel_def sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff
      dest!: multi_member_split
      dest: sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD)
      using p(4)[of add_mset (mset ys, m) ysa - {#(mset xs, n), (mset ys, m)#}] p(5-)
    apply (auto simp: sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_with0_wrtl_Cons_iff ac_simps add_mset_commute
      remove1_mset_add_mset_If sorted_repeat_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff)
    apply (rule_tac x = add_mset (mset xs, n) r in exI)
    apply (auto dest!: in_set_merge_coeffs0D)
    apply (auto intro: normalize_poly_p.intros rtranclp_normalize_poly_add_mset
      simp: rel2p_def var_order_rel_def sorted_poly_list_rel_Cons_iff
      dest!: multi_member_split
      dest: sorted_poly_list_rel_nonzeroD)
      using in_set_merge_coeffs0D total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear apply fastforce
      using in_set_merge_coeffs0D total_on_lexord_less_than_char_linear apply fastforce

definition full_normalize_poly where
  full_normalize_poly p = do {
     p  sort_all_coeffs p;
     p  sort_poly_spec p;
     RETURN (merge_coeffs0 p)

fun sorted_remdups where
  sorted_remdups (x # y # zs) =
    (if x = y then sorted_remdups (y # zs) else x # sorted_remdups (y # zs)) |
  sorted_remdups zs = zs

lemma set_sorted_remdups[simp]:
  set (sorted_remdups xs) = set xs
  by (induction xs rule: sorted_remdups.induct)

lemma distinct_sorted_remdups:
  sorted_wrt R xs  antisymp R  distinct (sorted_remdups xs)
  by (induction xs rule: sorted_remdups.induct)
    (auto dest: antisympD)

lemma full_normalize_poly_normalize_poly_p:
  assumes (p, p')  fully_unsorted_poly_rel
  shows full_normalize_poly p   (sorted_poly_rel) (SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** p' r))
  (is ?A   ?R ?B)
proof -
  have 1: ?B = do {
     p'  RETURN p';
     p'  RETURN p';
     SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** p' r)
    by auto
  have [refine0]: sort_all_coeffs p  SPEC(λp. (p, p')  unsorted_poly_rel_with0)
    by (rule sort_all_coeffs_unsorted_poly_rel_with0[OF assms, THEN order_trans])
      (auto simp: conc_fun_RES RETURN_def)
  have [refine0]: sort_poly_spec p  SPEC (λc. (c, p')  sorted_repeat_poly_rel_with0)
    if (p, p')  unsorted_poly_rel_with0
    for p p'
    by (rule sort_poly_spec_id'[THEN order_trans, OF that])
      (auto simp: conc_fun_RES RETURN_def)
  show ?thesis
    apply (subst 1)
    unfolding full_normalize_poly_def
    by (refine_rcg)
     (auto intro!: RES_refine
        dest!: merge_coeffs0_is_normalize_poly_p
        simp: RETURN_def)

definition mult_poly_full :: _ where
mult_poly_full p q = do {
  let pq = mult_poly_raw p q;
  normalize_poly pq

lemma normalize_poly_normalize_poly_p:
  assumes (p, p')  unsorted_poly_rel
  shows normalize_poly p   (sorted_poly_rel) (SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** p' r))
proof -
  have 1: SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** p' r) = do {
      p'  RETURN p';
      SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** p' r)
   by auto
  show ?thesis
    unfolding normalize_poly_def
    apply (subst 1)
    apply (refine_rcg sort_poly_spec_id[OF assms]
      by (drule merge_coeffs_is_normalize_poly_p)
        (auto intro!: RES_refine simp: RETURN_def)

subsection ‹Multiplication and normalisation›

definition mult_poly_p' :: _ where
mult_poly_p' p' q' = do {
  pq  SPEC(λr. (mult_poly_p q')** (p', {#}) ({#}, r));
  SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** pq r)

lemma unsorted_poly_rel_fully_unsorted_poly_rel:
  unsorted_poly_rel  fully_unsorted_poly_rel
proof -
  have term_poly_list_rel  ×r int_rel  unsorted_term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rel
    by (auto simp: unsorted_term_poly_list_rel_def term_poly_list_rel_def)
  from list_rel_mono[OF this]
  show ?thesis
    unfolding poly_list_rel_def fully_unsorted_poly_list_rel_def
    by (auto simp:)

