Theory Implem_lemmas
section ‹Lemmas Following from Channel Message Implementation Assumptions›
theory Implem_lemmas
imports Implem
text ‹These lemmas require the assumptions added in the @{locale "valid_implem"} locale.›
context semivalid_implem
subsection ‹Message implementations and abstractions›
text ‹Abstracting a set of messages into channel messages.›
abs :: "msg set ⇒ chan set"
"abs S ≡ {Chan x A B M | x A B M. M ∈ payload ∧ implem (Chan x A B M) ∈ S}"
lemma absE [elim]:
"⟦ X ∈ abs H;
⋀ x A B M. X = Chan x A B M ⟹ M ∈ payload ⟹ implem X ∈ H ⟹ P ⟧
⟹ P"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
lemma absI [intro]: "M ∈ payload ⟹ implem (Chan x A B M) ∈ H ⟹ Chan x A B M ∈ abs H"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
lemma abs_mono: "G ⊆ H ⟹ abs G ⊆ abs H"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
lemmas abs_monotone [simp] = abs_mono [THEN [2] rev_subsetD]
lemma abs_empty [simp]: "abs {} = {}"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
lemma abs_Un_eq: "abs (G ∪ H) = abs G ∪ abs H"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
text ‹General lemmas about implementations and @{term abs}.›
lemma abs_insert_payload [simp]: "M ∈ payload ⟹ abs (insert M S) = abs S"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
lemma abs_insert_impl [simp]:
"M ∈ payload ⟹ abs (insert (implem (Chan x A B M)) S) = insert (Chan x A B M) (abs S)"
by (auto simp add: abs_def)
lemma extr_payload [simp, intro]:
"⟦ X ∈ extr Bad NI (abs I); NI ⊆ payload ⟧ ⟹ X ∈ payload"
by (erule extr.induct, blast, auto)
lemma abs_Un_LtK:
"K ⊆ range LtK ⟹ abs (K ∪ S) = abs S"
by (auto simp add: abs_Un_eq)
lemma abs_Un_keys_of [simp]:
"abs (keys_of A ∪ S) = abs S"
by (auto intro!: abs_Un_LtK)
text ‹Lemmas about @{term valid} and @{term abs}›
lemma abs_validSet: "abs (S ∩ valid) = abs S"
by (auto elim: absE intro: validI)
lemma valid_abs: "M ∈ valid ⟹ ∃ M'. M' ∈ abs {M}"
by (auto elim: validE)
subsection ‹Extractable messages›
text ‹‹extractable K I›: subset of messages in $I$ which are implementations
(not necessarily valid since we do not require that they are payload) and can be extracted
using the keys in K. It corresponds to L2 @{term extr}.›
:: "msg set ⇒ msg set ⇒ msg set"
"extractable K I ≡
{implInsec A B M | A B M. implInsec A B M ∈ I} ∪
{implAuth A B M | A B M. implAuth A B M ∈ I} ∪
{implConfid A B M | A B M. implConfid A B M ∈ I ∧ (A, B) ∈ broken K} ∪
{implSecure A B M | A B M. implSecure A B M ∈ I ∧ (A, B) ∈ broken K}"
lemma : "extractable K I ⊆ I"
by (auto simp add: extractable_def)
lemma :
"implem (Chan x A B M) ∈ I ⟹
x = insec ∨ x = auth ∨ ((x = confid ∨ x = secure) ∧ (A, B) ∈ broken K) ⟹
implem (Chan x A B M) ∈ extractable K I"
by (auto simp add: extractable_def)
lemma :
"X ∈ extractable K I ⟹
(⋀A B M. X = implInsec A B M ⟹ X ∈ I ⟹ P) ⟹
(⋀A B M. X = implAuth A B M ⟹ X ∈ I ⟹ P) ⟹
(⋀A B M. X = implConfid A B M ⟹ X ∈ I ⟹ (A, B) ∈ broken K ⟹ P) ⟹
(⋀A B M. X = implSecure A B M ⟹ X ∈ I ⟹ (A, B) ∈ broken K ⟹ P) ⟹
by (auto simp add: extractable_def brokenI)
text ‹General lemmas about implementations and extractable.›
lemma [simp]:
"⟦ Keys_bad K Bad; implem (Chan x A B M) ∈ extractable K I; M ∈ payload ⟧
⟹ M ∈ extr Bad NI (abs I)"
by (erule extractableE, auto)
text ‹Auxiliary lemmas about extractable messages: they are implementations.›
lemma [simp]: "I ⊆ valid ⟹ extractable K I ⊆ valid"
by (auto intro: subset_trans extractable_red del: subsetI)
lemma :
"I ⊆ valid ⟹ parts (extractable K I) ∩ range LtK = {}"
by (auto dest: valid_extractable intro!: parts_valid_LtKeys_disjoint)
lemma [simp]:
"I ⊆ valid ⟹ LtK ltk ∉ parts (extractable K I)"
by (blast dest: LtKeys_parts_extractable)
lemma LtKeys_parts_implSecureSet:
"parts (implSecureSet Ag payload) ∩ range LtK = {}"
by (auto intro!: parts_valid_LtKeys_disjoint intro: validI)
lemma LtKeys_parts_implSecureSet_elt:
"LtK K ∉ parts (implSecureSet Ag payload)"
using LtKeys_parts_implSecureSet
by auto
lemmas LtKeys_parts = LtKeys_parts_payload parts_valid_LtKeys_disjoint
