Theory J1WellForm

(*  Title:      Jinja/Compiler/WellType1.thy

    Author:     Tobias Nipkow
    Copyright   2003 Technische Universitaet Muenchen

section ‹Well-Formedness of Intermediate Language›

theory J1WellForm
imports "../J/JWellForm" J1

subsection "Well-Typedness"

  env1  = "ty list"   ― ‹type environment indexed by variable number›

  WT1 :: "[J1_prog,env1, expr1     , ty     ]  bool"
         ((_,_ 1/ _ :: _)   [51,51,51]50)
  and WTs1 :: "[J1_prog,env1, expr1 list, ty list]  bool"
         ((_,_ 1/ _ [::] _) [51,51,51]50)
  for P :: J1_prog
  "is_class P C  
  P,E 1 new C :: Class C"

| WTCast1:
  " P,E 1 e :: Class D;  is_class P C;  P  C * D  P  D * C 
   P,E 1 Cast C e :: Class C"

| WTVal1:
  "typeof v = Some T 
  P,E 1 Val v :: T"

| WTVar1:
  " E!i = T; i < size E 
   P,E 1 Var i :: T"

| WTBinOp1:
  " P,E 1 e1 :: T1;  P,E 1 e2 :: T2;
     case bop of Eq  (P  T1  T2  P  T2  T1)  T = Boolean
               | Add  T1 = Integer  T2 = Integer  T = Integer 
   P,E 1 e1 «bop» e2 :: T"

| WTLAss1:
  " E!i = T;  i < size E; P,E 1 e :: T';  P  T'  T 
   P,E 1 i:=e :: Void"

| WTFAcc1:
  " P,E 1 e :: Class C;  P  C sees F:T in D 
   P,E 1 eF{D} :: T"

| WTFAss1:
  " P,E 1 e1 :: Class C;  P  C sees F:T in D;  P,E 1 e2 :: T';  P  T'  T 
   P,E 1 e1F{D} := e2 :: Void"

| WTCall1:
  " P,E 1 e :: Class C; P  C sees M:Ts'  T = m in D;
    P,E 1 es [::] Ts;  P  Ts [≤] Ts' 
   P,E 1 eM(es) :: T"

| WTBlock1:
  " is_type P T; P,E@[T] 1 e::T' 
    P,E 1 {i:T; e} :: T'"

| WTSeq1:
  " P,E 1 e1::T1;  P,E 1 e2::T2 
    P,E 1 e1;;e2 :: T2"

| WTCond1:
  " P,E 1 e :: Boolean;  P,E 1 e1::T1;  P,E 1 e2::T2;
    P  T1  T2  P  T2  T1;  P  T1  T2  T = T2; P  T2  T1  T = T1 
   P,E 1 if (e) e1 else e2 :: T"

| WTWhile1:
  " P,E 1 e :: Boolean;  P,E 1 c::T 
   P,E 1 while (e) c :: Void"

| WTThrow1:
  "P,E 1 e :: Class C  
  P,E 1 throw e :: Void"

| WTTry1:
  " P,E 1 e1 :: T;  P,E@[Class C] 1 e2 :: T; is_class P C 
   P,E 1 try e1 catch(C i) e2 :: T"

| WTNil1:
  "P,E 1 [] [::] []"

| WTCons1:
  " P,E 1 e :: T;  P,E 1 es [::] Ts 
    P,E 1 e#es [::] T#Ts"

declare  WT1_WTs1.intros[intro!]
declare WTNil1[iff]

lemmas WT1_WTs1_induct = WT1_WTs1.induct [split_format (complete)]
  and WT1_WTs1_inducts = WT1_WTs1.inducts [split_format (complete)]

