Theory LTS
theory LTS imports Main "HOL-Library.Multiset_Order" begin
section ‹LTS›
subsection ‹Transitions›
type_synonym ('state, 'label) transition = "'state × 'label × 'state"
subsection ‹LTS functions›
fun trans_hd :: "('state, 'label) transition ⇒ 'state" where
"trans_hd (s1,γ,s2) = s1"
fun trans_tl :: "('state, 'label) transition ⇒ 'state" where
"trans_tl (s1,γ,s2) = s2"
fun transitions_of :: "'state list * 'label list ⇒ ('state, 'label) transition multiset" where
"transitions_of (s1#s2#ss, γ#w) = {# (s1, γ, s2) #} + transitions_of (s2#ss, w)"
| "transitions_of ([s1],_) = {#}"
| "transitions_of ([],_) = {#}"
| "transitions_of (_,[]) = {#}"
fun transition_list :: "'state list * 'label list ⇒ ('state, 'label) transition list" where
"transition_list (s1#s2#ss, γ#w) = (s1, γ, s2) # (transition_list (s2#ss, w))"
| "transition_list ([s1],_) = []"
| "transition_list ([],_) = []"
| "transition_list (_,[]) = []"
fun transition_list' :: "'state * 'label list * 'state list * 'state ⇒ ('state, 'label) transition list" where
"transition_list' (p,w,ss,q) = transition_list (ss, w)"
fun transitions_of' :: "'state * 'label list * 'state list * 'state ⇒ ('state, 'label) transition multiset" where
"transitions_of' (p,w,ss,q) = transitions_of (ss, w)"
fun transition_list_of' where
"transition_list_of' (p,γ#w,p'#p''#ss,q) = (p, γ, p'')#(transition_list_of' (p'',w,p''#ss,q))"
| "transition_list_of' (p, [], _, p'') = []"
| "transition_list_of' (p, _, [], p'') = []"
| "transition_list_of' (v, va # vc, [vf], ve) = []"
fun append_path_with_word :: "('a list × 'b list) ⇒ ('a list × 'b list) ⇒ ('a list × 'b list)" (infix ‹@´› 65) where
"(ss1,w1) @´ (ss2,w2) = (ss1@(tl ss2), w1 @ w2)"
fun append_path_with_word_γ :: "(('a list × 'b list) * 'b) ⇒ ('a list × 'b list) ⇒ ('a list × 'b list)" (infix ‹@⇧γ› 65) where
"((ss1,w1),γ) @⇧γ (ss2,w2) = (ss1@ss2, w1 @ [γ] @ w2)"
fun append_trans_star_states :: "('a × 'b list × 'a list × 'a) ⇒ ('a × 'b list × 'a list × 'a) ⇒ ('a × 'b list × 'a list × 'a)" (infix ‹@@´› 65) where
"(p1,w1,ss1,q1) @@´ (p2,w2,ss2,q2) = (p1, w1 @ w2, ss1@(tl ss2), q2)"
fun append_trans_star_states_γ :: "(('a × 'b list × 'a list × 'a) * 'b) ⇒ ('a × 'b list × 'a list × 'a) ⇒ ('a × 'b list × 'a list × 'a)" (infix ‹@@⇧γ› 65) where
"((p1,w1,ss1,q1),γ) @@⇧γ (p2,w2,ss2,q2) = (p1, w1 @ [γ] @ w2, ss1@ss2, q2)"
definition inters :: "('state, 'label) transition set ⇒ ('state, 'label) transition set ⇒ (('state * 'state), 'label) transition set" where
"inters ts1 ts2 = {((p1, q1), α, (p2, q2)). (p1, α, p2) ∈ ts1 ∧ (q1, α, q2) ∈ ts2}"
definition inters_finals :: "'state set ⇒ 'state set ⇒ ('state * 'state) set" where
"inters_finals finals1 finals2 = finals1 × finals2"
lemma inters_code[code]:
"inters ts1 ts2 = (⋃(p1, α, p2) ∈ ts1. ⋃(q1, α', q2) ∈ ts2. if α = α' then {((p1, q1), α, (p2, q2))} else {})"
unfolding inters_def by (force split: if_splits)
subsection ‹LTS locale›
locale LTS =
fixes transition_relation :: "('state, 'label) transition set"
text ‹More definitions.›
definition step_relp :: "'state ⇒ 'state ⇒ bool" (infix ‹⇒› 80) where
"c ⇒ c' ⟷ (∃l. (c, l, c') ∈ transition_relation)"
abbreviation step_starp :: "'state ⇒ 'state ⇒ bool" (infix ‹⇒⇧*› 80) where
"c ⇒⇧* c' ≡ step_relp⇧*⇧* c c'"
definition step_rel :: "'state rel" where
"step_rel = {(c, c'). step_relp c c'}"
definition step_star :: "'state rel" where
"step_star = {(c, c'). step_starp c c'}"
definition post_star :: "'state set ⇒ 'state set" where
"post_star C = {c'. ∃c ∈ C. c ⇒⇧* c'}"
definition pre_star :: "'state set ⇒ 'state set" where
"pre_star C = {c'. ∃c ∈ C. c' ⇒⇧* c}"
inductive_set path :: "'state list set" where
"[s] ∈ path"
| "(s'#ss) ∈ path ⟹ (s,l,s') ∈ transition_relation ⟹ s#s'#ss ∈ path"
inductive_set trans_star :: "('state * 'label list * 'state) set" where
"(p, [], p) ∈ trans_star"
| trans_star_step:
"(p,γ,q') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
(q',w,q) ∈ trans_star ⟹
(p, γ#w, q) ∈ trans_star"
inductive_cases trans_star_empty [elim]: "(p, [], q) ∈ trans_star"
inductive_cases trans_star_cons: "(p, γ#w, q) ∈ trans_star"
inductive_set trans_star_states :: "('state * 'label list * 'state list * 'state) set" where
"(p,[],[p],p) ∈ trans_star_states"
| trans_star_states_step:
"(p,γ,q') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
(q',w,ss,q) ∈ trans_star_states ⟹
(p, γ#w, p#ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
inductive_set path_with_word :: "('state list * 'label list) set" where
"([s],[]) ∈ path_with_word"
| path_with_word_step:
"(s'#ss, w) ∈ path_with_word ⟹
(s,l,s') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
(s#s'#ss,l#w) ∈ path_with_word"
definition start_of :: "('state list × 'label list) ⇒ 'state" where
"start_of π = hd (fst π)"
definition end_of :: "('state list × 'label list) ⇒ 'state" where
"end_of π = last (fst π)"
abbreviation path_with_word_from :: "'state ⇒ ('state list * 'label list) set" where
"path_with_word_from q == {π. π ∈ path_with_word ∧ start_of π = q}"
abbreviation path_with_word_to :: "'state ⇒ ('state list * 'label list) set" where
"path_with_word_to q == {π. π ∈ path_with_word ∧ end_of π = q}"
abbreviation path_with_word_from_to :: "'state ⇒ 'state ⇒ ('state list * 'label list) set" where
"path_with_word_from_to start end == {π. π ∈ path_with_word ∧ start_of π = start ∧ end_of π = end}"
inductive_set transition_list_path :: "('state, 'label) transition list set" where
"(q, l, q') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
[(q, l, q')] ∈ transition_list_path"
| "(q, l, q') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
(q', l', q'') # ts ∈ transition_list_path ⟹
(q, l, q') # (q', l', q'') # ts ∈ transition_list_path"
lemma singleton_path_start_end:
assumes "([s], []) ∈ LTS.path_with_word pg"
shows "start_of ([s], []) = end_of ([s], [])"
using assms
by (simp add: end_of_def start_of_def)
lemma path_with_word_length:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "length ss = length w + 1"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case by auto
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case by auto
lemma path_with_word_lengths:
assumes "(qs @ [qnminus1], w) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "length qs = length w"
using assms
by (metis LTS.path_with_word_length Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_inject length_Cons length_append
lemma path_with_word_butlast:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "length ss ≥ 2"
shows "(butlast ss, butlast w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by force
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types) LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_refl
LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_step LTS.path_with_word_length One_nat_def Suc_1
Suc_inject Suc_leI Suc_le_mono butlast.simps(2) length_0_conv length_Cons list.distinct(1)
