Theory ListInf
section ‹Additional definitions and results for lists›
theory ListInf
imports List2 "../CommonSet/InfiniteSet2"
subsection ‹Infinite lists›
text ‹
We define infinite lists as functions over natural numbers, i. e.,
we use functions @{typ "nat ⇒ 'a"}
as infinite lists over elements of @{typ "'a"}.
Mapping functions to intervals lists ‹[m..<n]›
yiels common finite lists.›
subsubsection ‹Appending a functions to a list›
type_synonym 'a ilist = "nat ⇒ 'a"
definition i_append :: "'a list ⇒ 'a ilist ⇒ 'a ilist" (infixr ‹⌢› 65)
where "xs ⌢ f ≡ λn. if n < length xs then xs ! n else f (n - length xs)"
text ‹
Synonym for the lemma ‹fun_eq_iff›
from the HOL library to unify lemma names for finite and infinite lists,
providing ‹list_eq_iff› for finite and
‹ilist_eq_iff› for infinite lists.›
lemmas expand_ilist_eq = fun_eq_iff
lemmas ilist_eq_iff = expand_ilist_eq
lemma i_append_nth: "(xs ⌢ f) n = (if n < length xs then xs ! n else f (n - length xs))"
by (simp add: i_append_def)
lemma i_append_nth1[simp]: "n < length xs ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) n = xs ! n"
by (simp add: i_append_def)
lemma i_append_nth2[simp]: "length xs ≤ n ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) n = f (n - length xs)"
by (simp add: i_append_def)
lemma i_append_Nil[simp]: "[] ⌢ f = f"
by (simp add: i_append_def)
lemma i_append_assoc[simp]: "xs ⌢ (ys ⌢ f) = (xs @ ys) ⌢ f"
apply (case_tac "ys = []", simp)
apply (fastforce simp: expand_ilist_eq i_append_def nth_append)
lemma i_append_Cons: "(x # xs) ⌢ f = [x] ⌢ (xs ⌢ f)"
by simp
lemma i_append_eq_i_append_conv[simp]: "
length xs = length ys ⟹
(xs ⌢ f = ys ⌢ g) = (xs = ys ∧ f = g)"
apply (rule iffI)
prefer 2
apply simp
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq expand_list_eq i_append_nth)
apply (intro conjI impI allI)
apply (rename_tac x)
apply (drule_tac x=x in spec)
apply simp
apply (rename_tac x)
apply (drule_tac x="x + length ys" in spec)
apply simp
lemma i_append_eq_i_append_conv2_aux: "
⟦ xs ⌢ f = ys ⌢ g; length xs ≤ length ys ⟧ ⟹
∃zs. xs @ zs = ys ∧ f = zs ⌢ g"
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq expand_list_eq nth_append)
apply (rule_tac x="drop (length xs) ys" in exI)
apply simp
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarify, rename_tac i)
apply (drule_tac x=i in spec)
apply simp
apply (clarify, rename_tac i)
apply (drule_tac x="length xs + i" in spec)
apply (simp add: i_append_nth)
apply (case_tac "length xs + i < length ys")
apply fastforce
apply (fastforce simp: add.commute[of _ "length xs"])
lemma i_append_eq_i_append_conv2: "
(xs ⌢ f = ys ⌢ g) =
(∃zs. xs = ys @ zs ∧ zs ⌢ f = g ∨ xs @ zs = ys ∧ f = zs ⌢ g)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (case_tac "length xs ≤ length ys")
apply (frule i_append_eq_i_append_conv2_aux, assumption)
apply blast
apply (simp add: linorder_not_le eq_commute[of "xs ⌢ f"], drule less_imp_le)
apply (frule i_append_eq_i_append_conv2_aux, assumption)
apply blast
