Theory Lem_word

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from word.lem›.›

theory "Lem_word" 



― ‹open import Bool Maybe Num Basic_classes List›

― ‹open import {isabelle} `HOL-Library.Word`›
― ‹open import {hol} `wordsTheory` `wordsLib`›

― ‹ ========================================================================== ›
― ‹ Define general purpose word, i.e. sequences of bits of arbitrary length    ›
― ‹ ========================================================================== ›

datatype bitSequence = BitSeq " 
    nat option  " " ― ‹ length of the sequence, Nothing means infinite length ›
   bool " " bool       ― ‹ sign of the word, used to fill up after concrete value is exhausted ›
   list "    ― ‹ the initial part of the sequence, least significant bit first ›

― ‹val bitSeqEq : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bool›

― ‹val boolListFrombitSeq : nat -> bitSequence -> list bool›

fun  boolListFrombitSeqAux  :: " nat  'a  'a list  'a list "  where 
     " boolListFrombitSeqAux n s bl = (
  if n =( 0 :: nat) then [] else
  (case  bl of
      []       => List.replicate n s
    | b # bl' => b # (boolListFrombitSeqAux (n-( 1 :: nat)) s bl')

fun boolListFrombitSeq  :: " nat  bitSequence (bool)list "  where 
     " boolListFrombitSeq n (BitSeq _ s bl) = ( boolListFrombitSeqAux n s bl )"

― ‹val bitSeqFromBoolList : list bool -> maybe bitSequence›
definition bitSeqFromBoolList  :: "(bool)list (bitSequence)option "  where 
     " bitSeqFromBoolList bl = (
  (case  dest_init bl of
      None => None
    | Some (bl', s) => Some (BitSeq (Some (List.length bl)) s bl')

― ‹ cleans up the representation of a bitSequence without changing its semantics ›
― ‹val cleanBitSeq : bitSequence -> bitSequence›
fun cleanBitSeq  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " cleanBitSeq (BitSeq len s bl) = ( (case  len of
    None => (BitSeq len s (List.rev (dropWhile ((⟷) s) (List.rev bl))))
  | Some n  => (BitSeq len s (List.rev (dropWhile ((⟷) s) (List.rev (List.take (n-( 1 :: nat)) bl)))))

― ‹val bitSeqTestBit : bitSequence -> nat -> maybe bool›
fun bitSeqTestBit  :: " bitSequence  nat (bool)option "  where 
     " bitSeqTestBit (BitSeq None s bl) pos = ( if pos < List.length bl then index bl pos else Some s )"
|" bitSeqTestBit (BitSeq(Some l) s bl) pos = ( if (pos  l) then None else
                if ((pos = (l -( 1 :: nat)))  (pos  List.length bl)) then Some s else
                index bl pos )"

― ‹val bitSeqSetBit : bitSequence -> nat -> bool -> bitSequence›
fun bitSeqSetBit  :: " bitSequence  nat  bool  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqSetBit (BitSeq len s bl) pos v = (
  (let bl' = (if (pos < List.length bl) then bl else bl @ List.replicate pos s) in
  (let bl'' = (List.list_update bl' pos v) in
  (let bs' = (BitSeq len s bl'') in
  cleanBitSeq bs'))))"

― ‹val resizeBitSeq : maybe nat -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition resizeBitSeq  :: "(nat)option  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " resizeBitSeq new_len bs = ( 
  (case  cleanBitSeq bs of
      (BitSeq len s bl) =>
  (let shorten_opt = ((case  (new_len, len) of
                            (None, _) => None
                        | (Some l1, None) => Some l1
                        | (Some l1, Some l2) =>
                      if (l1 < l2) then Some l1 else None
                      )) in
  (case  shorten_opt of
        None => BitSeq new_len s bl
    | Some l1 => (
                 (let bl' = (List.take l1 (bl @ [s])) in
                 (case  dest_init bl' of
                       None => (BitSeq len s bl) ― ‹ do nothing if size 0 is requested ›
                   | Some (bl'', s') => cleanBitSeq (BitSeq new_len s' bl'')
  ) )"

