Theory Call_Return_Unfolding

theory Call_Return_Unfolding
imports Matching Ruleset_Update

section@{term Call} @{term Return} Unfolding›

text‹Remove @{term Return}s›
fun process_ret :: "'a rule list  'a rule list" where
  "process_ret [] = []" |
  "process_ret (Rule m Return # rs) = add_match (MatchNot m) (process_ret rs)" |
  "process_ret (r#rs) = r # process_ret rs"

text‹Remove @{term Call}s›
fun process_call :: "'a ruleset  'a rule list  'a rule list" where
  "process_call Γ [] = []" |
  "process_call Γ (Rule m (Call chain) # rs) = add_match m (process_ret (the (Γ chain))) @ process_call Γ rs" |
  "process_call Γ (r#rs) = r # process_call Γ rs"

lemma process_ret_split_fst_Return:
  "a = Return  process_ret (Rule m a # rs) = add_match (MatchNot m) (process_ret rs)"
  by auto

lemma process_ret_split_fst_NeqReturn:
  "a  Return  process_ret((Rule m a) # rs) = (Rule m a) # (process_ret rs)"
  by (cases a) auto

lemma add_match_simp: "add_match m = map (λr. Rule (MatchAnd m (get_match r)) (get_action r))"
by (auto simp: add_match_def cong: map_cong split: rule.split)

definition add_missing_ret_unfoldings :: "'a rule list  'a rule list  'a rule list" where
  "add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 rs2  
  foldr (λrf acc. add_match (MatchNot (get_match rf))  acc) [rrs1. get_action r = Return] id rs2"

fun MatchAnd_foldr :: "'a match_expr list  'a match_expr" where
  "MatchAnd_foldr [] = undefined" | (*error, semantically, MatchAny would match*)
  "MatchAnd_foldr [e] = e" |
  "MatchAnd_foldr (e # es) = MatchAnd e (MatchAnd_foldr es)" 
fun add_match_MatchAnd_foldr :: "'a match_expr list  ('a rule list  'a rule list)" where
  "add_match_MatchAnd_foldr [] = id" |
  "add_match_MatchAnd_foldr es = add_match (MatchAnd_foldr es)"

lemma add_match_add_match_MatchAnd_foldr:
  "Γ,γ,p add_match m (add_match_MatchAnd_foldr ms rs2), s  t = Γ,γ,p add_match (MatchAnd_foldr (m#ms)) rs2, s  t"
  proof (induction ms)
    case Nil
    show ?case by (simp add: add_match_def)
    case Cons
    thus ?case by (simp add: iptables_bigstep_add_match_and)

lemma add_match_MatchAnd_foldr_empty_rs2: "add_match_MatchAnd_foldr ms [] = []"
  by (induction ms) (simp_all add: add_match_def)

lemma add_missing_ret_unfoldings_alt: "Γ,γ,p add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 rs2, s  t 
  Γ,γ,p (add_match_MatchAnd_foldr (map (λr. MatchNot (get_match r)) [rrs1. get_action r = Return])) rs2, s   t"
  proof(induction rs1)
    case Nil
    thus ?case
      unfolding add_missing_ret_unfoldings_def by simp
    case (Cons r rs)
    from Cons obtain m a where "r = Rule m a" by(cases r) (simp)
    with Cons show ?case
      unfolding add_missing_ret_unfoldings_def
      apply(cases "matches γ m p")
       apply (simp_all add: matches_add_match_simp matches_add_match_MatchNot_simp add_match_add_match_MatchAnd_foldr[symmetric])

lemma add_match_add_missing_ret_unfoldings_rot:
  "Γ,γ,p add_match m (add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 rs2), s  t =  
   Γ,γ,p add_missing_ret_unfoldings (Rule (MatchNot m) Return#rs1) rs2, s  t"
  by(simp add: add_missing_ret_unfoldings_def iptables_bigstep_add_match_notnot_simp)

lemma process_ret_split_obvious: "process_ret (rs1 @ rs2) = 
  (process_ret rs1) @ (add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 (process_ret rs2))"
  unfolding add_missing_ret_unfoldings_def
  proof (induction rs1 arbitrary: rs2)
    case (Cons r rs)
    from Cons obtain m a where "r = Rule m a" by (cases r) simp
    with Cons.IH show ?case
      apply(cases a)
             apply(simp_all add: add_match_split)
  qed simp

