Theory StoreProperties

(*  Title:       Jive Data and Store Model
    Author:      Norbert Schirmer <schirmer at>, 2003
    Maintainer:  Nicole Rauch <rauch at>
    License:     LGPL

section ‹Store Properties›

theory StoreProperties
imports Store

text ‹This theory formalizes advanced concepts and properties of stores.›

subsection ‹Reachability of a Location from a Reference›

text ‹For a given store, the function reachS› yields the set of all pairs 
$(l,v)$ where $l$ is a location that is reachable from the value $v$ (which must be a reference)
in the given store.
The predicate reach› decides whether a location is reachable from a value in a store.

  reach :: "Store  Location  Value  bool" 
    (‹_ _ reachable'_from _› [91,91,91]90)
  for s :: Store
  Immediate: "ref l  nullV  s l reachable_from (ref l)"
| Indirect: "s l reachable_from (s@@k); ref k  nullV 
              s l reachable_from (ref k)" 

text ‹Note that we explicitly exclude nullV› as legal reference
for reachability. 
Keep in mind that static fields are not associated to any object,
therefore ref› yields nullV› if invoked on static fields 
(see the
definition of the function ref›, Sect. \ref{ref_def}).
Reachability only describes the locations directly 
reachable from the object or array by following the pointers and should not include 
the static fields if we encounter a nullV› reference in the pointer 

text ‹We formalize some properties of reachability. 
Especially, Lemma 3.2 as given in cite‹p. 53› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification" is proven.›

lemma unreachable_Null: 
  assumes reach: "s l reachable_from x" shows "xnullV"
  using reach by (induct) auto

corollary unreachable_Null_simp [simp]:
  "¬ s l reachable_from nullV"
  by (iprover dest: unreachable_Null)

corollary unreachable_NullE [elim]:
  "s l reachable_from nullV  P"
  by (simp)

lemma reachObjLoc [simp,intro]: 
  "C=cls cf  s objLoc cf a reachable_from objV C a"
  by (iprover intro: reach.Immediate [of "objLoc cf a",simplified])

lemma reachArrLoc [simp,intro]: "s arrLoc T a i reachable_from arrV T a"
  by (rule reach.Immediate [of "arrLoc T a i",simplified])

lemma reachArrLen [simp,intro]: "s arrLenLoc T a reachable_from arrV T a"
  by (rule reach.Immediate [of "arrLenLoc T a",simplified])

lemma unreachStatic [simp]: "¬ s staticLoc f reachable_from x"
proof -
    fix y assume "s y reachable_from x" "y=staticLoc f"
    then have False
      by induct auto
  thus ?thesis
    by auto

lemma unreachStaticE [elim]: "s staticLoc f reachable_from x  P"
  by (simp add: unreachStatic)

lemma reachable_from_ArrLoc_impl_Arr [simp,intro]:
  assumes reach_loc: "s l reachable_from (s@@arrLoc T a i)"
  shows "s l reachable_from (arrV T a)"
  using reach.Indirect [OF reach_loc]
  by simp

lemma reachable_from_ObjLoc_impl_Obj [simp,intro]:
  assumes reach_loc: "s l reachable_from (s@@objLoc cf a)"
  assumes C: "C=cls cf"
  shows "s l reachable_from (objV C a)"
  using C reach.Indirect [OF reach_loc]
  by simp

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (i)›
lemma reach_update [simp]:
  assumes unreachable_l_x: "¬ s l reachable_from x" 
  shows "sl:=y k reachable_from  x = s k reachable_from x"
  assume "s k reachable_from x"
  from this unreachable_l_x
  show "sl := y k reachable_from x"
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate k)
    have "ref k  nullV" by fact
    then show "sl := y k reachable_from (ref k)"
      by (rule reach.Immediate)
    case (Indirect k m)
    have hyp: "¬ s l reachable_from (s@@m) 
                sl:=y  k reachable_from (s@@m)" by fact
    have "ref m  nullV" and "¬ s l reachable_from (ref m)" by fact+
    hence "lm" "¬ s l reachable_from (s@@m)"
      by (auto intro: reach.intros)
    with hyp have "sl := y  k reachable_from (sl := y@@m)"
      by simp
    then show "sl := y k reachable_from (ref m)"
      by (rule reach.Indirect) (rule Indirect.hyps)
  assume "sl := y k reachable_from x"
  from this unreachable_l_x
  show "s k reachable_from x"
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate k)
    have "ref k  nullV" by fact
    then show "s  k reachable_from (ref k)"
      by (rule reach.Immediate)
    case (Indirect k m)
    with Indirect.hyps 
    have hyp: "¬ s l reachable_from (sl := y@@m)  
                s k reachable_from (sl := y@@m)" by simp
    have "ref m  nullV" and "¬ s l reachable_from (ref m)" by fact+
    hence "lm" "¬ s  l reachable_from (s@@m)"  
      by (auto intro: reach.intros)
    with hyp have "s  k reachable_from (s@@m)"
      by simp
    thus "s k reachable_from (ref m)"
      by (rule reach.Indirect) (rule Indirect.hyps)

