Theory RefineMonadicVCG

theory RefineMonadicVCG
  imports "NREST" "DataRefinement"

― ‹Might look similar to repeat_new› from HOL-Eisbach.Eisbach›, however the placement of the ?›
  is different, in particular that means this method is allowed to failed›
method repeat_all_new methods m = (m;repeat_all_new m)?

lemma R_intro: "A   Id B  A  B" by simp

subsection "ASSERT"

lemma le_R_ASSERTI: "(Φ  M   R M')   M   R (ASSERT Φ  (λ_. M'))"
  by (auto simp: pw_le_iff refine_pw_simps)

lemma T_ASSERT[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t  lst (ASSERT Φ) Q  Some t  Q ()  Φ"
  by (cases Φ) vcg'

lemma T_ASSERT_I: "(Φ  Some t  Q ())  Φ  Some t  lst (ASSERT Φ) Q"
  by (simp add: T_ASSERT T_RETURNT) 

lemma T_RESTemb_iff: "Some t'
        lst (REST (emb' P t)) Q  (x. P x  Some (t' + t x)  Q x ) "
  by (auto simp: emb'_def T_pw mii_alt aux1)  

lemma T_RESTemb: "(x. P x  Some (t' + t x)  Q x)
     Some t'  lst (REST (emb' P t)) Q"
  by (auto simp: T_RESTemb_iff)

lemma  T_SPEC: "(x. P x  Some (t' + t x)  Q x)
      Some t'  lst (SPEC P t) Q"
  unfolding SPEC_REST_emb'_conv
  by (auto simp: T_RESTemb_iff)

lemma T_SPECT_I: "(Some (t' + t )  Q x)
      Some t'  lst (SPECT [ x  t]) Q"
  by(auto simp:   T_pw mii_alt aux1)   

lemma mm2_map_option: 
  assumes "Some (t'+t)  mm2 (Q x) (x2 x)"
  shows "Some t'  mm2 (Q x) (map_option ((+) t) (x2 x))"
proof(cases "Q x")
  case None
  from assms None show ?thesis 
    by (auto simp: mm2_def split: option.splits if_splits) 
  case (Some a)
  have arith: "¬ a < b  t' + t  a - b  a < t + b  False" for b
    by (cases a; cases b; cases t'; cases t) auto
  moreover have arith': "¬ a < b  t' + t  a - b  ¬ a < t + b  t'  a - (t + b)" for b
    by (cases a; cases b; cases t'; cases t) auto
  ultimately show ?thesis 
    using Some assms by (auto simp: mm2_def split: option.splits if_splits) 

lemma  T_consume: "(Some (t' + t)  lst M Q)
      Some t'  lst (consume M t) Q"
  by (auto intro!: mm2_map_option simp: consume_def T_pw mii_alt miiFailt 
      split: nrest.splits option.splits if_splits)

definition "valid t Q M = (Some t  lst M Q)"

subsection ‹VCG splitter›

ML structure VCG_Case_Splitter = struct
    fun dest_case ctxt t =
      case strip_comb t of
        (Const (case_comb, _), args) =>
          (case Ctr_Sugar.ctr_sugar_of_case ctxt case_comb of
             NONE => NONE
           | SOME {case_thms, ...} =>
                 val lhs = Thm.prop_of (hd (case_thms))
                   |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_eq |> fst;
                 val arity = length (snd (strip_comb lhs));
                 (*val conv = funpow (length args - arity) Conv.fun_conv
                   (Conv.rewrs_conv (map mk_meta_eq case_thms));*)
                 SOME (nth args (arity - 1), case_thms)
      | _ => NONE;
    fun rewrite_with_asm_tac ctxt k =
      Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {context = ctxt', prems, ...} =>
        Local_Defs.unfold0_tac ctxt' [nth prems k]) ctxt;
    fun split_term_tac ctxt case_term = (
      case dest_case ctxt case_term of
        NONE => no_tac
      | SOME (arg,case_thms) => let 
            val stac = asm_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps case_thms) 
          (*CHANGED o stac
            Induct.cases_tac ctxt false [[SOME arg]] NONE []
            THEN_ALL_NEW stac
        end 1

