Theory Antidomain_Semiring
section ‹Antidomain Semirings›
theory Antidomain_Semiring
imports Domain_Semiring
subsection ‹Antidomain Monoids›
text ‹We axiomatise antidomain monoids, using the axioms of~\<^cite>‹"DesharnaisJipsenStruth"›.›
class antidomain_op =
fixes antidomain_op :: "'a ⇒ 'a" (‹ad›)
class antidomain_left_monoid = monoid_mult + antidomain_op +
assumes am1 [simp]: "ad x ⋅ x = ad 1"
and am2: "ad x ⋅ ad y = ad y ⋅ ad x"
and am3 [simp]: "ad (ad x) ⋅ x = x"
and am4 [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad x"
and am5 [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ ad y = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x"
no_notation domain_op (‹d›)
no_notation (‹0›)
text ‹We define a zero element and operations of domain and addition.›
definition a_zero :: "'a" (‹0›) where
"0 = ad 1"
definition am_d :: "'a ⇒ 'a" (‹d›) where
"d x = ad (ad x)"
definition am_add_op :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" (infixl ‹⊕› 65) where
"x ⊕ y ≡ ad (ad x ⋅ ad y)"
lemma a_d_zero [simp]: "ad x ⋅ d x = 0"
by (metis am1 am2 a_zero_def am_d_def)
lemma a_d_one [simp]: "d x ⊕ ad x = 1"
by (metis am1 am3 mult_1_right am_d_def am_add_op_def)
lemma n_annil [simp]: "0 ⋅ x = 0"
proof -
have "0 ⋅ x = d x ⋅ ad x ⋅ x"
by (simp add: a_zero_def am_d_def)
also have "... = d x ⋅ 0"
by (metis am1 mult_assoc a_zero_def)
thus ?thesis
by (metis am1 am2 am3 mult_assoc a_zero_def)
lemma a_mult_idem [simp]: "ad x ⋅ ad x = ad x"
proof -
have "ad x ⋅ ad x = ad (1 ⋅ x) ⋅ 1 ⋅ ad x"
by simp
also have "... = ad (1 ⋅ x) ⋅ 1"
using am5 by blast
finally show ?thesis
by simp
lemma a_add_idem [simp]: "ad x ⊕ ad x = ad x"
by (metis am1 am3 am4 mult_1_right am_add_op_def)
text ‹The next three axioms suffice to show that the domain elements form a Boolean algebra.›
lemma a_add_comm: "x ⊕ y = y ⊕ x"
using am2 am_add_op_def by auto
lemma a_add_assoc: "x ⊕ (y ⊕ z) = (x ⊕ y) ⊕ z"
proof -
have "⋀x y. ad x ⋅ ad (x ⋅ y) = ad x"
by (metis a_mult_idem am2 am4 mult_assoc)
thus ?thesis
by (metis a_add_comm am_add_op_def local.am3 local.am4 mult_assoc)
lemma huntington [simp]: "ad (x ⊕ y) ⊕ ad (x ⊕ ad y) = ad x"
using a_add_idem am_add_op_def by auto
lemma a_absorb1 [simp]: "(ad x ⊕ ad y) ⋅ ad x = ad x"
by (metis a_add_idem a_mult_idem am4 mult_assoc am_add_op_def)
lemma a_absorb2 [simp]: "ad x ⊕ ad x ⋅ ad y = ad x"
proof -
have "ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad x ⋅ ad y) = ad (ad x)"
by (metis (no_types) a_mult_idem local.am4 local.mult.semigroup_axioms semigroup.assoc)
then show ?thesis
using a_add_idem am_add_op_def by auto
text ‹The distributivity laws remain to be proved; our proofs follow those of Maddux~\<^cite>‹"maddux"›.›
lemma prod_split [simp]: "ad x ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ d y = ad x"
using a_add_idem am_d_def am_add_op_def by auto
lemma sum_split [simp]: "(ad x ⊕ ad y) ⋅ (ad x ⊕ d y) = ad x"
using a_add_idem am_d_def am_add_op_def by fastforce
lemma a_comp_simp [simp]: "(ad x ⊕ ad y) ⋅ d x = ad y ⋅ d x"
proof -
have f1: "(ad x ⊕ ad y) ⋅ d x = ad (ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad y)) ⋅ ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad (ad y))"
by (simp add: am_add_op_def am_d_def)
have f2: "ad y = ad (ad (ad y))"
using a_add_idem am_add_op_def by auto
have "ad y = ad (ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad y)) ⋅ ad y"
by (metis (no_types) a_absorb1 a_add_comm am_add_op_def)
then show ?thesis
using f2 f1 by (simp add: am_d_def local.am2 local.mult.semigroup_axioms semigroup.assoc)
lemma a_distrib1: "ad x ⋅ (ad y ⊕ ad z) = ad x ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ ad z"
proof -
have f1: "⋀a. ad (ad (ad (a::'a)) ⋅ ad (ad a)) = ad a"
using a_add_idem am_add_op_def by auto
have f2: "⋀a aa. ad ((a::'a) ⋅ aa) ⋅ (a ⋅ ad aa) = ad (a ⋅ aa) ⋅ a"
using local.am5 mult_assoc by auto
have f3: "⋀a. ad (ad (ad (a::'a))) = ad a"
using f1 by simp
have "⋀a. ad (a::'a) ⋅ ad a = ad a"
by simp
then have "⋀a aa. ad (ad (ad (a::'a) ⋅ ad aa)) = ad aa ⋅ ad a"
using f3 f2 by (metis (no_types) local.am2 local.am4 mult_assoc)
then have "ad x ⋅ (ad y ⊕ ad z) = ad x ⋅ (ad y ⊕ ad z) ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ (ad y ⊕ ad z) ⋅ d y"
using am_add_op_def am_d_def local.am2 local.am4 by presburger
also have "... = ad x ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ (ad y ⊕ ad z) ⋅ d y"
by (simp add: mult_assoc)
also have "... = ad x ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ ad z ⋅ d y"
by (simp add: mult_assoc)
also have "... = ad x ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ ad y ⋅ ad z ⊕ ad x ⋅ ad z ⋅ d y"
by (metis a_add_idem a_mult_idem local.am4 mult_assoc am_add_op_def)
also have "... = ad x ⋅ ad y ⊕ (ad x ⋅ ad z ⋅ ad y ⊕ ad x ⋅ ad z ⋅ d y)"
by (metis am2 mult_assoc a_add_assoc)
finally show ?thesis
by (metis a_add_idem a_mult_idem am4 am_d_def am_add_op_def)