lemma add_missing_ret_unfoldings_emptyrs2: "add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 [] = []"
  unfolding add_missing_ret_unfoldings_def
  by (induction rs1) (simp_all add: add_match_def)

lemma process_call_split: "process_call Γ (rs1 @ rs2) = process_call Γ rs1 @ process_call Γ rs2"
  proof (induction rs1)
    case (Cons r rs1)
    thus ?case
      apply(cases r, rename_tac m a)
      apply(case_tac a)
  qed simp

lemma process_call_split_fst: "process_call Γ (a # rs) = process_call Γ [a] @ process_call Γ rs"
  by (simp add: process_call_split[symmetric])

lemma iptables_bigstep_process_ret_undecided: "Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  t  Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  t"
proof (induction rs)
  case (Cons r rs)
  show ?case
    proof (cases r)
      case (Rule m' a')
      show "Γ,γ,p process_ret (r # rs), Undecided  t"
        proof (cases a')
          case Accept
          with Cons Rule show ?thesis
            by simp (metis acceptD decision decisionD nomatchD seqE_cons seq_cons)
          case Drop
          with Cons Rule show ?thesis
            by simp (metis decision decisionD dropD nomatchD seqE_cons seq_cons)
          case Log
          with Cons Rule show ?thesis
            by simp (metis logD nomatchD seqE_cons seq_cons)
          case Reject
          with Cons Rule show ?thesis
            by simp (metis decision decisionD nomatchD rejectD seqE_cons seq_cons)
          case (Call chain)
          from Cons.prems obtain ti where 1:"Γ,γ,p [r], Undecided  ti" and 2: "Γ,γ,p rs, ti  t" using seqE_cons by metis
          thus ?thesis
            proof(cases ti)
            case Undecided
              with Cons.IH 2 have IH: "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  t" by simp
              from Undecided 1 Call Rule have "Γ,γ,p [Rule m' (Call chain)], Undecided  Undecided" by simp
              with IH  have" Γ,γ,p Rule m' (Call chain) # process_ret rs, Undecided  t" using seq'_cons by fast
              thus ?thesis using Rule Call by force
            case (Decision X)
              with 1 Rule Call have "Γ,γ,p [Rule m' (Call chain)], Undecided  Decision X" by simp
              moreover from 2 Decision have "t = Decision X" using decisionD by fast
              moreover from decision have "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Decision X  Decision X" by fast
              ultimately show ?thesis using seq_cons by (metis Call Rule process_ret.simps(7))
          case Return
          with Cons Rule show ?thesis
            by simp (metis matches.simps(2) matches_add_match_simp no_free_return nomatchD seqE_cons)
          case Empty
          show ?thesis 
            apply (insert Empty Cons Rule)
            apply(erule seqE_cons)
            apply (rename_tac ti)
            apply(case_tac ti)
             apply (simp add: seq_cons)
            apply (metis Rule_DecisionE emptyD state.distinct(1))
          case Unknown
          show ?thesis using Unknown_actions_False
            by (metis Cons.IH Cons.prems Rule Unknown nomatchD process_ret.simps(10) seqE_cons seq_cons)
          case Goto thus ?thesis  using Unknown_actions_False
            by (metis Cons.IH Cons.prems Rule Goto nomatchD process_ret.simps(8) seqE_cons seq_cons) 
qed simp

lemma add_match_rot_add_missing_ret_unfoldings:
  "Γ,γ,p add_match m (add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 rs2), Undecided  Undecided =
   Γ,γ,p add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 (add_match m rs2), Undecided  Undecided"
apply(simp add: add_missing_ret_unfoldings_alt add_match_add_missing_ret_unfoldings_rot add_match_add_match_MatchAnd_foldr[symmetric] iptables_bigstep_add_match_notnot_simp)
apply(cases "map (λr. MatchNot (get_match r)) [rrs1 . (get_action r) = Return]")
 apply(simp_all add: add_match_distrib)