    fun split_tac ctxt = Subgoal.FOCUS_PARAMS (fn {context = ctxt, ...} => ALLGOALS (
        SUBGOAL (fn (t, _) => case Logic.strip_imp_concl t of
          @{mpat "Trueprop (Some _  lst ?prog _)"} => split_term_tac ctxt prog
        | @{mpat "Trueprop (progress ?prog)"} => split_term_tac ctxt prog
        | @{mpat "Trueprop (Case_Labeling.CTXT _ _ _ (valid _ _ ?prog))"} => split_term_tac ctxt prog
        | _ => no_tac
      ) ctxt 
      THEN_ALL_NEW TRY o Hypsubst.hyp_subst_tac ctxt


method_setup vcg_split_case = 
  Scan.succeed (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD' (CHANGED o (VCG_Case_Splitter.split_tac ctxt)))

subsection ‹mm3 and emb›

lemma Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t = mm3 t' (Some t'')  (t''  t'  t = enat (t' - t''))"
  by (simp add: mm3_def)

lemma Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv': "mm3 t' (Some t'') = Some t  (t''  t'  t = enat (t' - t''))"
  using Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv by metis

lemma Some_le_emb'_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t  emb' Q ft x  Q x  t  ft x"
  by (auto simp: emb'_def)

lemma Some_eq_emb'_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "emb' Q tf s = Some t  (Q s  t = tf s)"
  unfolding emb'_def by(auto split: if_splits)

subsection ‹Setup Labeled VCG›

  interpretation Labeling_Syntax .
  lemma LCondRule:
    fixes IC CT defines "CT'  (''cond'', IC, []) # CT "
    assumes (* "V⟨(''vc'', IC, []),(''cond'', IC, []) # CT: p ⊆ {s. (s ∈ b ⟶ s ∈ w) ∧ (s ∉ b ⟶ s ∈ w')}⟩"
      and *) "b  C⟨Suc IC,(''the'', IC, []) # (''cond'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: valid t Q c1 "
      and "~b  C⟨Suc OC1,(''els'', Suc OC1, []) # (''cond'', IC, []) # CT,OC: valid t Q c2 "
    shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (if b then c1 else c2)"
    using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def)

  lemma LouterCondRule:
    fixes IC CT defines "CT'  (''cond2'', IC, []) # CT "
    assumes (* "V⟨(''vc'', IC, []),(''cond'', IC, []) # CT: p ⊆ {s. (s ∈ b ⟶ s ∈ w) ∧ (s ∉ b ⟶ s ∈ w')}⟩"
      and *) "b  C⟨Suc IC,(''the'', IC, []) # (''cond2'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: t  A "
      and "~b  C⟨Suc OC1,(''els'', Suc OC1, []) # (''cond2'', IC, []) # CT,OC: t  B "
    shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: t  (if b then A else B)"
    using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def)
lemma  "mm3 (E s) (if I s' then Some (E s') else None) = (if I s' ∧ (E s' ≤ E s) then Some (E s - E s') else None)"
  unfolding mm3_def by (cases "I s'") simp_all
lemma While:
  assumes  "I s0"  "(s. I s  b s  Some 0  lst (C s) (λs'. mm3 (E s) (if I s' then Some (E s') else None)))"
     "(s. progress (C s))"
     "(x. ¬ b x   I x   (E x)  (E s0)    Some (t + enat ((E s0) - E x))  Q x)"
   shows   "Some t  lst (whileIET I E b C s0) Q"
  apply(rule whileIET_rule'[THEN T_conseq4])
     subgoal using assms(2) by simp
    subgoal using assms(3) by simp
   subgoal using assms(1) by simp
  subgoal for x using assms(4) by (cases "I x") (auto simp: Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv' split: if_splits)    

definition "monadic_WHILE b f s  do {
  RECT (λD s. do { 
    bv  b s;
    if bv then do {
      s  f s;
      D s
    } else do {RETURNT s}
  }) s

lemma monadic_WHILE_mono: 
  assumes "x. bm x  bm' x"
    and "x t. nofailT (bm' x)  inresT (bm x) True t  c x  c' x"
  shows "(monadic_WHILE bm c x)  (monadic_WHILE bm' c' x)"
  unfolding monadic_WHILE_def apply(rule RECT_mono)
   subgoal by (refine_mono)  
  using assms by (auto intro!: bindT_mono)

lemma z: "inresT A x t  A  B  inresT B x t"
  by (meson fail_inresT pw_le_iff)