list.size(4) not_gr0)
lemma transition_butlast:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "length ss ≥ 2"
shows "(last (butlast ss), last w, last ss) ∈ transition_relation"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by force
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types) LTS.path_with_word_length One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_inject Suc_leI Suc_le_mono
butlast.simps(2) last.simps length_Cons length_greater_0_conv list.distinct(1) list.size(4))
lemma path_with_word_induct_reverse [consumes 1, case_names path_with_word_refl path_with_word_step_rev]:
"(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word ⟹
(⋀s. P [s] []) ⟹
(⋀ss s w l s'. (ss @ [s], w) ∈ path_with_word ⟹
P (ss @ [s]) w ⟹
(s, l, s') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
P (ss @ [s, s']) (w @ [l]))
⟹ P ss w"
proof (induction "length ss" arbitrary: ss w)
case 0
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.path_with_word_length Suc_eq_plus1 Zero_not_Suc)
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof (cases "n = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (metis LTS.path_with_word_length Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems(1) Suc.prems(2) Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_inject Suc_length_conv length_0_conv)
case False
define ss' where "ss' = butlast (butlast ss)"
define s where "s = last (butlast ss)"
define s' where "s' = last ss"
define w' where "w' = butlast w"
define l where "l = last w"
have "length ss ≥ 2"
using False Suc.hyps(2) by linarith
then have s_split: "ss' @ [s, s'] = ss"
by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_le_mono Zero_not_Suc append.assoc append.simps(1) append_Cons
append_butlast_last_id le_less length_append_singleton list.size(3) s'_def s_def ss'_def
have w_split: "w' @ [l] = w"
by (metis LTS.path_with_word_length Suc.prems(1) add.commute butlast.simps(2) butlast_append
l_def length_0_conv length_Suc_conv list.simps(3) plus_1_eq_Suc s_split
snoc_eq_iff_butlast w'_def)
have ss'w'_path: "(ss' @ [s], w') ∈ path_with_word"
using Suc(3) path_with_word_butlast
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ‹2 ≤ length ss› butlast.simps(2) butlast_append list.simps(3)
s_split w'_def)
have tr: "(s, l, s') ∈ transition_relation"
using Suc(3) s'_def s_def l_def transition_butlast ‹2 ≤ length ss› by presburger
have nl: "n = length (ss' @ [s])"
by (metis LTS.path_with_word_length Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems(1) Suc_eq_plus1
length_append_singleton nat.inject ss'w'_path w_split)
have "P (ss' @ [s]) w'"
using Suc(1)[of "ss' @ [s]" w', OF nl ss'w'_path Suc(4)] Suc(5) by metis
then have "P (ss' @ [s, s']) (w' @ [l])"
using Suc(5)[of ss' s w' l s'] ss'w'_path tr by auto
then show ?thesis
using s_split w_split by auto
lemma path_with_word_from_induct_reverse:
"(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word_from start ⟹
(⋀s. P [s] []) ⟹
(⋀ss s w l s'. (ss @ [s], w) ∈ path_with_word_from start ⟹
P (ss @ [s]) w ⟹
(s, l, s') ∈ transition_relation ⟹
P (ss @ [s, s']) (w @ [l]))
⟹ P ss w"
proof (induction "length ss" arbitrary: ss w)
case 0
then show ?case
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc_eq_plus1 mem_Collect_eq nat.simps(3) path_with_word_length)
case (Suc n)
show ?case
proof (cases "n = 0")
case True
then show ?thesis
using Suc.prems(1,2) length_0_conv list.distinct(1) path_with_word.cases
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Suc.hyps(2) length_Suc_conv list.inject mem_Collect_eq)
case False
define ss' where "ss' = butlast (butlast ss)"
define s where "s = last (butlast ss)"
define s' where "s' = last ss"
define w' where "w' = butlast w"
define l where "l = last w"
have len_ss: "length ss ≥ 2"
using False Suc.hyps(2) by linarith
then have s_split: "ss' @ [s, s'] = ss"
by (metis One_nat_def Suc_1 Suc_le_mono Zero_not_Suc append.assoc append.simps(1) append_Cons
append_butlast_last_id le_less length_append_singleton list.size(3) s'_def s_def ss'_def
have w_split: "w' @ [l] = w"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) False LTS.path_with_word_length One_nat_def Suc.hyps(2)
Suc.prems(1) Suc_inject add.right_neutral add_Suc_right l_def list.size(3) mem_Collect_eq
snoc_eq_iff_butlast w'_def)
have ss'w'_path: "(ss' @ [s], w') ∈ path_with_word"
using Suc(3) path_with_word_butlast len_ss
by (metis (no_types, lifting) butlast.simps(2) butlast_append list.discI mem_Collect_eq
not_Cons_self2 s_split w'_def)
have ss'w'_path_from: "(ss' @ [s], w') ∈ path_with_word_from start"
using Suc(3) butlast.simps(2) start_of_def list.sel(1) list.simps(3) mem_Collect_eq
path_with_word.simps prod.sel(1) s_def snoc_eq_iff_butlast ss'_def ss'w'_path w_split
by (metis (no_types, lifting) hd_append)
have tr: "(s, l, s') ∈ transition_relation"
using Suc(3) s'_def s_def l_def transition_butlast len_ss by blast
have nl: "n = length (ss' @ [s])"
using False Suc.hyps(2) ss'_def by force
have "P (ss' @ [s]) w'"
using Suc(1)[of "ss' @ [s]" w', OF nl ss'w'_path_from Suc(4) ] Suc(5) by fastforce
then have "P (ss' @ [s, s']) (w' @ [l])"
using Suc(5)[of ss' s w' l s'] tr ss'w'_path_from by blast
then show ?thesis
using s_split w_split by auto
inductive transition_of :: "('state, 'label) transition ⇒ 'state list * 'label list ⇒ bool" where
"transition_of (s1,γ,s2) (s1#s2#ss, γ#w)"
| "transition_of (s1,γ,s2) (ss, w) ⟹
transition_of (s1,γ,s2) (s#ss, μ#w)"
lemma path_with_word_not_empty[simp]: "¬([],w) ∈ path_with_word"
using LTS.path_with_word.cases by blast
lemma trans_star_path_with_word:
assumes "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star"
shows "∃ss. hd ss = p ∧ last ss = q ∧ (ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star.inducts)
case (trans_star_refl p)
then show ?case
by (meson LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_refl last.simps list.sel(1))
case (trans_star_step p γ q' w q)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.path_with_word.simps hd_Cons_tl last_ConsR list.discI list.sel(1))
lemma trans_star_trans_star_states:
assumes "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star"
shows "∃ss. (p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star.induct)
case (trans_star_refl p)
then show ?case by auto
case (trans_star_step p γ q' w q)
then show ?case
by (meson LTS.trans_star_states_step)
lemma trans_star_states_trans_star:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case by auto
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w q)
then show ?case
by (meson LTS.trans_star.trans_star_step)
lemma path_with_word_trans_star:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "length ss ≠ 0"
shows "(hd ss, w, last ss) ∈ trans_star"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.inducts)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
