Theory Step_Spec
section "Misprediction and Speculative Semantics"
text ‹This theory formalizes an optimized speculative semantics, which allows for a characterization of the Spectre vulnerability, this work is inspired and based off the speculative semantics introduced by Cheang et al. \cite{Cheang}›
theory Step_Spec
imports Step_Basic
subsection "Misprediction Oracle"
text ‹The speculative semantics is parameterised by a misprediction oracle.
This consists of a predictor state:›
typedecl predState
text ‹Along with predicates "mispred" (which decides when a misprediction occurs), "resolve" (which decides for when a speculation is resolved)›
text ‹Both depend on the predictor state (which evolves via the update function) and the program counters of nested speculation›
locale Prog_Mispred =
Prog prog
for prog :: "com list"
fixes mispred :: "predState ⇒ pcounter list ⇒ bool"
and resolve :: "predState ⇒ pcounter list ⇒ bool"
and update :: "predState ⇒ pcounter list ⇒ predState"
subsection "Mispredicting Step"
text "stepM simply goes the other way than stepB at branches"
stepM :: "config × val llist × val llist ⇒ config × val llist × val llist ⇒ bool" (infix "→M" 55)
"pc < endPC ⟹ prog!pc = IfJump b pc1 pc2 ⟹
bval b s ⟹
(Config pc s, ibT, ibUT) →M (Config pc2 s, ibT, ibUT)"
"pc < endPC ⟹ prog!pc = IfJump b pc1 pc2 ⟹
¬ bval b s ⟹
(Config pc s, ibT, ibUT) →M (Config pc1 s, ibT, ibUT)"
subsubsection "State Transitions"
definition "finalM = final stepM"
lemma finalM_iff_aux:
"pc < endPC ∧ is_IfJump (prog!pc)
(∃cfg'. (Config pc s, ibT, ibUT) →M cfg')"
apply (cases s) subgoal for vst avst h p apply clarsimp
apply (cases "prog!pc")
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
subgoal by (auto elim: stepM.cases,meson IfFalse IfTrue) . .
lemma finalM_iff:
"finalM (Config pc (State vst avst h p), ibT, ibUT)
(pc ≥ endPC ∨ ¬ is_IfJump (prog!pc))"
using finalM_iff_aux unfolding finalM_def final_def
by (metis linorder_not_less)
lemma finalB_imp_finalM:
"finalB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ finalM (cfg, ibT, ibUT)"
apply(cases cfg) subgoal for pc s apply(cases s)
subgoal for vst avst h p apply clarsimp unfolding finalB_iff finalM_iff by auto . .
lemma not_finalM_imp_not_finalB:
"¬ finalM (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ ¬ finalB (cfg, ibT, ibUT)"
using finalB_imp_finalM by blast
lemma stepM_determ:
"cfg_ib →M cfg_ib' ⟹ cfg_ib →M cfg_ib'' ⟹ cfg_ib'' = cfg_ib'"
apply(induction arbitrary: cfg_ib'' rule: stepM.induct)
by (auto elim: stepM.cases)
definition nextM :: "config × val llist × val llist ⇒ config × val llist × val llist" where
"nextM cfg_ib ≡ SOME cfg'_ib'. cfg_ib →M cfg'_ib'"
lemma nextM_stepM: "¬ finalM cfg_ib ⟹ cfg_ib →M (nextM cfg_ib)"
unfolding nextM_def apply(rule someI_ex)
unfolding finalM_def final_def by auto
lemma stepM_nextM: "cfg_ib →M cfg'_ib' ⟹ cfg'_ib' = nextM cfg_ib"
unfolding nextM_def apply(rule sym) apply(rule some_equality)
using stepM_determ by auto
lemma nextM_iff_stepM: "¬ finalM cfg_ib ⟹ nextM cfg_ib = cfg'_ib' ⟷ cfg_ib →M cfg'_ib'"
using nextM_stepM stepM_nextM by blast
lemma stepM_iff_nextM: "cfg_ib →M cfg'_ib' ⟷ ¬ finalM cfg_ib ∧ nextM cfg_ib = cfg'_ib'"
by (metis finalM_def final_def stepM_nextM)
lemma nextM_IfTrue[simp]:
"pc < endPC ⟹ prog!pc = IfJump b pc1 pc2 ⟹
¬ bval b s ⟹
nextM (Config pc s, ibT, ibUT) = (Config pc1 s, ibT, ibUT)"
by(intro stepM_nextM[THEN sym] stepM.intros)
lemma nextM_IfFalse[simp]:
"pc < endPC ⟹ prog!pc = IfJump b pc1 pc2 ⟹
bval b s ⟹
nextM (Config pc s, ibT, ibUT) = (Config pc2 s, ibT, ibUT)"
by(intro stepM_nextM[THEN sym] stepM.intros)
subsection "Speculative Semantics"
text ‹A "speculative" configuration is a quadruple consisting of:
\item The predictor's state
\item The nonspeculative configuration (at level 0 so to speak)
\item The list of speculative configurations (modelling nested speculation, levels 1 to n, from left to right: so the last in this list is at the current speculaton level, n)
\item The list of inputs in the input buffer
text ‹We think of cfgs as a stack of configurations, one for each speculation level in a nested speculative execution.
