Theory HNF_Mod_Det_Algorithm

section ‹Formalization of an efficient Hermite normal form algorithm›

text ‹We formalize a version of the Hermite normal form algorithm based on reductions modulo
the determinant. This avoids the growth of the intermediate coefficients.›

subsection ‹Implementation of the algorithm using generic modulo operation›

text ‹Exception on generic modulo: currently in Hermite-reduce-above, ordinary div/mod is used,
  since that is our choice for the complete set of residues.›

theory HNF_Mod_Det_Algorithm

subsubsection ‹Echelon form algorithm›

fun make_first_column_positive :: "int mat  int mat" where
  "make_first_column_positive A = (
       Matrix.mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) ― ‹ Create a matrix of the same dimensions ›
          (λ(i,j). if A $$(i,0) < 0 then - A $$(i,j) else A $$(i,j)

locale mod_operation =
  fixes generic_mod :: "int  int  int" (infixl "gmod" 70)
    and generic_div :: "int  int  int" (infixl "gdiv" 70)

text ‹Version for reducing all elements›

fun reduce :: "nat  nat  int  int mat  int mat" where
  "reduce a b D A = (let Aaj = A$$(a,0); Abj = A $$ (b,0)     
  if Aaj = 0 then A else
  case euclid_ext2 Aaj Abj of (p,q,u,v,d)  ― ‹ p*Aaj + q * Abj = d, u = - Abj/d, v = Aaj/d ›
       Matrix.mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) ― ‹ Create a matrix of the same dimensions ›
          (λ(i,k). if i = a then let r = (p*A$$(a,k) + q*A$$(b,k)) in
                              if k = 0 then if D dvd r then D else r else r gmod D ― ‹ Row a is multiplied by p and added row b multiplied by q, modulo D›
                   else if i = b then let r = u * A$$(a,k) + v * A$$(b,k) in
                               if k = 0 then r else r gmod D ― ‹ Row b is multiplied by v and added row a multiplied by u, modulo D›
                   else A$$(i,k)  ― ‹ All the other rows remain unchanged›

text ‹Version for reducing, with abs-checking›

fun reduce_abs :: "nat  nat  int  int mat  int mat" where
  "reduce_abs a b D A = (let Aaj = A$$(a,0); Abj = A $$ (b,0)     
  if Aaj = 0 then A else
  case euclid_ext2 Aaj Abj of (p,q,u,v,d)  ― ‹ p*Aaj + q * Abj = d, u = - Abj/d, v = Aaj/d ›
       Matrix.mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A) ― ‹ Create a matrix of the same dimensions ›
          (λ(i,k). if i = a then let r = (p*A$$(a,k) + q*A$$(b,k)) in
                            if abs r > D then if k = 0  D dvd r then D else r gmod D else r 
                   else if i = b then let r = u * A$$(a,k) + v * A$$(b,k) in
                              if abs r > D then r gmod D else r
                   else A$$(i,k)  ― ‹ All the other rows remain unchanged›

definition reduce_impl :: "nat  nat  int  int mat  int mat" where
  "reduce_impl a b D A = (let 
    row_a = Matrix.row A a; 
    Aaj = row_a $v 0     
  if Aaj = 0 then A else let 
    row_b = Matrix.row A b;
    Abj = row_b $v 0 in
  case euclid_ext2 Aaj Abj of (p,q,u,v,d)  
    let row_a' = (λ k ak. let r = (p * ak + q * row_b $v k) in
              if k = 0 then if D dvd r then D else r else r gmod D);
        row_b' = (λ k bk. let r = u * row_a $v k + v * bk in
                               if k = 0 then r else r gmod D)
     in change_row a row_a' (change_row b row_b' A)