show ?case
by simp
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case
using LTS.trans_star.trans_star_step by fastforce
lemma path_with_word_trans_star_Cons:
assumes "(s1#ss@[s2], w) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "(s1, w, s2) ∈ trans_star"
using assms path_with_word_trans_star by force
lemma path_with_word_trans_star_Singleton:
assumes "([s2], w) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "(s2, [], s2) ∈ trans_star"
using assms path_with_word_trans_star by force
lemma trans_star_split:
assumes "(p'', u1 @ w1, q) ∈ trans_star"
shows "∃q1. (p'', u1, q1) ∈ trans_star ∧ (q1, w1, q) ∈ trans_star"
using assms
proof(induction u1 arbitrary: p'')
case Nil
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons a u1)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star.trans_star_step LTS.trans_star_cons append_Cons)
lemma trans_star_states_append:
assumes "(p2, w2, w2_ss, q') ∈ trans_star_states"
assumes "(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "(p2, w2 @ v, w2_ss @ tl v_ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case
by (metis append_Cons append_Nil list.sel(3) trans_star_states.simps)
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
using LTS.trans_star_states.trans_star_states_step by fastforce
lemma trans_star_states_length:
assumes "(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "length u_ss = Suc (length u)"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case
by simp
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
by simp
lemma trans_star_states_last:
assumes "(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "p1 = last u_ss"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case
by simp
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
using LTS.trans_star_states.cases by force
lemma trans_star_states_hd:
assumes "(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "q' = hd v_ss"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case
by simp
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
by force
lemma trans_star_states_transition_relation:
assumes "(p, γ#w_rest, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "∃s γ'. (s, γ', q) ∈ transition_relation"
using assms
proof (induction w_rest arbitrary: ss p γ)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star_empty LTS.trans_star_states_trans_star trans_star_cons)
case (Cons a w_rest)
then show ?case
by (meson LTS.trans_star_cons LTS.trans_star_states_trans_star trans_star_trans_star_states)
lemma trans_star_states_path_with_word:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
shows "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case by auto
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states.simps path_with_word.path_with_word_step)
lemma path_with_word_trans_star_states:
assumes "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "p = hd ss"
assumes "q = last ss"
shows "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: p q rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by simp
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case
using trans_star_states.trans_star_states_step by auto
lemma append_path_with_word_path_with_word:
assumes "last γ2ss = hd v_ss"
assumes "(γ2ss, γ2ε) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "(v_ss, v) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "(γ2ss, γ2ε) @´ (v_ss, v) ∈ path_with_word"
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states_path_with_word append_path_with_word.simps
path_with_word_trans_star_states assms(1,2,3) trans_star_states_append)
lemma hd_is_hd:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
assumes "(p1, γ, q1) = hd (transition_list' (p, w, ss, q))"
assumes "transition_list' (p, w, ss, q) ≠ []"
shows "p = p1"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_states.inducts)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case
by auto
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states.simps Pair_inject list.sel(1) transition_list'.simps
definition srcs :: "'state set" where
"srcs = {p. ∄q γ. (q, γ, p) ∈ transition_relation}"
definition sinks :: "'state set" where
"sinks = {p. ∄q γ. (p, γ, q) ∈ transition_relation}"
definition isolated :: "'state set" where
"isolated = srcs ∩ sinks"
lemma srcs_def2:
"q ∈ srcs ⟷ (∄q' γ. (q', γ, q) ∈ transition_relation)"
by (simp add: LTS.srcs_def)
lemma sinks_def2:
"q ∈ sinks ⟷ (∄q' γ. (q, γ, q') ∈ transition_relation)"
by (simp add: LTS.sinks_def)
lemma isolated_no_edges:
assumes "(p, γ, q) ∈ transition_relation"
shows "p ∉ isolated ∧ q ∉ isolated"
using assms isolated_def srcs_def2 sinks_def2 by fastforce
lemma source_never_or_hd:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "p1 ∈ srcs"
assumes "t = (p1, γ, q1)"
shows "count (transitions_of (ss, w)) t = 0 ∨
((hd (transition_list (ss, w)) = t ∧ count (transitions_of (ss, w)) t = 1))"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by simp
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then have "count (transitions_of (s' # ss, w)) t = 0 ∨
(hd (transition_list (s' # ss, w)) = t ∧ count (transitions_of (s' # ss, w)) t = 1)"
by auto
then show ?case
assume asm: "count (transitions_of (s' # ss, w)) t = 0"
show ?case
proof (cases "s = p1 ∧ l = γ ∧ q1 = s'")
case True
then have "hd (transition_list (s # s' # ss, l # w)) = t ∧
count (transitions_of (s # s' # ss, l # w)) t = 1"
using path_with_word_step asm by simp
then show ?thesis
by auto
case False
then have "count (transitions_of (s # s' # ss, l # w)) t = 0"
using path_with_word_step asm by auto
then show ?thesis
by auto
assume "hd (transition_list (s' # ss, w)) = t ∧ count (transitions_of (s' # ss, w)) t = 1"
have "(∄q γ. (q, γ, p1) ∈ transition_relation)"
by (meson LTS.srcs_def2 assms(2))
have False
using path_with_word_step by (auto elim: path_with_word.cases)
then show ?case
by auto
lemma source_only_hd:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "p1 ∈ srcs"
assumes "count (transitions_of (ss, w)) t > 0"
assumes "t = (p1, γ, q1)"
shows "hd (transition_list (ss, w)) = t ∧ count (transitions_of (ss, w)) t = 1"
using source_never_or_hd assms not_gr_zero
by metis
lemma no_end_in_source:
assumes "(p, w, qq) ∈ trans_star"
assumes "w ≠ []"
shows "qq ∉ srcs"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star.induct)
case (trans_star_refl p)
then show ?case
by blast
case (trans_star_step p γ q' w q)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.srcs_def2 LTS.trans_star_empty)
lemma transition_list_length_Cons:
assumes "length ss = Suc (length w)"
assumes "hd (transition_list (ss, w)) = (p, γ, q)"
assumes "transition_list (ss, w) ≠ []"
shows "∃w' ss'. w = γ # w' ∧ ss = p # q # ss'"
proof (cases ss)
case Nil
note Nil_outer = Nil
show ?thesis
proof (cases w)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using assms Nil_outer by auto
