Theory Overapproximation
section "Overapproximation of program semantics by the main type system"
theory Overapproximation
imports Idempotence
text ‹
As in my previous paper \<^cite>‹"Noce24"›, the purpose of this section is to prove that type system
@{const [names_short] noninterf.ctyping2} overapproximates program semantics, namely that if (a)
@{prop "(c, s, p) ⇒ (t, q)"}, (b) the type system outputs a @{typ "state set"} @{term B} and a
@{typ "vname set"} @{term Y} when it is input program @{term c}, @{typ "state set"} @{term A}, and
@{typ "vname set"} @{term X}, and (c) state @{term s} agrees with some state in @{term A} on the
value of each state variable in @{term X}, then @{term t} must agree with some state in @{term B} on
the value of each state variable in @{term Y} (lemma @{text ctyping2_approx}).
This proof makes use of the lemma @{text ctyping1_idem} proven in the previous section.
subsection "Global context proofs"
lemma avars_aval:
"s = t (⊆ avars a) ⟹ aval a s = aval a t"
by (induction a, simp_all)
subsection "Local context proofs"
context noninterf
lemma interf_set_mono:
"⟦A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X'; ∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y;
∀(B, Y) ∈ insert (Univ? A X, Z) U. B: Y ↝ W⟧ ⟹
∀(B, Y) ∈ insert (Univ? A' X', Z) U'. B: Y ↝ W"
by (subgoal_tac "Univ? A' X' ⊆ Univ? A X", fastforce,
auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
lemma btyping1_btyping2_aux_1 [elim]:
A: "avars a⇩1 = {}" and
B: "avars a⇩2 = {}" and
C: "aval a⇩1 (λx. 0) < aval a⇩2 (λx. 0)"
shows "aval a⇩1 s < aval a⇩2 s"
proof -
have "aval a⇩1 s = aval a⇩1 (λx. 0) ∧ aval a⇩2 s = aval a⇩2 (λx. 0)"
using A and B by (blast intro: avars_aval)
thus ?thesis
using C by simp
lemma btyping1_btyping2_aux_2 [elim]:
A: "avars a⇩1 = {}" and
B: "avars a⇩2 = {}" and
C: "¬ aval a⇩1 (λx. 0) < aval a⇩2 (λx. 0)" and
D: "aval a⇩1 s < aval a⇩2 s"
shows False
proof -
have "aval a⇩1 s = aval a⇩1 (λx. 0) ∧ aval a⇩2 s = aval a⇩2 (λx. 0)"
using A and B by (blast intro: avars_aval)
thus ?thesis
using C and D by simp
lemma btyping1_btyping2_aux:
"⊢ b = Some v ⟹ ⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some (if v then A else {})"
by (induction b arbitrary: v, auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma btyping1_btyping2:
"⊢ b = Some v ⟹ ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (if v then (A, {}) else ({}, A))"
by (simp add: btyping2_def btyping1_btyping2_aux)
lemma btyping2_aux_subset:
"⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some A' ⟹ A' = {s. s ∈ A ∧ bval b s}"
by (induction b arbitrary: A', auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma btyping2_aux_diff:
"⟦⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some B; ⊫ b (⊆ A', X') = Some B'; A' ⊆ A; B' ⊆ B⟧ ⟹
A' - B' ⊆ A - B"
by (blast dest: btyping2_aux_subset)
lemma btyping2_aux_mono:
"⟦⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some B; A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X'⟧ ⟹
∃B'. ⊫ b (⊆ A', X') = Some B' ∧ B' ⊆ B"
by (induction b arbitrary: B, auto dest: btyping2_aux_diff split:
if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma btyping2_mono:
"⟦⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2); ⊨ b (⊆ A', X') = (B⇩1', B⇩2'); A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X'⟧ ⟹
B⇩1' ⊆ B⇩1 ∧ B⇩2' ⊆ B⇩2"
by (simp add: btyping2_def split: option.split_asm,
frule_tac [3-4] btyping2_aux_mono, auto dest: btyping2_aux_subset)
lemma btyping2_un_eq:
"⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2) ⟹ B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2 = A"
by (auto simp: btyping2_def dest: btyping2_aux_subset split: option.split_asm)
lemma btyping2_aux_eq:
"⟦⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some A'; s = t (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹ bval b s = bval b t"
proof (induction b arbitrary: A')
fix A' v
"⟦⊫ Bc v (⊆ A, X) = Some A'; s = t (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
bval (Bc v) s = bval (Bc v) t"
by simp
fix A' b
"⟦⋀A'. ⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some A' ⟹ s = t (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
bval b s = bval b t;
⊫ Not b (⊆ A, X) = Some A'; s = t (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
bval (Not b) s = bval (Not b) t"
by (simp split: option.split_asm)
fix A' b⇩1 b⇩2
"⟦⋀A'. ⊫ b⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some A' ⟹ s = t (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
bval b⇩1 s = bval b⇩1 t;
⋀A'. ⊫ b⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some A' ⟹ s = t (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹
bval b⇩2 s = bval b⇩2 t;
⊫ And b⇩1 b⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some A'; s = t (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
bval (And b⇩1 b⇩2) s = bval (And b⇩1 b⇩2) t"
by (simp split: option.split_asm)
fix A' a⇩1 a⇩2
"⟦⊫ Less a⇩1 a⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some A'; s = t (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
bval (Less a⇩1 a⇩2) s = bval (Less a⇩1 a⇩2) t"
by (subgoal_tac "aval a⇩1 s = aval a⇩1 t",
subgoal_tac "aval a⇩2 s = aval a⇩2 t",
auto intro!: avars_aval split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping1_mono_fst:
"⟦⊢ c (⊆ A, X) = (B, Y); ⊢ c (⊆ A', X') = (B', Y'); A' ⊆ A⟧ ⟹
B' ⊆ B"
by (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
lemma ctyping1_mono:
A: "⊢ c (⊆ A, X) = (B, Y)" and
B: "⊢ c (⊆ A', X') = (B', Y')" and
C: "A' ⊆ A" and
D: "X ⊆ X'"
shows "B' ⊆ B ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
proof (rule conjI, rule ctyping1_mono_fst [OF A B C])
fix x
assume "x ∉ Univ?? A' {x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys ∈ ⊢ c}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X' else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None}"
moreover from this have "A' ≠ {}"
by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have "¬ (∀f.
