Theory C_Environment
section ‹Parsing Environment›
theory C_Environment
imports C_Lexer_Language C_Ast
text ‹ The environment comes in two parts: a basic core structure, and a (thin) layer of
utilities. ›
signature C_ENV =
val namespace_enum: string
val namespace_tag: string
val namespace_typedef: string
type error_lines = string list
datatype stream_lang_state = Stream_atomic
| Stream_ident of Position.range * string
| Stream_regular
| Stream_string of (Position.range * string) list
type ('a, 'b, 'c) stack_elem0 = 'a * ('b * 'c * 'c)
type 'a stream = ('a, C_Lex.token) C_Scan.either list
datatype 'a parse_status = Parsed of 'a | Previous_in_stack
eqtype markup_global
type markup_ident = {global : markup_global,
params : C_Ast.CDerivedDeclr list,
ret : C_Ast.CDeclSpec list parse_status}
type 'a markup_store = Position.T list * serial * 'a
type var_table = {idents : markup_ident markup_store Symtab.table,
tyidents : markup_global markup_store Symtab.table Symtab.table}
type env_directives = ( (string * Position.range
-> Context.generic
-> C_Lex.token list * Context.generic,
C_Lex.token list) C_Scan.either
* (string * Position.range -> Context.generic -> Context.generic))
type env_lang = {env_directives : env_directives,
namesupply : int,
scopes : (C_Ast.ident option * var_table) list,
stream_ignored : C_Antiquote.antiq stream, var_table: var_table}
type env_tree = {context : Context.generic,
error_lines : error_lines,
reports_text : Position.report_text list}
type env_propagation_reduce = int option
type env_propagation_ctxt = env_propagation_reduce -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
type env_propagation_directive = env_propagation_reduce -> env_directives
-> env_lang * env_tree -> env_lang * env_tree
datatype env_propagation_bottom_up = Exec_annotation of env_propagation_ctxt
| Exec_directive of env_propagation_directive
datatype env_propagation = Bottom_up of env_propagation_bottom_up
| Top_down of env_propagation_ctxt
type rule_static = (env_tree -> env_lang * env_tree) option
type 'a rule_output0' = {output_env: rule_static, output_pos: 'a option, output_vacuous: bool}
type ('a, 'b, 'c) stack0 = ('a, 'b, 'c) stack_elem0 list
type rule_output = C_Ast.class_Pos rule_output0'
type eval_node = Position.range * env_propagation * env_directives * bool
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_reduce = int * ('a, 'b, 'c) stack0 * eval_node list list
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_reduce0 = (('a, 'b, 'c) stack0 * env_lang * eval_node) list
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_reduce' = int * bool * ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_reduce0
datatype ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_type = Reduce of rule_static * ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_reduce' | Shift | Void
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_ml = {rule_pos: 'c * 'c, rule_type: ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_type}
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_output0 = eval_node list list * ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_reduce0 * ('c * 'c) rule_output0'
datatype 'a tree = Tree of 'a * 'a tree list
type ('a, 'b, 'c) stack' = ('a, 'b, 'c) stack0 * eval_node list list * ('c * 'c) list * ('a, 'b, 'c) rule_ml tree list
datatype comment_style = Comment_directive | Comment_language
datatype eval_time =
| Lexing of Position.range * (comment_style -> Context.generic -> Context.generic)
| Parsing of (Symbol_Pos.T list * Symbol_Pos.T list) * eval_node
datatype antiq_language = Antiq_none of C_Lex.token
| Antiq_stack of Position.report_text list * eval_time
type 'a stream_hook = ('a list * Symbol_Pos.T list * eval_node) list list
type 'a T = {env_lang : env_lang,
env_tree : env_tree,
rule_input : C_Ast.class_Pos list * int,
rule_output : rule_output,
stream_hook: Symbol_Pos.T stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess : int stream_hook,
stream_lang : stream_lang_state * 'a stream}