lemma a_distrib2: "ad x ⊕ ad y ⋅ ad z = (ad x ⊕ ad y) ⋅ (ad x ⊕ ad z)"
proof -
have f1: "⋀a aa ab. ad (ad (ad (a::'a) ⋅ ad aa) ⋅ ad (ad a ⋅ ad ab)) = ad a ⋅ ad (ad (ad aa) ⋅ ad (ad ab))"
using a_distrib1 am_add_op_def by auto
have "⋀a. ad (ad (ad (a::'a))) = ad a"
by (metis a_absorb2 a_mult_idem am_add_op_def)
then have "ad (ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad y)) ⋅ ad (ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad z)) = ad (ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (ad y ⋅ ad z))"
using f1 by (metis (full_types))
then show ?thesis
by (simp add: am_add_op_def)
lemma aa_loc [simp]: "d (x ⋅ d y) = d (x ⋅ y)"
proof -
have f1: "x ⋅ d y ⋅ y = x ⋅ y"
by (metis am3 mult_assoc am_d_def)
have f2: "⋀w z. ad (w ⋅ z) ⋅ (w ⋅ ad z) = ad (w ⋅ z) ⋅ w"
by (metis am5 mult_assoc)
hence f3: "⋀z. ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ (x ⋅ z) = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ (x ⋅ (ad (ad (ad y) ⋅ y) ⋅ z))"
using f1 by (metis (no_types) mult_assoc am_d_def)
have "ad (x ⋅ ad (ad y)) ⋅ (x ⋅ y) = 0" using f1
by (metis am1 mult_assoc n_annil a_zero_def am_d_def)
thus ?thesis
by (metis a_d_zero am_d_def f3 local.am1 local.am2 local.am3 local.am4)
lemma a_loc [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ d y) = ad (x ⋅ y)"
proof -
have "⋀a. ad (ad (ad (a::'a))) = ad a"
using am_add_op_def am_d_def prod_split by auto
then show ?thesis
by (metis (full_types) aa_loc am_d_def)
lemma d_a_export [simp]: "d (ad x ⋅ y) = ad x ⋅ d y"
proof -
have f1: "⋀a aa. ad ((a::'a) ⋅ ad (ad aa)) = ad (a ⋅ aa)"
using a_loc am_d_def by auto
have "⋀a. ad (ad (a::'a) ⋅ a) = 1"
using a_d_one am_add_op_def am_d_def by auto
then have "⋀a aa. ad (ad (ad (a::'a) ⋅ ad aa)) = ad a ⋅ ad aa"
using f1 by (metis a_distrib2 am_add_op_def local.mult_1_left)
then show ?thesis
using f1 by (metis (no_types) am_d_def)
text ‹Every antidomain monoid is a domain monoid.›
sublocale dm: domain_monoid am_d "(⋅)" 1
apply (unfold_locales)
apply (simp add: am_d_def)
apply simp
using am_d_def d_a_export apply auto[1]
by (simp add: am_d_def local.am2)
lemma ds_ord_iso1: "x ⊑ y ⟹ z ⋅ x ⊑ z ⋅ y"
lemma a_very_costrict: "ad x = 1 ⟷ x = 0"
assume a: "ad x = 1"
hence "0 = ad x ⋅ x"
using a_zero_def by force
thus "x = 0"
by (simp add: a)
assume "x = 0"
thus "ad x = 1"
using a_zero_def am_d_def dm.dom_one by auto
lemma a_weak_loc: "x ⋅ y = 0 ⟷ x ⋅ d y = 0"
proof -
have "x ⋅ y = 0 ⟷ ad (x ⋅ y) = 1"
by (simp add: a_very_costrict)
also have "... ⟷ ad (x ⋅ d y) = 1"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
using a_very_costrict by blast
lemma a_closure [simp]: "d (ad x) = ad x"
using a_add_idem am_add_op_def am_d_def by auto
lemma a_d_mult_closure [simp]: "d (ad x ⋅ ad y) = ad x ⋅ ad y"
by simp
lemma kat_3': "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0 ⟹ d x ⋅ y = d x ⋅ y ⋅ d z"
by (metis dm.dom_one local.am5 local.mult_1_left a_zero_def am_d_def)
lemma s4 [simp]: "ad x ⋅ ad (ad x ⋅ y) = ad x ⋅ ad y"
proof -
have "⋀a aa. ad (a::'a) ⋅ ad (ad aa) = ad (ad (ad a ⋅ aa))"
using am_d_def d_a_export by presburger
then have "⋀a aa. ad (ad (a::'a)) ⋅ ad aa = ad (ad (ad aa ⋅ a))"
using local.am2 by presburger
then show ?thesis
by (metis a_comp_simp a_d_mult_closure am_add_op_def am_d_def local.am2)
class antidomain_monoid = antidomain_left_monoid +
assumes am6 [simp]: "x ⋅ ad 1 = ad 1"
lemma kat_3_equiv: "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0 ⟷ d x ⋅ y = d x ⋅ y ⋅ d z"
apply standard
apply (metis kat_3')
by (simp add: mult_assoc a_zero_def am_d_def)
no_notation a_zero (‹0›)
no_notation am_d (‹d›)
subsection ‹Antidomain Near-Semirings›
text ‹We define antidomain near-semirings. We do not consider units separately. The axioms are taken from~\<^cite>‹"DesharnaisStruthAMAST"›.›
notation (‹0›)
class antidomain_near_semiring = ab_near_semiring_one_zerol + antidomain_op + plus_ord +
assumes ans1 [simp]: "ad x ⋅ x = 0"
and ans2 [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) + ad (x ⋅ ad (ad y)) = ad (x ⋅ ad (ad y))"
and ans3 [simp]: "ad (ad x) + ad x = 1"
and ans4 [simp]: "ad (x + y) = ad x ⋅ ad y"
definition ans_d :: "'a ⇒ 'a" (‹d›) where
"d x = ad (ad x)"
lemma a_a_one [simp]: "d 1 = 1"
proof -
have "d 1 = d 1 + 0"
by simp
also have "... = d 1 + ad 1"
by (metis ans1 mult_1_right)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
lemma a_very_costrict': "ad x = 1 ⟷ x = 0"
assume "ad x = 1"
hence "x = ad x ⋅ x"
by simp
thus "x = 0"
by auto
assume "x = 0"
hence "ad x = ad 0"
by blast
thus "ad x = 1"
by (metis a_a_one ans_d_def local.ans1 local.mult_1_right)
lemma one_idem [simp]: "1 + 1 = 1"
proof -
have "1 + 1 = d 1 + d 1"
by simp
also have "... = ad (ad 1 ⋅ 1) + ad (ad 1 ⋅ d 1)"
using a_a_one ans_d_def by auto
also have "... = ad (ad 1 ⋅ d 1)"
using ans_d_def local.ans2 by presburger
also have "... = ad (ad 1 ⋅ 1)"
by simp
