Theory Length
section‹Visible Length of Cars with Perfect Sensors›
Given a sensor function, we can define the length
of a car \(c\) as perceived by the owner of a view \(v\). This
length is restricted by the size of the extension of the view \(v\),
but always given by a continuous interval, which may possibly
be degenerate (i.e., a point-interval).
The lemmas connect the end-points of the perceived length
with the end-points of the current view. Furthermore, they
show how the chopping and subview relations affect
the perceived length of a car.
theory Length
imports Sensors
context sensors
definition len:: "view ⇒ traffic ⇒ cars ⇒ real_int"
where len_def :"len v ( ts ) c ==
if (left (space ts v c) > right (ext v))
then Abs_real_int (right (ext v),right (ext v))
if (right (space ts v c) < left (ext v))
then Abs_real_int (left (ext v),left (ext v))
Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
lemma len_left: " left ((len v ts) c) ≥ left (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse left_leq_right sensors.len_def sensors_axioms by auto
lemma len_right: " right ((len v ts) c) ≤ right (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse left_leq_right sensors.len_def sensors_axioms by auto
lemma len_sub_int:"len v ts c ≤ ext v"
using less_eq_real_int_def len_left len_right by blast
lemma len_space_left:
"left (space ts v c) ≤ right (ext v) ⟶ left (len v ts c) ≥ left (space ts v c)"
assume assm:"left (space ts v c) ≤ right (ext v)"
then show "left (len v ts c) ≥ left (space ts v c)"
proof (cases "right ((space ts v) c) < left (ext v)" )
case True
then show ?thesis using len_def len_left real_int.left_leq_right
by (meson le_less_trans not_less order.asym)
case False
then have "len v ts c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def assm by auto
then have "left (len v ts c) = max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse False assm real_int.left_leq_right
by auto
then show ?thesis by linarith
lemma len_space_right:
"right (space ts v c) ≥ left (ext v) ⟶ right (len v ts c) ≤ right (space ts v c)"
assume assm:"right (space ts v c) ≥ left (ext v)"
then show "right (len v ts c) ≤ right (space ts v c)"
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v)" )
case True
then show ?thesis using len_def len_right real_int.left_leq_right
by (meson le_less_trans not_less order.asym)
case False
then have "len v ts c =
Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def assm by auto
then have "right (len v ts c) = min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse False assm real_int.left_leq_right
by auto
then show ?thesis by linarith
lemma len_hchop_left_right_border:
"(len v ts c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ (right (len v1 ts c) = right (ext v1))"
assume assm:"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2)"
have l1:"left ((len v ts) c) = left (ext v)" using assm by auto
from assm have l2:"left (ext v) = left (ext v1)"
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def)
from l1 and l2 have l3:"left ((len v ts) c) = left (ext v1)" by simp
have r1:"right ((len v ts) c) = right (ext v)" using assm by auto
have r2:"right (ext v1) ≤ right (ext v)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def
real_int.left_leq_right )
have r3:"right ((len v1 ts) c) ≤ right (ext v1)"
using len_right by blast
show "right ((len v1 ts) c) = right (ext v1)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume contra:"right ((len v1 ts) c) ≠ right (ext v1)"
with r3 have less:"right ((len v1 ts) c) < right (ext v1)" by simp
show False
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1)")
assume neg1:"¬ left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1)"
have "right ((len v1 ts) c) = right (ext v1)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse left_space len_def neg1 right.rep_eq by auto
with contra show False ..
assume less1:"left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1)"
show False
proof (cases "right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v1)")
assume neg2:"¬ left (ext v1) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
have "right ((len v1 ts) c) = right (ext v1)"
proof -
have "(len v1 ts) c = Abs_real_int (left (ext v1),left (ext v1))"
using len_def neg2 assm hchop_def real_int.left_leq_right less1 space_def
by auto
hence "right ((len v1 ts) c) = left ((len v1 ts )c)"
using l3 assm contra less1 len_def neg2 r2 r3 real_int.left_leq_right
by auto
with l1 have r4:"right((len v1 ts)c ) = right (ext v)"
using assm l2 len_def neg2 assm hchop_def less1 real_int.left_leq_right r2
by auto
hence "right (ext v) = right (ext v1)"
using r2 r3 by auto
thus "right ((len v1 ts) c) = right (ext v1)"
using r4 by auto
with contra show False ..