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X' else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None))"
(is "¬ ?P X'")
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume "?P X"
hence "?P X'"
using D by fastforce
ultimately have False
by contradiction
with A and B and C show "Y ⊆ Y'"
by (cases "A = {}", auto simp: ctyping1_def)
lemma ctyping2_mono_skip [elim!]:
"⟦(U, False) ⊨ SKIP (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z); A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X'⟧ ⟹
∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ SKIP (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Z') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
by (clarsimp, subgoal_tac "Univ?? C X = X", force+)
lemma ctyping2_mono_assign [elim!]:
"⟦(U, False) ⊨ x ::= a (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z); A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X';
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y⟧ ⟹
∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ x ::= a (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Z') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
by (frule interf_set_mono [where W = "{x}"], auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping2_mono_input [elim!]:
"⟦(U, False) ⊨ IN x (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z); A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X';
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y⟧ ⟹
∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ IN x (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Z') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
by (frule interf_set_mono [where W = "{x}"], auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping2_mono_output [elim!]:
"⟦(U, False) ⊨ OUT x (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z); A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X';
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y⟧ ⟹
∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ OUT x (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Z') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
by (frule interf_set_mono [where W = "{x}"], auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping2_mono_seq:
A: "⋀A' B X' Y U'.
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ X ⊆ X' ⟹
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃B' Y'. (U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A', X') = Some (B', Y') ∧
B' ⊆ B ∧ Y ⊆ Y'" and
B: "⋀p B Y B' C Y' Z U'.
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some p ⟹ (B, Y) = p ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = Some (C, Z) ⟹ B' ⊆ B ⟹ Y ⊆ Y' ⟹
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = Some (C', Z') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'" and
C: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z)" and
D: "A' ⊆ A" and
E: "X ⊆ X'" and
F: "∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y"
shows "∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Z') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
proof -
obtain B Y where "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ∧
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = Some (C, Z)"
using C by (auto split: option.split_asm)
moreover from this obtain B' Y' where
G: "(U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A', X') = Some (B', Y') ∧ B' ⊆ B ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
using A and D and E and F by fastforce
ultimately obtain C' Z' where
"(U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = Some (C', Z') ∧ C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
using B and F by fastforce
thus ?thesis
using G by simp
lemma ctyping2_mono_or:
A: "⋀A' C⇩1 X' Y⇩1 U'.
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C⇩1, Y⇩1) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ X ⊆ X' ⟹
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃C⇩1' Y⇩1'. (U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A', X') = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1') ∧
C⇩1' ⊆ C⇩1 ∧ Y⇩1 ⊆ Y⇩1'" and
B: "⋀A' C⇩2 X' Y⇩2 U'.
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C⇩2, Y⇩2) ⟹ A' ⊆ A ⟹ X ⊆ X' ⟹
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃C⇩2' Y⇩2'. (U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A', X') = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2') ∧
C⇩2' ⊆ C⇩2 ∧ Y⇩2 ⊆ Y⇩2'" and
C: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y)" and
D: "A' ⊆ A" and
E: "X ⊆ X'" and
F: "∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y"
shows "∃C' Y'. (U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Y') ∧
C' ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
proof -
obtain C⇩1 C⇩2 Y⇩1 Y⇩2 where
G: "(C, Y) = (C⇩1 ∪ C⇩2, Y⇩1 ∩ Y⇩2) ∧
Some (C⇩1, Y⇩1) = (U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) ∧
Some (C⇩2, Y⇩2) = (U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X)"
using C by (simp split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
moreover have H: "∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y"
using F by simp
ultimately have "∃C⇩1' Y⇩1'.
(U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A', X') = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1') ∧ C⇩1' ⊆ C⇩1 ∧ Y⇩1 ⊆ Y⇩1'"
using A and D and E by simp
moreover have "∃C⇩2' Y⇩2'.
(U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A', X') = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2') ∧ C⇩2' ⊆ C⇩2 ∧ Y⇩2 ⊆ Y⇩2'"
using B and D and E and G and H by simp
ultimately show ?thesis
using G by auto
lemma ctyping2_mono_if:
A: "⋀W p B⇩1 B⇩2 B⇩1' C⇩1 X' Y⇩1 W'. (W, p) =
(insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹ (B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹
(W, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C⇩1, Y⇩1) ⟹ B⇩1' ⊆ B⇩1 ⟹
X ⊆ X' ⟹ ∀(B', Y') ∈ W'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ W. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃C⇩1' Y⇩1'. (W', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1', X') = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1') ∧
C⇩1' ⊆ C⇩1 ∧ Y⇩1 ⊆ Y⇩1'" and
B: "⋀W p B⇩1 B⇩2 B⇩2' C⇩2 X' Y⇩2 W'. (W, p) =
(insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹ (B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹
(W, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C⇩2, Y⇩2) ⟹ B⇩2' ⊆ B⇩2 ⟹
X ⊆ X' ⟹ ∀(B', Y') ∈ W'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ W. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃C⇩2' Y⇩2'. (W', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2', X') = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2') ∧
C⇩2' ⊆ C⇩2 ∧ Y⇩2 ⊆ Y⇩2'" and
C: "(U, False) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y)" and
D: "A' ⊆ A" and
E: "X ⊆ X'" and
F: "∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y"
shows "∃C' Y'. (U', False) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A', X') =
Some (C', Y') ∧ C' ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
proof -
let ?W = "insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U"
let ?W' = "insert (Univ? A' X', bvars b) U'"
obtain B⇩1 B⇩2 C⇩1 C⇩2 Y⇩1 Y⇩2 where
G: "(C, Y) = (C⇩1 ∪ C⇩2, Y⇩1 ∩ Y⇩2) ∧ (B⇩1, B⇩2) = ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) ∧
Some (C⇩1, Y⇩1) = (?W, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) ∧
Some (C⇩2, Y⇩2) = (?W, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X)"
using C by (simp split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
moreover obtain B⇩1' B⇩2' where H: "(B⇩1', B⇩2') = ⊨ b (⊆ A', X')"
by (cases "⊨ b (⊆ A', X')", simp)
ultimately have I: "B⇩1' ⊆ B⇩1 ∧ B⇩2' ⊆ B⇩2"
by (metis btyping2_mono D E)
moreover have J: "∀(B', Y') ∈ ?W'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ ?W. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y"
using D and E and F by (auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
ultimately have "∃C⇩1' Y⇩1'.
(?W', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1', X') = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1') ∧ C⇩1' ⊆ C⇩1 ∧ Y⇩1 ⊆ Y⇩1'"
using A and E and G by force
moreover have "∃C⇩2' Y⇩2'.
(?W', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2', X') = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2') ∧ C⇩2' ⊆ C⇩2 ∧ Y⇩2 ⊆ Y⇩2'"
using B and E and G and I and J by force
ultimately show ?thesis
using G and H by (auto split: prod.split)
lemma ctyping2_mono_while:
A: "⋀B⇩1 B⇩2 C Y B⇩1' B⇩2' D⇩1 E X' V U'. (B⇩1, B⇩2) = ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) ⟹
(C, Y) = ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) ⟹ (B⇩1', B⇩2') = ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) ⟹
∀(B, W) ∈ insert (Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y, bvars b) U.