apply fastforce
lemma same_i_append_eq[iff]: "(xs ⌢ f = xs ⌢ g) = (f = g)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: expand_ilist_eq, rename_tac i)
apply (erule_tac x="length xs + i" in allE)
apply simp
apply simp
lemma NOT_i_append_same_eq: "
¬(∀xs ys f. (xs ⌢ (f::(nat ⇒ nat)) = ys ⌢ f) = (xs = ys))"
apply simp
apply (rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="[0]" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="λn. 0" in exI)
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_hd: "(xs ⌢ f) 0 = (if xs = [] then f 0 else hd xs)"
by (simp add: hd_eq_first)
lemma i_append_hd2[simp]: "xs ≠ [] ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) 0 = hd xs"
by (simp add: i_append_hd)
lemma eq_Nil_i_appendI: "f = g ⟹ f = [] ⌢ g"
by simp
lemma i_append_eq_i_appendI: "
⟦ xs @ xs' = ys; f = xs' ⌢ g ⟧ ⟹ xs ⌢ f = ys ⌢ g"
by simp
lemma o_ext: "
(∀x. (x ∈ range h ⟶ f x = g x)) ⟹ f ∘ h = g ∘ h"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma i_append_o[simp]: "g ∘ (xs ⌢ f) = (map g xs) ⌢ (g ∘ f)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma o_eq_conv: "(f ∘ h = g ∘ h) = (∀x∈range h. f x = g x)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma o_cong: "
⟦ h = i; ⋀x. x ∈ range i ⟹ f x = g x ⟧ ⟹ f ∘ h = f ∘ i"
by blast
lemma ex_o_conv: "(∃h. g = f ∘ h) = (∀y∈range g. ∃x. y = f x)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply fastforce
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
apply (rule_tac x="λx. (SOME y. g x = f y)" in exI)
apply (fastforce intro: someI_ex)
lemma o_inj_on: "
⟦ f ∘ g = f ∘ h; inj_on f (range g ∪ range h) ⟧ ⟹ g = h"
apply (rule expand_ilist_eq[THEN iffD2], clarify, rename_tac x)
apply (drule_tac x=x in fun_cong)
apply (rule inj_onD)
apply simp+
lemma inj_on_o_eq_o: "
inj_on f (range g ∪ range h) ⟹
(f ∘ g = f ∘ h) = (g = h)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (rule o_inj_on, assumption+)
apply simp
lemma o_injective: "⟦ f ∘ g = f ∘ h; inj f ⟧ ⟹ g = h"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq inj_on_def)
lemma inj_o_eq_o: "inj f ⟹ (f ∘ g = f ∘ h) = (g = h)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (rule o_injective, assumption+)
apply simp
lemma inj_oI: "inj f ⟹ inj (λg. f ∘ g)"
apply (simp add: inj_on_def)
apply (blast intro: o_inj_on[unfolded inj_on_def])
lemma inj_oD: "inj (λg. f ∘ g) ⟹ inj f"
apply (clarsimp simp add: inj_on_def, rename_tac g h)
apply (erule_tac x="λn. g" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x="λn. h" in allE)
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma inj_o[iff]: "inj (λg. f ∘ g) = inj f"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (rule inj_oD, assumption)
apply (rule inj_oI, assumption)
lemma inj_on_oI: "
inj_on f (⋃ ((λf. range f) ` A)) ⟹ inj_on (λg. f ∘ g) A"
apply (rule inj_onI)
apply (rule o_inj_on, assumption)
apply (unfold inj_on_def)
apply force
lemma o_idI: "∀x. x ∈ range g ⟶ f x = x ⟹ f ∘ g = g"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma o_fun_upd[simp]: "y ∉ range g ⟹ f (y := x) ∘ g = f ∘ g"
