Theory Event_Systems


  Project: IsaNet

  Author:  Christoph Sprenger, ETH Zurich <>
           Tobias Klenze, ETH Zurich <>
  Version: JCSPaper.1.0
  Isabelle Version: Isabelle2021-1

  Copyright (c) 2022 Christoph Sprenger
  Licence: Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL) / BSD-3-Clause (dual license)


chapter‹Verification Infrastructure›
text‹Here we define event systems, the term algebra, and the Dolev--Yao adversary›
section ‹Event Systems›

text ‹This theory contains definitions of event systems, trace, traces, reachability, simulation,
and proves the soundness of simulation for proving trace inclusion. We also derive some related
simulation rules.›

theory Event_Systems
  imports Main 

record ('e, 's) ES =
  init :: "'s  bool"
  trans :: "'s  'e  's  bool"   ((4_: __ _) [50, 50, 50] 90)

subsection ‹Reachable states and invariants›

  reach :: "('e, 's) ES  's  bool" for E
    reach_init [simp, intro]:  "init E s  reach E s"
  | reach_trans [intro]: " E: s e s'; reach E s   reach E s'"

thm reach.induct

text ‹Abbreviation for stating that a predicate is an invariant of an event system.›

definition Inv :: "('e, 's) ES  ('s  bool)  bool" where
  "Inv E I  (s. reach E s  I s)"

lemmas InvI = Inv_def [THEN iffD2, rule_format]
lemmas InvE [elim] = Inv_def [THEN iffD1, elim_format, rule_format]

lemma Invariant_rule [case_names Inv_init Inv_trans]:
  assumes "s0. init E s0  I s0"
     and  "s e s'. E: s e s'; reach E s; I s  I s'"
  shows "Inv E I"
  unfolding Inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix s
  assume "reach E s"
  then show "I s" using assms
    by (induction s rule: reach.induct) (auto)

text ‹Invariant rule that allows strengthening the proof with another invariant.›
lemma Invariant_rule_Inv [case_names Inv_other Inv_init Inv_trans]:
  assumes "Inv E J"
     and  "s0. init E s0  I s0"
     and  "s e s'. E: s e s'; reach E s; I s; J s; J s'  I s'"
  shows "Inv E I"
  unfolding Inv_def
proof (intro allI impI)
  fix s
  assume "reach E s"
  then show "I s" using assms
    by (induction s rule: reach.induct)(auto 3 4)

subsection ‹Traces›

type_synonym 'e trace = "'e list"

  trace :: "('e, 's) ES  's  'e trace  's  bool"  ((4_: _ ─⟨_⟩→ _) [50, 50, 50] 90)  
  for E s 
    trace_nil [simp,intro!]: 
      "E: s ─⟨[]⟩→ s"
  | trace_snoc [intro]: 
      " E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'; E: s' e s''   E: s ─⟨τ @ [e]⟩→ s''"

thm trace.induct

inductive_cases trace_nil_invert [elim!]: "E: s ─⟨[]⟩→ t"
inductive_cases trace_snoc_invert [elim]: "E: s ─⟨τ @ [e]⟩→ t"

lemma trace_init_independence [elim]: 
  assumes "E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'" "trans E = trans F" 
  shows "F: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'"
  using assms
by (induction rule: trace.induct) auto

lemma trace_single [simp, intro!]: " E: s e s'   E: s ─⟨[e]⟩→ s'"
  by (auto intro: trace_snoc[where τ = "[]", simplified])

text ‹Next, we prove an introduction rule for a "cons" trace and a case analysis rule 
distinguishing the empty trace and a "cons" trace.›

lemma trace_consI:
    "E: s'' ─⟨τ⟩→ s'" "E: s e s''" 
    "E: s ─⟨e # τ⟩→ s'"
  using assms
by (induction rule: trace.induct) (auto dest: trace_snoc) 

