Theory Counterexamples

(*  Title:       Conservation of CSP Noninterference Security under Sequential Composition
    Author:      Pasquale Noce
                 Security Certification Specialist at Arjo Systems, Italy
                 pasquale dot noce dot lavoro at gmail dot com
                 pasquale dot noce at arjosystems dot com

section "Necessity of nontrivial assumptions"

theory Counterexamples
imports SequentialComposition

text ‹

The security conservation theorem proven in this paper contains two nontrivial assumptions; namely,
the security policy must satisfy predicate @{term secure_termination}, and the first input process
must satisfy predicate @{term sequential} instead of @{term weakly_sequential} alone. This section
shows, by means of counterexamples, that both of these assumptions are necessary for the theorem to

In more detail, two counterexamples will be constructed: the former drops the termination security
assumption, whereas the latter drops the process sequentiality assumption, replacing it with weak
sequentiality alone. In both cases, all the other assumptions of the theorem keep being satisfied.

Both counterexamples make use of reflexive security policies, which is the case for any policy of
practical significance, and are based on trace set processes as defined in cite"R3". The security
of the processes input to sequential composition, as well as the insecurity of the resulting
process, are demonstrated by means of the Ipurge Unwinding Theorem proven in cite"R3".

subsection "Preliminary definitions and lemmas"

text ‹
Both counterexamples will use the same type @{term event} as native type of ordinary events, as well
as the same process @{term Q} as second input to sequential composition. Here below are the
definitions of these constants, followed by few useful lemmas on process @{term Q}.


datatype event = a | b

definition Q :: "event option process" where
"Q  ts_process {[], [Some b]}"

lemma trace_set_snd:
 "trace_set {[], [Some b]}"
by (simp add: trace_set_def)

lemmas failures_snd = ts_process_failures [OF trace_set_snd]

lemmas traces_snd = ts_process_traces [OF trace_set_snd]

lemmas next_events_snd = ts_process_next_events [OF trace_set_snd]

lemmas unwinding_snd = ts_ipurge_unwinding [OF trace_set_snd]

subsection "Necessity of termination security"

text ‹
The reason why the conservation of noninterference security under sequential composition requires
the security policy to satisfy predicate @{term secure_termination} is that the second input process
cannot engage in its events unless the first process has terminated successfully. Thus, the ordinary
events of the first process can indirectly affect the events of the second process by affecting the
successful termination of the first process. Therefore, if an ordinary event is allowed to affect
successful termination, then the policy must allow it to affect any other event as well, which is
exactly what predicate @{term secure_termination} states.

A counterexample showing the necessity of this assumption can then be constructed by defining a
reflexive policy @{term I1} that allows event @{term "Some a"} to affect @{term None}, but not
@{term "Some b"}, and a deterministic process @{term P1} that can engage in @{term None} only after
engaging in @{term "Some a"}. The resulting process @{term "P1 ; Q"} will number
@{term "[Some a, Some b]"}, but not @{term "[Some b]"}, among its traces, so that event
@{term "Some a"} affects the occurrence of event @{term "Some b"} in contrast with policy
@{term I1}, viz. @{term "P1 ; Q"} is not secure with respect to @{term I1}.

Here below are the definitions of constants @{term I1} and @{term P1}, followed by few useful lemmas
on process @{term P1}.


definition I1 :: "(event option × event option) set" where
"I1  {(Some a, None)}="

definition P1 :: "event option process" where
"P1  ts_process {[], [Some a], [Some a, None]}"

lemma trace_set_fst_1:
 "trace_set {[], [Some a], [Some a, None]}"
by (simp add: trace_set_def)

lemmas failures_fst_1 = ts_process_failures [OF trace_set_fst_1]

lemmas traces_fst_1 = ts_process_traces [OF trace_set_fst_1]

lemmas next_events_fst_1 = ts_process_next_events [OF trace_set_fst_1]

lemmas unwinding_fst_1 = ts_ipurge_unwinding [OF trace_set_fst_1]

text ‹

Here below is the proof that policy @{term I1} does not satisfy predicate
@{term secure_termination}, whereas the remaining assumptions of the security conservation theorem
keep being satisfied. For the sake of simplicity, the identity function is used as event-domain map.