text ‹Completeness›
theorem unfolding_complete: "Γ,γ,p rs,s  t    Γ,γ,p process_call Γ rs,s  t"
  proof (induction rule: iptables_bigstep_induct)
    case (Nomatch m a)
    thus ?case
      by (cases a) (auto intro: iptables_bigstep.intros simp add: not_matches_add_match_simp skip)
    case Seq
    thus ?case
      by(simp add: process_call_split seq')
    case (Call_return m a chain rs1 m' rs2)
    hence "Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided"
      by simp
    hence "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs1, Undecided  Undecided"
      by (rule iptables_bigstep_process_ret_undecided)
    with Call_return have "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs1 @ add_missing_ret_unfoldings rs1 (add_match (MatchNot m') (process_ret rs2)), Undecided  Undecided"
      by (metis matches_add_match_MatchNot_simp skip add_match_rot_add_missing_ret_unfoldings seq')
    with Call_return show ?case
      by (simp add: matches_add_match_simp process_ret_split_obvious)
    case Call_result
    thus ?case
      by (simp add: matches_add_match_simp iptables_bigstep_process_ret_undecided)
  qed (auto intro: iptables_bigstep.intros)

lemma process_ret_cases:
  "process_ret rs = rs  (rs1 rs2 m. rs = rs1@[Rule m Return]@rs2  (process_ret rs) = rs1@(process_ret ([Rule m Return]@rs2)))"
  proof (induction rs)
    case (Cons r rs)
    thus ?case
      apply(cases r, rename_tac m' a')
      apply(case_tac a')
              apply(erule disjE,simp,rule disjI2,elim exE,simp add: process_ret_split_obvious,
                metis append_Cons process_ret_split_obvious process_ret.simps(2))+
         apply(rule disjI2)
         apply(rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
         apply(rule_tac x="rs" in exI)
         apply(rule_tac x="m'" in exI)
        apply(erule disjE,simp,rule disjI2,elim exE,simp add: process_ret_split_obvious,
           metis append_Cons process_ret_split_obvious process_ret.simps(2))+
  qed simp

lemma process_ret_splitcases:
  obtains (id) "process_ret rs = rs"
        | (split) rs1 rs2 m where "rs = rs1@[Rule m Return]@rs2" and "process_ret rs = rs1@(process_ret ([Rule m Return]@rs2))"
 by (metis process_ret_cases)

lemma iptables_bigstep_process_ret_cases3:
  assumes "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided"
  obtains (noreturn) "Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided"
        | (return) rs1 rs2 m where "rs = rs1@[Rule m Return]@rs2" "Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided" "matches γ m p"
proof -
  have "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided  
    (Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided) 
    (rs1 rs2 m. rs = rs1@[Rule m Return]@rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p)"
  proof (induction rs)
    case Nil thus ?case by simp
    case (Cons r rs)
    from Cons obtain m a where r: "r = Rule m a" by (cases r) simp
    from r Cons show ?case
      proof(cases "a  Return")
        case True
        with r Cons.prems have prems_r: "Γ,γ,p [Rule m a], Undecided  Undecided " and prems_rs: "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided"
         apply(simp_all add: process_ret_split_fst_NeqReturn)
         apply(erule seqE_cons, frule iptables_bigstep_to_undecided, simp)+
        from prems_rs Cons.IH have "Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided 
                      (rs1 rs2 m. rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p)" by simp
        thus "Γ,γ,p r # rs, Undecided  Undecided  (rs1 rs2 m. r # rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p)"
          proof(elim disjE)
            assume "Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided"
            hence "Γ,γ,p r # rs, Undecided  Undecided" using prems_r by (metis r seq'_cons) 
            thus ?thesis by simp
            assume "(rs1 rs2 m. rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p)"
            from this obtain rs1 rs2 m' where "rs = rs1 @ [Rule m' Return] @ rs2" and "Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided" and "matches γ m' p" by blast
            hence "rs1 rs2 m. r # rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p"
              apply(rule_tac x="Rule m a # rs1" in exI)
              apply(rule_tac x=rs2 in exI)
              apply(rule_tac x=m' in exI)
              apply(simp add: r)
              using prems_r seq'_cons by fast
            thus ?thesis by simp
      case False
        hence "a = Return" by simp
        with Cons.prems r have prems: "Γ,γ,p add_match (MatchNot m) (process_ret rs), Undecided  Undecided" by simp
        show "Γ,γ,p r # rs, Undecided  Undecided  (rs1 rs2 m. r # rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p)"
          proof(cases "matches γ m p")
          case True
            (*the Cons premises are useless in this case*)
            hence "rs1 rs2 m. r # rs = rs1 @ Rule m Return # rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p"
               apply(rule_tac x="[]" in exI)
               apply(rule_tac x="rs" in exI)
               apply(rule_tac x="m" in exI)
               apply(simp add: skip r a = Return)
            thus ?thesis by simp
          case False
            with nomatch seq_cons False r have r_nomatch: "rs. Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided  Γ,γ,p r # rs, Undecided  Undecided" by fast
            note r_nomatch'=r_nomatch[simplified r a = Return] ― ‹r unfolded›
            from False not_matches_add_matchNot_simp prems have "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided" by fast
            with Cons.IH have IH: "Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided  (rs1 rs2 m. rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p)" .
            thus ?thesis
              proof(elim disjE)
                assume "Γ,γ,p rs, Undecided  Undecided"
                hence "Γ,γ,p r # rs, Undecided  Undecided" using r_nomatch by simp
                thus ?thesis by simp
                assume "rs1 rs2 m. rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p"
                from this obtain rs1 rs2 m' where "rs = rs1 @ [Rule m' Return] @ rs2" and "Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided" and "matches γ m' p" by blast
                hence "rs1 rs2 m. r # rs = rs1 @ [Rule m Return] @ rs2  Γ,γ,p rs1, Undecided  Undecided  matches γ m p" 
                  apply(rule_tac x="Rule m Return # rs1" in exI)
                  apply(rule_tac x="rs2" in exI)
                  apply(rule_tac x="m'" in exI)
                  by(simp add:  a = Return False r r_nomatch')
                thus ?thesis by simp
  with assms noreturn return show ?thesis by auto