B: W ↝ UNIV ⟹
({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (E, V) ⟹ D⇩1 ⊆ B⇩1 ⟹
X ⊆ X' ⟹ ∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ {}. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃E' V'. (U', False) ⊨ c (⊆ D⇩1, X') = Some (E', V') ∧
E' ⊆ E ∧ V ⊆ V'" and
B: "⋀B⇩1 B⇩2 C Y B⇩1' B⇩2' D⇩1' F Y' W U'. (B⇩1, B⇩2) = ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) ⟹
(C, Y) = ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) ⟹ (B⇩1', B⇩2') = ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) ⟹
∀(B, W) ∈ insert (Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y, bvars b) U.
B: W ↝ UNIV ⟹
({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = Some (F, W) ⟹ D⇩1' ⊆ B⇩1' ⟹
Y ⊆ Y' ⟹ ∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ {}. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y ⟹
∃F' W'. (U', False) ⊨ c (⊆ D⇩1', Y') = Some (F', W') ∧
F' ⊆ F ∧ W ⊆ W'" and
C: "(U, False) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Z)" and
D: "A' ⊆ A" and
E: "X ⊆ X'" and
F: "∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y"
shows "∃B' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A', X') = Some (B', Z') ∧
B' ⊆ B ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
proof -
obtain B⇩1 B⇩1' B⇩2 B⇩2' C E F V W Y where G: "(B⇩1, B⇩2) = ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) ∧
(C, Y) = ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) ∧ (B⇩1', B⇩2') = ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) ∧
(∀(B, W) ∈ insert (Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y, bvars b) U. B: W ↝ UNIV) ∧
Some (E, V) = ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) ∧
Some (F, W) = ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) ∧
(B, Z) = (B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2', Univ?? B⇩2 X ∩ Y)"
using C by (force split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
moreover obtain D⇩1 D⇩2 where H: "⊨ b (⊆ A', X') = (D⇩1, D⇩2)"
by (cases "⊨ b (⊆ A', X')", simp)
ultimately have I: "D⇩1 ⊆ B⇩1 ∧ D⇩2 ⊆ B⇩2"
by (smt (verit) btyping2_mono D E)
moreover obtain C' Y' where J: "⊢ c (⊆ D⇩1, X') = (C', Y')"
by (cases "⊢ c (⊆ D⇩1, X')", simp)
ultimately have K: "C' ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
by (smt (verit) ctyping1_mono E G)
moreover obtain D⇩1' D⇩2' where L: "⊨ b (⊆ C', Y') = (D⇩1', D⇩2')"
by (cases "⊨ b (⊆ C', Y')", simp)
ultimately have M: "D⇩1' ⊆ B⇩1' ∧ D⇩2' ⊆ B⇩2'"
by (smt (verit) btyping2_mono G)
then obtain F' W' where
"({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ D⇩1', Y') = Some (F', W') ∧ F' ⊆ F ∧ W ⊆ W'"
using B and F and G and K by force
moreover obtain E' V' where
"({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ D⇩1, X') = Some (E', V') ∧ E' ⊆ E ∧ V ⊆ V'"
using A and E and F and G and I by force
moreover have "Univ? A' X' ⊆ Univ? A X"
using D and E by (auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
moreover have "Univ? C' Y' ⊆ Univ? C Y"
using K by (auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
ultimately have "(U', False) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A', X') =
Some (D⇩2 ∪ D⇩2', Univ?? D⇩2 X' ∩ Y')"
using F and G and H and J and L by force
moreover have "D⇩2 ∪ D⇩2' ⊆ B"
using G and I and M by auto
moreover have "Z ⊆ Univ?? D⇩2 X' ∩ Y'"
using E and G and I and K by auto
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
lemma ctyping2_mono:
"⟦(U, False) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z); A' ⊆ A; X ⊆ X';
∀(B', Y') ∈ U'. ∃(B, Y) ∈ U. B' ⊆ B ∧ Y' ⊆ Y⟧ ⟹
∃C' Z'. (U', False) ⊨ c (⊆ A', X') = Some (C', Z') ∧ C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
apply (induction "(U, False)" c A X arbitrary: A' C X' Z U U'
rule: ctyping2.induct)
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (erule ctyping2_mono_seq, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping2_mono_or, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping2_mono_if, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping2_mono_while, assumption+)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_assign [elim!]:
A: "⊢ x ::= a (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ x ::= a (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')"
shows "C' ⊆ C"
proof -
let ?F = "λx' w. if x = x'
then (x, w) # [y←[]. fst y = x']
else [y←[]. fst y = x']"
fix s'
assume "s' ∈ C'"
moreover assume "x ∈ state" and C: "avars a = {}"
ultimately obtain s where D: "s ∈ A" and E: "s' = s(x := aval a s)"
using B by (auto split: if_split_asm)
have "∃s.
(∃t. s' = (λx'. if ?F x' (Some (aval a (λx. 0))) = []
then s x'
else case snd (last (?F x' (Some (aval a (λx. 0))))) of
None ⇒ t x' | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
s ∈ A"
apply (insert C E)
apply (rule exI [of _ s])
apply (rule conjI [OF _ D])
apply (rule exI [of _ "λx. 0"])
by (fastforce intro: avars_aval)
moreover {
fix s'
assume "s' ∈ C'"
moreover assume "x ∈ state" and "avars a ≠ {}"
ultimately obtain s where C: "s ∈ A" and D: "s' = s"
using B by (simp split: if_split_asm)
have "∃s.
(∃t. s' = (λx'. if ?F x' None = []
then s x'
else case snd (last (?F x' None)) of
None ⇒ t x' | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
s ∈ A"
apply (insert D)
apply (rule exI [of _ s])
apply (rule conjI [OF _ C])
apply (rule exI [of _ s])
by auto
moreover {
fix s'
assume "s' ∈ C'" and "x ∉ state"
hence "s' ∈ A"
using B by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately show ?thesis
using A by (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_input [elim!]:
A: "⊢ IN x (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ IN x (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')"
shows "C' ⊆ C"
proof -
let ?F = "λx'. if x = x'
then (x, None) # [y←[]. fst y = x']
else [y←[]. fst y = x']"
fix s'
assume "s' ∈ C'"
moreover assume "x ∈ state"
ultimately obtain s where C: "s ∈ A" and D: "s' = s"
using B by (simp split: if_split_asm)
have "∃s.
(∃t. s' = (λx'. if ?F x' = []
then s x'
else case snd (last (?F x')) of
None ⇒ t x' | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
s ∈ A"
apply (insert D)
apply (rule exI [of _ s])
apply (rule conjI [OF _ C])
apply (rule exI [of _ s])
by auto
moreover {
fix s'
assume "s' ∈ C'" and "x ∉ state"
hence "s' ∈ A"
using B by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately show ?thesis
using A by (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_output [elim!]:
"⟦⊢ OUT x (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z);
(U, False) ⊨ OUT x (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
C' ⊆ C"
by (simp add: ctyping1_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_seq:
A: "⊢ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')" and
C: "⋀B B' Y Y'. ⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (B, Y) ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B', Y') ⟹ B' ⊆ B" and
D: "⋀p B' Y' D' C' W' Z'.