assume less2:"left (ext v1) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
have len_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using Rep_real_int less1 less2 by auto
from less1 and less2 have len_def_v1:"len v1 (ts) c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def assm hchop_def space_def by auto
with less have
"min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)) = right ((space ts v) c)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_in_type snd_conv by auto
hence "right ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1)" by simp
hence "right ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v)"
using r2 by linarith
from len_def_v1 and less and len_in_type
have "right ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v1)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse sndI by auto
hence r4:"right ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v)"
using r2 by linarith
from assm have len_v_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using r4 l2 len_in_type by auto
hence " right (len v ( ts) c) ≠ right (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse Pair_inject r4 len_def real_int.left_leq_right
surjective_pairing by auto
with r1 show False by best
lemma len_hchop_left_left_border:
"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ (left ((len v1 ts) c) = left (ext v1))"
assume assm:"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2)"
have l1:"left ((len v ts) c) = left (ext v)" using assm by auto
from assm have l2:"left (ext v) = left (ext v1)"
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def )
from l1 and l2 have l3:"left ((len v ts) c) = left (ext v1)" by simp
have r1:"right ((len v ts) c) = right (ext v)" using assm by auto
have r2:"right (ext v1) ≤ right (ext v)"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def
real_int.left_leq_right )
have r3:"right ((len v1 ts) c) ≤ right (ext v1)"
using len_right by blast
show "(left ((len v1 ts) c) = left (ext v1))"
proof (cases
"left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1) ∧ right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v1)")
case True
show "(left ((len v1 ts) c) = left (ext v1))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume neq:" left (len v1 ( ts) c) ≠ left (ext v1)"
then have greater: "left (len v1 ( ts) c) > left (ext v1)"
by (meson dual_order.order_iff_strict len_left)
have len_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using Rep_real_int True by auto
from True have "len v1 ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def assm hchop_def space_def by auto
hence maximum:
"left (len v1 ( ts) c) = max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_in_type by auto
have "max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c)) = left ((space ts v) c)"
using maximum neq by linarith
hence "left ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v1)"
using greater maximum by auto
hence l4:"left ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v)" using l2 by auto
with assm have len_v_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using len_in_type r2 by auto
hence " left (len v ( ts) c) ≠ left (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse l4 sensors.len_def sensors_axioms by auto
thus False using l1 by best
case False
then have
"¬left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1) ∨ ¬right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v1)"
by auto
then show "(left ((len v1 ts) c) = left (ext v1))"
assume negative:"¬ left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v1)"
then have "len v1 ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (right (ext v1),right (ext v1))"
using len_def assm hchop_def space_def by auto
hence empty:"left (len v1 ( ts) c) = right (len v1 ( ts) c)"
by (metis real_int.chop_assoc2 real_int.chop_singleton_right real_int.rchop_def)
have len_geq:"left(len v1 ( ts) c) ≥ left (ext v)"
using l2 len_left by auto
show "left (len v1 ( ts) c) = left (ext v1)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume contra:"left (len v1 ( ts) c) ≠ left (ext v1)"
with len_left have "left (ext v1) < left (len v1 ( ts) c) "
using dual_order.order_iff_strict by blast
hence l5:"left (ext v) < left (len v1 ( ts) c)" using l2 by auto
hence l6:"left (len v ( ts) c) < left (len v1 ( ts) c)" using l1 by auto
show "False"
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v)")
case True
have well_sp:"left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
using real_int.left_leq_right by auto
have well_v:"left (ext v) ≤ right (ext v)"
using real_int.left_leq_right by auto
hence rs_geq_vl:"right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v)"
using empty len_geq negative r3 well_sp by linarith
from True and rs_geq_vl have len_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using CollectD CollectI Rep_real_int fst_conv snd_conv by auto
have "len v (ts) c =
Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def using True rs_geq_vl by auto
hence max_less:
"max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)) < left (len v1 ( ts) c)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse
by (metis (full_types) l5 assm fst_conv left.rep_eq len_in_type)
show False
using empty max_less negative r3 by auto
case False
then have "len v ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (right (ext v), right (ext v))"
using len_def by auto
hence empty_len_v:"left (len v ( ts) c) = right (ext v)" using Abs_real_int_inverse
by simp
show False
using l6 empty empty_len_v r2 r3 by linarith
have "space ts v1 c ≤ space ts v c" using assm hchop_def space_def by auto
hence r4:"right (space ts v1 c) ≤ right (space ts v c)"
using less_eq_real_int_def by auto
assume left_outside:"¬ left (ext v1) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
hence "left (ext v1 ) > right (space ts v1 c)" using r4 by linarith
then have "len v1 ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (left (ext v1),left (ext v1))"
using len_def assm hchop_def real_int.left_leq_right r1 r2 l1 l2 l3 r3
by (meson le_less_trans less_trans not_less)
thus "(left ((len v1 ts) c) = left (ext v1))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse by auto
lemma len_view_hchop_left:
"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ ((len v1 ts) c = ext v1)"
by (metis Rep_real_int_inverse left.rep_eq len_hchop_left_left_border
len_hchop_left_right_border prod.collapse right.rep_eq)
lemma len_hchop_right_left_border:
"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ (left ((len v2 ts) c) = left (ext v2))"
assume assm:"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2)"
have r1:"right ((len v ts) c) = right (ext v)" using assm by auto
from assm have r2:"right (ext v) = right (ext v2)"
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def )
from r1 and r2 have r3:"right ((len v ts) c) = right (ext v2)" by simp
have l1:"left ((len v ts) c) = left (ext v)" using assm by auto
have l2:"left (ext v2) ≥ left (ext v)"
using assm less_eq_real_int_def real_int.chop_leq2 view.hchop_def by blast
have l3:"left ((len v2 ts) c) ≥ left (ext v2)"
using len_left by blast
show "left ((len v2 ts) c) = left (ext v2)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume contra:"left ((len v2 ts) c) ≠ left (ext v2)"
with l3 have less:"left ((len v2 ts) c) > left (ext v2)" by simp
show False
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v2)")
assume neg1:"¬ left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v2)"
have "left ((len v2 ts) c) = left (ext v2)"
proof -
have "(len v2 ts) c = Abs_real_int (right (ext v2),right (ext v2))"
using len_def neg1 assm hchop_def space_def by auto
thus "left ((len v2 ts) c) = left (ext v2)"
using assm l2 l3 len_def neg1 r3 by auto
with contra show False ..
