Theory IMP2_from_IMP
section ‹Introduction to IMP2-VCG, based on IMP›
theory IMP2_from_IMP
imports "../IMP2"
text ‹This document briefly introduces the extensions of IMP2 over IMP.›
subsection ‹Fancy Syntax›
text ‹Standard Syntax›
definition "exp_count_up1 ≡
''a'' ::= N 1;;
''c'' ::= N 0;;
WHILE Cmpop (<) (V ''c'') (V ''n'') DO (
''a'' ::= Binop (*) (N 2) (V ''a'');;
''c'' ::= Binop (+) (V ''c'') (N 1))"
text ‹Fancy Syntax›
definition "exp_count_up2 ≡ \<^imp>‹
a = 1;
c = 0;
while (c<n) {
lemma "exp_count_up1 = exp_count_up2"
unfolding exp_count_up1_def exp_count_up2_def ..
subsection ‹Operators and Arrays›
text ‹We reflect arbitrary Isabelle functions into the syntax: ›
value "bval (Cmpop (≤) (Binop (+) (Unop uminus (V ''x'')) (N 42)) (N 50)) <''x'':=(λ_. -5)> "
thm aval.simps bval.simps
text ‹Every variable is an array, indexed by integers, no bounds.
Syntax shortcuts to access index 0.
term ‹Vidx ''a'' (i::aexp)›
lemma "V ''x'' = Vidx ''x'' (N 0)" ..
text ‹New commands:›
term ‹AssignIdx ''a'' (i::aexp) (v::aexp)›
term ‹''a''[i] ::= v›
term ‹\<^imp>‹ a[i] = v ››
lemma ‹Assign ''x'' v = AssignIdx ''x'' (N 0) v› ..
term ‹''x'' ::= v› term ‹\<^imp>‹x = v+1››
text ‹Note: In fancy syntax, assignment between variables is always parsed as array copy.
This is no problem unless a variable is used as both, array and plain value,
which should be avoided anyway.
term ‹ArrayCpy ''d'' ''s''›
term ‹''d''[] ::= ''s''› term ‹\<^imp>‹d = s››
term ‹ArrayClear ''a''›
term ‹CLEAR ''a''[]› term ‹\<^imp>‹clear a[]››
text ‹Semantics of these is straightforward›
thm big_step.AssignIdx big_step.ArrayCpy big_step.ArrayClear
subsection ‹Local and Global Variables›
term ‹is_global› term ‹is_local›
term ‹<s⇩1|s⇩2>›
term ‹SCOPE c› term ‹\<^imp>‹scope { skip }››
thm big_step.Scope
subsubsection ‹Parameter Passing›
text ‹Parameters and return values by global variables: This is syntactic sugar only:›
context fixes f :: com begin
term ‹\<^imp>‹ (r1,r2) = f(x1,x2,x3)››
subsection ‹Recursive procedures›
term ‹PCall ''name''›
thm big_step.PCall
subsubsection ‹Procedure Scope›
text ‹Execute command with local set of procedures›
term ‹PScope π c›
thm big_step.PScope
subsubsection ‹Syntactic sugar for procedure call with parameters›
term ‹\<^imp>‹(r1,r2) = rec name(x1,x2,x3)››
subsection ‹More Readable VCs›
lemmas nat_distribs = nat_add_distrib nat_diff_distrib Suc_diff_le nat_mult_distrib nat_div_distrib
lemma "s⇩0 ''n'' 0 ≥ 0 ⟹ wlp π exp_count_up1 (λs. s ''a'' 0 = 2^nat (s⇩0 ''n'' 0)) s⇩0"
unfolding exp_count_up1_def
apply (subst annotate_whileI[where
I="λs. s ''n'' 0 = s⇩0 ''n'' 0 ∧ s ''a'' 0 = 2 ^ nat (s ''c'' 0) ∧ 0 ≤ s ''c'' 0 ∧ s ''c'' 0 ≤ s⇩0 ''n'' 0"
apply (i_vcg_preprocess; i_vcg_gen; clarsimp)
text ‹The postprocessor converts from states applied to string names to actual variables›
apply i_vcg_postprocess
by (auto simp: algebra_simps nat_distribs)
lemma "s⇩0 ''n'' 0 ≥ 0 ⟹ wlp π exp_count_up1 (λs. s ''a'' 0 = 2^nat (s⇩0 ''n'' 0)) s⇩0"
unfolding exp_count_up1_def
apply (subst annotate_whileI[where
I="λs. s ''n'' 0 = s⇩0 ''n'' 0 ∧ s ''a'' 0 = 2 ^ nat (s ''c'' 0) ∧ 0 ≤ s ''c'' 0 ∧ s ''c'' 0 ≤ s⇩0 ''n'' 0"
text ‹The postprocessor is invoked by default›
apply vcg
subsection ‹Specification Commands›
text ‹IMP2 provides a set of commands to simplify specification and annotation of programs.›
text ‹Old way of proving a specification: ›
lemma "let n = s⇩0 ''n'' 0 in n ≥ 0
⟹ wlp π exp_count_up1 (λs. let a = s ''a'' 0; n⇩0 = s⇩0 ''n'' 0 in a = 2^nat (n⇩0)) s⇩0"
unfolding exp_count_up1_def
apply (subst annotate_whileI[where
I="λs. s ''n'' 0 = s⇩0 ''n'' 0 ∧ s ''a'' 0 = 2 ^ nat (s ''c'' 0) ∧ 0 ≤ s ''c'' 0 ∧ s ''c'' 0 ≤ s⇩0 ''n'' 0"
apply vcg
apply (auto simp: algebra_simps nat_distribs)
lemma "VAR (s x) P = (let v=s x in P v)" unfolding VAR_def by simp
text ‹IMP2 specification commands›
program_spec (partial) exp_count_up
assumes "0≤n"
ensures "a = 2^nat n⇩0"
a = 1;
c = 0;
while (c<n)
@invariant ‹n=n⇩0 ∧ a=2^nat c ∧ 0≤c ∧ c≤n›
apply vcg
by (auto simp: algebra_simps nat_distribs)
thm exp_count_up_spec
thm exp_count_up_def
procedure_spec exp_count_up_proc(n) returns a
assumes "0≤n"
ensures "a = 2^nat n⇩0"
a = 1;
c = 0;
while (c<n)
@invariant ‹n=n⇩0 ∧ a=2^nat c ∧ 0≤c ∧ c≤n›
@variant ‹n-c›
apply vcg
by (auto simp: algebra_simps nat_distribs)
text ‹Simple Recursion›
exp_rec(n) returns a assumes "0≤n" ensures "a=2^nat n⇩0" variant "n"
defines ‹if (n==0) a=1 else {t=rec exp_rec(n-1); a=2*t}›
apply vcg
apply (auto simp: algebra_simps nat_distribs)
by (metis Suc_le_D diff_Suc_Suc dvd_1_left dvd_imp_le minus_nat.diff_0 nat_0_iff nat_int neq0_conv of_nat_0 order_class.order.antisym pos_int_cases power_Suc zless_nat_eq_int_zless)
text ‹Mutual Recursion: See Examples›