Theory Effect
section ‹Effect of Instructions on the State Type›
theory Effect
locale jvm_method = prog +
fixes mxs :: nat
fixes mxl⇩0 :: nat
fixes Ts :: "ty list"
fixes T⇩r :: ty
fixes "is" :: "'addr instr list"
fixes xt :: ex_table
fixes mxl :: nat
defines mxl_def: "mxl ≡ 1+size Ts+mxl⇩0"
text ‹Program counter of successor instructions:›
primrec succs :: "'addr instr ⇒ ty⇩i ⇒ pc ⇒ pc list"
"succs (Load idx) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Store idx) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Push v) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Getfield F C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Putfield F C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (CAS F C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (New C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (NewArray T) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs ALoad τ pc = (if (fst τ)!1 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs AStore τ pc = (if (fst τ)!2 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs ALength τ pc = (if (fst τ)!0 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs (Checkcast C) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (Instanceof T) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs Pop τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs Dup τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs Swap τ pc = [pc+1]"
| "succs (BinOpInstr b) τ pc = [pc+1]"
| succs_IfFalse:
"succs (IfFalse b) τ pc = [pc+1, nat (int pc + b)]"
| succs_Goto:
"succs (Goto b) τ pc = [nat (int pc + b)]"
| succs_Return:
"succs Return τ pc = []"
| succs_Invoke:
"succs (Invoke M n) τ pc = (if (fst τ)!n = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| succs_Throw:
"succs ThrowExc τ pc = []"
| "succs MEnter τ pc = (if (fst τ)!0 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
| "succs MExit τ pc = (if (fst τ)!0 = NT then [] else [pc+1])"
text "Effect of instruction on the state type:"
fun eff⇩i :: "'addr instr × 'm prog × ty⇩i ⇒ ty⇩i"
"eff⇩i (Load n, P, (ST, LT)) = (ok_val (LT ! n) # ST, LT)"
| eff⇩i_Store:
"eff⇩i (Store n, P, (T#ST, LT)) = (ST, LT[n:= OK T])"
| eff⇩i_Push:
"eff⇩i (Push v, P, (ST, LT)) = (the (typeof v) # ST, LT)"
| eff⇩i_Getfield:
"eff⇩i (Getfield F C, P, (T#ST, LT)) = (fst (snd (field P C F)) # ST, LT)"
| eff⇩i_Putfield:
"eff⇩i (Putfield F C, P, (T⇩1#T⇩2#ST, LT)) = (ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_CAS:
"eff⇩i (CAS F C, P, (T⇩1#T⇩2#T⇩3#ST, LT)) = (Boolean # ST, LT)"
| eff⇩i_New:
"eff⇩i (New C, P, (ST,LT)) = (Class C # ST, LT)"
| eff⇩i_NewArray:
"eff⇩i (NewArray Ty, P, (T#ST,LT)) = (Ty⌊⌉ # ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_ALoad:
"eff⇩i (ALoad, P, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) = (the_Array T2# ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_AStore:
"eff⇩i (AStore, P, (T1#T2#T3#ST,LT)) = (ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_ALength:
"eff⇩i (ALength, P, (T1#ST,LT)) = (Integer#ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_Checkcast:
"eff⇩i (Checkcast Ty, P, (T#ST,LT)) = (Ty # ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_Instanceof:
"eff⇩i (Instanceof Ty, P, (T#ST,LT)) = (Boolean # ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_Pop:
"eff⇩i (Pop, P, (T#ST,LT)) = (ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_Dup:
"eff⇩i (Dup, P, (T#ST,LT)) = (T#T#ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_Swap:
"eff⇩i (Swap, P, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) = (T2#T1#ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_BinOpInstr:
"eff⇩i (BinOpInstr bop, P, (T2#T1#ST,LT)) = ((THE T. P ⊢ T1«bop»T2 : T)#ST, LT)"
| eff⇩i_IfFalse:
"eff⇩i (IfFalse b, P, (T⇩1#ST,LT)) = (ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_Invoke:
"eff⇩i (Invoke M n, P, (ST,LT)) =
(let U = fst (snd (snd (method P (the (class_type_of' (ST ! n))) M)))
in (U # drop (n+1) ST, LT))"
| eff⇩i_Goto:
"eff⇩i (Goto n, P, s) = s"
| eff⇩i_MEnter:
"eff⇩i (MEnter, P, (T1#ST,LT)) = (ST,LT)"
| eff⇩i_MExit:
"eff⇩i (MExit, P, (T1#ST,LT)) = (ST,LT)"
fun is_relevant_class :: "'addr instr ⇒ 'm prog ⇒ cname ⇒ bool"
"is_relevant_class (Getfield F D) = (λP C. P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_Putfield:
"is_relevant_class (Putfield F D) = (λP C. P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_CAS:
"is_relevant_class (CAS F D) = (λP C. P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_Checcast:
"is_relevant_class (Checkcast T) = (λP C. P ⊢ ClassCast ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_New:
"is_relevant_class (New D) = (λP C. P ⊢ OutOfMemory ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_Throw:
"is_relevant_class ThrowExc = (λP C. True)"
| rel_Invoke:
"is_relevant_class (Invoke M n) = (λP C. True)"
| rel_NewArray:
"is_relevant_class (NewArray T) = (λP C. (P ⊢ OutOfMemory ≼⇧* C) ∨ (P ⊢ NegativeArraySize ≼⇧* C))"
| rel_ALoad:
"is_relevant_class ALoad = (λP C. P ⊢ ArrayIndexOutOfBounds ≼⇧* C ∨ P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_AStore:
"is_relevant_class AStore = (λP C. P ⊢ ArrayIndexOutOfBounds ≼⇧* C ∨ P ⊢ ArrayStore ≼⇧* C ∨ P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_ALength:
"is_relevant_class ALength = (λP C. P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_MEnter:
"is_relevant_class MEnter = (λP C. P ⊢ IllegalMonitorState ≼⇧* C ∨ P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_MExit:
"is_relevant_class MExit = (λP C. P ⊢ IllegalMonitorState ≼⇧* C ∨ P ⊢ NullPointer ≼⇧* C)"
| rel_BinOp:
"is_relevant_class (BinOpInstr bop) = binop_relevant_class bop"
| rel_default:
"is_relevant_class i = (λP C. False)"
definition is_relevant_entry :: "'m prog ⇒ 'addr instr ⇒ pc ⇒ ex_entry ⇒ bool"
"is_relevant_entry P i pc e ≡
let (f,t,C,h,d) = e
in (case C of None ⇒ True | ⌊C'⌋ ⇒ is_relevant_class i P C') ∧ pc ∈ {f..<t}"
definition relevant_entries :: "'m prog ⇒ 'addr instr ⇒ pc ⇒ ex_table ⇒ ex_table"
"relevant_entries P i pc ≡ filter (is_relevant_entry P i pc)"
definition xcpt_eff :: "'addr instr ⇒ 'm prog ⇒ pc ⇒ ty⇩i ⇒ ex_table ⇒ (pc × ty⇩i') list"
"xcpt_eff i P pc τ et ≡ let (ST,LT) = τ in
map (λ(f,t,C,h,d). (h, Some ((case C of None ⇒ Class Throwable | Some C' ⇒ Class C')#drop (size ST - d) ST, LT))) (relevant_entries P i pc et)"
definition norm_eff :: "'addr instr ⇒ 'm prog ⇒ nat ⇒ ty⇩i ⇒ (pc × ty⇩i') list"
where "norm_eff i P pc τ ≡ map (λpc'. (pc',Some (eff⇩i (i,P,τ)))) (succs i τ pc)"
definition eff :: "'addr instr ⇒ 'm prog ⇒ pc ⇒ ex_table ⇒ ty⇩i' ⇒ (pc × ty⇩i') list"
"eff i P pc et t ≡
case t of
None ⇒ []
| Some τ ⇒ (norm_eff i P pc τ) @ (xcpt_eff i P pc τ et)"
lemma eff_None:
"eff i P pc xt None = []"
by (simp add: eff_def)
lemma eff_Some:
"eff i P pc xt (Some τ) = norm_eff i P pc τ @ xcpt_eff i P pc τ xt"
by (simp add: eff_def)
text "Conditions under which eff is applicable:"
fun app⇩i :: "'addr instr × 'm prog × pc × nat × ty × ty⇩i ⇒ bool"
"app⇩i (Load n, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (ST,LT)) =
(n < length LT ∧ LT ! n ≠ Err ∧ length ST < mxs)"
| app⇩i_Store:
"app⇩i (Store n, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST, LT)) =
(n < length LT)"
| app⇩i_Push:
"app⇩i (Push v, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (ST,LT)) =
(length ST < mxs ∧ typeof v ≠ None)"
| app⇩i_Getfield:
"app⇩i (Getfield F C, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST, LT)) =
(∃T⇩f fm. P ⊢ C sees F:T⇩f (fm) in C ∧ P ⊢ T ≤ Class C)"
| app⇩i_Putfield:
"app⇩i (Putfield F C, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T⇩1#T⇩2#ST, LT)) =