lemma monadic_WHILE_mono': 
    "x. bm x  bm' x"
    and "x t. nofailT (bm' x)  inresT (bm' x) True t  c x  c' x"
  shows " (monadic_WHILE bm c x)  (monadic_WHILE bm' c' x)"
  unfolding monadic_WHILE_def apply(rule RECT_mono)
  subgoal by(refine_mono)  
  apply(rule bindT_mono)
   apply fact
  using assms by (auto intro!: bindT_mono dest: z[OF _ assms(1)])

lemma monadic_WHILE_refine: 
    "(x, x')  R"
    "x x'. (x, x')  R  bm x  Id (bm' x')"
    and "x x' t. (x, x')  R  nofailT (bm' x')  inresT (bm' x') True t  c x  R (c' x')"
  shows "(monadic_WHILE bm c x)  R (monadic_WHILE bm' c' x')"
  unfolding monadic_WHILE_def apply(rule RECT_refine[OF _ assms(1)])
  subgoal by(refine_mono)
  apply(rule bindT_refine'[OF assms(2)])
   subgoal by auto
  by (auto intro!: assms(3) bindT_refine RETURNT_refine)

lemma monadic_WHILE_aux: "monadic_WHILE b f s = monadic_WHILEIT (λ_. True) b f s"
  unfolding monadic_WHILEIT_def monadic_WHILE_def 
  by simp

― ‹No proof›
lemma "lst (c x) Q = Some t  Some t  lst (c x) Q'"
  apply(rule T_conseq6) oops

lemma TbindT_I2: "tt   lst M (λy. lst (f y) Q)   tt  lst (M  f) Q"
  by (simp add: T_bindT)

lemma T_conseq7:
    "lst f Q'  tt"
    "x t'' M. f = SPECT M  M x  None  Q' x = Some t''  (Q x)  Some ( t'')" 
  shows "lst f Q  tt"
  using assms by (cases tt) (auto intro: T_conseq6)

lemma monadic_WHILE_ruleaaa'':
  assumes "monadic_WHILE bm c s = r"
  assumes IS[vcg_rules]: "s.  
   lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. if (s',s)R then I s' else None) else Q s)  I s"
    (*  "T (λx. T I (c x)) (SPECT (λx. if b x then I x else None)) ≥ Some 0" *)
  assumes wf: "wf R"
  shows "lst r Q  I s"
  using assms(1)
  unfolding monadic_WHILE_def
proof (induction rule: RECT_wf_induct[where R="R"])
  case 1  
  show ?case by fact
  case 2
  then show ?case by refine_mono
  case step: (3 x D r ) 
  note IH[vcg_rules] = step.IH[OF _ refl] 
  note step.hyps[symmetric, simp]   
  from step.prems
  show ?case 
    apply simp  
    apply (rule TbindT_I2)
    apply(rule T_conseq7)
     apply (rule IS) 
    apply simp    
    apply safe
       apply (rule TbindT_I)
       apply(rule T_conseq6[where Q'="(λs'. if (s', x)  R then I s' else None)"])
        subgoal by simp 
        by (auto split: if_splits dest: IH)
    subgoal by(simp add: T_RETURNT)

lemma monadic_WHILE_rule'':
  assumes "monadic_WHILE bm c s = r"
 assumes IS[vcg_rules]: "s t'. I s = Some t' 
             lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s)  (λs'. if (s',s)R then I s' else None)else Q s)  Some t'"
    (*  "T (λx. T I (c x)) (SPECT (λx. if b x then I x else None)) ≥ Some 0" *)
  assumes "I s = Some t"
  assumes wf: "wf R"
  shows "lst r Q  Some t"
  using assms(1,3)
  unfolding monadic_WHILE_def
proof (induction arbitrary: t rule: RECT_wf_induct[where R="R"])
  case 1  
  show ?case by fact
  case 2
  then show ?case by refine_mono
  case step: (3 x D r t') 
  note IH[vcg_rules] = step.IH[OF _ refl] 
  note step.hyps[symmetric, simp]   

  from step.prems
  show ?case 
    apply simp
    apply (rule TbindT_I)
    apply(rule T_conseq6)
     apply (rule IS) apply simp
    apply simp
    apply safe
      apply (rule TbindT_I)
      apply(rule T_conseq6[where Q'="(λs'. if (s', x)  R then I s' else None)"])
       subgoal by simp 
      by (auto split: if_splits intro: IH)
    subgoal by vcg'