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (ii)›
lemma reach2: 
  "¬ s l reachable_from x  ¬ sl:=y l reachable_from x"
  by (simp)

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (iv)›
lemma reach4: "¬ s  l reachable_from (ref k)  k  l  (ref k) = nullV"
  by (auto intro: reach.intros)

lemma reachable_isRef: 
  assumes reach: "sl reachable_from x" 
  shows "isRefV x"
  using reach 
proof (induct)
  case (Immediate l)
  show "isRefV (ref l)"
    by (cases l) simp_all
  case (Indirect l k)
  show "isRefV (ref k)"
    by (cases k) simp_all

lemma val_ArrLen_IntgT: "isArrLenLoc l  typeof (s@@l) = IntgT"
proof -
  assume isArrLen: "isArrLenLoc l"
  have T: "typeof (s@@l)  ltype l"
    by (simp)
  also from isArrLen have I: "ltype l = IntgT"
    by (cases l) simp_all
  finally show ?thesis
    by (auto elim: rtranclE simp add: le_Javatype_def subtype_defs)

lemma access_alloc' [simp]:
  assumes no_arr_len: "¬ isArrLenLoc l"
  shows "st@@l = s@@l"
proof -
  from no_arr_len 
  have "isNewArr t  l  arr_len (new s t)"
    by (cases t) (auto simp add: new_def isArrLenLoc_def split: Location.splits)
  thus ?thesis 
    by (rule access_alloc)
text ‹Lemma 3.2 (v)›
lemma reach_alloc [simp]: "st l reachable_from x = s l reachable_from x"
  assume "st l reachable_from x"
  thus "s l reachable_from x"
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate l)
    thus "s l reachable_from ref l"
      by (rule reach.intros)
    case (Indirect l k)
    have reach_k: "s l reachable_from (st@@k)" by fact
    have "st@@k = s@@k"
    proof -
      from reach_k have isRef: "isRefV (st@@k)"
        by (rule reachable_isRef)
      have "¬ isArrLenLoc k"
      proof (rule ccontr,simp)
        assume "isArrLenLoc k"
        then have "typeof (st@@k) = IntgT"
          by (rule val_ArrLen_IntgT)
        with isRef 
        show "False"
          by (cases "(st@@k)") simp_all
      thus ?thesis
        by (rule access_alloc')
    ultimately have "s l reachable_from (s@@k)"
      by simp
    thus "s l reachable_from ref k"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Indirect.hyps)
  assume "s l reachable_from x"
  thus "st l reachable_from x"
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate l)
    thus "st l reachable_from ref l"
      by (rule reach.intros)
    case (Indirect l k)
    have reach_k: "st l reachable_from (s@@k)" by fact
    have "st@@k = s@@k"
    proof -
      from reach_k have isRef: "isRefV (s@@k)"
        by (rule reachable_isRef)
      have "¬ isArrLenLoc k"
      proof (rule ccontr,simp)
        assume "isArrLenLoc k"
        then have "typeof (s@@k) = IntgT"
          by (rule val_ArrLen_IntgT)
        with isRef 
        show "False"
          by (cases "(s@@k)") simp_all
      thus ?thesis
        by (rule access_alloc')
    ultimately have "st l reachable_from (st@@k)"
      by simp
    thus "st l reachable_from ref k"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Indirect.hyps)

