Theory SystemClasses

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Common/SystemClasses.thy
    Author:     Gerwin Klein, Andreas Lochbihler

    Based on the Jinja theory Common/SystemClasses.thy by Gerwin Klein

section ‹System Classes›

theory SystemClasses

text ‹
  This theory provides definitions for the Object› class,
  and the system exceptions.

  Inline SystemClasses definition because they are polymorphic values that violate ML's value restriction.

text ‹
  Object has actually superclass, but we set it to the empty string for code generation.
  Any other class name (like @{term undefined}) would do as well except for code generation.
definition ObjectC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: 
  "ObjectC = 
  (Object, (STR '''',[],
     (clone,[],Class Object,Native),
     (currentThread,[],Class Thread,Native),

definition ThrowableC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "ThrowableC  (Throwable, (Object, [], []))"

definition NullPointerC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "NullPointerC  (NullPointer, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition ClassCastC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "ClassCastC  (ClassCast, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition OutOfMemoryC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "OutOfMemoryC  (OutOfMemory, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsC  (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition ArrayStoreC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "ArrayStoreC  (ArrayStore, (Throwable, [], []))"

definition NegativeArraySizeC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "NegativeArraySizeC  (NegativeArraySize, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition ArithmeticExceptionC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "ArithmeticExceptionC  (ArithmeticException, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition IllegalMonitorStateC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "IllegalMonitorStateC  (IllegalMonitorState, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition IllegalThreadStateC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "IllegalThreadStateC  (IllegalThreadState, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition InterruptedExceptionC :: "'m cdecl"
where [code_unfold]: "InterruptedExceptionC  (InterruptedException, (Throwable,[],[]))"

definition SystemClasses :: "'m cdecl list"
where [code_unfold]: 
  [ObjectC, ThrowableC, NullPointerC, ClassCastC, OutOfMemoryC,
   ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsC, ArrayStoreC, NegativeArraySizeC,
   IllegalMonitorStateC, IllegalThreadStateC, InterruptedExceptionC]"