LtKeys_parts_extractable LtKeys_parts_implSecureSet
subsubsection‹Partition $I$ to keep only the extractable messages›
text ‹Partition the implementation set.›
lemma impl_partition:
"⟦ NI ⊆ payload; I ⊆ valid ⟧ ⟹
I ⊆ extractable K I ∪
implConfidSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload"
by (auto dest!: subsetD [where A=I] elim!: valid_cases intro: extractableI)
subsubsection ‹Partition of @{term "extractable"}›
text ‹We partition the @{term "extractable"} set into insecure, confidential, authentic
lemma :
"⟦Keys_bad K Bad; NI ⊆ payload; I ⊆ valid⟧ ⟹
extractable K I ⊆
implInsecSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
implConfidSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I))"
apply (rule, frule valid_extractable, drule subsetD [where A="extractable K I"], fast)
apply (erule valid_cases, auto)
subsection ‹Lemmas for proving intruder refinement (L2-L3)›
text ‹Chain of lemmas used to prove the refinement for ‹l3_dy›.
The ultimate goal is to show @{prop [display]
"synth (analz (NI ∪ I ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪ -payload"
subsubsection ‹First: we only keep the extractable messages›
lemma analz_NI_I_K_analz_NI_EI:
assumes HNI: "NI ⊆ payload"
and HK: "K ⊆ range LtK"
and HI: "I ⊆ valid"
shows "analz (NI ∪ I ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆
synth (analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
proof -
from HNI HI
have "analz (NI ∪ I ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆
analz (NI ∪ (extractable K I ∪
implConfidSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload)
∪ K ∪ Tags)"
by (intro analz_mono Un_mono impl_partition, simp_all)
also have "... ⊆ analz (implConfidSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
(implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
(extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))"
by (auto)
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
(extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))) ∪ -payload"
proof (rule analz_Un_implConfidSet_2)
show "Enc_keys_clean (implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload
∪ (extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))"
by (auto simp add: HNI HI HK intro: validI)
from HK HI HNI
show "(UNIV - broken K) ∩
broken (parts (
implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
(extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∩ range LtK) = {}"
by (auto simp add: LtKeys_parts
LtKeys_parts_implSecureSet_elt [where Ag="- broken K", simplified])
qed (auto)
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
proof (rule Un_least, rule synth_idem_payload)
show "analz (implSecureSet (UNIV - broken K) payload ∪
(extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))
⊆ synth (analz (extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
proof (rule analz_Un_implSecureSet_2)
show "Enc_keys_clean (extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)"
using HNI HK HI by auto
from HI HK HNI
show "(UNIV - broken K) ∩
broken (parts (extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags) ∩ range LtK) = {}"
by (auto simp add: LtKeys_parts)
qed (auto)
show "-payload ⊆ synth (analz (extractable K I ∪ NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
by auto
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
by (simp add: sup.left_commute sup_commute)
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹Only keep the extracted messages (instead of extractable)›
lemma analz_NI_EI_K_synth_analz_NI_E_K:
assumes HNI: "NI ⊆ payload"
and HK: "K ⊆ range LtK"
and HI: "I ⊆ valid"
and Hbad: "Keys_bad K Bad"
shows "analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags)
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
proof -
from HNI HI Hbad
have "analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆
analz (NI ∪ (implInsecSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
implConfidSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪
K ∪ Tags)"
by (intro analz_mono Un_mono extractable_partition) (auto)