also have "... = d 1"
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
finally show ?thesis
by simp
text ‹Every antidomain near-semiring is automatically a dioid, and therefore ordered.›
subclass near_dioid_one_zerol
show "⋀x. x + x = x"
proof -
fix x
have "x + x = 1 ⋅ x + 1 ⋅ x"
by simp
also have "... = (1 + 1) ⋅ x"
using distrib_right' by presburger
finally show "x + x = x"
by simp
lemma d1_a [simp]: "d x ⋅ x = x"
proof -
have "x = (d x + ad x) ⋅ x"
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
also have "... = d x ⋅ x + ad x ⋅ x"
using distrib_right' by blast
also have "... = d x ⋅ x + 0"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by auto
lemma a_comm: "ad x ⋅ ad y = ad y ⋅ ad x"
using add_commute ans4 by fastforce
lemma a_subid: "ad x ≤ 1"
using local.ans3 local.join.sup_ge2 by fastforce
lemma a_subid_aux1: "ad x ⋅ y ≤ y"
using a_subid mult_isor by fastforce
lemma a_subdist: "ad (x + y) ≤ ad x"
by (metis a_subid_aux1 ans4 add_comm)
lemma a_antitone: "x ≤ y ⟹ ad y ≤ ad x"
using a_subdist local.order_prop by auto
lemma a_mul_d [simp]: "ad x ⋅ d x = 0"
by (metis a_comm ans_d_def local.ans1)
lemma a_gla1: "ad x ⋅ y = 0 ⟹ ad x ≤ ad y"
proof -
assume "ad x ⋅ y = 0"
hence a: "ad x ⋅ d y = 0"
by (metis a_subid a_very_costrict' ans_d_def local.ans2 local.join.sup.order_iff)
have "ad x = (d y + ad y ) ⋅ ad x"
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
also have "... = d y ⋅ ad x + ad y ⋅ ad x"
using distrib_right' by blast
also have "... = ad x ⋅ d y + ad x ⋅ ad y"
using a_comm ans_d_def by auto
also have "... = ad x ⋅ ad y"
by (simp add: a)
finally show "ad x ≤ ad y"
by (metis a_subid_aux1)
lemma a_gla2: "ad x ≤ ad y ⟹ ad x ⋅ y = 0"
proof -
assume "ad x ≤ ad y"
hence "ad x ⋅ y ≤ ad y ⋅ y"
using mult_isor by blast
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: join.le_bot)
lemma a2_eq [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ d y) = ad (x ⋅ y)"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "ad (x ⋅ y) ≤ ad (x ⋅ d y)"
by (simp add: ans_d_def local.less_eq_def)
show "ad (x ⋅ d y) ≤ ad (x ⋅ y)"
by (metis a_gla1 a_mul_d ans1 d1_a mult_assoc)
lemma a_export' [simp]: "ad (ad x ⋅ y) = d x + ad y"
proof (rule order.antisym)
have "ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad x ⋅ d y = 0"
by (simp add: a_gla2 local.mult.semigroup_axioms semigroup.assoc)
hence a: "ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ d y ≤ ad (ad x)"
by (metis a_comm a_gla1 ans4 mult_assoc ans_d_def)
have "ad (ad x ⋅ y) = ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ d y + ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad y"
by (metis (no_types) add_commute ans3 ans4 distrib_right' mult_onel ans_d_def)
thus "ad (ad x ⋅ y) ≤ d x + ad y"
by (metis a_subid_aux1 a join.sup_mono ans_d_def)
show "d x + ad y ≤ ad (ad x ⋅ y)"
by (metis a2_eq a_antitone a_comm a_subid_aux1 join.sup_least ans_d_def)
text ‹Every antidomain near-semiring is a domain near-semiring.›
sublocale dnsz: domain_near_semiring_one_zerol "(+)" "(⋅)" 1 0 "ans_d" "(≤)" "(<)"
apply (unfold_locales)
apply simp
using a2_eq ans_d_def apply auto[1]
apply (simp add: a_subid ans_d_def local.join.sup_absorb2)
apply (simp add: ans_d_def)
apply (simp add: a_comm ans_d_def)
using a_a_one a_very_costrict' ans_d_def by force
lemma a_idem [simp]: "ad x ⋅ ad x = ad x"
proof -
have "ad x = (d x + ad x ) ⋅ ad x"
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
also have "... = d x ⋅ ad x + ad x ⋅ ad x"
using distrib_right' by blast
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
lemma a_3_var [simp]: "ad x ⋅ ad y ⋅ (x + y) = 0"
by (metis ans1 ans4)
lemma a_3 [simp]: "ad x ⋅ ad y ⋅ d (x + y) = 0"
by (metis a_mul_d ans4)
lemma a_closure' [simp]: "d (ad x) = ad x"
proof -
have "d (ad x) = ad (1 ⋅ d x)"
by (simp add: ans_d_def)
also have "... = ad (1 ⋅ x)"
using a2_eq by blast
finally show ?thesis
by simp
text ‹The following counterexamples show that some of the antidomain monoid axioms do not need to hold.›
lemma "x ⋅ ad 1 = ad 1"
lemma "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad x"
lemma "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad x"
lemma phl_seq_inv: "d v ⋅ x ⋅ y ⋅ ad w = 0 ⟹ ∃z. d v ⋅ x ⋅ d z = 0 ∧ ad z ⋅ y ⋅ ad w = 0"
proof -
assume "d v ⋅ x ⋅ y ⋅ ad w = 0"
hence "d v ⋅ x ⋅ d (y ⋅ ad w) = 0 ∧ ad (y ⋅ ad w) ⋅ y ⋅ ad w = 0"
by (metis dnsz.dom_weakly_local local.ans1 mult_assoc)
thus "∃z. d v ⋅ x ⋅ d z = 0 ∧ ad z ⋅ y ⋅ ad w = 0"
by blast
lemma a_fixpoint: "ad x = x ⟹ (∀y. y = 0)"
proof -
assume a1: "ad x = x"
{ fix aa :: 'a
have "aa = 0"
using a1 by (metis (no_types) a_mul_d ans_d_def local.annil local.ans3 local.join.sup.idem local.mult_1_left)
then show ?thesis
by blast
no_notation ans_d (‹d›)
subsection ‹Antidomain Pre-Dioids›
text ‹Antidomain pre-diods are based on a different set of axioms, which are again taken from~\<^cite>‹"DesharnaisStruthAMAST"›.›
