Theory Lem_either

chapter ‹Generated by Lem from either.lem›.›

theory "Lem_either" 




― ‹open import Bool Basic_classes List Tuple›
― ‹open import {hol} `sumTheory`›
― ‹open import {ocaml} `Either`›

― ‹type either 'a 'b
  = Left  of 'a
  | Right of 'b›

― ‹ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ›
― ‹ Equality.                                                                  ›
― ‹ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ›

― ‹val eitherEqual : forall 'a 'b. Eq 'a, Eq 'b => (either 'a 'b) -> (either 'a 'b) -> bool›
― ‹val eitherEqualBy : forall 'a 'b. ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('b -> 'b -> bool) -> (either 'a 'b) -> (either 'a 'b) -> bool›

definition eitherEqualBy  :: "('a  'a  bool)('b  'b  bool)('a,'b)sum ('a,'b)sum  bool "  where 
     " eitherEqualBy eql eqr (left:: ('a, 'b) sum) (right:: ('a, 'b) sum) = (
  (case  (left, right) of
      (Inl l, Inl l') => eql l l'
    | (Inr r, Inr r') => eqr r r'
    | _ => False

― ‹let eitherEqual=  eitherEqualBy (=) (=)›

fun either_setElemCompare  :: "('d  'b  ordering)('c  'a  ordering)('d,'c)sum ('b,'a)sum  ordering "  where 
     " either_setElemCompare cmpa cmpb (Inl x') (Inl y') = ( cmpa x' y' )"
|" either_setElemCompare cmpa cmpb (Inr x') (Inr y') = ( cmpb x' y' )"
|" either_setElemCompare cmpa cmpb (Inl _) (Inr _) = ( LT )"
|" either_setElemCompare cmpa cmpb (Inr _) (Inl _) = ( GT )"


― ‹ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ›
― ‹ Utility functions.                                                         ›
― ‹ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ›

― ‹val isLeft : forall 'a 'b. either 'a 'b -> bool›

― ‹val isRight : forall 'a 'b. either 'a 'b -> bool›

― ‹val either : forall 'a 'b 'c. ('a -> 'c) -> ('b -> 'c) -> either 'a 'b -> 'c›
― ‹let either fa fb x=  match x with
  | Left a -> fa a
  | Right b -> fb b

― ‹val partitionEither : forall 'a 'b. list (either 'a 'b) -> (list 'a * list 'b)›
― ‹let rec partitionEither l=  match l with
  | [] -> ([], [])
  | x :: xs -> begin
      let (ll, rl) = partitionEither xs in
      match x with 
        | Left l -> (l::ll, rl)
        | Right r -> (ll, r::rl)

― ‹val lefts : forall 'a 'b. list (either 'a 'b) -> list 'a›

― ‹val rights : forall 'a 'b. list (either 'a 'b) -> list 'b›