lemma iptables_bigstep_process_ret_DecisionD: "Γ,γ,p process_ret rs, s  Decision X  Γ,γ,p rs, s  Decision X"
proof (induction rs arbitrary: s)
  case (Cons r rs)
  thus ?case
    apply(cases r, rename_tac m a)

    apply(case_tac "a  Return")
    apply(simp add: process_ret_split_fst_NeqReturn)
    apply(erule seqE_cons)
    apply(simp add: seq'_cons)

    apply(simp) (*case a = AReturn*)

    apply(case_tac "matches γ m p")
    apply(simp add: matches_add_match_MatchNot_simp skip) (*the prems becomes useless in this case*)
    apply (metis decision skipD)

    (*case ¬ matches*)
    apply(simp add: not_matches_add_matchNot_simp) (*get IH*)
    by (metis decision state.exhaust nomatch seq'_cons)
qed simp

subsection@{const process_ret} correctness›
lemma process_ret_add_match_dist1: "Γ,γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), s  t  Γ,γ,p add_match m (process_ret rs), s  t"
apply(induction rs arbitrary: s t)
 apply(simp add: add_match_def)
apply(rename_tac r rs s t)
apply(case_tac r)
apply(rename_tac m' a')
apply(case_tac a')
        apply(simp_all add: add_match_split_fst)
        apply(erule seqE_cons)
        using seq' apply(fastforce)
       apply(erule seqE_cons)
       using seq' apply(fastforce)
      apply(erule seqE_cons)
      using seq' apply(fastforce)
     apply(erule seqE_cons)
     using seq' apply(fastforce)
    apply(erule seqE_cons)
    using seq' apply(fastforce)
   apply(erule seqE_cons)
   using seq' apply(fastforce)
  apply(erule seqE_cons)
  using seq' apply(fastforce)
 apply(case_tac "matches γ (MatchNot (MatchAnd m m')) p")
  apply (meson seq'_cons seqE_cons)
 apply (meson seq'_cons seqE_cons)
by (metis decision decisionD matches.simps(1) matches_add_match_MatchNot_simp matches_add_match_simp
  not_matches_add_matchNot_simp not_matches_add_match_simp state.exhaust)

