Theory Lem_machine_word

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from machine_word.lem›.›

theory "Lem_machine_word" 



― ‹open import Bool Num Basic_classes Show Function›

― ‹open import {isabelle} `HOL-Library.Word`›
― ‹open import {hol} `wordsTheory` `wordsLib` `bitstringTheory` `integer_wordTheory`›

― ‹type mword 'a›

― ‹class (Size 'a)
  val size : nat

― ‹val native_size : forall 'a. nat›

― ‹val ocaml_inject : forall 'a. nat * natural -> mword 'a›

― ‹ A singleton type family that can be used to carry a size as the type parameter ›

― ‹type itself 'a›

― ‹val the_value : forall 'a. itself 'a›

― ‹val size_itself : forall 'a. Size 'a => itself 'a -> nat›
definition size_itself  :: "('a::len)itself  nat "  where 
     " size_itself x = ( (len_of (TYPE(_) :: 'a itself)))"

― ‹*****************************************************************›
― ‹ Fixed bitwidths extracted from Anthony's models.                ›
― ‹
― ‹ If you need a size N that is not included here, put the lines   ›
― ‹
― ‹ type tyN                                                        ›
― ‹ instance (Size tyN) let size = N end                            ›
― ‹ declare isabelle target_rep type tyN = `N`                      ›
― ‹ declare hol target_rep type tyN = `N`                           ›
― ‹
― ‹ in your project, replacing N in each line.                      ›
― ‹*****************************************************************›

― ‹type ty1›
― ‹type ty2›
― ‹type ty3›
― ‹type ty4›
― ‹type ty5›
― ‹type ty6›
― ‹type ty7›
― ‹type ty8›
― ‹type ty9›
― ‹type ty10›
― ‹type ty11›
― ‹type ty12›
― ‹type ty13›
― ‹type ty14›
― ‹type ty15›
― ‹type ty16›
― ‹type ty17›
― ‹type ty18›
― ‹type ty19›
― ‹type ty20›
― ‹type ty21›
― ‹type ty22›
― ‹type ty23›
― ‹type ty24›
― ‹type ty25›
― ‹type ty26›
― ‹type ty27›
― ‹type ty28›
― ‹type ty29›
― ‹type ty30›
― ‹type ty31›
― ‹type ty32›
― ‹type ty33›
― ‹type ty34›
― ‹type ty35›
― ‹type ty36›
― ‹type ty37›
― ‹type ty38›
― ‹type ty39›
― ‹type ty40›
― ‹type ty41›
― ‹type ty42›
― ‹type ty43›
― ‹type ty44›
― ‹type ty45›
― ‹type ty46›
― ‹type ty47›
― ‹type ty48›
― ‹type ty49›
― ‹type ty50›
― ‹type ty51›
― ‹type ty52›
― ‹type ty53›
― ‹type ty54›
― ‹type ty55›
― ‹type ty56›
― ‹type ty57›
― ‹type ty58›
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― ‹type ty60›
― ‹type ty61›
― ‹type ty62›
― ‹type ty63›
― ‹type ty64›
― ‹type ty65›
― ‹type ty66›
― ‹type ty67›
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― ‹type ty69›
― ‹type ty70›
― ‹type ty71›
― ‹type ty72›
― ‹type ty73›
― ‹type ty74›
― ‹type ty75›
― ‹type ty76›
― ‹type ty77›
― ‹type ty78›
― ‹type ty79›
― ‹type ty80›
― ‹type ty81›
― ‹type ty82›
― ‹type ty83›
― ‹type ty84›
― ‹type ty85›
― ‹type ty86›
― ‹type ty87›
― ‹type ty88›
― ‹type ty89›
― ‹type ty90›
― ‹type ty91›
― ‹type ty92›
― ‹type ty93›
― ‹type ty94›
― ‹type ty95›
― ‹type ty96›
― ‹type ty97›
― ‹type ty98›
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― ‹type ty100›
― ‹type ty101›
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― ‹type ty195›
― ‹type ty196›
― ‹type ty197›
― ‹type ty198›
― ‹type ty199›
― ‹type ty200›
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― ‹type ty202›
― ‹type ty203›
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― ‹type ty206›
― ‹type ty207›
― ‹type ty208›
― ‹type ty209›
― ‹type ty210›
― ‹type ty211›
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― ‹type ty213›
― ‹type ty214›
― ‹type ty215›
― ‹type ty216›
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― ‹type ty218›
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― ‹type ty221›
― ‹type ty222›
― ‹type ty223›
― ‹type ty224›
― ‹type ty225›
― ‹type ty226›
― ‹type ty227›
― ‹type ty228›
― ‹type ty229›
― ‹type ty230›
― ‹type ty231›
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― ‹type ty233›
― ‹type ty234›
― ‹type ty235›
― ‹type ty236›
― ‹type ty237›
― ‹type ty238›
― ‹type ty239›
― ‹type ty240›
― ‹type ty241›
― ‹type ty242›
― ‹type ty243›
― ‹type ty244›
― ‹type ty245›
― ‹type ty246›
― ‹type ty247›
― ‹type ty248›
― ‹type ty249›
― ‹type ty250›
― ‹type ty251›
― ‹type ty252›
― ‹type ty253›
― ‹type ty254›
― ‹type ty255›
― ‹type ty256›
― ‹type ty257›