case (Cons a list)
then show ?thesis
using assms Nil_outer by auto
case (Cons a list)
note Cons_outer = Cons
then show ?thesis
proof (cases w)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using assms Cons_outer by auto
case (Cons aa llist)
with Cons_outer assms show ?thesis
by (cases list) auto
lemma transition_list_Cons:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
assumes "hd (transition_list (ss, w)) = (p, γ, q1)"
assumes "transition_list (ss, w) ≠ []"
shows "∃w' ss'. w = γ # w' ∧ ss = p # q1 # ss'"
using assms transition_list_length_Cons by (metis LTS.trans_star_states_length)
lemma nothing_after_sink:
assumes "([q, q']@ss, γ1#w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "q' ∈ sinks"
shows "ss = [] ∧ w = []"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then have "∄q'' γ. (q', γ, q'') ∈ transition_relation"
using sinks_def2[of "q'"]
by auto
with assms(1) show ?case
by (auto elim: path_with_word.cases)
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case
by metis
lemma count_transitions_of'_tails:
assumes "(p, γ', q'_add) ≠ (p1, γ, q')"
shows "count (transitions_of' (p, γ' # w, p # q'_add # ss_rest, q)) (p1, γ, q') =
count (transitions_of' (q'_add, w, q'_add # ss_rest, q)) (p1, γ, q')"
using assms by (cases w) auto
lemma avoid_count_zero:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ trans_star_states"
assumes "(p1, γ, q') ∉ transition_relation"
shows "count (transitions_of' (p, w, ss, q)) (p1, γ, q') = 0"
using assms
proof(induction arbitrary: p rule: trans_star_states.induct)
case (trans_star_states_refl p)
then show ?case
by auto
case (trans_star_states_step p γ q' w ss q)
show ?case
by (metis trans_star_states_step trans_star_states.cases assms(2)
count_transitions_of'_tails transitions_of'.simps)
lemma transition_list_append:
assumes "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "(ss',w') ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "last ss = hd ss'"
shows "transition_list ((ss,w) @´ (ss',w')) = transition_list (ss,w) @ transition_list (ss',w')"
using assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then have "transition_list (hd ss' # tl ss', w') = transition_list (ss', w')"
by (metis LTS.path_with_word_not_empty list.exhaust_sel)
then show ?case
using path_with_word_refl by auto
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
then show ?case
by auto
lemma split_path_with_word_beginning'':
assumes "(SS,WW) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "SS = (ss @ ss')"
assumes "length ss = Suc (length w)"
assumes "WW = w @ w'"
shows "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: ss ss' w w' rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by (metis append.right_neutral append_is_Nil_conv list.sel(3) list.size(3) nat.discI
path_with_word.path_with_word_refl tl_append2)
case (path_with_word_step s'a ssa wa s l)
then show ?case
proof (cases "w")
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using path_with_word_step by (metis LTS.path_with_word.simps length_0_conv length_Suc_conv)
case (Cons)
have "(s'a # ssa, wa) ∈ LTS.path_with_word transition_relation"
by (simp add: "path_with_word_step.hyps"(1))
have "s'a # ssa = tl ss @ ss'"
by (metis "path_with_word_step.prems"(1,2) Zero_not_Suc
length_0_conv list.sel(3) tl_append2)
have "length (tl ss) = Suc (length (tl w))"
using "path_with_word_step.prems" Cons by auto
have "wa = tl w @ w'"
by (metis path_with_word_step(5,6) calculation(3) length_Suc_conv list.sel(3) list.size(3)
nat.simps(3) tl_append2)
have "(tl ss, tl w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word transition_relation"
using path_with_word_step(3)[of "tl ss" ss' "tl w" w'] by auto
then show ?thesis
using path_with_word_step
by (auto simp: Cons_eq_append_conv intro: path_with_word.path_with_word_step)
lemma split_path_with_word_end':
assumes "(SS,WW) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "SS = (ss @ ss')"
assumes "length ss' = Suc (length w')"
assumes "WW = w @ w'"
shows "(ss',w') ∈ path_with_word"
using assms(1) assms
proof (induction arbitrary: ss ss' w w' rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by (metis Nil_is_append_conv Zero_not_Suc append_Nil list.sel(3) list.size(3) tl_append2)
case (path_with_word_step s' ssa wa s l)
show ?case
proof (cases "ss")
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using path_with_word_step(4,5,6,7) path_with_word_length
by (auto simp: Cons_eq_append_conv)
case (Cons x xs)
have "(s' # ssa, wa) ∈ LTS.path_with_word transition_relation"
using "path_with_word_step.hyps"(1) by blast
have "s' # ssa = tl ss @ ss'"
using path_with_word_step(5) using local.Cons by auto
have "length ss' = Suc (length w')"
using "path_with_word_step.prems"(3) by blast
have "wa = tl w @ w'"
proof (cases "wa = []")
assume "wa ≠[]"
then show ?thesis
using path_with_word_step(4-7) Cons path_with_word_length
by (fastforce simp: Cons_eq_append_conv)
assume wa_empty: "wa = []"
have "tl ss @ ss' ≠ []"
using calculation(2) by force
then have "(butlast (tl ss @ ss') @ [last (s' # ssa)], []) = (s' # ssa, wa)"
using wa_empty by (simp add: calculation(2))
then have "(butlast (tl ss @ ss') @ [last (s' # ssa)], []) ∈ LTS.path_with_word transition_relation"
using "path_with_word_step"(1) by metis
then have "length (butlast (tl ss @ ss')) = length ([]::'v list)"
using LTS.path_with_word_lengths by (metis list.size(3))
then have "w' = []"
by (simp add: calculation(3))
then show ?thesis
using "path_with_word_step.prems"(4) by force
show ?thesis
using path_with_word_step(3)[of "tl ss" ss' w' "tl w"] by auto
lemma split_path_with_word_end:
assumes "(ss @ ss',w @ w') ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "length ss' = Suc (length w')"
shows "(ss',w') ∈ path_with_word"
using split_path_with_word_end' assms by blast
lemma split_path_with_word_beginning':
assumes "(ss @ ss',w @ w') ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "length ss = Suc (length w)"
shows "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms split_path_with_word_beginning'' by blast
lemma split_path_with_word_beginning:
assumes "(ss, w) @´ (ss', w') ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "length ss = Suc (length w)"
shows "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms split_path_with_word_beginning'' by (metis append_path_with_word.simps)
lemma path_with_word_remove_last':
assumes "(SS, W) ∈ path_with_word"
assumes "SS = ss @ [s, s']"
assumes "W = w @ [l]"
shows "(ss @ [s], w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: ss w rule: path_with_word_induct_reverse)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by auto
case (path_with_word_step_rev ss s w l s')
then show ?case
by auto
lemma path_with_word_remove_last:
assumes "(ss @ [s, s'], w @ [l]) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "(ss @ [s], w) ∈ path_with_word"