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some p ⟹ (B', Y') = p ⟹
⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = (D', W') ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = Some (C', Z') ⟹ C' ⊆ D'"
shows "C' ⊆ C"
proof -
obtain B' Y' where E: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B', Y')" and
"(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = Some (C', Z')"
using B by (auto split: option.split_asm)
moreover obtain D' W' where F: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = (D', W')"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y')", simp)
ultimately have G: "C' ⊆ D'"
using D by simp
obtain B Y where H: "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (B, Y)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X)", simp)
hence "B' ⊆ B"
using C and E by simp
moreover obtain D W where I: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = (D, W)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y)", simp)
ultimately have "D' ⊆ D"
using F by (blast dest: ctyping1_mono_fst)
moreover {
fix ys ys' s t and t' :: state
assume K: "s ∈ A"
assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1" and "ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence L: "ys @ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔⇩@ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_append_def
ctyping1_append_def ctyping1_merge_def)
let ?f = "λx. [y←ys @ ys'. fst y = x]"
let ?t = "λx. if [y←ys'. fst y = x] = [] then t x else t' x"
have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys'. fst y = x] = []
then if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i
else case snd (last [y←ys'. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t'' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys''. f = (λx. [y←ys''. fst y = x]) ∧ ys'' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔⇩@ ⊢ c⇩2) ∧ s' ∈ A"
apply (insert K L)
apply (rule exI [of _ ?f])
apply (rule exI [of _ s])
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule exI [of _ ?t])
apply fastforce
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule exI [of _ "ys @ ys'"])
by simp_all
hence "D ⊆ C"
using A and H and I by (auto simp: ctyping1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using G by simp
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_or:
A: "⊢ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y')" and
C: "⋀C C' Y Y'. ⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ C' ⊆ C" and
D: "⋀C C' Y Y'. ⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ C' ⊆ C"
shows "C' ⊆ C"
proof -
obtain C⇩1' C⇩2' Y⇩1' Y⇩2' where
E: "(C', Y') = (C⇩1' ∪ C⇩2', Y⇩1' ∩ Y⇩2')" and
F: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1')" and
G: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2')"
using B by (auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
obtain C⇩1 Y⇩1 where H: "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (C⇩1, Y⇩1)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X)", simp)
hence "C⇩1' ⊆ C⇩1"
using C and F by simp
moreover obtain C⇩2 Y⇩2 where I: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C⇩2, Y⇩2)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X)", simp)
hence "C⇩2' ⊆ C⇩2"
using D and G by simp
ultimately have "C' ⊆ C⇩1 ∪ C⇩2"
using E by blast
moreover {
fix ys s t
assume "s ∈ A"
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys'. f = (λx. [y←ys'. fst y = x]) ∧ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ∧ s' ∈ A"
by fastforce
hence "C⇩1 ⊆ C"
using A and H by (auto simp: ctyping1_def)
moreover {
fix ys s t
assume "s ∈ A"
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys'. f = (λx. [y←ys'. fst y = x]) ∧ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ∧ s' ∈ A"
by fastforce
hence "C⇩2 ⊆ C"
using A and I by (auto simp: ctyping1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_if:
A: "⊢ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y')" and
C: "⋀U' p B⇩1 B⇩2 C C' Y Y'.
(U', p) = (insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹ ⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ C' ⊆ C" and
D: "⋀U' p B⇩1 B⇩2 C C' Y Y'.
(U', p) = (insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹ ⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ C' ⊆ C"
shows "C' ⊆ C"
proof -
let ?U' = "insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U"
obtain B⇩1 B⇩2 C⇩1' C⇩2' Y⇩1' Y⇩2' where
E: "(C', Y') = (C⇩1' ∪ C⇩2', Y⇩1' ∩ Y⇩2')" and
F: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
G: "(?U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1')" and
H: "(?U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2')"
using B by (auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
obtain C⇩1 Y⇩1 where I: "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C⇩1, Y⇩1)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X)", simp)
hence "C⇩1' ⊆ C⇩1"
using C and F and G by simp
moreover obtain C⇩2 Y⇩2 where J: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = (C⇩2, Y⇩2)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X)", simp)
hence "C⇩2' ⊆ C⇩2"
using D and F and H by simp
ultimately have K: "C' ⊆ C⇩1 ∪ C⇩2"
using E by blast
fix ys s t
assume "s ∈ B⇩1"
hence "s ∈ A"
using F by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys'. f = (λx. [y←ys'. fst y = x]) ∧ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ∧ s' ∈ A"
by fastforce
moreover {
fix ys s t
assume "s ∈ B⇩1"
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ {}"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys'. f = (λx. [y←ys'. fst y = x]) ∧ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ {}) ∧ s' ∈ B⇩1"
by fastforce
ultimately have L: "C⇩1 ⊆ C"
using A and F and I by (cases "⊢ b", auto
dest!: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X] simp: ctyping1_def)
fix ys s t
assume "s ∈ B⇩2"
hence "s ∈ A"
using F by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys'. f = (λx. [y←ys'. fst y = x]) ∧ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ∧ s' ∈ A"
by fastforce
moreover {
fix ys s t
assume "s ∈ B⇩2"
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys ∈ {} ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(λx. if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then s x
else case snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i) =
(λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t' x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys'. f = (λx. [y←ys'. fst y = x]) ∧ ys' ∈ {} ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ∧ s' ∈ B⇩2"
by fastforce
ultimately have "C⇩2 ⊆ C"
using A and F and J by (cases "⊢ b", auto
dest!: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X] simp: ctyping1_def)
with K and L show ?thesis
by blast
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_while:
A: "⊢ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = (B, Z)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B', Z')"
shows "B' ⊆ B"
proof -
obtain B⇩1 B⇩1' B⇩2 B⇩2' C Y where
C: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
D: "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y)" and
E: "⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) = (B⇩1', B⇩2')" and
F: "(B', Z') = (B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2', Univ?? B⇩2 X ∩ Y)"
using B by (force split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
fix s
assume "s ∈ B⇩2"
hence "s ∈ A"
using C by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
hence "∃f s'.
(∃t. s = (λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ (ys = [] ∨ ys ∈ ⊢ c)) ∧ s' ∈ A"
by force
with A and C have G: "B⇩2 ⊆ B"
by (cases "⊢ b", auto dest!: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X]
simp: ctyping1_def)
fix s
assume "s ∈ B⇩2'"
hence "s ∈ C"
using E by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
then obtain f s' where H:
"(∃t. s = (λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c) ∧ s' ∈ B⇩1"
using D by (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
hence I: "s' ∈ A"
using C by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
have "∃f s'.
(∃t. s = (λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ (ys = [] ∨ ys ∈ ⊢ c)) ∧ s' ∈ A"
by (rule exI [of _ f], insert H I, auto)
moreover {
fix s
assume "s ∈ B⇩2'"
moreover assume "⊢ b = Some True"
ultimately have "∃f s'.