― ‹val bitSeqNot : bitSequence -> bitSequence›
fun bitSeqNot  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqNot (BitSeq len s bl) = ( BitSeq len (¬ s) ( (λ x. ¬ x) bl))"

― ‹val bitSeqBinop : (bool -> bool -> bool) -> bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›

― ‹val bitSeqBinopAux : (bool -> bool -> bool) -> bool -> list bool -> bool -> list bool -> list bool›
fun  bitSeqBinopAux  :: "(bool  bool  bool) bool (bool)list  bool (bool)list (bool)list "  where 
     " bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 ([]) s2 ([]) = ( [])"
|" bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 (b1 # bl1') s2 ([]) = ( (binop b1 s2) # bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 bl1' s2 [])"
|" bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 ([]) s2 (b2 # bl2') = ( (binop s1 b2) # bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 []   s2 bl2' )"
|" bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 (b1 # bl1') s2 (b2 # bl2') = ( (binop b1 b2) # bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 bl1' s2 bl2' )"

definition bitSeqBinop  :: "(bool  bool  bool) bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqBinop binop bs1 bs2 = ( ( 
  (case  cleanBitSeq bs1 of
      (BitSeq len1 s1 bl1) =>
  (case  cleanBitSeq bs2 of
      (BitSeq len2 s2 bl2) =>
  (let len = ((case  (len1, len2) of
                    (Some l1, Some l2) => Some (max l1 l2)
                | _ => None
              )) in
  (let s = (binop s1 s2) in
  (let bl = (bitSeqBinopAux binop s1 bl1 s2 bl2) in
  cleanBitSeq (BitSeq len s bl))))

definition bitSeqAnd  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqAnd = ( bitSeqBinop (∧))"

definition bitSeqOr  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqOr = ( bitSeqBinop (∨))"

definition bitSeqXor  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqXor = ( bitSeqBinop (λ b1 b2. ¬ (b1  b2)))"

― ‹val bitSeqShiftLeft : bitSequence -> nat -> bitSequence›
fun bitSeqShiftLeft  :: " bitSequence  nat  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqShiftLeft (BitSeq len s bl) n = ( cleanBitSeq (BitSeq len s (List.replicate n False @ bl)))"

― ‹val bitSeqArithmeticShiftRight : bitSequence -> nat -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqArithmeticShiftRight  :: " bitSequence  nat  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqArithmeticShiftRight bs n = ( 
  (case  cleanBitSeq bs of
      (BitSeq len s bl) =>
  cleanBitSeq (BitSeq len s (List.drop n bl))
  ) )"

― ‹val bitSeqLogicalShiftRight : bitSequence -> nat -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqLogicalShiftRight  :: " bitSequence  nat  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqLogicalShiftRight bs n = ( 
  if (n =( 0 :: nat)) then cleanBitSeq bs else  
  (case  cleanBitSeq bs of
      (BitSeq len s bl) =>
  (case  len of
        None => cleanBitSeq (BitSeq len s (List.drop n bl))
    | Some l => cleanBitSeq
                  (BitSeq len False ((List.drop n bl) @ List.replicate l s))
  ) )"

― ‹ integerFromBoolList sign bl creates an integer from a list of bits
   (least significant bit first) and an explicitly given sign bit.
   It uses two's complement encoding. ›
― ‹val integerFromBoolList : (bool * list bool) -> integer›

fun  integerFromBoolListAux  :: " int (bool)list  int "  where 
     " integerFromBoolListAux (acc1 :: int) (([]) :: bool list) = ( acc1 )"
|" integerFromBoolListAux (acc1 :: int) ((True # bl') :: bool list) = ( integerFromBoolListAux ((acc1 *( 2 :: int)) +( 1 :: int)) bl' )"
|" integerFromBoolListAux (acc1 :: int) ((False # bl') :: bool list) = ( integerFromBoolListAux (acc1 *( 2 :: int)) bl' )"

fun integerFromBoolList  :: " bool*(bool)list  int "  where 
     " integerFromBoolList (sign, bl) = ( 
   if sign then 
     - (integerFromBoolListAux(( 0 :: int)) (List.rev ( (λ x. ¬ x) bl)) +( 1 :: int))
   else integerFromBoolListAux(( 0 :: int)) (List.rev bl))"