lemma mult_poly_full_mult_poly_p':
  assumes (p, p')  sorted_poly_rel (q, q')  sorted_poly_rel
  shows mult_poly_full p q   (sorted_poly_rel) (mult_poly_p' p' q')
  unfolding mult_poly_full_def mult_poly_p'_def
  apply (refine_rcg full_normalize_poly_normalize_poly_p
  apply (subst RETURN_RES_refine_iff)
  apply (subst Bex_def)
  apply (subst mem_Collect_eq)
  apply (subst conj_commute)
  apply (rule mult_poly_raw_mult_poly_p[OF assms(1,2)])
    by blast

definition add_poly_spec :: _ where
add_poly_spec p q = SPEC (λr. p + q - r  ideal polynomial_bool)

definition add_poly_p' :: _ where
add_poly_p' p q = SPEC(λr. add_poly_p** (p, q, {#}) ({#}, {#}, r))

lemma add_poly_l_add_poly_p':
  assumes (p, p')  sorted_poly_rel (q, q')  sorted_poly_rel
  shows add_poly_l (p, q)   (sorted_poly_rel) (add_poly_p' p' q')
  unfolding add_poly_p'_def
  apply (refine_rcg add_poly_l_spec[THEN fref_to_Down_curry_right, THEN order_trans, of _ p' q'])
  subgoal by auto
  subgoal using assms by auto
    by auto

subsection ‹Correctness›

context poly_embed

definition mset_poly_rel where
  mset_poly_rel = {(a, b). b = polynomial_of_mset a}

definition var_rel where
  var_rel = br φ (λ_. True)

lemma normalize_poly_p_normalize_poly_spec:
  (p, p')  mset_poly_rel 
    SPEC (λr. normalize_poly_p** p r)  mset_poly_rel (normalize_poly_spec p')
  by (auto simp: mset_poly_rel_def rtranclp_normalize_poly_p_poly_of_mset ideal.span_zero
    normalize_poly_spec_def intro!: RES_refine)

lemma mult_poly_p'_mult_poly_spec:
  (p, p')  mset_poly_rel  (q, q')  mset_poly_rel 
  mult_poly_p' p q  mset_poly_rel (mult_poly_spec p' q')
  unfolding mult_poly_p'_def mult_poly_spec_def
  apply refine_rcg
  apply (auto simp: mset_poly_rel_def dest!: rtranclp_mult_poly_p_mult_ideal_final)
  apply (intro RES_refine)
  using ideal.span_add_eq2 ideal.span_zero
  by (fastforce dest!: rtranclp_normalize_poly_p_poly_of_mset intro: ideal.span_add_eq2)

lemma add_poly_p'_add_poly_spec:
  (p, p')  mset_poly_rel  (q, q')  mset_poly_rel 
  add_poly_p' p q  mset_poly_rel (add_poly_spec p' q')
  unfolding add_poly_p'_def add_poly_spec_def
  apply (auto simp: mset_poly_rel_def dest!: rtranclp_add_poly_p_polynomial_of_mset_full)
  apply (intro RES_refine)
  apply (auto simp: rtranclp_add_poly_p_polynomial_of_mset_full ideal.span_zero)


definition weak_equality_l :: llist_polynomial  llist_polynomial  bool nres where
  weak_equality_l p q = RETURN (p = q)

definition weak_equality :: int mpoly  int mpoly  bool nres where
  weak_equality p q = SPEC (λr. r  p = q)

definition weak_equality_spec :: mset_polynomial  mset_polynomial  bool nres where
  weak_equality_spec p q = SPEC (λr. r  p = q)

lemma term_poly_list_rel_same_rightD:
  (a, aa)  term_poly_list_rel  (a, ab)  term_poly_list_rel  aa = ab
    by (auto simp: term_poly_list_rel_def)

lemma list_rel_term_poly_list_rel_same_rightD:
  (xa, y)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel 
   (xa, ya)  term_poly_list_rel ×r int_rellist_rel 
    y = ya
  by (induction xa arbitrary: y ya)
    (auto simp: list_rel_split_right_iff
      dest: term_poly_list_rel_same_rightD)

lemma weak_equality_l_weak_equality_spec:
  (uncurry weak_equality_l, uncurry weak_equality_spec) 
    sorted_poly_rel ×r sorted_poly_rel f bool_relnres_rel
  by (intro frefI nres_relI)
   (auto simp: weak_equality_l_def weak_equality_spec_def
      sorted_poly_list_rel_wrt_def list_mset_rel_def br_def
    dest: list_rel_term_poly_list_rel_same_rightD)