(∃t. s = (λx. if f x = []
then s' x
else case snd (last (f x)) of None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∧
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c) ∧ s' ∈ A"
using E by (auto dest: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ C Y])
moreover {
fix s
assume "s ∈ B⇩2'"
hence "C ≠ {}"
using E by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
hence "B⇩1 ≠ {}"
using D by (auto simp: ctyping1_def)
moreover assume "⊢ b = Some False"
ultimately have "s ∈ A"
using C by (auto dest: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X])
ultimately have "B⇩2' ⊆ B"
using A by (cases "⊢ b", auto simp: ctyping1_def)
with F and G show ?thesis
by simp
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_fst:
"⟦⊢ c (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z); (U, False) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
C' ⊆ C"
apply (induction "(U, False)" c A X arbitrary: C C' Z Z' U
rule: ctyping2.induct)
apply (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_seq, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_or, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_if, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_fst_while, assumption+)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_skip [elim!]:
"⟦⊢ SKIP (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z);
(U, False) ⊨ SKIP (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
Z ⊆ Z'"
by (simp add: ctyping1_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_assign [elim!]:
"⟦⊢ x ::= a (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z);
(U, False) ⊨ x ::= a (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
Z ⊆ Z'"
by (auto simp: ctyping1_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_input [elim!]:
"⟦⊢ IN x (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z);
(U, False) ⊨ IN x (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
Z ⊆ Z'"
by (auto simp: ctyping1_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_output [elim!]:
"⟦⊢ OUT x (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z);
(U, False) ⊨ OUT x (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
Z ⊆ Z'"
by (simp add: ctyping1_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_seq:
A: "⊢ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')" and
C: "⋀B B' Y Y'. ⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (B, Y) ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B', Y') ⟹ Y ⊆ Y'" and
D: "⋀p B' Y' D' C' W' Z'.
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some p ⟹ (B', Y') = p ⟹
⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = (D', W') ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = Some (C', Z') ⟹ W' ⊆ Z'"
shows "Z ⊆ Z'"
proof -
obtain B' Y' where E: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B', Y')" and
"(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = Some (C', Z')"
using B by (auto split: option.split_asm)
moreover obtain D' W' where F: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y') = (D', W')"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B', Y')", simp)
ultimately have G: "W' ⊆ Z'"
using D by simp
obtain B Y where H: "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (B, Y)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X)", simp)
hence "Y ⊆ Y'"
using C and E by simp
moreover have "B' ⊆ B"
using H and E by (rule ctyping1_ctyping2_fst)
moreover obtain D W where I: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = (D, W)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y)", simp)
ultimately have "W ⊆ W'"
using F by (blast dest: ctyping1_mono)
moreover {
fix x
assume J: "∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔⇩@ ⊢ c⇩2) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
fix ys' ys
assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1" and "ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys @ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔⇩@ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_append_def
ctyping1_append_def ctyping1_merge_def)
moreover assume "[y←ys. fst y = x] = []" and "[y←ys'. fst y = x] = []"
ultimately have "x ∈ X"
using J by auto
moreover {
fix ys ys'
assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1" and "ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys @ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔⇩@ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_append_def
ctyping1_append_def ctyping1_merge_def)
moreover assume "[y←ys. fst y = x] ≠ []" and "[y←ys'. fst y = x] = []"
ultimately have "∃i. snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) = Some i"
using J by auto
moreover {
fix ys'
assume "ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
moreover obtain ys where "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
by (insert ctyping1_aux_nonempty, blast)
ultimately have "ys @ ys' ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔⇩@ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_append_def
ctyping1_append_def ctyping1_merge_def)
moreover assume "[y←ys'. fst y = x] ≠ []"
ultimately have "∃i. snd (last [y←ys'. fst y = x]) = Some i"
using J by auto
ultimately have "x ∈ {x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2}.
if f x = []
then x ∈ {x. ∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)}
else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None}"
(is "_ ∈ ?X")
by auto
moreover assume "x ∉ (if ∀x f s.
(∀t. x ≠ (λx. if f x = [] then s x else case snd (last (f x)) of
None ⇒ t x | Some i ⇒ i)) ∨
(∀ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ⟶ ys ∉ ⊢ c⇩1) ∨ s ∉ A
then UNIV else ?X)"
hence "x ∉ ?X"
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have False
by contradiction
hence "Z ⊆ W"
using A and H and I by (cases "A = {}", auto simp: ctyping1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using G by simp
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_or:
A: "⊢ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y')" and
C: "⋀C C' Y Y'. ⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ Y ⊆ Y'" and
D: "⋀C C' Y Y'. ⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ Y ⊆ Y'"
shows "Y ⊆ Y'"
proof -
obtain C⇩1' C⇩2' Y⇩1' Y⇩2' where
E: "(C', Y') = (C⇩1' ∪ C⇩2', Y⇩1' ∩ Y⇩2')" and
F: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1')" and
G: "(U, False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2')"
using B by (auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
obtain C⇩1 Y⇩1 where H: "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = (C⇩1, Y⇩1)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X)", simp)
hence "Y⇩1 ⊆ Y⇩1'"
using C and F by simp
moreover obtain C⇩2 Y⇩2 where I: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C⇩2, Y⇩2)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X)", simp)
hence "Y⇩2 ⊆ Y⇩2'"
using D and G by simp
ultimately have "Y⇩1 ∩ Y⇩2 ⊆ Y'"
using E by blast
moreover {
fix x ys
assume "∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then x ∈ X else snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) ≠ None"
(is ?P)
by blast
moreover assume "¬ ?P"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
hence "Y ⊆ Y⇩1"
using A and H by (cases "A = {}", auto simp: ctyping1_def)
moreover {
fix x ys
assume "∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then x ∈ X else snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) ≠ None"
(is ?P)
by blast
moreover assume "¬ ?P"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
hence "Y ⊆ Y⇩2"
using A and I by (cases "A = {}", auto simp: ctyping1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_if:
A: "⊢ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = (C, Y)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Y')" and
C: "⋀U' p B⇩1 B⇩2 C C' Y Y'.
(U', p) = (insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹ ⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ Y ⊆ Y'" and
D: "⋀U' p B⇩1 B⇩2 C C' Y Y'.