lemma whileT_rule''':
  fixes I :: "'a  nat option"
  assumes "whileT b c s0 = r"
  assumes progress: "s. progress (c s)" 
  assumes IS[vcg_rules]: "s t t'. I s = Some t   b s   
           lst (c s) (λs'. mm3 t (I s') )  Some 0"
    (*  "T (λx. T I (c x)) (SPECT (λx. if b x then I x else None)) ≥ Some 0" *) 
  assumes [simp]: "I s0 = Some t0" 
    (*  assumes wf: "wf R" *)                         
  shows "lst r (λx. if b x then None else mm3 t0 (I x))  Some 0"  
  apply(rule T_conseq4)
   apply(rule whileT_rule''[where I="λs. mm3 t0 (I s)"
        and R="measure (the_enat o the o I)", OF assms(1)])
      subgoal for s t'
        apply(cases "I s"; simp)
        subgoal for ti
          using IS[of s ti]  
          apply (cases "c s") apply(simp) 
          subgoal for M
            using progress[of s, THEN progressD, of M]
            ― ‹TODO: Cleanup›          
            apply(auto simp: T_pw mm3_Some_conv mii_alt mm2_def mm3_def split: option.splits if_splits)
                apply fastforce 
              by (metis enat_ord_simps(1) le_diff_iff le_less_trans option.distinct(1)) 
              by (metis diff_is_0_eq' leI less_option_Some option.simps(3) zero_enat_def) 
              by (smt Nat.add_diff_assoc enat_ile enat_ord_code(1) idiff_enat_enat leI le_add_diff_inverse2 nat_le_iff_add option.simps(3)) 
              using dual_order.trans by blast 
    by auto

fun Someplus where
  "Someplus None _ = None"
| "Someplus _ None = None"
| "Someplus (Some a) (Some b) = Some (a+b)"

lemma l: "~ (a::enat) < b  a  b" by auto

lemma kk: "ab  (b::enat) + (a -b) = a" 
  by (cases a; cases b) auto

lemma Tea: "Someplus A B = Some t  (a b. A = Some a  B = Some b  t = a + b)"
  by (cases A; cases B) auto

lemma TTT_Some_nofailT: "lst c Q = Some l  c  FAILT"
  unfolding lst_def mii_alt by auto 

lemma GRR: assumes "lst (SPECT Mf) Q = Some l"
  shows "Mf x = None  (Q x None  (Q x)  Mf x) "
proof - 
  from assms have "None  {mii Q (SPECT Mf) x |x. True}" 
  unfolding lst_def    
  unfolding Inf_option_def by (auto split: if_splits)   
  then have "None  (case Mf x of None  Some  
    | Some mt  case Q x of None  None 
      | Some rt  if rt < mt then None else Some (rt - mt))"
  unfolding mii_alt mm2_def
  by (auto)
  then show ?thesis by (auto split: option.splits if_splits)

lemma Someplus_None: "Someplus A B = None  (A = None  B = None)" 
  by (cases A; cases B) auto

lemma Somemm3: "A  B  mm3 A (Some B) = Some (A - B)" 
  unfolding mm3_def by auto

lemma neueWhile_rule: assumes "monadic_WHILE bm c s0 = r"
  and step: "s. I s  
    Some 0  lst  (bm s) (λb. if b
                   then lst (c s) (λs'. (if I s'  (E s'  E s) then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None))
                   else mm2 (Q s) (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) (Some (E s))))  )
  and progress: "s. progress (c s)"
 (* "mm3 (E s0) (if I s0 then Some (E s0) else None) = Some t" *)
 and I0: "I s0" 
shows "Some t  lst r Q"
proof -
  ― ‹TODO: Cleanup, will be work›
  show "Some t  lst r Q"
    apply (rule monadic_WHILE_rule''[where I="λs. Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) ((λe. if I e
                then Some (E e) else None) s))"  and R="measure (the_enat o the o (λe. if I e
                then Some (E e) else None))", simplified])
      apply fact
    subgoal for s t'
      apply(auto split: if_splits)
      apply(rule T_conseq4)
       apply(rule step)
       apply simp 
      apply auto
    proof (goal_cases)
      case (1 b t'')
      from 1(3) TTT_Some_nofailT obtain M where cs: "c s = SPECT M" by force
      { assume A: "x. M x = None"
        with A have "?case" unfolding cs lst_def mii_alt by simp
      { assume "x. M x  None"
        then obtain x where i: "M x  None" by blast

