Theory MiniML

(* Title:     MiniML/MiniML.thy
   Author:    Dieter Nazareth, Wolfgang Naraschewski and Tobias Nipkow
   Copyright  1996 TU Muenchen

section "MiniML with type inference rules"

theory MiniML
imports Generalize

― ‹expressions›
  expr = Var nat | Abs expr | App expr expr | LET expr expr

― ‹type inference rules›
  has_type :: "[ctxt, expr, typ] => bool"
                  ("((_) / (_) :: (_))" [60,0,60] 60)
  VarI: "[| n < length A; t <| A!n |] ==> A  Var n :: t"
| AbsI: "[| (mk_scheme t1)#A  e :: t2 |] ==> A  Abs e :: t1 -> t2"
| AppI: "[| A  e1 :: t2 -> t1; A  e2 :: t2 |] 
         ==> A  App e1 e2 :: t1"
| LETI: "[| A  e1 :: t1; (gen A t1)#A  e2 :: t |] ==> A  LET e1 e2 :: t"

declare has_type.intros [simp]
declare Un_upper1 [simp] Un_upper2 [simp]
declare is_bound_typ_instance_closed_subst [simp]

lemma s'_t_equals_s_t[simp]: 
  "t::typ. $(λn. if n : (free_tv A) Un (free_tv t) then (S n) else (TVar n)) t = $S t"
apply (rule typ_substitutions_only_on_free_variables)
apply (simp add: Ball_def)

lemma s'_a_equals_s_a [simp]: 
  "A::type_scheme list. $(λn. if n : (free_tv A) Un (free_tv t) then (S n) else (TVar n)) A = $S A"
apply (rule scheme_list_substitutions_only_on_free_variables)
apply (simp add: Ball_def)

lemma replace_s_by_s': 
 "$(λn. if n : (free_tv A) Un (free_tv t) then S n else TVar n) A   
     e :: $(λn. if n : (free_tv A) Un (free_tv t) then S n else TVar n) t  
   $S A  e :: $S t"
apply (rule_tac P = "λA. A  e :: $S t" in ssubst)
apply (rule s'_a_equals_s_a [symmetric])
apply (rule_tac P = "λt. $ (λn. if n : free_tv A Un free_tv (t2 S) then S n else TVar n) A  e :: t" for t2 in ssubst)
apply (rule s'_t_equals_s_t [symmetric])
apply simp

lemma alpha_A': 
  "A::type_scheme list. $ (λx. TVar (if x : free_tv A then x else n + x)) A = $ id_subst A"
apply (rule scheme_list_substitutions_only_on_free_variables)
apply (simp add: id_subst_def)

lemma alpha_A: 
  "A::type_scheme list. $ (λx. TVar (if x : free_tv A then x else n + x)) A = A"
apply (rule alpha_A' [THEN ssubst])
apply simp

lemma S_o_alpha_typ: 
  "$ (S  alpha) (t::typ) = $ S ($ (λx. TVar (alpha x)) t)"
apply (induct_tac "t")
apply (simp_all)

lemma S_o_alpha_typ': 
  "$ (λu. (S  alpha) u) (t::typ) = $ S ($ (λx. TVar (alpha x)) t)"
apply (induct_tac "t")
apply (simp_all)

lemma S_o_alpha_type_scheme: 
  "$ (S  alpha) (sch::type_scheme) = $ S ($ (λx. TVar (alpha x)) sch)"
apply (induct_tac "sch")
apply (simp_all)

lemma S_o_alpha_type_scheme_list: 
  "$ (S  alpha) (A::type_scheme list) = $ S ($ (λx. TVar (alpha x)) A)"
apply (induct_tac "A")
apply (simp_all) 
apply (rule S_o_alpha_type_scheme [unfolded o_def])

lemma S'_A_eq_S'_alpha_A: "A::type_scheme list.  
      $ (λn. if n : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S n else TVar n) A =  
      $ ((λx. if x : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S x else TVar x)   
         (λx. if x : free_tv A then x else n + x)) A"
apply (subst S_o_alpha_type_scheme_list)
apply (subst alpha_A)
apply (rule refl)

lemma dom_S': 
 "dom (λn. if n : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S n else TVar n)   
  free_tv A Un free_tv t"
apply (unfold free_tv_subst dom_def)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply fast

lemma cod_S': 
  "(A::type_scheme list) (t::typ).   
   cod (λn. if n : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S n else TVar n)   
   free_tv ($ S A) Un free_tv ($ S t)"
apply (unfold free_tv_subst cod_def subset_eq)
apply (rule ballI)
apply (erule UN_E)
apply (drule dom_S' [THEN subsetD])
apply simp
apply (fast dest: free_tv_of_substitutions_extend_to_scheme_lists intro: free_tv_of_substitutions_extend_to_types [THEN subsetD])

lemma free_tv_S': 
 "(A::type_scheme list) (t::typ).  
  free_tv (λn. if n : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S n else TVar n)   
  free_tv A Un free_tv ($ S A) Un free_tv t Un free_tv ($ S t)"
apply (unfold free_tv_subst)
apply (fast dest: dom_S' [THEN subsetD] cod_S' [THEN subsetD])