class antidomain_pre_dioid = pre_dioid_one_zerol + antidomain_op +
assumes apd1 [simp]: "ad x ⋅ x = 0"
and apd2 [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) ≤ ad (x ⋅ ad (ad y))"
and apd3 [simp]: "ad (ad x) + ad x = 1"
definition apd_d :: "'a ⇒ 'a" (‹d›) where
"d x = ad (ad x)"
lemma a_very_costrict'': "ad x = 1 ⟷ x = 0"
by (metis add_commute local.add_zerol order.antisym local.apd1 local.apd3 local.join.bot_least local.mult_1_right local.phl_skip)
lemma a_subid': "ad x ≤ 1"
using local.apd3 local.join.sup_ge2 by fastforce
lemma d1_a' [simp]: "d x ⋅ x = x"
proof -
have "x = (d x + ad x) ⋅ x"
by (simp add: apd_d_def)
also have "... = d x ⋅ x + ad x ⋅ x"
using distrib_right' by blast
also have "... = d x ⋅ x + 0"
by simp
finally show ?thesis
by auto
lemma a_subid_aux1': "ad x ⋅ y ≤ y"
using a_subid' mult_isor by fastforce
lemma a_mul_d' [simp]: "ad x ⋅ d x = 0"
proof -
have "1 = ad (ad x ⋅ x)"
using a_very_costrict'' by force
thus ?thesis
by (metis a_subid' a_very_costrict'' apd_d_def order.antisym local.apd2)
lemma a_d_closed [simp]: "d (ad x) = ad x"
proof (rule order.antisym)
have "d (ad x) = (d x + ad x) ⋅ d (ad x)"
by (simp add: apd_d_def)
also have "... = ad (ad x) ⋅ ad (d x) + ad x ⋅ d (ad x)"
using apd_d_def local.distrib_right' by presburger
also have "... = ad x ⋅ d (ad x)"
using a_mul_d' apd_d_def by auto
finally show "d (ad x) ≤ ad x"
by (metis a_subid' mult_1_right mult_isol apd_d_def)
have "ad x = ad (1 ⋅ x)"
by simp
also have "... ≤ ad (1 ⋅ d x)"
using apd_d_def local.apd2 by presburger
also have "... = ad (d x)"
by simp
finally show "ad x ≤ d (ad x)"
by (simp add: apd_d_def)
lemma meet_ord_def: "ad x ≤ ad y ⟷ ad x ⋅ ad y = ad x"
by (metis a_d_closed a_subid_aux1' d1_a' order.eq_iff mult_1_right mult_isol)
lemma d_weak_loc: "x ⋅ y = 0 ⟷ x ⋅ d y = 0"
proof -
have "x ⋅ y = 0 ⟷ ad (x ⋅ y) = 1"
by (simp add: a_very_costrict'')
also have "... ⟷ ad (x ⋅ d y) = 1"
by (metis apd1 apd2 a_subid' apd_d_def d1_a' order.eq_iff mult_1_left mult_assoc)
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: a_very_costrict'')
lemma gla_1: "ad x ⋅ y = 0 ⟹ ad x ≤ ad y"
proof -
assume "ad x ⋅ y = 0"
hence a: "ad x ⋅ d y = 0"
using d_weak_loc by force
hence "d y = ad x ⋅ d y + d y"
by simp
also have "... = (1 + ad x) ⋅ d y"
using join.sup_commute by auto
also have "... = (d x + ad x) ⋅ d y"
using apd_d_def calculation by auto
also have "... = d x ⋅ d y"
by (simp add: a join.sup_commute)
finally have "d y ≤ d x"
by (metis apd_d_def a_subid' mult_1_right mult_isol)
hence "d y ⋅ ad x = 0"
by (metis apd_d_def a_d_closed a_mul_d' distrib_right' less_eq_def no_trivial_inverse)
hence "ad x = ad y ⋅ ad x"
by (metis apd_d_def apd3 add_0_left distrib_right' mult_1_left)
thus "ad x ≤ ad y"
by (metis add_commute apd3 mult_oner subdistl)
lemma a2_eq' [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ d y) = ad (x ⋅ y)"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "ad (x ⋅ y) ≤ ad (x ⋅ d y)"
by (simp add: apd_d_def)
show "ad (x ⋅ d y) ≤ ad (x ⋅ y)"
by (metis gla_1 apd1 a_mul_d' d1_a' mult_assoc)
lemma a_supdist_var: "ad (x + y) ≤ ad x"
by (metis gla_1 apd1 join.le_bot subdistl)
lemma a_antitone': "x ≤ y ⟹ ad y ≤ ad x"
using a_supdist_var local.order_prop by auto
lemma a_comm_var: "ad x ⋅ ad y ≤ ad y ⋅ ad x"
proof -
have "ad x ⋅ ad y = d (ad x ⋅ ad y) ⋅ ad x ⋅ ad y"
by (simp add: mult_assoc)
also have "... ≤ d (ad x ⋅ ad y) ⋅ ad x"
using a_subid' mult_isol by fastforce
also have "... ≤ d (ad y) ⋅ ad x"
by (simp add: a_antitone' a_subid_aux1' apd_d_def local.mult_isor)
finally show ?thesis
by simp
lemma a_comm': "ad x ⋅ ad y = ad y ⋅ ad x"
by (simp add: a_comm_var order.eq_iff)
lemma a_closed [simp]: "d (ad x ⋅ ad y) = ad x ⋅ ad y"
proof -
have f1: "⋀x y. ad x ≤ ad (ad y ⋅ x)"
by (simp add: a_antitone' a_subid_aux1')
have "⋀x y. d (ad x ⋅ y) ≤ ad x"
by (metis a2_eq' a_antitone' a_comm' a_d_closed apd_d_def f1)
hence "⋀x y. d (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ y = ad x ⋅ y"
by (metis d1_a' meet_ord_def mult_assoc apd_d_def)
thus ?thesis
by (metis f1 a_comm' apd_d_def meet_ord_def)
lemma a_export'' [simp]: "ad (ad x ⋅ y) = d x + ad y"
proof (rule order.antisym)
have "ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad x ⋅ d y = 0"
using d_weak_loc mult_assoc by fastforce
hence a: "ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ d y ≤ d x"
by (metis a_closed a_comm' apd_d_def gla_1 mult_assoc)
have "ad (ad x ⋅ y) = ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ d y + ad (ad x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad y"
by (metis apd3 a_comm' d1_a' distrib_right' mult_1_right apd_d_def)
thus "ad (ad x ⋅ y) ≤ d x + ad y"
by (metis a_subid_aux1' a join.sup_mono)
have "ad y ≤ ad (ad x ⋅ y)"
by (simp add: a_antitone' a_subid_aux1')
thus "d x + ad y ≤ ad (ad x ⋅ y)"
by (metis apd_d_def a_mul_d' d1_a' gla_1 apd1 join.sup_least mult_assoc)