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (vi)›
lemma reach6: "isprimitive(typeof x)  ¬ s  l reachable_from x"
  assume prim: "isprimitive(typeof x)"
  assume "s  l reachable_from x"
  hence "isRefV x"
    by (rule reachable_isRef)
  with prim show False
    by (cases x) simp_all

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (iii)›
lemma reach3: 
  assumes k_y: "¬ s k reachable_from y"
  assumes k_x: "¬ s k reachable_from x"
  shows "¬ sl:=y k reachable_from x"
  assume "sl:=y k reachable_from x"
  from this k_y k_x
  show False
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate l)
    have "¬ s l reachable_from ref l" and "ref l  nullV" by fact+
    thus False
      by (iprover intro: reach.intros)
    case (Indirect m k)
    have k_not_Null: "ref k  nullV" by fact
    have not_m_y: "¬ s m reachable_from y" by fact
    have not_m_k: "¬ s m reachable_from ref k" by fact
    have hyp: "¬ s m reachable_from y; ¬ s m reachable_from (sl := y@@k)
                False" by fact
    have m_upd_k: "sl := y m reachable_from (sl := y@@k)" by fact
    show False
    proof (cases "l=k")
      case False
      then have "sl := y@@k = s@@k" by simp
      from not_m_k k_not_Null have "¬ s m reachable_from (s@@k)"
        by (iprover intro: reach.intros)
      ultimately show False
        using not_m_y hyp by simp
      case True note eq_l_k = this
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "alive (ref l) s  alive y s  typeof y  ltype l")
        case True
        with eq_l_k have "sl := y@@k = y"
          by simp
        with not_m_y hyp show False by simp
        case False
        hence "sl := y = s"
          by auto
        from not_m_k k_not_Null have "¬ s m reachable_from (s@@k)"
          by (iprover intro: reach.intros)
        ultimately show False
          using not_m_y hyp by simp

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (vii).›

lemma unreachable_from_init [simp,intro]: "¬ s l reachable_from (init T)"
  using reach6 by (cases T) simp_all

lemma ref_reach_unalive: 
  assumes unalive_x:"¬ alive x s" 
  assumes l_x: "s l reachable_from x" 
  shows "x = ref l"
using l_x unalive_x
proof induct
  case (Immediate l)
  show "ref l = ref l"
    by simp
  case (Indirect l k)
  have "ref k  nullV" by fact
  have "¬ alive (ref k) s" by fact
  hence "s@@k = init (ltype k)" by simp
  moreover have "s l reachable_from (s@@k)" by fact
  ultimately have False by simp
  thus ?case ..

lemma loc_new_reach: 
  assumes l: "ref l = new s t"
  assumes l_x: "s l reachable_from x"
  shows "x = new s t"
using l_x l
proof induct
  case (Immediate l)
  show "ref l = new s t" by fact
  case (Indirect l k)
  hence "s@@k = new s t" by iprover
  have "¬ alive (new s t) s"
    by simp
  have "alive (s@@k) s"
    by simp
  ultimately have False by simp
  thus ?case ..

