Theory JVM_SemiType

(*  Title:      HOL/MicroJava/BV/JVM.thy

    Author:     Gerwin Klein
    Copyright   2000 TUM


section ‹ The JVM Type System as Semilattice ›

theory JVM_SemiType imports SemiType begin

type_synonym tyl = "ty err list"
type_synonym tys = "ty list"
type_synonym tyi = "tys × tyl"
type_synonym tyi' = "tyi option"
type_synonym tym = "tyi' list"
type_synonym tyP = "mname  cname  tym"

definition stk_esl :: "'c prog  nat  tys esl"
  "stk_esl P mxs  upto_esl mxs (SemiType.esl P)"

definition loc_sl :: "'c prog  nat  tyl sl"
  "loc_sl P mxl mxl ( (SemiType.esl P))"

definition sl :: "'c prog  nat  nat  tyi' err sl"
  "sl P mxs mxl (stk_esl P mxs) (Err.esl(loc_sl P mxl))))"

definition states :: "'c prog  nat  nat  tyi' err set"
where "states P mxs mxl  fst(sl P mxs mxl)"

definition le :: "'c prog  nat  nat  tyi' err ord"
  "le P mxs mxl  fst(snd(sl P mxs mxl))"

definition sup :: "'c prog  nat  nat  tyi' err binop"
  "sup P mxs mxl  snd(snd(sl P mxs mxl))"

definition sup_ty_opt :: "['c prog,ty err,ty err]  bool" 
    ("_  _  _" [71,71,71] 70)
  "sup_ty_opt P  Err.le (subtype P)"

definition sup_state :: "['c prog,tyi,tyi]  bool"   
    ("_  _ i _" [71,71,71] 70)
  "sup_state P  Product.le (Listn.le (subtype P)) (Listn.le (sup_ty_opt P))"

definition sup_state_opt :: "['c prog,tyi',tyi']  bool" 
    ("_  _ ≤'' _" [71,71,71] 70)
  "sup_state_opt P  Opt.le (sup_state P)"

  sup_loc :: "['c prog,tyl,tyl]  bool"  ("_  _ [≤] _"  [71,71,71] 70)
  where "P  LT [≤] LT'  list_all2 (sup_ty_opt P) LT LT'"

notation (ASCII)
  sup_ty_opt  ("_ |- _ <=T _" [71,71,71] 70) and
  sup_state  ("_ |- _ <=i _"  [71,71,71] 70) and
  sup_state_opt  ("_ |- _ <=' _"  [71,71,71] 70) and
  sup_loc  ("_ |- _ [<=T] _"  [71,71,71] 70)

subsection "Unfolding"

lemma JVM_states_unfold: 
  "states P mxs mxl  err(opt((Union {nlists n (types P) |n. n <= mxs}) ×
                                 nlists mxl (err(types P))))"
  apply (unfold states_def sl_def Opt.esl_def Err.sl_def
         stk_esl_def loc_sl_def Product.esl_def
         Listn.sl_def upto_esl_def SemiType.esl_def Err.esl_def)
  apply simp

lemma JVM_le_unfold:
 "le P m n  
  Err.le(Opt.le(Product.le(Listn.le(subtype P))(Listn.le(Err.le(subtype P)))))" 
  apply (unfold le_def sl_def Opt.esl_def Err.sl_def
         stk_esl_def loc_sl_def Product.esl_def  
         Listn.sl_def upto_esl_def SemiType.esl_def Err.esl_def) 
  apply simp
lemma sl_def2:
  " P mxs mxl  
  (states P mxs mxl, JVM_SemiType.le P mxs mxl, JVM_SemiType.sup P mxs mxl)"
(*<*) by (unfold JVM_SemiType.sup_def states_def JVM_SemiType.le_def) simp (*>*)

lemma JVM_le_conv:
  "le P m n (OK t1) (OK t2) = P  t1 ≤' t2"
(*<*) by (simp add: JVM_le_unfold Err.le_def lesub_def sup_state_opt_def  
                sup_state_def sup_ty_opt_def) (*>*)

lemma JVM_le_Err_conv:
  "le P m n = Err.le (sup_state_opt P)"
(*<*) by (unfold sup_state_opt_def sup_state_def  
             sup_ty_opt_def JVM_le_unfold) simp (*>*)

lemma err_le_unfold [iff]: 
  "Err.le r (OK a) (OK b) = r a b"
(*<*) by (simp add: Err.le_def lesub_def) (*>*)