lemma process_ret_add_match_dist2: "Γ,γ,p add_match m (process_ret rs), s  t  Γ,γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), s  t"
apply(induction rs arbitrary: s t)
 apply(simp add: add_match_def)
apply(rename_tac r rs s t)
apply(case_tac r)
apply(rename_tac m' a')
apply(case_tac a')
        apply(simp_all add: add_match_split_fst)
        apply(erule seqE_cons)
        using seq' apply(fastforce)
       apply(erule seqE_cons)
       using seq' apply(fastforce)
      apply(erule seqE_cons)
      using seq' apply(fastforce)
     apply(erule seqE_cons)
     using seq' apply(fastforce)
    apply(erule seqE_cons)
    using seq' apply(fastforce)
   apply(erule seqE_cons)
   using seq' apply(fastforce)
  apply(erule seqE_cons)
  using seq' apply(fastforce)
 apply(case_tac "matches γ (MatchNot (MatchAnd m m')) p")
  apply (meson seq'_cons seqE_cons)
 apply (meson seq'_cons seqE_cons)
by (metis decision decisionD matches.simps(1) matches_add_match_MatchNot_simp matches_add_match_simp
  not_matches_add_matchNot_simp not_matches_add_match_simp state.exhaust)

(*such fuckup*)
lemma process_ret_add_match_dist: "Γ,γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), s  t  Γ,γ,p add_match m (process_ret rs), s  t"
by (metis process_ret_add_match_dist1 process_ret_add_match_dist2)

lemma process_ret_Undecided_sound:
  assumes "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), Undecided  Undecided"
  shows "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Undecided"
  proof (cases "matches γ m p")
    case False
    thus ?thesis
      by (metis nomatch)
    case True
    note matches = this
    show ?thesis
      using assms proof (induction rs)
        case Nil
        from call_result[OF matches, where Γ="Γ(chain  [])"]
        have "(Γ(chain  [])) chain = Some []  Γ(chain  []),γ,p [], Undecided  Undecided  Γ(chain  []),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Undecided"
          by simp
        thus ?case
          by (fastforce intro: skip)
        case (Cons r rs)
        obtain m' a' where r: "r = Rule m' a'" by (cases r) blast

        with Cons.prems have prems: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p process_ret (add_match m (Rule m' a' # rs)), Undecided  Undecided"
          by fast
        hence prems_simplified: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p process_ret (Rule m' a' # rs), Undecided  Undecided"
          using matches by (metis matches_add_match_simp process_ret_add_match_dist)

        have "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Undecided"
          proof (cases "a' = Return")
            case True
            note a' = this
            have "Γ(chain  Rule m' Return # rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Undecided"
              proof (cases "matches γ m' p")
                case True
                with matches show ?thesis
                  by (fastforce intro: call_return skip)
                case False
                note matches' = this
                hence "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret (Rule m' a' # rs), Undecided  Undecided"
                  by (metis prems_simplified update_Gamma_nomatch)
                with a' have "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p add_match (MatchNot m') (process_ret rs), Undecided  Undecided"
                  by simp
                with matches matches' have "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p add_match m (process_ret rs), Undecided  Undecided" 
                  by (simp add: matches_add_match_simp not_matches_add_matchNot_simp)
                with matches' Cons.IH show ?thesis
                  by (fastforce simp: update_Gamma_nomatch process_ret_add_match_dist)
            with a' show ?thesis
              by simp
            case False
            note a' = this
            with prems_simplified have "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p Rule m' a' # process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided"
              by (simp add: process_ret_split_fst_NeqReturn)
            hence step: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p [Rule m' a'], Undecided  Undecided"
            and   IH_pre: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided"
              by (metis seqE_cons iptables_bigstep_to_undecided)+
            from step have "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret rs, Undecided  Undecided"
              proof (cases rule: Rule_UndecidedE)
                case log thus ?thesis
                  using IH_pre by (metis empty iptables_bigstep.log update_Gamma_nochange1 update_Gamma_nomatch)
                case call thus ?thesis
                  using IH_pre by (metis update_Gamma_remove_call_undecided)
                case nomatch thus ?thesis
                  using IH_pre by (metis update_Gamma_nomatch)

            hence "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), Undecided  Undecided"
              by (metis matches matches_add_match_simp process_ret_add_match_dist)
            with Cons.IH have IH: "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Undecided"
              by fast