        let ?T = "lst (c s) (λs'. if I s'  E s'  E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None)"

        from GRR[OF 1(3)[unfolded cs], where x=x] 
         i have "(if I x  E x  E s then Some (enat (E s - E x)) else None)  None  M x  (if I x  E x  E s then Some (enat (E s - E x)) else None)"
          by simp
        then have pf: " I x" "E x  E s" "M x    Some (enat (E s - E x))  " by (auto split: if_splits)

        then have "M x < Some "  
          using enat_ord_code(4) le_less_trans less_option_Some by blast

        have "Some t'' = ?T" using 1(3) by simp
        also have oo: "?T    mm2 (Some (enat (E s - E x))) (M x)"
          unfolding lst_def apply(rule Inf_lower) apply (simp add: mii_alt cs) apply(rule exI[where x=x])
          using pf by simp
        also from i have o: " < Some "  unfolding mm2_def 
          apply auto  
          using fl by blast
        finally  have tni: "t'' < " by auto
        then have tt: "t' + t'' - t'' = t'" apply(cases t''; cases t') by auto  
      have ka: "x. mii (λs'. if I s'  E s'  E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None) (c s) x  Some t''" unfolding lst_def 
        using "1"(3) T_pw by fastforce

      { fix x assume nN: "M x  None"
        with progress[of s, unfolded cs progress_def] have strict: "Some 0 < M x" by auto
        from ka[of x] nN  have "E x  < E s" unfolding mii_alt cs progress_def mm2_def
          using strict less_le zero_enat_def by (fastforce simp: l split: if_splits)
      } note strict = this
      have ?case 
  ― ‹TODO: Cleanup›
        apply(rule T_conseq5[where Q'="(λs'. if I s'  E s'  E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None)"])
        using 1(3) apply(auto) [] using 1(2)
        apply (auto simp add: tt  Tea split: if_splits)
        subgoal apply(auto simp add: Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv')
          apply(rule strict) using cs by simp 
        subgoal by(simp add: Some_eq_mm3_Some_conv' Somemm3) 
    ultimately show ?case by blast
      case (2 x t'')
      then show ?case unfolding mm3_def mm2_def by (auto simp add: l kk split: if_splits option.splits)
      using I0 by simp

definition monadic_WHILEIE  where
  "monadic_WHILEIE I E bm c s = monadic_WHILE bm c s" 

definition "G b d = (if b then Some d else None)"
definition "H Qs t Es0 Es = mm2 Qs (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (Es0) (Some (Es))))"

lemma neueWhile_rule':
  fixes s0 :: 'a and I :: "'a  bool" and E :: "'a  nat"
  step: "(s. I s  Some 0  lst (bm s)  (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. if I s'  E s'  E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None)  else mm2 (Q s) (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) (Some (E s))))))"
 and  progress: "s. progress (c s)"
 and  i: "I s0"
shows "Some t  lst (monadic_WHILEIE I E bm c s0) Q"
  unfolding monadic_WHILEIE_def 
  apply(rule neueWhile_rule[OF refl]) by fact+

lemma neueWhile_rule'':
  fixes s0 :: 'a and I :: "'a  bool" and E :: "'a  nat"
  step: "(s. I s  Some 0  lst (bm s) (λb. if b then lst (c s) (λs'. G (I s'  E s'  E s) (enat (E s - E s'))) else H (Q s) t (E s0) (E s)))"
 and  progress: "s. progress (c s)"
 and  i: "I s0"
shows "Some t  lst (monadic_WHILEIE I E bm c s0) Q"
  unfolding monadic_WHILEIE_def apply(rule neueWhile_rule[OF refl, where I=I and E=E ])
     using assms unfolding G_def H_def by auto