val decode_positions: string -> Position.T list
val empty_env_lang: env_lang
val empty_env_tree: Context.generic -> env_tree
val empty_rule_output: rule_output
val encode_positions: Position.T list -> string
val get_scopes: env_lang -> (C_Ast.ident option * var_table) list
val make: env_lang -> 'a stream -> env_tree -> 'a T
val map_context: (Context.generic -> Context.generic)
-> {context: Context.generic, error_lines: 'c, reports_text: 'd}
-> {context: Context.generic, error_lines: 'c, reports_text: 'd}
val map_context': (Context.generic -> 'b * Context.generic)
-> {context: Context.generic, error_lines: 'd, reports_text: 'e}
-> 'b * {context: Context.generic, error_lines: 'd, reports_text: 'e}
val map_reports_text: (Position.report_text list -> Position.report_text list) -> env_tree -> env_tree
val map_error_lines: (error_lines -> error_lines)
-> {context: 'c, error_lines: error_lines, reports_text: 'd}
-> {context: 'c, error_lines: error_lines, reports_text: 'd}
val map_namesupply: (int -> int) -> env_lang -> env_lang
val map_env_directives: (env_directives -> env_directives) -> env_lang -> env_lang
val map_scopes : ((C_Ast.ident option * var_table) list
-> (C_Ast.ident option * var_table) list)
-> env_lang -> env_lang
val map_stream_ignored: (C_Antiquote.antiq stream->C_Antiquote.antiq stream) -> env_lang -> env_lang
val map_var_table: (var_table -> var_table) -> env_lang -> env_lang
val map_env_lang : (env_lang -> env_lang) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_env_lang_tree : (env_lang -> env_tree -> env_lang * env_tree) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_env_lang_tree': (env_lang -> env_tree -> 'c * (env_lang * env_tree)) -> 'a T -> 'c * 'a T
val map_env_tree : (env_tree -> env_tree) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_env_tree' : (env_tree -> 'b * env_tree) -> 'a T -> 'b * 'a T
val map_rule_output: (rule_output -> rule_output) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_stream_hook: (Symbol_Pos.T stream_hook -> Symbol_Pos.T stream_hook) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_stream_hook_excess: (int stream_hook -> int stream_hook) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_rule_input : (C_Ast.class_Pos list * int -> C_Ast.class_Pos list * int) -> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_stream_lang: (stream_lang_state*'a stream -> stream_lang_state*'a stream)-> 'a T -> 'a T
val map_output_env : (rule_static -> rule_static) -> 'a rule_output0' -> 'a rule_output0'
val map_output_pos : ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a rule_output0' -> 'a rule_output0'
val map_output_vacuous : (bool -> bool) -> 'a rule_output0' -> 'a rule_output0'
val map_idents: (markup_ident markup_store Symtab.table -> markup_ident markup_store Symtab.table)
-> var_table -> var_table
val map_tyidents: (markup_global markup_store Symtab.table Symtab.table
-> markup_global markup_store Symtab.table Symtab.table )
-> var_table -> var_table
val string_of: env_lang -> string
ML ‹
structure C_Env : C_ENV = struct
type 'a markup_store = Position.T list * serial * 'a
type env_directives =
( ( string * Position.range -> Context.generic -> C_Lex.token list * Context.generic
, C_Lex.token list)
* (string * Position.range -> Context.generic -> Context.generic))
datatype 'a parse_status = Parsed of 'a | Previous_in_stack
type markup_global = bool
type markup_ident = { global : markup_global
, params : C_Ast.CDerivedDeclr list
, ret : C_Ast.CDeclSpec list parse_status }
type var_table = { tyidents : markup_global markup_store Symtab.table
, idents : markup_ident markup_store Symtab.table }
type 'antiq_language_list stream = ('antiq_language_list, C_Lex.token) C_Scan.either list
type env_lang = { var_table : var_table
, scopes : (C_Ast.ident option * var_table) list
, namesupply : int
, stream_ignored : C_Antiquote.antiq stream
, env_directives : env_directives }
type error_lines = string list
type env_tree = { context : Context.generic
, reports_text : Position.report_text list
, error_lines : error_lines }