― ‹ [boolListFromInteger i] creates a sign bit and a list of booleans from an integer. The len_opt tells it when to stop.›
― ‹val boolListFromInteger :    integer -> bool * list bool›

fun  boolListFromNatural  :: "(bool)list  nat (bool)list "  where 
     " boolListFromNatural acc1 (remainder :: nat) = (
 if (remainder >( 0 :: nat)) then 
   (boolListFromNatural (((remainder mod( 2 :: nat)) =( 1 :: nat)) # acc1) 
      (remainder div( 2 :: nat)))
   List.rev acc1 )"

definition boolListFromInteger  :: " int  bool*(bool)list "  where 
     " boolListFromInteger (i :: int) = ( 
  if (i <( 0 :: int)) then
    (True, (λ x. ¬ x) (boolListFromNatural [] (nat (abs (- (i +( 1 :: int)))))))
    (False, boolListFromNatural [] (nat (abs i))))"

― ‹ [bitSeqFromInteger len_opt i] encodes [i] as a bitsequence with [len_opt] bits. If there are not enough
   bits, truncation happens ›
― ‹val bitSeqFromInteger : maybe nat -> integer -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqFromInteger  :: "(nat)option  int  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqFromInteger len_opt i = (
  (let (s, bl) = (boolListFromInteger i) in
  resizeBitSeq len_opt (BitSeq None s bl)))"

― ‹val integerFromBitSeq : bitSequence -> integer›
definition integerFromBitSeq  :: " bitSequence  int "  where 
     " integerFromBitSeq bs = ( 
  (case  cleanBitSeq bs of (BitSeq len s bl) => integerFromBoolList (s, bl) ) )"

― ‹ Now we can via translation to integers map arithmetic operations to bitSequences ›

― ‹val bitSeqArithUnaryOp : (integer -> integer) -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqArithUnaryOp  :: "(int  int) bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqArithUnaryOp uop bs = ( 
  (case  bs of
      (BitSeq len _ _) =>
  bitSeqFromInteger len (uop (integerFromBitSeq bs))
  ) )"

― ‹val bitSeqArithBinOp : (integer -> integer -> integer) -> bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqArithBinOp  :: "(int  int  int) bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqArithBinOp binop bs1 bs2 = ( 
  (case  bs1 of
      (BitSeq len1 _ _) =>
  (case  bs2 of
      (BitSeq len2 _ _) =>
  (let len = ((case  (len1, len2) of
                    (Some l1, Some l2) => Some (max l1 l2)
                | _ => None
              )) in
  bitSeqFromInteger len
    (binop (integerFromBitSeq bs1) (integerFromBitSeq bs2)))
  ) )"

― ‹val bitSeqArithBinTest : forall 'a. (integer -> integer -> 'a) -> bitSequence -> bitSequence -> 'a›
definition bitSeqArithBinTest  :: "(int  int  'a) bitSequence  bitSequence  'a "  where 
     " bitSeqArithBinTest binop bs1 bs2 = ( binop (integerFromBitSeq bs1) (integerFromBitSeq bs2))"

― ‹ now instantiate the number interface for bit-sequences ›

― ‹val bitSeqFromNumeral : numeral -> bitSequence›

― ‹val bitSeqLess : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bool›
definition bitSeqLess  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bool "  where 
     " bitSeqLess bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinTest (<) bs1 bs2 )"

― ‹val bitSeqLessEqual : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bool›
definition bitSeqLessEqual  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bool "  where 
     " bitSeqLessEqual bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinTest (≤) bs1 bs2 )"

― ‹val bitSeqGreater : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bool›
definition bitSeqGreater  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bool "  where 
     " bitSeqGreater bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinTest (>) bs1 bs2 )"

― ‹val bitSeqGreaterEqual : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bool›
definition bitSeqGreaterEqual  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bool "  where 
     " bitSeqGreaterEqual bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinTest (≥) bs1 bs2 )"

