Theory Notation

(*  Title:      Notation for hotel key card system
    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen

theory Notation
imports "HOL-Library.LaTeXsugar"

 "SomeFloor" ("(_)") where "x  Some x"


HOL conforms largely to everyday mathematical notation.
This section introduces further non-standard notation and in particular
a few basic data types with their primitive operations.

\item[Types] The type of truth values is called @{typ bool}.  The
space of total functions is denoted by ⇒›. Type variables
start with a quote, as in @{typ"'a"}, @{typ"'b"} etc. The notation
$t$~::›~$\tau$ means that term $t$ has type $\tau$.

\item[Functions] can be updated at x› with new value y›,
written @{term"f(x:=y)"}.  The range of a function is @{term"range f"},
@{prop"inj f"} means f› is injective.

\item[Pairs] come with the two projection functions
fst :: 'a × 'b ⇒ 'a› and snd :: 'a × 'b ⇒ 'b›.

\item[Sets] have type @{typ"'a set"}.

\item[Lists] (type @{typ"'a list"}) come with the empty list
@{term"[]"}, the infix constructor ⋅›, the infix @›
that appends two lists, and the conversion function @{term set} from
lists to sets.  Variable names ending in ``s'' usually stand for

\item[Records] are constructed like this ⦇f1 = v1, …⦈›
and updated like this \mbox{r⦇fi := vi, …⦈›},
where the fi are the field names,
the vi the values and r› is a record.

Datatype option› is defined like this
\isacommand{datatype} 'a option = None | Some 'a›
and adjoins a new element @{term None} to a type @{typ 'a}. For
succinctness we write @{term"Some a"} instead of @{term[source]"Some a"}.

Note that ⟦A1; …; An⟧ ⟹ A›
abbreviates A1 ⟹ … ⟹ An ⟹ A›, which is the same as
``If A1 and \dots\ and An then A›''.