At level 0 (empty list) we have the configuration for normal, non-speculative execution.
At each moment, only the top of the configuration stack, "hd cfgs" is active.›
type_synonym configS = "predState × config × config list × val llist × val llist × loc set"
context Prog_Mispred
text ‹The speculative semantics is more involved than both the normal and basic semantics, so a short description of each rule is provided:
\item Non\_spec\_ normal: when we are either not mispredicting or not at a branch and there is no current speculation, i.e. normal execution
\item Nonspec\_mispred: when we are mispredicting and at a branch, speculation occurs down the wrong branch, i.e. branch misprediction
\item Spec\_normal: when we are either not mispredicting or not at a branch BUT there is speculation, i.e. standard speculative execution
\item Spec\_mispred: when we are mispredicting and at a branch, AND also speculating... speculation occurs down the wrong branch, and we go to another speculation level i.e. nested speculative execution
\item Spec\_Fence: when there is current speculation and a Fence is hit, all speculation resolves
\item Spec Resolve: If the resolve predicate is true, resolution occurs for one speculation level. In contrast to Fences, resolve does not necessarily kill all speculation levels, but allows resolution one level at a time
stepS :: "configS ⇒ configS ⇒ bool" (infix "→S" 55)
"cfgs = [] ⟹
¬ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf cfg)) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate [pcOf cfg] ⟹
pstate' = pstate ⟹
¬ finalB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ (cfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹
cfgs' = [] ⟹
ls' = ls ∪ readLocs cfg
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
"cfgs = [] ⟹
is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf cfg)) ⟹ mispred pstate [pcOf cfg] ⟹
pstate' = update pstate [pcOf cfg] ⟹
¬ finalM (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ (cfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ (cfg1', ibT1', ibUT1') = nextM (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ⟹
cfgs' = [cfg1'] ⟹
ls' = ls ∪ readLocs cfg
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
¬ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)) ≠ Fence ⟹
pstate' = pstate ⟹
¬ is_getInput (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ⟹
¬ is_Output (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ⟹
¬ finalB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ (cfg1',ibT', ibUT') = nextB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ⟹
cfg' = cfg ⟹ cfgs' = butlast cfgs @ [cfg1'] ⟹
ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (last cfgs)
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ⟹ mispred pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
pstate' = update pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
¬ finalM (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ⟹
(lcfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ⟹ (cfg1', ibT1', ibUT1') = nextM (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ⟹
cfg' = cfg ⟹ cfgs' = butlast cfgs @ [lcfg'] @ [cfg1'] ⟹
ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (last cfgs)
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)) = Fence ⟹
pstate' = pstate ⟹ cfg' = cfg ⟹ cfgs' = [] ⟹
ibT = ibT' ⟹ ibUT = ibUT' ⟹ ls' = ls
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
pstate' = update pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
cfg' = cfg ⟹ cfgs' = butlast cfgs ⟹
ibT = ibT' ⟹ ibUT = ibUT' ⟹ ls' = ls
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
lemmas stepS_induct = stepS.induct[split_format(complete)]
subsubsection "State Transitions"
lemma stepS_nonspec_normal_iff[simp]:
"cfgs = [] ⟹ ¬ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf cfg)) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate [pcOf cfg]
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(pstate' = pstate ∧ ¬ finalB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ∧
(cfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ∧
cfgs' = [] ∧ ls' = ls ∪ readLocs cfg)"
apply(subst stepS.simps) by auto
lemma stepS_nonspec_normal_iff1[simp]:
"cfgs = [] ⟹ ¬ is_IfJump (prog!pc) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate [pc]
(pstate, (Config pc (State (Vstore vs) avst h p)), cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', (Config pc' (State (Vstore vs') avst' h' p')), cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(pstate' = pstate ∧ ¬ finalB ((Config pc (State (Vstore vs) avst h p)), ibT, ibUT) ∧