by (fastforce simp: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma range_i_append[simp]: "range (xs ⌢ f) = set xs ∪ range f"
by (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth i_append_nth)
lemma set_subset_i_append: "set xs ⊆ range (xs ⌢ f)"
by simp
lemma range_subset_i_append: "range f ⊆ range (xs ⌢ f)"
by simp
lemma range_ConsD: "y ∈ range ([x] ⌢ f) ⟹ y = x ∨ y ∈ range f"
by simp
lemma range_o [simp]: "range (f ∘ g) = f ` range g"
by (simp add: image_comp)
lemma in_range_conv_decomp: "
(x ∈ range f) = (∃xs g. f = xs ⌢ ([x] ⌢ g))"
apply (simp add: image_iff)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarify, rename_tac n)
apply (rule_tac x="map f [0..<n]" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="λi. f (i + Suc n)" in exI)
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth nth_append linorder_not_less less_Suc_eq_le)
apply (clarify, rename_tac xs g)
apply (rule_tac x="length xs" in exI)
apply simp
text ‹‹nth››
lemma i_append_nth_Cons_0[simp]: "((x # xs) ⌢ f) 0 = x"
by simp
lemma i_append_nth_Cons_Suc[simp]:
"((x # xs) ⌢ f) (Suc n) = (xs ⌢ f) n"
by (simp add: i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_nth_Cons: "
([x] ⌢ f) n = (case n of 0 ⇒ x | Suc k ⇒ f k)"
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_nth_Cons': "
([x] ⌢ f) n = (if n = 0 then x else f (n - Suc 0))"
by (case_tac n, simp_all add: i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_nth_length[simp]: "(xs ⌢ f) (length xs) = f 0"
by simp
lemma i_append_nth_length_plus[simp]: "(xs ⌢ f) (length xs + n) = f n"
by simp
lemma range_iff: "(y ∈ range f) = (∃x. y = f x)"
by blast
lemma range_ball_nth: "∀y∈range f. P y ⟹ P (f x)"
by blast
lemma all_nth_imp_all_range: "⟦ ∀x. P (f x);y ∈ range f ⟧ ⟹ P y"
by blast
lemma all_range_conv_all_nth: "(∀y∈range f. P y) = (∀x. P (f x))"
by blast
lemma i_append_update1: "
n < length xs ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) (n := x) = xs[n := x] ⌢ f"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_update2: "
length xs ≤ n ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) (n := x) = xs ⌢ (f(n - length xs := x))"
by (fastforce simp: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_update: "
(xs ⌢ f) (n := x) =
(if n < length xs then xs[n := x] ⌢ f
else xs ⌢ (f(n - length xs := x)))"
by (simp add: i_append_update1 i_append_update2)
lemma i_append_update_length[simp]: "
(xs ⌢ f) (length xs := y) = xs ⌢ (f(0 := y))"
by (simp add: i_append_update2)
lemma range_update_subset_insert: "
range (f(n := x)) ⊆ insert x (range f)"
by fastforce
lemma range_update_subsetI: "
⟦ range f ⊆ A; x ∈ A ⟧ ⟹ range (f(n := x)) ⊆ A"
by fastforce
lemma range_update_memI: "x ∈ range (f(n := x))"
by fastforce
subsubsection ‹@{term take} and @{term drop} for infinite lists›
text ‹
The @{term i_take} operator takes the first @{term n} elements of an infinite list,
i.e. ‹i_take f n = [f 0, f 1, …, f (n-1)]›.
