Theory SemiType

(*  Title:      JinjaThreads/Common/SemiType.thy
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, Gerwin Klein, Andreas Lochbihler

section ‹The Jinja Type System as a Semilattice›

theory SemiType

  widen1 :: "'a prog  (ty × ty) set"
  and widen1_syntax :: "'a prog  ty  ty  bool" ("_  _ <1 _" [71,71,71] 70)
  for P :: "'a prog"
  "P  C <1 D  (C, D)  widen1 P"

| widen1_Array_Object:
  "P  Array (Class Object) <1 Class Object"

| widen1_Array_Integer:
  "P  Array Integer <1 Class Object"

| widen1_Array_Boolean:
  "P  Array Boolean <1 Class Object"

| widen1_Array_Void:
  "P  Array Void <1 Class Object"

| widen1_Class: 
  "P  C 1 D  P  Class C <1 Class D"

| widen1_Array_Array:
  " P  T <1 U; ¬ is_NT_Array T   P  Array T <1 Array U"

abbreviation widen1_trancl :: "'a prog  ty  ty  bool" ("_  _ <+ _" [71,71,71] 70) where
  "P  T <+ U  (T, U)  trancl (widen1 P)"

abbreviation widen1_rtrancl :: "'a prog  ty  ty  bool" ("_  _ <* _" [71,71,71] 70) where
  "P  T <* U  (T, U)  rtrancl (widen1 P)"

inductive_simps widen1_simps1 [simp]:
  "P  Integer <1 T"
  "P  Boolean <1 T"
  "P  Void <1 T"
  "P  Class Object <1 T"
  "P  NT <1 U"

inductive_simps widen1_simps [simp]:
  "P  Array (Class Object) <1 T"
  "P  Array Integer <1 T"
  "P  Array Boolean <1 T"
  "P  Array Void <1 T"
  "P  Class C <1 T"
  "P  T <1 Array U"

lemma is_type_widen1: 
  assumes icO: "is_class P Object"
  shows "P  T <1 U  is_type P T"
by(induct rule: widen1.induct)(auto intro: subcls_is_class icO split: ty.split dest: is_type_ground_type)

lemma widen1_NT_Array:
  assumes "is_NT_Array T"
  shows "¬ P  T⌊⌉ <1 U"
  assume "P  T⌊⌉ <1 U" thus False using assms
    by(induct "T⌊⌉" U arbitrary: T) auto

lemma widen1_is_type:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wfmd P"
  shows "(A, B)  widen1 P  is_type P B"
proof(induct rule: widen1.induct)
  case (widen1_Class C D)
  hence "is_class P C" "is_class P D"
    by(auto intro: subcls_is_class converse_subcls_is_class[OF wfP])
  thus ?case by simp
  case (widen1_Array_Array T U)
  thus ?case by(cases U)(auto elim: widen1.cases)
qed(insert wfP, auto)

lemma widen1_trancl_is_type:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wfmd P"
  shows "(A, B)  (widen1 P)^+  is_type P B"
apply(induct rule: trancl_induct)
apply(auto intro: widen1_is_type[OF wfP])

lemma single_valued_widen1:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  shows "single_valued (widen1 P)"
proof(rule single_valuedI)
  fix x y z
  assume "P  x <1 y" "P  x <1 z"
  thus "y = z"
  proof(induct arbitrary: z rule: widen1.induct)
    case widen1_Class
    with single_valued_subcls1[OF wf] show ?case
      by(auto dest: single_valuedpD)
    case (widen1_Array_Array T U z)
    from P  T⌊⌉ <1 z P  T <1 U ¬ is_NT_Array T
    obtain z' where z': "z = z'⌊⌉" and Tz': "P  T <1 z'"
      by(auto elim: widen1.cases)
    with P  T <1 z'  U = z' have "U = z'" by blast
    with z' show ?case by simp
  qed simp_all

function inheritance_level :: "'a prog  cname  nat" where
  "inheritance_level P C =
   (if acyclicP (subcls1 P)  is_class P C  C  Object
    then Suc (inheritance_level P (fst (the (class P C))))
    else 0)"
by(pat_completeness, auto)
proof(relation "same_fst (λP. acyclicP (subcls1 P)) (λP. {(C, C'). (subcls1 P)¯¯ C C'})")
  show "wf (same_fst (λP. acyclicP (subcls1 P)) (λP. {(C, C'). (subcls1 P)¯¯ C C'}))"
    by(rule wf_same_fst)(rule acyclicP_wf_subcls1[unfolded wfp_def])
qed(auto simp add: is_class_def intro: subcls1I)