lemma d1_sum_var: "x + y ≤ (d x + d y) ⋅ (x + y)"
proof -
have "x + y = d x ⋅ x + d y ⋅ y"
by simp
also have "... ≤ (d x + d y) ⋅ x + (d x + d y) ⋅ y"
using local.distrib_right' local.join.sup_ge1 local.join.sup_ge2 local.join.sup_mono by presburger
finally show ?thesis
using order_trans subdistl_var by blast
lemma a4': "ad (x + y) = ad x ⋅ ad y"
proof (rule order.antisym)
show "ad (x + y) ≤ ad x ⋅ ad y"
by (metis a_d_closed a_supdist_var add_commute d1_a' local.mult_isol_var)
hence "ad x ⋅ ad y = ad x ⋅ ad y + ad (x + y)"
using less_eq_def add_commute by simp
also have "... = ad (ad (ad x ⋅ ad y) ⋅ (x + y))"
by (metis a_closed a_export'')
finally show "ad x ⋅ ad y ≤ ad (x + y)"
using a_antitone' apd_d_def d1_sum_var by auto
text ‹Antidomain pre-dioids are domain pre-dioids and antidomain near-semirings, but still not antidomain monoids.›
sublocale dpdz: domain_pre_dioid_one_zerol "(+)" "(⋅)" 1 0 "(≤)" "(<)" "λx. ad (ad x)"
apply (unfold_locales)
using apd_d_def d1_a' apply auto[1]
using a2_eq' apd_d_def apply auto[1]
apply (simp add: a_subid')
apply (simp add: a4' apd_d_def)
by (metis a_mul_d' a_very_costrict'' apd_d_def local.mult_onel)
subclass antidomain_near_semiring
apply (unfold_locales)
apply simp
using local.apd2 local.less_eq_def apply blast
apply simp
by (simp add: a4')
lemma a_supdist: "ad (x + y) ≤ ad x + ad y"
using a_supdist_var local.join.le_supI1 by auto
lemma a_gla: "ad x ⋅ y = 0 ⟷ ad x ≤ ad y"
using gla_1 a_gla2 by blast
lemma a_subid_aux2: "x ⋅ ad y ≤ x"
using a_subid' mult_isol by fastforce
lemma a42_var: "d x ⋅ d y ≤ ad (ad x + ad y)"
by (simp add: apd_d_def)
lemma d1_weak [simp]: "(d x + d y) ⋅ x = x"
proof -
have "(d x + d y) ⋅ x = (1 + d y) ⋅ x"
by simp
thus ?thesis
by (metis add_commute apd_d_def dpdz.dnso3 local.mult_1_left)
lemma "x ⋅ ad 1 = ad 1"
lemma "ad x ⋅ (y + z) = ad x ⋅ y + ad x ⋅ z"
lemma "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad x"
lemma "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad x"
no_notation apd_d (‹d›)
subsection ‹Antidomain Semirings›
text ‹Antidomain semirings are direct expansions of antidomain pre-dioids, but do not require idempotency of addition. Hence we give a slightly different axiomatisation, following~\<^cite>‹"DesharnaisStruthSCP"›.›
class antidomain_semiringl = semiring_one_zerol + plus_ord + antidomain_op +
assumes as1 [simp]: "ad x ⋅ x = 0"
and as2 [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) + ad (x ⋅ ad (ad y)) = ad (x ⋅ ad (ad y))"
and as3 [simp]: "ad (ad x) + ad x = 1"
definition ads_d :: "'a ⇒ 'a" (‹d›) where
"d x = ad (ad x)"
lemma one_idem': "1 + 1 = 1"
by (metis as1 as2 as3 add_zeror mult.right_neutral)
text ‹Every antidomain semiring is a dioid and an antidomain pre-dioid.›
subclass dioid
by (standard, metis distrib_left mult.right_neutral one_idem')
subclass antidomain_pre_dioid
by (unfold_locales, auto simp: local.less_eq_def)
lemma am5_lem [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad x"
proof -
have "ad (x ⋅ y ) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y) = ad (x ⋅ d y) ⋅ ad (x ⋅ ad y)"
using ads_d_def local.a2_eq' local.apd_d_def by auto
also have "... = ad (x ⋅ d y + x ⋅ ad y)"
using ans4 by presburger
also have "... = ad (x ⋅ (d y + ad y))"
using distrib_left by presburger
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: ads_d_def)
lemma am6_lem [simp]: "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ ad y = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x"
proof -
fix x y
have "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ ad y = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ ad y + 0"
by simp
also have "... = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ ad y + ad (x ⋅ d y) ⋅ x ⋅ d y"
using ans1 mult_assoc by presburger
also have "... = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ (ad y + d y)"
using ads_d_def local.a2_eq' local.apd_d_def local.distrib_left by auto
finally show "ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x ⋅ ad y = ad (x ⋅ y) ⋅ x"
using add_commute ads_d_def local.as3 by auto
lemma a_zero [simp]: "ad 0 = 1"
by (simp add: local.a_very_costrict'')
lemma a_one [simp]: "ad 1 = 0"
using a_zero local.dpdz.dpd5 by blast
subclass antidomain_left_monoid
by (unfold_locales, auto simp: local.a_comm')
text ‹Every antidomain left semiring is a domain left semiring.›
no_notation domain_semiringl_class.fd (‹( |_⟩ _)› [61,81] 82)
definition fdia :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" (‹( |_⟩ _)› [61,81] 82) where
"|x⟩ y = ad (ad (x ⋅ y))"
sublocale ds: domain_semiringl "(+)" "(⋅)" 1 0 "λx. ad (ad x)" "(≤)" "(<)"
rewrites "ds.fd x y ≡ fdia x y"
proof -
show "class.domain_semiringl (+) (⋅) 1 0 (λx. ad (ad x)) (≤) (<) "
by (unfold_locales, auto simp: local.dpdz.dpd4 ans_d_def)
then interpret ds: domain_semiringl "(+)" "(⋅)" 1 0 "λx. ad (ad x)" "(≤)" "(<)" .