lemma free_tv_alpha: "t1::typ.  
      (free_tv ($ (λx. TVar (if x : free_tv A then x else n + x)) t1) - free_tv A)   
          {x. y. x = n + y}"
apply (induct_tac "t1")
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply fast
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply fast

lemma new_tv_Int_free_tv_empty_type: "t::typ. new_tv n t  {x. y. x = n + y}  free_tv t = {}"
apply safe
apply (cut_tac le_add1)
apply (drule new_tv_le)
apply assumption
apply (rotate_tac 1)
apply (drule new_tv_not_free_tv)
apply fast

lemma new_tv_Int_free_tv_empty_scheme:
  "sch::type_scheme. new_tv n sch  {x. y. x = n + y}  free_tv sch = {}"
apply safe
apply (cut_tac le_add1)
apply (drule new_tv_le)
apply assumption
apply (rotate_tac 1)
apply (drule new_tv_not_free_tv)
apply fast

lemma new_tv_Int_free_tv_empty_scheme_list:
  "A::type_scheme list. new_tv n A  {x. y. x = n + y}  free_tv A = {}"
apply (rule allI)
apply (induct_tac "A")
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (fast dest: new_tv_Int_free_tv_empty_scheme)

lemma gen_t_le_gen_alpha_t [rule_format (no_asm)]: 
   "new_tv n A  gen A t  gen A ($ (λx. TVar (if x : free_tv A then x else n + x)) t)"
apply (unfold le_type_scheme_def is_bound_typ_instance)
apply (intro strip)
apply (erule exE)
apply (hypsubst)
apply (rule_tac x = " (λx. S (if n  x then x - n else x))" in exI)
apply (induct_tac t)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (rename_tac nat)
apply (case_tac "nat : free_tv A")
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
apply (subgoal_tac "n  n + nat")
apply (drule new_tv_le)
apply assumption
apply (drule new_tv_not_free_tv)
apply (drule new_tv_not_free_tv)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: diff_add_inverse)
apply (simp (no_asm))
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))

declare has_type.intros [intro!]

lemma has_type_le_env [rule_format (no_asm)]: "A  e::t  B. A  B  B  e::t"
apply (erule has_type.induct)
   apply (simp (no_asm) add: le_env_def)
   apply (fastforce elim: bound_typ_instance_trans)
  apply simp
 apply fast
apply (slow elim: le_env_free_tv [THEN free_tv_subset_gen_le])

― ‹@{text has_type} is closed w.r.t. substitution›
lemma has_type_cl_sub: "A  e :: t  S. $S A  e :: $S t"
apply (erule has_type.induct)
(* case VarI *)
   apply (rule allI)
   apply (rule has_type.VarI)
    apply (simp add: app_subst_list)
   apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: app_subst_list)
  (* case AbsI *)
  apply (rule allI)
  apply (simp (no_asm))
  apply (rule has_type.AbsI)
  apply simp
 (* case AppI *)
 apply (rule allI)
 apply (rule has_type.AppI)
  apply simp
  apply (erule spec)
 apply (erule spec)
(* case LetI *)
apply (rule allI)
apply (rule replace_s_by_s')
apply (cut_tac A = "$ S A" and A' = "A" and t = "t" and t' = "$ S t" in ex_fresh_variable)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule conjE)+ 
apply (rule_tac ?t1.0 = "$ ((λx. if x : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S x else TVar x)  (λx. if x : free_tv A then x else n + x)) t1" in has_type.LETI)
 apply (drule_tac x = " (λx. if x : free_tv A Un free_tv t then S x else TVar x)  (λx. if x : free_tv A then x else n + x) " in spec)
 apply (subst S'_A_eq_S'_alpha_A)
 apply assumption
apply (subst S_o_alpha_typ)
apply (subst gen_subst_commutes)
 apply (rule subset_antisym)
  apply (rule subsetI)
  apply (erule IntE)
  apply (drule free_tv_S' [THEN subsetD])
  apply (drule free_tv_alpha [THEN subsetD])
  apply (simp)
  apply (erule exE)
  apply (hypsubst)
  apply (subgoal_tac "new_tv (n + y) ($ S A) ")
   apply (subgoal_tac "new_tv (n + y) ($ S t) ")
    apply (subgoal_tac "new_tv (n + y) A")
     apply (subgoal_tac "new_tv (n + y) t")
      apply (drule new_tv_not_free_tv)+
      apply fast
     apply (rule new_tv_le) prefer 2 apply assumption apply simp
    apply (rule new_tv_le) prefer 2 apply assumption apply simp
   apply (rule new_tv_le) prefer 2 apply assumption apply simp
  apply (rule new_tv_le) prefer 2 apply assumption apply simp
 apply fast
apply (rule has_type_le_env)
 apply (drule spec)
 apply (drule spec)
 apply assumption
apply (rule app_subst_Cons [THEN subst])
apply (rule S_compatible_le_scheme_lists)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp))