lemma not_secure_termination_1:
 "¬ secure_termination I1 id"
proof (simp add: secure_termination_def I1_def, rule exI [where x = "Some a"],
qed (rule exI [where x = "Some b"], simp)

lemma ref_union_closed_fst_1:
 "ref_union_closed P1"
by (rule d_implies_ruc, subst P1_def, rule ts_process_d, rule trace_set_fst_1)

lemma sequential_fst_1:
 "sequential P1"
proof (simp add: sequential_def sentences_def P1_def traces_fst_1)
qed (simp add: set_eq_iff next_events_fst_1)

lemma secure_fst_1:
 "secure P1 I1 id"
proof (simp add: P1_def unwinding_fst_1 dfc_equals_dwfc_rel_ipurge [symmetric]
 d_future_consistent_def rel_ipurge_def traces_fst_1, (rule allI)+)
  fix u xs ys
   "(xs = []  xs = [Some a]  xs = [Some a, None]) 
    (ys = []  ys = [Some a]  ys = [Some a, None]) 
    ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u ys 
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [Some a], [Some a, None]}) id u xs =
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [Some a], [Some a, None]}) id u ys"
  proof (simp add: next_dom_events_def next_events_fst_1, cases u)
    case None
     "(xs = []  xs = [Some a]  xs = [Some a, None]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [Some a]  ys = [Some a, None]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  (xs = []  x = Some a  xs = [Some a]  x = None)} =
        {x. u = x  (ys = []  x = Some a  ys = [Some a]  x = None)}"
     by (simp add: I1_def None, rule impI, (erule conjE)+,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp)+)
    case (Some v)
     "(xs = []  xs = [Some a]  xs = [Some a, None]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [Some a]  ys = [Some a, None]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  (xs = []  x = Some a  xs = [Some a]  x = None)} =
        {x. u = x  (ys = []  x = Some a  ys = [Some a]  x = None)}"
     by (simp add: I1_def Some, rule impI, (erule conjE)+, cases v,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp, blast?)+)

lemma secure_snd_1:
 "secure Q I1 id"
proof (simp add: Q_def unwinding_snd dfc_equals_dwfc_rel_ipurge [symmetric]
 d_future_consistent_def rel_ipurge_def traces_snd, (rule allI)+)
  fix u xs ys
   "(xs = []  xs = [Some b]) 
    (ys = []  ys = [Some b]) 
    ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u ys 
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [Some b]}) id u xs =
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [Some b]}) id u ys"
  proof (simp add: next_dom_events_def next_events_snd, cases u)
    case None
     "(xs = []  xs = [Some b]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [Some b]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  xs = []  x = Some b} = {x. u = x  ys = []  x = Some b}"
     by (simp add: None, rule impI, (erule conjE)+,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp)+)
    case (Some v)
     "(xs = []  xs = [Some b]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [Some b]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  xs = []  x = Some b} = {x. u = x  ys = []  x = Some b}"
     by (simp add: I1_def Some, rule impI, (erule conjE)+, cases v,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp)+)

text ‹

In what follows, the insecurity of process @{term "P1 ; Q"} is demonstrated by proving that event
list @{term "[Some a, Some b]"} is a trace of the process, whereas @{term "[Some b]"} is not.