assume less1:"left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v2)"
show False
proof (cases "right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v2)")
assume neg2:"¬ left (ext v2) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
have "space ts v2 c ≤ space ts v c" using assm hchop_def space_def by auto
hence "right (space ts v2 c) ≤ right (space ts v c)" using less_eq_real_int_def
by auto
with neg2 have greater:"left (ext v2 ) > right (space ts v2 c)" by auto
have "left ((len v2 ts) c) = left (ext v2)"
proof -
have len_empty:"(len v2 ts) c = Abs_real_int (left (ext v2),left (ext v2))"
using len_def neg2 assm hchop_def less1 space_def by auto
have l4:"left((len v2 ts)c ) = left (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_def less neg2 assm hchop_def
CollectI len_empty prod.collapse prod.inject by auto
hence "left (ext v) = left (ext v2)"
using l2 l3 by auto
thus "left ((len v2 ts) c) = left (ext v2)" using l4 by auto
with contra show False ..
assume less2:"left (ext v2) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
have len_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v2)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using Rep_real_int less1 less2 by auto
from less1 and less2 have len_def_v2:"len v2 ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v2)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def assm hchop_def space_def by auto
with less have
"max (left (ext v2)) (left ((space ts v) c)) = left ((space ts v) c)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_in_type snd_conv by auto
hence "left ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v2)" by simp
hence "left ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v)"
using l2 by auto
from len_def_v2 and less and len_in_type
have "left ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v2)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse sndI by auto
hence l5:"left ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v)"
using l2 by linarith
with assm have len_v_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using r2 len_in_type by auto
hence "left (len v ( ts) c) ≠ left (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse Pair_inject l5 len_def real_int.left_leq_right
surjective_pairing by auto
with l1 show False by best
lemma len_hchop_right_right_border:
"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ (right ((len v2 ts) c) = right (ext v2))"
assume assm:"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2)"
have r1:"right ((len v ts) c) = right (ext v)" using assm by auto
from assm have r2:"right (ext v) = right (ext v2)"
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def )
from r1 and r2 have r3:"right ((len v ts) c) = right (ext v2)" by simp
have l1:"left ((len v ts) c) = left (ext v)" using assm by auto
have l2:"left (ext v2) ≤ right (ext v)"
using assm view.h_chop_middle2 by blast
have l3:"left ((len v2 ts) c) ≥ left (ext v2)"
using len_left by blast
show "(right ((len v2 ts) c) = right (ext v2))"
proof (cases
"left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v2) ∧ right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v2)")
case True
show "(right ((len v2 ts) c) = right (ext v2))"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume neq:" right (len v2 ( ts) c) ≠ right (ext v2)"
then have lesser: "right (len v2 ( ts) c) < right (ext v2)"
using len_right less_eq_real_def by blast
have len_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using Rep_real_int True by auto
from True have
"len v2 ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using len_def assm hchop_def space_def by auto
hence maximum:
"right (len v2 ( ts) c) = min (right (ext v2)) (right ((space ts v) c))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_in_type by auto
have min_right:
"min (right (ext v2)) (right ((space ts v) c)) = right ((space ts v) c)"
using maximum neq by linarith
hence "right ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v2)"
using lesser maximum by auto
hence right_v:"right ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v)"
using r2 by auto
have right_inside:"right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v)"
by (meson True assm less_eq_real_int_def less_eq_view_ext_def
order_trans view.horizontal_chop_leq2)
with assm and True and right_inside
have len_v_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using min_right r2 real_int.left_leq_right by auto
hence " right (len v ( ts) c) ≠ right (ext v)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse Pair_inject right_v len_def
real_int.left_leq_right surjective_pairing
by auto
thus False using r1 by best
case False
then have "¬left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v2) ∨
¬right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v2)"
by auto
thus "right ((len v2 ts) c) = right (ext v2)"
assume negative:"¬ left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v2)"
show ?thesis
using left_space negative r1 r3 sensors.len_def sensors_axioms by auto
assume left_outside:"¬ left (ext v2) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
hence "left (ext v2) > right (space ts v2 c)"
using assm hchop_def space_def by auto
then have len:"len v2 ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (left (ext v2),left (ext v2))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) len_def l2 le_less_trans not_less order.asym
space_nonempty r2)
show "(right ((len v2 ts) c) = right (ext v2))"
proof (cases "right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v)")
assume "¬ left (ext v) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
hence len_empty:"len v (ts) c = Abs_real_int (left (ext v), left (ext v))"