definition reduce_abs_impl :: "nat  nat  int  int mat  int mat" where
  "reduce_abs_impl a b D A = (let 
    row_a = Matrix.row A a; 
    Aaj = row_a $v 0     
  if Aaj = 0 then A else let 
    row_b = Matrix.row A b;
    Abj = row_b $v 0 in
  case euclid_ext2 Aaj Abj of (p,q,u,v,d)  
    let row_a' = (λ k ak. let r = (p * ak + q * row_b $v k) in
              if abs r > D then if k = 0  D dvd r then D else r gmod D else r);
        row_b' = (λ k bk. let r = u * row_a $v k + v * bk in
                                if abs r > D then r gmod D else r)
     in change_row a row_a' (change_row b row_b' A)

lemma reduce_impl: "a < nr  b < nr  0 < nc  a  b  A  carrier_mat nr nc
   reduce_impl a b D A = reduce a b D A" 
  unfolding reduce_impl_def reduce.simps Let_def
  apply (intro if_cong[OF _ refl], force)
  apply (intro prod.case_cong refl, force)
  apply (intro eq_matI, auto)

lemma reduce_abs_impl: "a < nr  b < nr  0 < nc  a  b  A  carrier_mat nr nc
   reduce_abs_impl a b D A = reduce_abs a b D A" 
  unfolding reduce_abs_impl_def reduce_abs.simps Let_def
  apply (intro if_cong[OF _ refl], force)
  apply (intro prod.case_cong refl, force)
  apply (intro eq_matI, auto)

(* This functions reduce the elements below the position (a,0), given a list of positions 
   of non-zero positions as input*)
fun reduce_below :: "nat  nat list  int  int mat  int mat"
where "reduce_below a [] D A = A"
  | "reduce_below a (x # xs) D A = reduce_below a xs D (reduce a x D A)"

fun reduce_below_impl :: "nat  nat list  int  int mat  int mat"
where "reduce_below_impl a [] D A = A"
  | "reduce_below_impl a (x # xs) D A = reduce_below_impl a xs D (reduce_impl a x D A)"

lemma reduce_impl_carrier[simp,intro]: "A  carrier_mat m n  reduce_impl a b D A  carrier_mat m n" 
  unfolding reduce_impl_def Let_def by (auto split: prod.splits)

lemma reduce_below_impl: "a < nr  0 < nc  ( b. b  set bs  b < nr)  a  set bs 
   A  carrier_mat nr nc  reduce_below_impl a bs D A = reduce_below a bs D A" 
proof (induct bs arbitrary: A)
  case (Cons b bs A)
  show ?case by (simp del: reduce.simps, 
      subst reduce_impl[of _ nr _ nc], 
      (insert Cons, auto simp del: reduce.simps)[5],
      rule Cons(1), insert Cons(2-), auto simp: Let_def split: prod.splits)
qed simp

fun reduce_below_abs :: "nat  nat list  int  int mat  int mat"
where "reduce_below_abs a [] D A = A"
  | "reduce_below_abs a (x # xs) D A = reduce_below_abs a xs D (reduce_abs a x D A)"

fun reduce_below_abs_impl :: "nat  nat list  int  int mat  int mat"
where "reduce_below_abs_impl a [] D A = A"
  | "reduce_below_abs_impl a (x # xs) D A = reduce_below_abs_impl a xs D (reduce_abs_impl a x D A)"

lemma reduce_abs_impl_carrier[simp,intro]: "A  carrier_mat m n  reduce_abs_impl a b D A  carrier_mat m n" 
  unfolding reduce_abs_impl_def Let_def by (auto split: prod.splits)

lemma reduce_abs_below_impl: "a < nr  0 < nc  ( b. b  set bs  b < nr)  a  set bs 
   A  carrier_mat nr nc  reduce_below_abs_impl a bs D A = reduce_below_abs a bs D A" 
proof (induct bs arbitrary: A)
  case (Cons b bs A)
  show ?case by (simp del: reduce_abs.simps, 
      subst reduce_abs_impl[of _ nr _ nc], 
      (insert Cons, auto simp del: reduce_abs.simps)[5],
      rule Cons(1), insert Cons(2-), auto simp: Let_def split: prod.splits)
qed simp

