Theory Lib_Word_toString

theory Lib_Word_toString
imports Lib_Numbers_toString

context linordered_euclidean_semiring

lemma exp_estimate [simp]:
  numeral Num.One  2 ^ n  (is ?P1)
  numeral Num.One < 2 ^ n  1  n  (is ?P2)
  numeral (Num.Bit0 k)  2 ^ n  1  n  numeral k  2 ^ (n - 1)  (is ?P3)
  numeral (Num.Bit0 k) < 2 ^ n  1  n  numeral k < 2 ^ (n - 1)  (is ?P4)
  numeral (Num.Bit1 k)  2 ^ n  1  n  numeral k < 2 ^ (n - 1)  (is ?P5)
  numeral (Num.Bit1 k) < 2 ^ n  1  n  numeral k < 2 ^ (n - 1)  (is ?P6)
proof -
  show ?P1
    by simp
  show ?P2
    using one_less_power power_eq_if by auto

  let ?K = numeral k :: nat

  define m where m = n - 1
  then consider n = 0 | n = Suc m
    by (cases n) simp_all
  note Suc = this

  have 2 * ?K  2 * 2 ^ m  ?K  2 ^ m
    by linarith
  then have of_nat (2 * ?K)  of_nat (2 * 2 ^ m)  of_nat ?K  of_nat (2 ^ m)
    by (simp only: of_nat_le_iff)
  then show ?P3
    by (auto intro: Suc)

  have 2 * ?K < 2 * 2 ^ m  ?K < 2 ^ m
    by linarith
  then have of_nat (2 * ?K) < of_nat (2 * 2 ^ m)  of_nat ?K < of_nat (2 ^ m)
    by (simp only: of_nat_less_iff)
  then show ?P4
    by (auto intro: Suc)

  have Suc (2 * ?K)  2 * 2 ^ m  ?K < 2 ^ m
    by linarith
  then have of_nat (Suc (2 * ?K))  of_nat (2 * 2 ^ m)  of_nat ?K < of_nat (2 ^ m)
    by (simp only: of_nat_le_iff of_nat_less_iff)
  then show ?P5
    by (auto intro: Suc)

  have Suc (2 * ?K) < 2 * 2 ^ m  ?K < 2 ^ m
    by linarith
  then have of_nat (Suc (2 * ?K)) < of_nat (2 * 2 ^ m)  of_nat ?K < of_nat (2 ^ m)
    by (simp only: of_nat_less_iff)
  then show ?P6
    by (auto intro: Suc)



section‹Printing Machine Words›

(*imitation of*)
    lc = lower-case
    w  = word to print*)
definition string_of_word_single :: "bool  'a::len word  string" where
  "string_of_word_single lc w 
       w < 10
       [char_of (48 + unat w)]
     else if
       w < 36
       [char_of ((if lc then 87 else 55) + unat w)]

lemma "let word_upto = ((λ i j. map (of_nat  nat) [i .. j]) :: int  int  32 word list)
       in map (string_of_word_single False) (word_upto 1 35) =
  [''1'', ''2'', ''3'', ''4'', ''5'', ''6'', ''7'', ''8'', ''9'',
   ''A'', ''B'', ''C'', ''D'', ''E'', ''F'', ''G'', ''H'', ''I'',
   ''J'', ''K'', ''L'', ''M'', ''N'', ''O'', ''P'', ''Q'', ''R'',
   ''S'', ''T'', ''U'', ''V'', ''W'', ''X'', ''Y'', ''Z'']" by eval

(* parameters: lowercase, base, minimum length - 1, to-be-serialized word *) 
function string_of_word :: "bool  ('a :: len) word  nat  ('a :: len) word  string" where
  "string_of_word lc base ml w =
       base < 2  LENGTH('a) < 2
     else if
       w < base  ml = 0
       string_of_word_single lc w
       string_of_word lc base (ml - 1) (w div base) @ string_of_word_single lc (w mod base)
by pat_completeness auto

definition "hex_string_of_word l  string_of_word True (16 :: ('a::len) word) l"
definition "hex_string_of_word0  hex_string_of_word 0"
(* be careful though, these functions only make sense with words > length 4.
   With 4 bits, base 16 is not representable. *)
definition "dec_string_of_word0  string_of_word True 10 0"

termination string_of_word
	apply(relation "measure (λ(a,b,c,d). unat d + c)")
	 apply(rule wf_measure)
	apply(subst in_measure)
	subgoal for base ml n
    apply(case_tac "ml  0")
     apply(simp add: less_eq_Suc_le unat_div)
    apply(subgoal_tac "(n div base) < n")
     apply(blast intro: unat_mono)
    apply(rule div_less_dividend_word)
     apply (auto simp add: not_less word_le_nat_alt)