fun subtype_measure :: "'a prog  ty  nat" where
  "subtype_measure P (Class C) = inheritance_level P C"
| "subtype_measure P (Array T) = 1 + subtype_measure P T"
| "subtype_measure P T = 0"

lemma subtype_measure_measure:
  assumes acyclic: "acyclicP (subcls1 P)"
  and widen1: "P  x <1 y"
  shows "subtype_measure P y < subtype_measure P x"
using widen1
proof(induct rule: widen1.induct)
  case (widen1_Class C D)
  then obtain rest where "is_class P C" "C  Object" "class P C = (D, rest)"
    by(auto elim!: subcls1.cases simp: is_class_def)
  thus ?case using acyclic by(simp)

lemma wf_converse_widen1:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wfmc P"
  shows "wf ((widen1 P)^-1)"
proof(rule wf_subset)
  from wfP have "acyclicP (subcls1 P)" by(rule acyclic_subcls1)
  thus "(widen1 P)¯  measure (subtype_measure P)" 
    by(auto dest: subtype_measure_measure)
qed simp

fun super :: "'a prog  ty  ty"
  "super P (Array Integer) = Class Object"
| "super P (Array Boolean) = Class Object"
| "super P (Array Void) = Class Object"
| "super P (Array (Class C)) = (if C = Object then Class Object else Array (super P (Class C)))"
| "super P (Array (Array T)) = Array (super P (Array T))"
| "super P (Class C) = Class (fst (the (class P C)))"

lemma superI:
  "P  T <1 U  super P T = U"
proof(induct rule: widen1.induct)
  case (widen1_Array_Array T U)
  thus ?case by(cases T) auto
qed(auto dest: subcls1D)

lemma Class_widen1_super:
  "P  Class C' <1 U'  is_class P C'  C'  Object  U' = super P (Class C')"
  (is "?lhs  ?rhs")
proof(rule iffI)
  assume ?lhs thus ?rhs
    by(auto intro: subcls_is_class simp add: superI simp del: super.simps)
  assume ?rhs thus ?lhs
    by(auto simp add: is_class_def intro: subcls1.intros)

lemma super_widen1:
  assumes icO: "is_class P Object"
  shows "P  T <1 U  is_type P T  (case T of Class C   (C  Object  U = super P T) 
                                              | Array T'  U = super P T 
                                              | _         False)"
proof(induct T arbitrary: U)
  case Class thus ?case using Class_widen1_super by(simp)
  case (Array T' U')
  note IH = this
  have "P  T'⌊⌉ <1 U' = (is_type P (T'⌊⌉)  U' = super P (T'⌊⌉))"
  proof(rule iffI)
    assume wd: "P  T'⌊⌉ <1 U'"
    with icO have "is_type P (T'⌊⌉)" by(rule is_type_widen1)
    moreover from wd have "super P (T'⌊⌉) = U'" by(rule superI)
    ultimately show "is_type P (T'⌊⌉)  U' = super P (T'⌊⌉)" by simp
    assume "is_type P (T'⌊⌉)  U' = super P (T'⌊⌉)"
    then obtain "is_type P (T'⌊⌉)" and U': "U' = super P (T'⌊⌉)" ..
    thus "P  T'⌊⌉ <1 U'"
    proof(cases T')
      case (Class D)
      thus ?thesis using U' icO is_type P (T'⌊⌉)
        by(cases "D = Object")(auto simp add: is_class_def intro: subcls1.intros)
      case Array thus ?thesis
        using IH is_type P (T'⌊⌉) U' by(auto simp add: ty.split_asm)
    qed simp_all
  thus ?case by(simp)

definition sup :: "'c prog  ty  ty  ty err" where
  "sup P T U 
   if is_refT T  is_refT U
   then OK (if U = NT then T
            else if T = NT then U
            else exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) T U)
   else if (T = U) then OK T else Err"

lemma sup_def':
  "sup P = (λT U.
   if is_refT T  is_refT U
   then OK (if U = NT then T
            else if T = NT then U
            else exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) T U)
   else if (T = U) then OK T else Err)"
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff sup_def)

definition esl :: "'m prog  ty esl"
  "esl P = (types P, widen P, sup P)"

lemma order_widen [intro,simp]: 
  "wf_prog m P  order (widen P)"
unfolding Semilat.order_def lesub_def
by (auto intro: widen_trans widen_antisym)