text ‹This function outputs a matrix in echelon form via reductions modulo the determinant›

function FindPreHNF :: "bool  int  int mat  int mat"
  where "FindPreHNF abs_flag D A = 
  (let m = dim_row A; n = dim_col A in 
  if m < 2  n = 0 then A else ― ‹ No operations are carried out if m = 1 ›
  let non_zero_positions = filter (λi. A $$ (i,0)  0) [1..<dim_row A];
         A' = (if A$$(0,0)  0 then A
              else let i = non_zero_positions ! 0  ― ‹ Select the first non-zero position below the first element›
                   in swaprows 0 i A  
        Reduce = (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs else reduce_below)
      if n < 2 then Reduce 0 non_zero_positions D A'  ― ‹ If n = 1, then we have to reduce the column ›   
        (A_UL,A_UR,A_DL,A_DR) = split_block (Reduce 0 non_zero_positions D (make_first_column_positive A')) 1 1; 
        sub_PreHNF = FindPreHNF abs_flag D A_DR in       
        four_block_mat A_UL A_UR A_DL sub_PreHNF)"                 
  by pat_completeness auto 

proof (relation "Wellfounded.measure (λ(abs_flag,D,A). dim_col A)")
  show "wf (Wellfounded.measure (λ(abs_flag,D, A). dim_col A))" by auto
  fix abs_flag D A m n nz A' R xd A'_UL y A'_UR ya A'_DL A'_DR
  assume m: "m = dim_row A" and n:"n = dim_col A"
    and m2: "¬ (m < 2  n = 0)" and nz_def: "nz = filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A] "
    and A'_def: "A' = (if A $$ (0, 0)  0 then A else let i = nz ! 0 in swaprows 0 i A)"
    and R_def: "R = (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs else reduce_below)"
    and n2: "¬ n < 2" and "xd = split_block (R 0 nz D (make_first_column_positive A')) 1 1"
    and "(A'_UL, y) = xd" and "(A'_UR, ya) = y" and "(A'_DL, A'_DR) = ya" 
  hence A'_split: "(A'_UL, A'_UR, A'_DL, A'_DR) 
        = split_block (R 0 nz D (make_first_column_positive A')) 1 1" by force
  have dr_mk1: "dim_row (make_first_column_positive A) = dim_row A" for A by auto
  have dr_mk2: "dim_col (make_first_column_positive A) = dim_col A" for A by auto  
  have r1: "reduce_below a xs D A  carrier_mat m n" if "A  carrier_mat m n" for A a xs
    using that by (induct a xs D A rule: reduce_below.induct, auto simp add: Let_def euclid_ext2_def) 
  hence R: "(reduce_below 0 nz D (make_first_column_positive A'))  carrier_mat m n"
    using A'_def m n 
    by (metis carrier_matI index_mat_swaprows(2,3) dr_mk1 dr_mk2)
  have "reduce_below_abs a xs D A  carrier_mat m n" if "A  carrier_mat m n" for A a xs
    using that by (induct a xs D A rule: reduce_below_abs.induct, auto simp add: Let_def euclid_ext2_def) 
  hence R2: "(reduce_below_abs 0 nz D (make_first_column_positive A'))  carrier_mat m n"
    using A'_def m n 
    by (metis carrier_matI index_mat_swaprows(2,3) dr_mk1 dr_mk2)
  have "A'_DR  carrier_mat (m-1) (n-1)"
    by (cases abs_flag; rule split_block(4)[OF A'_split[symmetric]],insert m2 n2 m n R_def R R2, auto)
  thus "((abs_flag, D, A'_DR),abs_flag, D, A)  Wellfounded.measure (λ(abs_flag,D, A). dim_col A)" using n2 m2 n m by auto

