Theory E_Unification_Examples

✐‹creator "Kevin Kappelmann"›
section ‹E-Unification Examples›
theory E_Unification_Examples

paragraph ‹Summary›
text ‹Sample applications of e-unifiers, methods, etc. introduced in this session.›


subsection ‹Using The Simplifier For Unification.›

inductive_set even :: "nat set" where
zero: "0  even" |
step: "n  even  Suc (Suc n)  even"

text ‹Premises of the form @{term "SIMPS_TO_UNIF lhs rhs"} are solved by
@{ML_structure Simplifier_Unification}. It first normalises @{term lhs} and then unifies the
normalisation with @{term rhs}. See also @{theory ML_Unification.ML_Unification_HOL_Setup}.›

lemma [uhint where prio = Prio.LOW]: "n  0  PROP SIMPS_TO_UNIF (n - 1) m  n  Suc m"
  unfolding SIMPS_TO_UNIF_eq by linarith

text ‹By default, below unification methods use
@{ML Standard_Mixed_Unification.first_higherp_decomp_comb_higher_unify}, which is a combination of
various practical unification algorithms.›

schematic_goal "(x. x + 4 = n)  Suc ?x = n"
  by uassm

lemma "6  even"
  apply (urule step)
  apply (urule step)
  apply (urule step)
  apply (urule zero)

lemma "(220 + (80 - 2 * 2))  even"
  apply (urule step)
  apply (urule (rr) step)
  apply (urule zero)

  assumes "[a,b,c] = [c,b,a]"
  shows "[a] @ [b,c] = [c,b,a]"
  using assms by uassm

lemma "x  ({z, y, x}  S)  {x}"
  by (ufact TrueI)

schematic_goal "(x + (y :: nat))^2  x^2 + 2*x*y + y^2 + 4 * y + x - y"
  supply power2_sum[simp]
  by (ufact TrueI)

  assumes "s. P (Suc (Suc 0)) (s(x := (1 :: nat), x := 1 + 1 * 4 - 3))"
  shows "P 2 (s(x := 2))"
  by (ufact assms)

subsection ‹Providing Canonical Solutions With Unification Hints›

lemma sub_self_eq_zero [uhint]: "(n :: nat) - n  0" by simp

schematic_goal "n - ?m = (0 :: nat)"
  by (ufact refl)

text ‹The following example shows a non-trivial interplay of the simplifier and unification hints:
Using just unification, the hint @{thm sub_self_eq_zero} is not applicable in the following example
since @{term 0} cannot be unified with @{term "length []"}.
However, the simplifier can rewrite @{term "length []"} to @{term 0} and the hint can then be applied.›

(*uncomment to see the trace*)
(* declare [[ML_map_context ‹Logger.set_log_levels Logger.root Logger.TRACE›]] *)

schematic_goal "n - ?m = length []"
  by (ufact refl)

text ‹There are also two ways to solve this using only unification hints:
 We allow the recursive use of unification hints when unifying @{thm sub_self_eq_zero} and our goal
and register @{term "length [] = 0"} as an additional hint.
 We use an alternative for @{thm sub_self_eq_zero} that makes the recursive use of unification
hints explicit and register @{term "length [] = 0"} as an additional hint.›

lemma length_nil_eq [uhint]: "length [] = 0" by simp

text ‹Solution 1: we can use @{attribute rec_uhint} for recursive usages of hints.
Warning: recursive hint applications easily loop.›

schematic_goal "n - ?m = length []"
  supply [[ucombine del = (Standard_Unification_Combine.default_metadata binding‹simp_unif›)]]
  (*doesn't work*)
  ― ‹by (ufact refl)›
  supply sub_self_eq_zero[uhint del, rec_uhint]
  by (ufact refl)

text ‹Solution 2: make the recursion explicit in the hint.›

lemma [uhint]: "k  0  (n :: nat)  m  n - m  k" by simp

schematic_goal "n - ?m = length []"
  supply [[ucombine del = (Standard_Unification_Combine.default_metadata binding‹simp_unif›)]]
  by (ufact refl)

subsection ‹Strenghten Unification With Unification Hints›

  assumes [uhint]: "n = m"
  shows "n - m = (0 :: nat)"
  by (ufact refl)

  assumes "x = y"
  shows "y = x"
  supply eq_commute[uhint]
  by (ufact assms)

paragraph ‹Unfolding definitions.›

definition "mysuc n = Suc n"

  assumes "m. Suc n > mysuc m"
  shows "mysuc n > Suc 3"
  supply mysuc_def[uhint]
  by (ufact assms)

paragraph ‹Discharging meta impliciations with object-level implications›

lemma [uhint]:
  "Trueprop A  A'  Trueprop B  B'  Trueprop (A  B)  (PROP A'  PROP B')"
  using atomize_imp[symmetric] by simp

  assumes "A  (B  C)  D"
  shows "A  (B  C)  D"
  using assms by ufact

  assumes "A  ((B  C)  D)  E"
  shows "A  ((B  C)  D)  E"
  using assms by ufact

subsection ‹Better Control Over Meta Variable Instantiations›

text ‹Consider the following type-inference problem.›
  assumes app_typeI: "f x.  (x. ArgT x  DomT x (f x))  ArgT x  DomT x (f x)"
  and f_type: "x. ArgT x  DomT x (f x)"
  and x_type: "ArgT x"
  shows "?T (f x)"
  apply (urule app_typeI) ―‹compare with the following application, creating an (unintuitive) higher-order instantiation›
  (* apply (rule app_typeI) *)