inductive_cases eee[elim!]:
  "P,E 1 Val v :: T"
  "P,E 1 Var i :: T"
  "P,E 1 Cast D e :: T"
  "P,E 1 i:=e :: T"
  "P,E 1 {i:U; e} :: T"
  "P,E 1 e1;;e2 :: T"
  "P,E 1 if (e) e1 else e2 :: T"
  "P,E 1 while (e) c :: T"
  "P,E 1 throw e :: T"
  "P,E 1 try e1 catch(C i) e2 :: T"
  "P,E 1 eF{D} :: T"
  "P,E 1 e1F{D}:=e2 :: T"
  "P,E 1 e1 «bop» e2 :: T"
  "P,E 1 new C :: T"
  "P,E 1 eM(es) :: T"
  "P,E 1 [] [::] Ts"
  "P,E 1 e#es [::] Ts"

lemma WTs1_same_size: "Ts. P,E 1 es [::] Ts  size es = size Ts"
(*<*)by (induct es type:list) auto(*>*)

lemma WT1_unique:
  "P,E 1 e :: T1  (T2. P,E 1 e :: T2  T1 = T2)" and
  "P,E 1 es [::] Ts1  (Ts2. P,E 1 es [::] Ts2  Ts1 = Ts2)"
proof(induct rule:WT1_WTs1.inducts)
  case WTVal1 then show ?case by clarsimp
  case (WTBinOp1 E e1 T1 e2 T2 bop T)
  then show ?case by(case_tac bop) force+
  case WTFAcc1 then show ?case
    by (blast dest:sees_field_idemp sees_field_fun)
  case WTCall1 then show ?case
    by (blast dest:sees_method_idemp sees_method_fun)
qed blast+

lemma assumes wf: "wf_prog p P"
shows WT1_is_type: "P,E 1 e :: T  set E  types P  is_type P T"
and "P,E 1 es [::] Ts  True"
proof(induct rule:WT1_WTs1.inducts)
  case WTVal1 then show ?case by (simp add:typeof_lit_is_type)
  case WTVar1 then show ?case by (blast intro:nth_mem)
  case WTBinOp1 then show ?case by (simp split:bop.splits)
  case WTFAcc1 then show ?case
    by (simp add:sees_field_is_type[OF _ wf])
  case WTCall1 then show ?case
    by (fastforce dest!: sees_wf_mdecl[OF wf] simp:wf_mdecl_def)
  case WTCond1 then show ?case by blast
qed simp+


― ‹Indices in blocks increase by 1›

primrec  :: "expr1  nat  bool"
  and ℬs :: "expr1 list  nat  bool" where
" (new C) i = True" |
" (Cast C e) i =  e i" |
" (Val v) i = True" |
" (e1 «bop» e2) i = ( e1 i   e2 i)" |
" (Var j) i = True" |
" (eF{D}) i =  e i" |
" (j:=e) i =  e i" |
" (e1F{D} := e2) i = ( e1 i   e2 i)" |
" (eM(es)) i = ( e i  ℬs es i)" |
" ({j:T ; e}) i = (i = j   e (i+1))" |
" (e1;;e2) i = ( e1 i   e2 i)" |
" (if (e) e1 else e2) i = ( e i   e1 i   e2 i)" |
" (throw e) i =  e i" |
" (while (e) c) i = ( e i   c i)" |
" (try e1 catch(C j) e2) i = ( e1 i  i=j   e2 (i+1))" |

"ℬs [] i = True" |
"ℬs (e#es) i = ( e i  ℬs es i)"

definition wf_J1_mdecl :: "J1_prog  cname  expr1 mdecl  bool"
  "wf_J1_mdecl P C    λ(M,Ts,T,body).
    (T'. P,Class C#Ts 1 body :: T'  P  T'  T) 
    𝒟 body {..size Ts}   body (size Ts + 1)"

lemma wf_J1_mdecl[simp]:
  "wf_J1_mdecl P C (M,Ts,T,body) 
    ((T'. P,Class C#Ts 1 body :: T'  P  T'  T) 
     𝒟 body {..size Ts}   body (size Ts + 1))"
(*<*)by (simp add:wf_J1_mdecl_def)(*>*)

abbreviation "wf_J1_prog == wf_prog wf_J1_mdecl"