(∃T⇩f fm. P ⊢ C sees F:T⇩f (fm) in C ∧ P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ (Class C) ∧ P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ T⇩f)"
| app⇩i_CAS:
"app⇩i (CAS F C, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T⇩3#T⇩2#T⇩1#ST, LT)) =
(∃T⇩f fm. P ⊢ C sees F:T⇩f (fm) in C ∧ volatile fm ∧ P ⊢ T⇩1 ≤ Class C ∧ P ⊢ T⇩2 ≤ T⇩f ∧ P ⊢ T⇩3 ≤ T⇩f)"
| app⇩i_New:
"app⇩i (New C, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (ST,LT)) =
(is_class P C ∧ length ST < mxs)"
| app⇩i_NewArray:
"app⇩i (NewArray Ty, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (Integer#ST,LT)) =
is_type P (Ty⌊⌉)"
| app⇩i_ALoad:
"app⇩i (ALoad, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) =
(T1 = Integer ∧ (T2 ≠ NT ⟶ (∃Ty. T2 = Ty⌊⌉)))"
| app⇩i_AStore:
"app⇩i (AStore, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T1#T2#T3#ST,LT)) =
(T2 = Integer ∧ (T3 ≠ NT ⟶ (∃Ty. T3 = Ty⌊⌉)))"
| app⇩i_ALength:
"app⇩i (ALength, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T1#ST,LT)) =
(T1 = NT ∨ (∃Ty. T1 = Ty⌊⌉))"
| app⇩i_Checkcast:
"app⇩i (Checkcast Ty, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST,LT)) =
(is_type P Ty)"
| app⇩i_Instanceof:
"app⇩i (Instanceof Ty, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST,LT)) =
(is_type P Ty ∧ is_refT T)"
| app⇩i_Pop:
"app⇩i (Pop, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST,LT)) =
| app⇩i_Dup:
"app⇩i (Dup, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST,LT)) =
(Suc (length ST) < mxs)"
| app⇩i_Swap:
"app⇩i (Swap, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T1#T2#ST,LT)) = True"
| app⇩i_BinOpInstr:
"app⇩i (BinOpInstr bop, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T2#T1#ST,LT)) = (∃T. P ⊢ T1«bop»T2 : T)"
| app⇩i_IfFalse:
"app⇩i (IfFalse b, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (Boolean#ST,LT)) =
(0 ≤ int pc + b)"
| app⇩i_Goto:
"app⇩i (Goto b, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, s) = (0 ≤ int pc + b)"
| app⇩i_Return:
"app⇩i (Return, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST,LT)) = (P ⊢ T ≤ T⇩r)"
| app⇩i_Throw:
"app⇩i (ThrowExc, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (T#ST,LT)) =
(T = NT ∨ (∃C. T = Class C ∧ P ⊢ C ≼⇧* Throwable))"
| app⇩i_Invoke:
"app⇩i (Invoke M n, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, (ST,LT)) =
(n < length ST ∧
(ST!n ≠ NT ⟶
(∃C D Ts T m. class_type_of' (ST ! n) = ⌊C⌋ ∧ P ⊢ C sees M:Ts → T = m in D ∧ P ⊢ rev (take n ST) [≤] Ts)))"
| app⇩i_MEnter:
"app⇩i (MEnter,P, pc,mxs,T⇩r,(T#ST,LT)) = (is_refT T)"
| app⇩i_MExit:
"app⇩i (MExit,P, pc,mxs,T⇩r,(T#ST,LT)) = (is_refT T)"
| app⇩i_default:
"app⇩i (i,P, pc,mxs,T⇩r,s) = False"
definition xcpt_app :: "'addr instr ⇒ 'm prog ⇒ pc ⇒ nat ⇒ ex_table ⇒ ty⇩i ⇒ bool"
"xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ ≡ ∀(f,t,C,h,d) ∈ set (relevant_entries P i pc xt). (case C of None ⇒ True | Some C' ⇒ is_class P C') ∧ d ≤ size (fst τ) ∧ d < mxs"
definition app :: "'addr instr ⇒ 'm prog ⇒ nat ⇒ ty ⇒ nat ⇒ nat ⇒ ex_table ⇒ ty⇩i' ⇒ bool"
"app i P mxs T⇩r pc mpc xt t ≡ case t of None ⇒ True | Some τ ⇒
app⇩i (i,P,pc,mxs,T⇩r,τ) ∧ xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ ∧
(∀(pc',τ') ∈ set (eff i P pc xt t). pc' < mpc)"
lemma app_Some:
"app i P mxs T⇩r pc mpc xt (Some τ) =
(app⇩i (i,P,pc,mxs,T⇩r,τ) ∧ xcpt_app i P pc mxs xt τ ∧
(∀(pc',s') ∈ set (eff i P pc xt (Some τ)). pc' < mpc))"
by (simp add: app_def)
locale eff = jvm_method +
fixes eff⇩i and app⇩i and eff and app
fixes norm_eff and xcpt_app and xcpt_eff
fixes mpc
defines "mpc ≡ size is"
defines "eff⇩i i τ ≡ Effect.eff⇩i (i,P,τ)"
notes eff⇩i_simps [simp] = Effect.eff⇩i.simps [where P = P, folded eff⇩i_def]
defines "app⇩i i pc τ ≡⇩i (i, P, pc, mxs, T⇩r, τ)"
notes app⇩i_simps [simp] =⇩i.simps [where P=