declare string_of_word.simps[simp del]

lemma "hex_string_of_word0 (0xdeadbeef42 :: 42 word) = ''deadbeef42''" by eval

lemma "hex_string_of_word 1 (0x1 :: 5 word) = ''01''" by eval
lemma "hex_string_of_word 8 (0xff::32 word) = ''0000000ff''" by eval

lemma "dec_string_of_word0 (8::32 word) = ''8''" by eval
lemma "dec_string_of_word0 (3::2 word) = ''11''" by eval
lemma "dec_string_of_word0 (-1::8 word) = ''255''" by eval

lemma string_of_word_single_atoi:
  "n < 10  string_of_word_single True n = [char_of (48 + unat n)]"
  by(simp add: string_of_word_single_def)

(*TODO: move!*)
lemma bintrunc_pos_eq: "x  0  take_bit n x = x  x < 2^n" for x :: int
  by (simp add: take_bit_int_eq_self_iff)

(*The following lemma [symmetric] as [code_unfold] may give some cool speedup*)
lemma string_of_word_base_ten_zeropad:
  fixes w ::"'a::len word"
  assumes lena: "LENGTH('a)  5" (*word must be long enough to encode 10 = 0xA*)
  shows "base = 10  zero = 0  string_of_word True base zero w = string_of_nat (unat w)"
proof(induction True base zero w rule: string_of_word.induct)
  case (1 base ml n)

  note  Word.word_less_no[simp del]
  note  Word.uint_bintrunc[simp del]

  define l where l = LENGTH('a) - 5
  with lena have l: LENGTH('a) = l + 5
    by simp

  have [simp]: take_bit LENGTH('a) (10 :: nat) = 10
    using lena by (auto simp add: take_bit_nat_eq_self_iff l Suc_lessI)

  have [simp]: take_bit LENGTH('a) (10 :: int) = 10
    using lena by (auto simp add: take_bit_int_eq_self_iff l)
      (smt (verit) zero_less_power)

  have unat_mod_ten: "unat (n mod 0xA) = unat n mod 10"
    by (simp add: nat_take_bit_eq unat_mod)
  have unat_div_ten: "(unat (n div 0xA)) = unat n div 10"
    by (simp add: nat_take_bit_eq unat_div)

  have n_less_ten_unat: "n < 0xA  (unat n < 10)"
    by (simp add: unat_less_helper)

  have "0xA  n  10  unat n" 
    by (simp add: nat_take_bit_eq word_le_nat_alt)

  hence n_less_ten_unat_not: "¬ n < 0xA  ¬ unat n < 10" by fastforce
  have not_wordlength_too_small: "¬ LENGTH('a) < 2" using lena by fastforce
  have "2  (0xA::'a word)"
    by simp
  hence ten_not_less_two: "¬ (0xA::'a word) < 2" by (simp add: Word.word_less_no Word.uint_bintrunc)
  with 1(2,3) have " ¬ (base < 2  LENGTH(32) < 2)"
  with 1 not_wordlength_too_small have IH: "¬ n < 0xA  string_of_word True 0xA 0 (n div 0xA) = string_of_nat (unat (n div 0xA))"
  show ?case
    apply(simp add: 1)
    apply(cases "n < 0xA")
     apply(subst(1) string_of_word.simps)
     apply(subst(1) string_of_nat.simps)
     apply(simp add: n_less_ten_unat)
       using lena apply(simp add: not_wordlength_too_small ten_not_less_two string_of_word_single_atoi)
    using sym[OF IH] apply(simp)
    apply(subst(1) string_of_word.simps)
    apply(subst(1) string_of_nat.simps)
    apply (simp add: string_of_word_single_atoi Word.word_mod_less_divisor unat_div_ten unat_mod_ten)
    using 10  n  10  unat n not_wordlength_too_small apply (auto simp add: not_less)

(*TODO: one for all words?*)
lemma dec_string_of_word0:
  "dec_string_of_word0 (w8:: 8 word) = string_of_nat (unat w8)"
  "dec_string_of_word0 (w16:: 16 word) = string_of_nat (unat w16)"
  "dec_string_of_word0 (w32:: 32 word) = string_of_nat (unat w32)"
  "dec_string_of_word0 (w64:: 64 word) = string_of_nat (unat w64)"
  "dec_string_of_word0 (w128:: 128 word) = string_of_nat (unat w128)"
  unfolding dec_string_of_word0_def
  using string_of_word_base_ten_zeropad by force+