lemma trace_cases_cons:
    "E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'"
    " τ = []; s' = s   P"
    "e τ' s''.  τ = e # τ'; E: s e s''; E: s'' ─⟨τ'⟩→ s'   P"
  shows "P"
  using assms
by (induction rule: trace.induct) fastforce+

lemma trace_consD: "(E: s ─⟨e # τ⟩→ s')   s''. (E: s e s'')  (E: s'' ─⟨τ⟩→ s')" 
  by(auto elim: trace_cases_cons)

text ‹We show how a trace can be appended to another.›

lemma trace_append: "(E: s ─⟨τ1⟩→ s')  (E: s' ─⟨τ2⟩→ s'')  E: s ─⟨τ1@τ2⟩→ s''"
  by(induction τ1 arbitrary: s)
    (auto dest!: trace_consD intro: trace_consI)

lemma trace_append_invert: "(E: s ─⟨τ1@τ2⟩→ s'')  s' . (E: s ─⟨τ1⟩→ s')  (E: s' ─⟨τ2⟩→ s'')"
  by (induction τ1 arbitrary: s) (auto intro!: trace_consI dest!: trace_consD)

text‹We prove an induction scheme for combining two traces, similar to @{text list_induct2}.›

lemma trace_induct2 [consumes 3, case_names Nil Snoc]: 
  "E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s''; F: t ─⟨σ⟩→ t''; length τ = length σ;
    P [] s [] t; 
    τ s' e s'' σ t' f t''. 
    E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'; E: s'e s''; F: t ─⟨σ⟩→ t'; F: t'f t''; P τ s' σ t' 
       P (τ @ [e]) s'' (σ @ [f]) t'' 
   P τ s'' σ t''" 
proof (induction τ s'' arbitrary: σ t'' rule: trace.induct)
  case trace_nil
  then show ?case by auto 
  case (trace_snoc τ s' e s'')
  from length (τ @ [e]) = length σ and F: t ─⟨σ⟩→ t''
  obtain f σ' t' 
    where "σ = σ' @ [f]" "length τ = length σ'" "F: t ─⟨σ'⟩→ t'" "F: t' f t''"
    by (auto elim: trace.cases)
  then show ?case using trace_snoc by blast

subsubsection ‹Relate traces to reachability and invariants› 

lemma reach_trace_equiv: "reach E s  (s0 τ. init E s0  E: s0 ─⟨τ⟩→ s)"  (is "?A  ?B")
  assume "?A" then show "?B" 
    by (induction s rule: reach.induct) auto
  assume "?B" 
  then obtain s0 τ where "E: s0 ─⟨τ⟩→ s" "init E s0" by blast
  then show "?A"
    by (induction τ s rule: trace.induct) auto

lemma reach_traceI: "init E s0; E: s0 ─⟨τ⟩→ s  reach E s" 
  by(auto simp add: reach_trace_equiv)

lemma reach_trace_extend: "E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'; reach E s  reach E s'"
  by (induction τ s' rule: trace.induct) auto

lemma Inv_trace: "Inv E I; init E s0; E: s0 ─⟨τ⟩→ s'  I s'"
  by (auto simp add: Inv_def reach_trace_equiv)

subsubsection ‹Trace semantics of event systems›

text ‹We define the set of traces of an event system.›

definition traces :: "('e, 's) ES  'e trace set" where
  "traces E = {τ. s s'. init E s  E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'}"

lemma tracesI [intro]: " init E s; E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'   τ  traces E"
  by (auto simp add: traces_def)

lemma tracesE [elim]: " τ  traces E; s s'.  init E s; E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'   P   P"
  by (auto simp add: traces_def)

lemma traces_nil [simp, intro!]: "init E s  []  traces E"
  by (auto simp add: traces_def)

text‹We now define a trace property satisfaction relation: an event system satisfies a property 
@{term "φ"}, if its traces are contained in @{term φ}.›

definition trace_property :: "('e, 's) ES  'e trace set  bool" (infix ES 90) where 
  "E ES φ  traces E  φ" 