lemma subcls1_trancl_widen1_trancl:
  "(subcls1 P)^++ C D  P  Class C <+ Class D"
by(induct rule: tranclp_induct[consumes 1, case_names base step])
  (auto intro: trancl_into_trancl)

lemma subcls_into_widen1_rtrancl:
  "P  C * D  P  Class C <* Class D"
by(induct rule: rtranclp_induct)(auto intro: rtrancl_into_rtrancl)

lemma not_widen1_NT_Array:
  "P  U <1 T  ¬ is_NT_Array T"
by(induct rule: widen1.induct)(auto)

lemma widen1_trancl_into_Array_widen1_trancl:
  " P  A <+ B; ¬ is_NT_Array A   P  A⌊⌉ <+ B⌊⌉"
by(induct rule: converse_trancl_induct)
  (auto intro: trancl_into_trancl2 widen1_Array_Array dest: not_widen1_NT_Array)

lemma widen1_rtrancl_into_Array_widen1_rtrancl:
  " P  A <* B; ¬ is_NT_Array A   P  A⌊⌉ <* B⌊⌉"
by(blast elim: rtranclE intro: trancl_into_rtrancl widen1_trancl_into_Array_widen1_trancl rtrancl_into_trancl1)

lemma Array_Object_widen1_trancl:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wmdc P"
  and itA: "is_type P (A⌊⌉)"
  shows "P  A⌊⌉ <+ Class Object"
using itA
proof(induction A)
  case (Class C)
  hence "is_class P C" by simp
  hence "P  C * Object" by(rule subcls_C_Object[OF _ wf])
  hence "P  Class C <* Class Object" by(rule subcls_into_widen1_rtrancl)
  hence "P  Class C⌊⌉ <* Class Object⌊⌉"
    by(rule widen1_rtrancl_into_Array_widen1_rtrancl) simp
  thus ?case by(rule rtrancl_into_trancl1) simp
  case (Array A)
  from is_type P (A⌊⌉⌊⌉) have "is_type P (A⌊⌉)" by(rule is_type_ArrayD)
  hence "P  A⌊⌉ <+ Class Object" by(rule Array.IH)
  moreover from is_type P (A⌊⌉⌊⌉) have "¬ is_NT_Array (A⌊⌉)" by auto
  ultimately have "P  A⌊⌉⌊⌉ <+ Class Object⌊⌉"
    by(rule widen1_trancl_into_Array_widen1_trancl)
  thus ?case by(rule trancl_into_trancl) simp
qed auto

lemma widen_into_widen1_trancl:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wfmd P"
  shows " P  A  B; A  B; A  NT; is_type P A   P  A <+ B"
proof(induct rule: widen.induct)
  case (widen_subcls C D)
  from Class C  Class D P  C * D have "(subcls1 P)++ C D"
    by(auto elim: rtranclp.cases intro: rtranclp_into_tranclp1)
  thus ?case by(rule subcls1_trancl_widen1_trancl)
  case widen_array_object thus ?case by(auto intro: Array_Object_widen1_trancl[OF wf])
  case (widen_array_array A B)
  hence "P  A <+ B" by(cases A) auto
  with is_type P (A⌊⌉) show ?case by(auto intro: widen1_trancl_into_Array_widen1_trancl)

lemma wf_prog_impl_acc_widen:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wfmd P"
  shows "acc (types P) (widen P)"
proof -
  from wf_converse_widen1[OF wfP]
  have "wf (((widen1 P)^-1)^+)" by(rule wf_trancl)