type rule_static = (env_tree -> env_lang * env_tree) option
datatype comment_style = Comment_directive
| Comment_language
type env_propagation_reduce = int option
type env_propagation_ctxt = env_propagation_reduce -> Context.generic -> Context.generic
type env_propagation_directive =
env_propagation_reduce -> env_directives -> env_lang * env_tree -> env_lang * env_tree
datatype env_propagation_bottom_up = Exec_annotation of env_propagation_ctxt
| Exec_directive of env_propagation_directive
datatype env_propagation = Bottom_up of env_propagation_bottom_up
| Top_down of env_propagation_ctxt
type eval_node = Position.range
* env_propagation
* env_directives
* bool
datatype eval_time = Lexing of Position.range
* (comment_style -> Context.generic -> Context.generic)
| Parsing of (Symbol_Pos.T list
* Symbol_Pos.T list )
* eval_node
| Never
datatype antiq_language = Antiq_stack of Position.report_text list * eval_time
| Antiq_none of C_Lex.token
type ('LrTable_state, 'a, 'Position_T) stack_elem0 = 'LrTable_state
* ('a * 'Position_T * 'Position_T)
type ('LrTable_state, 'a, 'Position_T) stack0 = ('LrTable_state, 'a, 'Position_T) stack_elem0 list
type ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_reduce0 =
(('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) stack0 * env_lang * eval_node) list
type ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_reduce =
int * ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) stack0 * eval_node list list
type ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_reduce' =
int * bool * ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_reduce0
datatype ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_type =
| Shift
| Reduce of rule_static * ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_reduce'
type ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_ml =
{ rule_pos : 'pos * 'pos
, rule_type : ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_type }
type 'class_Pos rule_output0' = { output_pos : 'class_Pos option
, output_vacuous : bool
, output_env : rule_static }
type ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_output0 =
eval_node list list
* ('LrTable_state, 'svalue0, 'pos) rule_reduce0
* ('pos * 'pos) rule_output0'
type rule_output = C_Ast.class_Pos rule_output0'
datatype stream_lang_state = Stream_ident of Position.range * string
| Stream_string of (Position.range * string) list
| Stream_atomic
| Stream_regular
type 'a stream_hook = ('a list * Symbol_Pos.T list * eval_node) list list
type 'a T = {env_lang: env_lang,
env_tree: env_tree,
rule_input: C_Ast.class_Pos list * int,
rule_output: rule_output,
stream_hook: Symbol_Pos.T stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess : int stream_hook,
stream_lang: stream_lang_state * 'a stream}
type T' = (C_Antiquote.antiq * antiq_language list) T
datatype 'a tree = Tree of 'a * 'a tree list
type ('LrTable_state, 'a, 'Position_T) stack' =
('LrTable_state, 'a, 'Position_T) stack0
* eval_node list list
* ('Position_T * 'Position_T) list
* ('LrTable_state, 'a, 'Position_T) rule_ml tree list
fun map_env_lang f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = f
env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_env_tree f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = f
env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_rule_output f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = f
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_rule_input f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = f
rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_stream_hook f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = f
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_stream_hook_excess f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = f
stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_stream_lang f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
{env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = f
fun map_output_pos f {output_pos, output_vacuous, output_env} =