lemmas trace_propertyI = trace_property_def [THEN iffD2, OF subsetI, rule_format]
lemmas trace_propertyE [elim] = trace_property_def [THEN iffD1, THEN subsetD, elim_format]
lemmas trace_propertyD = trace_property_def [THEN iffD1, THEN subsetD, rule_format]

text ‹Rules for showing trace properties using a stronger trace-state invariant.›

lemma trace_invariant: 
    "τ  traces E"
    "s s'.  init E s; E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'   I τ s'"
    "s. I τ s  τ  φ"
  shows "τ  φ" using assms
  by (auto)

lemma trace_property_rule: 
    "s0. init E s0  I [] s0"
    "s s' τ e s''. 
        init E s; E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'; E: s' e s''; I τ s'; reach E s'   I (τ@[e]) s''"
    "τ s.  I τ s; reach E s   τ  φ"
  shows "E ES φ"
proof (rule trace_propertyI, erule trace_invariant[where I="λτ s. I τ s  reach E s"])
  fix τ s s'
  assume "E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'" and "init E s" 
  then show "I τ s'  reach E s'" 
    by (induction τ s' rule: trace.induct) (auto simp add: assms)
qed (auto simp add: assms)

text ‹Similar to @{thm trace_property_rule}, but allows matching pure state invariants directly.›
lemma Inv_trace_property:
  assumes "Inv E I" and "[]  φ" 
      and "(s τ s' e s''. 
      init E s; E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'; E: s' e s''; I s; I s'; reach E s'; τ  φ  τ@[e]  φ)" 
    shows "E ES φ"
  using assms(1,2)
  by (intro trace_property_rule[where I="λτ s. τ  φ"]) (auto intro: assms(3))

subsection ‹Simulation›

text ‹We first define the simulation preorder on pairs of states and derive a series of
useful coinduction principles.›

  sim :: "('e, 's ) ES  ('f, 't ) ES  ('e  'f)  's  't  bool"  
  for E F π
    " e s'. (E: s e s')  t'. (F: t π e t')  sim E F π s' t'   sim E F π s t"

  simS :: "('e, 's ) ES  ('f, 't ) ES  's  ('e  'f)  't  bool" 
          ((5_,_: _ ⊑⇩_ _) [50, 50, 50, 60, 50] 90) 
  "simS E F s π t  sim E F π s t"

lemmas sim_coinduct_id = sim.coinduct[where π=id, consumes 1, case_names sim]

text ‹We prove a simplified and slightly weaker coinduction rule for simulation and
register it as the default rule for @{term sim}.›

lemma sim_coinduct_weak [consumes 1, case_names sim, coinduct pred: sim]: 
    "R s t"
    "s t a s'.  R s t;  E: sa s'  (t'. (F: tπ a t')  R s' t')"
    "E,F: s ⊑⇩π t"
  using assms
  by (coinduction arbitrary: s t rule: sim.coinduct) (fastforce)

lemmas sim_coinduct_weak_id [consumes 1, case_names sim, coinduct pred: sim] =  
  sim_coinduct_weak [where π="id"] 

  CHECK: declaring sim_refl as [intro] makes proof of simulation_soundness loop! (why?)
lemma sim_refl: "E,E: s ⊑⇩id s"         
  by (coinduction arbitrary: s) auto

lemma sim_trans: " E,F: s ⊑⇩π1 t; F,G: t ⊑⇩π2 u   E,G: s ⊑⇩(π2  π1) u"
proof (coinduction arbitrary: s t u)
  case (sim a s' s t)
  with E,F: s ⊑⇩π1 t obtain t' where "F: t π1 a t'" "E,F: s' ⊑⇩π1 t'" 
    by (cases rule: sim.cases) auto
  from F,G: t ⊑⇩π2 u F: t π1 a t' obtain u' where "G: u π2 (π1 a) u'" "F,G: t' ⊑⇩π2 u'"
    by (cases rule: sim.cases) auto
  have "t' u'. (G: u π2 (π1 a) u')  (E,F: s' ⊑⇩π1 t')  (F,G: t' ⊑⇩π2 u')"
    by auto
  then show ?case by auto