The @{term i_drop} operator drops the first @{term n} elements of an infinite list,
i.e. ‹(i_take f n) 0 = f n, (i_take f n) 1 = f (n + 1), …›.›
definition i_take :: "nat ⇒ 'a ilist ⇒ 'a list"
where "i_take n f ≡ map f [0..<n]"
definition i_drop :: "nat ⇒ 'a ilist ⇒ 'a ilist"
where "i_drop n f ≡ (λx. f (n + x))"
abbreviation i_take' :: "'a ilist ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a list" (infixl ‹⇓› 100)
where "f ⇓ n ≡ i_take n f"
abbreviation i_drop' :: "'a ilist ⇒ nat ⇒ 'a ilist" (infixl ‹⇑› 100)
where "f ⇑ n ≡ i_drop n f"
lemma "f ⇓ n = map f [0..<n]"
by (simp add: i_take_def)
lemma "f ⇑ n = (λx. f (n + x))"
by (simp add: i_drop_def)
text ‹Basic results for @{term i_take} and @{term i_drop}›
lemma i_take_first: "f ⇓ Suc 0 = [f 0]"
by (simp add: i_take_def)
lemma i_drop_i_take_1: "f ⇑ n ⇓ Suc 0 = [f n]"
by (simp add: i_drop_def i_take_def)
lemma i_take_take_eq1: "m ≤ n ⟹ (f ⇓ n) ↓ m = f ⇓ m"
by (simp add: i_take_def take_map)
lemma i_take_take_eq2: "n ≤ m ⟹ (f ⇓ n) ↓ m = f ⇓ n"
by (simp add: i_take_def take_map)
lemma i_take_take[simp]: "(f ⇓ n) ↓ m = f ⇓ min n m"
by (simp add: min_def i_take_take_eq1 i_take_take_eq2)
lemma i_drop_nth[simp]: "(s ⇑ n) x = s (n + x)"
by (simp add: i_drop_def)
lemma i_drop_nth_sub: "n ≤ x ⟹ (s ⇑ n) (x - n) = s x"
by (simp add: i_drop_def)
theorem i_take_nth[simp]: "i < n ⟹ (f ⇓ n) ! i = f i"
by (simp add: i_take_def)
lemma i_take_length[simp]: "length (f ⇓ n) = n"
by (simp add: i_take_def)
lemma i_take_0[simp]: "f ⇓ 0 = []"
by (simp add: i_take_def)
lemma i_drop_0[simp]: "f ⇑ 0 = f"
by (simp add: i_drop_def)
lemma i_take_eq_Nil[simp]: "(f ⇓ n = []) = (n = 0)"
by (simp add: length_0_conv[symmetric] del: length_0_conv)
lemma i_take_not_empty_conv: "(f ⇓ n ≠ []) = (0 < n)"
by simp
lemma last_i_take: "last (f ⇓ Suc n) = f n"
by (simp add: last_nth)
lemma last_i_take2: "0 < n ⟹ last (f ⇓ n) = f (n - Suc 0)"
by (simp add: last_i_take[of _ f, symmetric])
lemma nth_0_i_drop: "(f ⇑ n) 0 = f n"
by simp
lemma i_take_const[simp]: "(λn. x) ⇓ i = replicate i x"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
lemma i_drop_const[simp]: "(λn. x) ⇑ i = (λn. x)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma i_append_i_take_eq1: "
n ≤ length xs ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) ⇓ n = xs ↓ n"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
lemma i_append_i_take_eq2: "
length xs ≤ n ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) ⇓ n = xs @ (f ⇓ (n - length xs))"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq nth_append)
lemma i_append_i_take_if: "
(xs ⌢ f) ⇓ n = (if n ≤ length xs then xs ↓ n else xs @ (f ⇓ (n - length xs)))"
by (simp add: i_append_i_take_eq1 i_append_i_take_eq2)
lemma i_append_i_take[simp]: "
(xs ⌢ f) ⇓ n = (xs ↓ n) @ (f ⇓ (n - length xs))"
by (simp add: i_append_i_take_if)
lemma i_append_i_drop_eq1: "