lemma traces_comp_1:
 "traces (P1 ; Q) = Domain (seq_comp_failures P1 Q)"
by (subst seq_comp_traces, rule seq_implies_weakly_seq, rule sequential_fst_1, simp)

lemma ref_union_closed_comp_1:
 "ref_union_closed (P1 ; Q)"
proof (rule seq_comp_ref_union_closed, rule seq_implies_weakly_seq,
 rule sequential_fst_1, rule ref_union_closed_fst_1)
qed (rule d_implies_ruc, subst Q_def, rule ts_process_d, rule trace_set_snd)

lemma not_secure_comp_1_aux_aux_1:
 "(xs, X)  seq_comp_failures P1 Q  xs  [Some b]"
proof (rule notI, erule rev_mp, erule seq_comp_failures.induct, (rule_tac [!] impI)+,
 simp_all add: P1_def Q_def sentences_def)
qed (simp_all add: failures_fst_1 traces_fst_1)

lemma not_secure_comp_1_aux_1:
 "[Some b]  traces (P1 ; Q)"
proof (simp add: traces_comp_1 Domain_iff, rule allI, rule notI)
qed (drule not_secure_comp_1_aux_aux_1, simp)

lemma not_secure_comp_1_aux_2:
 "[Some a, Some b]  traces (P1 ; Q)"
proof (simp add: traces_comp_1 Domain_iff, rule exI [where x = "{}"])
  have "[Some a]  sentences P1"
   by (simp add: P1_def sentences_def traces_fst_1)
  moreover have "([Some b], {})  failures Q"
   by (simp add: Q_def failures_snd)
  moreover have "[Some b]  []"
   by simp
  ultimately have "([Some a] @ [Some b], {})  seq_comp_failures P1 Q"
   by (rule SCF_R3)
  thus "([Some a, Some b], {})  seq_comp_failures P1 Q"
   by simp

lemma not_secure_comp_1:
 "¬ secure (P1 ; Q) I1 id"
proof (subst ipurge_unwinding, rule ref_union_closed_comp_1, simp
 add: fc_equals_wfc_rel_ipurge [symmetric] future_consistent_def rel_ipurge_def
 del: disj_not1, rule exI [where x = "Some b"], rule exI [where x = "[]"], rule conjI)
  show "[]  traces (P1 ; Q)"
   by (rule failures_traces [where X = "{}"], rule process_rule_1)
  show "ys. ys  traces (P1 ; Q) 
    ipurge_tr_rev I1 id (Some b) [] = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id (Some b) ys 
    (next_dom_events (P1 ; Q) id (Some b) [] 
       next_dom_events (P1 ; Q) id (Some b) ys 
     ref_dom_events (P1 ; Q) id (Some b) [] 
       ref_dom_events (P1 ; Q) id (Some b) ys)"
  proof (rule exI [where x = "[Some a]"], rule conjI, rule_tac [2] conjI,
   rule_tac [3] disjI1)
    have "[Some a] @ [Some b]  traces (P1 ; Q)"
     by (simp add: not_secure_comp_1_aux_2)
    thus "[Some a]  traces (P1 ; Q)"
     by (rule process_rule_2_traces)
    show "ipurge_tr_rev I1 id (Some b) [] = ipurge_tr_rev I1 id (Some b) [Some a]"
     by (simp add: I1_def)
     "next_dom_events (P1 ; Q) id (Some b) [] 
      next_dom_events (P1 ; Q) id (Some b) [Some a]"
    proof (simp add: next_dom_events_def next_events_def set_eq_iff,
     rule exI [where x = "Some b"], simp)
    qed (simp add: not_secure_comp_1_aux_1 not_secure_comp_1_aux_2)

text ‹

Here below, the previous results are used to show that constants @{term I1}, @{term P1}, @{term Q},
and @{term id} indeed constitute a counterexample to the statement obtained by removing termination
security from the assumptions of the security conservation theorem.