            from step show ?thesis
              proof (cases rule: Rule_UndecidedE)
                case log thus ?thesis using IH
                   by (simp add: update_Gamma_log_empty)
                case nomatch
                thus ?thesis
                  using IH by (metis update_Gamma_nomatch)
                case (call c)
                let ?Γ' = "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs)"
                from IH_pre show ?thesis
                  proof (cases rule: iptables_bigstep_process_ret_cases3)
                    case noreturn
                    with call have "?Γ',γ,p Rule m' (Call c) # rs, Undecided  Undecided"
                      by (metis step seq_cons)
                    from call have "?Γ' chain = Some (Rule m' (Call c) # rs)"
                      by simp
                    from matches show ?thesis
                      by (rule call_result) fact+
                    case (return rs1 rs2 new_m')
                    with call have "?Γ' chain = Some ((Rule m' (Call c) # rs1) @ [Rule new_m' Return] @ rs2)"
                      by simp
                    from call return step have "?Γ',γ,p Rule m' (Call c) # rs1, Undecided  Undecided"
                      using IH_pre by (auto intro: seq_cons)
                    from matches show ?thesis
                      by (rule call_return) fact+
        thus ?case
          by (metis r)

lemma process_ret_Decision_sound:
  assumes "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), Undecided  Decision X"
  shows "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Decision X"
  proof (cases "matches γ m p")
    case False
    thus ?thesis by (metis assms state.distinct(1) not_matches_add_match_simp process_ret_add_match_dist1 skipD)
    case True
    note matches = this
    show ?thesis
      using assms proof (induction rs)
        case Nil
        hence False by (metis add_match_split append_self_conv state.distinct(1) process_ret.simps(1) skipD)
        thus ?case by simp
        case (Cons r rs)
        obtain m' a' where r: "r = Rule m' a'" by (cases r) blast

        with Cons.prems have prems: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p process_ret (add_match m (Rule m' a' # rs)), Undecided  Decision X"
          by fast
        hence prems_simplified: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p process_ret (Rule m' a' # rs), Undecided  Decision X"
          using matches by (metis matches_add_match_simp process_ret_add_match_dist)

        have "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Decision X"
          proof (cases "a' = Return")
            case True
            note a' = this
            have "Γ(chain  Rule m' Return # rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  Decision X"
              proof (cases "matches γ m' p")
                case True
                with matches prems_simplified a' show ?thesis
                  by (auto simp: not_matches_add_match_simp dest: skipD)
                case False
                note matches' = this
                with prems_simplified have "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret (Rule m' a' # rs), Undecided  Decision X"
                  by (metis update_Gamma_nomatch)
                with a' matches matches' have "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p add_match m (process_ret rs), Undecided  Decision X" 
                  by (simp add: matches_add_match_simp not_matches_add_matchNot_simp)
                with matches matches' Cons.IH show ?thesis
                  by (fastforce simp: update_Gamma_nomatch process_ret_add_match_dist matches_add_match_simp not_matches_add_matchNot_simp)
            with a' show ?thesis
              by simp
            case False
            with prems_simplified obtain ti
              where step: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p [Rule m' a'], Undecided  ti"
                and IH_pre: "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p process_ret rs, ti  Decision X"
              by (auto simp: process_ret_split_fst_NeqReturn elim: seqE_cons)

            hence "Γ(chain  Rule m' a' # rs),γ,p rs, ti  Decision X"
              by (metis iptables_bigstep_process_ret_DecisionD)

            thus ?thesis
              using matches step by (force intro: call_result seq'_cons)
        thus ?case
          by (metis r)

lemma process_ret_result_empty: "[] = process_ret rs  r  set rs. get_action r = Return"
  proof (induction rs)
    case (Cons r rs)
    thus ?case
      apply(case_tac r)
      apply(rename_tac m a)
      apply(case_tac a)
              apply(simp_all add: add_match_def)
  qed simp

lemma process_ret_sound':
  assumes "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p process_ret (add_match m rs), Undecided  t"
  shows "Γ(chain  rs),γ,p [Rule m (Call chain)], Undecided  t"
using assms by (metis state.exhaust process_ret_Undecided_sound process_ret_Decision_sound)

lemma wf_chain_process_ret: "wf_chain Γ rs  wf_chain Γ (process_ret rs)"
  apply(induction rs)
  apply(simp add: wf_chain_def add_match_def)
  apply(case_tac a)
  apply(case_tac "x2  Return")
   apply(simp add: process_ret_split_fst_NeqReturn)
   using wf_chain_append apply (metis Cons_eq_appendI append_Nil)
  apply(simp add: process_ret_split_fst_Return)
  apply(simp add: wf_chain_def add_match_def get_action_case_simp)
lemma wf_chain_add_match: "wf_chain Γ rs  wf_chain Γ (add_match m rs)"
  by(induction rs) (simp_all add: wf_chain_def add_match_def get_action_case_simp)