n ≤ length xs ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) ⇑ n = (xs ↑ n) ⌢ f"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth less_diff_conv add.commute[of _ n])
lemma i_append_i_drop_eq2: "
length xs ≤ n ⟹ (xs ⌢ f) ⇑ n = f ⇑ (n - length xs)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma i_append_i_drop_if: "
(xs ⌢ f) ⇑ n = (if n < length xs then (xs ↑ n) ⌢ f else f ⇑ (n - length xs))"
by (simp add: i_append_i_drop_eq1 i_append_i_drop_eq2)
lemma i_append_i_drop[simp]: "(xs ⌢ f) ⇑ n = (xs ↑ n) ⌢ (f ⇑ (n - length xs))"
by (simp add: i_append_i_drop_if)
lemma i_append_i_take_i_drop_id[simp]: "(f ⇓ n) ⌢ (f ⇑ n) = f"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma ilist_i_take_i_drop_imp_eq: "
⟦ f ⇓ n = g ⇓ n; f ⇑ n = g ⇑ n ⟧ ⟹ f = g"
apply (subst i_append_i_take_i_drop_id[of n f, symmetric])
apply (subst i_append_i_take_i_drop_id[of n g, symmetric])
apply simp
lemma ilist_i_take_i_drop_eq_conv: "
(f = g) = (∃n. (f ⇓ n = g ⇓ n ∧ f ⇑ n = g ⇑ n))"
apply (rule iffI, simp)
apply (blast intro: ilist_i_take_i_drop_imp_eq)
lemma ilist_i_take_eq_conv: "(f = g) = (∀n. f ⇓ n = g ⇓ n)"
apply (rule iffI, simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: expand_ilist_eq, rename_tac i)
apply (drule_tac x="Suc i" in spec)
apply (drule_tac f="λxs. xs ! i" in arg_cong)
apply simp
lemma ilist_i_drop_eq_conv: "(f = g) = (∀n. f ⇑ n = g ⇑ n)"
apply (rule iffI, simp)
apply (drule_tac x=0 in spec)
apply simp
lemma i_take_the_conv: "
f ⇓ k = (THE xs. length xs = k ∧ (∃g. xs ⌢ g = f))"
apply (rule the1I2)
apply (rule_tac a="f ⇓ k" in ex1I)
apply (fastforce intro: i_append_i_take_i_drop_id)+
lemma i_drop_the_conv: "
f ⇑ k = (THE g. (∃xs. length xs = k ∧ xs ⌢ g = f))"
apply (rule sym, rule the1_equality)
apply (rule_tac a="f ⇑ k" in ex1I)
apply (rule_tac x="f ⇓ k" in exI, simp)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x="f ⇓ k" in exI, simp)
lemma i_take_Suc_append[simp]: "
((x # xs) ⌢ f) ⇓ Suc n = x # ((xs ⌢ f) ⇓ n)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
corollary i_take_Suc_Cons: "([x] ⌢ f) ⇓ Suc n = x # (f ⇓ n)"
by simp
lemma i_drop_Suc_append[simp]: "((x # xs) ⌢ f) ⇑ Suc n = ((xs ⌢ f) ⇑ n)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
corollary i_drop_Suc_Cons: "([x] ⌢ f) ⇑ Suc n = f ⇑ n"
by simp
lemma i_take_Suc: "f ⇓ Suc n = f 0 # (f ⇑ Suc 0 ⇓ n)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq nth_Cons')
lemma i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth: "f ⇓ Suc n = (f ⇓ n) @ [f n]"
by (simp add: i_take_def)
lemma i_drop_i_drop[simp]: "s ⇑ a ⇑ b = s ⇑ (a + b)"
by (simp add: i_drop_def add.assoc)
corollary i_drop_Suc: "f ⇑ Suc 0 ⇑ n = f ⇑ Suc n"
by simp
lemma i_take_commute: "s ⇓ a ↓ b = s ⇓ b ↓ a"
by (simp add: ac_simps)
lemma i_drop_commute: "s ⇑ a ⇑ b = s ⇑ b ⇑ a"
by (simp add: add.commute[of a])
corollary i_drop_tl: "f ⇑ Suc 0 ⇑ n = f ⇑ n ⇑ Suc 0"
by simp
lemma nth_via_i_drop: "(f ⇑ n) 0 = x ⟹ f n = x"