lemma counterexample_1:
 "¬ (ref_union_closed P1 
     sequential P1 
     secure P1 I1 id 
     secure Q I1 id 
   secure (P1 ; Q) I1 id)"
proof (simp, simp only: conj_assoc [symmetric], (rule conjI)+)
  show "ref_union_closed P1"
   by (rule ref_union_closed_fst_1)
  show "sequential P1"
   by (rule sequential_fst_1)
  show "secure P1 I1 id"
   by (rule secure_fst_1)
  show "secure Q I1 id"
   by (rule secure_snd_1)
  show "¬ secure (P1 ; Q) I1 id"
   by (rule not_secure_comp_1)

subsection "Necessity of process sequentiality"

text ‹
The reason why the conservation of noninterference security under sequential composition requires
the first input process to satisfy predicate @{term sequential}, instead of the more permissive
predicate @{term weakly_sequential}, is that the possibility for the first process to engage in
events alternative to successful termination entails the possibility for the resulting process to
engage in events alternative to the initial ones of the second process. Namely, the resulting
process would admit some state in which events of the first process can occur in alternative to
events of the second process. But neither process, though being secure on its own, will in general
be prepared to handle securely the alternative events added by the other process. Therefore, the
first process must not admit alternatives to successful termination, which is exactly what predicate
@{term sequential} states in addition to @{term weakly_sequential}.

A counterexample showing the necessity of this assumption can then be constructed by defining a
reflexive policy @{term I2} that does not allow event @{term "Some b"} to affect @{term "Some a"},
and a deterministic process @{term P2} that can engage in @{term "Some a"} in alternative to
@{term None}. The resulting process @{term "P2 ; Q"} will number both @{term "[Some b]"} and
@{term "[Some a]"}, but not @{term "[Some b, Some a]"}, among its traces, so that event
@{term "Some b"} affects the occurrence of event @{term "Some a"} in contrast with policy
@{term I2}, viz. @{term "P2 ; Q"} is not secure with respect to @{term I2}.

Here below are the definitions of constants @{term I2} and @{term P2}, followed by few useful lemmas
on process @{term P2}.


definition I2 :: "(event option × event option) set" where
"I2  {(None, Some a)}="

definition P2 :: "event option process" where
"P2  ts_process {[], [None], [Some a], [Some a, None]}"

lemma trace_set_fst_2:
 "trace_set {[], [None], [Some a], [Some a, None]}"
by (simp add: trace_set_def)

lemmas failures_fst_2 = ts_process_failures [OF trace_set_fst_2]

lemmas traces_fst_2 = ts_process_traces [OF trace_set_fst_2]

lemmas next_events_fst_2 = ts_process_next_events [OF trace_set_fst_2]

lemmas unwinding_fst_2 = ts_ipurge_unwinding [OF trace_set_fst_2]

text ‹

Here below is the proof that process @{term P2} does not satisfy predicate @{term sequential}, but
rather predicate @{term weakly_sequential} only, whereas the remaining assumptions of the security
conservation theorem keep being satisfied. For the sake of simplicity, the identity function is used
as event-domain map.


lemma secure_termination_2:
 "secure_termination I2 id"
by (simp add: secure_termination_def I2_def)

lemma ref_union_closed_fst_2:
 "ref_union_closed P2"
by (rule d_implies_ruc, subst P2_def, rule ts_process_d, rule trace_set_fst_2)

lemma weakly_sequential_fst_2:
 "weakly_sequential P2"
by (simp add: weakly_sequential_def P2_def traces_fst_2)

lemma not_sequential_fst_2:
 "¬ sequential P2"
proof (simp add: sequential_def, rule disjI2, rule bexI [where x = "[]"])
  show "next_events P2 []  {None}"
  proof (rule notI, drule eqset_imp_iff [where x = "Some a"], simp)
  qed (simp add: P2_def next_events_fst_2)
  show "[]  sentences P2"
   by (simp add: sentences_def P2_def traces_fst_2)

