Theory Diophantine_Tightening
section ‹Tightening›
text ‹replace ‹p + c ≤ 0› by ‹p / g + ⌈ c / g ⌉ ≤ 0› where
‹c› is a constant and ‹g› is the gcd of the variable coefficients of ‹p›.›
theory Diophantine_Tightening
definition tighten_ineq :: "'v dlineq ⇒ 'v dlineq" where
"tighten_ineq p = (let g = gcd_coeffs_l p;
c = constant_l p
in if g = 1 then p else let d = - ((-c) div g)
in change_const d (sdiv_l p g))"
lemma tighten_ineq: assumes "vars_l p ≠ {}"
shows "satisfies_dlineq α (tighten_ineq p) = satisfies_dlineq α p"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume contra: "¬ ?thesis"
let ?tp = "tighten_ineq p"
define g where "g = gcd_coeffs_l p"
define c where "c = constant_l p"
note def = tighten_ineq_def[of p, unfolded Let_def, folded g_def, folded c_def]
define d where "d = - (- c div g)"
define mc where "mc = -c"
define pg where "pg = sdiv_l p g"
define f where "f = (∑x∈vars_l pg. coeff_l pg x * α x)"
from contra def have g1: "(g = 1) = False" by auto
from def[unfolded this if_False, folded d_def pg_def]
have tp: "?tp = change_const d pg" by auto
from assms have g0: "g ≠ 0" unfolding g_def gcd_coeffs_l_def
by (transfer, auto)
have "g ≥ 0" unfolding g_def gcd_coeffs_l_def by simp
with g0 g1 have g: "g > 0" by simp
have p: "p = change_const c (smult_l g pg)" (is "_ = ?p")
proof (intro lpoly_fun_of_eqI, goal_cases)
case (1 x)
show ?case
proof (cases x)
case None
thus ?thesis unfolding c_def by transfer auto
case (Some y)
hence "fun_of_lpoly (change_const c (smult_l g pg)) x
= g * (fun_of_lpoly p x div g)" unfolding pg_def by transfer auto
also have "… = fun_of_lpoly p x"
proof (rule dvd_mult_div_cancel)
have "fun_of_lpoly p x ∈ coeff_l p ` vars_l p ∨ fun_of_lpoly p x = 0" unfolding Some
by transfer auto
thus "g dvd fun_of_lpoly p x" using g0 unfolding g_def gcd_coeffs_l_def by auto
finally show ?thesis by auto
have coeff: "coeff_l ?p x = g * coeff_l pg x" for x by transfer auto
have coeff': "coeff_l ?tp x = coeff_l pg x" for x unfolding tp by transfer auto
have "eval_l α p = constant_l ?p + (∑x∈vars_l ?p. coeff_l ?p x * α x)" unfolding p unfolding eval_l_def by auto
also have "constant_l ?p = c" by transfer auto
also have "vars_l ?p = vars_l pg" using g0 by transfer auto
finally have evalp: "eval_l α p = c + g * f" unfolding f_def coeff sum_distrib_left by (simp add: ac_simps)
have "eval_l α ?tp = constant_l ?tp + (∑x∈vars_l ?tp. coeff_l ?tp x * α x)" unfolding eval_l_def by auto
also have "vars_l ?tp = vars_l pg" unfolding tp by transfer auto
also have "constant_l ?tp = d" unfolding tp by transfer auto
finally have eval_tp: "eval_l α ?tp = d + f" unfolding f_def coeff' by auto
define mo where "mo = mc mod g"
define di where "di = mc div g"
have mc: "mc = g * di + mo" and mo: "0 ≤ mo" "mo < g" using g unfolding mo_def di_def by auto
have sat_p: "satisfies_dlineq α p = (g * f ≤ -c)" unfolding satisfies_dlineq_def evalp by auto
have "satisfies_dlineq α ?tp = (f ≤ - d)" unfolding satisfies_dlineq_def eval_tp by auto
also have "… = (g * f ≤ g * (-d))" using g
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) mult_le_cancel_left_pos)
finally have "?thesis ⟷ (g * f ≤ -c ⟷ g * f ≤ g * (-d))" unfolding sat_p by auto
also have "… ⟷ True" unfolding d_def minus_minus mc_def[symmetric] di_def[symmetric] unfolding mc using mo
by (smt (verit, del_insts) int_distrib(4) mult_le_cancel_left1)
finally show False using contra by auto
definition tighten_ineqs :: "'v dlineq list ⇒ 'v :: linorder dlineq list option" where
"tighten_ineqs cs = map_option (map tighten_ineq) (trivial_ineq_filter cs)"
lemma tighten_ineqs: "tighten_ineqs cs = None ⟹ ∄ α. α ⊨⇩d⇩i⇩o ({}, set cs)"
"tighten_ineqs cs = Some ds ⟹
(α ⊨⇩d⇩i⇩o ({}, set cs) ⟷ α ⊨⇩d⇩i⇩o ({}, set ds)) ∧
length ds ≤ length cs"
proof (atomize(full), goal_cases)
case 1
show ?case
proof (cases "trivial_ineq_filter cs")
case None
thus ?thesis unfolding tighten_ineqs_def using trivial_ineq_filter(1)[OF None] by auto
case (Some cs')
from Some have "tighten_ineqs cs = Some (map tighten_ineq cs')" unfolding tighten_ineqs_def by auto
with trivial_ineq_filter(2)[OF Some, of α]
show ?thesis using tighten_ineq[of _ α] by auto