(U', p) = (insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, ⊨ b (⊆ A, X)) ⟹
(B⇩1, B⇩2) = p ⟹ ⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = (C, Y) ⟹
(U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C', Y') ⟹ Y ⊆ Y'"
shows "Y ⊆ Y'"
proof -
let ?U' = "insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U"
obtain B⇩1 B⇩2 C⇩1' C⇩2' Y⇩1' Y⇩2' where
E: "(C', Y') = (C⇩1' ∪ C⇩2', Y⇩1' ∩ Y⇩2')" and
F: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
G: "(?U', False) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C⇩1', Y⇩1')" and
H: "(?U', False) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C⇩2', Y⇩2')"
using B by (auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
obtain C⇩1 Y⇩1 where I: "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C⇩1, Y⇩1)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X)", simp)
hence "Y⇩1 ⊆ Y⇩1'"
using C and F and G by simp
moreover obtain C⇩2 Y⇩2 where J: "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = (C⇩2, Y⇩2)"
by (cases "⊢ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X)", simp)
hence "Y⇩2 ⊆ Y⇩2'"
using D and F and H by simp
ultimately have "Y⇩1 ∩ Y⇩2 ⊆ Y'"
using E by blast
moreover have K: "B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2 = A"
using F by (rule btyping2_un_eq)
fix x x' ys
assume "x ∈ (if B⇩1 = {} ∧ B⇩2 = {} then UNIV else
{x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None})" and
"x' ∈ B⇩1"
hence "∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then x ∈ X else snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) ≠ None"
(is ?P)
by blast
moreover assume "¬ ?P"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note L = this
fix x x' ys v
assume "x ∈ (if B⇩1 = {} ∧ B⇩2 = {} then UNIV else
{x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys.
ys ∈ (if v then ⊢ c⇩1 else {}) ⊔ (if ¬ v then ⊢ c⇩2 else {})}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None})"
moreover assume M: "x' ∈ B⇩1" and
"(if v then (B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2, {}) else ({}, B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2)) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)"
hence v
by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have
"∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ {}) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
using M by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ {}"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then x ∈ X else snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) ≠ None"
(is ?P)
by blast
moreover assume "¬ ?P"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note M = this
from A and F and I and K have "Y ⊆ Y⇩1"
apply (cases "B⇩1 = {}")
apply (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
apply (cases "⊢ b")
by (auto dest!: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X] L M simp: ctyping1_def)
moreover {
fix x x' ys
assume "x ∈ (if B⇩1 = {} ∧ B⇩2 = {} then UNIV else
{x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None})" and
"x' ∈ B⇩2"
hence "∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩1 ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then x ∈ X else snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) ≠ None"
(is ?P)
by blast
moreover assume "¬ ?P"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note N = this
fix x x' ys v
assume "x ∈ (if B⇩1 = {} ∧ B⇩2 = {} then UNIV else
{x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys.
ys ∈ (if v then ⊢ c⇩1 else {}) ⊔ (if ¬ v then ⊢ c⇩2 else {})}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None})"
moreover assume O: "x' ∈ B⇩2" and
"(if v then (B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2, {}) else ({}, B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2)) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)"
hence "¬ v"
by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have
"∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ {} ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
using O by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume "ys ∈ ⊢ c⇩2"
hence "ys ∈ {} ⊔ ⊢ c⇩2"
by (force simp: ctyping1_merge_def)
ultimately have "if [y←ys. fst y = x] = []
then x ∈ X else snd (last [y←ys. fst y = x]) ≠ None"
(is ?P)
by blast
moreover assume "¬ ?P"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note O = this
from A and F and J and K have "Y ⊆ Y⇩2"
apply (cases "B⇩2 = {}")
apply (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
apply (cases "⊢ b")
by (auto dest!: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X] N O simp: ctyping1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_while:
A: "⊢ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = (B, Z)" and
B: "(U, False) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B', Z')"
shows "Z ⊆ Z'"
proof -
obtain B⇩1 B⇩1' B⇩2 B⇩2' C Y where
C: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
D: "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y)" and
E: "⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) = (B⇩1', B⇩2')" and
F: "(B', Z') = (B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2', Univ?? B⇩2 X ∩ Y)"
using B by (force split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
have G: "B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2 = A"
using C by (rule btyping2_un_eq)
fix x x'
assume "x ∈ (if B⇩1 = {} ∧ B⇩2 = {} then UNIV else
{x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys = [] ∨ ys ∈ ⊢ c}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None})" and
"x' ∈ B⇩2"
hence "∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys = [] ∨ ys ∈ ⊢ c}.
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
hence "x ∈ X"
by fastforce
moreover assume "x ∉ X"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note H = this
fix x x' v
assume "x ∈ (if B⇩1 = {} ∧ B⇩2 = {} then UNIV else
{x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys.
ys ∈ (if ¬ v then {[]} else {}) ∨ ys ∈ (if v then ⊢ c else {})}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None})"
moreover assume H: "x' ∈ B⇩2" and
"(if v then (B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2, {}) else ({}, B⇩1 ∪ B⇩2)) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)"
hence "¬ v"
by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have "x ∈ X"
using H by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume "x ∉ X"
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note I = this
from A and C and G have "Z ⊆ Univ?? B⇩2 X"
apply (cases "B⇩2 = {}")
apply fastforce
apply (cases "⊢ b")
by (auto dest!: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X] H I simp: ctyping1_def)
moreover {
fix x
assume "x ∉ Univ?? B⇩1 {x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys ∈ ⊢ c}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None}"
moreover from this have "B⇩1 ≠ {}"
by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have "¬ (∀f.
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ (ys = [] ∨ ys ∈ ⊢ c)) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None))"
(is "¬ ?P")
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
moreover assume ?P
ultimately have False
by contradiction
note J = this
fix x v
assume "x ∉ Univ?? B⇩1 {x. ∀f ∈ {λx. [y←ys. fst y = x] | ys. ys ∈ ⊢ c}.
if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None}"
moreover from this have K: "B⇩1 ≠ {}"
by (simp split: if_split_asm)
ultimately have L: "¬ (∀f.
(∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧ ys ∈ ⊢ c) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None))"
(is "¬ ?P")
by (auto split: if_split_asm)
assume "⊢ b = Some v"
with C and K have v
by (auto dest: btyping1_btyping2 [of _ _ A X])
moreover assume "∀f. (∃ys. f = (λx. [y←ys. fst y = x]) ∧
(ys ∈ (if ¬ v then {[]} else {}) ∨ ys ∈ (if v then ⊢ c else {}))) ⟶
(if f x = [] then x ∈ X else snd (last (f x)) ≠ None)"
ultimately have ?P
by simp
with L have False
by contradiction
note K = this
from A and D and G have "Z ⊆ Y"
apply (cases "A = {}")
apply (fastforce simp: ctyping1_def)
apply (cases "⊢ b")
by (auto dest: J K simp: ctyping1_def)
ultimately show ?thesis
using F by simp
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2_snd:
"⟦⊢ c (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z); (U, False) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
Z ⊆ Z'"
apply (induction "(U, False)" c A X arbitrary: C C' Z Z' U
rule: ctyping2.induct)
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_seq, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_or, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_if, assumption+)
apply (erule ctyping1_ctyping2_snd_while, assumption+)
lemma ctyping1_ctyping2:
"⟦⊢ c (⊆ A, X) = (C, Z); (U, False) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (C', Z')⟧ ⟹
C' ⊆ C ∧ Z ⊆ Z'"
by (blast dest: ctyping1_ctyping2_fst ctyping1_ctyping2_snd)
lemma btyping2_aux_approx_1 [elim]:
A: "⊫ b⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some B⇩1" and
B: "⊫ b⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some B⇩2" and
C: "bval b⇩1 s" and
D: "bval b⇩2 s" and
E: "r ∈ A" and
F: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
shows "∃r' ∈ B⇩1 ∩ B⇩2. r = r' (⊆ state ∩ X)"
proof -
from A and C and E and F have "r ∈ B⇩1"
by (frule_tac btyping2_aux_subset, drule_tac btyping2_aux_eq, auto)
moreover from B and D and E and F have "r ∈ B⇩2"
by (frule_tac btyping2_aux_subset, drule_tac btyping2_aux_eq, auto)
ultimately show ?thesis
by blast
lemma btyping2_aux_approx_2 [elim]:
A: "avars a⇩1 ⊆ state" and
B: "avars a⇩2 ⊆ state" and
C: "avars a⇩1 ⊆ X" and
D: "avars a⇩2 ⊆ X" and
E: "aval a⇩1 s < aval a⇩2 s" and
F: "r ∈ A" and
G: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
shows "∃r'. r' ∈ A ∧ aval a⇩1 r' < aval a⇩2 r' ∧ r = r' (⊆ state ∩ X)"
proof -
have "aval a⇩1 s = aval a⇩1 r ∧ aval a⇩2 s = aval a⇩2 r"
using A and B and C and D and G by (blast intro: avars_aval)
thus ?thesis
using E and F by auto
lemma btyping2_aux_approx_3 [elim]:
A: "avars a⇩1 ⊆ state" and
B: "avars a⇩2 ⊆ state" and
C: "avars a⇩1 ⊆ X" and
D: "avars a⇩2 ⊆ X" and
E: "¬ aval a⇩1 s < aval a⇩2 s" and
F: "r ∈ A" and
G: "s = r (⊆ state ∩ X)"
shows "∃r' ∈ A - {s ∈ A. aval a⇩1 s < aval a⇩2 s}. r = r' (⊆ state ∩ X)"
proof -
have "aval a⇩1 s = aval a⇩1 r ∧ aval a⇩2 s = aval a⇩2 r"
using A and B and C and D and G by (blast intro: avars_aval)
thus ?thesis
using E and F by auto
lemma btyping2_aux_approx:
"⟦⊫ b (⊆ A, X) = Some A'; s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
s ∈ Univ (if bval b s then A' else A - A') (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (induction b arbitrary: A', auto dest: btyping2_aux_subset
split: if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma btyping2_approx:
"⟦⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2); s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
s ∈ Univ (if bval b s then B⇩1 else B⇩2) (⊆ state ∩ X)"
by (drule sym, simp add: btyping2_def split: option.split_asm,
drule btyping2_aux_approx, auto)
lemma ctyping2_approx_assign [elim!]:
"⟦∀t'. aval a s = t' x ⟶ (∀s. t' = s(x := aval a s) ⟶ s ∉ A) ∨
(∃y ∈ state ∩ X. y ≠ x ∧ t y ≠ t' y);
v ⊨ a (⊆ X); t ∈ A; s = t (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹ False"
by (drule spec [of _ "t(x := aval a t)"], cases a,
(fastforce simp del: aval.simps(3) intro: avars_aval)+)
lemma ctyping2_approx_if_1:
"⟦bval b s; ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2); r ∈ A; s = r (⊆ state ∩ X);
(insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (C⇩1, Y⇩1);
⋀A B X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
∃r ∈ A. s = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ ∃r' ∈ B. t = r' (⊆ state ∩ Y)⟧ ⟹
∃r' ∈ C⇩1 ∪ C⇩2. t = r' (⊆ state ∩ (Y⇩1 ∩ Y⇩2))"
by (drule btyping2_approx, blast, fastforce)
lemma ctyping2_approx_if_2:
"⟦¬ bval b s; ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2); r ∈ A; s = r (⊆ state ∩ X);
(insert (Univ? A X, bvars b) U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B⇩2, X) = Some (C⇩2, Y⇩2);
⋀A B X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
∃r ∈ A. s = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ ∃r' ∈ B. t = r' (⊆ state ∩ Y)⟧ ⟹
∃r' ∈ C⇩1 ∪ C⇩2. t = r' (⊆ state ∩ (Y⇩1 ∩ Y⇩2))"
by (drule btyping2_approx, blast, fastforce)
lemma ctyping2_approx_while_1 [elim]:
"⟦¬ bval b s; r ∈ A; s = r (⊆ state ∩ X); ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B, {})⟧ ⟹
∃t ∈ C. s = t (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (drule btyping2_approx, blast, simp)
lemma ctyping2_approx_while_2 [elim]:
"⟦∀t ∈ B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2'. ∃x ∈ state ∩ (X ∩ Y). r x ≠ t x; ¬ bval b s;
r ∈ A; s = r (⊆ state ∩ X); ⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)⟧ ⟹ False"
by (drule btyping2_approx, blast, auto)
lemma ctyping2_approx_while_aux:
A: "⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2)" and
B: "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y)" and
C: "⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) = (B⇩1', B⇩2')" and
D: "({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (D, Z)" and
E: "({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = Some (D', Z')" and
F: "r⇩1 ∈ A" and
G: "s⇩1 = r⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X)" and
H: "bval b s⇩1" and
I: "⋀C B Y W U. (case ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) of (B⇩1', B⇩2') ⇒
case ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) of (C', Y') ⇒
case ⊨ b (⊆ C', Y') of (B⇩1'', B⇩2'') ⇒ if
(∀s ∈ Univ? C Y ∪ Univ? C' Y'. ∀x ∈ bvars b. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒ ∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y)
then case ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) of
None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ case ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1'', Y') of
None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ Some (B⇩2' ∪ B⇩2'', Univ?? B⇩2' Y ∩ Y')
else None) = Some (B, W) ⟹
∃r ∈ C. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹ ∃r ∈ B. s⇩3 = r (⊆ state ∩ W)"
(is "⋀C B Y W U. ?P C B Y W U ⟹ _ ⟹ _") and
J: "⋀A B X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
∃r ∈ A. s⇩1 = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ ∃r ∈ B. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y)" and
K: "∀s ∈ Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y. ∀x ∈ bvars b. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y" and
L: "∀p ∈ U. ∀B W. p = (B, W) ⟶
(∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y)"
shows "∃r ∈ B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2'. s⇩3 = r (⊆ state ∩ Univ?? B⇩2 X ∩ Y)"
proof -
obtain C' Y' where M: "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = (C', Y')"
by (cases "⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y)", simp)
obtain B⇩1'' B⇩2'' where N: "(B⇩1'', B⇩2'') = ⊨ b (⊆ C', Y')"
by (cases "⊨ b (⊆ C', Y')", simp)
let ?B = "B⇩2' ∪ B⇩2''"
let ?W = "Univ?? B⇩2' Y ∩ Y'"
have "⊢ c (⊆ C, Y) = (C, Y)"
using ctyping1_idem and B by auto
moreover have "B⇩1' ⊆ C"
using C by (blast dest: btyping2_un_eq)
ultimately have O: "C' ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Y'"
by (rule ctyping1_mono [OF _ M], simp)
hence "Univ? C' Y' ⊆ Univ? C Y"
by (auto simp: univ_states_if_def)
moreover from I have "?P C ?B Y ?W U ⟹
∃r ∈ C. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹ ∃r ∈ ?B. s⇩3 = r (⊆ state ∩ ?W)" .
