Theory Move
section‹Move a View according to Difference between Traffic Snapshots›
text ‹
In this section, we define a function to move a view according
to the changes between two traffic snapshots. The intuition is
that the view moves with the same speed as its owner. That is,
if we move a view \(v\) from \(ts\) to \(ts^\prime\), we
shift the extension of the view by the difference in the
position of the owner of \(v\).
theory Move
imports Traffic Views
context traffic
definition move::"traffic ⇒ traffic ⇒ view ⇒ view"
"move ts ts' v = ⦇ ext = shift (ext v) ((pos ts' (own v)) - pos ts (own v)),
lan = lan v,
own =own v ⦈"
lemma move_keeps_length:"∥ext v∥ = ∥ext (move ts ts' v)∥"
using real_int.shift_keeps_length by (simp add: move_def)
lemma move_keeps_lanes:"lan v = lan (move ts ts' v)" using move_def by simp
lemma move_keeps_owner:"own v = own (move ts ts' v)" using move_def by simp
lemma move_nothing :"move ts ts v = v" using real_int.shift_zero move_def by simp
lemma move_trans:
"(ts ❙⇒ ts') ∧ (ts' ❙⇒ts'') ⟶ move ts' ts'' (move ts ts' v) = move ts ts'' v"
assume assm:"(ts ❙⇒ ts') ∧ (ts' ❙⇒ts'')"
"(pos ts'' (own v)) - pos ts (own v)
= (pos ts'' (own v) + pos ts' (own v)) - ( pos ts (own v) + pos ts' (own v))"
by simp
"move ts' ts'' (move ts ts' v) =
⦇ ext =
shift (ext (move ts ts' v))
(pos ts'' (own (move ts ts' v)) - pos ts' (own (move ts ts' v))),
lan = lan (move ts ts' v),
own = own (move ts ts' v) ⦈ "
using move_def by blast
hence "move ts' ts'' (move ts ts' v) =
⦇ ext = shift (ext (move ts ts' v)) (pos ts'' (own v) - pos ts' (own v)),
lan = lan v, own = own v ⦈ "
using move_def by simp
then show "move ts' ts'' (move ts ts' v) = move ts ts'' v"
proof -
have f2: "∀x0 x1. (x1::real) + x0 = x0 + x1"
by auto
"pos ts'' (own v)
+ -1*pos ts' (own v)+(pos ts' (own v) + -1*pos ts (own v))
= pos ts'' (own v) + - 1 * pos ts (own v)"
by auto
then have
"(shift (ext v) ((pos ts'' (own v)) + ( -1 * pos ts (own v)))) =
shift (shift (ext v) (pos ts' (own v) + - 1 * pos ts (own v)))
(pos ts'' (own v) + - 1 * pos ts' (own v))"
by (metis f2 real_int.shift_additivity)
then show ?thesis
using move_def f2 by simp
lemma move_stability_res:"(ts❙─r(c)❙→ts') ⟶ move ts ts' v = v"
and move_stability_clm: "(ts❙─c(c,n)❙→ts') ⟶ move ts ts' v = v"
and move_stability_wdr:"(ts❙─wdr(c,n)❙→ts') ⟶ move ts ts' v = v"
and move_stability_wdc:"(ts❙─wdc(c)❙→ts') ⟶ move ts ts' v = v"
using create_reservation_def create_claim_def withdraw_reservation_def
withdraw_claim_def move_def move_nothing
by (auto)+