lemma FindPreHNF_code: "FindPreHNF abs_flag D A = 
  (let m = dim_row A; n = dim_col A in 
  if m < 2  n = 0 then A else 
  let non_zero_positions = filter (λi. A $$ (i,0)  0) [1..<dim_row A];
         A' = (if A$$(0,0)  0 then A
              else let i = non_zero_positions ! 0 in swaprows 0 i A  
         Reduce_impl = (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs_impl else reduce_below_impl)
      if n < 2 then Reduce_impl 0 non_zero_positions D A'   
        (A_UL,A_UR,A_DL,A_DR) = split_block (Reduce_impl 0 non_zero_positions D (make_first_column_positive A')) 1 1; 
        sub_PreHNF = FindPreHNF abs_flag D A_DR in       
        four_block_mat A_UL A_UR A_DL sub_PreHNF)"  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof -
  let ?f = "λR. (if dim_row A < 2  dim_col A = 0 then A else if dim_col A < 2
          then R 0 (filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A]) D
  (if A $$ (0, 0)  0 then A else swaprows 0 (filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A] ! 0) A)
  else case split_block (R 0 (filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A]) D
    (make_first_column_positive (if A $$ (0, 0)  0 then A else 
      swaprows 0 (filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A] ! 0) A))) 1 1 of
  (A_UL, A_UR, A_DL, A_DR)  four_block_mat A_UL A_UR A_DL (FindPreHNF abs_flag D A_DR))"
  have M_carrier: "make_first_column_positive (if A $$ (0, 0)  0 then A 
    else swaprows 0 (filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A] ! 0) A) 
     carrier_mat (dim_row A) (dim_col A)"
    by (smt (verit) index_mat_swaprows(2) index_mat_swaprows(3) make_first_column_positive.simps mat_carrier)
  have *: "0  set (filter (λi. A $$ (i, 0)  0) [1..<dim_row A])" by simp
  have "?lhs = ?f (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs else reduce_below)"
    unfolding FindPreHNF.simps[of abs_flag D A] Let_def by presburger
  also have "... = ?rhs"
  proof (cases abs_flag)
    case True
    have "?f (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs else reduce_below) = ?f reduce_below_abs" 
      using True by presburger
    also have "... = ?f reduce_below_abs_impl" 
      by ((intro if_cong refl prod.case_cong arg_cong[of _ _ "λ x. split_block x 1 1"];
       (subst reduce_abs_below_impl[where nr = "dim_row A" and nc = "dim_col A"])), (auto)[9])
       (insert M_carrier *, blast+)
    also have "... = ?f (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs_impl else reduce_below_impl)" 
      using True by presburger
    finally show ?thesis using True unfolding FindPreHNF.simps[of abs_flag D A] Let_def by blast
    case False
    have "?f (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs else reduce_below) = ?f reduce_below" 
      using False by presburger
    also have "... = ?f reduce_below_impl" 
      by ((intro if_cong refl prod.case_cong arg_cong[of _ _ "λ x. split_block x 1 1"];
       (subst reduce_below_impl[where nr = "dim_row A" and nc = "dim_col A"])), (auto)[9])
       (insert M_carrier *, blast+)
    also have "... = ?f (if abs_flag then reduce_below_abs_impl else reduce_below_impl)" 
      using False by presburger
    finally show ?thesis using False unfolding FindPreHNF.simps[of abs_flag D A] Let_def by blast
  finally show ?thesis by blast

declare mod_operation.FindPreHNF_code[code]
declare mod_operation.reduce_below_impl.simps[code]
declare mod_operation.reduce_impl_def[code]
declare mod_operation.reduce_below_abs_impl.simps[code]
declare mod_operation.reduce_abs_impl_def[code]

subsubsection ‹From echelon form to Hermite normal form›

text ‹From here on, we define functions to transform a matrix in echelon form into its Hermite
normal form. Essentially, we are defining the functions that are available in the AFP entry Hermite
(which uses HOL Analysis + mod-type) in the JNF matrix representation.›