lemma secure_fst_2:
 "secure P2 I2 id"
proof (simp add: P2_def unwinding_fst_2 dfc_equals_dwfc_rel_ipurge [symmetric]
 d_future_consistent_def rel_ipurge_def traces_fst_2, (rule allI)+)
  fix u xs ys
   "(xs = []  xs = [None]  xs = [Some a]  xs = [Some a, None]) 
    (ys = []  ys = [None]  ys = [Some a]  ys = [Some a, None]) 
    ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u ys 
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [None], [Some a], [Some a, None]}) id u xs =
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [None], [Some a], [Some a, None]}) id u ys"
  proof (simp add: next_dom_events_def next_events_fst_2, cases u)
    case None
     "(xs = []  xs = [None]  xs = [Some a]  xs = [Some a, None]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [None]  ys = [Some a]  ys = [Some a, None]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  (xs = []  x = None  xs = []  x = Some a 
          xs = [Some a]  x = None)} =
        {x. u = x  (ys = []  x = None  ys = []  x = Some a 
          ys = [Some a]  x = None)}"
     by (simp add: I2_def None, rule impI, (erule conjE)+,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp, blast?)+)
    case (Some v)
     "(xs = []  xs = [None]  xs = [Some a]  xs = [Some a, None]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [None]  ys = [Some a]  ys = [Some a, None]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  (xs = []  x = None  xs = []  x = Some a 
          xs = [Some a]  x = None)} =
        {x. u = x  (ys = []  x = None  ys = []  x = Some a 
          ys = [Some a]  x = None)}"
     by (simp add: I2_def Some, rule impI, (erule conjE)+, cases v,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp, blast?)+)

lemma secure_snd_2:
 "secure Q I2 id"
proof (simp add: Q_def unwinding_snd dfc_equals_dwfc_rel_ipurge [symmetric]
 d_future_consistent_def rel_ipurge_def traces_snd, (rule allI)+)
  fix u xs ys
   "(xs = []  xs = [Some b]) 
    (ys = []  ys = [Some b]) 
    ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u ys 
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [Some b]}) id u xs =
      next_dom_events (ts_process {[], [Some b]}) id u ys"
  proof (simp add: next_dom_events_def next_events_snd, cases u)
    case None
     "(xs = []  xs = [Some b]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [Some b]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  xs = []  x = Some b} = {x. u = x  ys = []  x = Some b}"
     by (simp add: None, rule impI, (erule conjE)+,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp)+)
    case (Some v)
     "(xs = []  xs = [Some b]) 
      (ys = []  ys = [Some b]) 
      ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u xs = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id u ys 
        {x. u = x  xs = []  x = Some b} = {x. u = x  ys = []  x = Some b}"
     by (simp add: I2_def Some, rule impI, (erule conjE)+, cases v,
      (((erule disjE)+)?, simp)+)

text ‹

In what follows, the insecurity of process @{term "P2 ; Q"} is demonstrated by proving that event
lists @{term "[Some b]"} and @{term "[Some a]"} are traces of the process, whereas
@{term "[Some b, Some a]"} is not.


lemma traces_comp_2:
 "traces (P2 ; Q) = Domain (seq_comp_failures P2 Q)"
by (subst seq_comp_traces, rule weakly_sequential_fst_2, simp)

lemma ref_union_closed_comp_2:
 "ref_union_closed (P2 ; Q)"
proof (rule seq_comp_ref_union_closed, rule weakly_sequential_fst_2,
 rule ref_union_closed_fst_2)
qed (rule d_implies_ruc, subst Q_def, rule ts_process_d, rule trace_set_snd)

lemma not_secure_comp_2_aux_aux_1:
 "(xs, X)  seq_comp_failures P2 Q  xs  [Some b, Some a]"
proof (rule notI, erule rev_mp, erule seq_comp_failures.induct, (rule_tac [!] impI)+,
 simp_all add: P2_def Q_def sentences_def)
qed (simp_all add: failures_fst_2 traces_fst_2 failures_snd)

lemma not_secure_comp_2_aux_1:
 "[Some b, Some a]  traces (P2 ; Q)"
proof (simp add: traces_comp_2 Domain_iff, rule allI, rule notI)
qed (drule not_secure_comp_2_aux_aux_1, simp)