by simp
lemma i_drop_Suc_conv_tl: "[f n] ⌢ (f ⇑ Suc n) = f ⇑ n"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth)
lemma i_drop_Suc_conv_tl': "([f n] ⌢ f) ⇑ Suc n = f ⇑ n"
by (simp add: i_drop_Suc_Cons)
lemma i_take_i_drop: "f ⇑ m ⇓ n = f ⇓ (n + m) ↑ m"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
text ‹Appending an interval of a function›
lemma i_take_int_append: "
m ≤ n ⟹ (f ⇓ m) @ map f [m..<n] = f ⇓ n"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq nth_append)
lemma i_take_drop_map_empty_iff: "(f ⇓ n ↑ m = []) = (n ≤ m)"
by simp
lemma i_take_drop_map: "f ⇓ n ↑ m = map f [m..<n]"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
corollary i_take_drop_append[simp]: "
m ≤ n ⟹ (f ⇓ m) @ (f ⇓ n ↑ m) = f ⇓ n"
by (simp add: i_take_drop_map i_take_int_append)
lemma i_take_drop: "f ⇓ n ↑ m = f ⇑ m ⇓ (n - m)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
lemma i_take_o[simp]: "(f ∘ g) ⇓ n = map f (g ⇓ n)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
lemma i_drop_o[simp]: "(f ∘ g) ⇑ n = f ∘ (g ⇑ n)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq)
lemma set_i_take_subset: "set (f ⇓ n) ⊆ range f"
by (fastforce simp: in_set_conv_nth)
lemma range_i_drop_subset: "range (f ⇑ n) ⊆ range f"
by fastforce
lemma in_set_i_takeD: "x ∈ set (f ⇓ n) ⟹ x ∈ range f"
by (rule subsetD[OF set_i_take_subset])
lemma in_range_i_takeD: "x ∈ range (f ⇑ n) ⟹ x ∈ range f"
by (rule subsetD[OF range_i_drop_subset])
lemma i_append_eq_conv_conj: "
((xs ⌢ f) = g) = (xs = g ⇓ length xs ∧ f = g ⇑ length xs)"
apply (simp add: expand_ilist_eq expand_list_eq i_append_nth)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp, rename_tac x)
apply (drule_tac x="length xs + x" in spec)
apply simp
apply simp
lemma i_take_add: "f ⇓ (i + j) = (f ⇓ i) @ (f ⇑ i ⇓ j)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq nth_append)
lemma i_append_eq_i_append_conv_if_aux: "
length xs ≤ length ys ⟹
(xs ⌢ f = ys ⌢ g) = (xs = ys ↓ length xs ∧ f = (ys ↑ length xs) ⌢ g)"
apply (simp add: expand_list_eq expand_ilist_eq i_append_nth min_eqR)
apply (rule iffI)
apply simp
apply (clarify, rename_tac x)
apply (drule_tac x="length xs + x" in spec)
apply (simp add: less_diff_conv add.commute[of _ "length xs"])
apply simp
lemma i_append_eq_i_append_conv_if: "
(xs ⌢ f = ys ⌢ g) =
(if length xs ≤ length ys
then xs = ys ↓ length xs ∧ f = (ys ↑ length xs) ⌢ g
else xs ↓ length ys = ys ∧ (xs ↑ length ys) ⌢ f = g)"
apply (split if_split, intro conjI impI)
apply (simp add: i_append_eq_i_append_conv_if_aux)
apply (force simp: eq_commute[of "xs ⌢ f"] i_append_eq_i_append_conv_if_aux)
lemma i_take_hd_i_drop: "(f ⇓ n) @ [(f ⇑ n) 0] = f ⇓ Suc n"
by (simp add: i_take_Suc_conv_app_nth)
lemma id_i_take_nth_i_drop: "f = (f ⇓ n) ⌢ (([f n] ⌢ f) ⇑ Suc n)"
by (simp add: i_drop_Suc_Cons)
lemma upd_conv_i_take_nth_i_drop: "