{output_pos = f output_pos, output_vacuous = output_vacuous, output_env = output_env}
fun map_output_vacuous f {output_pos, output_vacuous, output_env} =
{output_pos = output_pos, output_vacuous = f output_vacuous, output_env = output_env}
fun map_output_env f {output_pos, output_vacuous, output_env} =
{output_pos = output_pos, output_vacuous = output_vacuous, output_env = f output_env}
fun map_tyidents f {tyidents, idents} =
{tyidents = f tyidents, idents = idents}
fun map_idents f {tyidents, idents} =
{tyidents = tyidents, idents = f idents}
fun map_var_table f {var_table, scopes, namesupply, stream_ignored, env_directives} =
{var_table = f
var_table, scopes = scopes, namesupply = namesupply,
stream_ignored = stream_ignored, env_directives = env_directives}
fun map_scopes f {var_table, scopes, namesupply, stream_ignored, env_directives} =
{var_table = var_table, scopes = f
scopes, namesupply = namesupply,
stream_ignored = stream_ignored, env_directives = env_directives}
fun map_namesupply f {var_table, scopes, namesupply, stream_ignored, env_directives} =
{var_table = var_table, scopes = scopes, namesupply = f
stream_ignored = stream_ignored, env_directives = env_directives}
fun map_stream_ignored f {var_table, scopes, namesupply, stream_ignored, env_directives} =
{var_table = var_table, scopes = scopes, namesupply = namesupply,
stream_ignored = f
stream_ignored, env_directives = env_directives}
fun map_env_directives f {var_table, scopes, namesupply, stream_ignored, env_directives} =
{var_table = var_table, scopes = scopes, namesupply = namesupply,
stream_ignored = stream_ignored, env_directives = f
fun map_context f {context, reports_text, error_lines} =
{context = f context, reports_text = reports_text, error_lines = error_lines}
fun map_context' f {context, reports_text, error_lines} =
let val (res, context) = f context
in (res, {context = context, reports_text = reports_text, error_lines = error_lines})
fun map_reports_text f {context, reports_text, error_lines} =
{context = context, reports_text = f reports_text, error_lines = error_lines}
fun map_error_lines f {context, reports_text, error_lines} =
{context = context, reports_text = reports_text, error_lines = f error_lines}
fun map_env_tree' f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
let val (res, env_tree) = f env_tree
in (res, {env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang})
fun map_env_lang_tree f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
let val (env_lang, env_tree) = f env_lang env_tree
in {env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang}
fun map_env_lang_tree' f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
let val (res, (env_lang, env_tree)) = f env_lang env_tree
in (res, {env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang})
fun get_scopes (t : env_lang) = #scopes t
val empty_env_lang : env_lang =
{var_table = {tyidents = Symtab.make [], idents = Symtab.make []},
scopes = [], namesupply = 0, stream_ignored = [],
env_directives = Symtab.empty}
fun empty_env_tree context =
{context = context, reports_text = [], error_lines = []}
val empty_rule_output : rule_output =
{output_pos = NONE, output_vacuous = true, output_env = NONE}
fun make env_lang stream_lang env_tree =
{ env_lang = env_lang
, env_tree = env_tree
, rule_output = empty_rule_output
, rule_input = ([], 0)
, stream_hook = []
, stream_hook_excess = []
, stream_lang = ( Stream_regular
, map_filter (fn C_Scan.Right (C_Lex.Token (_, (C_Lex.Space _, _))) => NONE
| C_Scan.Right (C_Lex.Token (_, (C_Lex.Comment _, _))) => NONE
| C_Scan.Right tok => SOME (C_Scan.Right tok)
| C_Scan.Left antiq => SOME (C_Scan.Left antiq))
stream_lang) }
fun string_of (env_lang : env_lang) =
let fun dest0 x f = x |> Symtab.dest |> map f
fun dest {tyidents, idents} =
(dest0 tyidents #1, dest0 idents (fn (i, (_,_,v)) =>
(i, if #global v then "global" else "local")))
in \<^make_string> ( ("var_table", dest (#var_table env_lang))
, ("scopes", map (fn (id, i) =>
( (fn C_Ast.Ident0 (i, _, _) =>
C_Ast.meta_of_logic i)
