Theory LTS

theory LTS
imports Graph Labels SymExec

section‹Labelled Transition Systems›

text‹This theory is motivated by the need of an  abstract representation of control-flow graphs
(CFG). It is a refinement of the prior theory of (unlabelled) graphs and proceeds by decorating
their edges with \emph{labels} expressing assumptions and effects (assignments) on an underlying 
state. In this theory, we define LTSs and introduce a number of abbreviations that will ease 
stating and proving lemmas in the following theories.›

subsection‹Basic definitions›

text‹The labelled transition systems (LTS) we are heading for are constructed by
extending  rgraph›'s by a labelling function of the edges, using Isabelle extensible 

record ('vert,'var,'d) lts = "'vert rgraph" +
  labelling :: "'vert edge  ('var,'d) label"

text ‹We call \emph{initial location} the root of the underlying graph.›

abbreviation init :: 
"('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  'vert" 
  "init lts  root lts"

text ‹The set of labels of a LTS is the image set of its labelling function over its set of edges. 

abbreviation labels :: 
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  ('var,'d) label set" 
  "labels lts  labelling lts ` edges lts"

text ‹In the following, we will sometimes need to use the notion of \emph{trace} of 
a given sequence of edges with respect to the transition relation of an LTS.›

abbreviation trace :: 
  "'vert edge list  ('vert edge  ('var,'d) label)  ('var,'d) label list" 
  "trace as L  map L as"

text‹We are interested in a special form of Labelled Transition Systems; the prior
record definition is too liberal. We will constrain it to \emph{well-formed labelled transition

text ‹We first define an application that, given an LTS, returns its underlying graph.›

abbreviation graph :: 
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  'vert rgraph"
  "graph lts  rgraph.truncate lts"

text‹An LTS is well-formed if its underlying rgraph› is well-formed.›

abbreviation wf_lts :: 
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  bool" 
  "wf_lts lts  wf_rgraph (graph lts)"

text ‹In the following theories, we will sometimes need to account for the fact that we consider 
LTSs with a finite number of edges.›

abbreviation finite_lts :: 
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  bool" 
  "finite_lts lts   l  range (labelling lts). finite_label l"

subsection ‹Feasible sub-paths and paths›

text ‹A sequence of edges is a feasible sub-path of an LTS lts› from a configuration 
c› if it is a sub-path of the underlying graph of lts› and if it is feasible 
from the configuration c›.›

abbreviation feasible_subpath ::
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  ('var,'d) conf  'vert  'vert edge list  'vert  bool"
  "feasible_subpath lts pc l1 as l2  Graph.subpath lts l1 as l2 
                                     feasible pc (trace as (labelling lts))"
text ‹Similarly to sub-paths in rooted-graphs, we will not be always interested in the final 
vertex of a feasible sub-path. We use the following notion when we are not interested in this 

abbreviation feasible_subpath_from ::
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  ('var,'d) conf  'vert  'vert edge list  bool"
  "feasible_subpath_from lts pc l as   l'. feasible_subpath lts pc l as l'"

abbreviation feasible_subpaths_from ::
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  ('var,'d) conf  'vert  'vert edge list set"
  "feasible_subpaths_from lts pc l  {ts. feasible_subpath_from lts pc l ts}"

text ‹As earlier, feasible paths are defined as feasible sub-paths starting at the initial 
location of the LTS.›

abbreviation feasible_path ::
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  ('var,'d) conf  'vert edge list  'vert  bool"
  "feasible_path lts pc as l  feasible_subpath lts pc (init lts) as l"

abbreviation feasible_paths ::
  "('vert,'var,'d,'x) lts_scheme  ('var,'d) conf  'vert edge list set"
  "feasible_paths lts pc  {as.  l. feasible_path lts pc as l}"
