Theory Access_Matrix_Embeddings
theory Access_Matrix_Embeddings
imports Semantics_Embeddings
section‹Applying the Access Matrix to the Bigstep Semantics›
If the real iptables firewall (@{const iptables_bigstep}) accepts a packet, we have a corresponding
edge in the @{const access_matrix}.
corollary access_matrix_and_bigstep_semantics:
defines "preprocess rs ≡ upper_closure (optimize_matches abstract_for_simple_firewall (upper_closure (packet_assume_new rs)))"
and "newpkt p ≡ match_tcp_flags ipt_tcp_syn (p_tcp_flags p) ∧ p_tag_ctstate p = CT_New"
fixes γ :: "'i::len common_primitive ⇒ ('i, 'pkt_ext) tagged_packet_scheme ⇒ bool"
and p :: "('i::len, 'pkt_ext) tagged_packet_scheme"
assumes agree:"matcher_agree_on_exact_matches γ common_matcher"
and simple: "simple_ruleset rs"
and new: "newpkt p"
and matrix: "(V,E) = access_matrix ⦇pc_iiface = p_iiface p, pc_oiface = p_oiface p, pc_proto = p_proto p, pc_sport = p_sport p, pc_dport = p_dport p⦈ (to_simple_firewall (preprocess rs))"
and accept: "Γ,γ,p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision FinalAllow"
shows "∃s_repr d_repr s_range d_range. (s_repr, d_repr) ∈ set E ∧
(map_of V) s_repr = Some s_range ∧ (p_src p) ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range ∧
(map_of V) d_repr = Some d_range ∧ (p_dst p) ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range"
proof -
let ?c="⦇ pc_iiface = p_iiface p, c_oiface = p_oiface p, pc_proto = p_proto p,
pc_sport = p_sport p, pc_dport = p_dport p ⦈"
from new_packets_to_simple_firewall_overapproximation[OF agree simple] have
"{p. Γ,γ,p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision FinalAllow ∧ newpkt p}
{p. simple_fw (to_simple_firewall (preprocess rs)) p = Decision FinalAllow ∧ newpkt p}"
unfolding preprocess_def newpkt_def by blast
with accept new have "simple_fw (to_simple_firewall (preprocess rs)) p = Decision FinalAllow" by blast
hence "runFw_scheme (p_src p) (p_dst p) ?c p (to_simple_firewall (preprocess rs)) = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: runFw_scheme_def)
hence "runFw (p_src p) (p_dst p) ?c (to_simple_firewall (preprocess rs)) = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: runFw_scheme[symmetric])
with access_matrix[OF matrix] show ?thesis by presburger
corollary access_matrix_no_interfaces_and_bigstep_semantics:
defines "newpkt p ≡ match_tcp_flags ipt_tcp_syn (p_tcp_flags p) ∧ p_tag_ctstate p = CT_New"
fixes γ :: "'i::len common_primitive ⇒ ('i, 'pkt_ext) tagged_packet_scheme ⇒ bool"
and p :: "('i::len, 'pkt_ext) tagged_packet_scheme"
assumes agree:"matcher_agree_on_exact_matches γ common_matcher"
and simple: "simple_ruleset rs"
and wf_ipassmt1: "ipassmt_sanity_nowildcards (map_of ipassmt)" and wf_ipassmt2: "distinct (map fst ipassmt)"
and nospoofing: "∀(p::('i::len, 'pkt_ext) tagged_packet_scheme).
∃ips. (map_of ipassmt) (Iface (p_iiface p)) = Some ips ∧ p_src p ∈ ipcidr_union_set (set ips)"
and routing_decided: "⋀rtbl (p::('i,'pkt_ext) tagged_packet_scheme). rtblo = Some rtbl ⟹ output_iface (routing_table_semantics rtbl (p_dst p)) = p_oiface p"
and correct_routing: "⋀rtbl. rtblo = Some rtbl ⟹ correct_routing rtbl"
and routing_no_wildcards: "⋀rtbl. rtblo = Some rtbl ⟹ ipassmt_sanity_nowildcards (map_of (routing_ipassmt rtbl))"
and new: "newpkt p"
and matrix: "(V,E) = access_matrix ⦇pc_iiface = anyI, pc_oiface = anyO, pc_proto = p_proto p, pc_sport = p_sport p, pc_dport = p_dport p⦈
(to_simple_firewall_without_interfaces ipassmt rtblo rs)"
and accept: "Γ,γ,p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒ Decision FinalAllow"
shows "∃s_repr d_repr s_range d_range. (s_repr, d_repr) ∈ set E ∧
(map_of V) s_repr = Some s_range ∧ (p_src p) ∈ wordinterval_to_set s_range ∧
(map_of V) d_repr = Some d_range ∧ (p_dst p) ∈ wordinterval_to_set d_range"
proof -
let ?c="⦇ pc_iiface = p_iiface p, c_oiface = p_oiface p, pc_proto = p_proto p,
pc_sport = p_sport p, pc_dport = p_dport p ⦈"
let ?srs="to_simple_firewall_without_interfaces ipassmt rtblo rs"
note tosfw=to_simple_firewall_without_interfaces[OF simple wf_ipassmt1 wf_ipassmt2 nospoofing routing_decided correct_routing routing_no_wildcards, of rtblo, simplified]
from tosfw(2) have no_ifaces: "simple_firewall_without_interfaces ?srs" unfolding simple_firewall_without_interfaces_def by fastforce
from simple simple_imp_good_ruleset have "good_ruleset rs" by blast
with accept FinalAllow_approximating_in_doubt_allow[OF agree] have accept_ternary:
"(common_matcher, in_doubt_allow),p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒⇩α Decision FinalAllow" by blast
from tosfw(1) have
"{p.(common_matcher, in_doubt_allow),p⊢ ⟨rs, Undecided⟩ ⇒⇩α Decision FinalAllow ∧ newpkt p}
{p. simple_fw ?srs p = Decision FinalAllow ∧ newpkt p}"
unfolding newpkt_def by blast
with accept_ternary new have "simple_fw ?srs p = Decision FinalAllow" by blast
hence "runFw_scheme (p_src p) (p_dst p) ?c p ?srs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: runFw_scheme_def)
hence "runFw (p_src p) (p_dst p) ?c ?srs = Decision FinalAllow"
by(simp add: runFw_scheme[symmetric])
hence "runFw (p_src p) (p_dst p)
⦇pc_iiface = anyI, pc_oiface = anyO, pc_proto = p_proto p, pc_sport = p_sport p, pc_dport = p_dport p⦈ ?srs = Decision FinalAllow"
apply(subst runFw_no_interfaces[OF no_ifaces]) by simp
with access_matrix[OF matrix] show ?thesis by presburger