lemma not_secure_comp_2_aux_2:
 "[Some a]  traces (P2 ; Q)"
proof (simp add: traces_comp_2 Domain_iff, rule exI [where x = "{}"])
  have "[Some a]  sentences P2"
   by (simp add: P2_def sentences_def traces_fst_2)
  moreover have "([Some a], {})  failures P2"
   by (simp add: P2_def failures_fst_2)
  moreover have "([], {})  failures Q"
   by (simp add: Q_def failures_snd)
  ultimately have "([Some a], insert None {}  {})  seq_comp_failures P2 Q"
   by (rule SCF_R2)
  thus "([Some a], {})  seq_comp_failures P2 Q"
   by simp

lemma not_secure_comp_2_aux_3:
 "[Some b]  traces (P2 ; Q)"
proof (simp add: traces_comp_2 Domain_iff, rule exI [where x = "{}"])
  have "[]  sentences P2"
   by (simp add: P2_def sentences_def traces_fst_2)
  moreover have "([Some b], {})  failures Q"
   by (simp add: Q_def failures_snd)
  moreover have "[Some b]  []"
   by simp
  ultimately have "([] @ [Some b], {})  seq_comp_failures P2 Q"
   by (rule SCF_R3)
  thus "([Some b], {})  seq_comp_failures P2 Q"
   by simp

lemma not_secure_comp_2:
 "¬ secure (P2 ; Q) I2 id"
proof (subst ipurge_unwinding, rule ref_union_closed_comp_2, simp
 add: fc_equals_wfc_rel_ipurge [symmetric] future_consistent_def rel_ipurge_def
 del: disj_not1, rule exI [where x = "Some a"], rule exI [where x = "[]"], rule conjI)
  show "[]  traces (P2 ; Q)"
   by (rule failures_traces [where X = "{}"], rule process_rule_1)
  show "ys. ys  traces (P2 ; Q) 
    ipurge_tr_rev I2 id (Some a) [] = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id (Some a) ys 
    (next_dom_events (P2 ; Q) id (Some a) [] 
       next_dom_events (P2 ; Q) id (Some a) ys 
     ref_dom_events (P2 ; Q) id (Some a) [] 
       ref_dom_events (P2 ; Q) id (Some a) ys)"
  proof (rule exI [where x = "[Some b]"], rule conjI, rule_tac [2] conjI,
   rule_tac [3] disjI1)
    show "[Some b]  traces (P2 ; Q)"
     by (rule not_secure_comp_2_aux_3)
    show "ipurge_tr_rev I2 id (Some a) [] = ipurge_tr_rev I2 id (Some a) [Some b]"
     by (simp add: I2_def)
     "next_dom_events (P2 ; Q) id (Some a) [] 
      next_dom_events (P2 ; Q) id (Some a) [Some b]"
    proof (simp add: next_dom_events_def next_events_def set_eq_iff,
     rule exI [where x = "Some a"], simp)
    qed (simp add: not_secure_comp_2_aux_1 not_secure_comp_2_aux_2)

text ‹

Here below, the previous results are used to show that constants @{term I2}, @{term P2}, @{term Q},
and @{term id} indeed constitute a counterexample to the statement obtained by replacing process
sequentiality with weak sequentiality in the assumptions of the security conservation theorem.


lemma counterexample_2:
 "¬ (secure_termination I2 id 
     ref_union_closed P2 
     weakly_sequential P2 
     secure P2 I2 id 
     secure Q I2 id 
   secure (P2 ; Q) I2 id)"
proof (simp, simp only: conj_assoc [symmetric], (rule conjI)+)
  show "secure_termination I2 id"
   by (rule secure_termination_2)
  show "ref_union_closed P2"
   by (rule ref_union_closed_fst_2)
  show "weakly_sequential P2"
   by (rule weakly_sequential_fst_2)
  show "secure P2 I2 id"
   by (rule secure_fst_2)
  show "secure Q I2 id"
   by (rule secure_snd_2)
  show "¬ secure (P2 ; Q) I2 id"
   by (rule not_secure_comp_2)