using len_def real_int.left_leq_right Abs_real_int_inverse
by (meson less_trans not_less space_nonempty)
show "(right ((len v2 ts) c) = right (ext v2))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Rep_real_int_inverse assm dual_order.antisym
left.rep_eq len len_empty prod.collapse real_int.chop_singleton_left
real_int.rchop_def right.rep_eq view.h_chop_middle1 view.hchop_def)
assume "left (ext v) ≤ right ((space ts v) c)"
then show ?thesis
using l2 left_outside len_space_right r1 by fastforce
lemma len_view_hchop_right:
"((len v ts) c = ext v) ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ ((len v2 ts) c = ext v2)"
by (metis Rep_real_int_inverse left.rep_eq len_hchop_right_left_border
len_hchop_right_right_border prod.collapse right.rep_eq)
lemma len_compose_hchop:
"(v=v1∥v2) ∧ (len v1 ( ts) c = ext v1) ∧ (len v2 ( ts) c = ext v2)
⟶ (len v ( ts) c = ext v)"
assume assm:"(v=v1∥v2) ∧ (len v1 ( ts) c = ext v1) ∧ (len v2 ( ts) c = ext v2)"
then have left_v1:"left (len v1 ( ts) c) = left (ext v1)" by auto
from assm have right_v1:"right (len v1 ( ts) c) = left (ext v2)"
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def )
from assm have left_v2:"left (len v2 ( ts) c) = right (ext v1)"
using right_v1 by auto
from assm have right_v2:"right (len v2 ( ts) c) = right (ext v2)" by auto
show "(len v ( ts) c = ext v)"
proof (cases " left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v)")
case True
then have "left (space ts v c) > right (ext v2)" using assm right_v2
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def )
then have "left (space ts v2 c) > right( ext v2)"
using assm hchop_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms by auto
then have "len v2 ts c = Abs_real_int(right (ext v2), right (ext v2))"
using len_def by simp
then have "ext v2 = Abs_real_int(right (ext v2), right (ext v2))" using assm by simp
then have "∥ext v2∥ = 0"
by (metis Rep_real_int_inverse fst_conv left.rep_eq
real_int.chop_singleton_right real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq
real_int.rchop_def right.rep_eq snd_conv surj_pair)
then have "ext v = ext v1"
using assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def real_int.chop_empty2
by simp
then show ?thesis
using assm hchop_def len_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms
by auto
case False
then have in_left:"left (space ts v c) ≤ right (ext v)" by simp
show "len v ts c = ext v"
proof (cases "right (space ts v c) < left (ext v)")
case True
then have "right (space ts v c) < left (ext v1)" using assm left_v1
by (simp add: hchop_def real_int.rchop_def)
then have out_v1:"right (space ts v1 c) < left (ext v1)"
using assm hchop_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms by auto
then have "len v1 ts c = Abs_real_int(left (ext v1), left (ext v1))"
using len_def in_left
by (meson le_less_trans less_trans not_le real_int.left_leq_right)
then have "ext v1 = Abs_real_int (left (ext v1), left (ext v1))" using assm by simp
then have "∥ext v1∥ = 0"
by (metis add.right_neutral real_int.chop_singleton_left
real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq real_int.rchop_def real_int.shift_def
then have "ext v = ext v2" using assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def real_int.chop_empty1
by auto
then show ?thesis
using assm hchop_def len_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms by auto
case False
then have in_right:"right (space ts v c) ≥ left (ext v)" by simp
have f1: "own v = own v2" using assm hchop_def
by (auto)
have f2: "own v = own v1"
using assm hchop_def by auto
have chop:"R_Chop(ext v,ext v1,ext v2)" using assm hchop_def
by (auto )
have len:"len v ts c = Abs_real_int(max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using len_def in_left in_right by simp
have len1:"len v1 ts c = Abs_real_int(max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v1 c)),
min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v1 c)))"
by (metis assm f2 f1 chop assm in_left in_right len_def len_space_left
not_le real_int.rchop_def space_def)
then have "max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v1 c)) = left (len v1 ts c)"
by (metis assm chop f1 f2 in_left len_space_left max.orderE
real_int.rchop_def space_def)
then have left_border:"max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v1 c)) = left (ext v1)"
using left_v1 by simp
have len2:"len v2 ts c = Abs_real_int(max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v2 c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v2 c)))"
by (metis len_def in_left in_right assm f2 f1 chop len_space_right not_le
real_int.rchop_def space_def)
then have "min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v2 c)) = right (len v2 ts c)"
by (metis assm chop f1 f2 in_right len_space_right min.absorb_iff1
real_int.rchop_def space_def)
then have right_border:
"min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v2 c)) = right (ext v2)"
using right_v2 by simp
have "left (space ts v c) = left (space ts v1 c)"
using assm hchop_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms by auto
then have max:
" max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
= max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v1 c))"
using assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def by auto
have "right (space ts v c) = right (space ts v2 c)"
using assm hchop_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms by auto
then have min:
" min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))
= min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v2 c))"
using assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def by auto
show ?thesis