text ‹Lemma 3.2 (viii)›
lemma alive_reach_alive: 
  assumes alive_x: "alive x s" 
  assumes reach_l: "s  l reachable_from x" 
  shows "alive (ref l) s"
using reach_l alive_x
proof (induct)
  case (Immediate l)
  show ?case by fact
  case (Indirect l k)
  have hyp: "alive (s@@k) s  alive (ref l) s" by fact
  moreover have "alive (s@@k) s" by simp
  show "alive (ref l) s"
    by iprover
text ‹Lemma 3.2 (ix)›
lemma reach9: 
  assumes reach_impl_access_eq: "l. s1l reachable_from x  (s1@@l = s2@@l)"
  shows "s1 l reachable_from x = s2 l reachable_from x"
  assume "s1 l reachable_from x"
  from this reach_impl_access_eq 
  show "s2 l reachable_from x"
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate l)
    show "s2 l reachable_from ref l"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Immediate.hyps)
    case (Indirect l k)
    have hyp: "l. s1 l reachable_from (s1@@k)  s1@@l = s2@@l 
                s2 l reachable_from (s1@@k)" by fact
    have k_not_Null: "ref k  nullV" by fact
    have reach_impl_access_eq: 
      "l. s1 l reachable_from ref k  s1@@l = s2@@l" by fact
    have "s1 l reachable_from (s1@@k)" by fact
    with k_not_Null
    have "s1@@k = s2@@k"
      by (iprover intro: reach_impl_access_eq [rule_format] reach.intros)
    moreover from reach_impl_access_eq k_not_Null
    have "l. s1 l reachable_from (s1@@k)  s1@@l = s2@@l"
      by (iprover intro: reach.intros)
    then have "s2 l reachable_from (s1@@k)"
      by (rule hyp)
    ultimately have "s2 l reachable_from (s2@@k)"
      by simp
    thus "s2 l reachable_from ref k"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Indirect.hyps)
  assume "s2 l reachable_from x"
  from this reach_impl_access_eq 
  show "s1 l reachable_from x"
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate l)
    show "s1 l reachable_from ref l"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Immediate.hyps)
    case (Indirect l k)
    have hyp: "l. s1 l reachable_from (s2@@k)  s1@@l = s2@@l 
                s1 l reachable_from (s2@@k)" by fact
    have k_not_Null: "ref k  nullV" by fact
    have reach_impl_access_eq: 
      "l. s1 l reachable_from ref k  s1@@l = s2@@l" by fact
    have "s1 k reachable_from ref k"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Indirect.hyps)
    with reach_impl_access_eq
    have eq_k: "s1@@k = s2@@k"
      by simp
    from reach_impl_access_eq k_not_Null
    have "l. s1 l reachable_from (s1@@k)  s1@@l = s2@@l"
      by (iprover intro: reach.intros)
    have "l. s1 l reachable_from (s2@@k)  s1@@l = s2@@l"
      by (simp add: eq_k)
    with eq_k hyp have "s1 l reachable_from (s1@@k)"
      by simp
    thus "s1 l reachable_from ref k"
      by (rule reach.intros) (rule Indirect.hyps)

subsection ‹Reachability of a Reference from a Reference›

text ‹The predicate rreach› tests whether a value is reachable from
another value. This is an extension of the predicate oreach› as described
in cite‹p. 54› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification" because now arrays are handled as well.

definition rreach:: "Store  Value  Value  bool" 
  (‹_⊢Ref _ reachable'_from _› [91,91,91]90) where
"s⊢Ref y reachable_from x = ( l. s l reachable_from x  y = ref l)"

subsection ‹Disjointness of Reachable Locations›

text ‹The predicate disj› tests whether two values are disjoint
in a given store. Its properties as given in 
cite‹Lemma 3.3, p. 54› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification" are then proven.

definition disj:: "Value  Value  Store  bool" where
"disj x y s = ( l. ¬ s l reachable_from x  ¬ s l reachable_from y)"

lemma disjI1: " l. s l reachable_from x  ¬ s l reachable_from y 
  disj x y s"
  by (simp add: disj_def)

lemma disjI2: " l. s l reachable_from y  ¬ s l reachable_from x 
  disj x y s"
  by (auto simp add: disj_def)

lemma disj_cases [consumes 1]: 
  assumes "disj x y s"
  assumes " l.  ¬ s l reachable_from x  P"
  assumes " l.  ¬ s l reachable_from y  P"
  shows "P"
  using assms by (auto simp add: disj_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.3 (i) in cite"Poetzsch-Heffter97specification"
lemma disj1: "disj x y s; ¬ s l reachable_from x; ¬ s l reachable_from y 
               disj x y (sl:=z)"
  by (auto simp add: disj_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.3 (ii)›
lemma disj2: 
  assumes disj_x_y: "disj x y s" 
  assumes disj_x_z: "disj x z s"
  assumes unreach_l_x: "¬ s l reachable_from x"
  shows "disj x y (sl:=z)"
proof (rule disjI1)
  fix k 
  assume reach_k_x: "sl := z k reachable_from x"
  show "¬ sl := z k reachable_from y"
  proof - 
    from unreach_l_x reach_k_x 
    have reach_s_k_x: "s k reachable_from x"
      by simp
    with disj_x_z 
    have "¬ s k reachable_from z"
      by (simp add: disj_def)
    moreover from reach_s_k_x disj_x_y
    have "¬ s k reachable_from y"
      by (simp add: disj_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (rule reach3)


