Theory NewCard

(*  Title:      State based hotel key card system with "new card"

    Author:     Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen

Like State.thy but with additional features: cards can be lost and new
ones can be issued. Cannot build on State.thy because record state
needs to be extended with a new field. This would require explaining
Isabelle's record inheritance. An interesting project, but not now.

theory NewCard
imports Main

 "SomeFloor" ("(_)") where "x  Some x"

declare if_split_asm[split]

typedecl guest
typedecl key
type_synonym card = "key * key"
typedecl room

record state =
 (* reception: *)
 owns :: "room  guest option"
 prevk :: "room  key"
 currk :: "room  key"
 issued :: "key set"
 (* guests: *)
 cards :: "guest  card set"
 (* rooms: *)
 roomk :: "room  key"
 isin :: "room  guest set"
 (* ghost variable: *)
 safe :: "room  bool"

inductive_set reach :: "state set"
init: (* prevk = arbitrary prevents the invariant prevk : issued *)
"r r'. (initk r = initk r') = (r = r') 
 owns = (λr. None), prevk = initk, currk = initk, issued = range initk,
  cards = (λg. {}), roomk = initk, isin = (λr. {}),
  safe = (λr. True)   reach"

| enter_room:
" s  reach; (k,k')  cards s g; roomk s r  {k,k'}  
s isin := (isin s)(r := isin s r  {g}),
   roomk := (roomk s)(r := k'),
   safe := (safe s)(r := owns s r = g  isin s r = {}  k' = currk s r
                               safe s r)

| exit_room:
" s  reach;  g  isin s r  
s isin := (isin s)(r := isin s r - {g})   reach"

| check_in:
" s : reach; k  issued s  
 scurrk := (currk s)(r := k), prevk := (prevk s)(r := currk s r),
   issued := issued s  {k},
   cards := (cards s)(g := cards s g  {(currk s r, k)}),
   owns :=  (owns s)(r := Some g),
   safe := (safe s)(r := False)  : reach"

| loose_card:
"s : reach  c : cards s g 
 scards := (cards s)(g := cards s g - {c}) : reach"

| new_card:
"s : reach  owns s r = Some g 
 scards := (cards s)(g := cards s g  {(prevk s r, currk s r)}) : reach"

lemma currk_issued[simp]: "s : reach  currk s r : issued s"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma prevk_issued[simp]: "s : reach  prevk s r : issued s"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma key2_issued[simp]: "s : reach  (k,k') : cards s g  k' : issued s"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma key1_issued[simp]: "s : reach  (k,k') : cards s g  k : issued s"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma roomk_issued[simp]: "s : reach  roomk s k : issued s"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma currk_inj[simp]:
 "s : reach  r r'. (currk s r = currk s r') = (r = r')"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma currk_not_prevk[simp]:
 "s : reach  owns s r' = Some g  currk s r  prevk s r'"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma key1_not_currk[simp]:
 "s : reach  (currk s r,k')  cards s g"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma key2_not_currk:
 "s : reach  owns s r = Some g  g  g'  (k, currk s r)  cards s g'"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma guest_key2_disj2[simp]:
" s : reach; (k1,k)  cards s g1; (k2,k)  cards s g2   g1=g2"
by (induct set: reach) (auto simp:key2_not_currk)

lemma safe_roomk_currk[simp]:
 "s : reach  safe s r  roomk s r = currk s r"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemma only_owner_enter_normal[simp]:
 " s : reach; safe s r; (k',roomk s r)  cards s g   owns s r = Some g"
by (induct set: reach) auto

theorem "s : reach  safe s r  g : isin s r  owns s r = Some g"
by (induct set: reach) auto

lemmas new_invs = prevk_issued currk_not_prevk key2_not_currk

subsection‹An extension›

To test the flexibility of our model we extended it with the
possibility for obtaining a new card, e.g.\ when one has lost one's
card. Now reception needs to remember not just the current but also
the previous key for each room, i.e.\ a new field prevk :: room
⇒ key› is added to @{typ state}. It is initialized with the same value
as @{const currk}: though strictly speaking it could be arbitrary,
this permits the convenient invariant @{prop"prevk s r  issued s"}.
Upon check-in we set prevk› to \mbox{@{term"(prevk s)(r := currk s r)"}}.
Event new_card› is simple enough:
@{thm[display] new_card}

The verification is not seriously affected. Some additional
invariants are required
@{thm[display] new_invs}
but the proofs are still of the same trivial induct-auto format.

Adding a further event for loosing a card has no impact at all on the proofs.