by (metis min max left_border right_border False add.right_neutral
chop in_left len_def not_le real_int.rchop_def real_int.shift_def
lemma len_stable:"(v=v1--v2) ⟶ len v1 ts c = len v2 ts c"
assume assm:"v=v1--v2"
then have ext_eq1:"ext v = ext v1" and ext_eq2:"ext v = ext v2"
using vchop_def by auto
hence ext1_eq_ext2:"ext v1 = ext v2" by simp
show "len v1 ts c = len v2 ts c"
using assm ext1_eq_ext2 left_space right_space sensors.len_def sensors_axioms
view.vertical_chop_own_trans by auto
lemma len_empty_on_subview1:
"∥len v ( ts) c∥ = 0 ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ ∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
assume assm:"∥len v ( ts) c∥ = 0 ∧ (v=v1∥v2)"
then have len_v_borders:"left (len v ( ts) c) = right (len v ( ts) c)"
by (simp add:real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq)
show "∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v1)")
assume left_outside_v1:"left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v1)"
thus "∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
using Abs_real_int_inverse assm fst_conv hchop_def len_def real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq
mem_Collect_eq snd_conv space_def by auto
assume left_inside_v1:"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v1)"
show "∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
proof (cases "left (ext v1) > right ((space ts v) c)")
assume right_outside_v1:"left (ext v1) > right ((space ts v) c)"
hence "left (ext v1) > right ((space ts v1) c)" using assm hchop_def space_def
by auto
thus "∥len v1 (ts) c∥ = 0"
using assm hchop_def len_def real_int.length_def Abs_real_int_inverse by auto
assume right_inside_v1:"¬left (ext v1) > right ((space ts v) c)"
have len_v1:
"len v1 ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using left_inside_v1 len_def right_inside_v1 assm hchop_def space_def by auto
from left_inside_v1 and right_inside_v1 have inside_v:
"¬left (space ts v c) > right (ext v) ∧ ¬left (ext v) > right (space ts v c)"
proof -
have "fst (Rep_real_int (ext v2)) ≤ snd (Rep_real_int (ext v))"
using assm view.h_chop_middle2 by force
then show ?thesis
using assm left_inside_v1 real_int.rchop_def right_inside_v1 view.hchop_def
by force
hence len_v:
"len v ts c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
by (simp add: len_def)
have less_eq:
" max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
≤ min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))"
using inside_v real_int.left_leq_right by auto
from len_v have len_v_empty:
" max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c))
= min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse Rep_real_int_inverse inside_v
len_v_borders local.less_eq by auto
have left_len_eq:
" max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
= max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v c))"
using assm hchop_def real_int.rchop_def by auto
have right_len_leq:
" min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))
≥ min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assm min.bounded_iff min_less_iff_conj not_le
order_refl real_int.rchop_def view.h_chop_middle2 view.hchop_def)
hence left_geq_right:
" max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v c))
≥ min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c))"
using left_len_eq len_v_empty by auto
thus "∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
proof -
have f1:
" ¬ max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
≤ min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c))
min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c))
= max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))"
by (metis antisym_conv left_geq_right left_len_eq)
"⋀r. ¬ left (ext v1) ≤ r
∨ ¬ left (space ts v c) ≤ r
∨ max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)) ≤ r"
using left_len_eq by auto
then have
" min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c))
= max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))"
using f1 inside_v left_inside_v1 real_int.left_leq_right by force
then show ?thesis
using assm left_len_eq len_v len_v1 len_v_empty by auto
lemma len_empty_on_subview2:
"∥len v ts c∥ = 0 ∧ (v=v1∥v2) ⟶ ∥len v2 ts c∥ = 0"
assume assm:"∥len v ( ts) c∥ = 0 ∧ (v=v1∥v2)"
then have len_v_borders:"left (len v ( ts) c) = right (len v ( ts) c)"
by (simp add:real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq)
show "∥len v2 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v2)")
assume left_outside_v2:"left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v2)"
thus "∥len v2 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
using Abs_real_int_inverse assm fst_conv hchop_def len_def
real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq mem_Collect_eq snd_conv space_def
by auto
assume left_inside_v2:"¬left (space ts v c) > right (ext v2)"
show "∥len v2 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
proof (cases "left (ext v2) > right (space ts v c)")
assume right_outside_v2:"left (ext v2) > right ((space ts v) c)"
thus "∥len v2 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
using Abs_real_int_inverse assm fst_conv hchop_def len_def
real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq mem_Collect_eq snd_conv
right_outside_v2 space_def
by auto
assume right_inside_v2:"¬left (ext v2) > right ((space ts v) c)"
have len_v2:
"len v2 ts c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using left_inside_v2 len_def right_inside_v2 assm hchop_def space_def by auto
from left_inside_v2 and right_inside_v2 have inside_v:
"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v) ∧ ¬left (ext v) > right ((space ts v) c)"