― ‹val bitSeqCompare : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> ordering›
definition bitSeqCompare  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  ordering "  where 
     " bitSeqCompare bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinTest (genericCompare (<) (=)) bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Basic_classes_Ord_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)Ord_class "  where 
     " instance_Basic_classes_Ord_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  compare_method = bitSeqCompare,

  isLess_method = bitSeqLess,

  isLessEqual_method = bitSeqLessEqual,

  isGreater_method = bitSeqGreater,

  isGreaterEqual_method = bitSeqGreaterEqual |) )"

― ‹ arithmetic negation, don't mix up with bitwise negation ›
― ‹val bitSeqNegate : bitSequence -> bitSequence› 
definition bitSeqNegate  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqNegate bs = ( bitSeqArithUnaryOp (λ i. - i) bs )"

definition instance_Num_NumNegate_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumNegate_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumNegate_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  numNegate_method = bitSeqNegate |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqAdd : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqAdd  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqAdd bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp (+) bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Num_NumAdd_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumAdd_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumAdd_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  numAdd_method = bitSeqAdd |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqMinus : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqMinus  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqMinus bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp (-) bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Num_NumMinus_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumMinus_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumMinus_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  numMinus_method = bitSeqMinus |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqSucc : bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqSucc  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqSucc bs = ( bitSeqArithUnaryOp (λ n. n +( 1 :: int)) bs )"

definition instance_Num_NumSucc_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumSucc_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumSucc_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  succ_method = bitSeqSucc |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqPred : bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqPred  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqPred bs = ( bitSeqArithUnaryOp (λ n. n -( 1 :: int)) bs )"

definition instance_Num_NumPred_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumPred_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumPred_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  pred_method = bitSeqPred |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqMult : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqMult  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqMult bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp (*) bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Num_NumMult_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumMult_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumMult_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  numMult_method = bitSeqMult |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqPow : bitSequence -> nat -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqPow  :: " bitSequence  nat  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqPow bs n = ( bitSeqArithUnaryOp (λ i .  i ^ n) bs )"

definition instance_Num_NumPow_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumPow_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumPow_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  numPow_method = bitSeqPow |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqDiv : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqDiv  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqDiv bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp (div) bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Num_NumIntegerDivision_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumIntegerDivision_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumIntegerDivision_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  div_method = bitSeqDiv |) )"

definition instance_Num_NumDivision_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumDivision_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumDivision_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  numDivision_method = bitSeqDiv |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqMod : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqMod  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqMod bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp (mod) bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Num_NumRemainder_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)NumRemainder_class "  where 
     " instance_Num_NumRemainder_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  mod_method = bitSeqMod |) )"

― ‹val bitSeqMin : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqMin  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqMin bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp min bs1 bs2 )"

― ‹val bitSeqMax : bitSequence -> bitSequence -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqMax  :: " bitSequence  bitSequence  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqMax bs1 bs2 = ( bitSeqArithBinOp max bs1 bs2 )"

definition instance_Basic_classes_OrdMaxMin_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)OrdMaxMin_class "  where 
     " instance_Basic_classes_OrdMaxMin_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  max_method = bitSeqMax,

  min_method = bitSeqMin |) )"

― ‹ ========================================================================== ›
― ‹ Interface for bitoperations                                                ›
― ‹ ========================================================================== ›

record 'a WordNot_class= 

  lnot_method ::" 'a  'a "

record 'a WordAnd_class= 

  land_method  ::" 'a  'a  'a "

record 'a WordOr_class= 

  lor_method ::" 'a  'a  'a "

record 'a WordXor_class= 

  lxor_method ::" 'a  'a  'a "

record 'a WordLsl_class= 

  lsl_method ::" 'a  nat  'a "

record 'a WordLsr_class= 

  lsr_method ::" 'a  nat  'a "

record 'a WordAsr_class= 

  asr_method ::" 'a  nat  'a "