show "ds.fd x y ≡ fdia x y"
by (auto simp: fdia_def ds.fd_def)
lemma fd_eq_fdia [simp]: "domain_semiringl.fd (⋅) d x y ≡ fdia x y"
proof -
have "class.domain_semiringl (+) (⋅) 1 0 d (≤) (<)"
by (unfold_locales, auto simp: ads_d_def local.ans_d_def)
hence "domain_semiringl.fd (⋅) d x y = d ((⋅) x y)"
by (rule domain_semiringl.fd_def)
also have "... = ds.fd x y"
by (simp add: ds.fd_def ads_d_def)
finally show "domain_semiringl.fd (⋅) d x y ≡ |x⟩ y"
by auto
class antidomain_semiring = antidomain_semiringl + semiring_one_zero
text ‹Every antidomain semiring is an antidomain monoid.›
subclass antidomain_monoid
by (standard, metis ans1 mult_1_right annir)
lemma "a_zero = 0"
by (simp add: local.a_zero_def)
sublocale ds: domain_semiring "(+)" "(⋅)" 1 0 "λx. ad (ad x)" "(≤)" "(<)"
rewrites "ds.fd x y ≡ fdia x y"
by unfold_locales
subsection ‹The Boolean Algebra of Domain Elements›
typedef (overloaded) 'a a2_element = "{x :: 'a :: antidomain_semiring. x = d x}"
by (rule_tac x=1 in exI, auto simp: ads_d_def)
setup_lifting type_definition_a2_element
instantiation a2_element :: (antidomain_semiring) boolean_algebra
lift_definition less_eq_a2_element :: "'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element ⇒ bool" is "(≤)" .
lift_definition less_a2_element :: "'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element ⇒ bool" is "(<)" .
lift_definition bot_a2_element :: "'a a2_element" is 0
by (simp add: ads_d_def)
lift_definition top_a2_element :: "'a a2_element" is 1
by (simp add: ads_d_def)
lift_definition inf_a2_element :: "'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element" is "(⋅)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ads_d_def dpdz.dom_mult_closed)
lift_definition sup_a2_element :: "'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element" is "(+)"
by (metis ads_d_def ds.dsr5)
lift_definition minus_a2_element :: "'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element" is "λx y. x ⋅ ad y"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) ads_d_def dpdz.domain_export'')
lift_definition uminus_a2_element :: "'a a2_element ⇒ 'a a2_element" is antidomain_op
by (simp add: ads_d_def)
apply (standard; transfer)
apply (simp add: less_le_not_le)
apply simp
apply auto[1]
apply simp
apply (metis a_subid_aux2 ads_d_def)
apply (metis a_subid_aux1' ads_d_def)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ads_d_def dpdz.dom_glb)
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
apply (metis a_subid' ads_d_def)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ads_d_def dpdz.dom_distrib)
apply (metis ads_d_def ans1)
apply (metis ads_d_def ans3)
by simp
subsection ‹Further Properties›
context antidomain_semiringl
lemma a_2_var: "ad x ⋅ d y = 0 ⟷ ad x ≤ ad y"
using local.a_gla local.ads_d_def local.dpdz.dom_weakly_local by auto
text ‹The following two lemmas give the Galois connection of Heyting algebras.›
lemma da_shunt1: "x ≤ d y + z ⟹ x ⋅ ad y ≤ z"
proof -
assume "x ≤ d y + z"
hence "x ⋅ ad y ≤ (d y + z) ⋅ ad y"
using mult_isor by blast
also have "... = d y ⋅ ad y + z ⋅ ad y"
by simp
also have "... ≤ z"
by (simp add: a_subid_aux2 ads_d_def)
finally show "x ⋅ ad y ≤ z"
by simp
lemma da_shunt2: "x ≤ ad y + z ⟹ x ⋅ d y ≤ z"
using da_shunt1 local.a_add_idem local.ads_d_def am_add_op_def by auto
lemma d_a_galois1: "d x ⋅ ad y ≤ d z ⟷ d x ≤ d z + d y"
by (metis add_assoc local.a_gla local.ads_d_def local.am2 local.ans4 local.ans_d_def local.dnsz.dnso4)
lemma d_a_galois2: "d x ⋅ d y ≤ d z ⟷ d x ≤ d z + ad y"
proof -
have "⋀a aa. ad ((a::'a) ⋅ ad (ad aa)) = ad (a ⋅ aa)"
using local.a2_eq' local.apd_d_def by force
then show ?thesis
by (metis d_a_galois1 local.a_export' local.ads_d_def local.ans_d_def)
lemma d_cancellation_1: "d x ≤ d y + d x ⋅ ad y"
proof -
have a: "d (d x ⋅ ad y) = ad y ⋅ d x"
using local.a_closure' local.ads_d_def local.am2 local.ans_d_def by auto
hence "d x ≤ d (d x ⋅ ad y) + d y"
using d_a_galois1 local.a_comm_var local.ads_d_def by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using a add_commute local.ads_d_def local.am2 by auto
lemma d_cancellation_2: "(d z + d y) ⋅ ad y ≤ d z"
by (simp add: da_shunt1)
lemma a_de_morgan: "ad (ad x ⋅ ad y) = d (x + y)"
by (simp add: local.ads_d_def)
lemma a_de_morgan_var_3: "ad (d x + d y) = ad x ⋅ ad y"
using local.a_add_idem local.ads_d_def am_add_op_def by auto
lemma a_de_morgan_var_4: "ad (d x ⋅ d y) = ad x + ad y"
using local.a_add_idem local.ads_d_def am_add_op_def by auto
lemma a_4: "ad x ≤ ad (x ⋅ y)"