using path_with_word_remove_last' assms by auto
lemma transition_list_append_edge:
assumes "(ss @ [s, s'], w @ [l]) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "transition_list (ss @ [s, s'], w @ [l]) = transition_list (ss @ [s], w) @ [(s, l, s')]"
proof -
have "(ss @ [s], w) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms path_with_word_remove_last by auto
have "([s, s'], [l]) ∈ path_with_word"
using assms length_Cons list.size(3) by (metis split_path_with_word_end')
have "last (ss @ [s]) = hd [s, s']"
by auto
show ?thesis
using transition_list_append[of "ss @ [s]" w "[s, s']" "[l]"] by auto
subsection ‹More LTS lemmas›
lemma hd_transition_list_append_path_with_word:
assumes "hd (transition_list (ss, w)) = (p1, γ, q1)"
assumes "transition_list (ss, w) ≠ []"
shows "([p1, q1], [γ]) @´ (tl ss, tl w) = (ss, w)"
proof -
have "p1 # q1 # tl (tl ss) = ss ∧ γ # tl w = w"
proof (cases ss)
case Nil
note Nil_outer = Nil
show ?thesis
proof (cases w)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using assms Nil_outer by auto
case (Cons a list)
then show ?thesis
using assms Nil_outer by auto
case (Cons a list)
note Cons_outer = Cons
show ?thesis
proof (cases w)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using assms Cons_outer using list.collapse by (metis transition_list.simps(2,4))
case (Cons aa llist)
have "p1 = a"
using assms Cons Cons_outer
by (metis Pair_inject list.exhaust list.sel(1) transition_list.simps(1,2))
have "q1 # tl list = list"
using assms Cons Cons_outer
by (cases list) auto
have "γ = aa"
by (metis Cons_outer Pair_inject assms(1) calculation(2) list.sel(1) local.Cons
show ?thesis
using assms Cons_outer Cons by auto
then show ?thesis
by auto
lemma counting:
"count (transitions_of' ((hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of ((ss1,ww1))) (s1, γ, s2)"
by force
lemma count_append_path_with_word_γ:
assumes "length ss1 = Suc (length ww1)"
assumes "ss2 ≠ []"
shows "count (transitions_of (((ss1,ww1),γ') @⇧γ (ss2,ww2))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of (ss1,ww1)) (s1, γ, s2) +
(if s1 = last ss1 ∧ s2 = hd ss2 ∧ γ = γ' then 1 else 0) +
count (transitions_of (ss2,ww2)) (s1, γ, s2)"
using assms proof (induction ww1 arbitrary: ss1)
case Nil
note Nil_outer = Nil
obtain s where s_p: "ss1 = [s]"
by (metis Suc_length_conv length_0_conv local.Nil(1))
then show ?case
proof (cases ss2)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using assms by blast
case (Cons s2' ss2')
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "s1 = s2'")
case True
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: local.Cons s_p)
case False
then show ?thesis
using s_p local.Cons by fastforce
case (Cons w ww11)
obtain s2' ss2' where s2'_ss2'_p: "ss2 = s2' # ss2'"
by (meson assms list.exhaust)
obtain s1' ss1' where s1'_ss1'_p: "ss1 = s1' # ss1'"
by (meson Cons.prems(1) length_Suc_conv)
show ?case
using Cons(1)[of "ss1'"] Cons(2-) s2'_ss2'_p s1'_ss1'_p
by (auto simp: length_Suc_conv)
lemma count_append_path_with_word:
assumes "length ss1 = Suc (length ww1)"
assumes "ss2 ≠ []"
assumes "last ss1 = hd ss2"
shows "count (transitions_of (((ss1, ww1)) @´ (ss2, ww2))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of (ss1, ww1)) (s1, γ, s2) +
count (transitions_of (ss2, ww2)) (s1, γ, s2)"
using assms proof (induction ww1 arbitrary: ss1)
case Nil
note Nil_outer = Nil
obtain s where s_p: "ss1 = [s]"
by (metis Suc_length_conv length_0_conv local.Nil(1))
then show ?case
proof (cases ss2)
case Nil
then show ?thesis
using assms by blast
case (Cons s2' ss2')
then show ?thesis
proof (cases "s1 = s2'")
case True
then show ?thesis
using local.Cons s_p
using Nil_outer(3) by auto
case False
then show ?thesis
using s_p local.Cons
using Nil_outer(3) by fastforce
case (Cons w ww11)
show ?case
using Cons by (fastforce simp: length_Suc_conv split: if_splits)
lemma count_append_trans_star_states_γ_length:
assumes "length (ss1) = Suc (length (ww1))"
assumes "ss2 ≠ []"
shows "count (transitions_of' (((hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1),γ') @@⇧γ (hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of' (hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1)) (s1, γ, s2) +
(if s1 = last ss1 ∧ s2 = hd ss2 ∧ γ = γ' then 1 else 0) +
count (transitions_of' (hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2)) (s1, γ, s2)"
using assms count_append_path_with_word_γ by force
lemma count_append_trans_star_states_γ:
assumes "(hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A"
assumes "(hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A"
shows "count (transitions_of' (((hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1),γ') @@⇧γ (hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of' (hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1)) (s1, γ, s2) +
(if s1 = last ss1 ∧ s2 = hd ss2 ∧ γ = γ' then 1 else 0) +
count (transitions_of' (hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2)) (s1, γ, s2)"
proof -
have "length (ss1) = Suc (length (ww1))"
by (meson LTS.trans_star_states_length assms(1))
have "ss2 ≠ []"
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states.simps assms(2) list.discI)
show ?thesis
using count_append_trans_star_states_γ_length by metis
lemma count_append_trans_star_states_length:
assumes "length (ss1) = Suc (length (ww1))"
assumes "ss2 ≠ []"
assumes "last ss1 = hd ss2"
shows "count (transitions_of' (((hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1)) @@´ (hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of' (hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1)) (s1, γ, s2) +
count (transitions_of' (hdss2,ww2,ss2,lastss2)) (s1, γ, s2)"
using count_append_path_with_word[OF assms(1) assms(2) assms(3), of ww2 s1 γ s2] by auto
lemma count_append_trans_star_states:
assumes "(hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A"
assumes "(lastss1,ww2,ss2,lastss2) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A"
shows "count (transitions_of' (((hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1)) @@´ (lastss1,ww2,ss2,lastss2))) (s1, γ, s2) =
count (transitions_of' (hdss1,ww1,ss1,lastss1)) (s1, γ, s2) +
count (transitions_of' (lastss1,ww2,ss2,lastss2)) (s1, γ, s2)"
proof -
have "length (ss1) = Suc (length (ww1))"
by (meson LTS.trans_star_states_length assms(1))
have "last ss1 = hd ss2"
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states_hd LTS.trans_star_states_last assms(1) assms(2))
have "ss2 ≠ []"
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states_length Zero_not_Suc assms(2) list.size(3))
show ?thesis
using count_append_trans_star_states_length assms by auto
context fixes Δ :: "('state, 'label) transition set" begin
fun reach where
"reach p [] = {p}"
| "reach p (γ#w) =
(⋃q' ∈ (⋃(p',γ',q') ∈ Δ. if p' = p ∧ γ' = γ then {q'} else {}).