proof -
have "left (ext v) ≤ right (ext v1)"
using assm view.h_chop_middle1 by auto
then show ?thesis
using assm left_inside_v2 real_int.rchop_def right_inside_v2 view.hchop_def
by force
hence len_v:
"len v ts c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
by (simp add: len_def)
have less_eq:
" max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
≤ min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))"
using inside_v real_int.left_leq_right by auto
from len_v have len_v_empty:
" max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
= min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))"
using Abs_real_int_inverse Rep_real_int_inverse inside_v
using len_v_borders local.less_eq by auto
have left_len_eq:
" max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))
≤ max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assm left_leq_right max.mono order_refl
real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def)
have right_len_leq:
" min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))
= min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c))"
using assm real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def by auto
hence left_geq_right:
" max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c))
≥ min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c))"
using left_len_eq len_v_empty by auto
then have
" max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v2 c))
≥ min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v2 c))"
using assm hchop_def space_def by auto
then have
" max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v2 c))
= min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v2 c))"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) antisym_conv assm hchop_def len_v_empty
max_def min.bounded_iff not_le space_def right_inside_v2 right_len_leq
thus "∥len v2 ( ts) c∥ = 0"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) assm hchop_def len_v len_v2 len_v_empty
space_def right_len_leq)
lemma len_hchop_add:
"(v=v1∥v2) ⟶ ∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥"
assume chop:"v=v1∥v2"
show "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥"
proof (cases "left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v)")
assume outside_right:"left (space ts v c) > right (ext v)"
hence len_zero:"∥len v ( ts) c∥ = 0"
by (simp add: Abs_real_int_inverse len_def real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq
with chop have "∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥ = 0"
by (metis add_cancel_right_left len_empty_on_subview1 len_empty_on_subview2)
thus ?thesis using len_zero by (simp)
assume inside_right:"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v)"
show "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥"
proof (cases " left (ext v) > right ((space ts v) c) ")
assume outside_left:" left (ext v) > right (space ts v c) "
hence len_zero:"∥len v ( ts) c∥ = 0"
by (simp add: Abs_real_int_inverse len_def real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq
with chop have "∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥ = 0"
by (metis add_cancel_right_left len_empty_on_subview1 len_empty_on_subview2)
thus ?thesis using len_zero by (simp )
assume inside_left:" ¬left (ext v) > right ((space ts v) c) "
hence len_def_v:"len v ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def inside_left inside_right by simp
from inside_left and inside_right have
len_in_type:"(max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using CollectD CollectI Rep_real_int fst_conv snd_conv by auto
show "∥len v ( ts) c∥ = ∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ + ∥len v2 ( ts) c∥"
proof (cases "right (len v ( ts) c) < right (ext v1)")
assume inside_v1:"right (len v ( ts) c) < right (ext v1)"
then have min_less_v1:
"min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)) < right (ext v1)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_in_type len_def_v by auto
hence outside_v2:"right ((space ts v) c) < left (ext v2)"
proof -
have "left (ext v2) = right (ext v1)"
using chop real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def by force
then show ?thesis
by (metis (no_types) chop dual_order.order_iff_strict
min_less_iff_conj min_less_v1 not_less view.h_chop_middle2)
hence len_v2_0:"∥len v2 ( ts) c∥ = 0" using Abs_real_int_inverse len_def
real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq outside_v2 snd_eqD Rep_real_int_inverse
chop hchop_def prod.collapse real_int.rchop_def real_int.chop_singleton_right
by auto
have inside_left_v1:" ¬left (ext v1) > right ((space ts v) c) "
using chop hchop_def inside_left real_int.rchop_def by auto
have inside_right_v1:"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v1)"
by (meson inside_right less_trans min_less_iff_disj min_less_v1
order.asym space_nonempty)
have len1_def:"len v1 ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def inside_left_v1 inside_right_v1 chop hchop_def space_def
by auto
hence "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥"
proof -
have "right (ext v1) ≤ right (ext v2)"
using chop left_leq_right real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def by auto
then show ?thesis
using chop len1_def len_def_v min_less_v1 real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def
by auto
thus "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥"
using len_v2_0 by (simp)
assume r_inside_v2:"¬ right (len v ( ts) c) < right (ext v1)"
show "∥len v ( ts) c∥ = ∥len v1 ( ts) c∥ + ∥len v2 ( ts) c∥"
proof (cases "left (len v ( ts) c) > left (ext v2)")
assume inside_v2:"left (len v ( ts) c) > left (ext v2)"