(*Find the first nonzero element of row l (A is upper triangular)*)
definition find_fst_non0_in_row :: "nat  int mat  nat option" where
  "find_fst_non0_in_row l A = (let is = [l ..< dim_col A];
    Ais = filter (λj. A $$ (l, j)  0) is
    in case Ais of []  None | _  Some (Ais!0))"

primrec Hermite_reduce_above
where "Hermite_reduce_above (A::int mat) 0 i j = A"
    | "Hermite_reduce_above A (Suc n) i j = (let
    Aij = A $$ (i,j);
    Anj = A $$ (n,j)
    Hermite_reduce_above (addrow (- (Anj div Aij)) n i A) n i j)"

definition Hermite_of_row_i :: "int mat  nat  int mat" 
  where "Hermite_of_row_i A i = (
  case find_fst_non0_in_row i A of None  A | Some j  
    let Aij = A $$(i,j) in
    if Aij < 0 then Hermite_reduce_above (multrow i (-1) A) i i j
    else Hermite_reduce_above A i i j)"

primrec Hermite_of_list_of_rows 
 "Hermite_of_list_of_rows A [] = A" | 
 "Hermite_of_list_of_rows A (a#xs) = Hermite_of_list_of_rows (Hermite_of_row_i A a) xs"

text ‹We combine the previous functions to assemble the algorithm›

definition (in mod_operation) "Hermite_mod_det abs_flag A = 
  (let m = dim_row A; n = dim_col A; 
   D = abs(det_int A); 
   A' = A @r D m 1m n;
   E = FindPreHNF abs_flag D A';
   H = Hermite_of_list_of_rows E [0..<m+n]
  in mat_of_rows n (map (Matrix.row H) [0..<m]))"

subsubsection ‹Some examples of execution›

declare mod_operation.Hermite_mod_det_def[code]

value "let B = mat_of_rows_list 4 ([[0,3,1,4],[7,1,0,0],[8,0,19,16],[2,0,0,3::int]]) in
  show (mod_operation.Hermite_mod_det (mod) True B)"

sage: import sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense_hnf as matrix_integer_dense_hnf
sage: A = matrix(ZZ, [[0,3,1,4],[7,1,0,0],[8,0,19,16],[2,0,0,3]])
sage: A
[ 0  3  1  4]
[ 7  1  0  0]
[ 8  0 19 16]
[ 2  0  0  3]
sage:  H, U = matrix_integer_dense_hnf.hnf_with_transformation(A); H
[   1    0    0  672]
[   0    1    0  660]
[   0    0    1  706]
[   0    0    0 1341]

value "let B = mat_of_rows_list 7 ([
[  1,  17, -41,  -1,   1,   0,  0],
[  0,  -1,   2,   0,  -6,   2,   1],
[  9,   2,   1,   1,  -2,   2,  -5],
[ -1,  -3,  -1,   0,  -9,   0,   0],
[  9,  -1,  -9,   0,   0,   0,   1],
[  1,  -1,   1,   0,   1,  -8,   0],
[  1,  -1,   0,  -2,  -1,  -1,   0::int]]) in 
  show (mod_operation.Hermite_mod_det (mod) True B)"

sage: import sage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense_hnf as matrix_integer_dense_hnf
sage: A = random_matrix(ZZ,7,7); A
[  1  17 -41  -1   1   0   0]
[  0  -1   2   0  -6   2   1]
[  9   2   1   1  -2   2  -5]
[ -1  -3  -1   0  -9   0   0]
[  9  -1  -9   0   0   0   1]
[  1  -1   1   0   1  -8   0]
[  1  -1   0  -2  -1  -1   0]
sage: H, U = matrix_integer_dense_hnf.hnf_with_transformation(A); H
[     1      0      0      0      0      1 191934]
[     0      1      0      0      0      0 435767]
[     0      0      1      0      0      1 331950]
[     0      0      0      1      0      0 185641]
[     0      0      0      0      1      0  38022]
[     0      0      0      0      0      2 477471]
[     0      0      0      0      0      0 565304]