text ‹Extend transition simulation to traces.›

lemma trace_sim:
  assumes "E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s'" "E,F: s ⊑⇩π t"
  shows "t'. (F: t ─⟨map π τ⟩→ t')  (E,F: s' ⊑⇩π t')"
  using assms
proof (induction τ s' rule: trace.induct)
  case trace_nil
  then show ?case by auto
  case (trace_snoc τ s' e s'')
  then obtain t' where "F: t ─⟨map π τ⟩→ t'" "E,F: s' ⊑⇩π t'" by auto
  from E,F: s' ⊑⇩π t' E: s'e s'' 
  obtain t'' where "F: t' π e t''" "E,F: s'' ⊑⇩π t''"  by (elim sim.cases) fastforce
  then show ?case using F: t ─⟨map π τ⟩→ t' E: s ─⟨τ⟩→ s' E: s'e s'' by auto

subsubsection ‹Simulation for event systems›

  sim_ES :: "('e, 's ) ES  ('e  'f)  ('f, 't ) ES  bool"  ((3_ ⊑⇩_ _) [50, 60, 50] 95) 
  "E ⊑⇩π F  (R. 
     (s0. init E s0  (t0. init F t0  R s0 t0)) 
     (s t. R s t  E,F: s ⊑⇩π t))"

lemma sim_ES_I: 
    "s0. init E s0  (t0. init F t0  R s0 t0)" and
    "s t. R s t  E,F: s ⊑⇩π t"
  shows "E ⊑⇩π F"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: sim_ES_def)

lemma sim_ES_E: 
    "E ⊑⇩π F"
    "R.  s0. init E s0  (t0. init F t0  R s0 t0); s t. R s t  E,F: s ⊑⇩π t   P" 
  shows "P"
  using assms
  by (auto simp add: sim_ES_def)

text ‹Different rules to set up a simulation proof. Include reachability or weaker invariant(s)
in precondition of ``simulation square''.›

lemma simulate_ES: 
    init: "s0. init E s0  (t0. init F t0  R s0 t0)" and
    step: "s t a s'.  R s t; reach E s; reach F t; E: sa s'  
                     (t'. (F: tπ a t')  R s' t')"
  shows "E ⊑⇩π F"
  by (auto 4 4 intro!: sim_ES_I[where R="λs t. R s t  reach E s  reach F t"] dest: init 
               intro: sim_coinduct_weak[where R="λs t. R s t  reach E s  reach F t"] dest: step)

lemma simulate_ES_with_invariants:
    init: "s0. init E s0  (t0. init F t0  R s0 t0)" and
    step: "s t a s'.  
              R s t; I s; J t; E: sa s'   (t'. (F: tπ a t')  R s' t')" and
    invE: "s. reach E s  I s" and
    invE: "t. reach F t  J t"
  shows "E ⊑⇩π F" using assms
  by (auto intro: simulate_ES[where R=R])

lemmas simulate_ES_with_invariant = simulate_ES_with_invariants[where J="λs. True", simplified]

text ‹Variants with a functional simulation relation, aka refinement mapping.›

lemma simulate_ES_fun: 
    init: "s0. init E s0  init F (h s0)" and
    step: "s a s'.  E: sa s'; reach E s; reach F (h s)   F: h sπ a h s'"
  shows "E ⊑⇩π F"
  using assms
  by (auto intro!: simulate_ES[where R="λs t. t = h s"])

lemma simulate_ES_fun_with_invariants: 
    init: "s0. init E s0  init F (h s0)" and
    step: "s a s'.  E: sa s'; I s; J (h s)   F: h sπ a h s'" and
    invE: "s. reach E s  I s" and
    invF: "t. reach F t  J t"
  shows "E ⊑⇩π F"
  using assms
  by (auto intro!: simulate_ES_fun)