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ bitSequence             ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

definition instance_Word_WordNot_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordNot_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordNot_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  lnot_method = bitSeqNot |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  land_method = bitSeqAnd |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordOr_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  lor_method = bitSeqOr |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordXor_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = bitSeqXor |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = bitSeqShiftLeft |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsr_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordLsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsr_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  lsr_method = bitSeqLogicalShiftRight |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_Word_bitSequence_dict  :: "(bitSequence)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_Word_bitSequence_dict = ((|

  asr_method = bitSeqArithmeticShiftRight |) )"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ int32                   ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹val int32Lnot : int32 -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordNot_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordNot_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordNot_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  lnot_method = Bit_Operations.not|) )"

― ‹val int32Lor  : int32 -> int32 -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordOr_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  lor_method = Bit_Operations.or|) )"

― ‹val int32Lxor : int32 -> int32 -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordXor_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = Bit_Operations.xor|) )"

― ‹val int32Land : int32 -> int32 -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  land_method = Bit_Operations.and|) )"

― ‹val int32Lsl  : int32 -> nat -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = (λw n. push_bit n w)|) )"

― ‹val int32Lsr  : int32 -> nat -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordLsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  lsr_method = (λw n. drop_bit n w)|) )"

― ‹val int32Asr  : int32 -> nat -> int32› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_int32_dict  :: "( 32 word)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_int32_dict = ((|

  asr_method = (λw n. signed_drop_bit n w)|) )"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ int64                   ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹val int64Lnot : int64 -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordNot_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordNot_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordNot_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  lnot_method = Bit_Operations.not|) )"

― ‹val int64Lor  : int64 -> int64 -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordOr_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  lor_method = Bit_Operations.or|) )"

― ‹val int64Lxor : int64 -> int64 -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordXor_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = Bit_Operations.xor|) )"

― ‹val int64Land : int64 -> int64 -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  land_method = Bit_Operations.and|) )"

― ‹val int64Lsl  : int64 -> nat -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = (λw n. push_bit n w)|) )"

― ‹val int64Lsr  : int64 -> nat -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordLsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  lsr_method = (λw n. drop_bit n w)|) )"

― ‹val int64Asr  : int64 -> nat -> int64› ― ‹ XXX: fix ›

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_int64_dict  :: "( 64 word)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_int64_dict = ((|

  asr_method = (λw n. signed_drop_bit n w)|) )"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ Words via bit sequences ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹val defaultLnot : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> 'a› 
definition defaultLnot  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  'a "  where 
     " defaultLnot fromBitSeq toBitSeq x = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqNegate (toBitSeq x)))"

― ‹val defaultLand : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a›
definition defaultLand  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  'a  'a "  where 
     " defaultLand fromBitSeq toBitSeq x1 x2 = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqAnd (toBitSeq x1) (toBitSeq x2)))"

― ‹val defaultLor : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a›
definition defaultLor  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  'a  'a "  where 
     " defaultLor fromBitSeq toBitSeq x1 x2 = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqOr (toBitSeq x1) (toBitSeq x2)))"

― ‹val defaultLxor : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a›
definition defaultLxor  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  'a  'a "  where 
     " defaultLxor fromBitSeq toBitSeq x1 x2 = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqXor (toBitSeq x1) (toBitSeq x2)))"

― ‹val defaultLsl : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> nat -> 'a›
definition defaultLsl  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  nat  'a "  where 
     " defaultLsl fromBitSeq toBitSeq x n = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqShiftLeft (toBitSeq x) n))"

― ‹val defaultLsr : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> nat -> 'a›
definition defaultLsr  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  nat  'a "  where 
     " defaultLsr fromBitSeq toBitSeq x n = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqLogicalShiftRight (toBitSeq x) n))"

― ‹val defaultAsr : forall 'a. (bitSequence -> 'a) -> ('a -> bitSequence) -> 'a -> nat -> 'a›
definition defaultAsr  :: "(bitSequence  'a)('a  bitSequence) 'a  nat  'a "  where 
     " defaultAsr fromBitSeq toBitSeq x n = ( fromBitSeq (bitSeqArithmeticShiftRight (toBitSeq x) n))"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ integer                 ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹val integerLnot : integer -> integer›
definition integerLnot  :: " int  int "  where 
     " integerLnot i = ( - (i +( 1 :: int)))"

definition instance_Word_WordNot_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordNot_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordNot_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  lnot_method = integerLnot |) )"