, dest i))
(#scopes env_lang))
, ("namesupply", #namesupply env_lang)
, ("stream_ignored", #stream_ignored env_lang)) end
val namespace_typedef = "typedef"
val namespace_tag = "tag"
val namespace_enum = namespace_tag
val encode_positions =
map (Position.dest
#> (fn pos => ((#line pos, #offset pos, #end_offset pos),
Properties.make_string Markup.fileN (#file (#props pos)) @
Properties.make_string Markup.idN (#id (#props pos)))))
#> let open XML.Encode in list (pair (triple int int int) properties) end
#> YXML.string_of_body
val decode_positions =
#> let open XML.Decode in list (pair (triple int int int) properties) end
#> map ((fn ((line, offset, end_offset), props) =>
{line = line, offset = offset, end_offset = end_offset, props = props})
#> Position.of_props)
ML ‹
structure C_Env_Ext =
fun map_tyidents' f = C_Env.map_var_table (C_Env.map_tyidents f)
fun map_tyidents f = C_Env.map_env_lang (map_tyidents' f)
fun map_tyidents_typedef f =
map_tyidents (Symtab.map_default (C_Env.namespace_typedef, Symtab.empty) f)
fun map_tyidents_enum f = map_tyidents (Symtab.map_default (C_Env.namespace_enum, Symtab.empty) f)
fun map_tyidents'_typedef f =
map_tyidents' (Symtab.map_default (C_Env.namespace_typedef, Symtab.empty) f)
fun map_tyidents'_enum f = map_tyidents' (Symtab.map_default (C_Env.namespace_enum, Symtab.empty) f)
fun map_idents' f = C_Env.map_var_table (C_Env.map_idents f)
fun map_idents f = C_Env.map_env_lang (map_idents' f)
fun map_var_table f = C_Env.map_env_lang (C_Env.map_var_table f)
fun map_scopes f = C_Env.map_env_lang (C_Env.map_scopes f)
fun map_namesupply f = C_Env.map_env_lang (C_Env.map_namesupply f)
fun map_stream_ignored f = C_Env.map_env_lang (C_Env.map_stream_ignored f)
fun get_tyidents' namespace (env_lang : C_Env.env_lang) =
case Symtab.lookup (env_lang |> #var_table |> #tyidents) namespace of
NONE => Symtab.empty
| SOME t => t
fun get_tyidents namespace (t : 'a C_Env.T) = get_tyidents' namespace (#env_lang t)
fun get_tyidents_typedef env= get_tyidents C_Env.namespace_typedef env
fun get_tyidents_enum env = get_tyidents C_Env.namespace_enum env
fun get_tyidents'_typedef env = get_tyidents' C_Env.namespace_typedef env
fun get_tyidents'_enum env = get_tyidents' C_Env.namespace_enum env
fun get_idents (t: 'a C_Env.T) = #env_lang t |> #var_table |> #idents
fun get_idents' (env:C_Env.env_lang) = env |> #var_table |> #idents
fun get_var_table (t: 'a C_Env.T) = #env_lang t |> #var_table
fun get_scopes (t:'a C_Env.T) = #env_lang t |> #scopes
fun get_namesupply (t: 'a C_Env.T) = #env_lang t |> #namesupply
fun map_output_pos f = C_Env.map_rule_output (C_Env.map_output_pos f)
fun map_output_vacuous f = C_Env.map_rule_output (C_Env.map_output_vacuous f)
fun map_output_env f = C_Env.map_rule_output (C_Env.map_output_env f)
fun get_output_pos (t : 'a C_Env.T) = #rule_output t |> #output_pos
fun map_context f = C_Env.map_env_tree (C_Env.map_context f)
fun map_reports_text f = C_Env.map_env_tree (C_Env.map_reports_text f)
fun get_context (t : 'a C_Env.T) = #env_tree t |> #context
fun get_reports_text (t : 'a C_Env.T) = #env_tree t |> #reports_text
fun map_env_directives' f {var_table, scopes, namesupply, stream_ignored, env_directives} =
let val (res, env_directives) = f env_directives
in (res, {var_table = var_table, scopes = scopes, namesupply = namesupply,
stream_ignored = stream_ignored, env_directives = env_directives})
fun map_stream_lang' f
{env_lang, env_tree, rule_output, rule_input, stream_hook, stream_hook_excess, stream_lang} =
let val (res, stream_lang) = f stream_lang
in (res, {env_lang = env_lang, env_tree = env_tree, rule_output = rule_output,
rule_input = rule_input, stream_hook = stream_hook,
stream_hook_excess = stream_hook_excess, stream_lang = stream_lang})
fun context_map (f : C_Env.env_tree -> C_Env.env_tree) =
C_Env.empty_env_tree #> f #> #context
fun context_map' (f : C_Env.env_tree -> 'a * C_Env.env_tree) =
C_Env.empty_env_tree #> f #> apsnd #context
fun list_lookup tab name = flat (map (fn (x, _, _) => x) (the_list (Symtab.lookup tab name)))