text ‹Lemma 3.3 (iii)›
lemma disj3: assumes alive_x_s: "alive x s" 
  shows "disj x (new s t) (st)"
proof (rule disjI1,simp only: reach_alloc)
  fix l
  assume reach_l_x: "s l reachable_from x"
  show "¬ s l reachable_from new s t"
    assume reach_l_new: "s l reachable_from new s t" 
    have unalive_new: "¬ alive (new s t) s" by simp
    from this reach_l_new
    have  "new s t = ref l"
      by (rule ref_reach_unalive)
    moreover from alive_x_s reach_l_x 
    have "alive (ref l) s"
      by (rule alive_reach_alive)
    ultimately show False
      using unalive_new
      by simp

text ‹Lemma 3.3 (iv)›
lemma disj4: "disj (objV C a) y s; CClassT C  dtype f   
               disj (s@@(objV C a)..f) y s"
  by (auto simp add: disj_def)
lemma disj4': "disj (arrV T a) y s   
               disj (s@@(arrV T a).[i]) y s"
  by (auto simp add: disj_def)

subsection ‹X-Equivalence›

text ‹We call two stores $s_1$ and $s_2$ equivalent wrt. a given value $X$
(which is called X-equivalence)
 iff $X$ and all values
reachable from $X$ in $s_1$ or $s_2$ have the same state cite‹p. 55› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification". 
This is tested by  the predicate
xeq›. Lemma 3.4 of  cite"Poetzsch-Heffter97specification" is then proven for xeq›.

definition xeq:: "Value  Store  Store  bool" where
"xeq x s t = (alive x s = alive x t  
             ( l. s l reachable_from x  s@@l = t@@l))"

abbreviation xeq_syntax :: "Store  Value  Store  bool"
  (‹_/ (≡[_])/ _› [900,0,900] 900)
where "s ≡[x] t == xeq x s t"

lemma xeqI: "alive x s = alive x t;  
              l. s l reachable_from x  s@@l = t@@l
               s ≡[x] t"
  by (auto simp add: xeq_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (i) in  cite"Poetzsch-Heffter97specification".›
lemma xeq1_refl: "s ≡[x] s"
  by (simp add: xeq_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (i)›
lemma xeq1_sym': 
  assumes s_t: "s ≡[x] t"
  shows "t ≡[x] s"
proof -
  from s_t have "alive x s = alive x t" by (simp add: xeq_def)
  from s_t have " l. s l reachable_from x  s@@l = t@@l" 
    by (simp add: xeq_def)
  with reach9 [OF this]
  have " l. t l reachable_from x  t@@l = s@@l" 
    by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: xeq_def)
lemma xeq1_sym: "s ≡[x] t = t ≡[x] s"
  by (auto intro: xeq1_sym')

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (i)›
lemma xeq1_trans [trans]: 
  assumes s_t: "s ≡[x] t" 
  assumes t_r: "t ≡[x] r" 
  shows "s ≡[x] r"
proof -
  from s_t t_r
  have "alive x s = alive x r"
    by (simp add: xeq_def)
  have " l. s l reachable_from x  s@@l = r@@l"
  proof (intro allI impI)
    fix l
    assume reach_l: "s l reachable_from x"
    show "s@@l = r@@l"
    proof -
      from reach_l s_t have "s@@l=t@@l"
        by (simp add: xeq_def)
      also have "t@@l = r@@l"
      proof -
        from s_t have " l. s l reachable_from x  s@@l = t@@l"
          by (simp add: xeq_def)
        from reach9 [OF this] reach_l have "t l reachable_from x"
          by simp
        with t_r show ?thesis
          by (simp add: xeq_def)
      finally show ?thesis .
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (simp add: xeq_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (ii)›
lemma xeq2: 
  assumes xeq: " x. s ≡[x] t" 
  assumes static_eq: " f. s@@(staticLoc f) = t@@(staticLoc f)" 
  shows "s = t"
proof (rule Store_eqI)
  from xeq 
  show "x. alive x s = alive x t"
    by (simp add: xeq_def)
  show "l. s@@l = t@@l"
    fix l 
    show "s@@l = t@@l"
    proof (cases l)
      case (objLoc cf a)
      have "l = objLoc cf a" by fact
      hence "s l reachable_from (objV (cls cf) a)"
        by simp
      with xeq show ?thesis
        by (simp add: xeq_def)
      case (staticLoc f)
      have "l = staticLoc f" by fact
      with static_eq show ?thesis 
        by (simp add: xeq_def)
      case (arrLenLoc T a)
      have "l = arrLenLoc T a" by fact
      hence "s l reachable_from (arrV T a)"
        by simp
      with xeq show ?thesis
        by (simp add: xeq_def)
      case (arrLoc T a i)
      have "l = arrLoc T a i" by fact
      hence "s l reachable_from (arrV T a)"
        by simp
      with xeq show ?thesis
        by (simp add: xeq_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (iii)›
lemma xeq3: 
  assumes unreach_l: "¬ s l reachable_from x" 
  shows "s ≡[x] sl:=y"
proof (rule xeqI)
  show "alive x s = alive x (sl := y)"
    by simp
  fix k 
  assume reach_k: "s k reachable_from x"
  with unreach_l have "lk" by auto
  then show "s@@k = sl := y@@k"
    by simp

