Theory MapOps
theory MapOps
imports Main
subsection‹Finite map operations›
The algorithm represents an automaton as a pair of maps, which we
capture abstractly with a record and a predicate:
record ('m, 'k, 'e) MapOps =
empty :: "'m"
lookup :: "'m ⇒ 'k ⇀ 'e"
update :: "'k ⇒ 'e ⇒ 'm ⇒ 'm"
MapOps :: "('k ⇒ 'kabs) ⇒ 'kabs set ⇒ ('m, 'k, 'e) MapOps ⇒ bool"
"MapOps α d ops ≡
(∀k. α k ∈ d ⟶ lookup ops (empty ops) k = None)
∧ (∀e k k' M. α k ∈ d ∧ α k' ∈ d
⟶ lookup ops (update ops k e M) k'
= (if α k' = α k then Some e else lookup ops M k'))"
lemma MapOpsI[intro]:
"⟦ ⋀k. α k ∈ d ⟹ lookup ops (empty ops) k = None;
⋀e k k' M. ⟦ α k ∈ d; α k' ∈ d ⟧ ⟹
lookup ops (update ops k e M) k'
= (if α k' = α k then Some e else lookup ops M k') ⟧
⟹ MapOps α d ops"
unfolding MapOps_def by blast
lemma MapOps_emptyD:
"⟦ α k ∈ d; MapOps α d ops ⟧ ⟹ lookup ops (empty ops) k = None"
unfolding MapOps_def by simp
lemma MapOps_lookup_updateD:
"⟦ α k ∈ d; α k' ∈ d; MapOps α d ops ⟧ ⟹ lookup ops (update ops k e M) k' = (if α k' = α k then Some e else lookup ops M k')"
unfolding MapOps_def by simp
The function @{term "α"} abstracts concrete keys of type @{typ "'k"},
and the parameter @{term "d"} specifies the valid abstract keys.
This approach has the advantage over a locale that we can pass records
to functions, while for a locale we would need to pass the three
functions separately (as in the DFS theory of \S\ref{sec:dfs}).
We use the following function to test for membership in the domain of
the map:
definition isSome :: "'a option ⇒ bool" where
"isSome opt ≡ case opt of None ⇒ False | Some _ ⇒ True"
lemma isSome_simps[simp]:
"⋀x. isSome (Some x)"
"⋀x. ¬ isSome x ⟷ x = None"
unfolding isSome_def by (auto split: option.split)
lemma isSome_eq:
"isSome x ⟷ (∃y. x = Some y)"
unfolding isSome_def by (auto split: option.split)
lemma isSomeE: "⟦ isSome x; ⋀s. x = Some s ⟹ Q ⟧ ⟹ Q"
unfolding isSome_def by (cases x) auto