f (n := x) = (f ⇓ n) ⌢ ([x] ⌢ (f ⇑ Suc n))"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq nth_append i_append_nth)
theorem i_take_induct: "
⟦ P (f ⇓ 0); ⋀n. P (f ⇓ n) ⟹ P ( f ⇓ Suc n) ⟧ ⟹ P ( f ⇓ n)"
by (rule nat.induct)
theorem take_induct[rule_format]: "
⟦ P (s ↓ 0);
⋀n. ⟦ Suc n < length s; P (s ↓ n) ⟧ ⟹ P ( s ↓ Suc n);
i < length s⟧
⟹ P (s ↓ i)"
by (induct i, simp+)
theorem i_drop_induct: "
⟦ P (f ⇑ 0); ⋀n. P (f ⇑ n) ⟹ P ( f ⇑ Suc n) ⟧ ⟹ P ( f ⇑ n)"
by (rule nat.induct)
theorem f_drop_induct[rule_format]: "
⟦ P (s ↑ 0);
⋀n. ⟦ Suc n < length s; P (s ↑ n) ⟧ ⟹ P ( s ↑ Suc n);
i < length s⟧
⟹ P (s ↑ i)"
by (induct i, simp+)
lemma i_take_drop_eq_map: "f ⇑ m ⇓ n = map f [m..<m+n]"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq)
lemma o_eq_i_append_imp: "
f ∘ g = ys ⌢ i ⟹
∃xs h. g = xs ⌢ h ∧ map f xs = ys ∧ f ∘ h = i"
apply (rule_tac x="g ⇓ (length ys)" in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="g ⇑ (length ys)" in exI)
apply (frule arg_cong[where f="λx. x ⇓ length ys"])
apply (drule arg_cong[where f="λx. x ⇑ length ys"])
apply simp
corollary o_eq_i_append_conv: "
(f ∘ g = ys ⌢ i) =
(∃xs h. g = xs ⌢ h ∧ map f xs = ys ∧ f ∘ h = i)"
by (fastforce simp: o_eq_i_append_imp)
corollary i_append_eq_o_conv: "
(ys ⌢ i = f ∘ g) =
(∃xs h. g = xs ⌢ h ∧ map f xs = ys ∧ f ∘ h = i)"
by (fastforce simp: o_eq_i_append_imp)
subsubsection ‹@{term zip} for infinite lists›
definition i_zip :: "'a ilist ⇒ 'b ilist ⇒ ('a × 'b) ilist"
where "i_zip f g ≡ λn. (f n, g n)"
lemma i_zip_nth: "(i_zip f g) n = (f n, g n)"
by (simp add: i_zip_def)
lemma i_zip_swap: "(λ(y, x). (x, y)) ∘ i_zip g f = i_zip f g"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth)
lemma i_zip_i_take: "(i_zip f g) ⇓ n = zip (f ⇓ n) (g ⇓ n)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq i_zip_nth)
lemma i_zip_i_drop: "(i_zip f g) ⇑ n = i_zip (f ⇑ n) (g ⇑ n)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth)
lemma fst_o_izip: "fst ∘ (i_zip f g) = f"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth)
lemma snd_o_i_zip: "snd ∘ (i_zip f g) = g"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth)
lemma update_i_zip: "
(i_zip f g)(n := xy) = i_zip (f(n := fst xy)) (g(n := snd xy))"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth)
lemma i_zip_Cons_Cons: "
i_zip ([x] ⌢ f) ([y] ⌢ g) = [(x, y)] ⌢ (i_zip f g)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth i_append_nth)
lemma i_zip_i_append1: "
i_zip (xs ⌢ f) g = zip xs (g ⇓ length xs) ⌢ (i_zip f (g ⇑ length xs))"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth i_append_nth)
lemma i_zip_i_append2: "
i_zip f (ys ⌢ g) = zip (f ⇓ length ys) ys ⌢ (i_zip (f ⇑ length ys) g)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth i_append_nth)
lemma i_zip_append: "
length xs = length ys ⟹
i_zip (xs ⌢ f) (ys ⌢ g) = zip xs ys ⌢ (i_zip f g)"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth i_append_nth)