using local.a_add_idem local.a_antitone' local.dpdz.domain_1'' am_add_op_def by fastforce
lemma a_6: "ad (d x ⋅ y) = ad x + ad y"
using a_de_morgan_var_4 local.ads_d_def by auto
lemma a_7: "d x ⋅ ad (d y + d z) = d x ⋅ ad y ⋅ ad z"
using a_de_morgan_var_3 local.mult.semigroup_axioms semigroup.assoc by fastforce
lemma a_d_add_closure [simp]: "d (ad x + ad y) = ad x + ad y"
using local.a_add_idem local.ads_d_def am_add_op_def by auto
lemma d_6 [simp]: "d x + ad x ⋅ d y = d x + d y"
proof -
have "ad (ad x ⋅ (x + ad y)) = d (x + y)"
by (simp add: distrib_left ads_d_def)
thus ?thesis
by (simp add: local.ads_d_def local.ans_d_def)
lemma d_7 [simp]: "ad x + d x ⋅ ad y = ad x + ad y"
by (metis a_d_add_closure local.ads_d_def local.ans4 local.s4)
lemma a_mult_add: "ad x ⋅ (y + x) = ad x ⋅ y"
by (simp add: distrib_left)
lemma kat_2: "y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y ⟹ d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0"
proof -
assume a: "y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y"
hence "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z ≤ d x ⋅ ad x ⋅ y"
using local.mult_isol mult_assoc by presburger
thus ?thesis
using local.join.le_bot ads_d_def by auto
lemma kat_3: "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0 ⟹ d x ⋅ y = d x ⋅ y ⋅ d z"
using local.a_zero_def local.ads_d_def local.am_d_def local.kat_3' by auto
lemma kat_4: "d x ⋅ y = d x ⋅ y ⋅ d z ⟹ d x ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ d z"
using a_subid_aux1 mult_assoc ads_d_def by auto
lemma kat_2_equiv: "y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y ⟷ d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0"
assume "y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y"
thus "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0"
by (simp add: kat_2)
assume 1: "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0"
have "y ⋅ ad z = (d x + ad x) ⋅ y ⋅ ad z"
by (simp add: local.ads_d_def)
also have "... = d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z + ad x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z"
using local.distrib_right by presburger
also have "... = ad x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z"
using "1" by auto
also have "... ≤ ad x ⋅ y"
by (simp add: local.a_subid_aux2)
finally show "y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y" .
lemma kat_4_equiv: "d x ⋅ y = d x ⋅ y ⋅ d z ⟷ d x ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ d z"
using local.ads_d_def local.dpdz.d_preserves_equation by auto
lemma kat_3_equiv_opp: "ad z ⋅ y ⋅ d x = 0 ⟷ y ⋅ d x = d z ⋅ y ⋅ d x"
proof -
have "ad z ⋅ (y ⋅ d x) = 0 ⟶ (ad z ⋅ y ⋅ d x = 0) = (y ⋅ d x = d z ⋅ y ⋅ d x)"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add_commute local.add_zerol local.ads_d_def local.as3 local.distrib_right' local.mult_1_left mult_assoc)
thus ?thesis
by (metis a_4 local.a_add_idem local.a_gla2 local.ads_d_def mult_assoc am_add_op_def)
lemma kat_4_equiv_opp: "y ⋅ d x = d z ⋅ y ⋅ d x ⟷ y ⋅ d x ≤ d z ⋅ y"
using kat_2_equiv kat_3_equiv_opp local.ads_d_def by auto
subsection ‹Forward Box and Diamond Operators›
lemma fdemodalisation22: "|x⟩ y ≤ d z ⟷ ad z ⋅ x ⋅ d y = 0"
proof -
have "|x⟩ y ≤ d z ⟷ d (x ⋅ y) ≤ d z"
by (simp add: fdia_def ads_d_def)
also have "... ⟷ ad z ⋅ d (x ⋅ y) = 0"
by (metis add_commute local.a_gla local.ads_d_def local.ans4)
also have "... ⟷ ad z ⋅ x ⋅ y = 0"
using dpdz.dom_weakly_local mult_assoc ads_d_def by auto
finally show ?thesis
using dpdz.dom_weakly_local ads_d_def by auto
lemma dia_diff_var: "|x⟩ y ≤ |x⟩ (d y ⋅ ad z) + |x⟩ z"
proof -
have 1: "|x⟩ (d y ⋅ d z) ≤ |x⟩ (1 ⋅ d z)"
using dpdz.dom_glb_eq ds.fd_subdist fdia_def ads_d_def by force
have "|x⟩ y = |x⟩ (d y ⋅ (ad z + d z))"
by (metis as3 add_comm ds.fdia_d_simp mult_1_right ads_d_def)
also have "... = |x⟩ (d y ⋅ ad z) + |x⟩ (d y ⋅ d z)"
by (simp add: local.distrib_left local.ds.fdia_add1)
also have "... ≤ |x⟩ (d y ⋅ ad z) + |x⟩ (1 ⋅ d z)"
using "1" local.join.sup.mono by blast
finally show ?thesis
by (simp add: fdia_def ads_d_def)
lemma dia_diff: "|x⟩ y ⋅ ad ( |x⟩ z ) ≤ |x⟩ (d y ⋅ ad z)"
using fdia_def dia_diff_var d_a_galois2 ads_d_def by metis
lemma fdia_export_2: "ad y ⋅ |x⟩ z = |ad y ⋅ x⟩ z"
using local.am_d_def local.d_a_export local.fdia_def mult_assoc by auto
lemma fdia_split: "|x⟩ y = d z ⋅ |x⟩ y + ad z ⋅ |x⟩ y"
by (metis mult_onel ans3 distrib_right ads_d_def)
definition fbox :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a" (‹( |_] _)› [61,81] 82) where