theorem unfolding_sound: "wf_chain Γ rs  Γ,γ,p process_call Γ rs, s  t  Γ,γ,p rs, s  t"
proof (induction rs arbitrary: s t)
  case (Cons r rs)
  thus ?case
    apply -
    apply(subst(asm) process_call_split_fst)
    apply(erule seqE)

    unfolding wf_chain_def
    apply(case_tac r, rename_tac m a)
    apply(case_tac a)
            apply(simp_all add: seq'_cons)

    apply(case_tac s)
     apply (metis decision decisionD)
    apply(case_tac "matches γ m p")
     apply(simp add: not_matches_add_match_simp)
     apply(drule skipD, simp)
     apply (metis nomatch seq_cons)
    apply(simp add: matches_add_match_simp)
    apply(rule_tac t=ti in seq_cons)

    using process_ret_sound'
    by (metis fun_upd_triv matches_add_match_simp process_ret_add_match_dist)
qed simp

corollary unfolding_sound_complete: "wf_chain Γ rs  Γ,γ,p process_call Γ rs, s  t  Γ,γ,p rs, s  t"
by (metis unfolding_complete unfolding_sound)

corollary unfolding_n_sound_complete: "rsg  ran Γ  {rs}. wf_chain Γ rsg  Γ,γ,p ((process_call Γ)^^n) rs, s  t  Γ,γ,p rs, s  t"
  proof(induction n arbitrary: rs)
    case 0 thus ?case by simp
    case (Suc n)
      from Suc have "Γ,γ,p (process_call Γ ^^ n) rs, s  t = Γ,γ,p rs, s  t" by blast
      from Suc.prems have "aran Γ  {process_call Γ rs}. wf_chain Γ a"
        proof(induction rs)
          case Nil thus ?case by simp
          case(Cons r rs)
            from Cons.prems have "aran Γ. wf_chain Γ a" by blast
            from Cons.prems have "wf_chain Γ [r]"
              apply(simp add: wf_chain_def)
            from Cons.prems have "wf_chain Γ rs"
              apply(simp add: wf_chain_def)
            from this Cons.prems Cons.IH have "wf_chain Γ (process_call Γ rs)" by blast
            from this wf_chain Γ [r]have "wf_chain Γ (r # (process_call Γ rs))" by(simp add: wf_chain_def)
            from this Cons.prems have "wf_chain Γ (process_call Γ (r#rs))"
              apply(cases r)
              apply(rename_tac m a, clarify)
              apply(case_tac a)
              apply(simp add: wf_chain_append)
              apply(simp add: wf_chain Γ (process_call Γ rs))
              apply(rule wf_chain_add_match)
              apply(rule wf_chain_process_ret)
              apply(simp add: wf_chain_def)
              by (metis ranI option.sel)
          from this aran Γ. wf_chain Γ a show ?case by simp
      from this Suc.IH[of "((process_call Γ) rs)"] have 
        "Γ,γ,p (process_call Γ ^^ n) (process_call Γ rs), s  t = Γ,γ,p process_call Γ rs, s  t"
        by simp
    from this show ?case by (simp add: Suc.prems funpow_swap1 unfolding_sound_complete)

loops in the linux kernel:
/* Figures out from what hook each rule can be called: returns 0 if
   there are loops.  Puts hook bitmask in comefrom. */
   static int mark_source_chains(const struct xt_table_info *newinfo,
                   unsigned int valid_hooks, void *entry0)


lemma "process_call [''X''  [Rule (Match b) Return, Rule (Match c) Accept]] [Rule (Match a) (Call ''X'')] =
       [Rule (MatchAnd (Match a) (MatchAnd (MatchNot (Match b)) (Match c))) Accept]" by (simp add: add_match_def)

text‹This is how a firewall processes a ruleset. 
       It starts at a certain chain, usually INPUT, FORWARD, or OUTPUT (called @{term chain_name} in the lemma).
       The firewall has a default action of accept or drop.
      We can check @{const sanity_wf_ruleset} and the other assumptions at runtime.
      Consequently, we can apply @{const repeat_stabilize} as often as we want.

