Theory technical_report
section‹An example ontology for a scholarly paper›
theory technical_report
imports "Isabelle_DOF.scholarly_paper"
define_ontology "DOF-technical_report.sty" "Writing technical reports."
section‹More Global Text Elements for Reports›
doc_class table_of_contents =
bookmark_depth :: int <= 3
depth :: int <= 3
doc_class front_matter =
front_matter_style :: string
doc_class index =
kind :: "doc_class"
level :: "int option"
section‹Code Statement Elements›
doc_class "code" = technical +
checked :: bool <= "False"
caption :: "string" <= "''''"
typ code
text‹The \<^doc_class>‹code› is a general stub for free-form and type-checked code-fragments such as:
▸ SML code
▸ bash code
▸ isar code (although this might be an unwanted concurrence
to the Isabelle standard cartouche)
▸ C code.
It is intended that later refinements of this "stub" as done in ▩‹Isabelle_C› which come with their
own content checking and presentation styles.
doc_class "SML" = code +
checked :: bool <= "False"
doc_class "ISAR" = code +
checked :: bool <= "False"
doc_class "LATEX" = code +
checked :: bool <= "False"
print_doc_class_template "SML"
doc_class report =
style_id :: string <= "''LNCS''"
version :: "(int × int × int)" <= "(0,0,0)"
accepts "(title ~~
⟦subtitle⟧ ~~
⦃author⦄⇧+ ~~
⟦front_matter⟧ ~~
abstract ~~
⟦table_of_contents⟧ ~~
⦃introduction⦄⇧+ ~~
⦃background⦄⇧* ~~
⦃technical || example || float ⦄⇧+ ~~
⦃conclusion⦄⇧+ ~~
bibliography ~~
⟦index⟧ ~~ ⦃annex⦄⇧* )"
notation Star (‹⦃(_)⦄⇧*› [0]100)
notation Plus (infixr ‹||› 55)
notation Times (infixr ‹~~› 60)
notation Atom (‹⌊_⌋› 65)
text‹Not a terribly deep theorem, but an interesting property of consistency between
ontologies - so, a lemma that shouldn't break if the involved ontologies were changed.
It reads as follows:
"The structural language of articles should be included in the structural language of
reports, that is to say, reports should just have a richer structure than ordinary papers." ›
theorem articles_sub_reports: ‹Lang article_monitor ⊆ Lang report_monitor›
unfolding article_monitor_def report_monitor_def
apply(rule regexp_seq_mono[OF subset_refl] | rule seq_cancel_opt | rule subset_refl)+
text‹The proof proceeds by blindly applying the monotonicity rules
on the language of regular expressions.›
text‹All Class-Id's --- should be generated.›
lemmas class_ids =
SML_def code_def annex_def title_def figure_def chapter_def article_def theorem_def
paragraph_def tech_code_def assumption_def definition_def hypothesis_def
eng_example_def text_element_def math_content_def tech_example_def subsubsection_def
engineering_content_def data_def float_def axiom_def LATEX_def author_def listing_def
abstract_def assertion_def technical_def background_def evaluation_def math_proof_def
math_formal_def bibliography_def math_example_def text_section_def conclusion_stmt_def
math_explanation_def ISAR_def frame_def lemma_def index_def report_def section_def
subtitle_def corollary_def subsection_def conclusion_def experiment_def consequence_def
proposition_def introduction_def related_work_def front_matter_def math_motivation_def
example_def table_of_contents_def tech_definition_def premise_def
definition allClasses
where ‹allClasses ≡
{SML, code, annex, title,figure,chapter, article, theorem, paragraph,
tech_code, assumption, definition, hypothesis, eng_example, text_element,
math_content,tech_example, subsubsection,tech_definition,
engineering_content,data,float,axiom,LATEX,author,listing, example,abstract,
experiment, consequence,proposition,introduction,related_work,front_matter,
text‹A rudimentary fragment of the class hierarchy re-modeled on classid's :›
definition cid_of where ‹cid_of = inv Regular_Exp.Atom›
lemma Atom_inverse[simp]:‹cid_of (Regular_Exp.Atom a) = a›
unfolding cid_of_def by (meson UNIV_I f_inv_into_f image_eqI rexp.inject(1))
definition doc_class_rel
where ‹doc_class_rel ≡ {(cid_of proposition,cid_of math_content),
(cid_of listing,cid_of float),
(cid_of figure,cid_of float)} ›
instantiation "doc_class" :: ord
less_eq_doc_class: "x ≤ y ⟷ (x,y) ∈ doc_class_rel⇧*"
less_doc_class: "(x::doc_class) < y ⟷ (x ≤ y ∧ ¬ y ≤ x)"
instance ..
lemma drc_acyclic : "acyclic doc_class_rel"
proof -
let ?measure = "(λx.3::int)(cid_of float := 0, cid_of math_content := 0,
cid_of listing := 1, cid_of figure := 1, cid_of proposition := 1)"
show ?thesis
unfolding doc_class_rel_def
apply(rule acyclicI_order [where f = "?measure"])
by(simp only: class_ids)(auto)
instantiation "doc_class" :: order
fix x::"doc_class"
show ‹x ≤ x›
unfolding less_eq_doc_class by simp
fix x y z:: "doc_class"
show ‹x ≤ y ⟹ y ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ z›
unfolding less_eq_doc_class
by force
fix x y::"doc_class"
have * : "antisym (doc_class_rel⇧*)"
by (simp add: acyclic_impl_antisym_rtrancl drc_acyclic)
show ‹x ≤ y ⟹ y ≤ x ⟹ x = y›
apply(insert antisymD[OF *])
using less_eq_doc_class by auto
fix x y::"doc_class"
show ‹(x < y) = (x ≤ y ∧ ¬ y ≤ x)›
by(simp add: less_doc_class)
theorem articles_Lsub_reports: ‹(L⇩s⇩u⇩b article_monitor) ⊆ L⇩s⇩u⇩b report_monitor›
unfolding article_monitor_def report_monitor_def
by (meson order_refl regexp_seq_mono' seq_cancel_opt')