subsection ‹ Semilattice ›
lemma order_sup_state_opt' [intro, simp]:
  "wf_prog wf_mb P  
      order (sup_state_opt P) (opt (( {nlists n (types P) |n. n  mxs} ) × nlists (Suc (length Ts + mxl0)) (err (types P))))"   
  apply (unfold sup_state_opt_def sup_state_def sup_ty_opt_def  ) 
  apply (blast intro:order_le_prodI) ―‹ use Listn.thy.order_listI2  ›
lemma order_sup_state_opt'' [intro, simp]:
  "wf_prog wf_mb P  
      order (sup_state_opt P) (opt (( {nlists n (types P) |n. n  mxs} ) × nlists ((length Ts + mxl0)) (err (types P))))"   
  apply (unfold sup_state_opt_def sup_state_def sup_ty_opt_def  ) 
  apply (blast intro:order_le_prodI) ―‹ use Listn.thy.order_listI2  ›
lemma order_sup_state_opt [intro, simp]: 
  "wf_prog wf_mb P ⟹ order (sup_state_opt P)"   
(*<*) by (unfold sup_state_opt_def sup_state_def sup_ty_opt_def) blast (*>*)

lemma semilat_JVM [intro?]:
  "wf_prog wf_mb P  semilat ( P mxs mxl)"
  apply (unfold JVM_SemiType.sl_def stk_esl_def loc_sl_def)  
  apply (blast intro: err_semilat_Product_esl err_semilat_upto_esl 
                      Listn_sl err_semilat_JType_esl)

subsection ‹ Widening with @{text "⊤"}

lemma subtype_refl[iff]: "subtype P t t" (*<*) by (simp add: fun_of_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_ty_opt_refl [iff]: "P  T  T"
  apply (unfold sup_ty_opt_def)
  apply (fold lesub_def)
  apply (rule le_err_refl)
  apply (simp add: lesub_def)

lemma Err_any_conv [iff]: "P  Err  T = (T = Err)"
(*<*) by (unfold sup_ty_opt_def) (rule Err_le_conv [simplified lesub_def]) (*>*)

lemma any_Err [iff]: "P  T  Err"
(*<*) by (unfold sup_ty_opt_def) (rule le_Err [simplified lesub_def]) (*>*)

lemma OK_OK_conv [iff]:
  "P  OK T  OK T' = P  T  T'"
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_ty_opt_def fun_of_def) (*>*)

lemma any_OK_conv [iff]:
  "P  X  OK T' = (T. X = OK T  P  T  T')"
  apply (unfold sup_ty_opt_def) 
  apply (rule le_OK_conv [simplified lesub_def])

lemma OK_any_conv:
 "P  OK T  X = (X = Err  (T'. X = OK T'  P  T  T'))"
  apply (unfold sup_ty_opt_def) 
  apply (rule OK_le_conv [simplified lesub_def])

lemma sup_ty_opt_trans [intro?, trans]:
  "P  a  b; P  b  c  P  a  c"
(*<*) by (auto intro: widen_trans  
           simp add: sup_ty_opt_def Err.le_def lesub_def fun_of_def
           split: err.splits) (*>*)

subsection "Stack and Registers"

lemma stk_convert:
  "P  ST [≤] ST' = Listn.le (subtype P) ST ST'"
(*<*) by (simp add: Listn.le_def lesub_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_loc_refl [iff]: "P  LT [≤] LT"
(*<*) by (rule list_all2_refl) simp (*>*)

lemmas sup_loc_Cons1 [iff] = list_all2_Cons1 [of "sup_ty_opt P"] for P

lemma sup_loc_def:
  "P  LT [≤] LT'  Listn.le (sup_ty_opt P) LT LT'"
(*<*) by (simp add: Listn.le_def lesub_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_loc_widens_conv [iff]:
  "P  map OK Ts [≤] map OK Ts' = P  Ts [≤] Ts'"
  by (simp add: list_all2_map1 list_all2_map2)

lemma sup_loc_trans [intro?, trans]:
  "P  a [≤] b; P  b [≤] c  P  a [≤] c"
(*<*) by (rule list_all2_trans, rule sup_ty_opt_trans) (*>*)

subsection "State Type"

lemma sup_state_conv [iff]:
  "P  (ST,LT) i (ST',LT') = (P  ST [≤] ST'  P  LT [≤] LT')"
(*<*) by (auto simp add: sup_state_def stk_convert lesub_def Product.le_def sup_loc_def) (*>*)
lemma sup_state_conv2:
  "P  s1 i s2 = (P  fst s1 [≤] fst s2  P  snd s1 [≤] snd s2)"
(*<*) by (cases s1, cases s2) simp (*>*)

lemma sup_state_refl [iff]: "P  s i s"
(*<*) by (auto simp add: sup_state_conv2) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_trans [intro?, trans]:
  "P  a i b; P  b i c  P  a i c"
(*<*) by (auto intro: sup_loc_trans widens_trans simp add: sup_state_conv2) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_opt_None_any [iff]:
  "P  None ≤' s"
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_opt_any_None [iff]:
  "P  s ≤' None = (s = None)"
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_opt_Some_Some [iff]:
  "P  Some a ≤' Some b = P  a i b"  
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_opt_any_Some:
  "P  (Some s) ≤' X = (s'. X = Some s'  P  s i s')"
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_opt_refl [iff]: "P  s ≤' s"
(*<*) by (simp add: sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def) (*>*)