  hence wfw1t: "M T. T  M  (zM. y. (y, z)  ((widen1 P)¯)+  y  M)"
    by(auto simp only: wf_eq_minimal)
  have "wf {(y, x). is_type P x  is_type P y  widen P x y  x  y}"
    unfolding wf_eq_minimal
  proof(intro strip)
    fix M and T :: ty
    assume TM: "T  M"
    show "zM. y. (y, z)  {(y, T). is_type P T  is_type P y  widen P T y  T  y}  y  M"
    proof(cases "(C. Class C  M  is_class P C)  (U. U⌊⌉  M  is_type P (U⌊⌉))")
      case True
      have BNTthesis: "B.  B  (M  types P) - {NT}   ?thesis"
      proof -
        fix B
        assume BM: "B  M  types P - {NT}"
        from wfw1t[OF BM] obtain z
          where zM: "z  M"
          and znnt: "z  NT"
          and itz: "is_type P z"
          and y: "y. (y, z)  ((widen1 P)¯)+  y  M  types P - {NT}" by blast
        show "?thesis B"
        proof(rule bexI[OF _ zM], rule allI, rule impI)
          fix y
          assume "(y, z)  {(y, T). is_type P T  is_type P y  widen P T y  T  y}"
          hence Pzy: "P  z  y" and zy: "z  y" and "is_type P y" by auto
          hence "P  z <+ y" using znnt itz
            by -(rule widen_into_widen1_trancl[OF wfP])
          hence ynM: "y  M  types P - {NT}"
            by -(rule y, simp add: trancl_converse)
          thus "y  M" using Pzy znnt is_type P y by auto
      from True show ?thesis by(fastforce intro: BNTthesis)
      case False
      hence not_is_class: "C. Class C  M  ¬ is_class P C"
        and not_is_array: "U. U⌊⌉  M  ¬ is_type P (U⌊⌉)" by simp_all

      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "C. Class C  M")
        case True
        then obtain C where "Class C  M" ..
        with not_is_class[of C] show ?thesis
          by(blast dest: rtranclpD subcls_is_class Class_widen)
        case False
        show ?thesis
        proof(cases "T. Array T  M")
          case True
          then obtain U where U: "Array U  M" ..
          hence "¬ is_type P (U⌊⌉)" by(rule not_is_array)
          thus ?thesis using U by(auto simp del: is_type.simps)
          case False
          with ¬ (C. Class C  M) TM
          have "y. P  T  y  T  y  y  M"
            by(cases T)(fastforce simp add: NT_widen)+
          thus ?thesis using TM by blast
  thus ?thesis by(simp add: Semilat.acc_def lesssub_def lesub_def)

lemmas wf_widen_acc = wf_prog_impl_acc_widen
declare wf_widen_acc [intro, simp]

lemma acyclic_widen1:
  "wf_prog wfmc P  acyclic (widen1 P)"
by(auto dest: wf_converse_widen1 wf_acyclic simp add: acyclic_converse)

lemma widen1_into_widen:
  "(A, B)  widen1 P  P  A  B"
by(induct rule: widen1.induct)(auto intro: widen.intros)

lemma widen1_rtrancl_into_widen:
  "P  A <* B  P  A  B"
by(induct rule: rtrancl_induct)(auto dest!: widen1_into_widen elim: widen_trans)

lemma widen_eq_widen1_trancl:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; T  NT; T  U; is_type P T   P  T  U  P  T <+ U"
by(blast intro: widen_into_widen1_trancl widen1_rtrancl_into_widen trancl_into_rtrancl)

lemma sup_is_type:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and itA: "is_type P A"
  and itB: "is_type P B"
  and sup: "sup P A B = OK T"
  shows "is_type P T"
proof -
  { assume ANT: "A  NT"
      and BNT: "B  NT"
      and AnB: "A  B"
      and RTA: "is_refT A"
      and RTB: "is_refT B"
    with itA itB have AObject: "P  A  Class Object"
      and BObject: "P  B  Class Object"
      by(auto intro: is_refType_widen_Object[OF wf])
    have "is_type P (exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B)"
    proof(cases "A = Class Object  B = Class Object")
      case True
      hence "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B = Class Object"
      proof(rule disjE)
        assume A: "A = Class Object"
        from BObject BNT itB have "P  B <* Class Object"
          by(cases "B = Class Object")(auto intro: trancl_into_rtrancl widen_into_widen1_trancl[OF wf])
        hence "is_ub ((widen1 P)*) (Class Object) B (Class Object)"
          by(auto intro: is_ubI)
        hence "is_lub ((widen1 P)*) (Class Object) B (Class Object)"
          by(auto simp add: is_lub_def dest: is_ubD)
        with acyclic_widen1[OF wf]
        have "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) (Class Object) B = Class Object"
          by(auto intro: exec_lub_conv superI)
        ultimately show "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B = Class Object" by simp
        assume B: "B = Class Object"
        from AObject ANT itA
        have "(A, Class Object)  (widen1 P)*"
          by(cases "A = Class Object", auto intro: trancl_into_rtrancl widen_into_widen1_trancl[OF wf])
        hence "is_ub ((widen1 P)*) (Class Object) A (Class Object)"
          by(auto intro: is_ubI)
        hence "is_lub ((widen1 P)*) (Class Object) A (Class Object)"
          by(auto simp add: is_lub_def dest: is_ubD)
        with acyclic_widen1[OF wf]
        have "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A (Class Object) = Class Object"
          by(auto intro: exec_lub_conv superI)
        ultimately show "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B = Class Object" by simp
      with wf show ?thesis by(simp)
      case False
      hence AnObject: "A  Class Object"
        and BnObject: "B  Class Object" by auto
      from widen_into_widen1_trancl[OF wf AObject AnObject ANT itA]
      have "P  A <* Class Object" by(rule trancl_into_rtrancl)
      moreover from widen_into_widen1_trancl[OF wf BObject BnObject BNT itB]
      have "P  B <* Class Object" by(rule trancl_into_rtrancl)
      ultimately have "is_lub ((widen1 P)*) A B (exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B)"
        by(rule is_lub_exec_lub[OF single_valued_widen1[OF wf] acyclic_widen1[OF wf]])(auto intro: superI)
      hence Aew1: "P  A <* exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B"
        by(auto simp add: is_lub_def dest!: is_ubD)
      thus ?thesis
      proof(rule rtranclE)
        assume "A = exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B"
        with itA show ?thesis by simp
        fix A'
        assume "P  A' <1 exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B"
        thus ?thesis by(rule widen1_is_type[OF wf])
    qed }
  with is_class_Object[OF wf] sup itA itB show ?thesis unfolding sup_def
    by(cases "A = B")(auto split: if_split_asm simp add: exec_lub_refl)