reach q' w)"
lemma trans_star_imp_exec: "(p,w,q) ∈ LTS.trans_star Δ ⟹ q ∈ reach Δ p w"
by (induct p w q rule: LTS.trans_star.induct[of _ _ _ Δ, consumes 1]) force+
lemma reach_imp: "q ∈ reach Δ p w ⟹ (p,w,q) ∈ LTS.trans_star Δ"
by (induct p w rule: reach.induct)
(auto intro!: LTS.trans_star_refl[of _ Δ] LTS.trans_star_step[of _ _ _ Δ] split: if_splits)
lemma trans_star_code[code_unfold]: "(p,w,q) ∈ LTS.trans_star Δ ⟷ q ∈ reach Δ p w"
by (meson reach_imp trans_star_imp_exec)
lemma subset_srcs_code[code_unfold]:
"X ⊆ LTS.srcs A ⟷ (∀q ∈ X. q ∉ snd ` snd ` A)"
by (auto simp add: LTS.srcs_def image_iff)
lemma LTS_trans_star_mono:
"mono LTS.trans_star"
proof (rule, rule)
fix pwq :: "'a × 'b list × 'a"
fix ts ts' :: "('a, 'b) transition set"
assume sub: "ts ⊆ ts'"
assume pwq_ts: "pwq ∈ LTS.trans_star ts"
then obtain p w q where pwq_p: "pwq = (p, w, q)"
using prod_cases3 by blast
then have "(p, w, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star ts"
using pwq_ts by auto
then have "(p, w, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star ts'"
proof(induction w arbitrary: p)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star.trans_star_refl LTS.trans_star_empty)
case (Cons γ w)
then show ?case
by (meson LTS.trans_star.simps LTS.trans_star_cons sub subsetD)
then show "pwq ∈ LTS.trans_star ts'"
unfolding pwq_p .
lemma count_next_0:
assumes "count (transitions_of (s # s' # ss, l # w)) (p1, γ, q') = 0"
shows "count (transitions_of (s' # ss, w)) (p1, γ, q') = 0"
using assms by (cases "s = p1 ∧ l = γ ∧ s' = q'") auto
lemma count_next_hd:
assumes "count (transitions_of (s # s' # ss, l # w)) (p1, γ, q') = 0"
shows "(s, l, s') ≠ (p1, γ, q')"
using assms by auto
lemma count_empty_zero: "count (transitions_of' (p, [], [p_add], p_add)) (p1, γ, q') = 0"
by simp
lemma count_zero_remove_path_with_word:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word Ai"
assumes "0 = count (transitions_of (ss, w)) (p1, γ, q')"
assumes "Ai = Aiminus1 ∪ {(p1, γ, q')}"
shows "(ss, w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word Aiminus1"
using assms
proof (induction rule: LTS.path_with_word.induct[OF assms(1)])
case (1 s)
then show ?case
by (simp add: LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_refl)
case (2 s' ss w s l)
from 2(5) have "0 = count (transitions_of (s' # ss, w)) (p1, γ, q')"
using count_next_0 by auto
then have s'_ss_w_Aiminus1: "(s' # ss, w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word Aiminus1"
using 2 by auto
have "(s, l, s') ∈ Aiminus1"
using 2(2,5) assms(3) by force
then show ?case
using s'_ss_w_Aiminus1 by (simp add: LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_step)
lemma count_zero_remove_path_with_word_trans_star_states:
assumes "(p, w, ss ,q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
assumes "0 = count (transitions_of' (p, w, ss, q)) (p1, γ, q')"
assumes "Ai = Aiminus1 ∪ {(p1, γ, q')}"
shows "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1"
using assms
proof (induction arbitrary: p rule: LTS.trans_star_states.induct[OF assms(1)])
case (1 p)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states.simps list.distinct(1))
case (2 p' γ' q'' w ss q)
have p_is_p': "p' = p"
by (meson "2.prems"(1) LTS.trans_star_states.cases list.inject)
assume len: "length ss > 0"
have not_found: "(p, γ', hd ss) ≠ (p1, γ, q')"
using LTS.trans_star_states.cases count_next_hd list.sel(1) transitions_of'.simps
using 2(4) 2(5) by (metis len hd_Cons_tl length_greater_0_conv)
have hdAI: "(p, γ', hd ss) ∈ Ai"
by (metis "2.hyps"(1) "2.hyps"(2) LTS.trans_star_states.cases list.sel(1) p_is_p')
have t_Aiminus1: "(p, γ', hd ss) ∈ Aiminus1"
using 2 hdAI not_found by force
have "(p, γ' # w, p' # ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states (Aiminus1 ∪ {(p1, γ, q')})"
using "2.prems"(1) assms(3) by fastforce
have ss_hd_tl: "hd ss # tl ss = ss"
using len hd_Cons_tl by blast
have "(hd ss, w, ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
using ss_hd_tl "2.hyps"(2) using LTS.trans_star_states.cases
by (metis list.sel(1))
ultimately have "(hd ss, w, ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1"
using ss_hd_tl using "2.IH" "2.prems"(2) not_found assms(3) p_is_p'
LTS.count_transitions_of'_tails by (metis)
from this t_Aiminus1 have ?case
using LTS.trans_star_states.intros(2)[of p γ' "hd ss" Aiminus1 w ss q] using p_is_p' by auto
assume "length ss = 0"
then have ?case
using "2.hyps"(2) LTS.trans_star_states.cases by force
ultimately show ?case
by auto
lemma count_zero_remove_trans_star_states_trans_star:
assumes "(p, w, ss ,q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
assumes "0 = count (transitions_of' (p, w, ss, q)) (p1, γ, q')"
assumes "Ai = Aiminus1 ∪ {(p1, γ, q')}"
shows "(p, w, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star Aiminus1"
using assms count_zero_remove_path_with_word_trans_star_states by (metis LTS.trans_star_states_trans_star)
lemma split_at_first_t:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
assumes "Suc j' = count (transitions_of' (p, w, ss, q)) (p1, γ, q')"
assumes "(p1, γ, q') ∉ Aiminus1"
assumes "Ai = Aiminus1 ∪ {(p1, γ, q')}"
shows "∃u v u_ss v_ss.