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (iv)›
lemma xeq4: assumes not_new: "x  new s t" 
  shows "s ≡[x] st"
proof (rule xeqI)
  from not_new 
  show "alive x s = alive x (st)"
    by (simp add: alive_alloc_exhaust)
  fix l
  assume reach_l: "s l reachable_from x"
  show "s@@l = st@@l"
  proof (cases "isNewArr t  l  arr_len (new s t)")
    case True
    with reach_l show ?thesis
      by simp
    case False
    then obtain T n where t: "t = new_array T n" and
                          l: "l = arr_len (new s t)"
      by (cases t) auto
    hence "ref l = new s t"
      by simp
    from this reach_l
    have "x = new s t"
      by (rule loc_new_reach)
    with not_new show ?thesis ..

text ‹Lemma 3.4 (v)›
lemma xeq5: "s ≡[x] t  s l reachable_from x = t l reachable_from x"
  by (rule reach9) (simp add:  xeq_def)

subsection ‹T-Equivalence›

text ‹T-equivalence is the extension of X-equivalence from values to types. Two stores are
T-equivalent iff they are X-equivalent for all values of type T. This is formalized by the
predicate teq› cite‹p. 55› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification".›

definition teq:: "Javatype  Store  Store  bool" where
"teq t s1 s2 = ( x. typeof x  t  s1 ≡[x] s2)"

subsection ‹Less Alive›

text ‹To specify that methods have no side-effects, the following binary relation on stores 
plays a prominent role. It expresses that the two stores differ only in values that are alive
in the store passed as first argument. This is formalized by the predicate lessalive›
cite‹p. 55› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification".
The stores have to be X-equivalent for the references of the
first store that are alive, and the values of the static fields have to be the same in both stores.

definition lessalive:: "Store  Store  bool" (‹_/  _› [70,71] 70)
  where "lessalive s t = (( x. alive x s  s ≡[x] t)  ( f. s@@staticLoc f = t@@staticLoc f))"

text ‹We define an introduction rule for the new operator.›

lemma lessaliveI: 
  " x. alive x s   s ≡[x] t;  f. s@@staticLoc f = t@@staticLoc f
    s  t"
by (simp add: lessalive_def)

text ‹It can be shown that lessalive› is reflexive, transitive and antisymmetric.›

lemma lessalive_refl: "s  s"
  by (simp add: lessalive_def xeq1_refl)

lemma lessalive_trans [trans]: 
  assumes s_t: "s  t"
  assumes t_w: "t  w"
  shows "s  w"
proof (rule lessaliveI)
  fix x 
  assume alive_x_s: "alive x s"
  with s_t have "s ≡[x] t"
    by (simp add: lessalive_def)
  have "t ≡[x] w"
  proof -
    from alive_x_s s_t have "alive x t" by (simp add: lessalive_def xeq_def)
    with t_w show ?thesis
      by (simp add: lessalive_def)
  finally show "s ≡[x] w".
  fix f
  from s_t t_w show "s@@staticLoc f = w@@staticLoc f"
    by (simp add: lessalive_def)