theorem repeat_stabilize_process_call:
    assumes "sanity_wf_ruleset Γ" and "chain_name  set (map fst Γ)" and "default_action = Accept  default_action = Drop"
    shows "(map_of Γ),γ,p repeat_stabilize n (process_call (map_of Γ)) [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action], s  t 
           (map_of Γ),γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action], s  t"
proof -
  have x: "sanity_wf_ruleset Γ  rs  ran (map_of Γ)  wf_chain (map_of Γ) rs" for Γ and rs::"'a rule list"
  apply(simp add: sanity_wf_ruleset_def wf_chain_def)
  by fastforce

  from assms(1) have 1: "rsg  ran (map_of Γ). wf_chain (map_of Γ) rsg"
    apply(intro ballI)
    apply(drule x, simp)
  let ?rs="[Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action]::'a rule list"
  from assms(2,3) have 2: "wf_chain (map_of Γ) ?rs"
    apply(simp add: wf_chain_def domD dom_map_of_conv_image_fst)
    by blast

  have "rsg  ran Γ  {rs}. wf_chain Γ rsg  
    Γ,γ,p repeat_stabilize n (process_call Γ) rs, s  t  Γ,γ,p rs, s  t" for Γ rs
  by(simp add: repeat_stabilize_funpow unfolding_n_sound_complete)
  moreover from 1 2 have "rsg  ran (map_of Γ)  {?rs}. wf_chain (map_of Γ) rsg" by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by simp

definition unfold_optimize_ruleset_CHAIN
  :: "('a match_expr  'a match_expr)  string  action  'a ruleset  'a rule list option"
"unfold_optimize_ruleset_CHAIN optimize chain_name default_action rs = (let rs =
  (repeat_stabilize 1000 (optimize_matches opt_MatchAny_match_expr)
    (optimize_matches optimize
      (rw_Reject (rm_LogEmpty (repeat_stabilize 10000 (process_call rs)
        [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action]
  in if simple_ruleset rs then Some rs else None)"

lemma unfold_optimize_ruleset_CHAIN:
    assumes "sanity_wf_ruleset Γ" and "chain_name  set (map fst Γ)"
    and "default_action = Accept  default_action = Drop"
    and "m. matches γ (optimize m) p = matches γ m p"
    and "unfold_optimize_ruleset_CHAIN optimize chain_name default_action (map_of Γ) = Some rs"
    shows "(map_of Γ),γ,p rs, s  t 
           (map_of Γ),γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action], s  t"
proof -
  from assms(5) have rs: "rs = repeat_stabilize 1000 (optimize_matches opt_MatchAny_match_expr)
      (optimize_matches optimize
            (repeat_stabilize 10000 (process_call (map_of Γ)) [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action]))))"
    by(simp add: unfold_optimize_ruleset_CHAIN_def Let_def split: if_split_asm)

  have optimize_matches_generic_funpow_helper: "(m. matches γ (f m) p = matches γ m p) 
        Γ,γ,p (optimize_matches f ^^ n) rs, s  t  Γ,γ,p rs, s  t"
    for Γ f n rs
    proof(induction n arbitrary:)
      case 0 thus ?case by simp
      case (Suc n) thus ?case
       apply(subst optimize_matches_generic[where P="λ_. True"])
       by simp_all

  have "(map_of Γ),γ,p rs, s  t  map_of Γ,γ,p repeat_stabilize 10000 (process_call (map_of Γ))
    [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action], s  t"
    apply(simp add: rs repeat_stabilize_funpow)
    apply(subst optimize_matches_generic_funpow_helper)
     apply (simp add: opt_MatchAny_match_expr_correct; fail)
    apply(subst optimize_matches_generic[where P="λ_. True"], simp_all add: assms(4))
    apply(simp add: iptables_bigstep_rw_Reject iptables_bigstep_rm_LogEmpty)
  also have "  (map_of Γ),γ,p [Rule MatchAny (Call chain_name), Rule MatchAny default_action], s  t"
    using assms(1,2,3) by(intro repeat_stabilize_process_call[of Γ chain_name default_action γ p 10000 s t]) simp_all
  finally show ?thesis .