lemmas simulate_ES_fun_with_invariant = 
  simulate_ES_fun_with_invariants[where J="λt. True", simplified]

text ‹Reflexivity and transitivity for ES simulation.›

lemma sim_ES_refl: "E ⊑⇩id E"
  by (auto intro: sim_ES_I[where R="(=)"] sim_refl)

lemma sim_ES_trans: 
  assumes "E ⊑⇩π1 F" and "F ⊑⇩π2 G" shows "E ⊑⇩(π2  π1) G"
proof -
  from E ⊑⇩π1 F obtain R1 where 
    "s0. init E s0  (t0. init F t0  R1 s0 t0)" 
    "s t. R1 s t  E,F: s ⊑⇩π1 t"
    by (auto elim!: sim_ES_E)
  from F ⊑⇩π2 G obtain R2 where 
    "t0. init F t0  (u0. init G u0  R2 t0 u0)" 
    "t u. R2 t u  F,G: t ⊑⇩π2 u"
    by (auto elim!: sim_ES_E)
  ultimately show ?thesis
    by (auto intro!: sim_ES_I[where R="R1 OO R2"] sim_trans simp add: OO_def) blast

subsubsection ‹Soundness for trace inclusion and property preservation›

lemma simulation_soundness: "E ⊑⇩π F  (map π)`traces E  traces F"
  by (fastforce simp add: sim_ES_def image_def dest: trace_sim)

lemmas simulation_rule = simulate_ES [THEN simulation_soundness]
lemmas simulation_rule_id = simulation_rule[where π="id", simplified]

text ‹This allows us to show that properties are preserved under simulation.›

lemma property_preservation_trivial: 
  "⟦  map π`traces E ⊆ traces F; F ⊨ES P; ⋀τ. map π τ ∈ P ⟹ τ ∈ Q ⟧ ⟹ E ⊨ES Q" 
  by (auto simp add: trace_property_def)

corollary property_preservation: 
  "E ⊑⇩π F; F ES P; τ. map π τ  P  τ  Q   E ES Q" 
  by (auto simp add: trace_property_def dest: simulation_soundness)

subsection ‹Simulation up to simulation preorder›

lemma sim_coinduct_upto_sim [consumes 1, case_names sim]:
    major:  "R s t" and
    S: "s t a s'.  R s t; E: s a s'  
          t'. (F: t π a t')  ((sim E E id) OO R OO (sim F F id)) s' t'" 
    "E,F: s ⊑⇩π t"
proof - 
  let ?R_upto = "((sim E E id) OO R OO (sim F F id))"
  from major have "?R_upto s t" by (auto intro: sim_refl)
  then show ?thesis
  proof (coinduction arbitrary: s t)
    case (sim a s' s t)
    from ((sim E E id) OO R OO (sim F F id)) s t obtain s1 t1 where
      "E,E: s ⊑⇩id s1" "R s1 t1" "F,F: t1 ⊑⇩id t" by (elim relcomppE)
    from E,E: s ⊑⇩id s1 E: sa s'
    obtain s1' where "E: s1a s1'" "E,E: s' ⊑⇩id s1'" by (cases rule: sim.cases) auto
    from R s1 t1 E: s1a s1' S 
    obtain t1' where "F: t1π a t1'" "?R_upto s1' t1'" by force
    from F,F: t1 ⊑⇩id t F: t1π a t1' 
    obtain t' where "F: tπ a t'" "F,F: t1' ⊑⇩id t'" by (cases rule: sim.cases) auto
    from F: tπ a t' E,E: s' ⊑⇩id s1' ?R_upto s1' t1' F,F: t1' ⊑⇩id t'
    have "((sim E E id) OO R OO (sim F F id)) s' t'" 
      apply(auto simp add: OO_def) using comp_id sim_trans by metis
    then have "t'. (F: tπ a t')  ?R_upto s' t'" 
      using F: tπ a t' by (auto intro: sim_trans)
    then show ?case using S by fastforce