lemma LmonWhileRule:
  fixes IC CT  
  assumes "V⟨(''precondition'', IC, []),(''monwhile'', IC, []) # CT: I s0"
    and "s. I s   C⟨Suc IC,(''invariant'', Suc IC, []) # (''monwhile'', IC, []) # CT,OC: valid 0 (λb. if b then lst (C s) (λs'. if I s'  E s'  E s then Some (enat (E s - E s')) else None) else mm2 (Q s) (Someplus (Some t) (mm3 (E s0) (Some (E s))))) (bm s)"
    and "s. V⟨(''progress'', IC, []),(''monwhile'', IC, []) # CT: progress (C s)"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (monadic_WHILEIE I E bm C s0)"  
  using assms(2,3,1) unfolding valid_def LABEL_simps  
  by (rule neueWhile_rule')

lemma LWhileRule:
  fixes IC CT  
  assumes "V⟨(''precondition'', IC, []),(''while'', IC, []) # CT: I s0"
    and "s. I s   b s   C⟨Suc IC,(''invariant'', Suc IC, []) # (''while'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: valid 0 (λs'. mm3 (E s) (if I s' then Some (E s') else None)) (C s)"
    and "s. V⟨(''progress'', IC, []),(''while'', IC, []) # CT: progress (C s)"
    and "x. ¬ b x   I x   (E x)  (E s0)  C⟨Suc OC1,(''postcondition'', IC, [])#(''while'', IC, []) # CT,OC: Some (t + enat ((E s0) - E x))  Q x" 
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (whileIET I E b C s0)"
  using assms unfolding valid_def LABEL_simps
  by (rule While)
lemma validD: "valid t Q M  Some t  lst M Q" by(simp add: valid_def)

lemma LABELs_to_concl:
  "C⟨IC, CT, OC: True  C⟨IC, CT, OC: P  P"
  "V⟨x, ct: True  V⟨x, ct: P  P"
  unfolding LABEL_simps .

lemma LASSERTRule:
  assumes "V⟨(''ASSERT'', IC, []),CT: Φ"
    "C⟨Suc IC, CT,OC: valid t Q (RETURNT ())"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (ASSERT Φ)"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def )   

lemma LbindTRule:
  assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t (λy. lst (f y) Q) m"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (bindT m f)"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by(simp add: T_bindT valid_def )

lemma LRETURNTRule:
  assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some t  Q x"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (RETURNT x)"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def T_RETURNT)  

lemma LSELECTRule:
  fixes IC CT defines "CT'  (''cond'', IC, []) # CT "
  assumes (* "V⟨(''vc'', IC, []),(''cond'', IC, []) # CT: p ⊆ {s. (s ∈ b ⟶ s ∈ w) ∧ (s ∉ b ⟶ s ∈ w')}⟩"
    and *) "x. P x  C⟨Suc IC,(''Some'', IC, []) # (''SELECT'', IC, []) # CT,OC1: valid (t+T) Q (RETURNT (Some x)) "
    and "x. ¬ P x  C⟨Suc OC1,(''None'', Suc OC1, []) # (''SELECT'', IC, []) # CT,OC: valid (t+T) Q (RETURNT None) "
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (SELECT P T)"
  using assms(2-) unfolding LABEL_simps by(auto intro: T_SELECT T_SPECT_I simp add: valid_def T_RETURNT) 

lemma LRESTembRule:
  assumes "x. P x  C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some (t + T x)  Q x"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (REST (emb' P T))"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def T_RESTemb) 

lemma LRESTsingleRule:
  assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some (t + t')  Q x"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q (REST [xt'])"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def T_pw mii_alt aux1)

lemma LTTTinRule:
  assumes "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q M"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: Some t  lst M Q"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by(simp add: valid_def)

lemma LfinaltimeRule:
  assumes "V⟨(''time'', IC, []), CT: t  t' " 
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t  Some t'"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by simp

lemma LfinalfuncRule:
  assumes "V⟨(''func'', IC, []), CT: False "
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t  None"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by simp

lemma LembRule:
  assumes "V⟨(''time'', IC, []), CT: t  T x "
    and "V⟨(''func'', IC, []), CT: P x "
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t  emb' P T x"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: emb'_def)  

lemma Lmm3Rule:
  assumes "V⟨(''time'', IC, []), CT: Va'  Va  t  enat (Va - Va') "
    and "V⟨(''func'', IC, []), CT: b "
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,IC: Some t  mm3 Va (if b then Some Va' else None) "
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: mm3_def)    