((Config pc' (State (Vstore vs') avst' h' p')), ibT', ibUT') = nextB ((Config pc (State (Vstore vs) avst h p)), ibT, ibUT) ∧
cfgs' = [] ∧ ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (Config pc (State (Vstore vs) avst h p)))"
using stepS_nonspec_normal_iff config.sel(1) by presburger
lemma stepS_nonspec_mispred_iff[simp]:
"cfgs = [] ⟹ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf cfg)) ⟹ mispred pstate [pcOf cfg]
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(∃cfg1' ibT1' ibUT1'. pstate' = update pstate [pcOf cfg] ∧
¬ finalM (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ∧ (cfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ∧
(cfg1', ibT1', ibUT1') = nextM (cfg, ibT, ibUT) ∧
cfgs' = [cfg1'] ∧ ls' = ls ∪ readLocs cfg)"
apply(subst stepS.simps) by auto
lemma stepS_spec_normal_iff[simp]:
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
¬ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)) ≠ Fence
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(∃cfg1'. pstate' = pstate ∧
¬ is_getInput (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ∧
¬ is_getInput (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ∧ ¬ is_Output (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ∧
¬ finalB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ∧ (cfg1',ibT',ibUT') = nextB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ∧
cfg' = cfg ∧ cfgs' = butlast cfgs @ [cfg1'] ∧ ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (last cfgs))"
apply(subst stepS.simps) by auto
lemma stepS_spec_mispred_iff[simp]:
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ⟹ mispred pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(∃cfg1' ibT1' ibUT1' lcfg'. pstate' = update pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ∧
¬ finalM (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ∧
(lcfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ∧
(cfg1', ibT1', ibUT1') = nextM (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ∧
cfg' = cfg ∧ cfgs' = butlast cfgs @ [lcfg'] @ [cfg1'] ∧ ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (last cfgs))"
apply(subst stepS.simps) by auto
lemma stepS_spec_Fence_iff[simp]:
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ⟹
prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)) = Fence
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(pstate' = pstate ∧ cfg = cfg' ∧ cfgs' = [] ∧ ibT' = ibT ∧ ibUT' = ibUT ∧ ls' = ls)"
apply(subst stepS.simps) by auto
lemma stepS_spec_resolve_iff[simp]:
"cfgs ≠ [] ⟹
resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)
(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')
(pstate' = update pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs) ∧
cfg' = cfg ∧ cfgs' = butlast cfgs ∧ ibT' = ibT ∧ ibUT' = ibUT ∧ ls' = ls)"
apply(subst stepS.simps) by auto
lemma stepS_cases[cases pred: stepS,
consumes 1,
case_names nonspec_normal nonspec_mispred
spec_normal spec_mispred spec_Fence spec_resolve]:
assumes "(pstate, cfg, cfgs, ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT', ibUT', ls')"
"cfgs = []"
"¬ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf cfg)) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate [pcOf cfg]"
"pstate' = pstate"
"¬ finalB (cfg, ibT, ibUT)"
"(cfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (cfg, ibT, ibUT)"
"cfgs' = []"
"ls' = ls ∪ readLocs cfg"
"cfgs = []"
"is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf cfg))" "mispred pstate [pcOf cfg]"
"pstate' = update pstate [pcOf cfg]"
"¬ finalM (cfg, ibT, ibUT)"
"(cfg', ibT', ibUT') = nextB (cfg, ibT, ibUT)"
"∃cfg1' ibT1' ibUT1'. (cfg1', ibT1', ibUT1') = nextM (cfg, ibT, ibUT)
∧ cfgs' = [cfg1']"
"ls' = ls ∪ readLocs cfg"
"cfgs ≠ []"
"¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"¬ is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs))) ∨ ¬ mispred pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)) ≠ Fence"
"pstate' = pstate"
"¬ is_getInput (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)))"
"¬ is_Output (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)))"
"cfg' = cfg"
"ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (last cfgs)"
"∃cfg1'. nextB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) = (cfg1',ibT',ibUT')
∧ cfgs' = butlast cfgs @ [cfg1']"
"cfgs ≠ []"
"¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"is_IfJump (prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)))" "mispred pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"pstate' = update pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"¬ finalM (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT)"
"cfg' = cfg"
"∃lcfg' cfg1' ibT1' ibUT1'.
