Theory Grammar

section ‹Types and Definitions›

theory Grammar
imports Main

subsection ‹Grammar›

text‹We first define the datatypes for a grammar. A symbol is either a non-terminal of type
@{typ 'n} or a terminal of type @{typ 't}. A production is then a tuple of a non-terminal, and a
list of symbols. An empty list of symbols corresponds to the empty word. A grammar is defined
through a non-terminal as start symbol and a list of productions. Note that there may be more than
one production for some non-terminal.›

datatype ('n, 't) symbol = NT 'n | T 't

type_synonym ('n, 't) rhs = "(('n, 't) symbol) list"

type_synonym ('n, 't) prod = "'n × ('n, 't) rhs"
type_synonym ('n, 't) prods = "('n, 't) prod list"

datatype ('n, 't) grammar = G (start: "'n") (prods: "('n, 't) prods")

text‹An LL($1$) parser considers a lookahead of size one to determine the appropriate rule for the next
expansion. A lookahead may either be a terminal symbol or @{text EOF}, the special lookahead to mark
the end of input.›

datatype 't lookahead = LA 't | EOF

subsection ‹Definition of Nullable, First, Follow and Lookahead›

text‹The set of nullable symbols contains all nonterminals from which the empty word can be derived.
This is the case, either when there is a production for the non-terminal with an empty right-hand
side or when the right-hand side consists only of nullable symbols.›

inductive nullable_sym :: "('n, 't) grammar  ('n, 't) symbol  bool"
    and nullable_gamma :: "('n, 't) grammar  ('n, 't) rhs  bool"
for g where
  "(x, gamma)  set (prods g)  nullable_gamma g gamma
   nullable_sym g (NT x)"
| NullableNil:
  "nullable_gamma g []"
| NullableCons:
  "nullable_sym g s  nullable_gamma g ss
   nullable_gamma g (s # ss)"

text‹First symbols are all symbols that are prefixes of possible derivations. For some lookahead,
this is the terminal corresponding to the lookahead, and all non-terminals for which there exists a
production where a first symbol occurs after a nullable prefix.›

inductive first_sym
  :: "('n, 't) grammar  't lookahead  ('n, 't) symbol  bool"
for g where
  FirstT: "first_sym g (LA y) (T y)"
| FirstNT:
  "(x, gpre @ s # gsuf)  set (prods g)  nullable_gamma g gpre
   first_sym g la s
   first_sym g la (NT x)"

inductive first_gamma
  :: "('n, 't) grammar  't lookahead  ('n, 't) symbol list  bool"
for g where
  "nullable_gamma g gpre  first_sym g la s
   first_gamma g la (gpre @ s # gsuf)"

text‹The set of follow symbols contains for some non-terminal all symbols that may directly follow
after a derivation for it. For the start symbol a follow symbol is EOF. In general, follow symbols
of some non-terminal are all first symbols of the list of symbols following after an occurrence of
this non-terminal in the productions right-hand sides. In case the list of symbols following a
non-terminal in a production's right-hand side is nullable, the non-terminal on the left-hand side
of the production is a follow symbol of it as well.›

inductive follow_sym :: "('n, 't) grammar  't lookahead  ('n, 't) symbol  bool"
for g where
  FollowStart: "follow_sym g EOF (NT (start g))"
| FollowRight:
  "(x1, gpre @ (NT x2) # gsuf)  set (prods g)
   first_gamma g la gsuf
   follow_sym g la (NT x2)"
| FollowLeft : "(x1, gpre @ (NT x2) # gsuf)  set (prods g)
   nullable_gamma g gsuf
   follow_sym g la (NT x1)
   follow_sym g la (NT x2)"

text‹A symbol is a lookahead for some production if it is either a first symbol of the production's
right-hand side or, when the right-hand side is nullable, a follow symbol of the non-terminal on the
production's left-hand side.›

definition lookahead_for
  :: "'t lookahead  'n  ('n, 't) rhs  ('n, 't) grammar  bool"
  "lookahead_for la x gamma g = (
    first_gamma g la gamma
     (nullable_gamma g gamma  follow_sym g la (NT x)))"

subsection ‹Left-Recursive Grammars›

text‹A left-recursive grammar is a grammar where some non-terminal symbol can be reached from the
same non-terminal symbol via some nullable path. LL(1) grammars may not be left-recursive.
We give a definition for left-recursive grammars to later use it as an error condition for parsing.›

inductive nullable_path ::
  "('n, 't) grammar  't lookahead  ('n, 't) symbol  ('n, 't) symbol
  DirectPath: "(x, gamma)  set (prods g)  gamma = gpre @ NT z # gsuf
   nullable_gamma g gpre  lookahead_for la x gamma g
   nullable_path g la (NT x) (NT z)"
| IndirectPath: "(x, gamma)  set (prods g)
   gamma = gpre @ NT y # gsuf
   nullable_gamma g gpre  lookahead_for la x gamma g
   nullable_path g la (NT y) (NT z)
   nullable_path g la (NT x) (NT z)"

abbreviation left_recursive ::
  "('n, 't) grammar  ('n, 't) symbol  't lookahead  bool"
  "left_recursive g s la  nullable_path g la s s"