also have "... ⊆ analz (implInsecSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implConfidSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))))"
by (auto)
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implConfidSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))))))
∪ -payload"
by (rule analz_Un_implInsecSet)
(auto simp only: Un_commute [of "extr _ _ _" _] Un_assoc Un_absorb,
auto simp add: HNI HK HI intro!: validI)
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))))
∪ -payload"
proof (rule Un_least, rule synth_idem_payload)
have "analz (implConfidSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ (K ∪ extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ Tags)))))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ (K ∪ extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ Tags))))))
∪ -payload"
by (rule analz_Un_implConfidSet)
(auto simp only: Un_commute [of "extr _ _ _" _] Un_assoc Un_absorb,
auto simp add: HK HI HNI intro!: validI)
then show "analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implConfidSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))))
∪ -payload"
by (simp add: inf_sup_aci(6) inf_sup_aci(7))
show "-payload
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))))
∪ -payload"
by blast
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))))
∪ -payload"
proof (rule Un_least, rule synth_idem_payload)
have "analz (implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ (K ∪ (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ Tags)))))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ (K ∪ (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ Tags))))))
∪ -payload"
by (rule analz_Un_implAuthSet)
(auto simp only: Un_commute [of "extr _ _ _" _] Un_assoc Un_absorb,
auto simp add: HI HNI HK intro!: validI)
then show "analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implAuthSet (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))))
∪ -payload"
by (simp add: inf_sup_aci(6) inf_sup_aci(7))
show "-payload
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I))
∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags))))
∪ -payload"
by blast
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))
∪ -payload"
proof (rule Un_least, rule synth_idem_payload)
have "analz (implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪
(NI ∪ (K ∪ (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ Tags))))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(NI ∪ (K ∪ (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ Tags)))))
∪ -payload"
by (rule analz_Un_implSecureSet)
(auto simp only: Un_commute [of "extr _ _ _" _] Un_assoc Un_absorb,
auto simp add: HI HNI HK intro!: validI)
then show "analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪
(implSecureSet UNIV (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))
∪ -payload"
by (simp add: inf_sup_aci(6) inf_sup_aci(7))
show "-payload
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I)∪ (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags)))
∪ -payload"
by blast
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
by (metis IK_subset_extr inf_sup_aci(6) set_eq_subset sup.absorb1)
finally show ?thesis .
subsubsection ‹Keys and Tags can be moved out of the @{term "analz"}›
lemma analz_LtKeys_Tag:
assumes "NI ⊆ payload" and "K ⊆ range LtK"
shows "analz (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆ analz NI ∪ K ∪ Tags"
fix X
assume H: "X ∈ analz (NI ∪ K ∪ Tags) "
thus "X ∈ analz NI ∪ K ∪ Tags"
proof (induction X rule: analz.induct)
case (Dec X Y)
hence "Enc X Y ∈ payload" using assms by auto
from Dec.IH(2) have "Y ∈ synth (analz NI ∪ (K ∪ Tags))"
by (auto simp add: Collect_disj_eq dest!: synth_Int2 )
ultimately show ?case using Dec.IH(1) assms(2)
by (auto dest!: synth_payload [THEN [2] rev_subsetD])
case (Adec_lt X Y)
hence "Aenc X (pubK Y) ∈ payload ∪ range LtK ∪ Tags" using assms
by auto
then show ?case by auto
case (Sign_getmsg X Y)
hence "Sign X (priK Y) ∈ payload ∪ range LtK ∪ Tags" using assms by auto