lemma closed_err_types:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wf_mb P"
  shows "closed (err (types P)) (lift2 (sup P))"
proof -
  { fix A B
    assume it: "is_type P A" "is_type P B"
      and "A  NT" "B  NT" "A  B"
      and "is_refT A" "is_refT B"
    hence "is_type P (exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) A B)"
      using sup_is_type[OF wfP it] by(simp add: sup_def) }
  with is_class_Object[OF wfP] show ?thesis
    unfolding closed_def plussub_def lift2_def sup_def'
    by(auto split: err.split ty.splits)(auto simp add: exec_lub_refl)

lemma widen_into_widen1_rtrancl:
  "wf_prog wfmd P; widen P A B; A  NT; is_type P A   (A, B)  (widen1 P)*"
by(cases "A = B")(auto intro: trancl_into_rtrancl widen_into_widen1_trancl)

lemma sup_widen_greater:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wf_mb P"
  and it1: "is_type P t1"
  and it2: "is_type P t2"
  and sup: "sup P t1 t2 = OK s"
  shows "widen P t1 s  widen P t2 s"
proof -
  { assume t1: "is_refT t1"
      and t2: "is_refT t2"
      and t1NT: "t1  NT"
      and t2NT: "t2  NT"
    with it1 it2 wfP have "P  t1  Class Object" "P  t2  Class Object"
      by(auto intro: is_refType_widen_Object)
    with t1NT t2NT it1 it2
    have "P  t1 <* Class Object" "P  t2 <* Class Object"
      by(auto intro: widen_into_widen1_rtrancl[OF wfP])
    with single_valued_widen1[OF wfP]
    obtain u where "is_lub ((widen1 P)^*) t1 t2 u" 
      by (blast dest: single_valued_has_lubs)
    hence "P  t1  exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) t1 t2 
           P  t2  exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) t1 t2"
      using acyclic_widen1[OF wfP] superI[of _ _ P]
      by(simp add: exec_lub_conv)(blast dest: is_lubD is_ubD intro: widen1_rtrancl_into_widen) }
  with it1 it2 sup show ?thesis
    by (cases s) (auto simp add: sup_def split: if_split_asm elim: refTE)