hence max_geq_v1:"max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)) > left (ext v2)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_in_type len_def by (simp )
hence outside_v1:"left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v1)"
proof -
have "left (ext v) ≤ right (ext v1)"
by (meson chop view.h_chop_middle1)
then show ?thesis
using chop max_geq_v1 real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def by fastforce
hence len_v1_0:"∥len v1 ts c∥ = 0"
using Abs_real_int_inverse len_def real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq
outside_v1 snd_eqD Rep_real_int_inverse chop hchop_def prod.collapse
real_int.rchop_def real_int.chop_singleton_right space_def
by auto
have inside_left_v2:" ¬left (ext v2) > right ((space ts v) c) "
by (meson inside_left less_max_iff_disj less_trans max_geq_v1 order.asym
have inside_right_v2:"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v2)"
using chop hchop_def inside_right real_int.rchop_def by auto
have len2_def:"len v2 ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v2)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v2)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using len_def inside_left_v2 inside_right_v2 hchop_def chop space_def
by auto
hence "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v2 ts c∥"
proof -
have "left (ext v) ≤ left (ext v2)"
by (metis (no_types) chop real_int.rchop_def view.h_chop_middle1
then show ?thesis
using chop inside_left inside_right len2_def len_def outside_v1
real_int.rchop_def view.hchop_def
by auto
thus "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥"
using len_v1_0 by (simp)
assume l_inside_v1: "¬left (len v ( ts) c) > left (ext v2)"
have inside_left_v1:" ¬left (ext v1) > right ((space ts v) c) "
using chop hchop_def inside_left real_int.rchop_def by auto
have inside_right_v1:"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v1)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse chop hchop_def l_inside_v1 len_in_type
len_def real_int.rchop_def
by auto
hence len1_def:"len v1 ( ts) c =
Abs_real_int ((max (left (ext v1)) (left ((space ts v) c))),
min (right (ext v1)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using inside_left_v1 inside_right_v1 len_def chop hchop_def space_def
by (simp )
from inside_left_v1 and inside_right_v1 have len1_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v1)) (right (space ts v c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using CollectD CollectI Rep_real_int fst_conv snd_conv by auto
have inside_left_v2:" ¬left (ext v2) > right ((space ts v) c) "
using real_int.rchop_def hchop_def inside_left chop Abs_real_int_inverse
len_def_v len_in_type r_inside_v2 snd_conv
by auto
have inside_right_v2:"¬left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v2)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse chop hchop_def l_inside_v1 len_in_type len_def
by auto
hence len2_def:"len v2 ts c =
Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using inside_left_v2 inside_right_v2 len_def chop hchop_def space_def
by (auto )
from inside_left_v2 and inside_right_v2 have len2_in_type:
"(max (left (ext v2)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v2)) (right (space ts v c)))
∈ {r :: real*real . fst r ≤ snd r}"
using CollectD CollectI Rep_real_int fst_conv snd_conv
by auto
have left_v_v1:"left (ext v) = left (ext v1)"
using chop hchop_def real_int.rchop_def by auto
have max:
"max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)) =
max (left (ext v1)) (left (space ts v c))"
using left_v_v1 by auto
have right_v_v2:"right (ext v) = right (ext v2)"
using chop hchop_def real_int.rchop_def by auto
have min: "(min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c))) =
(min (right (ext v2)) (right ((space ts v) c)))"
using right_v_v2 by auto
from max have left_len_v1_v:"left (len v ( ts) c) = left (len v1 ( ts) c)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse fst_conv len1_def len1_in_type
len_def_v len_in_type
by auto
from min have right_len_v2_v:"right (len v ( ts) c) = right (len v2 ( ts) c)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse fst_conv len1_def len2_in_type len_def_v
len_in_type using len2_def snd_eqD by auto
have "right (len v1 ( ts) c) = left (len v2 ( ts) c)"
using Abs_real_int_inverse chop hchop_def len1_def len1_in_type len2_def
len2_in_type real_int.rchop_def
by auto
thus "∥len v ts c∥ = ∥len v1 ts c∥ + ∥len v2 ts c∥"
using left_len_v1_v real_int.consec_add right_len_v2_v by simp
lemma len_non_empty_inside:
"∥len v ( ts) c∥ > 0
⟶ left (space ts v c) < right (ext v) ∧ right (space ts v c) > left (ext v)"
assume assm: "∥len v ( ts) c∥ > 0"
show "left ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v) ∧ right ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v)"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬(left ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v)
∧ right ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v))"
hence "¬left ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v)
∨ ¬right ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v)"
by best
thus False
assume "¬left ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v)"
hence "(left ((space ts v) c) = right (ext v))
∨ left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v)"
by auto
thus False
assume left_eq:"left ((space ts v) c) = right (ext v)"
hence inside_left:"right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v)"
by (metis order_trans real_int.left_leq_right)
from left_eq and inside_left have len_v:
"len v ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using len_def by auto
hence "len v ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (left (space ts v c), left(space ts v c))"