then show ?case by auto
case (Adec_eph X Y)
then show ?case using assms by (auto dest!: EpriK_synth)
qed (insert assms, auto)
lemma analz_NI_E_K_analz_NI_E:
"⟦ NI ⊆ payload; K ⊆ range LtK; I ⊆ valid ⟧
⟹ analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆ analz (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ K ∪ Tags"
by (rule analz_LtKeys_Tag) auto
subsubsection ‹Final lemmas, using all the previous ones›
lemma analz_NI_I_K_synth_analz_NI_E:
Hbad: "Keys_bad K Bad" and
HNI: "NI ⊆ payload" and
HK: "K ⊆ range LtK" and
HI: "I ⊆ valid"
"analz (NI ∪ I ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪ -payload"
proof -
from HNI HK HI have "analz (NI ∪ I ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆
synth (analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
by (rule analz_NI_I_K_analz_NI_EI)
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
proof (rule Un_least, simp_all)
from Hbad HNI HK HI have "analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆
synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
by (intro analz_NI_EI_K_synth_analz_NI_E_K)
then show "synth (analz (NI ∪ extractable K I ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ⊆
synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ∪ -payload"
by (rule synth_idem_payload)
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪ -payload"
proof (rule Un_least, simp_all)
from HNI HK HI have "analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags) ⊆
analz (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ K ∪ Tags"
by (rule analz_NI_E_K_analz_NI_E)
also from HK have "... ⊆ analz (extr Bad NI (abs I)) ∪ -payload"
by auto
also have "... ⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪ -payload"
by auto
finally show "synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I) ∪ K ∪ Tags)) ⊆
synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪ -payload"
by (rule synth_idem_payload)
finally show ?thesis .
text ‹Lemma actually used to prove the refinement.›
lemma synth_analz_NI_I_K_synth_analz_NI_E:
"⟦ Keys_bad K Bad; NI ⊆ payload; K ⊆ range LtK; I ⊆ valid⟧
⟹ synth (analz (NI ∪ I ∪ K ∪ Tags))
⊆ synth (analz (extr Bad NI (abs I))) ∪ -payload"
by (intro synth_idem_payload analz_NI_I_K_synth_analz_NI_E) (assumption+)
subsubsection ‹Partitioning @{term "analz (ik)"}›
text ‹Two lemmas useful for proving the invariant
@{term [display] "analz ik ⊆ synth (analz (ik ∩ payload ∪ ik ∩ valid ∪ ik ∩ range LtK ∪ Tags))"}
lemma analz_Un_partition:
"analz S ⊆ synth (analz ((S ∩ payload) ∪ (S ∩ valid) ∪ (S ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags)) ⟹
H ⊆ payload ∪ valid ∪ range LtK ⟹
analz (H ∪ S) ⊆
synth (analz (((H ∪ S) ∩ payload) ∪ ((H ∪ S) ∩ valid) ∪ ((H ∪ S) ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags))"
proof -
assume "H ⊆ payload ∪ valid ∪ range LtK"
then have HH:"H = (H ∩ payload) ∪ (H ∩ valid) ∪ (H ∩ range LtK)"
by auto
assume HA:
"analz S ⊆ synth (analz ((S ∩ payload) ∪ (S ∩ valid) ∪ (S ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags))"
then have
"analz (H ∪ S) ⊆
synth (analz (H ∪ ((S ∩ payload) ∪ (S ∩ valid) ∪ (S ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags)))"
by (rule analz_synth_subset_Un2)
also with HH have
"... ⊆ synth (analz (((H ∩ payload) ∪ (H ∩ valid) ∪ (H ∩ range LtK)) ∪
((S ∩ payload) ∪ (S ∩ valid) ∪ (S ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags)))"
by auto
also have "... = synth (analz (((H ∪ S) ∩ payload) ∪ ((H ∪ S) ∩ valid) ∪
((H ∪ S) ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags))"
by (simp add: Un_left_commute sup.commute Int_Un_distrib2)
finally show ?thesis .
lemma analz_insert_partition:
"analz S ⊆ synth (analz ((S ∩ payload) ∪ (S ∩ valid) ∪ (S ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags)) ⟹
x ∈ payload ∪ valid ∪ range LtK ⟹
analz (insert x S) ⊆
synth (analz (((insert x S) ∩ payload) ∪ ((insert x S) ∩ valid) ∪
((insert x S) ∩ range LtK) ∪ Tags))"
by (simp only: insert_is_Un [of x S], erule analz_Un_partition, auto)