lemma sup_state_opt_trans [intro?, trans]:
  "P  a ≤' b; P  b ≤' c  P  a ≤' c"
  apply (unfold sup_state_opt_def Opt.le_def lesub_def)
  apply (simp del: split_paired_All)
  apply (rule sup_state_trans, assumption+)

lemma sup_state_opt_err  : "(Err.le (sup_state_opt P)) s s"
  apply (unfold JVM_le_unfold Product.le_def Opt.le_def Err.le_def lesssub_def lesub_def Listn.le_def)
  apply (auto split: err.splits)

lemma Cons_less_Conss1 [simp]:
  "x#xs [⊏⇘subtype P⇙] y#ys = (x ⊏⇘subtype Py  xs [⊑⇘subtype P⇙] ys  x = y  xs [⊏⇘subtype P⇙] ys)"
  apply (unfold lesssub_def )
  apply auto
  apply (simp add:lesssub_def lesub_def) ―‹widen_refl, subtype_refl ›

lemma Cons_less_Conss2 [simp]:
  "x#xs [⊏⇘Err.le (subtype P)⇙] y#ys = (x ⊏⇘Err.le (subtype P)y  xs [⊑⇘Err.le (subtype P)⇙] ys  x = y  xs [⊏⇘Err.le (subtype P)⇙] ys)"
  apply (unfold lesssub_def )
  apply auto
  apply (simp add:lesssub_def lesub_def Err.le_def split: err.splits)

lemma acc_le_listI1 [intro!]:
  " acc (subtype P)  acc (Listn.le (subtype P))"
apply (unfold acc_def)
apply (subgoal_tac
 "wf(UN n. {(ys,xs). size xs = n  size ys = n  xs <_(Listn.le (subtype P)) ys})")
   apply (erule wf_subset)

 apply (blast intro: lesssub_lengthD)
apply (rule wf_UN)
 prefer 2
 apply (rename_tac m n)
 apply (case_tac "m=n")
  apply simp
 apply (fast intro!: equals0I dest: not_sym)
apply (rename_tac n)
apply (induct_tac n)
 apply (simp add: lesssub_def cong: conj_cong)
apply (rename_tac k)
apply (simp add: wf_eq_minimal)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: length_Suc_conv cong: conj_cong)
apply clarify
apply (rename_tac M m)
apply (case_tac "x xs. size xs = k  x#xs  M")
 prefer 2
 apply (erule thin_rl)
 apply (erule thin_rl)
 apply blast
apply (erule_tac x = "{a. xs. size xs = k  a#xs:M}" in allE)
apply (erule impE)
 apply blast
apply (thin_tac "x xs. P x xs" for P)
apply clarify
apply (rename_tac maxA xs)
apply (erule_tac x = "{ys. size ys = size xs  maxA#ys  M}" in allE)
apply (erule impE)
 apply blast
apply clarify
apply (thin_tac "m  M")
apply (thin_tac "maxA#xs  M")
apply (rule bexI)
 prefer 2
 apply assumption
apply clarify
apply simp
apply blast

lemma acc_le_listI2 [intro!]:
  " acc (Err.le (subtype P))  acc (Listn.le (Err.le (subtype P)))"
apply (unfold acc_def)
apply (subgoal_tac
 "wf(UN n. {(ys,xs). size xs = n  size ys = n  xs <_(Listn.le (Err.le (subtype P))) ys})")
   apply (erule wf_subset)

 apply (blast intro: lesssub_lengthD)
apply (rule wf_UN)
 prefer 2
 apply (rename_tac m n)
 apply (case_tac "m=n")
  apply simp
 apply (fast intro!: equals0I dest: not_sym)
apply (rename_tac n)
apply (induct_tac n)
 apply (simp add: lesssub_def cong: conj_cong)
apply (rename_tac k)
apply (simp add: wf_eq_minimal)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: length_Suc_conv cong: conj_cong)
apply clarify
apply (rename_tac M m)
apply (case_tac "x xs. size xs = k  x#xs  M")
 prefer 2
 apply (erule thin_rl)
 apply (erule thin_rl)
 apply blast
apply (erule_tac x = "{a. xs. size xs = k  a#xs:M}" in allE)
apply (erule impE)
 apply blast
apply (thin_tac "x xs. P x xs" for P)
apply clarify
apply (rename_tac maxA xs)
apply (erule_tac x = "{ys. size ys = size xs  maxA#ys  M}" in allE)
apply (erule impE)
 apply blast
apply clarify
apply (thin_tac "m  M")
apply (thin_tac "maxA#xs  M")
apply (rule bexI)
 prefer 2
 apply assumption
apply clarify
apply simp
apply blast

lemma acc_JVM [intro]:
  "wf_prog wf_mb P  acc (JVM_SemiType.le P mxs mxl)"
(*<*) by (unfold JVM_le_unfold) blast (*>*)  ―‹ use acc_listI1, acc_listI2 ›