lemma lessalive_antisym:
  assumes s_t: "s  t"
  assumes t_s: "t  s"
  shows "s = t"
proof (rule xeq2)
  show "x. s ≡[x] t"
    fix x show "s ≡[x] t"
    proof (cases "alive x s")
      case True
      with s_t show ?thesis by (simp add: lessalive_def)
      case False note unalive_x_s = this
      show ?thesis
      proof (cases "alive x t")
        case True
        with t_s show ?thesis 
          by (subst xeq1_sym) (simp add: lessalive_def)
        case False 
        show ?thesis
        proof (rule xeqI)
          from False unalive_x_s show "alive x s = alive x t" by simp
          fix l assume reach_s_x: "s l reachable_from x"
          with unalive_x_s have x: "x = ref l" 
            by (rule ref_reach_unalive)
          with unalive_x_s have "s@@l = init (ltype l)"
            by simp
          also from reach_s_x x have "t l reachable_from x"
            by (auto intro: reach.Immediate unreachable_Null)
          with False x have "t@@l = init (ltype l)"
            by simp
          finally show "s@@l = t@@l"
            by simp
  from s_t show "f. s@@staticLoc f = t@@staticLoc f"
    by (simp add: lessalive_def)

text ‹This gives us a partial ordering on the store. Thus, the type @{typ "Store"}
can be added to the appropriate type class @{term "ord"} which lets us define the $<$ and
$\leq$ symbols, and to the type class  @{term "order"} which axiomatizes partial orderings.

instantiation Store :: order

  le_Store_def: "s  t  s  t"

  less_Store_def: "(s::Store) < t  s  t  ¬ t  s"

text ‹We prove Lemma 3.5 of cite‹p. 56› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification" for this relation.

text ‹Lemma 3.5 (i)›

instance  proof 
  fix s t w:: "Store"
    show "s  s"
      by (simp add: le_Store_def lessalive_refl)
    assume "s  t" "t  w"
    then show "s  w"
      by (unfold le_Store_def) (rule lessalive_trans) 
    assume "s  t" "t  s" 
    then show "s = t"
      by (unfold le_Store_def) (rule lessalive_antisym) 
    show "(s < t) = (s  t  ¬ t  s)"
      by (simp add: less_Store_def)


text ‹Lemma 3.5 (ii)›
lemma lessalive2: "s  t; alive x s  alive x t"
  by (simp add: lessalive_def xeq_def)

text ‹Lemma 3.5 (iii)›
lemma lessalive3: 
  assumes s_t: "s  t" 
  assumes alive: "alive x s  ¬ alive x t"
  shows "s ≡[x] t"
proof (cases "alive x s")
  case True
  with s_t show ?thesis
    by (simp add: lessalive_def)
  case False
  note unalive_x_s = this
  with alive have unalive_x_t: "¬ alive x t"
    by simp
  show ?thesis
  proof (rule xeqI)
    from False alive show "alive x s = alive x t"
      by simp
    fix l assume reach_s_x: "s l reachable_from x"
    with unalive_x_s have x: "x = ref l" 
      by (rule ref_reach_unalive)
    with unalive_x_s have "s@@l = init (ltype l)"
      by simp
    also from reach_s_x x have "t l reachable_from x"
      by (auto intro: reach.Immediate unreachable_Null)
    with unalive_x_t x have "t@@l = init (ltype l)"
      by simp
    finally show "s@@l = t@@l"
      by simp
text ‹Lemma 3.5 (iv)›
lemma lessalive_update [simp,intro]: 
  assumes s_t: "s  t" 
  assumes unalive_l: "¬ alive (ref l) t"
  shows "s  tl:=x"
proof -
  from unalive_l have "tl:=x = t"
    by simp
  with s_t show ?thesis by simp

lemma Xequ4':  
  assumes alive: "alive x s" 
  shows "s ≡[x] st"
proof -
  from alive have "x  new s t"
    by auto
  thus ?thesis
    by (rule xeq4)


text ‹Lemma 3.5 (v)›
lemma lessalive_alloc [simp,intro]: "s  st"
  by (simp add: lessalive_def Xequ4')

subsection ‹Reachability of Types from Types›

text ‹The predicate treach› denotes the fact that the first type reaches 
the second type by stepping finitely many times from a type to the range type of one 
of its fields. This formalization diverges from cite‹p. 106› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification" 
in that it does not include the number of steps that are allowed to reach the second type.
Reachability of types is a static approximation of reachability in
the store. If I cannot reach the type of a location from the type of a
reference, I cannot reach the location from the reference. See lemma  
not_treach_ref_impl_not_reach› below.