― ‹val word_length : forall 'a. mword 'a -> nat›

― ‹****************************************************************›
― ‹ Conversions                                                    ›
― ‹****************************************************************›

― ‹val signedIntegerFromWord : forall 'a. mword 'a -> integer›

― ‹val unsignedIntegerFromWord : forall 'a. mword 'a -> integer›

― ‹ Version without typeclass constraint so that we can derive operations
   in Lem for one of the theorem provers without requiring it. ›
― ‹val proverWordFromInteger : forall 'a. integer -> mword 'a›

― ‹val wordFromInteger : forall 'a. Size 'a => integer -> mword 'a›
― ‹ The OCaml version is defined after the arithmetic operations, below. ›

― ‹val naturalFromWord : forall 'a. mword 'a -> natural›

― ‹val wordFromNatural : forall 'a. Size 'a => natural -> mword 'a›

― ‹val wordToHex : forall 'a. mword 'a -> string›
― ‹ Building libraries fails if we don't provide implementations for the
   type class. ›
definition wordToHex  :: "('a::len)Word.word  string "  where 
     " wordToHex w = ( (''wordToHex not yet implemented''))"

definition instance_Show_Show_Machine_word_mword_dict  :: "(('a::len)Word.word)Show_class "  where 
     " instance_Show_Show_Machine_word_mword_dict = ((|

  show_method = wordToHex |) )"

― ‹val wordFromBitlist : forall 'a. Size 'a => list bool -> mword 'a›

― ‹val bitlistFromWord : forall 'a. mword 'a -> list bool›

― ‹val size_test_fn : forall 'a. Size 'a => mword 'a -> nat›
definition size_test_fn  :: "('a::len)Word.word  nat "  where 
     " size_test_fn _ = ( (len_of (TYPE(_) :: 'a itself)))"

― ‹****************************************************************›
― ‹ Comparisons                                                    ›
― ‹****************************************************************›

― ‹val mwordEq : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹val signedLess : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹val signedLessEq : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹val unsignedLess : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹val unsignedLessEq : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹ Comparison tests are below, after the definition of wordFromInteger ›

― ‹****************************************************************›
― ‹ Appending, splitting and probing words                         ›
― ‹****************************************************************›

― ‹val word_concat : forall 'a 'b 'c. mword 'a -> mword 'b -> mword 'c›

― ‹ Note that we assume the result type has the correct size, especially
   for Isabelle. ›
― ‹val word_extract : forall 'a 'b. nat -> nat -> mword 'a -> mword 'b›

― ‹  Needs to be in the prover because we'd end up with unknown sizes in the
   types in Lem.
― ‹val word_update : forall 'a 'b. mword 'a -> nat -> nat -> mword 'b -> mword 'a›

― ‹val setBit : forall 'a. mword 'a -> nat -> bool -> mword 'a›

― ‹val getBit : forall 'a. mword 'a -> nat -> bool›

― ‹val msb : forall 'a. mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹val lsb : forall 'a. mword 'a -> bool›

― ‹****************************************************************›
― ‹ Bitwise operations, shifts, etc.                               ›
― ‹****************************************************************›

― ‹val shiftLeft  : forall 'a. mword 'a -> nat -> mword 'a›

― ‹val shiftRight : forall 'a. mword 'a -> nat -> mword 'a›

― ‹val arithShiftRight : forall 'a. mword 'a -> nat -> mword 'a›

― ‹val lAnd       : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val lOr        : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val lXor       : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val lNot       : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val rotateRight : forall 'a. nat -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val rotateLeft : forall 'a. nat -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val zeroExtend : forall 'a 'b. Size 'b => mword 'a -> mword 'b›

― ‹val signExtend : forall 'a 'b. Size 'b => mword 'a -> mword 'b›

― ‹ Sign extension tests are below, after the definition of wordFromInteger ›

― ‹***************************************************************›
― ‹ Arithmetic                                                    ›
― ‹***************************************************************›

― ‹val plus   : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val minus  : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val uminus : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val times : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

― ‹val unsignedDivide : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›
― ‹val signedDivide : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›

definition signedDivide  :: "('a::len)Word.word ('a::len)Word.word ('a::len)Word.word "  where 
     " signedDivide x y = (
    if msb x then
        if msb y then (- x) div (- y)
        else - ((- x) div y)
    else if msb y then - (x div (- y))
        else x div y )"

― ‹val modulo : forall 'a. mword 'a -> mword 'a -> mword 'a›