"|x] y = ad (x ⋅ ad y)"
text ‹The next lemmas establish the De Morgan duality between boxes and diamonds.›
lemma fdia_fbox_de_morgan_2: "ad ( |x⟩ y) = |x] ad y"
using fbox_def local.a_closure local.a_loc local.am_d_def local.fdia_def by auto
lemma fbox_simp: "|x] y = |x] d y"
using fbox_def local.a_add_idem local.ads_d_def am_add_op_def by auto
lemma fbox_dom [simp]: "|x] 0 = ad x"
by (simp add: fbox_def)
lemma fbox_add1: "|x] (d y ⋅ d z) = |x] y ⋅ |x] z"
using a_de_morgan_var_4 fbox_def local.distrib_left by auto
lemma fbox_add2: "|x + y] z = |x] z ⋅ |y] z"
by (simp add: fbox_def)
lemma fbox_mult: "|x ⋅ y] z = |x] |y] z"
using fbox_def local.a2_eq' local.apd_d_def mult_assoc by auto
lemma fbox_zero [simp]: "|0] x = 1"
by (simp add: fbox_def)
lemma fbox_one [simp]: "|1] x = d x"
by (simp add: fbox_def ads_d_def)
lemma fbox_iso: "d x ≤ d y ⟹ |z] x ≤ |z] y"
proof -
assume "d x ≤ d y"
hence "ad y ≤ ad x"
using local.a_add_idem local.a_antitone' local.ads_d_def am_add_op_def by fastforce
hence "z ⋅ ad y ≤ z ⋅ ad x"
by (simp add: mult_isol)
thus "|z] x ≤ |z] y"
by (simp add: fbox_def a_antitone')
lemma fbox_antitone_var: "x ≤ y ⟹ |y] z ≤ |x] z"
by (simp add: fbox_def a_antitone mult_isor)
lemma fbox_subdist_1: "|x] (d y ⋅ d z) ≤ |x] y"
using a_de_morgan_var_4 fbox_def local.a_supdist_var local.distrib_left by force
lemma fbox_subdist_2: "|x] y ≤|x] (d y + d z)"
by (simp add: fbox_iso ads_d_def)
lemma fbox_subdist: "|x] d y + |x] d z ≤ |x] (d y + d z)"
by (simp add: fbox_iso sup_least ads_d_def)
lemma fbox_diff_var: "|x] (d y + ad z) ⋅ |x] z ≤ |x] y"
proof -
have "ad (ad y) ⋅ ad (ad z) = ad (ad z + ad y)"
using local.dpdz.dsg4 by auto
then have "d (d (d y + ad z) ⋅ d z) ≤ d y"
by (simp add: local.a_subid_aux1' local.ads_d_def)
then show ?thesis
by (metis fbox_add1 fbox_iso)
lemma fbox_diff: "|x] (d y + ad z) ≤ |x] y + ad ( |x] z )"
proof -
have f1: "⋀a. ad (ad (ad (a::'a))) = ad a"
using local.a_closure' local.ans_d_def by force
have f2: "⋀a aa. ad (ad (a::'a)) + ad aa = ad (ad a ⋅ aa)"
using local.ans_d_def by auto
have f3: "⋀a aa. ad ((a::'a) + aa) = ad (aa + a)"
by (simp add: local.am2)
then have f4: "⋀a aa. ad (ad (ad (a::'a) ⋅ aa)) = ad (ad aa + a)"
using f2 f1 by (metis (no_types) local.ans4)
have f5: "⋀a aa ab. ad ((a::'a) ⋅ (aa + ab)) = ad (a ⋅ (ab + aa))"
using f3 local.distrib_left by presburger
have f6: "⋀a aa. ad (ad (ad (a::'a) + aa)) = ad (ad aa ⋅ a)"
using f3 f1 by fastforce
have "ad (x ⋅ ad (y + ad z)) ≤ ad (ad (x ⋅ ad z) ⋅ (x ⋅ ad y))"
using f5 f2 f1 by (metis (no_types) a_mult_add fbox_def fbox_subdist_1 local.a_gla2 local.ads_d_def local.ans4 local.distrib_left local.gla_1 mult_assoc)
then show ?thesis
using f6 f4 f3 f1 by (simp add: fbox_def local.ads_d_def)
context antidomain_semiring
lemma kat_1: "d x ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ d z ⟹ y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y"
proof -
assume a: "d x ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ d z"
have "y ⋅ ad z = d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z + ad x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z"
by (metis local.ads_d_def local.as3 local.distrib_right local.mult_1_left)
also have "... ≤ y ⋅ (d z ⋅ ad z) + ad x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z"
by (metis a add_iso mult_isor mult_assoc)
also have "... = ad x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z"
by (simp add: ads_d_def)
finally show "y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y"
using local.a_subid_aux2 local.dual_order.trans by blast
lemma kat_1_equiv: "d x ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ d z ⟷ y ⋅ ad z ≤ ad x ⋅ y"
using kat_1 kat_2 kat_3 kat_4 by blast
lemma kat_3_equiv': "d x ⋅ y ⋅ ad z = 0 ⟷ d x ⋅ y = d x ⋅ y ⋅ d z"
by (simp add: kat_1_equiv local.kat_2_equiv local.kat_4_equiv)
lemma kat_1_equiv_opp: "y ⋅ d x ≤ d z ⋅ y ⟷ ad z ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ ad x"
by (metis kat_1_equiv local.a_closure' local.ads_d_def local.ans_d_def)
lemma kat_2_equiv_opp: "ad z ⋅ y ≤ y ⋅ ad x ⟷ ad z ⋅ y ⋅ d x = 0"
by (simp add: kat_1_equiv_opp local.kat_3_equiv_opp local.kat_4_equiv_opp)
lemma fbox_one_1 [simp]: "|x] 1 = 1"
by (simp add: fbox_def)
lemma fbox_demodalisation3: "d y ≤ |x] d z ⟷ d y ⋅ x ≤ x ⋅ d z"
by (simp add: fbox_def a_gla kat_2_equiv_opp mult_assoc ads_d_def)
subsection ‹Antidomain Kleene Algebras›
class antidomain_left_kleene_algebra = antidomain_semiringl + left_kleene_algebra_zerol