lemma LinjectRule:
  assumes "Some t  lst A Q  Some t  lst B Q"
      "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q A"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q B"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def)

lemma Linject2Rule:
  assumes "A = B"
      "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q A"
  shows "C⟨IC,CT,OC: valid t Q B"
  using assms unfolding LABEL_simps by (simp add: valid_def)

method labeled_VCG_init = ((rule T_specifies_I validD)+), rule Initial_Label
method labeled_VCG_step uses rules = (rule rules[symmetric, THEN Linject2Rule] 
        LTTTinRule LbindTRule 
        LembRule Lmm3Rule
        LRESTsingleRule LRESTembRule
        LfinaltimeRule LfinalfuncRule
        LmonWhileRule LWhileRule) | vcg_split_case
method labeled_VCG uses rules = labeled_VCG_init, repeat_all_new labeled_VCG_step rules: rules
method casified_VCG uses rules = labeled_VCG rules: rules, casify

subsection ‹Examples, labeled vcg›
― ‹Only examples, so not named›
― ‹No proof›
lemma "do { x  SELECT P T;
            (case x of None  RETURNT (1::nat) | Some t  RETURNT (2::nat))
        }  SPECT (emb Q T')"
  apply labeled_VCG   oops

  assumes "b" "c"
  shows "do { ASSERT b;
            ASSERT c;
            RETURNT 1 }  SPECT (emb (λx. x>(0::nat)) 1)"
proof (labeled_VCG, casify)
  case ASSERT then show ?case by fact
  case ASSERTa then show ?case by fact
  case func then show ?case by simp
  case time then show ?case by simp 

lemma "do {      
      (if b then RETURNT (1::nat) else RETURNT 2)
    }  SPECT (emb (λx. x>0) 1)"
proof (labeled_VCG, casify)
  case cond {
    case the {
      case time 
      then show ?case by simp  
      case func 
      then show ?case by simp   
    case els { (*
      case time 
      then show ?case by simp  
    next *)
      case func 
      then show ?case by simp   
qed simp

  assumes "b"
  shows "do {
      ASSERT b;
      (if b then RETURNT (1::nat) else RETURNT 2)
    }  SPECT (emb (λx. x>0) 1)"
proof (labeled_VCG, casify)
  case ASSERT then show ?case by fact 
  case cond {
    case the {
      case time 
      then show ?case by simp  
      case func 
      then show ?case by simp   
    case els { (*
    case time 
    then show ?case by simp  
  next *)
      case func 
      then show ?case by simp   
qed simp


(* TODO: move *)

lemma SPECT_ub': "TT'  SPECT (emb' M' T)  Id (SPECT (emb' M' T'))"
  unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: pw_le_iff le_funD order_trans refine_pw_simps)

lemma REST_single_rule[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t  lst (REST [xt']) Q  Some (t+t')  (Q x)"
  by (simp add: T_REST aux1)

subsection "progress solver"

method progress methods solver = 
  (rule asm_rl[of "progress _"], 
    (simp split: prod.splits | intro allI impI conjI | determ rule progress_rules 
      | rule disjI1; progress solver; fail | rule disjI2; progress solver; fail | solver)+) []
method progress' methods solver = 
  (rule asm_rl[of "progress _"], (vcg_split_case | intro allI impI conjI | determ rule progress_rules 
      | rule disjI1 disjI2; progress'solver | (solver;fail))+) []

  assumes "(s t. P s = Some t  s'. Some t  Q s'  (s, s')  R)"
  shows SPECT_refine: "SPECT P   R (SPECT Q)"
  have "P x   {Q a |a. (x, a)  R}" for x
  proof(cases "P x")
    case [simp]: (Some y)
    from assms[of x, OF Some] obtain s' where s': "Some y  Q s'" "(x, s')  R"
      by blast+
    show ?thesis
      by (rule order.trans[where b="Q s'"]) (auto intro: s' Sup_upper)
  qed auto
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto simp add: conc_fun_def le_fun_def)

subsection ‹more stuff involving mm3 and emb›

lemma Some_le_mm3_Some_conv[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t  mm3 t' (Some t'')  (t''  t'  t  enat (t' - t''))"
  by (simp add: mm3_def)

lemma embtimeI: "T  T'  emb P T  emb P T'" unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: le_fun_def split:  if_splits)