by (metis left_eq max_def min_def real_int.left_leq_right)
thus False using Abs_real_int_inverse assm real_int.length_def by auto
assume "left ((space ts v) c) > right (ext v)"
thus False
using Abs_real_int_inverse assm len_def real_int.length_def by auto
assume "¬right ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v)"
hence " right ((space ts v) c) = left (ext v)
∨ right ((space ts v) c) < left (ext v)"
by auto
thus False
assume right_eq:"right ((space ts v) c) = left (ext v)"
hence inside_right:"right (ext v) ≥ left ((space ts v) c)"
by (metis order_trans real_int.left_leq_right)
from right_eq and inside_right have len_v:
"len v ts c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using len_def by auto
"len v ( ts) c = Abs_real_int(right (space ts v c), right (space ts v c))"
by (metis max.commute max_def min_def real_int.left_leq_right right_eq)
thus False using Abs_real_int_inverse assm real_int.length_def by auto
assume right_le:"right ((space ts v) c) < left (ext v)"
thus False
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) Rep_real_int_inverse assm left.rep_eq len_def
length_zero_iff_borders_eq less_irrefl prod.collapse real_int.rchop_def
right.rep_eq view.hchop_def view.horizontal_chop_empty_left
lemma len_fills_subview:
"∥len v ts c∥ > 0
⟶ (∃ v1 v2 v3 v'. (v=v1∥v2) ∧ (v2=v'∥v3) ∧ len v' ts c = ext v' ∧
∥len v' ts c∥ = ∥len v ts c∥)"
assume assm: "∥len v ( ts) c∥ > 0"
show " ∃ v1 v2 v3 v'. (v=v1∥v2) ∧ (v2=v'∥v3) ∧ len v' ( ts) c = ext v' ∧
∥len v' ( ts) c∥ = ∥len v ( ts) c∥"
proof -
from assm have inside:
"left ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v) ∧ right ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v)"
using len_non_empty_inside by auto
hence len_v:
"len v ( ts) c = Abs_real_int (max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c)),
min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c)))"
using len_def by auto
obtain v1 and v2 and v3 and v'
where v1:
"v1=⦇ext =Abs_real_int(left(ext v), left (len v ts c)),
lan = lan v,
own = own v⦈"
and v2:
"v2=⦇ext =Abs_real_int(left(len v ts c), right (ext v)),
lan = lan v,
own = own v⦈"
and v':
"v'=⦇ext =Abs_real_int(left(len v ts c), right (len v ts c)),
lan = lan v,
own = own v⦈"
and v3:
"v3=⦇ext =Abs_real_int(right(len v ts c), right (ext v)),
lan = lan v,
own = own v⦈"
by blast
hence 1:" (v=v1∥v2) ∧ (v2=v'∥v3)"
using inside hchop_def real_int.rchop_def Abs_real_int_inverse real_int.left_leq_right
v1 v2 v' v3 len_def
by auto
have right:"right (ext v') = right (len v ts c)"
by (simp add: Rep_real_int_inverse v')
then have right':"left ((space ts v) c) ≤ right (ext v')"
by (metis inside len_space_left less_imp_le order_trans real_int.left_leq_right)
have left:"left (ext v') = left (len v ts c)"
by (simp add: Rep_real_int_inverse v')
then have left':"right ((space ts v) c) ≥ left (ext v')"
by (metis inside len_space_right less_imp_le order_trans real_int.left_leq_right)
have inside':
"left ((space ts v) c) < right (ext v') ∧ right ((space ts v) c) > left (ext v')"
by (metis (no_types) left' right' antisym_conv assm inside left len_space_left
len_space_right less_imp_le not_le real_int.left_leq_right
real_int.length_zero_iff_borders_eq right)
have inside'':
"left (space ts v' c) < right (ext v') ∧ right (space ts v' c) > left (ext v')"
using "1" hchop_def inside' sensors.space_def sensors_axioms
by auto
have len_v_v':"len v ts c = ext v'"
by (metis left prod.collapse right left.rep_eq right.rep_eq Rep_real_int_inverse)
have "left (len v ts c) = max (left (ext v)) (left ((space ts v) c)) "
using len_v Abs_real_int_inverse Rep_real_int inside
by auto
with left have left_len':"left (ext v') = max (left (ext v)) (left (space ts v c))"
by auto
then have left_len:"left (ext v') = max (left (ext v')) (left (space ts v' c))"
using "1" hchop_def space_def by fastforce
have "right (len v ts c) = min (right (ext v)) (right ((space ts v) c))"
using len_v Abs_real_int_inverse inside Rep_real_int by auto
with right have right_len':
"right (ext v') = min (right (ext v)) (right (space ts v c))"
by auto
then have right_len:
"right (ext v') = min (right (ext v')) (right (space ts v' c))"
using "1" hchop_def space_def by fastforce
have 2:"len v' ( ts) c = ext v'"
by (metis left_len' right_len' len_v len_v_v' order.asym inside''
len_def left_len right_len)
have 3:" ∥len v' ( ts) c∥ = ∥len v ( ts) c∥"
using len_left len_right hchop_def
by (simp add: "2" len_v_v')
then show ?thesis using 1 2 3 by blast
lemma ext_eq_len_eq:
"ext v = ext v'∧ own v = own v' ⟶ len v ts c = len v' ts c"
using left_space right_space sensors.len_def sensors_axioms by auto
lemma len_stable_down:"(v=v1--v2) ⟶ len v ts c = len v1 ts c"
using ext_eq_len_eq view.vchop_def by blast
lemma len_stable_up:"(v=v1--v2) ⟶ len v ts c = len v2 ts c"
using ext_eq_len_eq view.vchop_def by blast
lemma len_empty_subview:"∥len v ts c∥ = 0 ∧ (v' ≤ v) ⟶ ∥len v' ts c∥ = 0"
assume assm:"∥len v ts c∥ = 0 ∧ (v' ≤ v)"
hence "∃v1 v2 v3 vl vr vu vd. (v=vl∥v1) ∧ (v1=v2∥vr) ∧ (v2=vd--v3) ∧ (v3=v'--vu)" using
somewhere_leq by auto
then obtain v1 v2 v3 vl vr vu vd
where views:"(v=vl∥v1) ∧ (v1=v2∥vr) ∧ (v2=vd--v3) ∧ (v3=v'--vu)"
by blast
have "∥len v1 ts c∥ = 0" using views assm len_empty_on_subview2 by blast
hence "∥len v2 ts c∥ = 0" using views len_empty_on_subview1 by blast
hence "∥len v3 ts c ∥ = 0" using views len_stable_up by auto
thus "∥len v' ts c ∥ = 0" using views len_stable_down by auto
lemma view_leq_len_leq:"(ext v ≤ ext v') ∧ (own v = own v') ∧ ∥len v ts c∥ > 0
⟶ len v ts c ≤ len v' ts c"
using Abs_real_int_inverse length_def length_ge_zero less_eq_real_int_def
sensors.len_def sensors.space_def sensors_axioms by auto