― ‹val integerLor  : integer -> integer -> integer›
definition integerLor  :: " int  int  int "  where 
     " integerLor i1 i2 = ( defaultLor integerFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromInteger None) i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordOr_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  lor_method = integerLor |) )"

― ‹val integerLxor : integer -> integer -> integer›
definition integerLxor  :: " int  int  int "  where 
     " integerLxor i1 i2 = ( defaultLxor integerFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromInteger None) i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordXor_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = integerLxor |) )"

― ‹val integerLand : integer -> integer -> integer›
definition integerLand  :: " int  int  int "  where 
     " integerLand i1 i2 = ( defaultLand integerFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromInteger None) i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  land_method = integerLand |) )"

― ‹val integerLsl  : integer -> nat -> integer›
definition integerLsl  :: " int  nat  int "  where 
     " integerLsl i n = ( defaultLsl integerFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromInteger None) i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = integerLsl |) )"

― ‹val integerAsr  : integer -> nat -> integer›
definition integerAsr  :: " int  nat  int "  where 
     " integerAsr i n = ( defaultAsr integerFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromInteger None) i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordLsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  lsr_method = integerAsr |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_integer_dict  :: "(int)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_integer_dict = ((|

  asr_method = integerAsr |) )"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ int                     ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹ sometimes it is convenient to be able to perform bit-operations on ints.
   However, since int is not well-defined (it has different size on different systems),
   it should be used very carefully and only for operations that don't depend on the
   bitwidth of int ›

― ‹val intFromBitSeq : bitSequence -> int›
definition intFromBitSeq  :: " bitSequence  int "  where 
     " intFromBitSeq bs = (  (integerFromBitSeq (resizeBitSeq (Some(( 31 :: nat))) bs)))"

― ‹val bitSeqFromInt : int -> bitSequence› 
definition bitSeqFromInt  :: " int  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqFromInt i = ( bitSeqFromInteger (Some(( 31 :: nat))) ( i))"

― ‹val intLnot : int -> int›
definition intLnot  :: " int  int "  where 
     " intLnot i = ( - (i +( 1 :: int)))"

definition instance_Word_WordNot_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)WordNot_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordNot_Num_int_dict = ((|

  lnot_method = intLnot |) )"

― ‹val intLor  : int -> int -> int›
definition intLor  :: " int  int  int "  where 
     " intLor i1 i2 = ( defaultLor intFromBitSeq bitSeqFromInt i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordOr_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_Num_int_dict = ((|

  lor_method = intLor |) )"

― ‹val intLxor : int -> int -> int›
definition intLxor  :: " int  int  int "  where 
     " intLxor i1 i2 = ( defaultLxor intFromBitSeq bitSeqFromInt i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordXor_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_Num_int_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = intLxor |) )"

― ‹val intLand : int -> int -> int›
definition intLand  :: " int  int  int "  where 
     " intLand i1 i2 = ( defaultLand intFromBitSeq bitSeqFromInt i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_int_dict = ((|

  land_method = intLand |) )"

― ‹val intLsl  : int -> nat -> int›
definition intLsl  :: " int  nat  int "  where 
     " intLsl i n = ( defaultLsl intFromBitSeq bitSeqFromInt i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_int_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = intLsl |) )"

― ‹val intAsr  : int -> nat -> int›
definition intAsr  :: " int  nat  int "  where 
     " intAsr i n = ( defaultAsr intFromBitSeq bitSeqFromInt i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_int_dict  :: "(int)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_int_dict = ((|

  asr_method = intAsr |) )"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ natural                 ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹ some operations work also on positive numbers ›

― ‹val naturalFromBitSeq : bitSequence -> natural›
definition naturalFromBitSeq  :: " bitSequence  nat "  where 
     " naturalFromBitSeq bs = ( nat (abs (integerFromBitSeq bs)))"