lemma not_cons_is_Nil_conv[simp]: "(y ys. l  y # ys)  l=[]" by (cases l) auto

lemma mm3_Some0_eq[simp]: "mm3 t (Some 0) = Some t"
  by (auto simp: mm3_def)

lemma ran_emb': "c  ran (emb' Q t)  (s'. Q s'  t s' = c)"
  by(auto simp: emb'_def ran_def)

lemma ran_emb_conv: "Ex Q   ran (emb Q t) = {t}"
  by (auto simp: ran_emb')

lemma in_ran_emb_special_case: "cran (emb Q t)  ct"
  apply (cases "Ex Q")
   subgoal by (auto simp: ran_emb_conv)
  subgoal by (auto simp: emb'_def)

lemma dom_emb'_eq[simp]: "dom (emb' Q f) = Collect Q"
  by(auto simp: emb'_def split: if_splits)

lemma emb_le_emb: "emb' P T  emb' P' T'  (x. P x  P' x   T x  T' x)"
  unfolding emb'_def by (auto simp: le_fun_def split: if_splits)

(* lemmas [vcg_rules] = T_RESTemb_iff[THEN iffD2] *)

subsection ‹VCG for monadic programs›

subsubsection ‹old›

declare mm3_Some_conv [vcg_simp_rules]

lemma SS[vcg_simp_rules]: "Some t = Some t'  t = t'" by simp
lemma SS': "(if b then Some t else None) = Some t'  (b  t = t')" by simp 

term "(case s of (a,b)  M a b)"
lemma case_T[vcg_rules]: "(a b. s = (a, b)  t  lst Q (M a b))  t   lst Q (case s of (a,b)  M a b)"
  by (simp add: split_def)

subsubsection ‹new setup›

named_theorems vcg_rules' 
lemma if_T[vcg_rules']: "(b  t  lst Ma Q)  (¬b  t  lst Mb Q)  t   lst (if b then Ma else Mb) Q"
   by (simp add: split_def)
lemma RETURNT_T_I[vcg_rules']: "t  Q x  t   lst (RETURNT x) Q"
   by (simp add: T_RETURNT)
declare T_SPECT_I [vcg_rules']
declare TbindT_I  [vcg_rules']
declare T_RESTemb [vcg_rules']
declare T_ASSERT_I [vcg_rules']
declare While[ vcg_rules']

named_theorems vcg_simps'

declare [vcg_simps']

declare neueWhile_rule'' [vcg_rules']

method vcg'_step methods solver uses rules = 
  (intro rules vcg_rules' | vcg_split_case | (progress simp;fail) | (solver; fail))

method vcg' methods solver uses rules = repeat_all_new vcg'_step solver rules: rules

declare T_SELECT [vcg_rules']

― ‹No proof›
lemma "c. do {  c  RETURNT None;
            (case_option (RETURNT (1::nat)) (λp. RETURNT (2::nat))) c 
      }  SPECT (emb (λx. x>(0::nat)) 1)"
  apply(rule T_specifies_I)
  apply(vcg'-)  unfolding 


subsection ‹setup for refine_vcg›

lemma If_refine[refine]: "b = b' 
  (b  b'  S1   R S1') 
  (¬ b  ¬ b'  S2   R S2')  (if b then S1 else S2)   R (if b' then S1' else S2')"
  by auto

lemma Case_option_refine[refine]: "(x,x') Soption_rel 
  (y y'. (y,y')S  S2 y    R (S2' y'))  S1   R S1'
   (case x of None  S1 | Some y  S2 y)   R (case x' of None  S1' | Some y'  S2' y')"
  by(auto split: option.split)

― ‹Check names›
lemma conc_fun_Id_refined[refine0]: "S. S   Id S" by simp                                          
lemma conc_fun_ASSERT_refine[refine0]: "Φ  (Φ  S   R S')  ASSERT Φ  (λ_. S)   R S'"
     by auto 
declare le_R_ASSERTI [refine0]

declare bindT_refine [refine]
declare WHILET_refine [refine]

― ‹Check name›
lemma SPECT_refine_vcg_cons[refine_vcg_cons]: "m  SPECT Φ  (x. Φ x  Ψ x)  m  SPECT Ψ"
  by (metis dual_order.trans le_funI nres_order_simps(2))  