ss = u_ss @ v_ss ∧
w = u @ [γ] @ v ∧
(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1 ∧
(p1, [γ], q') ∈ LTS.trans_star Ai ∧
(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai ∧
(p, w, ss, q) = ((p, u, u_ss, p1),γ) @@⇧γ (q', v, v_ss,q)"
using assms
proof(induction arbitrary: p rule: LTS.trans_star_states.induct[OF assms(1)])
case (1 p_add p)
from 1(2) have "False"
using count_empty_zero by auto
then show ?case
by auto
case (2 p_add γ' q'_add w ss q p)
then have p_add_p: "p_add = p"
by (meson LTS.trans_star_states.cases list.inject)
from p_add_p have p_Ai: "(p, γ', q'_add) ∈ Ai"
using 2(1) by auto
from p_add_p have p_γ'_w_ss_Ai: "(p, γ' # w, p # ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
using 2(4) by auto
from p_add_p have count_p_γ'_w_ss: "Suc j' = count (transitions_of' (p, γ' # w, p # ss, q)) (p1, γ, q')"
using 2(5) by auto
show ?case
proof(cases "(p, γ', q'_add) = (p1, γ, q')")
case True
define u :: "'b list" where "u = []"
define u_ss :: "'a list" where "u_ss = [p]"
define v where "v = w"
define v_ss where "v_ss = ss"
have "(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1"
unfolding u_def u_ss_def using LTS.trans_star_states.intros
using True by fastforce
have "(p1, [γ], q') ∈ LTS.trans_star Ai"
using p_Ai by (metis LTS.trans_star.trans_star_refl LTS.trans_star.trans_star_step True)
have "(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
using 2(2) True v_def v_ss_def by blast
show ?thesis
using Pair_inject True ‹(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1›
‹(p1, [γ], q') ∈ LTS.trans_star Ai› ‹(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai›
append_Cons p_add_p self_append_conv2 u_def u_ss_def v_def v_ss_def
by (metis (no_types) append_trans_star_states_γ.simps)
case False
have "hd ss = q'_add"
by (metis LTS.trans_star_states.cases 2(2) list.sel(1))
from this False have g: "Suc j' = count (transitions_of' (q'_add, w, ss, q)) (p1, γ, q')"
using count_p_γ'_w_ss by (cases ss) auto
have "∃u_ih v_ih u_ss_ih v_ss_ih.
ss = u_ss_ih @ v_ss_ih ∧
w = u_ih @ [γ] @ v_ih ∧
(q'_add, u_ih, u_ss_ih, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1 ∧
(p1, [γ], q') ∈ LTS.trans_star Ai ∧
(q', v_ih, v_ss_ih, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
using 2(3)[of q'_add, OF 2(2) g 2(6) 2(7)] by auto
then obtain u_ih v_ih u_ss_ih v_ss_ih where splitting_p:
"ss = u_ss_ih @ v_ss_ih"
"w = u_ih @ [γ] @ v_ih"
"(q'_add, u_ih, u_ss_ih, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1"
"(p1, [γ], q') ∈ LTS.trans_star Ai"
"(q', v_ih, v_ss_ih, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
by metis
define v where "v = v_ih"
define v_ss where "v_ss = v_ss_ih"
define u where "u = γ' # u_ih"
define u_ss where "u_ss = p # u_ss_ih"
have "p_add # ss = u_ss @ v_ss"
by (simp add: p_add_p splitting_p(1) u_ss_def v_ss_def)
have "γ' # w = u @ [γ] @ v"
using splitting_p(2) u_def v_def by auto
have "(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1"
using False LTS.trans_star_states.trans_star_states_step 2(7) p_Ai splitting_p(3) u_def
u_ss_def by fastforce
have "(p1, [γ], q') ∈ LTS.trans_star Ai"
by (simp add: splitting_p(4))
have "(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai"
by (simp add: splitting_p(5) v_def v_ss_def)
show ?thesis
using ‹(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Aiminus1›
‹(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states Ai› ‹γ' # w = u @ [γ] @ v›
‹p_add # ss = u_ss @ v_ss› splitting_p(4)
by auto
lemma trans_star_states_mono:
assumes "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A1"
assumes "A1 ⊆ A2"
shows "(p, w, ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A2"
using assms
proof (induction rule: LTS.trans_star_states.induct[OF assms(1)])
case (1 p)
then show ?case
by (simp add: LTS.trans_star_states.trans_star_states_refl)
case (2 p γ q' w ss q)
then show ?case
by (meson LTS.trans_star_states.trans_star_states_step in_mono)
lemma count_combine_trans_star_states_append:
assumes "ss = u_ss @ v_ss ∧ w = u @ [γ] @ v"
assumes "t = (p1, γ, q')"
assumes "(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A"
assumes "(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states B"
shows "count (transitions_of' (p, w, ss, q)) t =
count (transitions_of' (p, u, u_ss, p1)) t +
1 +
count (transitions_of' (q', v, v_ss, q)) t"
proof -
have v_ss_non_empt: "v_ss ≠ []"
using LTS.trans_star_states.cases assms by force
have u_ss_l: "length u_ss = Suc (length u)"
using assms LTS.trans_star_states_length by metis
have p1_u_ss: "p1 = last u_ss"
using assms LTS.trans_star_states_last by metis
have q'_v_ss: "q' = hd v_ss"
using assms LTS.trans_star_states_hd by metis
have one: "(if p1 = last u_ss ∧ q' = hd v_ss then 1 else 0) = 1"
using p1_u_ss q'_v_ss by auto
from count_append_trans_star_states_γ_length[of u_ss u v_ss p q γ q' v q p1 ] show ?thesis
using assms(1) assms(2) assms(3) by (auto simp add: assms(3) one u_ss_l v_ss_non_empt)
lemma count_combine_trans_star_states:
assumes "t = (p1, γ, q')"
assumes "(p, u, u_ss, p1) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states A"
assumes "(q', v, v_ss, q) ∈ LTS.trans_star_states B"
shows "count (transitions_of' (((p, u, u_ss, p1),γ) @@⇧γ (q', v, v_ss, q))) t =
count (transitions_of' (p, u, u_ss, p1)) t + 1 + count (transitions_of' (q', v, v_ss, q)) t"
by (metis append_trans_star_states_γ.simps assms count_combine_trans_star_states_append)
lemma transition_list_reversed_simp:
assumes "length ss = length w"
shows "transition_list (ss @ [s, s'], w @ [l]) = (transition_list (ss@[s],w)) @ [(s,l,s')]"
using assms
proof (induction ss arbitrary: w)
case Nil
then show ?case
by auto
case (Cons a ss)
define w' where "w' = tl w"
define l' where "l' = hd w"
have w_split: "l' # w' = w"
by (metis Cons.prems l'_def length_0_conv list.distinct(1) list.exhaust_sel w'_def)
then have "length ss = length w'"
using Cons.prems by force
then have "transition_list (ss @ [s, s'], w' @ [l]) = transition_list (ss @ [s], w') @ [(s, l, s')]"
using Cons(1)[of w'] by auto
then have "transition_list (a # ss @ [s, s'], l' # w' @ [l]) = transition_list (a # ss @ [s], l' # w') @ [(s, l, s')]"
by (cases ss) auto
then show ?case
using w_split by auto
lemma LTS_trans_star_mono':
"mono LTS.trans_star_states"
by (auto simp: mono_def trans_star_states_mono)
lemma path_with_word_mono':
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word A1"
assumes "A1 ⊆ A2"
shows "(ss, w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word A2"