ultimately have "(case ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1'', Y') of
None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ Some (?B, ?W)) = Some (?B, ?W) ⟹
∃r ∈ C. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹ ∃r ∈ ?B. s⇩3 = r (⊆ state ∩ ?W)"
using C and E and K and L and M and N
by (fastforce split: if_split_asm prod.split_asm)
moreover have P: "B⇩1'' ⊆ B⇩1' ∧ B⇩2'' ⊆ B⇩2'"
by (metis btyping2_mono C N O)
hence "∃D'' Z''. ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1'', Y') =
Some (D'', Z'') ∧ D'' ⊆ D' ∧ Z' ⊆ Z''"
using E and O by (auto intro: ctyping2_mono)
ultimately have
"∃r ∈ C. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹ ∃r ∈ ?B. s⇩3 = r (⊆ state ∩ ?W)"
by fastforce
moreover from A and D and F and G and H and J obtain r⇩2 where
"r⇩2 ∈ D" and "s⇩2 = r⇩2 (⊆ state ∩ Z)"
by (drule_tac btyping2_approx, blast, force)
moreover have "D ⊆ C ∧ Y ⊆ Z"
using B and D by (rule ctyping1_ctyping2)
ultimately obtain r⇩3 where Q: "r⇩3 ∈ ?B" and R: "s⇩3 = r⇩3 (⊆ state ∩ ?W)"
by blast
show ?thesis
proof (rule bexI [of _ r⇩3])
show "s⇩3 = r⇩3 (⊆ state ∩ Univ?? B⇩2 X ∩ Y)"
using O and R by auto
show "r⇩3 ∈ B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2'"
using P and Q by blast
lemmas ctyping2_approx_while_3 =
ctyping2_approx_while_aux [where B⇩2 = "{}", simplified]
lemma ctyping2_approx_while_4:
"⟦⊨ b (⊆ A, X) = (B⇩1, B⇩2);
⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = (C, Y);
⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) = (B⇩1', B⇩2');
({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1, X) = Some (D, Z);
({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) = Some (D', Z');
r⇩1 ∈ A; s⇩1 = r⇩1 (⊆ state ∩ X); bval b s⇩1;
⋀C B Y W U. (case ⊨ b (⊆ C, Y) of (B⇩1', B⇩2') ⇒
case ⊢ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) of (C', Y') ⇒
case ⊨ b (⊆ C', Y') of (B⇩1'', B⇩2'') ⇒
if (∀s ∈ Univ? C Y ∪ Univ? C' Y'. ∀x ∈ bvars b. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y) ∧
(∀p ∈ U. case p of (B, W) ⇒ ∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y)
then case ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1', Y) of
None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ case ({}, False) ⊨ c (⊆ B⇩1'', Y') of
None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ Some (B⇩2' ∪ B⇩2'', Univ?? B⇩2' Y ∩ Y')
else None) = Some (B, W) ⟹
∃r ∈ C. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹ ∃r ∈ B. s⇩3 = r (⊆ state ∩ W);
⋀A B X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
∃r ∈ A. s⇩1 = r (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ ∃r ∈ B. s⇩2 = r (⊆ state ∩ Y);
∀s ∈ Univ? A X ∪ Univ? C Y. ∀x ∈ bvars b. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y;
∀p ∈ U. ∀B W. p = (B, W) ⟶ (∀s ∈ B. ∀x ∈ W. ∀y. s: dom x ↝ dom y);
∀r ∈ B⇩2 ∪ B⇩2'. ∃x ∈ state ∩ (X ∩ Y). s⇩3 x ≠ r x⟧ ⟹
by (drule ctyping2_approx_while_aux, assumption+, auto)
lemma ctyping2_approx:
"⟦(c, s, p) ⇒ (t, q); (U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹ t ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
proof (induction "(c, s, p)" "(t, q)" arbitrary: A B X Y U v c s p t q
rule: big_step.induct)
fix A C X Z U v c⇩1 c⇩2 s p t q and p' :: stage
"⟦⋀r q A B X Y U v. p' = (r, q) ⟹
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ r ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y);
⋀r q B C Y Z U v. p' = (r, q) ⟹
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ B, Y) = Some (C, Z) ⟹
r ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y) ⟹ t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Z);
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1;; c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Z);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Z)"
by (cases p', auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm)
fix A C X Y U v c⇩1 c⇩2 s p t q
"⟦⋀A C X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y);
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (fastforce split: option.split_asm)
fix A C X Y U v c⇩1 c⇩2 s p t q
"⟦⋀A C X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y);
(U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 OR c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (fastforce split: option.split_asm)
fix A B X Y U v b c⇩1 c⇩2 s p t q
"⟦bval b s; (c⇩1, s, p) ⇒ (t, q);
⋀A C X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c⇩1 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y);
(U, v) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
t ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm,
rule ctyping2_approx_if_1)
fix A B X Y U v b c⇩1 c⇩2 s p t q
"⟦¬ bval b s; (c⇩2, s, p) ⇒ (t, q);
⋀A C X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (C, Y) ⟹
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ t ∈ Univ C (⊆ state ∩ Y);
(U, v) ⊨ IF b THEN c⇩1 ELSE c⇩2 (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
s ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
t ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (auto split: option.split_asm prod.split_asm,
rule ctyping2_approx_if_2)
fix A B X Y U v b c s⇩1 p⇩1 s⇩2 p⇩2 s⇩3 p⇩3
"⟦bval b s⇩1; (c, s⇩1, p⇩1) ⇒ (s⇩2, p⇩2);
⋀A B X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
s⇩1 ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ s⇩2 ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y);
(WHILE b DO c, s⇩2, p⇩2) ⇒ (s⇩3, p⇩3);
⋀A B X Y U v. (U, v) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y) ⟹
s⇩2 ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X) ⟹ s⇩3 ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y);
(U, v) ⊨ WHILE b DO c (⊆ A, X) = Some (B, Y);
s⇩1 ∈ Univ A (⊆ state ∩ X)⟧ ⟹
s⇩3 ∈ Univ B (⊆ state ∩ Y)"
by (auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm,
erule_tac [2] ctyping2_approx_while_4,
erule ctyping2_approx_while_3)
qed (auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm prod.split_asm)