nextB (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) = (lcfg',ibT',ibUT') ∧
(cfg1', ibT1', ibUT1') = nextM (last cfgs, ibT, ibUT) ∧
cfgs' = butlast cfgs @ [lcfg'] @ [cfg1']"
"ls' = ls ∪ readLocs (last cfgs)"
"cfgs ≠ []"
"¬ resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"prog!(pcOf (last cfgs)) = Fence"
"pstate' = pstate"
"cfg' = cfg"
"cfgs' = []"
"ibT' = ibT"
"ibUT' = ibUT"
"ls' = ls"
"cfgs ≠ []"
"resolve pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"pstate' = update pstate (pcOf cfg # map pcOf cfgs)"
"cfg' = cfg"
"cfgs' = butlast cfgs"
"ls' = ls"
"ibT' = ibT"
"ibUT' = ibUT"
using assms by (cases rule: stepS.cases, metis+)
lemma stepS_endPC: "pcOf cfg = endPC ⟹ ¬ (pstate, cfg, [], ibT, ibUT, ls) →S ss'"
apply(cases ss')
apply safe apply(cases rule: stepS_cases, auto)
using finalB_endPC apply blast
using finalB_endPC apply blast
using finalB_endPC finalB_imp_finalM by blast
stepsS :: "configS ⇒ configS ⇒ bool" (infix "→S*" 55)
where "x →S* y ≡ star stepS x y"
definition "finalS = final stepS"
lemmas finalS_defs = final_def finalS_def
lemma stepS_0: "(pstate, Config 0 s, [], ibT, ibUT, ls) →S (pstate, Config 1 s, [], ibT, ibUT, ls)"
using prog_0 apply-apply(rule nonspec_normal)
using One_nat_def stebB_0 stepB_nextB
by (auto simp: readLocs_def finalB_def final_def, meson)
lemma stepS_imp_stepB:"(pstate, cfg, [], ibT,ibUT, ls) →S (pstate', cfg', cfgs', ibT',ibUT', ls') ⟹ (cfg, ibT,ibUT) →B (cfg', ibT',ibUT')"
subgoal premises s
using s apply (cases rule: stepS_cases)
by (metis finalB_imp_finalM stepB_iff_nextB)+ .
subsubsection "Elimination Rules"
lemma stepS_Assign2E:
assumes ‹(ps3, cfg3, cfgs3, ibT3,ibUT3, ls3) →S (ps3', cfg3', cfgs3', ibT3',ibUT3', ls3')›
and ‹(ps4, cfg4, cfgs4, ibT4,ibUT4, ls4) →S (ps4', cfg4', cfgs4', ibT4',ibUT4', ls4')›
and ‹cfg3 = (Config pc3 (State (Vstore vs3) avst3 h3 p3))› and ‹cfg3' = (Config pc3' (State (Vstore vs3') avst3' h3' p3'))›
and ‹cfg4 = (Config pc4 (State (Vstore vs4) avst4 h4 p4))› and ‹cfg4' = (Config pc4' (State (Vstore vs4') avst4' h4' p4'))›
and ‹cfgs3 = []› and ‹cfgs4 = []›
and ‹prog!pc3 = (x ::= a)› and ‹pcOf cfg3 = pcOf cfg4›
shows ‹cfgs3' = [] ∧ cfgs4' = [] ∧
vs3' = (vs3(x := aval a (stateOf cfg3))) ∧
vs4' = (vs4(x := aval a (stateOf cfg4))) ∧
pc3' = Suc pc3 ∧ pc4' = Suc pc4 ∧ ls4' = ls4 ∪ readLocs cfg4 ∧
avst3' = avst3 ∧ avst4' = avst4 ∧ ls3' = ls3 ∪ readLocs cfg3 ∧
p3 = p3' ∧ p4 = p4'›
using assms apply clarify
apply-apply(frule stepS_imp_stepB[of ps3])
apply(frule stepS_imp_stepB[of ps4])
apply (drule stepB_AssignE[of _ _ _ _ _ _ pc3 vs3 avst3 h3 p3
pc3' vs3' avst3' h3' p3' x a], clarify+)
apply (drule stepB_AssignE[of _ _ _ _ _ _ pc4 vs4 avst4 h4 p4
pc4' vs4' avst4' h4' p4'], clarify+)
by fastforce+