― ‹val bitSeqFromNatural : maybe nat -> natural -> bitSequence›
definition bitSeqFromNatural  :: "(nat)option  nat  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqFromNatural len n = ( bitSeqFromInteger len (int n))"

― ‹val naturalLor  : natural -> natural -> natural›
definition naturalLor  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " naturalLor i1 i2 = ( defaultLor naturalFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromNatural None) i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordOr_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  lor_method = naturalLor |) )"

― ‹val naturalLxor : natural -> natural -> natural›
definition naturalLxor  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " naturalLxor i1 i2 = ( defaultLxor naturalFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromNatural None) i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordXor_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = naturalLxor |) )"

― ‹val naturalLand : natural -> natural -> natural›
definition naturalLand  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " naturalLand i1 i2 = ( defaultLand naturalFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromNatural None) i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  land_method = naturalLand |) )"

― ‹val naturalLsl  : natural -> nat -> natural›
definition naturalLsl  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " naturalLsl i n = ( defaultLsl naturalFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromNatural None) i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = naturalLsl |) )"

― ‹val naturalAsr  : natural -> nat -> natural›
definition naturalAsr  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " naturalAsr i n = ( defaultAsr naturalFromBitSeq (bitSeqFromNatural None) i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)WordLsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsr_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  lsr_method = naturalAsr |) )"

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_natural_dict  :: "(nat)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_Num_natural_dict = ((|

  asr_method = naturalAsr |) )"

― ‹ ----------------------- ›
― ‹ nat                     ›
― ‹ ----------------------- ›

― ‹ sometimes it is convenient to be able to perform bit-operations on nats.
   However, since nat is not well-defined (it has different size on different systems),
   it should be used very carefully and only for operations that don't depend on the
   bitwidth of nat ›

― ‹val natFromBitSeq : bitSequence -> nat›
definition natFromBitSeq  :: " bitSequence  nat "  where 
     " natFromBitSeq bs = (  (naturalFromBitSeq (resizeBitSeq (Some(( 31 :: nat))) bs)))"

― ‹val bitSeqFromNat : nat -> bitSequence› 
definition bitSeqFromNat  :: " nat  bitSequence "  where 
     " bitSeqFromNat i = ( bitSeqFromNatural (Some(( 31 :: nat))) ( i))"

― ‹val natLor  : nat -> nat -> nat›
definition natLor  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " natLor i1 i2 = ( defaultLor natFromBitSeq bitSeqFromNat i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordOr_nat_dict  :: "(nat)WordOr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordOr_nat_dict = ((|

  lor_method = natLor |) )"

― ‹val natLxor : nat -> nat -> nat›
definition natLxor  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " natLxor i1 i2 = ( defaultLxor natFromBitSeq bitSeqFromNat i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordXor_nat_dict  :: "(nat)WordXor_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordXor_nat_dict = ((|

  lxor_method = natLxor |) )"

― ‹val natLand : nat -> nat -> nat›
definition natLand  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " natLand i1 i2 = ( defaultLand natFromBitSeq bitSeqFromNat i1 i2 )"

definition instance_Word_WordAnd_nat_dict  :: "(nat)WordAnd_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAnd_nat_dict = ((|

  land_method = natLand |) )"

― ‹val natLsl  : nat -> nat -> nat›
definition natLsl  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " natLsl i n = ( defaultLsl natFromBitSeq bitSeqFromNat i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordLsl_nat_dict  :: "(nat)WordLsl_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordLsl_nat_dict = ((|

  lsl_method = natLsl |) )"

― ‹val natAsr  : nat -> nat -> nat›
definition natAsr  :: " nat  nat  nat "  where 
     " natAsr i n = ( defaultAsr natFromBitSeq bitSeqFromNat i n )"

definition instance_Word_WordAsr_nat_dict  :: "(nat)WordAsr_class "  where 
     " instance_Word_WordAsr_nat_dict = ((|

  asr_method = natAsr |) )"