  treach :: "Javatype  Javatype  bool"
  Subtype:       "U  T  treach T U"
| Attribute:     "treach T S; S  dtype f; U  rtype f   treach T U"
| ArrLength:     "treach (ArrT AT) IntgT"
| ArrElem:       "treach (ArrT AT) (at2jt AT)"
| Trans [trans]: "treach T U; treach U V  treach T V"

lemma treach_ref_l [simp,intro]: 
  assumes not_Null: "ref l  nullV"
  shows "treach (typeof (ref l)) (ltype l)"
proof (cases l)
  case (objLoc cf a)
  have "l=objLoc cf a" by fact
  have "treach (CClassT (cls cf)) (rtype (att cf))"
    by (rule treach.Attribute [where ?f="att cf" and ?S="CClassT (cls cf)"])
       (auto intro: treach.Subtype)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by simp
  case (staticLoc f)
  have "l=staticLoc f" by fact
  hence "ref l = nullV" by simp
  with not_Null show ?thesis
    by simp
  case (arrLenLoc T a)
  have "l=arrLenLoc T a" by fact
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto intro: treach.ArrLength)
  case (arrLoc T a i)
  have "l=arrLoc T a i" by fact
  then show ?thesis
    by (auto intro: treach.ArrElem)

lemma treach_ref_l' [simp,intro]:
  assumes not_Null: "ref l  nullV"
  shows "treach (typeof (ref l)) (typeof (s@@l))"
proof -
  from not_Null have "treach (typeof (ref l)) (ltype l)" by (rule treach_ref_l)
  also have "typeof (s@@l)  ltype l"
    by simp
  hence "treach (ltype l) (typeof (s@@l))"
    by (rule treach.intros)
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma reach_impl_treach: 
  assumes reach_l: "s  l reachable_from x"
  shows "treach (typeof x) (ltype l)"
using reach_l
proof (induct)
  case (Immediate l)
  have "ref l  nullV" by fact
  then show "treach (typeof (ref l)) (ltype l)"
    by (rule treach_ref_l)
  case (Indirect l k)
  have "treach (typeof (s@@k)) (ltype l)" by fact
  have "ref k  nullV" by fact
  hence "treach (typeof (ref k)) (typeof (s@@k))"
    by simp
  ultimately show "treach (typeof (ref k)) (ltype l)"
    by (iprover intro: treach.Trans)

lemma not_treach_ref_impl_not_reach: 
  assumes not_treach: "¬ treach (typeof x) (typeof (ref l))"
  shows "¬ s  l reachable_from x"
  assume reach_l: "s l reachable_from x"
  from this not_treach
  show False
  proof (induct)
    case (Immediate l)
    have "¬ treach (typeof (ref l)) (typeof (ref l))" by fact
    thus False by (iprover intro: treach.intros order_refl)
    case (Indirect l k)
    have hyp: "¬ treach (typeof (s@@k)) (typeof (ref l))  False" by fact
    have not_Null: "ref k  nullV" by fact
    have not_k_l:"¬ treach (typeof (ref k)) (typeof (ref l))" by fact
    show False
    proof (cases "treach (typeof (s@@k)) (typeof (ref l))")
      case False thus False by (rule hyp)
      case True
      from not_Null have "treach (typeof (ref k)) (typeof (s@@k))"
        by (rule treach_ref_l')
      also note True
      finally have "treach (typeof (ref k)) (typeof (ref l))" .
      with not_k_l show False ..

text ‹Lemma 4.6 in cite‹p. 107› in "Poetzsch-Heffter97specification".›
lemma treach1: 
  assumes x_t: "typeof x  T" 
  assumes not_treach: "¬ treach T (typeof (ref l))"
  shows "¬ s  l reachable_from x"
proof -
  have "¬ treach (typeof x) (typeof (ref l))"
    from x_t have "treach T (typeof x)" by (rule treach.intros)
    also assume "treach (typeof x) (typeof (ref l))"
    finally have "treach T (typeof (ref l))" .
    with not_treach show False ..
  thus ?thesis
    by (rule not_treach_ref_impl_not_reach)