lemma sup_widen_smallest:
  assumes wfP: "wf_prog wf_mb P"
  and itT: "is_type P T"
  and itU: "is_type P U"
  and TwV: "P  T  V"
  and UwV: "P  U  V"
  and sup: "sup P T U = OK W"
  shows "widen P W V"
proof -
  { assume rT: "is_refT T"
      and rU: "is_refT U"
      and UNT: "U  NT"
      and TNT: "T  NT"
      and W: "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) T U = W"
    from itU itT rT rU UNT TNT have "P  T  Class Object" "P  U  Class Object"
      by(auto intro:is_refType_widen_Object[OF wfP])
    with UNT TNT itT itU
    have "P  T <* Class Object" "P  U <* Class Object"
      by(auto intro: widen_into_widen1_rtrancl[OF wfP])
    with single_valued_widen1[OF wfP]
    obtain X where lub: "is_lub ((widen1 P)^* ) T U X"
      by (blast dest: single_valued_has_lubs)   
    with acyclic_widen1[OF wfP]
    have "exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) T U = X"
      by (blast intro: superI exec_lub_conv)
    also from TwV TNT UwV UNT itT itU have "P  T <* V" "P  U <* V"
      by(auto intro: widen_into_widen1_rtrancl[OF wfP])
    with lub have "P  X <* V"
      by (clarsimp simp add: is_lub_def is_ub_def)
    finally have "P  exec_lub (widen1 P) (super P) T U  V"
      by(rule widen1_rtrancl_into_widen)
    with W have "P  W  V" by simp }
  with sup itT itU TwV UwV show ?thesis
    by(simp add: sup_def split: if_split_asm)

lemma sup_exists:
  " widen P a c; widen P b c   T. sup P a b = OK T"
by(cases b a rule: ty.exhaust[case_product ty.exhaust])(auto simp add: sup_def)

lemma err_semilat_JType_esl:
  assumes wf_prog: "wf_prog wf_mb P"
  shows "err_semilat (esl P)"
proof -
  from wf_prog have "order (widen P)" ..
  moreover from wf_prog
  have "closed (err (types P)) (lift2 (sup P))"
    by (rule closed_err_types)
  from wf_prog have
    "(xerr (types P). yerr (types P). x ⊑⇘Err.le (widen P)x ⊔⇘lift2 (sup P)y)  
     (xerr (types P). yerr (types P). y ⊑⇘Err.le (widen P)x ⊔⇘lift2 (sup P)y)"
    by(auto simp add: lesub_def plussub_def Err.le_def lift2_def sup_widen_greater split: err.split)
  moreover from wf_prog have
    "xerr (types P). yerr (types P). zerr (types P). 
    x ⊑⇘Err.le (widen P)z  y ⊑⇘Err.le (widen P)z  x ⊔⇘lift2 (sup P)y ⊑⇘Err.le (widen P)z"
    unfolding lift2_def plussub_def lesub_def Err.le_def
    by(auto intro: sup_widen_smallest dest:sup_exists simp add: split: err.split)
  ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: esl_def semilat_def sl_def Err.sl_def)

subsection ‹Relation between @{term "sup P T U = OK V"} and @{term "P  lub(T, U) = V"}

lemma sup_is_lubI:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and it: "is_type P T" "is_type P U"
  and sup: "sup P T U = OK V"
  shows "P  lub(T, U) = V"
  from sup_widen_greater[OF wf it sup]
  show "P  T  V" "P  U  V" by blast+
  fix T'
  assume "P  T  T'" "P  U  T'"
  thus "P  V  T'" using sup by(rule sup_widen_smallest[OF wf it])

lemma is_lub_subD:
  assumes wf: "wf_prog wf_md P"
  and it: "is_type P T" "is_type P U"
  and lub: "P  lub(T, U) = V"
  shows "sup P T U = OK V"
proof -
  from lub have "P  T  V" "P  U  V" by(blast dest: is_lub_upper)+
  from sup_exists[OF this] obtain W where "sup P T U = OK W" by blast
  with wf it have "P  lub(T, U) = W" by(rule sup_is_lubI)
  with lub have "V = W" by(auto dest: is_lub_unique[OF wf])
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

lemma is_lub_is_type:
  " wf_prog wf_md P; is_type P T; is_type P U; P  lub(T, U) = V   is_type P V"
by(frule (3) is_lub_subD)(erule (3) sup_is_type)

subsection ‹Code generator setup›

code_pred widen1p .
lemmas [code] = widen1_def

lemma eval_widen1p_i_i_o_conv:
  "Predicate.eval (widen1p_i_i_o P T) = (λU. P  T <1 U)"
by(auto elim: widen1p_i_i_oE intro: widen1p_i_i_oI simp add: widen1_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma rtrancl_widen1_code [code_unfold]:
  "(widen1 P)^* = {(a, b). Predicate.holds (rtrancl_tab_FioB_i_i_i (widen1p_i_i_o P) [] a b)}"
by(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff Predicate.holds_eq widen1_def rtrancl_def rtranclp_eq_rtrancl_tab_nil eval_widen1p_i_i_o_conv intro!: rtrancl_tab_FioB_i_i_iI elim!: rtrancl_tab_FioB_i_i_iE)

declare exec_lub_def [code_unfold]