lemma i_zip_range: "range (i_zip f g) = { (f n, g n)| n. True }"
by (fastforce simp: i_zip_nth)
lemma i_zip_update: "
i_zip (f(n := x)) (g(n := y)) = (i_zip f g)( n := (x, y))"
by (simp add: update_i_zip)
lemma i_zip_const: "i_zip (λn. x) (λn. y) = (λn. (x, y))"
by (simp add: expand_ilist_eq i_zip_nth)
subsubsection ‹Mapping functions with two arguments to infinite lists›
definition i_map2 :: "
('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ 'c) ⇒
'a ilist ⇒ 'b ilist ⇒
'c ilist"
"i_map2 f xs ys ≡ λn. f (xs n) (ys n)"
lemma i_map2_nth: "(i_map2 f xs ys) n = f (xs n) (ys n)"
by (simp add: i_map2_def)
lemma i_map2_Cons_Cons: "
i_map2 f ([x] ⌢ xs) ([y] ⌢ ys) =
[f x y] ⌢ (i_map2 f xs ys)"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth i_append_nth_Cons')
lemma i_map2_take_ge: "
n ≤ n1 ⟹
i_map2 f xs ys ⇓ n =
map2 f (xs ⇓ n) (ys ⇓ n1)"
by (simp add: expand_list_eq map2_length i_map2_nth map2_nth)
lemma i_map2_take_take: "
i_map2 f xs ys ⇓ n =
map2 f (xs ⇓ n) (ys ⇓ n)"
by (rule i_map2_take_ge[OF le_refl])
lemma i_map2_drop: "
(i_map2 f xs ys) ⇑ n =
(i_map2 f (xs ⇑ n) (ys ⇑ n))"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth)
lemma i_map2_append_append: "
length xs1 = length ys1 ⟹
i_map2 f (xs1 ⌢ xs) (ys1 ⌢ ys) =
map2 f xs1 ys1 ⌢ i_map2 f xs ys"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth i_append_nth map2_length map2_nth)
lemma i_map2_Cons_left: "
i_map2 f ([x] ⌢ xs) ys =
[f x (ys 0)] ⌢ i_map2 f xs (ys ⇑ Suc 0)"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth i_append_nth_Cons')
lemma i_map2_Cons_right: "
i_map2 f xs ([y] ⌢ ys) =
[f (xs 0) y] ⌢ i_map2 f (xs ⇑ Suc 0) ys"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth i_append_nth_Cons')
lemma i_map2_append_take_drop_left: "
i_map2 f (xs1 ⌢ xs) ys =
map2 f xs1 (ys ⇓ length xs1) ⌢
i_map2 f xs (ys ⇑ length xs1)"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff map2_nth i_map2_nth i_append_nth map2_length)
lemma i_map2_append_take_drop_right: "
i_map2 f xs (ys1 ⌢ ys) =
map2 f (xs ⇓ length ys1) ys1 ⌢
i_map2 f (xs ⇑ length ys1) ys"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff map2_nth i_map2_nth i_append_nth map2_length)
lemma i_map2_cong: "
⟦ xs1 = xs2; ys1 = ys2;
⋀x y. ⟦ x ∈ range xs2; y ∈ range ys2 ⟧ ⟹ f x y = g x y ⟧ ⟹
i_map2 f xs1 ys1 = i_map2 g xs2 ys2"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth)
lemma i_map2_eq_conv: "
(i_map2 f xs ys = i_map2 g xs ys) = (∀i. f (xs i) (ys i) = g (xs i) (ys i))"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth)
lemma i_map2_replicate: "i_map2 f (λn. x) (λn. y) = (λn. f x y)"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth)
lemma i_map2_i_zip_conv: "
i_map2 f xs ys = (λ(x,y). f x y) ∘ (i_zip xs ys)"
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff i_map2_nth i_zip_nth)
subsection ‹Generalised lists as combination of finite and infinite lists›
subsubsection ‹Basic definitions›