by (meson LTS.trans_star_states_path_with_word LTS.path_with_word_trans_star_states assms(1,2)
lemma LTS_path_with_word_mono:
"mono LTS.path_with_word"
by (auto simp: mono_def path_with_word_mono')
subsection ‹Reverse transition system›
fun rev_edge :: "('n,'v) transition ⇒ ('n,'v) transition" where
"rev_edge (q⇩s,α,q⇩o) = (q⇩o, α, q⇩s)"
lemma rev_edge_rev_edge_id[simp]: "rev_edge (rev_edge x) = x"
by (cases x) auto
fun rev_path_with_word :: "'n list * 'v list ⇒ 'n list * 'v list" where
"rev_path_with_word (es,ls) = (rev es, rev ls)"
definition rev_edge_list :: "('n,'v) transition list ⇒ ('n,'v) transition list" where
"rev_edge_list ts = rev (map rev_edge ts)"
context LTS begin
interpretation rev_LTS: LTS "(rev_edge ` transition_relation)"
lemma rev_path_in_rev_pg:
assumes "(ss, w) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "(rev ss, rev w) ∈ rev_LTS.path_with_word"
using assms(1) assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word_induct_reverse)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by (simp add: LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_refl)
case (path_with_word_step_rev ss s w l s')
have "(s', l, s) ∈ rev_edge ` transition_relation"
using path_with_word_step_rev by (simp add: rev_image_eqI)
have "(rev (ss @ [s]), rev w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word (rev_edge ` transition_relation)"
using "path_with_word_step_rev.IH" "path_with_word_step_rev.hyps"(1) by blast
then have "(s # rev ss, rev w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word (rev_edge ` transition_relation)"
by auto
have "(s' # s # rev ss, l # rev w) ∈ LTS.path_with_word (rev_edge ` transition_relation)"
by (simp add: LTS.path_with_word.path_with_word_step)
then show ?case
by auto
lemma transition_list_rev_edge_list:
assumes "(ss,w) ∈ path_with_word"
shows "transition_list (rev ss, rev w) = rev_edge_list (transition_list (ss, w))"
using assms(1) assms
proof (induction rule: path_with_word.induct)
case (path_with_word_refl s)
then show ?case
by (simp add: rev_edge_list_def)
case (path_with_word_step s' ss w s l)
have "transition_list (rev (s # s' # ss), rev (l # w)) = transition_list (rev ss @ [s', s], rev w @ [l])"
by auto
have "... = transition_list (rev ss @ [s'], rev w) @ [(s', l, s)]"
using transition_list_reversed_simp[of "rev ss" "rev w" s' s l]
using "path_with_word_step.hyps"(1) LTS.path_with_word_lengths rev_path_in_rev_pg by fastforce
have "... = rev_edge_list (transition_list (s' # ss, w)) @ [(s', l, s)]"
using path_with_word_step by auto
have "... = rev_edge_list ((s, l, s') # transition_list (s' # ss, w))"
unfolding rev_edge_list_def by auto
have "... = rev_edge_list (transition_list (s # s' # ss, l # w))"
by auto
show ?case
by metis
section ‹LTS with epsilon›
subsection ‹LTS functions›
context begin
private abbreviation ε :: "'label option" where
"ε == None"
definition inters_ε :: "('state, 'label option) transition set ⇒ ('state, 'label option) transition set ⇒ (('state * 'state), 'label option) transition set" where
"inters_ε ts1 ts2 =
{((p1, q1), α, (p2, q2)) | p1 q1 α p2 q2. (p1, α, p2) ∈ ts1 ∧ (q1, α, q2) ∈ ts2} ∪
{((p1, q1), ε, (p2, q1)) | p1 p2 q1. (p1, ε, p2) ∈ ts1} ∪
{((p1, q1), ε, (p1, q2)) | p1 q1 q2. (q1, ε, q2) ∈ ts2}"
subsection ‹LTS with epsilon locale›
locale LTS_ε = LTS transition_relation for transition_relation :: "('state, 'label option) transition set"
abbreviation ε :: "'label option" where
"ε == None"
inductive_set trans_star_ε :: "('state * 'label list * 'state) set" where
trans_star_ε_refl[iff]: "(p, [], p) ∈ trans_star_ε"
| trans_star_ε_step_γ: "(p, Some γ, q') ∈ transition_relation ⟹ (q',w,q) ∈ trans_star_ε
⟹ (p, γ#w, q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
| trans_star_ε_step_ε: "(p, ε, q') ∈ transition_relation ⟹ (q',w,q) ∈ trans_star_ε
⟹ (p, w, q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
inductive_cases trans_star_ε_empty [elim]: "(p, [], q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
inductive_cases trans_star_cons_ε: "(p, γ#w, q) ∈ trans_star"
definition remove_ε :: "'label option list ⇒ 'label list" where
"remove_ε w = map the (removeAll ε w)"
definition ε_exp :: "'label option list ⇒ 'label list ⇒ bool" where
"ε_exp w' w ⟷ map the (removeAll ε w') = w"
lemma trans_star_trans_star_ε:
assumes "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star"
shows "(p, map the (removeAll ε w), q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star.induct)
case (trans_star_refl p)
then show ?case
by simp
case (trans_star_step p γ q' w q)
show ?case
proof (cases γ)
case None
then show ?thesis
using trans_star_step by (simp add: trans_star_ε.trans_star_ε_step_ε)
case (Some γ')
then show ?thesis
using trans_star_step by (simp add: trans_star_ε.trans_star_ε_step_γ)
lemma trans_star_ε_ε_exp_trans_star:
assumes "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
shows "∃w'. ε_exp w' w ∧ (p, w', q) ∈ trans_star"
using assms
proof (induction rule: trans_star_ε.induct)
case (trans_star_ε_refl p)
then show ?case
by (metis LTS.trans_star.trans_star_refl ε_exp_def list.simps(8) removeAll.simps(1))
case (trans_star_ε_step_γ p γ q' w q)
obtain wε :: "'label option list" where
f1: "(q', wε, q) ∈ trans_star ∧ ε_exp wε w"
using trans_star_ε_step_γ.IH by blast
then have "ε_exp (Some γ # wε) (γ # w)"
by (simp add: LTS_ε.ε_exp_def)
then show ?case
using f1 by (meson trans_star.simps trans_star_ε_step_γ.hyps(1))
case (trans_star_ε_step_ε p q' w q)
then show ?case
by (metis trans_starp.trans_star_step trans_starp_trans_star_eq ε_exp_def removeAll.simps(2))
lemma trans_star_ε_iff_ε_exp_trans_star:
"(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star_ε ⟷ (∃w'. ε_exp w' w ∧ (p, w', q) ∈ trans_star)"
assume "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
then show "∃w'. ε_exp w' w ∧ (p, w', q) ∈ trans_star"
using trans_star_ε_ε_exp_trans_star trans_star_trans_star_ε by auto
assume "∃w'. ε_exp w' w ∧ (p, w', q) ∈ trans_star"
then show "(p, w, q) ∈ trans_star_ε"
using trans_star_ε_ε_exp_trans_star trans_star_trans_star_ε ε_exp_def by auto
lemma ε_exp_split':
assumes "ε_exp u_ε (γ1 # u1)"
shows "∃γ1_ε u1_ε. ε_exp γ1_ε [γ1] ∧ ε_exp u1_ε u1 ∧ u_ε = γ1_ε @ u1_ε"
using assms
proof (induction u_ε arbitrary: u1 γ1)
case Nil
then show ?case
by (metis LTS_ε.ε_exp_def list.distinct(1) list.simps(8) removeAll.simps(1))
case (Cons a u_ε)
then show ?case
proof (induction a)
case None
then have "ε_exp u_ε (